Different problems occur with the increasing energy demand in interconnected power systems operating under overload. The stability of the interconnected transmission system deteriorates with the growth of such possible problems or the simultaneous occurrence of several different problems. In order to correct these problems and increase the stability of the interconnected power system, Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System devices (FACTS) are connected to the power systems. FACTS devices, which consist of power electronics elements, instantly increase the loading capacity and stability of the power system with their fast and automatic response capabilities. In this study, a 420 kV Northwest Anatolian (KBA) Interconnected power system is investigated as an example power system. The most critical energy transmission lines are determined with the help of line stability indices in the examined high-voltage power system. FACTS devices, Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC), and Static Synchronous Series Capacitor (SSSC) are connected to the critical energy transmission lines in order to improve the voltage stability of the interconnected power system. At the end of the study, the effects of FACTS devices on bus voltage magnitudes, line loading parameter, active and reactive power losses in the power system are analyzed in detail.
Akbar, R., Sara, I. D., Suriadi. 2021. Analysis of UPFC Installation
Effect on Power Flow in the 150 kV Aceh Transmission System.
International Conference on Computer System, Information
Technology, and Electrical Engineering, COSITE, 35–40.
Apribowa, C. H. B., Listiyanto, O., Ibrahim, M. H. 2019.
Placement Static Var Compensator (SVC) for Improving
Voltage Stability Based on Sensitivity Analysis : A Case Study
Of 500 KV Java-Bali Electrical Power System. 6th International
Conference on Electric Vehicular Technology (ICEVT), 276–280.
Barua, P., Barua, R., Quamruzzaman, M., Rabbani, M. G. 2021.
Small Signal Stability and Transient Stability improvement
of Bangladesh Power System using TCSC, SVC and TCSC,
STATCOM based Series Shunt Compensator. International
Conference on Science and Contemporary Technologies, ICSCT,
1–5. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICSCT53883.2021.9642636
Barua, P., Quamruzzaman, M. 2019. Steady state voltage
vulnerability and stability limit analysis of Bangladesh
power system using STATCOM as a shunt compensator.
4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and
Information and Communication Technology, ICEEiCT, 1–4.
Biswas, P. P., Arora, P., Mallipeddi, R., Suganthan, P. N.,
Panigrahi, B. K. 2021. Optimal placement and sizing of
FACTS devices for optimal power flow in a wind power
integrated electrical network. Neural Computing and
Applications, 33(12): 6753–6774. https://doi.org/10.1007/
Chandra, A., Pradhan, A. K., Sinha, A. K. 2017. A Comparative
Study of Voltage Stability Indices Used for Power System
Operation. International Conference on 21st Century Energy
Needs - Materials, Systems and Applications, ICTFCEN, 1–4.
Gupta, S. K., Mallik, S. K., Tripathi, J. M., Sahu, P. 2021.
Comparison of Voltage Stability Index with Optimal
Placement of SSSC Considering Maximum Loadability.
International Symposium of Asian Control Association on
Intelligent Robotics and Industrial Automation, IRIA, 101–106.
Haider, W., Ul Hassan, S. J., Mehdi, A., Hussain, A., Adjayeng,
G. O. M., Kim, C. H. 2021. Voltage profile enhancement
and loss minimization using optimal placement and sizing
of distributed generation in reconfigured network. Machines,
9(1): 1–16. https://doi.org/10.3390/machines9010020
Karimi, M., Shahriari, A., Aghamohammadi, M. R., Marzooghi,
H., Terzija, V. 2019. Application of Newton-based load flow
methods for determining steady-state condition of well and
ill-conditioned power systems: A review. International Journal
of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 113: 298–309. https://
Khan, N. H., Wang, Y., Tian, D., Jamal, R., Kamel, S., Ebeed,
M. 2021. Optimal siting and sizing of SSSC using modified
salp swarm algorithm considering optimal reactive power
dispatch problem. IEEE Access, 9: 49249–49266. https://doi.
Kobibi, Y. I. D., Djehaf, M. A., Khatir, M., Ouadafraksou, M.
2022. Continuation Power Flow Analysis of Power System
Voltage Stability with Unified Power Flow Controller, J. Intell
Syst. Control. https://doi.org/10.56578/jisc010106
Moghavvemi, M., Omar, F. M. 1998. Technique for Contingency
Monitoring and Voltage Collapse Prediction. IEE Proceedings:
Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 145(6): 634–640.
Mohamed, A., Jasmon, G. B., Yusof, S. 1998. A Static Voltage
Collapse Indicator Using Line Stability Factors. Journal of
Industrial Technology, 7(1): 73–85.
Musirin, I., Abdul Rahman, T. K. 2002. Novel Fast Voltage
Stability Index (FVSI) for Voltage Stability Analysis in
Power Transmission System. Student Conference on Research
and Development: Globalizing Research and Development in
Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SCOReD, 265–268.
Nadeem, M., Imran, K., Khattak, A., Ulasyar, A., Pal, A., Zeb,
M. Z., Padhee, M. 2020. Optimal placement, sizing and
coordination of FACTS devices in transmission network using
whale optimization algorithm. Energies, 13(3): 1–24. https://
Pamuk, N. 2009. 380 ve 154 kV’luk Kuzeybatı Anadolu Şebekesi
Güç Akışı Benzetimleri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Sakarya
Üniversitesi, 109s.
Ravikumar, S., Upadhyay, P., Upadhyay, B. 2020. Line Stability
Index-Based Voltage Stability Assessment Placing Series
Compensation of TCSC. Learning and Analytics in Intelligent
Systems, 57–67.
Reis, C., Maciel Barbosa, F. P. 2006. A comparison of voltage
stability indices. Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference,
MELECON, 1007–1010. https://doi.org/10.1109/melcon.
Siddique, A., Xu, Y., Aslam, W., Rasheed, M. 2019. A
Comprehensive Study on FACTS Devices to Improve the
Stability and Power Flow Capability in Power System. Asia
Power and Energy Engineering Conference, APEEC, 199–205.
Singh, N., Agnihotri, P. 2018. Power System Stability
Improvement Using FACTS Devices. International Journal of
Advance Research and Development, 4(3): 171–176.
Taha, I. B. M., ELGebaly, A. E., Ahmed, E. S., Abd el-
Ghany, H. A. 2021. Generalized voltage estimation of
TCSC-compensated transmission lines for adaptive
distance protection. International Journal of Electrical Power
and Energy Systems, 130:1–17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
Taher, A. Kamel, S., Jurado, F., Yu, J. 2022. Optimal Locations and
Sizes of Shunt FACT Devices for Enhancing Power System
Loadability Using Improved Moth Flame Optimization.
Electric Power Components and Systems, 49(20): 1536–1554.
Taher, M. A., Kamel, S., Jurado, F. 2021. Maximizing Power
System Loadability Based on Optimal Allocation of SVC
and STATCOM. CHILEAN Conference on Electrical,
Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication
Technologies, CHILECON, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1109/
Tian, J., Li, K., Xue, W. 2021. An adaptive ensemble
predictive strategy for multiple scale electrical energy usages
forecasting. Sustainable Cities and Society, 66:1-13. https://doi.
Vaidya, P., Chandrakar, V. K. 2022. Congestion Management of
Large Power Network with Static Synchronous Compensator.
Journal of Intelligent Systems and Control, 1(1): 60–67. https://
Zarkani, M. K., Tukkee, A. S., Alali, M. J. 2021. Optimal
placement of facts devices to reduce power system losses
using evolutionary algorithm. Indonesian Journal of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, 21(3): 1271–1278. https://
TCSC ve SSSC Cihazları Kullanılarak Enterkonnekte İletim Sisteminin Gerilim ve Yüklenme Parametrelerinin Kontrolü: Örnek Güç Sistemi Uygulaması
Aşırı yük altında çalışan enterkonnekte güç sistemlerinde artan enerji talebi ile birlikte farklı türde problemler oluşmaktadır. Olası bu tür problemlerin büyümesi ya da birkaç farklı problemin aynı anda meydana gelmesi ile birlikte enterkonnekte iletim sisteminin kararlılık yapısı bozulmaktadır. Bu problemlerin düzeltilmesi ve enterkonnekte güç sisteminin kararlılık yapısının arttırılması amacıyla güç sistemlerine Esnek Alternatif Akım İletim Sistemi cihazları (FACTS) bağlanmaktadır. Güç elektroniği elemanlarından meydana gelen FACTS cihazları hızlı ve otomatik tepki verme kabiliyetleri ile güç sisteminin yük taşıma kapasitesini ve kararlılık yapısını anlık olarak arttırmaktadır. Bu çalışmada örnek bir güç sistemi olarak 420 kV Kuzeybatı Anadolu (KBA) enterkonnekte güç sistemi incelenmiştir. İncelenen yüksek gerilim güç sisteminde hat kararlılık indeksleri yardımıyla en kritik enerji iletim hatları tespit edilmiştir. Enterkonnekte güç sisteminin gerilim kararlılık yapısının iyileştirilmesi amacıyla kritik durumdaki enerji iletim hatlarına FACTS cihazları, Tristör Kontrollü Seri Kapasitör (TCSC) ve Statik Senkron Seri Kapasitör (SSSC) bağlanmıştır. Çalışmanın sonunda ise, FACTS cihazlarının güç sistemindeki bara gerilim değerlerine, hat yüklenme parametresine, aktif ve reaktif güç kayıplarına olan etkileri detaylı olarak analiz edilmiştir.
Akbar, R., Sara, I. D., Suriadi. 2021. Analysis of UPFC Installation
Effect on Power Flow in the 150 kV Aceh Transmission System.
International Conference on Computer System, Information
Technology, and Electrical Engineering, COSITE, 35–40.
Apribowa, C. H. B., Listiyanto, O., Ibrahim, M. H. 2019.
Placement Static Var Compensator (SVC) for Improving
Voltage Stability Based on Sensitivity Analysis : A Case Study
Of 500 KV Java-Bali Electrical Power System. 6th International
Conference on Electric Vehicular Technology (ICEVT), 276–280.
Barua, P., Barua, R., Quamruzzaman, M., Rabbani, M. G. 2021.
Small Signal Stability and Transient Stability improvement
of Bangladesh Power System using TCSC, SVC and TCSC,
STATCOM based Series Shunt Compensator. International
Conference on Science and Contemporary Technologies, ICSCT,
1–5. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICSCT53883.2021.9642636
Barua, P., Quamruzzaman, M. 2019. Steady state voltage
vulnerability and stability limit analysis of Bangladesh
power system using STATCOM as a shunt compensator.
4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and
Information and Communication Technology, ICEEiCT, 1–4.
Biswas, P. P., Arora, P., Mallipeddi, R., Suganthan, P. N.,
Panigrahi, B. K. 2021. Optimal placement and sizing of
FACTS devices for optimal power flow in a wind power
integrated electrical network. Neural Computing and
Applications, 33(12): 6753–6774. https://doi.org/10.1007/
Chandra, A., Pradhan, A. K., Sinha, A. K. 2017. A Comparative
Study of Voltage Stability Indices Used for Power System
Operation. International Conference on 21st Century Energy
Needs - Materials, Systems and Applications, ICTFCEN, 1–4.
Gupta, S. K., Mallik, S. K., Tripathi, J. M., Sahu, P. 2021.
Comparison of Voltage Stability Index with Optimal
Placement of SSSC Considering Maximum Loadability.
International Symposium of Asian Control Association on
Intelligent Robotics and Industrial Automation, IRIA, 101–106.
Haider, W., Ul Hassan, S. J., Mehdi, A., Hussain, A., Adjayeng,
G. O. M., Kim, C. H. 2021. Voltage profile enhancement
and loss minimization using optimal placement and sizing
of distributed generation in reconfigured network. Machines,
9(1): 1–16. https://doi.org/10.3390/machines9010020
Karimi, M., Shahriari, A., Aghamohammadi, M. R., Marzooghi,
H., Terzija, V. 2019. Application of Newton-based load flow
methods for determining steady-state condition of well and
ill-conditioned power systems: A review. International Journal
of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 113: 298–309. https://
Khan, N. H., Wang, Y., Tian, D., Jamal, R., Kamel, S., Ebeed,
M. 2021. Optimal siting and sizing of SSSC using modified
salp swarm algorithm considering optimal reactive power
dispatch problem. IEEE Access, 9: 49249–49266. https://doi.
Kobibi, Y. I. D., Djehaf, M. A., Khatir, M., Ouadafraksou, M.
2022. Continuation Power Flow Analysis of Power System
Voltage Stability with Unified Power Flow Controller, J. Intell
Syst. Control. https://doi.org/10.56578/jisc010106
Moghavvemi, M., Omar, F. M. 1998. Technique for Contingency
Monitoring and Voltage Collapse Prediction. IEE Proceedings:
Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 145(6): 634–640.
Mohamed, A., Jasmon, G. B., Yusof, S. 1998. A Static Voltage
Collapse Indicator Using Line Stability Factors. Journal of
Industrial Technology, 7(1): 73–85.
Musirin, I., Abdul Rahman, T. K. 2002. Novel Fast Voltage
Stability Index (FVSI) for Voltage Stability Analysis in
Power Transmission System. Student Conference on Research
and Development: Globalizing Research and Development in
Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SCOReD, 265–268.
Nadeem, M., Imran, K., Khattak, A., Ulasyar, A., Pal, A., Zeb,
M. Z., Padhee, M. 2020. Optimal placement, sizing and
coordination of FACTS devices in transmission network using
whale optimization algorithm. Energies, 13(3): 1–24. https://
Pamuk, N. 2009. 380 ve 154 kV’luk Kuzeybatı Anadolu Şebekesi
Güç Akışı Benzetimleri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Sakarya
Üniversitesi, 109s.
Ravikumar, S., Upadhyay, P., Upadhyay, B. 2020. Line Stability
Index-Based Voltage Stability Assessment Placing Series
Compensation of TCSC. Learning and Analytics in Intelligent
Systems, 57–67.
Reis, C., Maciel Barbosa, F. P. 2006. A comparison of voltage
stability indices. Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference,
MELECON, 1007–1010. https://doi.org/10.1109/melcon.
Siddique, A., Xu, Y., Aslam, W., Rasheed, M. 2019. A
Comprehensive Study on FACTS Devices to Improve the
Stability and Power Flow Capability in Power System. Asia
Power and Energy Engineering Conference, APEEC, 199–205.
Singh, N., Agnihotri, P. 2018. Power System Stability
Improvement Using FACTS Devices. International Journal of
Advance Research and Development, 4(3): 171–176.
Taha, I. B. M., ELGebaly, A. E., Ahmed, E. S., Abd el-
Ghany, H. A. 2021. Generalized voltage estimation of
TCSC-compensated transmission lines for adaptive
distance protection. International Journal of Electrical Power
and Energy Systems, 130:1–17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
Taher, A. Kamel, S., Jurado, F., Yu, J. 2022. Optimal Locations and
Sizes of Shunt FACT Devices for Enhancing Power System
Loadability Using Improved Moth Flame Optimization.
Electric Power Components and Systems, 49(20): 1536–1554.
Taher, M. A., Kamel, S., Jurado, F. 2021. Maximizing Power
System Loadability Based on Optimal Allocation of SVC
and STATCOM. CHILEAN Conference on Electrical,
Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication
Technologies, CHILECON, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1109/
Tian, J., Li, K., Xue, W. 2021. An adaptive ensemble
predictive strategy for multiple scale electrical energy usages
forecasting. Sustainable Cities and Society, 66:1-13. https://doi.
Vaidya, P., Chandrakar, V. K. 2022. Congestion Management of
Large Power Network with Static Synchronous Compensator.
Journal of Intelligent Systems and Control, 1(1): 60–67. https://
Zarkani, M. K., Tukkee, A. S., Alali, M. J. 2021. Optimal
placement of facts devices to reduce power system losses
using evolutionary algorithm. Indonesian Journal of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, 21(3): 1271–1278. https://
Uzun, U. E., Pamuk, N., & Taskın, S. (2023). TCSC ve SSSC Cihazları Kullanılarak Enterkonnekte İletim Sisteminin Gerilim ve Yüklenme Parametrelerinin Kontrolü: Örnek Güç Sistemi Uygulaması. Karaelmas Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 13(1), 131-141. https://doi.org/10.7212/karaelmasfen.1198263
Uzun UE, Pamuk N, Taskın S. TCSC ve SSSC Cihazları Kullanılarak Enterkonnekte İletim Sisteminin Gerilim ve Yüklenme Parametrelerinin Kontrolü: Örnek Güç Sistemi Uygulaması. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi. Haziran 2023;13(1):131-141. doi:10.7212/karaelmasfen.1198263
Uzun, Umut Emre, Nihat Pamuk, ve Sezai Taskın. “TCSC Ve SSSC Cihazları Kullanılarak Enterkonnekte İletim Sisteminin Gerilim Ve Yüklenme Parametrelerinin Kontrolü: Örnek Güç Sistemi Uygulaması”. Karaelmas Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi 13, sy. 1 (Haziran 2023): 131-41. https://doi.org/10.7212/karaelmasfen.1198263.
Uzun UE, Pamuk N, Taskın S (01 Haziran 2023) TCSC ve SSSC Cihazları Kullanılarak Enterkonnekte İletim Sisteminin Gerilim ve Yüklenme Parametrelerinin Kontrolü: Örnek Güç Sistemi Uygulaması. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 13 1 131–141.
U. E. Uzun, N. Pamuk, ve S. Taskın, “TCSC ve SSSC Cihazları Kullanılarak Enterkonnekte İletim Sisteminin Gerilim ve Yüklenme Parametrelerinin Kontrolü: Örnek Güç Sistemi Uygulaması”, Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, c. 13, sy. 1, ss. 131–141, 2023, doi: 10.7212/karaelmasfen.1198263.
Uzun, Umut Emre vd. “TCSC Ve SSSC Cihazları Kullanılarak Enterkonnekte İletim Sisteminin Gerilim Ve Yüklenme Parametrelerinin Kontrolü: Örnek Güç Sistemi Uygulaması”. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 13/1 (Haziran 2023), 131-141. https://doi.org/10.7212/karaelmasfen.1198263.
Uzun UE, Pamuk N, Taskın S. TCSC ve SSSC Cihazları Kullanılarak Enterkonnekte İletim Sisteminin Gerilim ve Yüklenme Parametrelerinin Kontrolü: Örnek Güç Sistemi Uygulaması. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi. 2023;13:131–141.
Uzun, Umut Emre vd. “TCSC Ve SSSC Cihazları Kullanılarak Enterkonnekte İletim Sisteminin Gerilim Ve Yüklenme Parametrelerinin Kontrolü: Örnek Güç Sistemi Uygulaması”. Karaelmas Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi, c. 13, sy. 1, 2023, ss. 131-4, doi:10.7212/karaelmasfen.1198263.
Uzun UE, Pamuk N, Taskın S. TCSC ve SSSC Cihazları Kullanılarak Enterkonnekte İletim Sisteminin Gerilim ve Yüklenme Parametrelerinin Kontrolü: Örnek Güç Sistemi Uygulaması. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi. 2023;13(1):131-4.