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Kaolinite based risk assessment of traffic-related pollution for selected historical libraries in Istanbul: Insights from urban topsoils studied by DRIFTS

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 1 - 43, 28.09.2020


This study involves mid infrared (MIR) region (400-4000 cm-1) Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS) investigation of urban topsoil samples nearby historical libraries in historic peninsula, Fatih district, Istanbul, Turkey. With DRIFTS, we aimed to detect traffic-driven pollution around these libraries that contain cultural heritage indoors. DRIFTS is a rapid and versatile technique that can be both used in laboratory and in situ soil analysis and it is very sensitive to both organic and mineral soil composition. IR spectral discrimination of topsoil samples collected nearby libraries were rapidly and accurately determined. Another purpose of this work was to investigate the possible sources of pollutants on urban topsoils nearby these historical libraries by their soil mineralogy, mainly based on kaolinite, total recoverable hydrocarbon (TRH), disorder index (DI) and sulfur dioxide (SO2), as an anthropogenic source, using DRIFTS. To the best of our knowledge, we report the first DRIFTS determination of the various traffic-driven pollution sources absorbed by urban topsoils nearby historical libraries.


  • Bashagaluke, J., Nshobole, N., Fataki, D., Mochoge, B., Mugwe, J., and Walangululu, J.W., 2015. Application of infrared technique in soil properties’ characterization in South Kivu province of DR Congo. African Journal of Food Science and Technology 6 (2), 58-67.
  • Bellamy, L.J., 1975. The Infra-red spectra of complex molecules; Chapman and Hall: London, p 433.
  • Billes, F., Pataki, H., Unsalan, O., Mikosch, H., Vajna, B., Marosi, G., 2012. Solvent effect on the vibrational spectra of Carvedilol. Spectrochim. Acta Part A: Mol. and Biomol. Spec. 95, 148-164.
  • Bishop, J.L., Koeberl, C., Kralik, C., Fröschl, H., Englert, P.A., Andersen, D.W., Pieters, C. M., Wharton, R.A., 1996. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 60 (5), 765-785.
  • Blanch, A.J., Quinton, J.S., Lenehan, C.E., Pring, A., 2008. The crystal chemistry of Al-bearing goethites: an infrared spectroscopic study. Mineral. Mag. 72, 1043–1056.
  • Calderon, F.J., Mikha, M.M., Vigil, M.F., Nielsen, D.C., Benjamin, J.G., and Reeves, J.B., 2011. Diffuse-Reflectance Mid-infrared spectral properties of soils under alternative crop rotations in a semi-arid climate. Comm. in Soil Sci. and Plant Analysis 42 (17), 2143-2159.
  • Cannane, N. Oumabady Alisa, Rajendran, M. Selvaraju, R., 2013. FT-IR spectral studies on polluted soils from industrial area at Karaikal Puducherry State, South India. Spectrochim. Acta Part A: Mol. and Biomol. Spec., 110, 46-54.
  • Candeias, C., Vicente, E., Tome, M., Rocha, F., Avila, P., Alves, C., 2020. Geochemical, mineralogical and morphological characterisation of road dust and associated health risks. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 17 (5).
  • Capriel, P., 1997. Hydrophobicity of organic matter in arable soils: influence of management. Eur. J. Soil Sci. 48 (3), 457-462.
  • Capriel, P., Beck, T., Borchert, H., Gronholz, J., Zachmann, G., 1995. Hydrophobicity of the Organic-Matter in Arable Soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 27 (11), 1453-1458.
  • Cases, J.M., Liétard, O., Yvon, J., Delon, J.F., 1982. Étude des propriétés cristallochimiques, morphologiques, superficielles de kaolinites désordonnées. Bull. de Minéralogie 105 (5), 439-455.
  • Delineau, T., Allard, T., Muller, J.-P., Barres, O., Yvon, J., Cases, J.-M., 1994. FTIR reflectance vs. EPR studies of structural iron in kaolinites. Clays and Clay Minerals 42 (3), 308-320.
  • Dick, D.P., Santos, J.H.Z., Ferranti, E.M., 2003. Chemical characterization and infrared spectroscopy of soil organic matter from two southern Brazilian soils. Revista Brasileira De Ciencia Do Solo 27 (1), 29-39.
  • Downey, G., Briandet, R., Wilson, R.H., Kemsley, E.K., 1997. Near- and mid-infrared spectroscopies in food authentication: Coffee varietal identification. J. of Agricultural and Food Chem. 45 (11), 4357-4361.
  • Ellerbrock, R.H., Gerke, H.H., Bohm, C., 2009. In situ DRIFT characterization of organic matter composition on soil structural surfaces. Soil Science Society of America Journal 73 (2), 531-540.
  • Erdogdu, Y. Dereli, Ö, Sajan, D., Joseph, L., Unsalan, O., Gulluoglu, M.T., 2012. Vibrational (FT-IR and FT-Raman) spectral invetigation of 7-aminoflavone with density functional theoretical simulations. Mol. Sim., 38 (4) 315-325.
  • Forrester, S., Janik, L., McLaughlin, M., 2010. An infrared spectroscopic test for total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) contamination in soils, pp. 13-16. International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), c/o Institut für Bodenforschung, Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien.
  • Forrester, S.T., Janik, L.J., McLaughlin M.J., Soriano-Disla, J.M., Stewart, R., Dearman, B., 2013. Total petroleum hydrocarbon concentration prediction in soils using diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy. Soil Science Society of America Journal 77 (2), 450-460.
  • Gonzalez-Grijalva, B., Meza-Figueroa, D., Romero, F.M., Robles-Morua, A., Meza-Montenegro, M., Garcia-Rico, L., Ochoa-Contreras, R., 2019. The role of soil mineralogy on oral bioaccessibility of lead: Implications for land use and risk assessment. Sci. Total Environ. 657, 1468-1479.
  • Hobley, E., Willgoose, G.R., Frisia, S., Jacobsen, G., 2014. Vertical distribution of charcoal in a sandy soil: evidence from DRIFT spectra and field emission scanning electron microscopy. Eur. J. of Soil Sci. 65 (5), 751-762.
  • Horta, A., Malone, B., Stockmann, U., Minasny, B., Bishop, T.F.A., McBratney, A.B., Pallasser, R., Pozza, L., 2015. Potential of integrated field spectroscopy and spatial analysis for enhanced assessment of soil contamination: A prospective review. Geoderma 241-242, 180-209.
  • İslam, N., Rabha, S., Silva, Luis. F. O., Saikia, Binoy, K., 2019. Air quality and PM10-associated poly-aromatic hydrocarbons around the railway traffic area: statistical and air mass trajectory approaches. Environ. Geochem. Health. 41, 2309-2053.
  • Janik, L.J., Merry, R.H., Skjemstad, J.O., 1998. Can mid infrared diffuse reflectance analysis replace soil extractions?. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 38 (7), 681-696.
  • Jiang, H.-H., Cai, L.-M., Wen, H.-H., Hu, G.-C., Chen, L.-G., Luo, J., 2020a. An integrated approach to quantifying ecological and human health risks from different sources of soil heavy metals. Sci. of The Total Environ. 701, 134466.
  • Jiang, H.-H., Cai, L.-M., Wen, H.-H., Luo, J., 2020b. Characterizing pollution and source identification of heavy metals in soils using geochemical baseline and PMF approach. Sci. Rep. 10 (1), 6460.
  • Kaiser, K., Guggenberger, G., Haumaier, L., Zech, W., 1997. Dissolved organic matter sorption on subsoils and minerals studied by C-13-NMR and DRIFT spectroscopy. Eur. J. of Soil Sci. 48 (2), 301-310.
  • Kaluderović, Lazar M., Tomić, Zorica P., Ašanin, Darko P., Đurović-Pejčev, Rada D., Kresović, Branka J., 2018. Examination of the influence of phenyltrimethylammonium chloride (PTMA) concentration on acetochlor adsorption by modified montmorillonite. J. of Environ. Sci. and Health, Part B. 53 (8), 503-509.
  • Kemsley, E.K., Holland, J.K., Defernez, M., Wilson, R.H., 1996. Detection of adulteration of raspberry purees using infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics. J. of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 44 (12), 3864-3870.
  • Kim, S.-O., Kim, J.-J., Yun, S.-T., Kim, K.-W., 2003. Numerical and experimental studies on cadmium (II) transport in kaolinite clay under electrical fields. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 150 (1), 135-162.
  • Koretsky, Carla M., Sverjensky, Dimitri A., Salisbury John W., D’Aria, Dana M., 1997. Detection of surface hydroxyl species on quartz, γ-alumina, and feldspars using diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy. Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, 61 (11), 2193-2210.
  • Kubelka, P., Munk, F., 1931. Ein beitrag zur optik der farbanstriche. Z. Techn. Phys. 12, 593-601.
  • Kuzucuoğlu, A., 2017. Preventive conservation in cultural heritage case study: MEMORI survey, Journal of Art, Istanbul University,
  • Kuzucuoglu, A.H., Kiraz, N.M., Unsalan, O., Taşdemir, İ., 2015. A documentation proposal for manuscripts in libraries A case study: İstanbul University Faculty of Letters Rare Books Library. Bilgi Dünyası 16 (1), 141-159.
  • Leue, M., Gerke, H.H., Ellerbrock, R.H., 2013. Millimetre-scale distribution of organic matter composition at intact biopore and crack surfaces. Eur. J. of Soil Sci. 64 (6), 757-769.
  • Machovic, V., Novak, F., 1998. Diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy of soil bitumens from Sumava region. Chemicke Listy 92 (2), 151-156.
  • Margenot, A.J., Calderon, F.J., Magrini, K.A., Evans, R.J., 2017. Application of DRIFTS, C-13 NMR, and py-MBMS to Characterize the effects of soil science oxidation assays on soil organic matter composition in a mollic xerofluvent. Appl. Spec. 71 (7), 1506-1518.
  • Menges, F., 2020. Spectragryph - optical spectroscopy software, Version 1.2.14, 2020,
  • Messerschmidt, R.G., 1985. Complete elimination of specular reflectance in Infrared diffuse reflectance measurements. Appl. Spec. 39 (4), 737-739.
  • Mohsenipour, M., Shahid, S., Ebrahimi, K., 2015. Nitrate adsorption on clay kaolin: Batch Tests. J. of Chemistry 2015, 397069.
  • Montecchio, D., Francioso, O., Carletti, P., Pizzeghello, D., Chersich, S., Previtali, F., Nardi, S., 2006. Thermal analysis (TG-DTA) and drift spectroscopy applied to investigate the evolution of humic acids in forest soil at different vegetation stages. J. of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 83 (2), 393-399.
  • Muller, J.P., Ildefonse, P., Calas, G., 1990. Paramagnetic defect centers in hydrothermal kaolinite from an altered tuff in the nopal uranium deposit, Chihuahua, Mexico. Clays and Clay Minerals 38 (6), 600-608.
  • Muller, J.P., Bocquier, G., 1987. Textural and mineralogical relationships between ferruginous nodules and surrounding clayey matrices in a laterite from Cameroon, in: Schulz, L.G., van Olphen H., Mumpton, F.A. Eds.), Proceedings of the International Clay Conference, Bloomington, Indiana, pp. 186-194.
  • Ng, W., P. Malone, B., Minasny, B., 2017. Rapid assessment of petroleum-contaminated soils with infrared spectroscopy. Geoderma 289, 150-160.
  • Nguyen, T.T., Janik, L.J., Raupach, M., 1991. Diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier-Transform (Drift) spectroscopy in soil studies. Australian J. of Soil Res. 29 (1), 49-67.
  • Niemeyer, J., Chen, Y., Bollag, J.M., 1992. Characterization of humic acids, composts, and peat by diffuse reflectance Fourier-Transform infrared-spectroscopy. Soil Science Society of America Journal 56 (1), 135-140.
  • Parikh, Sanjai J., Goyne, Keith W., Margenot, Andrew J., Mukome, Fungai N. D., Calderón, Francisco J., 2014. Soil chemical insights provided through vibrational spectroscopy. Publications from USDA-ARS / UNL Faculty. Paper 1471.
  • Pieters, C.M., Englert, P.A.J., 1993. Eds. Remote geochemical analysis: Elemental and mineralogical composition; Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, p 594.
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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 1 - 43, 28.09.2020



  • Bashagaluke, J., Nshobole, N., Fataki, D., Mochoge, B., Mugwe, J., and Walangululu, J.W., 2015. Application of infrared technique in soil properties’ characterization in South Kivu province of DR Congo. African Journal of Food Science and Technology 6 (2), 58-67.
  • Bellamy, L.J., 1975. The Infra-red spectra of complex molecules; Chapman and Hall: London, p 433.
  • Billes, F., Pataki, H., Unsalan, O., Mikosch, H., Vajna, B., Marosi, G., 2012. Solvent effect on the vibrational spectra of Carvedilol. Spectrochim. Acta Part A: Mol. and Biomol. Spec. 95, 148-164.
  • Bishop, J.L., Koeberl, C., Kralik, C., Fröschl, H., Englert, P.A., Andersen, D.W., Pieters, C. M., Wharton, R.A., 1996. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 60 (5), 765-785.
  • Blanch, A.J., Quinton, J.S., Lenehan, C.E., Pring, A., 2008. The crystal chemistry of Al-bearing goethites: an infrared spectroscopic study. Mineral. Mag. 72, 1043–1056.
  • Calderon, F.J., Mikha, M.M., Vigil, M.F., Nielsen, D.C., Benjamin, J.G., and Reeves, J.B., 2011. Diffuse-Reflectance Mid-infrared spectral properties of soils under alternative crop rotations in a semi-arid climate. Comm. in Soil Sci. and Plant Analysis 42 (17), 2143-2159.
  • Cannane, N. Oumabady Alisa, Rajendran, M. Selvaraju, R., 2013. FT-IR spectral studies on polluted soils from industrial area at Karaikal Puducherry State, South India. Spectrochim. Acta Part A: Mol. and Biomol. Spec., 110, 46-54.
  • Candeias, C., Vicente, E., Tome, M., Rocha, F., Avila, P., Alves, C., 2020. Geochemical, mineralogical and morphological characterisation of road dust and associated health risks. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 17 (5).
  • Capriel, P., 1997. Hydrophobicity of organic matter in arable soils: influence of management. Eur. J. Soil Sci. 48 (3), 457-462.
  • Capriel, P., Beck, T., Borchert, H., Gronholz, J., Zachmann, G., 1995. Hydrophobicity of the Organic-Matter in Arable Soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 27 (11), 1453-1458.
  • Cases, J.M., Liétard, O., Yvon, J., Delon, J.F., 1982. Étude des propriétés cristallochimiques, morphologiques, superficielles de kaolinites désordonnées. Bull. de Minéralogie 105 (5), 439-455.
  • Delineau, T., Allard, T., Muller, J.-P., Barres, O., Yvon, J., Cases, J.-M., 1994. FTIR reflectance vs. EPR studies of structural iron in kaolinites. Clays and Clay Minerals 42 (3), 308-320.
  • Dick, D.P., Santos, J.H.Z., Ferranti, E.M., 2003. Chemical characterization and infrared spectroscopy of soil organic matter from two southern Brazilian soils. Revista Brasileira De Ciencia Do Solo 27 (1), 29-39.
  • Downey, G., Briandet, R., Wilson, R.H., Kemsley, E.K., 1997. Near- and mid-infrared spectroscopies in food authentication: Coffee varietal identification. J. of Agricultural and Food Chem. 45 (11), 4357-4361.
  • Ellerbrock, R.H., Gerke, H.H., Bohm, C., 2009. In situ DRIFT characterization of organic matter composition on soil structural surfaces. Soil Science Society of America Journal 73 (2), 531-540.
  • Erdogdu, Y. Dereli, Ö, Sajan, D., Joseph, L., Unsalan, O., Gulluoglu, M.T., 2012. Vibrational (FT-IR and FT-Raman) spectral invetigation of 7-aminoflavone with density functional theoretical simulations. Mol. Sim., 38 (4) 315-325.
  • Forrester, S., Janik, L., McLaughlin, M., 2010. An infrared spectroscopic test for total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) contamination in soils, pp. 13-16. International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), c/o Institut für Bodenforschung, Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien.
  • Forrester, S.T., Janik, L.J., McLaughlin M.J., Soriano-Disla, J.M., Stewart, R., Dearman, B., 2013. Total petroleum hydrocarbon concentration prediction in soils using diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy. Soil Science Society of America Journal 77 (2), 450-460.
  • Gonzalez-Grijalva, B., Meza-Figueroa, D., Romero, F.M., Robles-Morua, A., Meza-Montenegro, M., Garcia-Rico, L., Ochoa-Contreras, R., 2019. The role of soil mineralogy on oral bioaccessibility of lead: Implications for land use and risk assessment. Sci. Total Environ. 657, 1468-1479.
  • Hobley, E., Willgoose, G.R., Frisia, S., Jacobsen, G., 2014. Vertical distribution of charcoal in a sandy soil: evidence from DRIFT spectra and field emission scanning electron microscopy. Eur. J. of Soil Sci. 65 (5), 751-762.
  • Horta, A., Malone, B., Stockmann, U., Minasny, B., Bishop, T.F.A., McBratney, A.B., Pallasser, R., Pozza, L., 2015. Potential of integrated field spectroscopy and spatial analysis for enhanced assessment of soil contamination: A prospective review. Geoderma 241-242, 180-209.
  • İslam, N., Rabha, S., Silva, Luis. F. O., Saikia, Binoy, K., 2019. Air quality and PM10-associated poly-aromatic hydrocarbons around the railway traffic area: statistical and air mass trajectory approaches. Environ. Geochem. Health. 41, 2309-2053.
  • Janik, L.J., Merry, R.H., Skjemstad, J.O., 1998. Can mid infrared diffuse reflectance analysis replace soil extractions?. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 38 (7), 681-696.
  • Jiang, H.-H., Cai, L.-M., Wen, H.-H., Hu, G.-C., Chen, L.-G., Luo, J., 2020a. An integrated approach to quantifying ecological and human health risks from different sources of soil heavy metals. Sci. of The Total Environ. 701, 134466.
  • Jiang, H.-H., Cai, L.-M., Wen, H.-H., Luo, J., 2020b. Characterizing pollution and source identification of heavy metals in soils using geochemical baseline and PMF approach. Sci. Rep. 10 (1), 6460.
  • Kaiser, K., Guggenberger, G., Haumaier, L., Zech, W., 1997. Dissolved organic matter sorption on subsoils and minerals studied by C-13-NMR and DRIFT spectroscopy. Eur. J. of Soil Sci. 48 (2), 301-310.
  • Kaluderović, Lazar M., Tomić, Zorica P., Ašanin, Darko P., Đurović-Pejčev, Rada D., Kresović, Branka J., 2018. Examination of the influence of phenyltrimethylammonium chloride (PTMA) concentration on acetochlor adsorption by modified montmorillonite. J. of Environ. Sci. and Health, Part B. 53 (8), 503-509.
  • Kemsley, E.K., Holland, J.K., Defernez, M., Wilson, R.H., 1996. Detection of adulteration of raspberry purees using infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics. J. of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 44 (12), 3864-3870.
  • Kim, S.-O., Kim, J.-J., Yun, S.-T., Kim, K.-W., 2003. Numerical and experimental studies on cadmium (II) transport in kaolinite clay under electrical fields. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 150 (1), 135-162.
  • Koretsky, Carla M., Sverjensky, Dimitri A., Salisbury John W., D’Aria, Dana M., 1997. Detection of surface hydroxyl species on quartz, γ-alumina, and feldspars using diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy. Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, 61 (11), 2193-2210.
  • Kubelka, P., Munk, F., 1931. Ein beitrag zur optik der farbanstriche. Z. Techn. Phys. 12, 593-601.
  • Kuzucuoğlu, A., 2017. Preventive conservation in cultural heritage case study: MEMORI survey, Journal of Art, Istanbul University,
  • Kuzucuoglu, A.H., Kiraz, N.M., Unsalan, O., Taşdemir, İ., 2015. A documentation proposal for manuscripts in libraries A case study: İstanbul University Faculty of Letters Rare Books Library. Bilgi Dünyası 16 (1), 141-159.
  • Leue, M., Gerke, H.H., Ellerbrock, R.H., 2013. Millimetre-scale distribution of organic matter composition at intact biopore and crack surfaces. Eur. J. of Soil Sci. 64 (6), 757-769.
  • Machovic, V., Novak, F., 1998. Diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy of soil bitumens from Sumava region. Chemicke Listy 92 (2), 151-156.
  • Margenot, A.J., Calderon, F.J., Magrini, K.A., Evans, R.J., 2017. Application of DRIFTS, C-13 NMR, and py-MBMS to Characterize the effects of soil science oxidation assays on soil organic matter composition in a mollic xerofluvent. Appl. Spec. 71 (7), 1506-1518.
  • Menges, F., 2020. Spectragryph - optical spectroscopy software, Version 1.2.14, 2020,
  • Messerschmidt, R.G., 1985. Complete elimination of specular reflectance in Infrared diffuse reflectance measurements. Appl. Spec. 39 (4), 737-739.
  • Mohsenipour, M., Shahid, S., Ebrahimi, K., 2015. Nitrate adsorption on clay kaolin: Batch Tests. J. of Chemistry 2015, 397069.
  • Montecchio, D., Francioso, O., Carletti, P., Pizzeghello, D., Chersich, S., Previtali, F., Nardi, S., 2006. Thermal analysis (TG-DTA) and drift spectroscopy applied to investigate the evolution of humic acids in forest soil at different vegetation stages. J. of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 83 (2), 393-399.
  • Muller, J.P., Ildefonse, P., Calas, G., 1990. Paramagnetic defect centers in hydrothermal kaolinite from an altered tuff in the nopal uranium deposit, Chihuahua, Mexico. Clays and Clay Minerals 38 (6), 600-608.
  • Muller, J.P., Bocquier, G., 1987. Textural and mineralogical relationships between ferruginous nodules and surrounding clayey matrices in a laterite from Cameroon, in: Schulz, L.G., van Olphen H., Mumpton, F.A. Eds.), Proceedings of the International Clay Conference, Bloomington, Indiana, pp. 186-194.
  • Ng, W., P. Malone, B., Minasny, B., 2017. Rapid assessment of petroleum-contaminated soils with infrared spectroscopy. Geoderma 289, 150-160.
  • Nguyen, T.T., Janik, L.J., Raupach, M., 1991. Diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier-Transform (Drift) spectroscopy in soil studies. Australian J. of Soil Res. 29 (1), 49-67.
  • Niemeyer, J., Chen, Y., Bollag, J.M., 1992. Characterization of humic acids, composts, and peat by diffuse reflectance Fourier-Transform infrared-spectroscopy. Soil Science Society of America Journal 56 (1), 135-140.
  • Parikh, Sanjai J., Goyne, Keith W., Margenot, Andrew J., Mukome, Fungai N. D., Calderón, Francisco J., 2014. Soil chemical insights provided through vibrational spectroscopy. Publications from USDA-ARS / UNL Faculty. Paper 1471.
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Toplam 70 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Doğrusal Olmayan Optik ve Spektroskopi
Bölüm Makaleler

Ozan Ünsalan 0000-0001-5736-7530

Cisem Altunayar-unsalan 0000-0001-6479-4223

Alpaslan Kuzucuoğlu 0000-0003-3186-2204

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Eylül 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Ağustos 2020
Kabul Tarihi 28 Eylül 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Ünsalan, O., Altunayar-unsalan, C., & Kuzucuoğlu, A. (2020). Kaolinite based risk assessment of traffic-related pollution for selected historical libraries in Istanbul: Insights from urban topsoils studied by DRIFTS. Journal of Spectroscopy and Molecular Sciences, 2(1), 1-43.