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Yıl 2024, , 83 - 90, 31.12.2024


Protection 500 (P 500) is a ballistic penetration-resistant armor steel with high yield strength (1300 MPa) and tensile strength (1600 MPa) as well as high hardness (500 HBW). It is also preferred in parts exposed to high wear in service conditions, such as mining machines, crushers, excavators, dumper bodies, bulldozer blades, and chute-feeders. Since the loads and friction conditions to which the machine parts and components used in the mentioned harsh service conditions are exposed also vary considerably, evaluating the wear performance of these materials is also an important issue. In this study, the dry-sliding wear behavior of P 500 steel was investigated at two different sliding speeds (4 and 8 mm/s) and under three different loads (10, 20, and 30 N). The wear experiments were carried out in reciprocating mode on a ball-on-disc wear apparatus. The contact pair used a WC ball with a diameter of 6 mm and a hardness of 19 GPa as the abrasive counter body material. Thus, the aim was mainly to determine the wear characteristics of P 500 by limiting the surface mechanisms related to the wear of the abrasive part. 3D profilometer images were used to calculate the wear volume loss values of the test samples. The wear mechanisms occurring on the sample surfaces after the wear tests were evaluated using SEM and EDS analysis. As a result of the experimental studies, it was observed that the volume losses increased with increasing load and sliding speed. In addition, increased load and sliding speed resulted in a limited decrease in the CoF value. The main reason for this case is considered to be an increase in friction-induced heat and plastic deformation due to increasing load and sliding speed, resulting in a smoother worn surface. Besides, the sliding speed was detected as a significant parameter affecting the wear mechanism. While oxidation was the primary wear mechanism at low sliding speeds, oxidation, fatigue, and plastic deformation wear mechanisms were observed at high sliding speeds.


  • Acar, D., Canpolat, B.H. & Cora, Ö.N. (2024). Ballistic performances of Ramor 500, Armox Advance and Hardox 450 steels under monolithic, double-layered, and perforated conditions. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal. 51, 101653.
  • Børvik, T., Dey, S. & Clausen, A.H. (2009). Perforation resistance of five different high strength steel plates subjected to small-arms projectiles. Int. J. Impact Eng. 36, 948–964.
  • Cheeseman, B.A. & Bogetti, T.A. (2003). Ballistic impact into fabric and compliant composite laminates, Composite Structures, 61 (1–2), 161-173.
  • Essa, F.A., Elsheikh, A.H., Yu, J., Elkady, O.A. & Saleh, B. (2021). Studies on the effect of applied load, sliding speed and temperature on the wear behavior of M50 steel reinforced with Al2O3 and / or graphene nanoparticles. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 12, 283-303.
  • Gök, M., Küçük, Y., Pehlivanlı, M. & Erdoğan, A. (2023). Investigation of Dry Sliding Wear Behavior of CFRP Composite Used in New Generation Aircraft Wings. Journal of Aviation , 7(2), 190-195.
  • Günen, A., Küçük, Y., Er, Y., Çay, V.V., Öge, M. & Gök, M. (2015). Effect of the powder particle size on the wear behavior of boronized AISI 304 stainless steel. Materials Testing, 57(5), 468-473.
  • Hazell, P.J. (2015). Armour: Materials, Theory, and Design, CRC Press.
  • Kanth, U.R., Rao, P.S. & Krishna, M.G. (2019). Mechanical behaviour of fly ash/SiC particles reinforced Al-Zn alloy-based metal matrix composites fabricated by stir casting method. J. Mater. Res. Technol. 8, 737-744.
  • Kharchenko, V., Katok, O., Sereda, A., Rudnitskyi, M., Kravchuk, R. & Bisyk, S. (2022). Determination of strength characteristics of high-strength sheet steels by hardness and instrumented indentation. 1st Virtual International Conference “In service Damage of Materials: Diagnostics and Prediction”, Procedia Structural Integrity, 36, 277–283.
  • Kucuk, Y. (2012). Investigation of Abrasiveness Property of Blast Furnace Slag on Ceramic Coatings via the Abrasive Slurry Wear Method. Tribology Transactions, 55(6), 762–771.
  • Kucuk, Y., Oge, M., Gok, M. & Karaoglanli, A. (2018). Ferrochromium slag as a protective coating material against oxidation for caster rolls. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 15(5), 1240-1247.
  • Kumar, J., Singh, D., Kalsi, N.S., Sharma, S., Pruncu, C.I., Pimenov, D.Y., Rao, K.V. & Kaplonek, W. (2020). Comparative study on the mechanical, tribological, morphological and structural properties of vortex casting processed, Al-SiC-Cr hybrid metal matrix composites for high strength wear-resistant applications: fabrication and characterizations. J Mater Res Technol. 9(6), 13607-13615.
  • Küçük, Y. & Işık, E.A. (2023). AISI 304 paslanmaz sac malzeme bükme işlemi için k-faktörünün belirlenmesi. Bartın University International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 6 (2), 177-188.
  • Küçük, Y. & Çelik, B.K. (2023). Kompozit zırh tasarımı ve balistik direncinin incelenmesi. Bartın University International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 6 (1), 12-20.
  • Küçük, Y., Erdoğan, A., Kurşuncu, B. & Gök, M.S. (2023a). Effects of surface roughness and counter body variables on the dry sliding wear behavior of AISI 4140 steel based on the elastoplastic flattening model. Surf. Topogr.: Metrol. Prop. 11(2), 025002.
  • Küçük, Y., Altaş, E. & Topcu, M.E. (2023b). A comparative analysis of the effect of laser surface treatment on the dry sliding wear behavior of ductile cast irons with different microstructures. Optik, 274, 170540.
  • Küçük, Y. & Öge, M. (2022). Elevated Temperature Wear Behavior of FeCr Slag Coating as an Alternative Coating Material for Caster Rolls. Prot. Met. Phys. Chem. Surf., 58, 119–128.
  • Küçük, Y. (2020a). Effect of counter body on wear behavior of plasma-sprayed TiO2-45Cr2O3 coating. Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies, 9(1), 237–252.
  • Küçük, Y. (2020b). Effect of counterbody on the dry sliding wear performance of plasma sprayed calcia-stabilized zirconia coating. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 92, 105284.
  • Ligier, K., Zemlik, M., Lemecha, M., Konat, Ł. & Napiórkowski, J. (2022). Analysis of Wear Properties of Hardox Steels in Different Soil Conditions. Materials, 15, 7622.
  • Manes, A., Serpellini, F., Pagani, M., Saponara & Giglio, M. (2014). Perforation and penetration of aluminium target plates by armour piercing bullets. Int. J. Impact Eng. 69, 39–54
  • Montgomery, J.S. & Wells, M.G.H. (2001). Titanium armor applications in combat vehicles, J. Mater. Met. Mater. Soc. 53, 29–32.
  • URL-1, 2024.
  • Öge, M., Kucuk, Y., Gok, M. & Karaoglanli, A. (2019). Comparison of dry sliding wear behavior of plasma sprayed FeCr slag coating with Cr2O3 and Al2O3-13TiO2 coatings. Int. J. of Applied Ceramic Techn. , 16(6), 2283-2298.
  • Öge, M., Küçük, Y., Öge, T., Günen, A., Kanca, Y. & Gök, M. (2023). Effect of boriding on high temperature tribological behavior of CoCrMo alloy. Tribology International, 187, 108697.
  • Suh, N.P. (1973). The delamination theory of wear, Wear, 25 (1), 111-124.
  • Suh, N.P. (1977). An overview of the delamination theory of wear, Wear, 44 (1), l-16.
  • Velavan K., Palanikumar K., Natarajan E. & Lim W.H. (2021). Implications on the influence of mica on the mechanical properties of cast hybrid (Al+10%B4C+Mica) metal matrix composite. J. Mater. Res. Technol. 10, 99-109.
  • Wang, C., Zhang, C., Gu, L., Bi, M., Hou, P., Zheng, D. & Wang, L. (2020). Analysis on surface damage of M50 steel at impact-sliding contacts. Tribol Int., 150, 106384.
  • Zhang, C., Peng, B., Wang, L., Ma, X. & Gu, L. (2019). Thermal-induced surface damage of M50 steel at rolling-sliding contacts. Wear, 420-421, 116-122.


Yıl 2024, , 83 - 90, 31.12.2024


Bu çalışmada, Protection 500 (P 500) çeliğinin iki farklı kayma hızında (4 ve 8 mm/s) ve üç farklı yük (10, 20 ve 30 N) altında kuru-kayma aşınma davranışı incelenmiştir. Deneyler ball-on-disk aşınma aparatında ileri-geri hareket modunda gerçekleştirilmiştir. Aşındırıcı olarak 6 mm çapında WC bilya kullanılmıştır. Test numunelerinin aşınma hacim kayıplarının hesaplanmasında 3D profilometre görüntüleri kullanılmıştır. Aşınma testleri sonrasında numune yüzeylerinde ortaya çıkan aşınma mekanizmaları SEM ve EDS analizleri ile değerlendirilmiştir. Yapılan deneysel çalışmalar sonucunda artan yüke ve kayma hızına bağlı olarak hacim kayıplarının arttığı ancak kayma hızının aşınma mekanizması üzerinde daha etkin bir parametre olduğu görülmüştür. Düşük kayma hızlarında oksidasyon ana aşınma mekanizması olurken yüksek kayma hızında oksidasyon, yorulma ve plastik deformasyon aşınma mekanizmaları görülmüştür.


  • Acar, D., Canpolat, B.H. & Cora, Ö.N. (2024). Ballistic performances of Ramor 500, Armox Advance and Hardox 450 steels under monolithic, double-layered, and perforated conditions. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal. 51, 101653.
  • Børvik, T., Dey, S. & Clausen, A.H. (2009). Perforation resistance of five different high strength steel plates subjected to small-arms projectiles. Int. J. Impact Eng. 36, 948–964.
  • Cheeseman, B.A. & Bogetti, T.A. (2003). Ballistic impact into fabric and compliant composite laminates, Composite Structures, 61 (1–2), 161-173.
  • Essa, F.A., Elsheikh, A.H., Yu, J., Elkady, O.A. & Saleh, B. (2021). Studies on the effect of applied load, sliding speed and temperature on the wear behavior of M50 steel reinforced with Al2O3 and / or graphene nanoparticles. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 12, 283-303.
  • Gök, M., Küçük, Y., Pehlivanlı, M. & Erdoğan, A. (2023). Investigation of Dry Sliding Wear Behavior of CFRP Composite Used in New Generation Aircraft Wings. Journal of Aviation , 7(2), 190-195.
  • Günen, A., Küçük, Y., Er, Y., Çay, V.V., Öge, M. & Gök, M. (2015). Effect of the powder particle size on the wear behavior of boronized AISI 304 stainless steel. Materials Testing, 57(5), 468-473.
  • Hazell, P.J. (2015). Armour: Materials, Theory, and Design, CRC Press.
  • Kanth, U.R., Rao, P.S. & Krishna, M.G. (2019). Mechanical behaviour of fly ash/SiC particles reinforced Al-Zn alloy-based metal matrix composites fabricated by stir casting method. J. Mater. Res. Technol. 8, 737-744.
  • Kharchenko, V., Katok, O., Sereda, A., Rudnitskyi, M., Kravchuk, R. & Bisyk, S. (2022). Determination of strength characteristics of high-strength sheet steels by hardness and instrumented indentation. 1st Virtual International Conference “In service Damage of Materials: Diagnostics and Prediction”, Procedia Structural Integrity, 36, 277–283.
  • Kucuk, Y. (2012). Investigation of Abrasiveness Property of Blast Furnace Slag on Ceramic Coatings via the Abrasive Slurry Wear Method. Tribology Transactions, 55(6), 762–771.
  • Kucuk, Y., Oge, M., Gok, M. & Karaoglanli, A. (2018). Ferrochromium slag as a protective coating material against oxidation for caster rolls. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 15(5), 1240-1247.
  • Kumar, J., Singh, D., Kalsi, N.S., Sharma, S., Pruncu, C.I., Pimenov, D.Y., Rao, K.V. & Kaplonek, W. (2020). Comparative study on the mechanical, tribological, morphological and structural properties of vortex casting processed, Al-SiC-Cr hybrid metal matrix composites for high strength wear-resistant applications: fabrication and characterizations. J Mater Res Technol. 9(6), 13607-13615.
  • Küçük, Y. & Işık, E.A. (2023). AISI 304 paslanmaz sac malzeme bükme işlemi için k-faktörünün belirlenmesi. Bartın University International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 6 (2), 177-188.
  • Küçük, Y. & Çelik, B.K. (2023). Kompozit zırh tasarımı ve balistik direncinin incelenmesi. Bartın University International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 6 (1), 12-20.
  • Küçük, Y., Erdoğan, A., Kurşuncu, B. & Gök, M.S. (2023a). Effects of surface roughness and counter body variables on the dry sliding wear behavior of AISI 4140 steel based on the elastoplastic flattening model. Surf. Topogr.: Metrol. Prop. 11(2), 025002.
  • Küçük, Y., Altaş, E. & Topcu, M.E. (2023b). A comparative analysis of the effect of laser surface treatment on the dry sliding wear behavior of ductile cast irons with different microstructures. Optik, 274, 170540.
  • Küçük, Y. & Öge, M. (2022). Elevated Temperature Wear Behavior of FeCr Slag Coating as an Alternative Coating Material for Caster Rolls. Prot. Met. Phys. Chem. Surf., 58, 119–128.
  • Küçük, Y. (2020a). Effect of counter body on wear behavior of plasma-sprayed TiO2-45Cr2O3 coating. Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies, 9(1), 237–252.
  • Küçük, Y. (2020b). Effect of counterbody on the dry sliding wear performance of plasma sprayed calcia-stabilized zirconia coating. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 92, 105284.
  • Ligier, K., Zemlik, M., Lemecha, M., Konat, Ł. & Napiórkowski, J. (2022). Analysis of Wear Properties of Hardox Steels in Different Soil Conditions. Materials, 15, 7622.
  • Manes, A., Serpellini, F., Pagani, M., Saponara & Giglio, M. (2014). Perforation and penetration of aluminium target plates by armour piercing bullets. Int. J. Impact Eng. 69, 39–54
  • Montgomery, J.S. & Wells, M.G.H. (2001). Titanium armor applications in combat vehicles, J. Mater. Met. Mater. Soc. 53, 29–32.
  • URL-1, 2024.
  • Öge, M., Kucuk, Y., Gok, M. & Karaoglanli, A. (2019). Comparison of dry sliding wear behavior of plasma sprayed FeCr slag coating with Cr2O3 and Al2O3-13TiO2 coatings. Int. J. of Applied Ceramic Techn. , 16(6), 2283-2298.
  • Öge, M., Küçük, Y., Öge, T., Günen, A., Kanca, Y. & Gök, M. (2023). Effect of boriding on high temperature tribological behavior of CoCrMo alloy. Tribology International, 187, 108697.
  • Suh, N.P. (1973). The delamination theory of wear, Wear, 25 (1), 111-124.
  • Suh, N.P. (1977). An overview of the delamination theory of wear, Wear, 44 (1), l-16.
  • Velavan K., Palanikumar K., Natarajan E. & Lim W.H. (2021). Implications on the influence of mica on the mechanical properties of cast hybrid (Al+10%B4C+Mica) metal matrix composite. J. Mater. Res. Technol. 10, 99-109.
  • Wang, C., Zhang, C., Gu, L., Bi, M., Hou, P., Zheng, D. & Wang, L. (2020). Analysis on surface damage of M50 steel at impact-sliding contacts. Tribol Int., 150, 106384.
  • Zhang, C., Peng, B., Wang, L., Ma, X. & Gu, L. (2019). Thermal-induced surface damage of M50 steel at rolling-sliding contacts. Wear, 420-421, 116-122.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Malzeme Mühendisliği (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Yılmaz Küçük 0000-0002-7559-8794

Mustafa Gök 0000-0002-8214-2250

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Kasım 2024
Kabul Tarihi 21 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Küçük, Y., & Gök, M. (2024). PROTECTION 500 (P 500) ÇELİĞİNİN KURU-KAYMA AŞINMA DAVRANIŞI. Bartın University International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 7(2), 83-90.
AMA Küçük Y, Gök M. PROTECTION 500 (P 500) ÇELİĞİNİN KURU-KAYMA AŞINMA DAVRANIŞI. JONAS. Aralık 2024;7(2):83-90. doi:10.55930/jonas.1581315
Chicago Küçük, Yılmaz, ve Mustafa Gök. “PROTECTION 500 (P 500) ÇELİĞİNİN KURU-KAYMA AŞINMA DAVRANIŞI”. Bartın University International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences 7, sy. 2 (Aralık 2024): 83-90.
EndNote Küçük Y, Gök M (01 Aralık 2024) PROTECTION 500 (P 500) ÇELİĞİNİN KURU-KAYMA AŞINMA DAVRANIŞI. Bartın University International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences 7 2 83–90.
IEEE Y. Küçük ve M. Gök, “PROTECTION 500 (P 500) ÇELİĞİNİN KURU-KAYMA AŞINMA DAVRANIŞI”, JONAS, c. 7, sy. 2, ss. 83–90, 2024, doi: 10.55930/jonas.1581315.
ISNAD Küçük, Yılmaz - Gök, Mustafa. “PROTECTION 500 (P 500) ÇELİĞİNİN KURU-KAYMA AŞINMA DAVRANIŞI”. Bartın University International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences 7/2 (Aralık 2024), 83-90.
MLA Küçük, Yılmaz ve Mustafa Gök. “PROTECTION 500 (P 500) ÇELİĞİNİN KURU-KAYMA AŞINMA DAVRANIŞI”. Bartın University International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, c. 7, sy. 2, 2024, ss. 83-90, doi:10.55930/jonas.1581315.
Vancouver Küçük Y, Gök M. PROTECTION 500 (P 500) ÇELİĞİNİN KURU-KAYMA AŞINMA DAVRANIŞI. JONAS. 2024;7(2):83-90.