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Karabük Atmosferinin Spor Analizi

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 33 - 42, 01.01.2014



  • Asan, A., Kırgız, T., Şen, B. 2003. Isolation, identifi cation and seasonal distribution of airborne and waterborne fungi in Terkos lake (Istanbul-Turkey). J. Bas. Microbiol., 43(2): 83–95.
  • Asan, A., Şen, B., Sarıca, S. 2002. Airborne fungi in urban air of Edirne city. Biologia, 57(1): 59–68.
  • Asan, A., İlhan, S., Şen, B., Erkara, IP., Filik, C., Çabuk, A. 2004. Airborne fungi and actinomycetes concentrations in the air of Eskişehir city (Turkey). Ind. Built Environ., 13: 63–74.
  • Ataygul, E., Celenk, S., Canıtez, Y., Bicakci, A., Malyer, H., Sapan, N. 2007. Allergenic Fungal Spore Concentrations in the atmosphere of Bursa, Turkey. J.B.E.S.,1: 73-81.
  • Atik, S., Tamer, AS. 1994. Eskişehir (Merkez ilçe) ‘de mikrofungal hava kirliliği. Ege Un. J. Sci., Ser. B, 16: 227–238.
  • Ayata, C., Coşkun, S., Okyay, T. 1991. 1989 yılında aylara göre İzmir ilinin çeşitli semtlerinde havanın fungal fl orası ve bunun alerjik hastalıklar yönünden önemi. Türk Mikrobiol. Cem. Derg., 21: 219–226.
  • Bianchi, MM., Olabuenaga, SE. 2006. A 3-year airborne pollen and fungal spores record in San Carlos de Bariloche, Patagonia, Argentina. Aerobiologia, 22: 247–257.
  • Bicakci, A., Tatlıdil, S., Canıtez, Y., Malyer, H., Sapan, Y. 2001. Allergen Cladosporium sp. And Alternaria sp. Spores in the atmosphere of MustafaKemalPaşa (Bursa). Akciger Arşivi Derg., 2: 69-72.
  • Boyacioglu, H., Haliki, A., Ates, M., Guvensen, A., Abaci, Ö. 2007. The statistical investigation on airborne fungi and pollen grains of atmosphere in Izmir-Turkey. Environ. Monit. Assess., 135: 327–334.
  • Bülbül, AŞ., Çeter, T., Hüseyin, E. 2011. Atmospheric concentration of fungus spores in Kirsehir and the effect of meteorological factors. AAI, 9: 154-165.
  • Charpin, J., Surinyach, R., Frankland, AW. 1974. Atlas of European allergenic pollens. Paris: Sandoz.
  • Corden, MJ., Millington, WM., Mullins, J. 2003. Long-term trends and regional variation in the aeroallergen Alternaria in Cardiff and Derby UK- are differences in climate and cereal production having an effect?. Aerobiologia, 19: 191- 199.
  • Corden, JM., Millington, WM. 2001.The long-term trends and seasonal variation of the aeroallergen Alternaria in Derby, UK. Aerobiologia, 17: 127-136.
  • Çolakoğlu, G. 1996a. Fungal spore concentrations in the atmosphere at the Anatolia Quarter of Istanbul, Turkey. J. Bas. Mic., 36: 155–162.
  • Çolakoğlu, G. 1996b. Mould counts in the atmosphere at the Europa Quarter of Istanbul, Turkey. J. Bas. Mic., 36: 389–392.
  • Çolakoğlu, G. 1996c. The variability of fungal fl ora in the air during morning and evening in 1994, Turkey. J. Bas. Mic., 36: 393–398.
  • Çolakoğlu, G. 2003. Airborne fungal spores at the Belgrad forest near the city of Istanbul (Turkey) in the year 2001 and their relation to allergic diseases. J. Bas. Mic., 43: 376–384.
  • Docampo,S., Mar Trigo, M., Recio, M., Melgar, M., GarcíaSánchez, J., Cabezudo, B. 2011. Fungal spore content of the atmosphere of the Cave of Nerja (southern Spain): Diversity and origin. Sci. Total Environ., 409: 835–843.
  • Erkara, IP., Asan, A., Yilmaz, V., Pehlivan, S., Okten., SS. 2008. Airborne Alternaria and Cladosporium species and relationship with meteorological conditions in Eskisehir City, Turkey. EMAS, 144 (1-3): 31 – 41.
  • Herrero, AD., Ruiz, SS., Bustillo, MG., Morales, PC. 2006. Study of airborne fungal spores in Madrid, Spain. Aerobiologia, 22: 135-142.
  • Juozaitis, A., Lugauskas, A., Sveistyte, L. 1997. The Composition and Concentrations of Airborne Fungal Flora Near to Busy Streets in Vilnius City. J. Aerosol Sci., 3: 669- 670.
  • Kalyoncu, F. 2008. Indoor Aeromycological Study in Manisa, Turkey. EMAS, 1: 85-89.
  • Mallo, AC, Nitiu DS, Gardella Sambeth C. 2010. Airborne fungal spore content in the atmosphere of the city of La Plata, Argentina. Aerobiologia, 26: 169-176.
  • Karabük Governorship, 2008. ilimiz.asp.
  • Menteşe, S., Rad, AY., Arısoy, M., Güllü, G. 2009. Ankara şehir atmosferinde biyoaerosol seviyelerinin mekânsal değişimi. Ekoloji, 19(73):21-28.
  • Morales, J., González-Minero, FJ., Carrasco M., Ogalla VM., Candau P. 2006. Airborne basidiospores in the atmosphere of Seville (South Spain). Aerobiologia, 22:127–134.
  • Okten, SS., Asan, A., Tungan, Y., Türe, M. 2005. Airborne fungal concentrations in east patch of Edirne City (Turkey) in autumn using two sampling methods. Trakya Univ. J. Sci., 6: 97-106.
  • Özkaragöz, K. 1967. Mould spores and other inhalants as aetiologic agents of respiratory allergy in the central part of Turkey. J. Allergy, 40: 21-5.
  • Pepeljnjak, S., Segviã, M. 2002. Occurrence of fungi in air and on plants in vegetation of different climatic regions in Crotia. Aerobiologia, 19: 11-19.
  • Recer, GM. 2004. Long-term use of high-effi ciency vacuum cleaners and residential airborne fungal- spore exposure. Aerobiologia, 20: 179–190.
  • Salvi, SS., Sampson, PA., Holgate, TS. 2001. Asthma, Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Nature Publishing Group.
  • Sarıca, S., Asan, A., Otkun, MT., Türe, M. 2002. Monitoring indoor airborne fungi and bacteria in the different areas of Trakya University Hospital (Edirne-Turkey). Indoor Built Environ., 11:285–292.
  • Smith, EG. 2002. Sampling and Identifying Allergenic Pollens and Molds: An Illustrated Identifi cation Manual For Air Samples, Blewstone press, Texas.
  • Stepalska, D., Wolek, J. 2005.Variation in fungal spore concentrations of selected taxa associated to weather conditions in Cracow, Poland, in 1997. Aerobiologia, 2: 43-52.
  • Subai, AAT. 2002. Air-borne fungi at Doha, Katar. Aerobiologia, 18: 175-183.
  • Şakıyan, N., İnceoğlu, Ö. 2003. Atmospheric Concentration of Cladosporium Link and Alternaria Nees in Ankara and the effects of meteorological factors. Turkey. Turk. J. Bot., 27: 77- 81.
  • Şen, B., Asan, A. 2001. Airborne fungi in vegetable growing areas of Edirne, Turkey. Aerobiologia, 17: 69–75.
  • Şimsekli, Y., Gücin, F., Asan, A. 1999. Isolation and identifi cation of indoor airborne fungal contaminants of food production facilities and warehouses in Bursa, Turkey. Aerobiologia, 15: 225–231.
  • Tatlıdil, S., Bıcakcı A, Akaya, A., Malyer, H. 2001. Allergen Cladosporium sp. And Alternaria sp. Spores in the atmosphere of Burdur. SDU Tip Fak. Derg., 8(4): 1-3.
  • Waisel Y., Ganor E., Glikman M., Epstein,V., Brenner, S. 1997. Airborne Fungal Spores in The Costal Plain of Israel: A preliminary survey. Aerobiologia, 13: 281-287.
  • Wodehouse, RP. 1965. Pollen Grains, Hanfer Press. NewYork,. 574 pp.

Airborne Spore Analysis of Karabük Atmosphere

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 33 - 42, 01.01.2014


In order to identify types and amounts of airborne allergenic spore dispersal in the atmosphere of Karabük by gravimetric method in 2006 and 2007, two Durham samplers were situated on roof and garden of Technical Education Faculty of Karabük University between the dates January 1, 2006 and December 31, 2007. As a result of the analysis a total of 2822.2±625.01 spore/cm2 spore quantity belonging to 21 types was identified. Of this total, 1106±250.33 spore/cm² was observed in 2006 and 1716±374.68 spore/cm² was observed in 2007. Spore concentrations revealed no statistically differences between two samplers t=0.1527-1.1355, p>0.05 . The relationship between spore concentrations and meteorological factors was displayed by Spearman Correlation analysis. The highest quantity of fungal spores and Myxomycetes were determined in June and July. Cladosporium, Alternaria, Ustilago, Myxomycetes and unidentified Ascomycetes spores were recorded as dominant. In the end of this study, a two-year spore calendar was prepared.


  • Asan, A., Kırgız, T., Şen, B. 2003. Isolation, identifi cation and seasonal distribution of airborne and waterborne fungi in Terkos lake (Istanbul-Turkey). J. Bas. Microbiol., 43(2): 83–95.
  • Asan, A., Şen, B., Sarıca, S. 2002. Airborne fungi in urban air of Edirne city. Biologia, 57(1): 59–68.
  • Asan, A., İlhan, S., Şen, B., Erkara, IP., Filik, C., Çabuk, A. 2004. Airborne fungi and actinomycetes concentrations in the air of Eskişehir city (Turkey). Ind. Built Environ., 13: 63–74.
  • Ataygul, E., Celenk, S., Canıtez, Y., Bicakci, A., Malyer, H., Sapan, N. 2007. Allergenic Fungal Spore Concentrations in the atmosphere of Bursa, Turkey. J.B.E.S.,1: 73-81.
  • Atik, S., Tamer, AS. 1994. Eskişehir (Merkez ilçe) ‘de mikrofungal hava kirliliği. Ege Un. J. Sci., Ser. B, 16: 227–238.
  • Ayata, C., Coşkun, S., Okyay, T. 1991. 1989 yılında aylara göre İzmir ilinin çeşitli semtlerinde havanın fungal fl orası ve bunun alerjik hastalıklar yönünden önemi. Türk Mikrobiol. Cem. Derg., 21: 219–226.
  • Bianchi, MM., Olabuenaga, SE. 2006. A 3-year airborne pollen and fungal spores record in San Carlos de Bariloche, Patagonia, Argentina. Aerobiologia, 22: 247–257.
  • Bicakci, A., Tatlıdil, S., Canıtez, Y., Malyer, H., Sapan, Y. 2001. Allergen Cladosporium sp. And Alternaria sp. Spores in the atmosphere of MustafaKemalPaşa (Bursa). Akciger Arşivi Derg., 2: 69-72.
  • Boyacioglu, H., Haliki, A., Ates, M., Guvensen, A., Abaci, Ö. 2007. The statistical investigation on airborne fungi and pollen grains of atmosphere in Izmir-Turkey. Environ. Monit. Assess., 135: 327–334.
  • Bülbül, AŞ., Çeter, T., Hüseyin, E. 2011. Atmospheric concentration of fungus spores in Kirsehir and the effect of meteorological factors. AAI, 9: 154-165.
  • Charpin, J., Surinyach, R., Frankland, AW. 1974. Atlas of European allergenic pollens. Paris: Sandoz.
  • Corden, MJ., Millington, WM., Mullins, J. 2003. Long-term trends and regional variation in the aeroallergen Alternaria in Cardiff and Derby UK- are differences in climate and cereal production having an effect?. Aerobiologia, 19: 191- 199.
  • Corden, JM., Millington, WM. 2001.The long-term trends and seasonal variation of the aeroallergen Alternaria in Derby, UK. Aerobiologia, 17: 127-136.
  • Çolakoğlu, G. 1996a. Fungal spore concentrations in the atmosphere at the Anatolia Quarter of Istanbul, Turkey. J. Bas. Mic., 36: 155–162.
  • Çolakoğlu, G. 1996b. Mould counts in the atmosphere at the Europa Quarter of Istanbul, Turkey. J. Bas. Mic., 36: 389–392.
  • Çolakoğlu, G. 1996c. The variability of fungal fl ora in the air during morning and evening in 1994, Turkey. J. Bas. Mic., 36: 393–398.
  • Çolakoğlu, G. 2003. Airborne fungal spores at the Belgrad forest near the city of Istanbul (Turkey) in the year 2001 and their relation to allergic diseases. J. Bas. Mic., 43: 376–384.
  • Docampo,S., Mar Trigo, M., Recio, M., Melgar, M., GarcíaSánchez, J., Cabezudo, B. 2011. Fungal spore content of the atmosphere of the Cave of Nerja (southern Spain): Diversity and origin. Sci. Total Environ., 409: 835–843.
  • Erkara, IP., Asan, A., Yilmaz, V., Pehlivan, S., Okten., SS. 2008. Airborne Alternaria and Cladosporium species and relationship with meteorological conditions in Eskisehir City, Turkey. EMAS, 144 (1-3): 31 – 41.
  • Herrero, AD., Ruiz, SS., Bustillo, MG., Morales, PC. 2006. Study of airborne fungal spores in Madrid, Spain. Aerobiologia, 22: 135-142.
  • Juozaitis, A., Lugauskas, A., Sveistyte, L. 1997. The Composition and Concentrations of Airborne Fungal Flora Near to Busy Streets in Vilnius City. J. Aerosol Sci., 3: 669- 670.
  • Kalyoncu, F. 2008. Indoor Aeromycological Study in Manisa, Turkey. EMAS, 1: 85-89.
  • Mallo, AC, Nitiu DS, Gardella Sambeth C. 2010. Airborne fungal spore content in the atmosphere of the city of La Plata, Argentina. Aerobiologia, 26: 169-176.
  • Karabük Governorship, 2008. ilimiz.asp.
  • Menteşe, S., Rad, AY., Arısoy, M., Güllü, G. 2009. Ankara şehir atmosferinde biyoaerosol seviyelerinin mekânsal değişimi. Ekoloji, 19(73):21-28.
  • Morales, J., González-Minero, FJ., Carrasco M., Ogalla VM., Candau P. 2006. Airborne basidiospores in the atmosphere of Seville (South Spain). Aerobiologia, 22:127–134.
  • Okten, SS., Asan, A., Tungan, Y., Türe, M. 2005. Airborne fungal concentrations in east patch of Edirne City (Turkey) in autumn using two sampling methods. Trakya Univ. J. Sci., 6: 97-106.
  • Özkaragöz, K. 1967. Mould spores and other inhalants as aetiologic agents of respiratory allergy in the central part of Turkey. J. Allergy, 40: 21-5.
  • Pepeljnjak, S., Segviã, M. 2002. Occurrence of fungi in air and on plants in vegetation of different climatic regions in Crotia. Aerobiologia, 19: 11-19.
  • Recer, GM. 2004. Long-term use of high-effi ciency vacuum cleaners and residential airborne fungal- spore exposure. Aerobiologia, 20: 179–190.
  • Salvi, SS., Sampson, PA., Holgate, TS. 2001. Asthma, Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Nature Publishing Group.
  • Sarıca, S., Asan, A., Otkun, MT., Türe, M. 2002. Monitoring indoor airborne fungi and bacteria in the different areas of Trakya University Hospital (Edirne-Turkey). Indoor Built Environ., 11:285–292.
  • Smith, EG. 2002. Sampling and Identifying Allergenic Pollens and Molds: An Illustrated Identifi cation Manual For Air Samples, Blewstone press, Texas.
  • Stepalska, D., Wolek, J. 2005.Variation in fungal spore concentrations of selected taxa associated to weather conditions in Cracow, Poland, in 1997. Aerobiologia, 2: 43-52.
  • Subai, AAT. 2002. Air-borne fungi at Doha, Katar. Aerobiologia, 18: 175-183.
  • Şakıyan, N., İnceoğlu, Ö. 2003. Atmospheric Concentration of Cladosporium Link and Alternaria Nees in Ankara and the effects of meteorological factors. Turkey. Turk. J. Bot., 27: 77- 81.
  • Şen, B., Asan, A. 2001. Airborne fungi in vegetable growing areas of Edirne, Turkey. Aerobiologia, 17: 69–75.
  • Şimsekli, Y., Gücin, F., Asan, A. 1999. Isolation and identifi cation of indoor airborne fungal contaminants of food production facilities and warehouses in Bursa, Turkey. Aerobiologia, 15: 225–231.
  • Tatlıdil, S., Bıcakcı A, Akaya, A., Malyer, H. 2001. Allergen Cladosporium sp. And Alternaria sp. Spores in the atmosphere of Burdur. SDU Tip Fak. Derg., 8(4): 1-3.
  • Waisel Y., Ganor E., Glikman M., Epstein,V., Brenner, S. 1997. Airborne Fungal Spores in The Costal Plain of Israel: A preliminary survey. Aerobiologia, 13: 281-287.
  • Wodehouse, RP. 1965. Pollen Grains, Hanfer Press. NewYork,. 574 pp.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Research Article

Ayse Kaplan Bu kişi benim

Yasin Özdoğan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Kaplan, A., & Özdoğan, Y. (2014). Airborne Spore Analysis of Karabük Atmosphere. Karaelmas Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 4(1), 33-42.
AMA Kaplan A, Özdoğan Y. Airborne Spore Analysis of Karabük Atmosphere. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi. Ocak 2014;4(1):33-42.
Chicago Kaplan, Ayse, ve Yasin Özdoğan. “Airborne Spore Analysis of Karabük Atmosphere”. Karaelmas Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi 4, sy. 1 (Ocak 2014): 33-42.
EndNote Kaplan A, Özdoğan Y (01 Ocak 2014) Airborne Spore Analysis of Karabük Atmosphere. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 4 1 33–42.
IEEE A. Kaplan ve Y. Özdoğan, “Airborne Spore Analysis of Karabük Atmosphere”, Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, c. 4, sy. 1, ss. 33–42, 2014.
ISNAD Kaplan, Ayse - Özdoğan, Yasin. “Airborne Spore Analysis of Karabük Atmosphere”. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 4/1 (Ocak 2014), 33-42.
JAMA Kaplan A, Özdoğan Y. Airborne Spore Analysis of Karabük Atmosphere. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi. 2014;4:33–42.
MLA Kaplan, Ayse ve Yasin Özdoğan. “Airborne Spore Analysis of Karabük Atmosphere”. Karaelmas Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi, c. 4, sy. 1, 2014, ss. 33-42.
Vancouver Kaplan A, Özdoğan Y. Airborne Spore Analysis of Karabük Atmosphere. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi. 2014;4(1):33-42.