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Yıl 2014, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 0 - , 01.02.2014


The Quran, which has marvelous superior explication than humans’, is the one and only divine invitation that will maintain its characteristic forever. The most valid evidence for this is that it has never been quarreled and whoever tried to do this has failed. However, it is quite natural for a human to ask the following question: “Isn’t it possible to produce something that is similar with the verses of the Quran?” In the sources some rumors, which narrate that some verses were inspired eligibly to the words of humans and angels, bring about such thoughts. The aim of this study is to analyze in terms of Ilm al-Kalam the possibility of the production of similar expressions by other creatures, which are similar to the verses of Qur’an


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  • Harpûtî, Abdullatif, Tenkîhu’l-Kelâm fî Akâid-i Ehli’l-İslâm, Dersaadet 1330 h.
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Allah'ın Başka Varlıkların Diliyle Konuşması

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 0 - , 01.02.2014


The Quran, which has marvelous superior explication than humans?, is the one and only divine invitation that will maintain its characteristic forever. The most valid evidence for this is that it has never been quarreled and whoever tried to do this has failed. However, it is quite natural for a human to ask the following question: ?Isn?t it possible to produce something that is similar with the verses of the Quran?? In the sources some rumors, which narrate that some verses were inspired eligibly to the words of humans and angels, bring about such thoughts. The aim of this study is to analyze in terms of Ilm al-Kalam the possibility of the production of similar expressions by other creatures, which are similar to the verses of Qur?an.