Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2021, , 1 - 13, 30.06.2021


Urartians left some pieces of evidence of their domination in North West of Iran. Among them are noteworthy metal objects, sometimes with the name of the Urartian king. Some Urartian discs of horse harnesses, sometimes inscribed, are found as well. A similar object exists in Eastern Azarbaijan Museum with the inscription of Argišti I. The name of the king’s father is not written, but epigraphically it is attributed to Argišti I.


  • Azarpay, G. (1968), Urartian art and artifacts, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
  • Barnett, R. D.; Curtis, J. E. (1973). “A review of acquisitions 1963-70 of western Asiatic antiquities”, British Museum Quarterly XXXVII, 133.
  • Bashashkanzaq, R. (2004). “Bracelet inscription of Tul-e Gilan”, Archaeological excavations in ancient sites of Tul-e Gilan Talesh (Kavoshhaye bastanshenasi dar mohavatehaye bastaniye Tul-e Gilan- Talesh, RICHT, Gilan, 83-90.
  • Belli. O. (1976-7). “Van bölge müzesindeki çivi yazili Urartu tunç eserleri”, Anadolu Araştirmalari, 177-225.
  • ------- (1983), “Van’da (Tušpa) bulunan Urartu krallarina ait çiviyazil izirhgö ğüslükleri”, AnAr.
  • ------- (1991), “Inscribed metal objects”, R. Merhav (ed.), Urartu: a metalworking center in the first millennium B.C.E, (The Israel Museum, Jerusalem), May 28 - October 1991, Jerusalem: 43-49.
  • ------- (1993), “Der beschriftet Bronzehelm des Königs Menuaaus der Festung Burmag eçitbei Tunceli”, M.J. Mellink and E. Porada and T. Özgüc (Eds.), Aspects of Art and Iconography: Anatolia and its Neighbors. Studies in Honor of Nimet Özgüç, Ankara: 61-67.
  • van den Berghe, L.; de Mayer, L. (1982-1983). Urartu een vergeten cultuur uit het bergland Armenie, Centrum voor kunst en cultuur, Saint Petersburg.
  • Dalalian, T.; Grekian, Y. (2004). “An Urartian bracelet from Gilan”, I ran and The Caucasus, vol. 8.1, Brill, Leiden-Boston, 1-6.
  • Dara, M. (2017). Dara, Urartain cuneiform inscriptions from Iran, RICHT, Tehran.
  • ------- (2019). “New Observations Regarding the Urartian Inscription of the Tul-e Talesh Bracelet, P. S. Avetisyan- R. Dan- Y. J. Grekyan (eds.), Over the mountains and far away, Archeopress, Oxford, 187-190.
  • Dinҫol, A. M.; Dinҫol, B. (2003-2004), “Metal artifacts and weapons with cuneiform inscriptions”, Urartu: Savaş ve estetik (Urartu: War and Aesthetics), Istanbul: Yapi Kredi Cultural Activities: 119-128.
  • Frankel, D. (1979). The ancient kingdom of Urartu, London.
  • Ghrishman, R. (1964), “Deux oeilléres en bronze des rois d’Urartu”, Artibus Asiae 27: 49-60.
  • Ghrishman. R. (1964). “Deux oeilléres en bronze des rois d’Urartu”, Artibus Asiae 27, 49-60.
  • Gropp, G. (1981). “Ein Pferdegeschirr und Streitwagen aus Urartu”, IA XVI, 95-123.
  • Harutjunjan, N. V. (2001). Korpus Urartskich Klinoobraznych Nadpisej, Nacional’naja Akademija Nauk Respubliki Armenii, Institut Vostokovedenija (Izdatel’stvo “GITUTJUN”), Yerevan.
  • Kellner, H- J. (1991), “Votive plaques”, R. Merhav (ed.), Urartu: a metalworking center in the first millennium B.C.E, (The Israel Museum, Jerusalem), May 28 - October 1991, Jerusalem: 285-299.
  • Mayer, W. (2009), Gozareshe lashkarkeshye Sargon be urartu dar sale 714 (Sargons Feldzug gegen Urartu 714 v.chr: Text und Übersetzung), F. Najd Samiee (trans.), Western Azarbaijan: Sazmane Mirase Farhangi, Sanaye’e Dasti va Gardeshgari-Ganjineye Honar.
  • Melikišvili, G. A. (2008), Zabane Urartui, Tehran: Moaseseye Farhangi va Entesharatie Pazineh.
  • Merhav, R. (1991). “Everyday and ceremonial utensils”, R. Merhav (ed.), Urartu, a metalworking center in the first millennium B.C.E., (The Israel Museum, Jerusalem), May 28 - October 1991, Jerusalem, 200-243.
  • Moorey, P. R. S. (1971), Catalogue of the ancient Persian bronzes in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.
  • Muscarella, O. W. (2008), Boronz va ahanhaye Hasanlu (Bronzes and Irons of Hasanlu), A. Sadraee and S. Alyun (trans), Western Azarbaijan: Sazmane Mirase Farhangi, Sanaye’e Dasti va Gardeshgari Azarbaijane Gharbi and Ganjineye Honar.
  • Payne, M. (2006). Urartu çiviyazili belgeler kataloğu, Istanbul, rkeloji ve sanat yayinlari.
  • Piotrovskij, B. B. (1952), Rezul’tatyraskopok 1949-1950 gg., Erevan.
  • --------- (1955), Karmir-blur III. Rezul’tatyraskopok 1951-1953 gg., Erevan.
  • --------- (2004). Urartian civilization, Hamid Khatib Shahidi (trans), Tehran, Sazmane Mirase Farhangie Keshvar-Pazhuheshkadeye Bastanshenasi.
  • Razmjou, Sh. (2004). “A bronze bracelet with the Urartian inscription from Tul-e Gilan (Yek dastband-e mefraghin ba neveshteye urartuee az tul-e gilan)”, Archaeological excavations in ancient sites of Tul-e Gilan Talesh (Kavoshhaye bastanshenasi dar mohavatehaye bastani-e tul-e gilan-e talesh), RICHT, Gilan, 92-97.
  • Ruder, A.; Merhav, R. (1991), “Technologies of production of metal artifacts in the Urartu culture”, R. Merhav (ed.), Urartu: a metalworking center in the first millennium B.C.E, (The Israel Museum, Jerusalem), May 28 - October 1991, Jerusalem: 333-353.
  • Sabouri Nojehdehi, R. (2012). “Urartian helmets in Reza Abbasi Museum, Iran”, A. Çilingiroğlu and A. Sagona (eds.), Anatolian Iron Ages 7 (The proceedings of the seventh Anatolian Iron Ages Colloquium held at Edirne 19-24 April 2010), Peeters, Leuven-Paris-Walpole, 211-219.
  • Salvini, M. (1980). “Iscrizioni cuneiformi urartee su oggetti di metallo”, ISMEA 22, 181-190.
  • --------- (2008). Corpus dei Testi Urartei, vol. I and III, Roma: CNR.
  • --------- (2012). Corpus dei Testi Urartei, vol. IV, Roma: CNR.
  • Seidl, U. (1980). “Einige urartäische Bronzezylinder (Deichselkappen?)”, AMI 13, 63-82.
  • --------- (1991). “Chariot and horse fittings: Horse trappings”, R. Merhav (ed.), Urartu: a metalworking center in the first millennium B.C.E, (The Israel Museum, Jerusalem), May 28 - October 1991, Jerusalem: 77-96.
  • --------- (2004). Bronze kunst Urartus, Mains.
  • Taşyurek, O. A. (1975). “Some inscribed Urartian bronze armour”, Iraq 37, Issue 2, 151-155.
  • Wilhelm, G. (2002). “Urartian”, The Cambridge encyclopedia of the World’s ancient languages, Cambridge: 119-137.
  • Zimansky, P. (1995). “Urartian material cultures as state assemblage: An anomaly in the archaeology of empire”, Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research 299/300, The archaeology of Empire in Ancient Anatolia, Aug-Nov, American School of Oriental Research: 103-115.

Tebriz Müzesindeki Bronz At Koşum Diski Üzerindeki ú-ri-iš-ḫi Kelimesi ve Diğer Benzer Urartu Disk Yazıtları İle Karşılaştırması

Yıl 2021, , 1 - 13, 30.06.2021


Urartians left some pieces of evidence of their domination in North West of Iran. Among them are noteworthy metal objects, sometimes with the name of the Urartian king. Some Urartian discs of horse harnesses, sometimes inscribed, are found as well. A similar object exists in Eastern Azarbaijan Museum with the inscription of Argišti I. The name of the king’s father is not written, but epigraphically it is attributed to Argišti I.


  • Azarpay, G. (1968), Urartian art and artifacts, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
  • Barnett, R. D.; Curtis, J. E. (1973). “A review of acquisitions 1963-70 of western Asiatic antiquities”, British Museum Quarterly XXXVII, 133.
  • Bashashkanzaq, R. (2004). “Bracelet inscription of Tul-e Gilan”, Archaeological excavations in ancient sites of Tul-e Gilan Talesh (Kavoshhaye bastanshenasi dar mohavatehaye bastaniye Tul-e Gilan- Talesh, RICHT, Gilan, 83-90.
  • Belli. O. (1976-7). “Van bölge müzesindeki çivi yazili Urartu tunç eserleri”, Anadolu Araştirmalari, 177-225.
  • ------- (1983), “Van’da (Tušpa) bulunan Urartu krallarina ait çiviyazil izirhgö ğüslükleri”, AnAr.
  • ------- (1991), “Inscribed metal objects”, R. Merhav (ed.), Urartu: a metalworking center in the first millennium B.C.E, (The Israel Museum, Jerusalem), May 28 - October 1991, Jerusalem: 43-49.
  • ------- (1993), “Der beschriftet Bronzehelm des Königs Menuaaus der Festung Burmag eçitbei Tunceli”, M.J. Mellink and E. Porada and T. Özgüc (Eds.), Aspects of Art and Iconography: Anatolia and its Neighbors. Studies in Honor of Nimet Özgüç, Ankara: 61-67.
  • van den Berghe, L.; de Mayer, L. (1982-1983). Urartu een vergeten cultuur uit het bergland Armenie, Centrum voor kunst en cultuur, Saint Petersburg.
  • Dalalian, T.; Grekian, Y. (2004). “An Urartian bracelet from Gilan”, I ran and The Caucasus, vol. 8.1, Brill, Leiden-Boston, 1-6.
  • Dara, M. (2017). Dara, Urartain cuneiform inscriptions from Iran, RICHT, Tehran.
  • ------- (2019). “New Observations Regarding the Urartian Inscription of the Tul-e Talesh Bracelet, P. S. Avetisyan- R. Dan- Y. J. Grekyan (eds.), Over the mountains and far away, Archeopress, Oxford, 187-190.
  • Dinҫol, A. M.; Dinҫol, B. (2003-2004), “Metal artifacts and weapons with cuneiform inscriptions”, Urartu: Savaş ve estetik (Urartu: War and Aesthetics), Istanbul: Yapi Kredi Cultural Activities: 119-128.
  • Frankel, D. (1979). The ancient kingdom of Urartu, London.
  • Ghrishman, R. (1964), “Deux oeilléres en bronze des rois d’Urartu”, Artibus Asiae 27: 49-60.
  • Ghrishman. R. (1964). “Deux oeilléres en bronze des rois d’Urartu”, Artibus Asiae 27, 49-60.
  • Gropp, G. (1981). “Ein Pferdegeschirr und Streitwagen aus Urartu”, IA XVI, 95-123.
  • Harutjunjan, N. V. (2001). Korpus Urartskich Klinoobraznych Nadpisej, Nacional’naja Akademija Nauk Respubliki Armenii, Institut Vostokovedenija (Izdatel’stvo “GITUTJUN”), Yerevan.
  • Kellner, H- J. (1991), “Votive plaques”, R. Merhav (ed.), Urartu: a metalworking center in the first millennium B.C.E, (The Israel Museum, Jerusalem), May 28 - October 1991, Jerusalem: 285-299.
  • Mayer, W. (2009), Gozareshe lashkarkeshye Sargon be urartu dar sale 714 (Sargons Feldzug gegen Urartu 714 v.chr: Text und Übersetzung), F. Najd Samiee (trans.), Western Azarbaijan: Sazmane Mirase Farhangi, Sanaye’e Dasti va Gardeshgari-Ganjineye Honar.
  • Melikišvili, G. A. (2008), Zabane Urartui, Tehran: Moaseseye Farhangi va Entesharatie Pazineh.
  • Merhav, R. (1991). “Everyday and ceremonial utensils”, R. Merhav (ed.), Urartu, a metalworking center in the first millennium B.C.E., (The Israel Museum, Jerusalem), May 28 - October 1991, Jerusalem, 200-243.
  • Moorey, P. R. S. (1971), Catalogue of the ancient Persian bronzes in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.
  • Muscarella, O. W. (2008), Boronz va ahanhaye Hasanlu (Bronzes and Irons of Hasanlu), A. Sadraee and S. Alyun (trans), Western Azarbaijan: Sazmane Mirase Farhangi, Sanaye’e Dasti va Gardeshgari Azarbaijane Gharbi and Ganjineye Honar.
  • Payne, M. (2006). Urartu çiviyazili belgeler kataloğu, Istanbul, rkeloji ve sanat yayinlari.
  • Piotrovskij, B. B. (1952), Rezul’tatyraskopok 1949-1950 gg., Erevan.
  • --------- (1955), Karmir-blur III. Rezul’tatyraskopok 1951-1953 gg., Erevan.
  • --------- (2004). Urartian civilization, Hamid Khatib Shahidi (trans), Tehran, Sazmane Mirase Farhangie Keshvar-Pazhuheshkadeye Bastanshenasi.
  • Razmjou, Sh. (2004). “A bronze bracelet with the Urartian inscription from Tul-e Gilan (Yek dastband-e mefraghin ba neveshteye urartuee az tul-e gilan)”, Archaeological excavations in ancient sites of Tul-e Gilan Talesh (Kavoshhaye bastanshenasi dar mohavatehaye bastani-e tul-e gilan-e talesh), RICHT, Gilan, 92-97.
  • Ruder, A.; Merhav, R. (1991), “Technologies of production of metal artifacts in the Urartu culture”, R. Merhav (ed.), Urartu: a metalworking center in the first millennium B.C.E, (The Israel Museum, Jerusalem), May 28 - October 1991, Jerusalem: 333-353.
  • Sabouri Nojehdehi, R. (2012). “Urartian helmets in Reza Abbasi Museum, Iran”, A. Çilingiroğlu and A. Sagona (eds.), Anatolian Iron Ages 7 (The proceedings of the seventh Anatolian Iron Ages Colloquium held at Edirne 19-24 April 2010), Peeters, Leuven-Paris-Walpole, 211-219.
  • Salvini, M. (1980). “Iscrizioni cuneiformi urartee su oggetti di metallo”, ISMEA 22, 181-190.
  • --------- (2008). Corpus dei Testi Urartei, vol. I and III, Roma: CNR.
  • --------- (2012). Corpus dei Testi Urartei, vol. IV, Roma: CNR.
  • Seidl, U. (1980). “Einige urartäische Bronzezylinder (Deichselkappen?)”, AMI 13, 63-82.
  • --------- (1991). “Chariot and horse fittings: Horse trappings”, R. Merhav (ed.), Urartu: a metalworking center in the first millennium B.C.E, (The Israel Museum, Jerusalem), May 28 - October 1991, Jerusalem: 77-96.
  • --------- (2004). Bronze kunst Urartus, Mains.
  • Taşyurek, O. A. (1975). “Some inscribed Urartian bronze armour”, Iraq 37, Issue 2, 151-155.
  • Wilhelm, G. (2002). “Urartian”, The Cambridge encyclopedia of the World’s ancient languages, Cambridge: 119-137.
  • Zimansky, P. (1995). “Urartian material cultures as state assemblage: An anomaly in the archaeology of empire”, Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research 299/300, The archaeology of Empire in Ancient Anatolia, Aug-Nov, American School of Oriental Research: 103-115.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

مریم Dara 0000-0003-2190-9638

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

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