Research Article
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Design Practices for Flood Resilience in Istanbul: Case of Kadiköy Waterfront

Year 2022, Issue: spi 1, 51 - 69, 13.04.2022


Extreme weather events, sea level rise and intensified tsunamis as causes of climate change are becoming major threats for coastal cities. Istanbul, one of the most populated built-up coastal cities in the world, is prone to urban, coastal, and riverine flooding according to studies. Spatial design measurements preparing the urban waterfronts for the consequences of hazardous flooding are adopted in several cities as part of their urban resilience strategies. This paper focuses on physical measurements to adapt Istanbul to the effects of coastal flooding that is neglected so far in urban agenda. In this regard, the paper aims to develop site specific spatial design proposals as possible measurements to increase Istanbul’s waterfronts capacity for an effective flood resilience approach in case of storm events and tsunami intensified through climate change.

To achieve this, status analysis and spatial configuration of possible design measures for Istanbul waterfront in a representative study area at neighborhood scale are introduced. To answer how much the waterfronts are at risk and how spatially adaptive strategies can be implemented in the current situation following flood resilience approach, site specific spatial analysis and a strategic design framework are developed. Since a comprehensive district-based guideline for spatial adaptation is currently not embedded in the urban agenda of flood management in Istanbul, this study promotes preparation of multiple guidelines adopting contemporary design measures in flood management for the entire city’s waterfronts by proposing one for Kadiköy.


  • Allen, T. R., Crawford, T., Montz, B., Whitehead, J., Lovelace, S., Hanks, A. D., Christensen, A. R., & Kearney, G. D. (2019). Linking Water Infrastructure, Public Health, and Sea Level Rise: Integrated Assessment of Flood Resilience in Coastal Cities. Public Works Management and Policy, 24(1), 110–139.
  • Boston Planning & Development Agency. (2019). Coastal Flood Resilience Design Guidelines. September.
  • City of Boston. (2016). Climate Ready Boston - Executive Summary. Boston.
  • Deniz sahil şeridini yuttu. (2015, February 01). Retrieved from Sözcü Gazetesi:
  • Dinç, H. & Bölen, F. (2014). İstanbul Derelerinin Fiziki Yapısı. Planlama, 24(2), 107-120.
  • Dronkers, J., Gilbert, J. T. E., Butler, L. W., Carey, J. J., Campbell, J., James, E., Mckenzie, C., Misdorp, R., Quin, N., Ries, K. L., Schroder, P. C., Spradley, J. R., Titus, J. G., Vallianos, L., & von Dadelszen, J. (1990). Strategies for Adaptation to Sea Level Rise. 148.
  • Ekmekcioğlu, Ö., Koc, K., & Özger, M. (2020). District based flood risk assessment in Istanbul using fuzzy analytical hierarchy process. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 8.
  • European Environment Agency. (2017). Green Infrastructure and Flood Management: Promoting cost-efficient flood risk reduction via green infrastructure solutions. In Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. (Issue No 14).
  • Hegger, D. L. T., Driessen, P. P. J., Wiering, M., van Rijswick, H. F. M. W., Kundzewicz, Z. W., Matczak, P., Crabbé, A., Raadgever, G. T., Bakker, M. H. N., Priest, S. J., Larrue, C., & Ek, K. (2016). Toward more flood resilience: Is a diversification of flood risk management strategies the way forward? Ecology and Society, 21(4).
  • Hobeica, L., & Hobeica, A. (2019). How adapted are built-environment professionals to flood adaptation? International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 10(4), 248–259.
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  • IBB. (2018a). İstanbul İli Marmara Kıyıları Tsunami Modelleme, Hasar Görebilrlik ve Tehlike Analizi Güncelleme Projesi Sonuç Raporu. Retrieved from Deprem Zemin İnceleme Müdürlüğü:
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  • IBB. (2018d). Istanbul Climate Change Action Plan Summary Report. Retrieved from Iklim Istanbul:
  • IBB. (2020). Kadıköy Tsunami Raporu. Retrieved from IBB Deprem ve Zemin İnceleme Müdürlüğü:
  • Kadıköy Belediyesi. (2018). Kadıköy Belediyesi Bütüncül ve Katılımcı İklim Eylemi. Retrieved from Kadıköy Belediyesi İklim Adaptasyon Eylem Planı 2. Rapor:
  • Kadıköy Belediyesi. (n.d.). NETGIS Harita Uygulaması (ABİS). Retrieved from Kadıköy Belediyesi:
  • Kadıoğlu, M. (2019). Kent Selleri Yönetim ve Kontrol Rehberi. Istanbul: Marmara Belediyeler Birliği Kültür Yayınları
  • Kuleli, T. (2010). City-based risk assessment of sea level rise using topographic and census data for the Turkish Coastal zone. Estuaries and Coasts, 33(3), 640–651.
  • Li, L., Switzer, A.D., Wang, Y., Chan C.-H., Qui Q. & Weiss R. (2018). A modest 0.5-m rise in sea level will double the tsunami hazard in Macau. Science Advances, 4(8), 1180.
  • Liao, K. H. (2014). From flood control to flood adaptation: A case study on the Lower Green River Valley and the City of Kent in King County, Washington. Natural Hazards, 71(1), 723–750.
  • McClymont, K., Morrison, D., Beevers, L., & Carmen, E. (2020). Flood resilience: a systematic review. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 63(7), 1151–1176.
  • Radhakrishnan, M., Pathirana, A., Ashley, R. M., Gersonius, B., & Zevenbergen, C. (2018). Flexible adaptation planning for water sensitive cities. Cities, 78(March 2017), 87–95.
  • Restemeyer, B., van den Brin Kaymakamlığık, M., & Woltjer, J. (2017). Between adaptability and the urge to control: Making long-term water policies in the Netherlands. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 60(5), 920–940.
  • Restemeyer, B., Woltjer, J., & van den Brink, M. (2015). A strategy-based framework for assessing the flood resilience of cities – A Hamburg case study. Planning Theory and Practice, 16(1), 45–62.
  • Schelfaut, K., Pannemans, B., van der Craats, I., Krywkow, J., Mysiak, J., & Cools, J. (2011). Bringing flood resilience into practice: The FREEMAN project. Environmental Science and Policy, 14(7), 825–833.
  • Serre, D., Barroca, B., Balsells, M., & Becue, V. (2018). Contributing to urban resilience to floods with neighbourhood design: the case of Am Sandtorkai/Dalmannkai in Hamburg. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 11, S69–S83.
  • T.C. Kadıköy Kaymakamlığı. (n.d.). Kadıköy İlçemizin Tarihçesi. Retrieved from T.C. Kadıköy Kaymakamlığı:
  • van Coppenolle, R., & Temmerman, S. (2019). A global exploration of tidal wetland creation for nature-based flood risk mitigation in coastal cities. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 226(June), 106262.
  • World Meteorological Organization. (2011). Manual on flood forecasting and warning. In World Meteorological Organization (Issue 1072).
  • World Meteorological Organization. (2013). Integrated Flood Management Tools Series: Coastal and Delta Flood Management.
  • Virginia Tech. (2018, August 15). Climate change sea-level rises could increase risk for more devatating tsunamis worldwide. Retrieved from Virginia Tech Daily:
  • Vitale, C., Sander, M., Moccia, F.D. & Ache, P. (2020). Urban flood resilience, a discursive-institutional analysis of planning practices in the Metropolitan City of Milan, Land Use Policy 95, 104575.
  • Yener, Ş. D. (2020). Sustainable use of plants in coastal areas of Istanbul. Turkish Journal of Forestry | Türkiye Ormancılık Dergisi, 21(2), 123–130.
  • Zandvoort, M., Kooijmans N., Kischen P. and van den Brink A. (2019). Designing with pathways: A spatial design approach for adaptive and sustainable landscapes. Sustainability, 11(3) 565.
Year 2022, Issue: spi 1, 51 - 69, 13.04.2022



  • Allen, T. R., Crawford, T., Montz, B., Whitehead, J., Lovelace, S., Hanks, A. D., Christensen, A. R., & Kearney, G. D. (2019). Linking Water Infrastructure, Public Health, and Sea Level Rise: Integrated Assessment of Flood Resilience in Coastal Cities. Public Works Management and Policy, 24(1), 110–139.
  • Boston Planning & Development Agency. (2019). Coastal Flood Resilience Design Guidelines. September.
  • City of Boston. (2016). Climate Ready Boston - Executive Summary. Boston.
  • Deniz sahil şeridini yuttu. (2015, February 01). Retrieved from Sözcü Gazetesi:
  • Dinç, H. & Bölen, F. (2014). İstanbul Derelerinin Fiziki Yapısı. Planlama, 24(2), 107-120.
  • Dronkers, J., Gilbert, J. T. E., Butler, L. W., Carey, J. J., Campbell, J., James, E., Mckenzie, C., Misdorp, R., Quin, N., Ries, K. L., Schroder, P. C., Spradley, J. R., Titus, J. G., Vallianos, L., & von Dadelszen, J. (1990). Strategies for Adaptation to Sea Level Rise. 148.
  • Ekmekcioğlu, Ö., Koc, K., & Özger, M. (2020). District based flood risk assessment in Istanbul using fuzzy analytical hierarchy process. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 8.
  • European Environment Agency. (2017). Green Infrastructure and Flood Management: Promoting cost-efficient flood risk reduction via green infrastructure solutions. In Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. (Issue No 14).
  • Hegger, D. L. T., Driessen, P. P. J., Wiering, M., van Rijswick, H. F. M. W., Kundzewicz, Z. W., Matczak, P., Crabbé, A., Raadgever, G. T., Bakker, M. H. N., Priest, S. J., Larrue, C., & Ek, K. (2016). Toward more flood resilience: Is a diversification of flood risk management strategies the way forward? Ecology and Society, 21(4).
  • Hobeica, L., & Hobeica, A. (2019). How adapted are built-environment professionals to flood adaptation? International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 10(4), 248–259.
  • IBB. (2009a). Deprem Zemin İnceleme Müdürlüğü. İstanbul Mikrobölgeleme Projesi Anadolu Yakası Cilt II. Retrieved from
  • IBB. (2009b). Deprem Zemin İnceleme Müdürlüğü. Retrieved from Sel Felaketi Raporu:
  • IBB. (2018a). İstanbul İli Marmara Kıyıları Tsunami Modelleme, Hasar Görebilrlik ve Tehlike Analizi Güncelleme Projesi Sonuç Raporu. Retrieved from Deprem Zemin İnceleme Müdürlüğü:
  • IBB. (2018b). İstanbul İklim Değişikliği Eylem Planı İklim Senaryoları. Retrieved from İklim İstanbul:
  • IBB. (2018c). İstanbul İklim Değişikliği Eylem Planı Final Raporu. Retrieved from İklim İstanbul:
  • IBB. (2018d). Istanbul Climate Change Action Plan Summary Report. Retrieved from Iklim Istanbul:
  • IBB. (2020). Kadıköy Tsunami Raporu. Retrieved from IBB Deprem ve Zemin İnceleme Müdürlüğü:
  • Kadıköy Belediyesi. (2018). Kadıköy Belediyesi Bütüncül ve Katılımcı İklim Eylemi. Retrieved from Kadıköy Belediyesi İklim Adaptasyon Eylem Planı 2. Rapor:
  • Kadıköy Belediyesi. (n.d.). NETGIS Harita Uygulaması (ABİS). Retrieved from Kadıköy Belediyesi:
  • Kadıoğlu, M. (2019). Kent Selleri Yönetim ve Kontrol Rehberi. Istanbul: Marmara Belediyeler Birliği Kültür Yayınları
  • Kuleli, T. (2010). City-based risk assessment of sea level rise using topographic and census data for the Turkish Coastal zone. Estuaries and Coasts, 33(3), 640–651.
  • Li, L., Switzer, A.D., Wang, Y., Chan C.-H., Qui Q. & Weiss R. (2018). A modest 0.5-m rise in sea level will double the tsunami hazard in Macau. Science Advances, 4(8), 1180.
  • Liao, K. H. (2014). From flood control to flood adaptation: A case study on the Lower Green River Valley and the City of Kent in King County, Washington. Natural Hazards, 71(1), 723–750.
  • McClymont, K., Morrison, D., Beevers, L., & Carmen, E. (2020). Flood resilience: a systematic review. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 63(7), 1151–1176.
  • Radhakrishnan, M., Pathirana, A., Ashley, R. M., Gersonius, B., & Zevenbergen, C. (2018). Flexible adaptation planning for water sensitive cities. Cities, 78(March 2017), 87–95.
  • Restemeyer, B., van den Brin Kaymakamlığık, M., & Woltjer, J. (2017). Between adaptability and the urge to control: Making long-term water policies in the Netherlands. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 60(5), 920–940.
  • Restemeyer, B., Woltjer, J., & van den Brink, M. (2015). A strategy-based framework for assessing the flood resilience of cities – A Hamburg case study. Planning Theory and Practice, 16(1), 45–62.
  • Schelfaut, K., Pannemans, B., van der Craats, I., Krywkow, J., Mysiak, J., & Cools, J. (2011). Bringing flood resilience into practice: The FREEMAN project. Environmental Science and Policy, 14(7), 825–833.
  • Serre, D., Barroca, B., Balsells, M., & Becue, V. (2018). Contributing to urban resilience to floods with neighbourhood design: the case of Am Sandtorkai/Dalmannkai in Hamburg. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 11, S69–S83.
  • T.C. Kadıköy Kaymakamlığı. (n.d.). Kadıköy İlçemizin Tarihçesi. Retrieved from T.C. Kadıköy Kaymakamlığı:
  • van Coppenolle, R., & Temmerman, S. (2019). A global exploration of tidal wetland creation for nature-based flood risk mitigation in coastal cities. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 226(June), 106262.
  • World Meteorological Organization. (2011). Manual on flood forecasting and warning. In World Meteorological Organization (Issue 1072).
  • World Meteorological Organization. (2013). Integrated Flood Management Tools Series: Coastal and Delta Flood Management.
  • Virginia Tech. (2018, August 15). Climate change sea-level rises could increase risk for more devatating tsunamis worldwide. Retrieved from Virginia Tech Daily:
  • Vitale, C., Sander, M., Moccia, F.D. & Ache, P. (2020). Urban flood resilience, a discursive-institutional analysis of planning practices in the Metropolitan City of Milan, Land Use Policy 95, 104575.
  • Yener, Ş. D. (2020). Sustainable use of plants in coastal areas of Istanbul. Turkish Journal of Forestry | Türkiye Ormancılık Dergisi, 21(2), 123–130.
  • Zandvoort, M., Kooijmans N., Kischen P. and van den Brink A. (2019). Designing with pathways: A spatial design approach for adaptive and sustainable landscapes. Sustainability, 11(3) 565.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Architecture
Journal Section Research Articles

Ömür Sözer Şenol 0000-0001-6921-2456

Publication Date April 13, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Issue: spi 1


APA Sözer Şenol, Ö. (2022). Design Practices for Flood Resilience in Istanbul: Case of Kadiköy Waterfront. Journal of Design Studio, 4(spi 1), 51-69.

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