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The Effect Of Anxiety Experienced in The Last Trimester Of Pregnancy On Anxiety And Pain During Childbirth

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3, 114 - 1126, 30.11.2023


Amaç: Araştırma, gebelerinin son trimesterdeki anksiyete düzeyleri ile doğum fazlarındaki anksiyete ve ağrı düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemiştir.
Yöntem: Araştırma doğudaki bir Kadın Doğum Hastanesi poliklinik ve doğum salonunda Temmuz 2012-Temmuz 2013 tarihleri arasında yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın evrenini, Temmuz 2012-Mart 2013 tarihleri arasında hastaneye antenatal kontroller için başvuran son trimesterin geç dönemindeki (36-39.haftalar arası) gebeler oluşturmuştur. Araştırmanın örneklemini, belirtilen evrenden olasılıksız rastlantısal yöntemi ile seçilen 293 gebe ile oluşturmuştur. Araştırma tanımlayıcı, kesitsel ve ilişki arayan tasarımda olup veriler “Kişisel Bilgi Formu”, “Durumluk ve Sürekli Anksiyete Ölçeği” ve “Görsel Analog Ölçeği” ile toplanmıştır.

Bulgular: Gebelerin son trimesterde durumluk anksiyete puanı ile doğumun latent(p<0.001), aktif(p<0.05) ve geçiş fazındaki(p<0.01) durumluk anksiyete puanı arasında pozitif yönde anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmıştır. Gebelerin son trimesterdeki sürekli anksiyete puanı ile doğumun latent(p<0.001), aktif(p<0.001) ve geçiş fazındaki durumluk anksiyete puanı arasında pozitif yönde oldukça anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmıştır(p<0.001). Gebelerin son trimesterindeki durumluk ve sürekli anksiyete puanları ile doğumun latent, aktif ve geçiş fazlarındaki ağrıları arasında anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmamıştır(p>0.05).
Sonuç: Son trimesterdeki durumluk ve sürekli anksiyeteleri ile doğum fazlarındaki durumluk anksiyeteleri arasında anlamlı ilişki belirlenirken; doğum fazlarındaki ağrıları ile anlamlı bir ilişkisinin olmadığı belirlenmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Anksiyete, doğum ağrısı, gebelik, son trimester.


  • Aktaş D, Kolsuz S, Ertuğrul M, Beşirli E.G,&Gündoğan F.R. effect of birth ball exercising for the management of childbirth pain in Turkish Women. Bezmiâlem Science. 2021; 9(1): 46. 10.14235/bas.galenos.2020.3898
  • Agustina R, Anggriani Y,&Primadevi I. The provision of complementary therapy on the intensity of pain reduction in childbirth. Jurnal Aisyah: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 2023; 8(S1): 273-276.
  • Alimoradi Z, Kazemi F, Gorji M, & Valiani M. Effects of ear and body acupressure on labor pain and duration of labor active phase: A randomized controlled trial. Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 2020; 51, 102413.
  • Aral İ.A. Antenatal maternal anksiyetenin normal vajinal yolla doğum üzerine olan etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Tıp Fakültesi, Afyonkarahisar, Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Anabilim Dalı Uzmanlık Tezi 2008
  • Aral I, Köken, G.K., Bozkurt M, Şahin F.K.Ş.,&Demirel R. Evaluation of the effects of maternal anxiety on the duration of vaginal labour delivery. Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2014; 41(1): 32-36.
  • Aziato L, Acheampong, A.K, & Umoar K.L. Labour pain experiences and perceptions: a qualitative study among post-partum women in Ghana. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2017; 17(1): 1-9. 10.1186/s12884-017-1248-1.
  • Baghani R, Sharifzadeh M, Nezhad M. N. Keramat A, & Khosravi A. The relationship between self-esteem and anxiety with severity of pain and suffering of labor. Journal of Biostatistics and Epidemiology. 2019.
  • Cline M. E, Herman J, Shaw E, & Morter R. D. Standardization of visual analogue scale. Nursing Research. 1992.
  • Curzik D and Begic JN. Anxiety sensitivity and anxiety as correlates of expected, experienced and recalled labor pain. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2011; 1–6. 10.3109/0167482X.2011.626093.
  • Çalışkan E. Doğuma hazırlık eğitiminin perinatal anksiyete düzeyi, doğum korkusu ve bağlanmaya etkisi. İstanbul Medipol Üniversitesi, İstanbul Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Ebelik Anabilim Dalı 2019.
  • Damanik I.,&Tridiyawati F. Music therapy and effective communication reduces anxiety levels ın welcoming childbirth. International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical. 2023; 3(3): 497-505.
  • D.Kongsuwan W and Chatchawet W. Level of labor pain, level of labor pain behaviors, and cultural pain behaviors among first-time ındonesian Muslim mothers. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021; 11: 27-39.
  • Dursun, E,&Kızılırmak, A. Gebelerin kişilik özellikleri ve kaygı düzeyleri ile doğum korkuları arasındaki ilişki. Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi, Nevşehir Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Hemşirelik Anabilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi 2018.
  • Durdu F. Doğum ağrısını etkileyen faktörlerin incelenmesi. Karabük Üniversitesi, Karabük Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Ebelik Anabilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi 2015.
  • Dündar T, Özsoy S, Aksu H,& Toptaş B. Obstetrik özelliklerin gebelikte distres üzerine etkisi. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2019; 22(1): 17-24.Erdogan S.U, Yanikkerem E&Goker A. Effects of low back massage on perceived birth pain and satisfaction. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 2017, 28: 169-175.
  • Fan F, Zou Y, Tian H, Zhang Y, Zhang J Ma,& Dart A. M. Effects of maternal anxiety and depression during pregnancy in Chinese women on children’s heart rate and blood pressure response to stress. Journal of Human Hypertension. 2016; 30(3): 171. 10.1038/jhh.2015.64 Furtado A.R, Gonçalves Machado P.M,&Carneiro M. Guided Imagery Technique on managing maternal anxiety during pregnancy: integrative review. Enfermería Global. 2019; 18(1): 608-645.
  • Handayani L, Salmarini D.D,&Rezekika N. Level of labor pain on first stage of normal labor ın dr. h. moch ansari saleh banjarmasin hospital. In 2nd Sari Mulia International Conference on Health and Sciences 2017 (SMICHS 2017)–One Health to Address the Problem of Tropical Infectious Diseases in Indonesia. Atlantis Press. 2017: pp. 165-171.
  • Hasanjanzadeh P,&Faramarzi M. Relationship between maternal general and specific-pregnancy stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms and pregnancy outcome. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research: JCDR. 2017; 11(4): VC04. 10.7860/JCDR/2017/24352.9616
  • Howard E.D. An innovation in the assessment of labor pain. The Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing. 2017; 31(2): 96-98. 10.1097/JPN.0000000000000246
  • John N&Angeline A. Effectiveness of Music Therapy on anxiety and pain among mothers during first stage of labour in selected hospitals at kollam. International Journal of Nursing Education. 2017; 9: 24-29.
  • Kafes A.Y. Depresyon ve anksiyete bozuklukları üzerine bir bakış. Humanistic Perspective. 2021, 3(1): 186-194.
  • Kazeminia M, Abdi A, Vaisi-Raygani A, Jalali R, Shohaimi S, Daneshkhah A…Mohammadi M. The effect of lavender (lavandula stoechas l.) on reducing labor pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2020. Kazemi Robati A, Molaei B, Motamed N, Hatami R, Gholami H, Ahmadi Birjandi, Esmkhani E. Effects of the presence of the doula on pregnant women's anxiety and pain during delivery: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Advances in Medical and Biomedical Research. 2020; 28(131): 316-322.
  • Keleş Gözütok Ç. Son trimester gebelerde anksiyete, depresyon ve doğum korkunun doğum sonuçlarına etkisi. istanbul Medipol Üniversitesi, İstanbul Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Hemşirelik Anabilim Dalı 2019
  • Lin H.H, Chang Y.C, Chou H.H, Chang C.P, Huang M.Y, Liu S. J…Yeh L.T. Effect of music interventions on anxiety during labor: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Peer J. 2019; 7: e6945.
  • 10.7717/peerj.6945Loughnan S.A, Wallace M, Joubert A.E, Haskelberg H, Andrews G.,&Newby J.M.A systematic review of psychological treatments for clinical anxiety during the perinatal period. Archives of Women's Mental Health. 2018; 21(5): 481-490. 10.1007/s00737-018-0812-7.
  • Madhavanprabhakaran G.K., D’Souza M.S.,&Nairy K.S. Prevalence of pregnancy anxiety and associated factors. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences. 2015; 3: 1-7.
  • Mete S, Çiçek Ö. Doğum ağrısı ve anksiyete arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi, DEUHFED 2016; 9(3): 101- 104.
  • Nekoee T&Zarei M. Evaluation the anxiety status of pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy and fear of childbirth and related factors. Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research. 2015: 1-8.
  • Öner N,& Le Compte W.A. Durumluk-sürekli kaygı envanteri el kitabı. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları; 1985. Öztürk N,&Aydın N. Anne ruh sağlığının önemi. Marmara Üniversitesi Kadın ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2017; 1(2): 29-36.
  • Podvornik N, Velikonja V.G.,&Praper P. Depression and anxiety in women during pregnancy in Slovenia/Depresija In Anksioznost Pri Ženskah Med Nosečnostjo V Sloveniji. Slovenian Journal of Public Health. 2015; 54(1): 45-50.
  • Ranjbaran M, Khorsandi M, Matourypour P,&Shamsi M. Effect of massage therapy on labor pain reduction in primiparous women: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials in Iran. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research. 2017; 22(4): 257.
  • Rasheda Begum M.,&Chowdhury Biswas S. prevalence and associated factors of antenatal anxiety symptoms in Bangladesh: A repeated measures cluster data analysis. Psychiatria Danubina. 2021; 33(10): 52-57.
  • Sinesi A, Maxwell M, O'Carroll R,&Cheyne H. Anxiety scales used in pregnancy: systematic review. BJPsych Open. 2019; 5(1). 10.1192/bjo.2018.75.
  • Şahin M. Korku, kaygı ve kaygı (anksiyete) bozuklukları. Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2019; 6(10): 117-135.
  • Taşkın A. Doğumun 1. evresinde sıcak duş uygulamasının ağrı anksiyete ve konfor üzerine etkisi. Kocaeli Üniversitesi, Kocaeli, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Ebelik Anabilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi 2019
  • Taşkın A,&Ergin A. Effect of hot shower application on pain anxiety and comfort in the first stage of labor: A randomized controlled study. Health Care for Women International. 2022; 43(5): 431-447.
  • Topaç Tuncel N. Gebelikte yaşanan anksiyete, depresyon ve prenatal distres düzeyinin, doğum öncesi bebeğe bağlanmaya etkisi. Trakya Üniversitesi, Trakya, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Hemşirelik Anabilim Dalı 2019.
  • Türk R,&Erkaya R. Determining the status of anxiety and depression in women during pregnancy and ın the postpartum period. In CBU International Conference Proceedings. 2018; 6. pp. 971-977.
  • Vaira R, Karinda M,&Wahdah, R. Factors causing anxiety of pregnant women in delivery. International Journal of Public Health Excellence. 2023; 2(2): 556-564.
  • Val A,&Míguez, M.C. Prevalence of antenatal anxiety in european women: A literature review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023; 20(2): 1098.
  • Viswasam K, Eslick G.D,&Starcevic V. Prevalence, onset and course of anxiety disorders during pregnancy: A systematic review and meta analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2019; 255. 27-40. 10.1016/j.jad.2019.05.016.
  • Zijlmans M.A, Beijers R, Riksen-Walraven M.J,&De Weerth C. Maternal late pregnancy anxiety and stress is associated with children’s health: a longitudinal study. Stress.2017, 20(5). 495-504.
  • Witcraft S.M, Perry M.M., Viana, A.G., Tull, M.T.,&Dixon, L.J. A Preliminary ınvestigation of prenatal anxiety sensitivity and postpartum distress. Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health. 2023.

The Effect Of Anxiety Experienced in The Last Trimester Of Pregnancy On Anxiety And Pain During Childbirth

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3, 114 - 1126, 30.11.2023



Objective: The study determined the relationship between the anxiety levels of the last trimester pregnant women and the anxiety and pain levels in the phases of labor.
Methods: The research was conducted between July 2012 and July 2013 in the outpatient clinic and delivery room of a Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital in the east. The population of the study consisted of pregnant women in the late last trimester (between 36 and 39 weeks) who applied to the hospital for antenatal controls between July 2012 and March 2013. The sample of the research was created with 293 pregnant women selected by the improbable random method from the specified population. The research has a descriptive, cross-sectional and relationship-seeking design and data were collected with the "Personal Information Form", "State and Trait Anxiety Scale" and "Visual Analog Scale".
Results: A positive and significant correlation was found between the state anxiety score of the pregnant women in the last trimester and the state anxiety score in the latent(p<0.001), active(p<0.05) and transitional phases of labor(p<0.01). A highly significant positive correlation was found between the trait anxiety score of the pregnant women in the last trimester and the state anxiety score in the latent(p<0.001), active(p<0.001) and transitional phases of labor(p<0.001). No significant correlation was found between the state and trait anxiety scores in the last trimester of pregnant women and pain in the latent, active and transitional phases of labor(p>0.05).
Conclusion: While a significant relationship was determined between state and trait anxiety in the last trimester and state anxiety in the birth phases; it was determined that there was no significant relationship with pain in the labor phases.
Keywords: Anxiety, labor pain, last trimester, pregnancy.


  • Aktaş D, Kolsuz S, Ertuğrul M, Beşirli E.G,&Gündoğan F.R. effect of birth ball exercising for the management of childbirth pain in Turkish Women. Bezmiâlem Science. 2021; 9(1): 46. 10.14235/bas.galenos.2020.3898
  • Agustina R, Anggriani Y,&Primadevi I. The provision of complementary therapy on the intensity of pain reduction in childbirth. Jurnal Aisyah: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 2023; 8(S1): 273-276.
  • Alimoradi Z, Kazemi F, Gorji M, & Valiani M. Effects of ear and body acupressure on labor pain and duration of labor active phase: A randomized controlled trial. Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 2020; 51, 102413.
  • Aral İ.A. Antenatal maternal anksiyetenin normal vajinal yolla doğum üzerine olan etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Tıp Fakültesi, Afyonkarahisar, Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Anabilim Dalı Uzmanlık Tezi 2008
  • Aral I, Köken, G.K., Bozkurt M, Şahin F.K.Ş.,&Demirel R. Evaluation of the effects of maternal anxiety on the duration of vaginal labour delivery. Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2014; 41(1): 32-36.
  • Aziato L, Acheampong, A.K, & Umoar K.L. Labour pain experiences and perceptions: a qualitative study among post-partum women in Ghana. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2017; 17(1): 1-9. 10.1186/s12884-017-1248-1.
  • Baghani R, Sharifzadeh M, Nezhad M. N. Keramat A, & Khosravi A. The relationship between self-esteem and anxiety with severity of pain and suffering of labor. Journal of Biostatistics and Epidemiology. 2019.
  • Cline M. E, Herman J, Shaw E, & Morter R. D. Standardization of visual analogue scale. Nursing Research. 1992.
  • Curzik D and Begic JN. Anxiety sensitivity and anxiety as correlates of expected, experienced and recalled labor pain. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2011; 1–6. 10.3109/0167482X.2011.626093.
  • Çalışkan E. Doğuma hazırlık eğitiminin perinatal anksiyete düzeyi, doğum korkusu ve bağlanmaya etkisi. İstanbul Medipol Üniversitesi, İstanbul Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Ebelik Anabilim Dalı 2019.
  • Damanik I.,&Tridiyawati F. Music therapy and effective communication reduces anxiety levels ın welcoming childbirth. International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical. 2023; 3(3): 497-505.
  • D.Kongsuwan W and Chatchawet W. Level of labor pain, level of labor pain behaviors, and cultural pain behaviors among first-time ındonesian Muslim mothers. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021; 11: 27-39.
  • Dursun, E,&Kızılırmak, A. Gebelerin kişilik özellikleri ve kaygı düzeyleri ile doğum korkuları arasındaki ilişki. Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi, Nevşehir Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Hemşirelik Anabilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi 2018.
  • Durdu F. Doğum ağrısını etkileyen faktörlerin incelenmesi. Karabük Üniversitesi, Karabük Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Ebelik Anabilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi 2015.
  • Dündar T, Özsoy S, Aksu H,& Toptaş B. Obstetrik özelliklerin gebelikte distres üzerine etkisi. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2019; 22(1): 17-24.Erdogan S.U, Yanikkerem E&Goker A. Effects of low back massage on perceived birth pain and satisfaction. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 2017, 28: 169-175.
  • Fan F, Zou Y, Tian H, Zhang Y, Zhang J Ma,& Dart A. M. Effects of maternal anxiety and depression during pregnancy in Chinese women on children’s heart rate and blood pressure response to stress. Journal of Human Hypertension. 2016; 30(3): 171. 10.1038/jhh.2015.64 Furtado A.R, Gonçalves Machado P.M,&Carneiro M. Guided Imagery Technique on managing maternal anxiety during pregnancy: integrative review. Enfermería Global. 2019; 18(1): 608-645.
  • Handayani L, Salmarini D.D,&Rezekika N. Level of labor pain on first stage of normal labor ın dr. h. moch ansari saleh banjarmasin hospital. In 2nd Sari Mulia International Conference on Health and Sciences 2017 (SMICHS 2017)–One Health to Address the Problem of Tropical Infectious Diseases in Indonesia. Atlantis Press. 2017: pp. 165-171.
  • Hasanjanzadeh P,&Faramarzi M. Relationship between maternal general and specific-pregnancy stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms and pregnancy outcome. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research: JCDR. 2017; 11(4): VC04. 10.7860/JCDR/2017/24352.9616
  • Howard E.D. An innovation in the assessment of labor pain. The Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing. 2017; 31(2): 96-98. 10.1097/JPN.0000000000000246
  • John N&Angeline A. Effectiveness of Music Therapy on anxiety and pain among mothers during first stage of labour in selected hospitals at kollam. International Journal of Nursing Education. 2017; 9: 24-29.
  • Kafes A.Y. Depresyon ve anksiyete bozuklukları üzerine bir bakış. Humanistic Perspective. 2021, 3(1): 186-194.
  • Kazeminia M, Abdi A, Vaisi-Raygani A, Jalali R, Shohaimi S, Daneshkhah A…Mohammadi M. The effect of lavender (lavandula stoechas l.) on reducing labor pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2020. Kazemi Robati A, Molaei B, Motamed N, Hatami R, Gholami H, Ahmadi Birjandi, Esmkhani E. Effects of the presence of the doula on pregnant women's anxiety and pain during delivery: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Advances in Medical and Biomedical Research. 2020; 28(131): 316-322.
  • Keleş Gözütok Ç. Son trimester gebelerde anksiyete, depresyon ve doğum korkunun doğum sonuçlarına etkisi. istanbul Medipol Üniversitesi, İstanbul Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Hemşirelik Anabilim Dalı 2019
  • Lin H.H, Chang Y.C, Chou H.H, Chang C.P, Huang M.Y, Liu S. J…Yeh L.T. Effect of music interventions on anxiety during labor: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Peer J. 2019; 7: e6945.
  • 10.7717/peerj.6945Loughnan S.A, Wallace M, Joubert A.E, Haskelberg H, Andrews G.,&Newby J.M.A systematic review of psychological treatments for clinical anxiety during the perinatal period. Archives of Women's Mental Health. 2018; 21(5): 481-490. 10.1007/s00737-018-0812-7.
  • Madhavanprabhakaran G.K., D’Souza M.S.,&Nairy K.S. Prevalence of pregnancy anxiety and associated factors. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences. 2015; 3: 1-7.
  • Mete S, Çiçek Ö. Doğum ağrısı ve anksiyete arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi, DEUHFED 2016; 9(3): 101- 104.
  • Nekoee T&Zarei M. Evaluation the anxiety status of pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy and fear of childbirth and related factors. Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research. 2015: 1-8.
  • Öner N,& Le Compte W.A. Durumluk-sürekli kaygı envanteri el kitabı. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları; 1985. Öztürk N,&Aydın N. Anne ruh sağlığının önemi. Marmara Üniversitesi Kadın ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2017; 1(2): 29-36.
  • Podvornik N, Velikonja V.G.,&Praper P. Depression and anxiety in women during pregnancy in Slovenia/Depresija In Anksioznost Pri Ženskah Med Nosečnostjo V Sloveniji. Slovenian Journal of Public Health. 2015; 54(1): 45-50.
  • Ranjbaran M, Khorsandi M, Matourypour P,&Shamsi M. Effect of massage therapy on labor pain reduction in primiparous women: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials in Iran. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research. 2017; 22(4): 257.
  • Rasheda Begum M.,&Chowdhury Biswas S. prevalence and associated factors of antenatal anxiety symptoms in Bangladesh: A repeated measures cluster data analysis. Psychiatria Danubina. 2021; 33(10): 52-57.
  • Sinesi A, Maxwell M, O'Carroll R,&Cheyne H. Anxiety scales used in pregnancy: systematic review. BJPsych Open. 2019; 5(1). 10.1192/bjo.2018.75.
  • Şahin M. Korku, kaygı ve kaygı (anksiyete) bozuklukları. Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2019; 6(10): 117-135.
  • Taşkın A. Doğumun 1. evresinde sıcak duş uygulamasının ağrı anksiyete ve konfor üzerine etkisi. Kocaeli Üniversitesi, Kocaeli, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Ebelik Anabilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi 2019
  • Taşkın A,&Ergin A. Effect of hot shower application on pain anxiety and comfort in the first stage of labor: A randomized controlled study. Health Care for Women International. 2022; 43(5): 431-447.
  • Topaç Tuncel N. Gebelikte yaşanan anksiyete, depresyon ve prenatal distres düzeyinin, doğum öncesi bebeğe bağlanmaya etkisi. Trakya Üniversitesi, Trakya, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Hemşirelik Anabilim Dalı 2019.
  • Türk R,&Erkaya R. Determining the status of anxiety and depression in women during pregnancy and ın the postpartum period. In CBU International Conference Proceedings. 2018; 6. pp. 971-977.
  • Vaira R, Karinda M,&Wahdah, R. Factors causing anxiety of pregnant women in delivery. International Journal of Public Health Excellence. 2023; 2(2): 556-564.
  • Val A,&Míguez, M.C. Prevalence of antenatal anxiety in european women: A literature review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023; 20(2): 1098.
  • Viswasam K, Eslick G.D,&Starcevic V. Prevalence, onset and course of anxiety disorders during pregnancy: A systematic review and meta analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2019; 255. 27-40. 10.1016/j.jad.2019.05.016.
  • Zijlmans M.A, Beijers R, Riksen-Walraven M.J,&De Weerth C. Maternal late pregnancy anxiety and stress is associated with children’s health: a longitudinal study. Stress.2017, 20(5). 495-504.
  • Witcraft S.M, Perry M.M., Viana, A.G., Tull, M.T.,&Dixon, L.J. A Preliminary ınvestigation of prenatal anxiety sensitivity and postpartum distress. Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health. 2023.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hemşirelik
Bölüm Araştırma Makele

Gülsüm Gündoğdu 0000-0002-2826-5620

Gülşen Eryılmaz

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Kasım 2023
Kabul Tarihi 16 Kasım 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Gündoğdu, G., & Eryılmaz, G. (2023). The Effect Of Anxiety Experienced in The Last Trimester Of Pregnancy On Anxiety And Pain During Childbirth. Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği Dergisi, 9(3), 114-1126.
AMA Gündoğdu G, Eryılmaz G. The Effect Of Anxiety Experienced in The Last Trimester Of Pregnancy On Anxiety And Pain During Childbirth. KASHED. Kasım 2023;9(3):114-1126.
Chicago Gündoğdu, Gülsüm, ve Gülşen Eryılmaz. “The Effect Of Anxiety Experienced in The Last Trimester Of Pregnancy On Anxiety And Pain During Childbirth”. Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği Dergisi 9, sy. 3 (Kasım 2023): 114-1126.
EndNote Gündoğdu G, Eryılmaz G (01 Kasım 2023) The Effect Of Anxiety Experienced in The Last Trimester Of Pregnancy On Anxiety And Pain During Childbirth. Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği Dergisi 9 3 114–1126.
IEEE G. Gündoğdu ve G. Eryılmaz, “The Effect Of Anxiety Experienced in The Last Trimester Of Pregnancy On Anxiety And Pain During Childbirth”, KASHED, c. 9, sy. 3, ss. 114–1126, 2023.
ISNAD Gündoğdu, Gülsüm - Eryılmaz, Gülşen. “The Effect Of Anxiety Experienced in The Last Trimester Of Pregnancy On Anxiety And Pain During Childbirth”. Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği Dergisi 9/3 (Kasım 2023), 114-1126.
JAMA Gündoğdu G, Eryılmaz G. The Effect Of Anxiety Experienced in The Last Trimester Of Pregnancy On Anxiety And Pain During Childbirth. KASHED. 2023;9:114–1126.
MLA Gündoğdu, Gülsüm ve Gülşen Eryılmaz. “The Effect Of Anxiety Experienced in The Last Trimester Of Pregnancy On Anxiety And Pain During Childbirth”. Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği Dergisi, c. 9, sy. 3, 2023, ss. 114-1126.
Vancouver Gündoğdu G, Eryılmaz G. The Effect Of Anxiety Experienced in The Last Trimester Of Pregnancy On Anxiety And Pain During Childbirth. KASHED. 2023;9(3):114-1126.