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Doğalgaz ve Biyodizel-Dizel Karışımları ile Yakıtlanan Dizel Bir Motorun Gürültü ve Egzoz Emisyonu Karakteristiği

Yıl 2019, , 244 - 252, 01.06.2019


Modern toplumun yüksek enerji talepleri, neredeyse tüm canlılar için en büyük sorunlardan biri haline gelmiş olan çevre kirliliğine yol açmıştır. Bu yüzden, enerji kaynaklarının emisyonlar üzerindeki etkileri onlarca yıldır araştırmacılar tarafından incelenmektedir. Bu araştırmada doğalgaz ve mısır yağından üretilmiş biyodizelin dizel bir motorun emisyonları üzerine etkileri deneysel olarak incelenmiştir. Motor deneylerinde doğalgaz motorda ikincil yakıt olarak kullanılırken, düşük kükürtlü dizel yakıtı ve mısır biyodizeli ile karışımı hacimsel olarak %20 ve %40 birincil yakıt olarak kullanılmıştır. Sonuçlara göre düşük kükürtlü dizel yakıt ile karşılaştırıldığında hem doğalgaz hem de biyodizel kullanımı dizel motordan yayılan gürültü emisyonlarını iyileştirmiştir. Biyodizel karışımları CO emisyonunu, CoB20, CoB40 için sırasıyla %4,05 ve %7,63 daha düşük sonuç verirken doğalgaz ilavesi emisyonun önemli ölçüde artmasına neden olmuştur. Bununla birlikte, biyodizelin düşük kükürtlü dizel yakıtın içerisine eklenmesinden dolayı artan CO2emisyonu doğalgazın eklenmesiyle telafi edilmiştir. Ayrıca, CoB20 ve CoB40 kullanımından kaynaklanan sırasıyla %4,08 ve %18,00 oranındaki NOx emisyonu artışı da doğalgaz kullanımı ile %33,0’a kadar telafi edilmiştir


  • Akar, MA., Kekilli, E., Bas, O., Yildizhan, S., Serin, H., Ozcanli, M. 2018. Hydrogen Enriched Waste Oil Biodiesel Usage in Compression Ignition Engine. Int. J. Hydrogen Energ., In press: 1–7.
  • Alloune, R., Balistrou, M., Awad, S., Loubar, K., Tazerout, M. 2018. Performance, Combustion and Exhaust Emissions Characteristics Investigation Using Citrullus Colocynthis L. Biodiesel in DI Diesel Engine. J Energy Inst., 91(3): 434–444.
  • Arat, HT., Baltacioglu, MK., Aydin, K., Özcanli, M. 2016. Experimental Investigation of Using 30HCNG Fuel Mixture on a Non-Modified Diesel Engine Operated with Various Diesel Replacement Rates. Int. J. Hydrogen Energ., 41(4): 3199–3207.
  • Bhasker, J., Porpatham, E. 2017. Effects of Compression Ratio and Hydrogen Addition on Lean Combustion Characteristics and Emission Formation in a Compressed Natural Gas Fuelled Spark Ignition Engine. Fuel, 208: 260–270.
  • Calder, J., Roy MM., Wang, W. 2018. Performance and Emissions of a Diesel Engine Fueled by Biodiesel-Diesel Blends with Recycled Expanded Polystyrene and Fuel Stabilizing Additive. Energy, 149: 204–212.
  • Capodaglio, AG., Callegari, A. 2017. Feedstock and Process Influence on Biodiesel Produced from Waste Sewage Sludge. J. Environ. Manage., 216: 176–182.
  • Cheenkachorn, K., Chedthawut, P., and Ho, CG. 2013. Performance and Emissions of a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine Fuelled with Diesel and LNG (Liquid Natural Gas). Energy, 53: 52–57.
  • Çalık, A. 2018. Determination of vibration characteristics of a compression ignition engine operated by hydrogen enriched diesel and biodiesel fuels. Fuel. 230: 355-358.
  • Çalık, A. 2017. Investigation of Effects of Cotton Oil Biodiesel on Engine Noise Level. Çukurova Univ. J. Fac. Eng. Archit. 32(4): 147-152.
  • Giakoumis, EG., Sarakatsanis, CK. 2018. Estimation of Biodiesel Cetane Number, Density, Kinematic Viscosity and Heating Values from Its Fatty Acid Weight Composition. Fuel, 222: 574–585.
  • Gülüm, M., Bilgin, A. 2015. Density, Flash Point and Heating Value Variations of Corn Oil Biodiesel-Diesel Fuel Blends. Fuel Process. Technol., 134: 456–464.
  • Keskin, A., Yaşar, A., Gürü, M., Altiparmak, D. 2010. Usage of Methyl Ester of Tall Oil Fatty Acids and Resinic Acids as Alternative Diesel Fuel. Energ. Convers. Manage., 51 (12): 2863–2868.
  • Li, H., Yang, W., Zhou, D., Yu W. 2018. Numerical Study of the Effects of Biodiesel Unsaturation on Combustion and Emission Characteristics in Diesel Engine. Appl. Therm. Eng., 137: 310–318.
  • Li, W., Liu, Z., Wang, Z. 2016. Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of the Combustion Process at Low Loads of a Diesel Natural Gas Dual-Fuel Engine. Energy, 94: 728–741.
  • Liaw, HJ. 2018. Minimum Flash Point Behavior of Ternary Solutions with Three Minimum Flash Point Binary Constituents. Fuel, 217: 626–632.
  • Mittal, M., Donahue, R., Winnie, P., Gillette, A. 2015. Exhaust Emissions Characteristics of a Multi-Cylinder 18.1-L Diesel Engine Converted to Fueled with Natural Gas and Diesel Pilot. J. Energy Inst., 88 (3): 275–283.
  • Othman, MF., Adam, A., Najafi, G., Mamat, R. 2017. Green Fuel as Alternative Fuel for Diesel Engine: A Review. Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev., 80: 694–709.
  • Ramadhas, AS., Jayaraj, S., Muraleedharan, C., Padmakumari, K. 2006. Artificial Neural Networks Used for the Prediction of the Cetane Number of Biodiesel. Renew. Energ., 31: 2524– 2533.
  • Sathish Kumar, R., Sureshkumar, K., Velraj. R. 2018. Combustion, Performance and Emission Characteristics of an Unmodified Diesel Engine Fueled with Manilkara Zapota Methyl Ester and Its Diesel Blends. Appl. Therm. Eng., 139: 196–202.
  • Satsangi, DP., Tiwari N. 2018. Experimental Investigation on Combustion, Noise, Vibrations, Performance and Emissions Characteristics of Diesel/n-Butanol Blends Driven Genset Engine. Fuel, 221: 44–60.
  • Senthur Prabu, S., Asokan, MA., Prathiba, S., Ahmed, S., Puthean G. 2018. Effect of Additives on Performance, Combustion and Emission Behavior of Preheated Palm Oil/ Diesel Blends in DI Diesel Engine. Renew. Energ., 122: 196– 205.
  • Shah, SH., Raja, IA., Rizwan, M., Rashid, N., Mahmood, Q., Shah, FA., Pervez. A. 2018. Potential of Microalgal Biodiesel Production and Its Sustainability Perspectives in Pakistan. Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev., 81: 76–92.
  • Szabados, G., Bereczky, Á. 2018. Experimental Investigation of Physicochemical Properties of Diesel, Biodiesel and TBKBiodiesel Fuels and Combustion and Emission Analysis in CI Internal Combustion Engine. Renew. Energ., 121: 568–578.
  • Torregrosa, AJ., Broatch, A., Gil, A., Gomez-Soriano, J. 2018. Numerical Approach for Assessing Combustion Noise in Compression-Ignited Diesel Engines. Appl. Acoust., 135: 91– 100.
  • Uludamar, E., Tosun, E., Tüccar, G., Yıldızhan, Ş., Çalık, A., Yıldırım, S., Serin, H., Özcanlı, M. 2017. “Evaluation of vibration characteristics of a hydroxyl (HHO) gas generator installed diesel engine fuelled with different diesel-biodiesel blends. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 42: 23352-23360.
  • van der Westhuizen, I., Focke, WW. 2018. Stabilizing Sunflower Biodiesel with Synthetic Antioxidant Blends. Fuel, 219: 126– 131.
  • Varatharajan, K., Pushparani, DS. 2018. Screening of Antioxidant Additives for Biodiesel Fuels. Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev., 82: 2017–2028.
  • Vijay Kumar, M., Veeresh Babu, A., Ravi Kumar, P. 2018. The Impacts on Combustion, Performance and Emissions of Biodiesel by Using Additives in Direct Injection Diesel Engine. Alexandria Eng. J., 57 (1): 121–130.
  • Wang, Z., Du, G., Wang, D., Xu, Y., Shao, M. 2018. Combustion Process Decoupling of a Diesel/Natural Gas Dual-Fuel Engine at Low Loads. Fuel, 232: 550–561.
  • Wei, L., Cheung, CS., and Ning, Z. 2018. Effects of BiodieselEthanol and Biodiesel-Butanol Blends on the Combustion, Performance and Emissions of a Diesel Engine. Energy, 155: 957–970.
  • Yousefi, A., Birouk, M. 2017. Investigation of Natural Gas Energy Fraction and Injection Timing on the Performance and Emissions of a Dual-Fuel Engine with Pre-Combustion Chamber under Low Engine Load. Appl. Energ., 189: 492– 505.

Noise and exhaust emission characteristic of a diesel engine fuelled with natural gas and blends of biodiesel and diesel fuels

Yıl 2019, , 244 - 252, 01.06.2019


High energy demand of modern society has led to environmental pollution which has become one of the biggest problems for almost all living. Therefore, the effect of energy sources on emissions has been investigated by researchers for decades. In this research, the effect of natural gas and biodiesel which was produced from corn oil on emissions of a diesel engine was experimentally investigated. In engine experiments, natural gas used at the engine as a secondary fuel while low sulphur diesel fuel and its blend with corn biodiesel 20% and 40% by volume was used as a primary fuel. According to results, compared to low sulphur diesel fuel, both natural gas and biodiesel usage improved the noise emission that distributed from the diesel engine. Biodiesel blends resulted in lower CO emission of 4,05% and 7,63% for CoB20 and CoB40, respectively, whereas introduction of natural gas caused significant rise of the emission. However, increment of CO2 emission caused by biodiesel addition into low sulphur diesel fuel was well compensated by the addition of natural gas. Moreover, 4,08%, 18,00% increment of NOx emissions that caused by CoB20 and CoB40 usage was also compensated up to 33,0% by the introduction of natural gas.


  • Akar, MA., Kekilli, E., Bas, O., Yildizhan, S., Serin, H., Ozcanli, M. 2018. Hydrogen Enriched Waste Oil Biodiesel Usage in Compression Ignition Engine. Int. J. Hydrogen Energ., In press: 1–7.
  • Alloune, R., Balistrou, M., Awad, S., Loubar, K., Tazerout, M. 2018. Performance, Combustion and Exhaust Emissions Characteristics Investigation Using Citrullus Colocynthis L. Biodiesel in DI Diesel Engine. J Energy Inst., 91(3): 434–444.
  • Arat, HT., Baltacioglu, MK., Aydin, K., Özcanli, M. 2016. Experimental Investigation of Using 30HCNG Fuel Mixture on a Non-Modified Diesel Engine Operated with Various Diesel Replacement Rates. Int. J. Hydrogen Energ., 41(4): 3199–3207.
  • Bhasker, J., Porpatham, E. 2017. Effects of Compression Ratio and Hydrogen Addition on Lean Combustion Characteristics and Emission Formation in a Compressed Natural Gas Fuelled Spark Ignition Engine. Fuel, 208: 260–270.
  • Calder, J., Roy MM., Wang, W. 2018. Performance and Emissions of a Diesel Engine Fueled by Biodiesel-Diesel Blends with Recycled Expanded Polystyrene and Fuel Stabilizing Additive. Energy, 149: 204–212.
  • Capodaglio, AG., Callegari, A. 2017. Feedstock and Process Influence on Biodiesel Produced from Waste Sewage Sludge. J. Environ. Manage., 216: 176–182.
  • Cheenkachorn, K., Chedthawut, P., and Ho, CG. 2013. Performance and Emissions of a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine Fuelled with Diesel and LNG (Liquid Natural Gas). Energy, 53: 52–57.
  • Çalık, A. 2018. Determination of vibration characteristics of a compression ignition engine operated by hydrogen enriched diesel and biodiesel fuels. Fuel. 230: 355-358.
  • Çalık, A. 2017. Investigation of Effects of Cotton Oil Biodiesel on Engine Noise Level. Çukurova Univ. J. Fac. Eng. Archit. 32(4): 147-152.
  • Giakoumis, EG., Sarakatsanis, CK. 2018. Estimation of Biodiesel Cetane Number, Density, Kinematic Viscosity and Heating Values from Its Fatty Acid Weight Composition. Fuel, 222: 574–585.
  • Gülüm, M., Bilgin, A. 2015. Density, Flash Point and Heating Value Variations of Corn Oil Biodiesel-Diesel Fuel Blends. Fuel Process. Technol., 134: 456–464.
  • Keskin, A., Yaşar, A., Gürü, M., Altiparmak, D. 2010. Usage of Methyl Ester of Tall Oil Fatty Acids and Resinic Acids as Alternative Diesel Fuel. Energ. Convers. Manage., 51 (12): 2863–2868.
  • Li, H., Yang, W., Zhou, D., Yu W. 2018. Numerical Study of the Effects of Biodiesel Unsaturation on Combustion and Emission Characteristics in Diesel Engine. Appl. Therm. Eng., 137: 310–318.
  • Li, W., Liu, Z., Wang, Z. 2016. Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of the Combustion Process at Low Loads of a Diesel Natural Gas Dual-Fuel Engine. Energy, 94: 728–741.
  • Liaw, HJ. 2018. Minimum Flash Point Behavior of Ternary Solutions with Three Minimum Flash Point Binary Constituents. Fuel, 217: 626–632.
  • Mittal, M., Donahue, R., Winnie, P., Gillette, A. 2015. Exhaust Emissions Characteristics of a Multi-Cylinder 18.1-L Diesel Engine Converted to Fueled with Natural Gas and Diesel Pilot. J. Energy Inst., 88 (3): 275–283.
  • Othman, MF., Adam, A., Najafi, G., Mamat, R. 2017. Green Fuel as Alternative Fuel for Diesel Engine: A Review. Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev., 80: 694–709.
  • Ramadhas, AS., Jayaraj, S., Muraleedharan, C., Padmakumari, K. 2006. Artificial Neural Networks Used for the Prediction of the Cetane Number of Biodiesel. Renew. Energ., 31: 2524– 2533.
  • Sathish Kumar, R., Sureshkumar, K., Velraj. R. 2018. Combustion, Performance and Emission Characteristics of an Unmodified Diesel Engine Fueled with Manilkara Zapota Methyl Ester and Its Diesel Blends. Appl. Therm. Eng., 139: 196–202.
  • Satsangi, DP., Tiwari N. 2018. Experimental Investigation on Combustion, Noise, Vibrations, Performance and Emissions Characteristics of Diesel/n-Butanol Blends Driven Genset Engine. Fuel, 221: 44–60.
  • Senthur Prabu, S., Asokan, MA., Prathiba, S., Ahmed, S., Puthean G. 2018. Effect of Additives on Performance, Combustion and Emission Behavior of Preheated Palm Oil/ Diesel Blends in DI Diesel Engine. Renew. Energ., 122: 196– 205.
  • Shah, SH., Raja, IA., Rizwan, M., Rashid, N., Mahmood, Q., Shah, FA., Pervez. A. 2018. Potential of Microalgal Biodiesel Production and Its Sustainability Perspectives in Pakistan. Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev., 81: 76–92.
  • Szabados, G., Bereczky, Á. 2018. Experimental Investigation of Physicochemical Properties of Diesel, Biodiesel and TBKBiodiesel Fuels and Combustion and Emission Analysis in CI Internal Combustion Engine. Renew. Energ., 121: 568–578.
  • Torregrosa, AJ., Broatch, A., Gil, A., Gomez-Soriano, J. 2018. Numerical Approach for Assessing Combustion Noise in Compression-Ignited Diesel Engines. Appl. Acoust., 135: 91– 100.
  • Uludamar, E., Tosun, E., Tüccar, G., Yıldızhan, Ş., Çalık, A., Yıldırım, S., Serin, H., Özcanlı, M. 2017. “Evaluation of vibration characteristics of a hydroxyl (HHO) gas generator installed diesel engine fuelled with different diesel-biodiesel blends. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 42: 23352-23360.
  • van der Westhuizen, I., Focke, WW. 2018. Stabilizing Sunflower Biodiesel with Synthetic Antioxidant Blends. Fuel, 219: 126– 131.
  • Varatharajan, K., Pushparani, DS. 2018. Screening of Antioxidant Additives for Biodiesel Fuels. Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev., 82: 2017–2028.
  • Vijay Kumar, M., Veeresh Babu, A., Ravi Kumar, P. 2018. The Impacts on Combustion, Performance and Emissions of Biodiesel by Using Additives in Direct Injection Diesel Engine. Alexandria Eng. J., 57 (1): 121–130.
  • Wang, Z., Du, G., Wang, D., Xu, Y., Shao, M. 2018. Combustion Process Decoupling of a Diesel/Natural Gas Dual-Fuel Engine at Low Loads. Fuel, 232: 550–561.
  • Wei, L., Cheung, CS., and Ning, Z. 2018. Effects of BiodieselEthanol and Biodiesel-Butanol Blends on the Combustion, Performance and Emissions of a Diesel Engine. Energy, 155: 957–970.
  • Yousefi, A., Birouk, M. 2017. Investigation of Natural Gas Energy Fraction and Injection Timing on the Performance and Emissions of a Dual-Fuel Engine with Pre-Combustion Chamber under Low Engine Load. Appl. Energ., 189: 492– 505.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Research Article

Erinç Uludamar Bu kişi benim

Kadir Aydın Bu kişi benim

Mustafa Özcanlı Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Uludamar, E., Aydın, K., & Özcanlı, M. (2019). Noise and exhaust emission characteristic of a diesel engine fuelled with natural gas and blends of biodiesel and diesel fuels. Karaelmas Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 9(2), 244-252.
AMA Uludamar E, Aydın K, Özcanlı M. Noise and exhaust emission characteristic of a diesel engine fuelled with natural gas and blends of biodiesel and diesel fuels. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi. Haziran 2019;9(2):244-252. doi:10.7212/zkufbd.v9i2.1379
Chicago Uludamar, Erinç, Kadir Aydın, ve Mustafa Özcanlı. “Noise and Exhaust Emission Characteristic of a Diesel Engine Fuelled With Natural Gas and Blends of Biodiesel and Diesel Fuels”. Karaelmas Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi 9, sy. 2 (Haziran 2019): 244-52.
EndNote Uludamar E, Aydın K, Özcanlı M (01 Haziran 2019) Noise and exhaust emission characteristic of a diesel engine fuelled with natural gas and blends of biodiesel and diesel fuels. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 9 2 244–252.
IEEE E. Uludamar, K. Aydın, ve M. Özcanlı, “Noise and exhaust emission characteristic of a diesel engine fuelled with natural gas and blends of biodiesel and diesel fuels”, Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, c. 9, sy. 2, ss. 244–252, 2019, doi: 10.7212/zkufbd.v9i2.1379.
ISNAD Uludamar, Erinç vd. “Noise and Exhaust Emission Characteristic of a Diesel Engine Fuelled With Natural Gas and Blends of Biodiesel and Diesel Fuels”. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 9/2 (Haziran 2019), 244-252.
JAMA Uludamar E, Aydın K, Özcanlı M. Noise and exhaust emission characteristic of a diesel engine fuelled with natural gas and blends of biodiesel and diesel fuels. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi. 2019;9:244–252.
MLA Uludamar, Erinç vd. “Noise and Exhaust Emission Characteristic of a Diesel Engine Fuelled With Natural Gas and Blends of Biodiesel and Diesel Fuels”. Karaelmas Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi, c. 9, sy. 2, 2019, ss. 244-52, doi:10.7212/zkufbd.v9i2.1379.
Vancouver Uludamar E, Aydın K, Özcanlı M. Noise and exhaust emission characteristic of a diesel engine fuelled with natural gas and blends of biodiesel and diesel fuels. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi. 2019;9(2):244-52.