Writing Rules

The article writing rules for JOTCSA are fairly simple and are explained in the article template below. Downloading the article template file is highly recommended. Most of the issues are outlined in the template file.

Please note that we have adopted a new heading system with numbers, starting from 10(1). Please check the article template below.


The JOTCSA editorship has decided to take some precautions for the well-being of the journal and their users.
It has recently been decided that the article file will contain all figures and tables in their original positions. In addition, upload a ZIP files containing the images and tables in your article.

1) All figures and schemes will be uploaded to the server (Files menu of your article) AS ONE ZIPPED FILE (ZIP, RAR, 7Z are accepted) FOR FIGURES AND ONE ZIPPED FILE FOR TABLES (ZIP, RAR, 7Z are accepted).
Images might be tagged image format, TIF (with LZW compression), and portable network graphics, PNG (maximum compression). Please do not forget to make the image files viewable by the reviewers. A freeware software named Irfanview, available at https://www.irfanview.com, can simply create TIF or PNG images for you. Firstly, try right-clicking on an image present in your word-processor file and saving as an image file.

2) All tables will be uploaded to the server (Files menu) as ONE ZIPPED FILE. You may choose from Microsoft Word .DOC version and Libreoffice Writer .ODT version. Please do not forget to make the zipped table file viewable by the reviewers.

3) A common problem: Please make the numbers and orders of authors in your article stay the SAME at all times. Double check your authors and their orders when you are ready to submit your article. There has been much debate and please do NOT add or remove authors nor change their orders.

4) Please do not submit your works if you have not declared your reviewer suggestion forms. If it is, by any way, not possible to suggest reviewers at the submission stage, please do not forget to upload the suggestion forms to the Files tab. Also important is that reviewers working in the same department of the author will not accepted and therefore cannot be suggested. Additionally, you cannot select two reviewers working at the same department.

5) Kindly direct your queries about the state of your manuscripts to the section editor. They can much more information than the managing editor, who can only provide the already-seen status reports when you log in and see for yourself. It is also possible that the section editor can stop insisting on a non-responding reviewer and assign another; so your query might work for the better.

Please do not hesitate to contact the managing editor at jotcsa@turchemsoc.org for anything you wonder about publishing your paper.

Additional Information of the Guide for the Authors, for Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society, Section A: Chemistry (JOTCSA)

The journal management recommends that all authors (not only the corresponding author) register to ORCID at https://orcid.org/register and get a free ORCID ID. The registration process takes about only a couple of minutes. The corresponding author will complete the document of ORCID ID and e-mail addresses for editorial use. CTRL-clicking on the ORCID image next to the author name will enable the reader to view the ORCID profile of the given author. Please also note that you may not give the same ORCID ID to one or more authors in your article.

We prefer that the authors use "Zotero" (https://www.zotero.org/, free of charge) or "Endnote" (https://www.endnote.com/, commercial), or similar online software like Mendeley (https://www.mendeley.com/?interaction_required=true, free of charge), for the generation of bibliographic list and citations. We are using the "Vancouver" citation style, which is available in all softwares mentioned above. After preparation of the article, please use the "convert citations to text" feature of the reference manager you use.

We are using Intihal.net (formerly, we used iThenticate) plagiarism software and our maximum allowed score for the document is 30%. The author will be given the plagiarism report and the manuscript will be returned to the authors. Whenever possible, the author is recommended to work with article editing firms to lower the score.

Please do not submit PDF copies of your articles for preliminary control. We accept Microsoft Word DOC, Microsoft Word DOCX, and LibreOffice ODT. We directly work on the manuscript, forming changes that are trackable.

Please do not submit your work again from the very beginning, if the management requires that you prepare a revision. Just browse to your existing submission and use the upload module to upload the newer version. If you are stuck, please send the revised article with an e-mail to the managing editor at jotcsa@turchemsoc.org.

Our journal will use, beginning from 10(1), a manual heading-based system with numbers, like 1. INTRODUCTION, 2.1. Materials and Methods, etc.

You may download the article templates, depending on your word processor, from the link below. Kindly recall that we do not have any LaTeX templates for now:

*Article template (for Microsoft Word)
*Article template (for LibreOffice Writer)

Reaction schemes usually used for reactions and related material will use Arial or Verdana, preferably at 9 or 10 points, inside the figures. Our journal recommends that authors use "Chemdraw" or "ChemSketch" or "MarvinSketch" softwares. Directly pasting from the drawing application into the word processor software is NOT recommended. Please use the "paste special" feature to paste it as an image that is either PNG or TIF and upload the zipped image file to the Files tab.

Citing: Our journal uses a number-based reference system, and the number is given in normal parenthesis like (17). Other examples include (1-3, 17), (1-3, 17, 19-21), etc. The above-mentioned reference managers have the required tools to create citations in the text. When inserting a new paragraph, the manager will safely rearrange the citations, refreshing the numbers.

For presentation of proton or carbon nuclear magnetic resonance data, please see the article template above.

The words Scheme 1, Figure 1, etc., will have a full stop at the end of the caption. The caption text will be centered on the page.

Supplementary information: The authors are encouraged to use supplementary information, for detailing the study with spectral data, crystal structure refinement data, and other types of material should you recommend including. All types of synthetic procedures will be included in the main text. Supplementary files will be added as a new file by the editors.

Usage of the units: The units will be, where possible, SI-based and the style g/mL will be preferred over g.mL-1. Please do not mix these two and be consistent throughout the manuscript about using the units.

Schemes usually used for reactions and related material will use Verdana or Arial, preferably at 9 or 10 points, inside the figures. Directly pasting from the drawing application into the word processor software is NOT recommended. Please use the "paste special" feature to paste it as an image that is either PNG or TIF and upload the image file to the Files tab.

Last Update Time: 12/9/24, 7:30:02 PM