Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2023, , 533 - 558, 27.09.2023



  • ABBAS, H. (2023). Policies, Politics and Internal Rivalries. In The Return of the Taliban: Afghanistan after the Americans Left. Yale University Press.
  • ACET, G. - F. DOĞAN (2017). “11 Eylül Olayları Sonrası ABD-Afganistan İlişkileri: İstiladan İşbirliğine”. Sosyal Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 17 (33) , 59-76.
  • ALAGÖZ, B. - E. KANDEMİR (2016). “11 Eylül Sonrası Dönemde Bölgesel Güvenlik ve İran’ın Afganistan Siyaseti”. Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi, 2 (2) , 109-140.
  • ALTAŞ, M. (2021) “Afganistan’la İlişkilerde İletişim Kazası.” 14.07.2021 December 2022
  • Arab Center for Research & Policy Studies. (2021). The Return of the Taliban. In Repercussions of the Taliban’s Return to Rule Afghanistan. Arab Center for Research & Policy Studies.
  • ATKINSON, K. (2023). “Mission Injury: The Force After Afghanistan.” Æther: A Journal of Stra-tegic Airpower & Spacepower, 2(1), 73–83.
  • BASIT, A. (2020). “The US-Taliban Deal and Expected US Exit from Afghanistan: Impact on South Asian Militant Landscape.” Counter Terrorist Trends and Analyses, 12(4), 8–14.
  • BIDEN, J. 2021. BLACKWILL, R. D. (2019). AFGHANISTAN. In Trump’s Foreign Policies Are Better Than They Seem. Council on Foreign Relations.
  • BOEKLE. H., RITTBERGER. V., WAGNER, W., (2001). “Norms and Foreign Policy: Constructiv-ist Foreign Policy Theory.” in German Foreign Policy Since Unification Theories and Case Studies, ed. Volker Ritteberger. Manchester University Press.
  • CORDESMAN, A. H., & HWANG, G. (2020). “The State of the War Before — and After — the Peace Agreement.” In Afghanistan: The Prospects for a Real Peace. Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).
  • CORDESMAN, A. H. (2020). Afghanistan: “Peace” as the Vietnamization of a U.S. Withdrawal? Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).
  • CRONIN, C. (2019). Implications of the Afghan Peace Negotiations on Terrorism in Central Asia. American Security Project.
  • CURRAN, J. (2018). “Americanism, not globalism”: President Trump and the American mission. Lowy Institute for International Policy. DERKSEN, D. (2019). Options for Reintegrating Taliban Fighters in an Afghan Peace Process. US Institute of Peace.
  • DOBBINS, J., J. H.CAMPBELL, , L. E.MILLER, , & S. R. ZIMMERMAN, (2020). DDR in Afghanistan: Disarming, Demobilizing, and Reintegrating Afghan Combatants in Accordance with a Peace Agreement. RAND Corporation.
  • ERGAN, U. (2021) “Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’dan Kabil havalimanı açıklaması” January 2023
  • ERMAN, K. (2019). “Sovyetler Birliği’nin Afganistan’ı İşgali ve Türkler”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi , (44) , 303-320.
  • FAKILI, Ş. (2022) Afganistan'ın Yeniden İmarına Yönelik Uluslararası Girişimler ve Türkiye. Dışişleri Bakanlığı Yayınları Uluslararası Ekonomik Sorunlar Dergisi Sayı V ( August 2022.
  • FIERKE, K.M. (2007). “Critical Approaches to International Security”. Cambridge: Polity.
  • GÖKSEDEF, E. (2021). “Taliban: Afganistan'da 20 yıl sonra yeniden kontrolü sağlayan örgüt nasıl kuruldu, bugünlere nasıl geldi?” 21.07.2021 , December 2022
  • HAMIDZADA, H., R. PONZIO, (2019). Central Asia’s Growing Role in Building Peace and Re-gional Connectivity with Afghanistan. US Institute of Peace.
  • HANHIMÄKI, J. M. (2003). “Dr. Kissinger” or “Mr. Henry”? Kissingerology, Thirty Years and Counting. Diplomatic History, 27(5), 637–676.
  • HAN, A.K. (2011). “Sovyet İşgali ve Sürekli Özgürlük: Afganistan’da Süpergüç Müdahalelerinin Uluslararası Sisteme Etkileri Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir Jeopolitik İnceleme”, Orta-doğu Etütleri Dergisi, Cilt 2, Sayı 2, Ocak 2011, ss. 57-95.
  • HOPF, T (1998). “The Promise of Constructivism in International Relations Theory.” Interna-tional Security, 23 (1), 171-200.
  • IMRAN, S. (2019). “Sino-US Involvement in Afghanistan: Implications for South Asian Stability and Security.” Strategic Studies, 39(3), 53–72.
  • International Crisis Group. (2021). What Future for Afghan Peace Talks under a Biden Admin-istration? International Crisis Group.
  • JEPPERSON. R.L., A.WENDT., P.J. KATZENSTEIN (1996). “Norms, Identity, and Culture in Na-tional Security.” in The Culture of National Security: Norms, and Identity in World Poli-tics. ed. Katzenstein J. Peter. Columbia University Press, New York, 42-45.
  • Kabil Ticaret Müşavirliği, Afganistan Ülke Raporu, 2017, p. 1-44.
  • Kabil Ticaret Müşavirliği, Afganistan Ülke Raporu, 2020, p. 1-27.
  • KAPLAN, E. - M.TOSUN (2021) “Erdoğan'dan Kabil Havalimanı'nın güvenliği için ABD'ye üç şart” 20.07.2021 December 2022
  • KARAKOÇ, J. (2013). “Konstrüktivizmde Dış Politika ve Etnik Kimlikler.” Dokuz Eylül Üniversi-tesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 28 (2) 131-160. KOUSARY, H. (2015). “Afghanistan.” Counter Terrorist Trends and Analyses, 7(1), 30–32.
  • LEWIS, D. G., A. B. TABRIZI, (Eds.). (2021). Regional powers and the Afghanistan conflict: key dynamics and fault-lines. In Regional Powers and Post-NATO Afghanistan (pp. 5–20). NATO Defense College.
  • MACKINDER, H. J. (1962) “The Geographical Pivot of History” in Democratic Ideals and Reali-ty. Norton and Company. New York, U.S.A, 1962.
  • MAIRAJ-ul-H. (2017). “Pak-Afghan Ties: Evolution, Challenges and the Way Forward.” Policy Perspectives, 14(1), 59–82.
  • MARSHALL, T. (2015). Prisoners of Geography, London: Elliott and Thompson.
  • MENON, R., & E. Rumer, (2022). After the Cold War: A New Dynamic. In Russia and India: A New Chapter. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
  • MISHORY, J. (2016). “Pentagon investigates ‘ghost’ soldiers in Afghan military.” Inside the Pen-tagon, 32(41), 3–4.
  • MRDALJ, M. (2022). “An Uneasy Collaboration or a Third Global Frontline?: Afghanistan and Central Asia’s Emerging Quandaries.” Horizons: Journal of International Relations and Sustainable Development, 21, 208–221.
  • ONUF, N. (1989). “World of Our Making: Rules and Rule in Social Theory and International Relations.” Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1989.
  • ÖNAL, H. (2010). “ABD’nin Afganistan Politikasının Açmazları: Bölgesel Bir Analiz”, Uluslararası Hukuk ve Politika Dergisi, 6(24), 45-46
  • ÖZER, Ç. (2021). “Hazar Bölgesi’nde Enerji Mücadelesi”. Orion Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • ÖZER, H. (2017). “11 Eylül Sonrası ABD Müdahaleciliği ve BM Sistemi Temelinde Uluslararası Hukuk”, Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Kamu Hukuku AnaBilim Dalı Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi.
  • ÖZLÜK, E. - D.ÖZLÜK (2014). “NATO’yu Anlamak: Dönüşümü, Yeni Kimlikleri ve Uyum Sü-reçleri”, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Sayı: 31.
  • RASHID, A. (2001). “Afghanistan: Ending the Policy Quagmire.” Journal of International Af-fairs, 54(2), 395–410.
  • RASHID, A. (2022). Shia Versus Sunni: Iran and Saudi Arabia. In Taliban: The Power of Militant Islam in Afghanistan and Beyond (pp. 196–206). Yale University Press. RUBIN, B. R. (2020). Constitutional Issues in the Afghan Peace Negotiations: Process and Sub-stance. US Institute of Peace.
  • SEDAT, S.K. (2021). “Taliban Sözcüsü Zabihullah Mücahid AA'ya değerlendirmelerde bulun-du.” 29.08.2021 December 2022
  • SEVENCAN, S. (2021). “Turkey could run Kabul airport if deals reached with Qatar, Afghani-stan: Erdogan.” 15.10.2021 May 2023
  • SHINN, J., J.DOBBINS (2011). From Discussion to Negotiation to Implementation. In Afghan Peace Talks: A Primer. RAND Corporation.
  • SIGAR (2016) Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, Quarterly Report to The Unıted States Congress , APR 30, 2016.
  • ŞATANA N., ÖZPEK. B.B., (2010). “A.B.D ve Türkiye’de Geçmişten Günümüze Güvenlik Çalışmaları.” Ortadoğu Etütleri, 1(2), 75-114.
  • ŞEN, A. (2022). “Afganistan: ABD Müdahalesi ve Taliban’ın Dönüşü”, SDE Akademi Dergisi, 2(4), 76-102
  • ŞEYHANLIOĞLU, H . (2008). “18. Yüzyıldan Günümüze Kadar Afganistan’ın Jeostratejik Önemi”. Avrasya Etüdleri Dergisi , 34 (2) , 22-43.
  • TELLIS, A. J., & J. EGGERS, (2017). U.S. POLICY IN AFGHANISTAN: Changing Strategies, Pre-serving Gains. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. TÜRKMEN, F. (2021). “ABD’nin Afganistan’dan Çekilme Süreci: Nedenler ve Sonuçlar”, GİFGRF Global Relations Forum Report.p. 1-14.
  • US Institute of Peace. (2021). ANNEX 6: Text of the Doha Agreement. In Afghanistan Study Group Final Report: A Pathway for Peace in Afghanistan. US Institute of Peace. WARD, B.M. (2006). “The Shift in United States Foreign Policy in the Middle East since 1989”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, University of South Florida.
  • WENDT, A. (1992). “Anarchy is What States Make of It: The Social Construction of Power Poli-tics.” International Organization, 46(2) 391-425
  • WENDT, A. (1999). “Social Theory of International Relations.” London: Cambridge University Press.
  • YUSUF, Moeed. (2015). Afghanistan-Pakistan Relations: The Prospect of Reviving Taliban Talks. US Institute of Peace.
  • ZARTMAN, I. W. (2001). “Preventing Deadly Conflict.” Security Dialogue, 32(2), 137–154.
  • ZARTMAN, I. W. (2010). “Early-Late” or Pre-Crisis Prevention: Intervening Before It Is Too Late. In Preventing Identity Conflicts Leading to Genocide and Mass Killings: In cooper-ation with The Office of the Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, United Na-tions (pp. 15–22). International Peace Institute.
  • ZARTMAN, I. W. (2015). Negotiations in Transitions: A Conceptual Framework. In I. W. Zart-man (Ed.), Arab Spring: Negotiating in the Shadow of the Intifadat (pp. 1–49). Universi-ty of Georgia Press. UN Security Council Resolution 1368, (2001), [
  • BBC, “Başkan Bush'un 11 Eylül'de Ulusa Seslenişi”,, (10.01.2017) December 2022


Yıl 2023, , 533 - 558, 27.09.2023


This article’s main concern is to come to an understanding of the reasons why the Afghan army could not be successful
against the Taliban during the withdrawal process and what the effects were of this failure on international relations.
The main argument in the study about the failure of the Afghan Army is that because the transition stages from
the lower identity to the upper have not been completed, and the identity structure was left as a tribal-based one
rather than integrated Afghan identity, the loyalty to the state could not be fulfilled and therefore the practices like
bribery or favouritism in assignments led to corruption in the system causing an imperfect structure with a failure
against the Taliban. As to the effects on international relations, the withdrawal of the USA from the region caused
the power vacuum in Afghanistan to deepen even more. Whilst analyzing the aspects of the reasons why the Afghan
army had failed against the Taliban, the on-site observation method is used lasting 6 months between June 2017 and
January 2018 and the on-site interviews were personally carried out during this aforementioned time period.


  • ABBAS, H. (2023). Policies, Politics and Internal Rivalries. In The Return of the Taliban: Afghanistan after the Americans Left. Yale University Press.
  • ACET, G. - F. DOĞAN (2017). “11 Eylül Olayları Sonrası ABD-Afganistan İlişkileri: İstiladan İşbirliğine”. Sosyal Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 17 (33) , 59-76.
  • ALAGÖZ, B. - E. KANDEMİR (2016). “11 Eylül Sonrası Dönemde Bölgesel Güvenlik ve İran’ın Afganistan Siyaseti”. Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi, 2 (2) , 109-140.
  • ALTAŞ, M. (2021) “Afganistan’la İlişkilerde İletişim Kazası.” 14.07.2021 December 2022
  • Arab Center for Research & Policy Studies. (2021). The Return of the Taliban. In Repercussions of the Taliban’s Return to Rule Afghanistan. Arab Center for Research & Policy Studies.
  • ATKINSON, K. (2023). “Mission Injury: The Force After Afghanistan.” Æther: A Journal of Stra-tegic Airpower & Spacepower, 2(1), 73–83.
  • BASIT, A. (2020). “The US-Taliban Deal and Expected US Exit from Afghanistan: Impact on South Asian Militant Landscape.” Counter Terrorist Trends and Analyses, 12(4), 8–14.
  • BIDEN, J. 2021. BLACKWILL, R. D. (2019). AFGHANISTAN. In Trump’s Foreign Policies Are Better Than They Seem. Council on Foreign Relations.
  • BOEKLE. H., RITTBERGER. V., WAGNER, W., (2001). “Norms and Foreign Policy: Constructiv-ist Foreign Policy Theory.” in German Foreign Policy Since Unification Theories and Case Studies, ed. Volker Ritteberger. Manchester University Press.
  • CORDESMAN, A. H., & HWANG, G. (2020). “The State of the War Before — and After — the Peace Agreement.” In Afghanistan: The Prospects for a Real Peace. Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).
  • CORDESMAN, A. H. (2020). Afghanistan: “Peace” as the Vietnamization of a U.S. Withdrawal? Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).
  • CRONIN, C. (2019). Implications of the Afghan Peace Negotiations on Terrorism in Central Asia. American Security Project.
  • CURRAN, J. (2018). “Americanism, not globalism”: President Trump and the American mission. Lowy Institute for International Policy. DERKSEN, D. (2019). Options for Reintegrating Taliban Fighters in an Afghan Peace Process. US Institute of Peace.
  • DOBBINS, J., J. H.CAMPBELL, , L. E.MILLER, , & S. R. ZIMMERMAN, (2020). DDR in Afghanistan: Disarming, Demobilizing, and Reintegrating Afghan Combatants in Accordance with a Peace Agreement. RAND Corporation.
  • ERGAN, U. (2021) “Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’dan Kabil havalimanı açıklaması” January 2023
  • ERMAN, K. (2019). “Sovyetler Birliği’nin Afganistan’ı İşgali ve Türkler”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi , (44) , 303-320.
  • FAKILI, Ş. (2022) Afganistan'ın Yeniden İmarına Yönelik Uluslararası Girişimler ve Türkiye. Dışişleri Bakanlığı Yayınları Uluslararası Ekonomik Sorunlar Dergisi Sayı V ( August 2022.
  • FIERKE, K.M. (2007). “Critical Approaches to International Security”. Cambridge: Polity.
  • GÖKSEDEF, E. (2021). “Taliban: Afganistan'da 20 yıl sonra yeniden kontrolü sağlayan örgüt nasıl kuruldu, bugünlere nasıl geldi?” 21.07.2021 , December 2022
  • HAMIDZADA, H., R. PONZIO, (2019). Central Asia’s Growing Role in Building Peace and Re-gional Connectivity with Afghanistan. US Institute of Peace.
  • HANHIMÄKI, J. M. (2003). “Dr. Kissinger” or “Mr. Henry”? Kissingerology, Thirty Years and Counting. Diplomatic History, 27(5), 637–676.
  • HAN, A.K. (2011). “Sovyet İşgali ve Sürekli Özgürlük: Afganistan’da Süpergüç Müdahalelerinin Uluslararası Sisteme Etkileri Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir Jeopolitik İnceleme”, Orta-doğu Etütleri Dergisi, Cilt 2, Sayı 2, Ocak 2011, ss. 57-95.
  • HOPF, T (1998). “The Promise of Constructivism in International Relations Theory.” Interna-tional Security, 23 (1), 171-200.
  • IMRAN, S. (2019). “Sino-US Involvement in Afghanistan: Implications for South Asian Stability and Security.” Strategic Studies, 39(3), 53–72.
  • International Crisis Group. (2021). What Future for Afghan Peace Talks under a Biden Admin-istration? International Crisis Group.
  • JEPPERSON. R.L., A.WENDT., P.J. KATZENSTEIN (1996). “Norms, Identity, and Culture in Na-tional Security.” in The Culture of National Security: Norms, and Identity in World Poli-tics. ed. Katzenstein J. Peter. Columbia University Press, New York, 42-45.
  • Kabil Ticaret Müşavirliği, Afganistan Ülke Raporu, 2017, p. 1-44.
  • Kabil Ticaret Müşavirliği, Afganistan Ülke Raporu, 2020, p. 1-27.
  • KAPLAN, E. - M.TOSUN (2021) “Erdoğan'dan Kabil Havalimanı'nın güvenliği için ABD'ye üç şart” 20.07.2021 December 2022
  • KARAKOÇ, J. (2013). “Konstrüktivizmde Dış Politika ve Etnik Kimlikler.” Dokuz Eylül Üniversi-tesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 28 (2) 131-160. KOUSARY, H. (2015). “Afghanistan.” Counter Terrorist Trends and Analyses, 7(1), 30–32.
  • LEWIS, D. G., A. B. TABRIZI, (Eds.). (2021). Regional powers and the Afghanistan conflict: key dynamics and fault-lines. In Regional Powers and Post-NATO Afghanistan (pp. 5–20). NATO Defense College.
  • MACKINDER, H. J. (1962) “The Geographical Pivot of History” in Democratic Ideals and Reali-ty. Norton and Company. New York, U.S.A, 1962.
  • MAIRAJ-ul-H. (2017). “Pak-Afghan Ties: Evolution, Challenges and the Way Forward.” Policy Perspectives, 14(1), 59–82.
  • MARSHALL, T. (2015). Prisoners of Geography, London: Elliott and Thompson.
  • MENON, R., & E. Rumer, (2022). After the Cold War: A New Dynamic. In Russia and India: A New Chapter. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
  • MISHORY, J. (2016). “Pentagon investigates ‘ghost’ soldiers in Afghan military.” Inside the Pen-tagon, 32(41), 3–4.
  • MRDALJ, M. (2022). “An Uneasy Collaboration or a Third Global Frontline?: Afghanistan and Central Asia’s Emerging Quandaries.” Horizons: Journal of International Relations and Sustainable Development, 21, 208–221.
  • ONUF, N. (1989). “World of Our Making: Rules and Rule in Social Theory and International Relations.” Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1989.
  • ÖNAL, H. (2010). “ABD’nin Afganistan Politikasının Açmazları: Bölgesel Bir Analiz”, Uluslararası Hukuk ve Politika Dergisi, 6(24), 45-46
  • ÖZER, Ç. (2021). “Hazar Bölgesi’nde Enerji Mücadelesi”. Orion Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • ÖZER, H. (2017). “11 Eylül Sonrası ABD Müdahaleciliği ve BM Sistemi Temelinde Uluslararası Hukuk”, Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Kamu Hukuku AnaBilim Dalı Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi.
  • ÖZLÜK, E. - D.ÖZLÜK (2014). “NATO’yu Anlamak: Dönüşümü, Yeni Kimlikleri ve Uyum Sü-reçleri”, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Sayı: 31.
  • RASHID, A. (2001). “Afghanistan: Ending the Policy Quagmire.” Journal of International Af-fairs, 54(2), 395–410.
  • RASHID, A. (2022). Shia Versus Sunni: Iran and Saudi Arabia. In Taliban: The Power of Militant Islam in Afghanistan and Beyond (pp. 196–206). Yale University Press. RUBIN, B. R. (2020). Constitutional Issues in the Afghan Peace Negotiations: Process and Sub-stance. US Institute of Peace.
  • SEDAT, S.K. (2021). “Taliban Sözcüsü Zabihullah Mücahid AA'ya değerlendirmelerde bulun-du.” 29.08.2021 December 2022
  • SEVENCAN, S. (2021). “Turkey could run Kabul airport if deals reached with Qatar, Afghani-stan: Erdogan.” 15.10.2021 May 2023
  • SHINN, J., J.DOBBINS (2011). From Discussion to Negotiation to Implementation. In Afghan Peace Talks: A Primer. RAND Corporation.
  • SIGAR (2016) Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, Quarterly Report to The Unıted States Congress , APR 30, 2016.
  • ŞATANA N., ÖZPEK. B.B., (2010). “A.B.D ve Türkiye’de Geçmişten Günümüze Güvenlik Çalışmaları.” Ortadoğu Etütleri, 1(2), 75-114.
  • ŞEN, A. (2022). “Afganistan: ABD Müdahalesi ve Taliban’ın Dönüşü”, SDE Akademi Dergisi, 2(4), 76-102
  • ŞEYHANLIOĞLU, H . (2008). “18. Yüzyıldan Günümüze Kadar Afganistan’ın Jeostratejik Önemi”. Avrasya Etüdleri Dergisi , 34 (2) , 22-43.
  • TELLIS, A. J., & J. EGGERS, (2017). U.S. POLICY IN AFGHANISTAN: Changing Strategies, Pre-serving Gains. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. TÜRKMEN, F. (2021). “ABD’nin Afganistan’dan Çekilme Süreci: Nedenler ve Sonuçlar”, GİFGRF Global Relations Forum Report.p. 1-14.
  • US Institute of Peace. (2021). ANNEX 6: Text of the Doha Agreement. In Afghanistan Study Group Final Report: A Pathway for Peace in Afghanistan. US Institute of Peace. WARD, B.M. (2006). “The Shift in United States Foreign Policy in the Middle East since 1989”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, University of South Florida.
  • WENDT, A. (1992). “Anarchy is What States Make of It: The Social Construction of Power Poli-tics.” International Organization, 46(2) 391-425
  • WENDT, A. (1999). “Social Theory of International Relations.” London: Cambridge University Press.
  • YUSUF, Moeed. (2015). Afghanistan-Pakistan Relations: The Prospect of Reviving Taliban Talks. US Institute of Peace.
  • ZARTMAN, I. W. (2001). “Preventing Deadly Conflict.” Security Dialogue, 32(2), 137–154.
  • ZARTMAN, I. W. (2010). “Early-Late” or Pre-Crisis Prevention: Intervening Before It Is Too Late. In Preventing Identity Conflicts Leading to Genocide and Mass Killings: In cooper-ation with The Office of the Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, United Na-tions (pp. 15–22). International Peace Institute.
  • ZARTMAN, I. W. (2015). Negotiations in Transitions: A Conceptual Framework. In I. W. Zart-man (Ed.), Arab Spring: Negotiating in the Shadow of the Intifadat (pp. 1–49). Universi-ty of Georgia Press. UN Security Council Resolution 1368, (2001), [
  • BBC, “Başkan Bush'un 11 Eylül'de Ulusa Seslenişi”,, (10.01.2017) December 2022
Toplam 61 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Bölgesel Çalışmalar
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Tuba Taşlıcalı Koç 0000-0002-6311-9960

Burak Şakir Şeker 0000-0002-8536-1790

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Eylül 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Taşlıcalı Koç, T., & Şeker, B. Ş. (2023). US WITHDRAWAL PROCESS FROM AFGHANISTAN AND ITS EFFECTS ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. Karadeniz Araştırmaları, 20(79), 533-558.
AMA Taşlıcalı Koç T, Şeker BŞ. US WITHDRAWAL PROCESS FROM AFGHANISTAN AND ITS EFFECTS ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. Karadeniz Araştırmaları. Eylül 2023;20(79):533-558. doi:10.56694/karadearas.1367515
Chicago Taşlıcalı Koç, Tuba, ve Burak Şakir Şeker. “US WITHDRAWAL PROCESS FROM AFGHANISTAN AND ITS EFFECTS ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS”. Karadeniz Araştırmaları 20, sy. 79 (Eylül 2023): 533-58.
EndNote Taşlıcalı Koç T, Şeker BŞ (01 Eylül 2023) US WITHDRAWAL PROCESS FROM AFGHANISTAN AND ITS EFFECTS ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. Karadeniz Araştırmaları 20 79 533–558.
IEEE T. Taşlıcalı Koç ve B. Ş. Şeker, “US WITHDRAWAL PROCESS FROM AFGHANISTAN AND ITS EFFECTS ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS”, Karadeniz Araştırmaları, c. 20, sy. 79, ss. 533–558, 2023, doi: 10.56694/karadearas.1367515.
ISNAD Taşlıcalı Koç, Tuba - Şeker, Burak Şakir. “US WITHDRAWAL PROCESS FROM AFGHANISTAN AND ITS EFFECTS ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS”. Karadeniz Araştırmaları 20/79 (Eylül 2023), 533-558.
MLA Taşlıcalı Koç, Tuba ve Burak Şakir Şeker. “US WITHDRAWAL PROCESS FROM AFGHANISTAN AND ITS EFFECTS ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS”. Karadeniz Araştırmaları, c. 20, sy. 79, 2023, ss. 533-58, doi:10.56694/karadearas.1367515.
Vancouver Taşlıcalı Koç T, Şeker BŞ. US WITHDRAWAL PROCESS FROM AFGHANISTAN AND ITS EFFECTS ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. Karadeniz Araştırmaları. 2023;20(79):533-58.