In addition to being a bureaucrat, Jüveynî found fame with his historiography. Juveynî's Târîh-i Cihân-güşâ, written in three volumes between 1952-1960, is the first work in which Turkish and Mongolian terms are used in Iran historiography. A lexicon describing the Turkish-Mongolian words in Târîh-i Cihân-güşâ is at the end of a copy of the work in the National Library of Iran. This dictionary, whose author and spelling date is unknown, may have been written by the person who claimed the copy. The glossary, consisting of twenty-five pages, begins with a preface of about one and a half pages. In this section, the author states that it would be beneficial to know the Chagatai Turkish words mentioned in Târîh-i Cihân-güşâ. He explains some of the grammar and spelling rules of Chagatai Turkish. The dictionary section after the preface contains descriptions of three hundred and eight words. In the dictionary section of the Elif-bâ system, titles such as “Bâbü'l-Elif”, Bâbü’s-Sîn-i Mu’ceme ” “ Bâbü'l-Hâ-yı Mühmele ”were used for each letter. The words that start with the letter in this title are again sorted by the elif-bâ system. The words to be explained here are written in red ink, the descriptions in black ink and the descriptions are in Persian.
In this study, the text of the glossary, which we consider as a special dictionary of Turkish-Persian written for Târîh-i Cihân-güşâ, has been published and translated.