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Yıl 2024, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 37 - 47, 31.12.2024


Today, the use of telehealth services in the monitoring and treatment of chronic diseases has increased. Telehealth enables healthcare services to be delivered to individuals through established networks. Telediabetes is aimed at individuals who use diabetes-specific applications or diabetes-related devices. Diabetes, which is among the chronic diseases, needs telehealth because it requires long-term treatment and holistic care. Telehealth provides self-management of diabetes and improves quality of life by supporting the individual with diabetes in acquiring health care behaviors. Telehealth applications aim to reduce hospital visits, adequately meet the increasing demand for diabetes care, and solve the factors that prevent individuals living in regions with limited health facilities from effectively managing diabetes by remote monitoring and control. Studies indicate that the use of telehealth in diabetes enables the regulation of glycemic control, compliance with treatment and prevention of complications. Rozzano Locsin Technological Competence Theory, which is a practice model that incorporates telediabetes into the nursing process and specifies the harmony between technology and nursing care, aims to ensure that the nurse handles the diabetic individual multidimensionally and provides original care in distance education through telediabetes. It also puts the individual at the center of diabetes management and enables them to take an active role. With telediabetes, one of the benefits of technological innovations, disease management of individuals with diabetes can be done remotely. By facilitating access to specialists, it eliminates factors that prevent access to health care and plays a role in preventing complications that may occur. The aim of this review is to examine the effectiveness of using telehealth, which is becoming widespread with technology, in diabetes management


  • Aberer F., Hochfellner D. & Mader J. (2021). Application of telemedicine in diabetes care: The time is now. Diabetes Therapy, 12: 629–639.
  • Aranha A., Macdonald A., Davoren P., Page M., Waynforth D., Small S. & Beggs, J. (2017). Patient centred outcomes of tele diabetes. Journal of Diabetes and Treatment, 126. doi:10.29011/2574-7568.000026.
  • AydosT. (2021). Yaşlı bireylerde ilaç uyuncu ve teletıp uygulamaları. İçinde Y. Gökçe Kutsal &D. Aslan (Ed.) , Yaşlılık ve Teletıp Uygulamaları (s.43-49). Türk Geriatri Derneği.
  • Bergenstal R., Layne J., Zisser H., Gabbay R., Barleen N., Lee A., & Dixon R. (2021). Remote application and use of real-time continuous glucose monitoring by adults with type 2 diabetes in a virtual diabetes clinic. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 23(2): 128-132.
  • Bouchonville M., Paul M., Billings J., Kirk J., & Arora S. (2016). Taking telemedicine to the next level in diabetes population management: a review of the endo eCHO model. Current Diabetes Reports, 16: 1-7.
  • Buysse H., Coremans P., & Ruige J. (2020). Sustainable improvement of HbA1c and satisfaction with diabetes care after adding telemedicine in patients on adaptable insulin regimens: results of the telediabetes randomized controlled trial. Health Informatics Journal, 26(1): 628-641.
  • Crossen S., Raymond J., & Neinstein A. (2020). Top 10 tips for successfully ımplementing a diabetes telehealth Program. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 22(12): 920-928.
  • Długaszek M., Gumprecht J., Kalarus S., Chodkowski A., & Nabrdalik K. (2016). Telemedicine in response to challenges of modern diabetology. Clinical Diabetology, 1: 22-25.
  • Ertek S. (2011). Endokrinolojide tele-sağlık ve tele-tıp uygulamaları. Acıbadem Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(3): 126-130.
  • Gal R., Cohen N., Kruger D., Beck R., Bergenstal R., Calhoun P., Aleppo G. (2020). Diabetes telehealth solutions: Improving self-management through remote Initiation of continuous glucose monitoring. Journal of the Endocrine Society, 4(9): 1-11. DOI: 10.1210/jendso/bvaa076
  • Haider R., Sudini L., Chow C., & Cheung N. (2019). Mobile phone text messaging in improving glycaemic control for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 150: 27-37.
  • Hu Y., Wen X., Xu J., Wang F., Yang D., Liu S., & Li P. (2018). Effect of telemedicine intervention on hypoglycaemia in diabetes patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 25(7): 402-413.
  • Janka H., Plewe G., Riddle M., Frisch C., Schweitzer M., & Järvinen H. (2005). Comparison of basal insulin added to oral agents versus twice-daily premixed insulin as initial insulin therapy for type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care, 28(2):254-259.
  • Jeong J., Jeon J.-H., Bae K.-H., Choi Y.-K., Park K.-G., Kim J.-G. & Lee I.K. (2018). Smart care based on telemonitoring and telemedicine for type 2 diabetes care: Multi-Center Randomized Controlled Trial. Telemedicine and e-Health, 24(8): 604-613.
  • Kara K., & Çınar S. (2011). Diyabet bakım profili ile metabolik kontrol değişkenleri arasındaki ilişki. Kafkas J Med Sci. 2: 57-63.
  • Kaya N.T. (2022). Telesağlık Ve Telehemşirelik Uygulama Alanları.Ö. Örsal (Ed.), (s. 20-25).İksad Publushing House.
  • Kearns J., Bowerman D., Kemmis K., Izquierdo R., Wade M., & Weinstock R. (2012). Group diabetes education administered through telemedicine: Tools Used and Lessons Learned. Telemedicine and e-Health, 18(5): 347-353.
  • Lee P., Greenfield G., & Pappas Y. (2018). Patients’ perception of using telehealth for type 2 diabetes management: a phenomenological study. BMC Health Services Research, 18: 2-9. doi:
  • Lim S., Yap F., & Chin X. (2020). Bridging the needs of adolescent diabetes care during COVID-19: A nurse-led telehealth ınitiative. Journal of Adolescent Health, 67, 615- 617.
  • Locsin R. (2016). The theory of technological competency as caring in nursing: Guiding nursing and health care. Shikoku Acta Medica, 72(5): 3-4.
  • Locsin R., & Purnell M. (2015). Advancing the theory of technological competency as caring in nursing: The universal technological domain. International Journal for Human Caring, 19(2): 50-54.
  • Middelbeek R., Romeo G., Bouchonville M. & Agarwal S. (2023). Application of telehealth to diabetes care delivery and medical training: challenges and opportunities. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 14: 1-3. DOI 10.3389/fendo.2023.1229706.
  • Olcay Çam M. & Kaçmaz E. (2018). Tele sağlık uygulamaları ve psikiyatri hemşireliğinde kullanımı. Turkiye Klinikleri J Nurs Sci, 10(4): 363 - 369.
  • Pradeepa R., Rajalakshmi R. & Mohan V. (2019). Use of telemedicine technologies in diabetes prevention and control in resource-constrained settings: Lessons Learned from Emerging Economies. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 21(S2): S2-9.
  • Quinn C., Shardell M., Terrin M., Barr E., Ballew S., & Gruber-Baldini A. (2011). Cluster-Randomized Trial of a Mobile Phone Personalized Behavioral Intervention for Blood Glucose Control. Diabetes Care, 34(9): 1934–1942.
  • Sanchez C., Silva P., Cavallerano J., Aiello L., & Aiello L. (2010). Ocular telemedicine for diabetic retinopathy and the Joslin Vision Network. Seminars in Ophthalmology, 25(5-6): 218-224.
  • Sezgin H., & Çınar S. (2013). Tip 2 diyabetli hastaların cep telefonu ile takibi: randomize kontrollü çalışma. MÜSBED, 4:173-183.
  • Sun Y, Cai YT, Chen J, Gao Y, Xi J, Ge L, Cao Y, Zhang J, Tian J. (2020). An evidence map of clinical practice guideline recommendations and quality on diabetic retinopathy. Eye (Lond), 34(11):1989-2000. doi: 10.1038/s41433-020-1010-1.
  • Şahinol M., & Başkavak G. (2021). Sosyo-biyo-teknik bakım kompleksi : TİP 1 diyabette dijital sağlık takibi. Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi, 24(1): 110 - 145.
  • Tchero H., Kangambega P., Briatte C., Brunet-Houdard S., Retali G.-R., & Rusch E. (2019). Clinical effectiveness of telemedicine in diabetes mellitus: A Meta-Analysis of 42 Randomized Controlled Trials. Telemedicine and e-Health, 25(7): 569-583.
  • Timm L., Karlsson I., Annerstedt K., Absetz P., Forsberg B., Daivadanam M., & Alvesson H. (2021). Intervention fidelity focusing on Interaction between Participants and facilitators in a telephone-delivered health coaching Intervention for the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes. Nutrients, 13(11): 2-16.
  • Topçuoğlu G. P., & Avdal E. Ü. (2021). Rozzano Locsin teknolojik yeterlilik teorisine göre uzaktan diyabet bakımı. Türk Diyabet Hemşireliği Dergisi, 1(1): 23-27.
  • Verhoeven F., Tanja-Dijkstra K., Van Gemert-Pijnen L., Nijland N., & Eysenbach G. (2010). Asynchronous and synchronous teleconsultation for diabetes care: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 4(3): 666-684.
  • Weinstock R., Teresi J., Goland R., Izquierdo R., Palmas W., Eimicke J., Shea S. (2011). Glycemic control and health disparities in older ethnically diverse underserved adults with diabetes: Five-year results from the Informatics for Diabetes Education and Telemedicine (IDEATel) study. Diabetes care, 34(2): 274–279. DOI: 10.2337/dc10-1346.
  • Whitehouse C., Long J., Maloney L., Daniels K., Horowitz D., & Bowles K. (2019). Feasibility of diabetes self-management telehealth education for older adults during transitions in care. Research in Gerontological Nursing, 13(3): 138–145.
  • WHO Global Observatory for eHealth. (2010). Telemedicine: opportunities and developments in Member States: report on the second global survey on eHealth. Aralık 30, 2023 tarihinde World Health Organization: Erişim tarihi: 22.12.2023.
  • Zhang B. (2021). Expert consensus on telemedicine management of diabetes (2020 Edition). International Journal of Endocrinology, 12: 1-12. doi: 10.1155/2021/6643491


Yıl 2024, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 37 - 47, 31.12.2024


Günümüzde kronik hastalıkların takip ve tedavisinde tele sağlık hizmetlerinin kullanımı artmıştır. Tele sağlık, sağlık hizmetini kurulmuş ağlar ile bireylere aktarılmasını sağlar. Tele diyabet ise diyabete özgü uygulamalar ya da diyabetle ilgili cihaz kullan bireylere yöneliktir. Kronik hastalıklar içerisinde yer alan diyabet, uzun süreli tedavi ve bütüncül bakım gerektirdiği için tele sağlığa ihtiyaç duyar. Tele sağlık, diyabetli bireye sağlık bakım davranışlarını kazandırılmasına destek olarak diyabetin öz yönetimini sağlar ve yaşam kalitesini arttırır. Tele sağlık uygulamalarıyla hastane ziyaretlerinin azalması, diyabet bakımına yönelik artan talebin yeterli karşılanması ve sağlık imkânlarının sunulmasında kısıtlı olan bölgelerde yaşayan bireylerin diyabeti etkin yönetmesine engel olan faktörlerin uzaktan izlem ve kontrolü ile çözülmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Yapılanan çalışmalarda diyabette tele sağlık kullanımının glisemik kontrolün düzenlenmesi, tedaviye uyum ve komplikasyonlarının önlenmesini sağladığı belirtilmektedir. Tele diyabeti hemşirelik sürecine dâhil eden, teknoloji ve hemşirelik bakımı arasında uyumun olmasını belirten bir uygulama modeli olan Rozzano Locsin Teknolojik Yeterlilik Teorisi, tele diyabet ile hemşirenin uzaktan eğitimde diyabetli bireyi çok boyutlu ele almasını ve özgün bakım vermesini amaçlamaktadır. Ayrıca bireyi diyabet yönetiminin merkezine koyarak aktif rol almasını sağlar. Teknolojik yeniliklerin yararlarından biri olan tele diyabet ile diyabetli bireylerin hastalık yönetimini uzaktan yapılabilmektedir. Uzmanlara erişimi kolaylaştırarak sağlık bakımına ulaşılmasını engelleyen faktörleri ortadan kaldırır ve oluşabilecek komplikasyonların önüne geçilmesinde rol oynamaktadır. Bu derlemenin amacı teknoloji ile beraber yaygınlaşmakta olan tele sağlığın diyabet yönetiminde kullanılmasının etkililiği incelemektir.


  • Aberer F., Hochfellner D. & Mader J. (2021). Application of telemedicine in diabetes care: The time is now. Diabetes Therapy, 12: 629–639.
  • Aranha A., Macdonald A., Davoren P., Page M., Waynforth D., Small S. & Beggs, J. (2017). Patient centred outcomes of tele diabetes. Journal of Diabetes and Treatment, 126. doi:10.29011/2574-7568.000026.
  • AydosT. (2021). Yaşlı bireylerde ilaç uyuncu ve teletıp uygulamaları. İçinde Y. Gökçe Kutsal &D. Aslan (Ed.) , Yaşlılık ve Teletıp Uygulamaları (s.43-49). Türk Geriatri Derneği.
  • Bergenstal R., Layne J., Zisser H., Gabbay R., Barleen N., Lee A., & Dixon R. (2021). Remote application and use of real-time continuous glucose monitoring by adults with type 2 diabetes in a virtual diabetes clinic. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 23(2): 128-132.
  • Bouchonville M., Paul M., Billings J., Kirk J., & Arora S. (2016). Taking telemedicine to the next level in diabetes population management: a review of the endo eCHO model. Current Diabetes Reports, 16: 1-7.
  • Buysse H., Coremans P., & Ruige J. (2020). Sustainable improvement of HbA1c and satisfaction with diabetes care after adding telemedicine in patients on adaptable insulin regimens: results of the telediabetes randomized controlled trial. Health Informatics Journal, 26(1): 628-641.
  • Crossen S., Raymond J., & Neinstein A. (2020). Top 10 tips for successfully ımplementing a diabetes telehealth Program. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 22(12): 920-928.
  • Długaszek M., Gumprecht J., Kalarus S., Chodkowski A., & Nabrdalik K. (2016). Telemedicine in response to challenges of modern diabetology. Clinical Diabetology, 1: 22-25.
  • Ertek S. (2011). Endokrinolojide tele-sağlık ve tele-tıp uygulamaları. Acıbadem Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(3): 126-130.
  • Gal R., Cohen N., Kruger D., Beck R., Bergenstal R., Calhoun P., Aleppo G. (2020). Diabetes telehealth solutions: Improving self-management through remote Initiation of continuous glucose monitoring. Journal of the Endocrine Society, 4(9): 1-11. DOI: 10.1210/jendso/bvaa076
  • Haider R., Sudini L., Chow C., & Cheung N. (2019). Mobile phone text messaging in improving glycaemic control for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 150: 27-37.
  • Hu Y., Wen X., Xu J., Wang F., Yang D., Liu S., & Li P. (2018). Effect of telemedicine intervention on hypoglycaemia in diabetes patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 25(7): 402-413.
  • Janka H., Plewe G., Riddle M., Frisch C., Schweitzer M., & Järvinen H. (2005). Comparison of basal insulin added to oral agents versus twice-daily premixed insulin as initial insulin therapy for type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care, 28(2):254-259.
  • Jeong J., Jeon J.-H., Bae K.-H., Choi Y.-K., Park K.-G., Kim J.-G. & Lee I.K. (2018). Smart care based on telemonitoring and telemedicine for type 2 diabetes care: Multi-Center Randomized Controlled Trial. Telemedicine and e-Health, 24(8): 604-613.
  • Kara K., & Çınar S. (2011). Diyabet bakım profili ile metabolik kontrol değişkenleri arasındaki ilişki. Kafkas J Med Sci. 2: 57-63.
  • Kaya N.T. (2022). Telesağlık Ve Telehemşirelik Uygulama Alanları.Ö. Örsal (Ed.), (s. 20-25).İksad Publushing House.
  • Kearns J., Bowerman D., Kemmis K., Izquierdo R., Wade M., & Weinstock R. (2012). Group diabetes education administered through telemedicine: Tools Used and Lessons Learned. Telemedicine and e-Health, 18(5): 347-353.
  • Lee P., Greenfield G., & Pappas Y. (2018). Patients’ perception of using telehealth for type 2 diabetes management: a phenomenological study. BMC Health Services Research, 18: 2-9. doi:
  • Lim S., Yap F., & Chin X. (2020). Bridging the needs of adolescent diabetes care during COVID-19: A nurse-led telehealth ınitiative. Journal of Adolescent Health, 67, 615- 617.
  • Locsin R. (2016). The theory of technological competency as caring in nursing: Guiding nursing and health care. Shikoku Acta Medica, 72(5): 3-4.
  • Locsin R., & Purnell M. (2015). Advancing the theory of technological competency as caring in nursing: The universal technological domain. International Journal for Human Caring, 19(2): 50-54.
  • Middelbeek R., Romeo G., Bouchonville M. & Agarwal S. (2023). Application of telehealth to diabetes care delivery and medical training: challenges and opportunities. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 14: 1-3. DOI 10.3389/fendo.2023.1229706.
  • Olcay Çam M. & Kaçmaz E. (2018). Tele sağlık uygulamaları ve psikiyatri hemşireliğinde kullanımı. Turkiye Klinikleri J Nurs Sci, 10(4): 363 - 369.
  • Pradeepa R., Rajalakshmi R. & Mohan V. (2019). Use of telemedicine technologies in diabetes prevention and control in resource-constrained settings: Lessons Learned from Emerging Economies. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 21(S2): S2-9.
  • Quinn C., Shardell M., Terrin M., Barr E., Ballew S., & Gruber-Baldini A. (2011). Cluster-Randomized Trial of a Mobile Phone Personalized Behavioral Intervention for Blood Glucose Control. Diabetes Care, 34(9): 1934–1942.
  • Sanchez C., Silva P., Cavallerano J., Aiello L., & Aiello L. (2010). Ocular telemedicine for diabetic retinopathy and the Joslin Vision Network. Seminars in Ophthalmology, 25(5-6): 218-224.
  • Sezgin H., & Çınar S. (2013). Tip 2 diyabetli hastaların cep telefonu ile takibi: randomize kontrollü çalışma. MÜSBED, 4:173-183.
  • Sun Y, Cai YT, Chen J, Gao Y, Xi J, Ge L, Cao Y, Zhang J, Tian J. (2020). An evidence map of clinical practice guideline recommendations and quality on diabetic retinopathy. Eye (Lond), 34(11):1989-2000. doi: 10.1038/s41433-020-1010-1.
  • Şahinol M., & Başkavak G. (2021). Sosyo-biyo-teknik bakım kompleksi : TİP 1 diyabette dijital sağlık takibi. Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi, 24(1): 110 - 145.
  • Tchero H., Kangambega P., Briatte C., Brunet-Houdard S., Retali G.-R., & Rusch E. (2019). Clinical effectiveness of telemedicine in diabetes mellitus: A Meta-Analysis of 42 Randomized Controlled Trials. Telemedicine and e-Health, 25(7): 569-583.
  • Timm L., Karlsson I., Annerstedt K., Absetz P., Forsberg B., Daivadanam M., & Alvesson H. (2021). Intervention fidelity focusing on Interaction between Participants and facilitators in a telephone-delivered health coaching Intervention for the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes. Nutrients, 13(11): 2-16.
  • Topçuoğlu G. P., & Avdal E. Ü. (2021). Rozzano Locsin teknolojik yeterlilik teorisine göre uzaktan diyabet bakımı. Türk Diyabet Hemşireliği Dergisi, 1(1): 23-27.
  • Verhoeven F., Tanja-Dijkstra K., Van Gemert-Pijnen L., Nijland N., & Eysenbach G. (2010). Asynchronous and synchronous teleconsultation for diabetes care: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 4(3): 666-684.
  • Weinstock R., Teresi J., Goland R., Izquierdo R., Palmas W., Eimicke J., Shea S. (2011). Glycemic control and health disparities in older ethnically diverse underserved adults with diabetes: Five-year results from the Informatics for Diabetes Education and Telemedicine (IDEATel) study. Diabetes care, 34(2): 274–279. DOI: 10.2337/dc10-1346.
  • Whitehouse C., Long J., Maloney L., Daniels K., Horowitz D., & Bowles K. (2019). Feasibility of diabetes self-management telehealth education for older adults during transitions in care. Research in Gerontological Nursing, 13(3): 138–145.
  • WHO Global Observatory for eHealth. (2010). Telemedicine: opportunities and developments in Member States: report on the second global survey on eHealth. Aralık 30, 2023 tarihinde World Health Organization: Erişim tarihi: 22.12.2023.
  • Zhang B. (2021). Expert consensus on telemedicine management of diabetes (2020 Edition). International Journal of Endocrinology, 12: 1-12. doi: 10.1155/2021/6643491
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Dahili Hastalıklar Hemşireliği
Bölüm Derlemeler

Ece Altay 0009-0003-9065-3565

Şule Çalışır Kundakçı 0000-0002-8820-8046

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Kasım 2024
Kabul Tarihi 27 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Altay, E., & Çalışır Kundakçı, Ş. (2024). GELECEĞİN DİYABET YÖNETİMİ: TELE DİYABET. İstanbul Rumeli Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(2), 37-47.