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Yıl 2024, , 19 - 46, 30.04.2024


Bu çalışmanın amacı, uluslararası suçlara yönelik kriminolojik yaklaşımları; Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi kapsamına giren uluslararası suçlar özelinde, Uluslararası Hukuk ve Kriminoloji alanlarının etkileşiminde işbirliği ya da dışlamaya neden olan girişim ya da kısıtları değerlendirerek, disiplinerarası bir bakış açısıyla çözümlemektir. Çalışma söz konusu alanların temel özelliklerine, kuramsal altyapılarına ve tarihsel süreçte yaşanan kırılmalara değinerek, literatürde baskın biçimde tartışılan kriminolojinin uluslararası suçları göz ardı ettiği iddiasını incelemiş ve kriminolojik yaklaşımların daha esnek ve eleştirel bakış açıları getiren ve karşılıklı kazanımlara odaklanan seyriyle uluslararası suçların çözümlenmesine yönelik Uluslararası Hukuk araştırmalarına giderek daha yakın konumlandığı görülmüştür. Ceza Hukuku’nun kriminolojik yaklaşımlarla ulusal düzeyde var olan yakın ilişkisi, uluslararası ve ulus-üstü çalışmalarda eksiktir. Bu eksikliğin giderilmesine ilişkin girişimler artarak devam etmektedir. Bu araştırma ulusal literatürdeki eksiği de göz önünde bulunduran, bu konudaki işbirliğine yönelik bir çağrı niteliğindedir. Çalışmada ayrıca, uluslararası suçlara yönelik kriminolojik yaklaşımların uluslararası suçların önlenmesine ilişkin katkıları değerlendirilmiş, her ne kadar mevcut sistem cezalandırma ve kovuşturmalar yönünden ciddi eleştirilere maruz kalsa da uluslararası suçların önlenmesi odağında kriminoloji alanıyla işbirliğinin olumlu sonuçlar vereceği değerlendirilmiştir.


  • Akers, Ronald L. Criminological Theories: Introduction and Evaluation, Routledge, 2012.
  • Atılgan Pazvantoğlu, Cansu. “Yumuşak Hukuk Tartışmaları Çerçevesinde BM İş Dünyası ve İnsan Hakları Rehber İlkeleri’nin Değerlendirilmesi”. Marmara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Hukuk Araştırmaları Dergisi. 27/2 (2021): 1131-1155.
  • Aebi, Marcelo F., Martin Killias ve Cynthia Tavares. “Comparing Crime Rates : the International Crime (Victim) Survey”, The European Sourcebook Of Crime And Criminal Justice Statistics, and Interpol Statistics, 2002.
  • Agnew, Robert. “Toward a Unified Criminology: Integrating Assumptions about Crime”. People and Society: A Unified Criminology. NYU Press, 2011.
  • Aydın Okur, Derya. “Uluslararası İlişkiler ile Uluslararası Hukukun 'Uzak Yan Yanalığı' ve Disiplinlerarasılık Meselesi”. Uluslararası Hukuk ve Uluslararası İlişkiler: Disiplinlerarası Yaklaşımlar, (Cansu Atılgan Pazvantoğlu), Yetkin Yayınları, 2023.
  • Bachand Remi ve Thierry Lapointe. “Beyond Presentism: Rethinking the Enduring Co-constitutive Relationships between International Law and International Relations”. Inter-national Political Sociology. 4/3 (2010): 271-286.
  • Bosworth Mary ve Carolyn Hoyle. “An Introduction”. What is Criminology?, (Mary Bosworth ve Carolyn Hoyle), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.
  • Bouchet-Saulnier, Françoise. İnsancıl Hukuk Sözlüğü. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2022.
  • Briggs, Steven M. ve Joan Friedman. Criminology for Dummies. Hoboken N.J: Wiley, 2009.
  • Bruinsma, Gerben. “Criminology and Transnational Crime”. Histories of Transnational Crime,.New York: Springer-Verlag, 2015.
  • Cassese, Antonio. International Criminal Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.
  • Cryer, Robert. Prosecuting International Crimes Selectivity and the International Criminal Law Regime,. Cambridge University Press, 2005.
  • Dehabadi, Mohammad Ali Haji, Mohammad Ebrahim Shams Naterry, Sedigheh Khalili ve Samira Golkhandan. “Theoretical Analysis of Crimes against Humanity in Light of Criminology.” International journal of humanities and social sciences. 3 (2016): 477-492.
  • Drumbl, Mark A. “Toward a Criminology of International Crime”. Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution. 19:1 (2003): 263-282.
  • Gegout, Catherine. “The International Criminal Court: Limits, Potential and Conditions for the Promotion of Justice and Peace”, Third World Quarterly, 34/5 (2013): 800-818.
  • Grant, John P. ve J. Craig Barker. Encyclopaedic Dictionary of International Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
  • Gözen Ercan, Pınar. “Uluslararası Hukuk ve Siyaset Etkileşiminde Koruma Sorumluluğunun Dönüşümü ve Uygulamaları”. Uluslararası Hukuk ve Uluslararası İlişkiler: Disiplinlerarası Yaklaşımlar, (Cansu Atılgan Pazvantoğlu), Yetkin Yayınları, 2023.
  • Harrendorf, Stefan. “How Can Criminology Contribute to an Explanation of International Crimes?”. Journal of International Criminal Justice. 12 (2014): 231-252.
  • Howe, Brendon. “Law and Intervention”. Uluslararası Hukuk ve Politika. 4 (2008): 95-117.
  • Hoon, Marieke de. "The Future of the International Criminal Court. On Critique, Legalism and Strengthening the icc’s Legitimacy", International Criminal Law Review 17/4 (2017).
  • International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS), The Responsibility to Protect, International Development Research Centre, December 2001.
  • International Criminal Court, About the Court,
  • International Criminal Court, Elements of Crimes, 2011.
  • International Humanitarian Law Databases, “Agreement for the Prosecution and Punishment of the Major War Criminals of the European Axis, and Charter of the International Military Tribunal” London, 8 August 1945.
  • Karstedt, Susanne. “Scaling criminology: From Street violence to atrocity crimes”. Scaling criminology: From street violence to atrocity crimes, Regulatory Theory, (Peter Drahos), ANU Press, 2017.
  • Kreß, Claus. ““Time for Decision: Some Thoughts on the Immediate Future of the Crime of Aggression: A Reply to Andreas Paulus”, The European Journal of International Law, 20/4 (2009).
  • Lint, Willem de, Marinella Marmo ve Nerida Chazal. Criminal Justice in International Society, Routledge, 2014.
  • Loader, Ian ve Richard Sparks. “Situating criminology: On the Production and Consumption of Knowledge about Crime and Justice”. The Oxford Handbook of Criminology, (Mike Maguire, Rod Morgan ve Robert Reiner), Oxford University Press, 2002.
  • Loeber, Rolf ve Brandon ve C. Welsh. The Future of Criminology. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012.
  • Maguire, Mike, Rodney Morgan ve Robert Reiner, The Oxford Handbook of Criminology, Oxford University Press, 2002.
  • Martínez, Aroa Ruiz. “Criminology of International Crimes: A Revision of the Crime of Aggression from a Critical Criminology Perspective”. E-ciències jurídiques. 1 (2017): 1-11.
  • McGarry, Ross ve Sandra Walklate. The ‘Forgotten Criminology of Genocide’?. Bristol University Press, 2019.
  • Michalowski, Raymond. “Power, crime and criminology in the new imperial age”. Crime, Law and Social Change. 51 (2009): 303-325.
  • Natarajan, Mangai. International Crime and Justice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
  • Neubacher, Frank. “How Can it Happen that Horrendous State Crimes are Perpetrated?, An Overview of Criminological Theories”. Journal of International Criminal Justice. 4/4 (2006): 787-799.
  • Olsson, İlhami Alkan. “Four Competing Approaches to International Soft Law”. Scandinavian Studies in Law. 58 (2013): 177-196.
  • Paulus, Andreas. “Second Thoughts on the Crime of Aggression”, The European Journal of International Law, 20/4 (2009).
  • Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. United Nations, Treaty Series. Vol. 2187, No. 38544. Rome: 17 July 1998.
  • Rothe L., Dawn L. ve David O. Friedrichs, “The State of the Criminology of Crimes of the State”, Social Justice, Vol. 33/1 (2006): 147-161.
  • Rothe L., Dawn ve Christopher W. Mullins. “Toward a Criminology of International Criminal Law: An Integrated Theory of International Criminal Violations”. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice. 33/1 (2009): 97-118.
  • Shaw, Malcolm N. International Law, 6th edition. Cambridge University Press, 2008.
  • Sheptycki, James. “Transnational Crime: An Interdisciplinary Perspective”. Routledge Handbook of Transnational Criminal Law (1st ed.), (Robert J. Currie ve Neil Boister), Routledge, 2014.
  • Shute, Jon. “Moral Discourse and Action in Relation to the Corpse: Integrative Conceptsfor a Criminology of Mass Violence”, Human Remains and Mass Violence, (Jean-Marc DreyfuS ve Élisabeth Anstett), Manchester University Press, 2015.
  • Smeulers, Alette. “Perpetrators of International Crimes: Towards a Typology”. Supranational Criminology: Towards a Criminology of International Crimes, (Alette Smeulers ve Roelof Haveman), Antwer: Intersentia, 2008.
  • Smeulers, Alette ve Roelof Haveman. “International Crimes and Criminology: An Agenda for Future Research”. Supranational Criminology: Towards a Criminology of International Crimes, (Alette Smeulers & Roelof Haveman), Antwerp: Intersentia, 2008.
  • Smeulers Alette, Fred Grünfeld. International Crimes and other Gross Human Rights Violations, A Multi- and Interdisciplinary Textbook. Leiden Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2011.
  • Sokullu Akıncı, Füsun. Kriminoloji, İstanbul: Beta, 2018.
  • Song, Sang-Hyun. The Role of the International Criminal Court in Ending Impunity and Establishing the Rule of Law, Delivering Justice, 4/ XLIX (2012).
  • Tezcan, Durmuş, Ruhan Erdem ve R. Murat Önok. Uluslararası Ceza Hukuku. Ankara: Seçkin Yayınevi, 2009.
  • The Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols (International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), “The Geneva Conventions and their Commentaries”, Treaty Database: Full Texts, Commentaries and State Parties, 2023
  • The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). International Criminal Justice: The Institutions, Advisory Service on IHL, April 2021.
  • Tierney, John. Criminology: Theory and Context, Longman, 2006.
  • Tittle, Charles R. “Introduction: Theory and Contemporary Criminology”, The Handbook of Criminological Theory (Alex R. Piquero), John Wiley & Sons, 2016.
  • Türk Dil Kurumu Sözlükleri, Güncel Türkçe Sözlük,
  • United Nations Document, A/CN.4/L.2, Text of the Nürnberg Principles Adopted by the International Law Commission, Formulation of the Nürnberg Principles, Yearbook of the International Law Commission, vol. II, 1950.
  • United Nations General Assembly Resolution 260 A (III), Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, 9 December 1948.
  • Varona, Gema ve José Luis de la Cuesta, “International Criminology: Concept, History, Developments, and Institutions”, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology, 2019.
  • Vasiliev, Sergey. ” The Crises and Critiques of International Criminal Justice”, The Oxford Handbook of International Criminal Law (Kevin Jon Heller vd.), Oxford Handbooks, 2020.
  • Vega, Octavio. “Beyond Justice's Reach, Part 1: The Limits of the International Criminal Court”, Harvard International Review (25 September 2020).
  • Vernier, Chester G. “Annual Meeting of the Illinois Branch: International Criminology”, Journal of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology. 5/3 (Sep., 1914): 196-203.
  • Vito, Gennaro F. ve Jeffrey R. Maahs. Criminology: Theory, Research and Policy, Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2017.
  • Vöhringer, Marco. “Critiques of International Criminal Law Revisited in the Light of the Rome Statute: What More Can We Do?”, Völkerrechtsblog (10.01.2022).
  • Walklate, Sandra. Understanding criminology: Current theoretical debates, Open University Press, 2007.
  • White, Rob. Transnational Environmental Crime: Toward an Eco-global Criminology. Willan, 2011.
  • Williams, Katherine S. Textbook on Criminology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
  • Wilson, Jeffrey R. “The Word Criminology: A Philology and a Definition, Criminology”. Criminal Justice Law, & Society. 16/3 (2015): 61-82.
  • Woolford, Andrew. “Making Genocide Unthinkable: Three Guidelines for a Critical Criminology of Genocide”. Critical Criminology. 14 (2006): 87-106.
  • Yacoubian, George S. The (in)significance of genocidal behavior to the discipline of criminology. Crime, Law and Social Change 34 (2000): 7-19.

Die Bewertung kriminologischer Ansätze zu internationalen Verbrechen im Rahmen des Völkerrechts

Yıl 2024, , 19 - 46, 30.04.2024


Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, kriminologische Ansätze im Zusammenhang mit internationalen Verbrechen zu untersuchen; speziell im Rahmen des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs, die Bemühungen oder Beschränkungen der Zusammenarbeit oder Ausschließung im Zusammenspiel von Internationalem Recht und Kriminologie in Bezug auf internationale Verbrechen zu bewerten und interdisziplinär zu analysieren. Die Arbeit untersucht die grundlegenden Merkmale, theoretischen Grundlagen und historischen Brüche dieser Bereiche, um die Behauptung zu prüfen, dass die Kriminologie in der Literatur überwiegend die internationalen Verbrechen vernachlässigt habe. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die kriminologischen Ansätze im Verlauf flexibler und kritischer wurden, einen interdisziplinären Blickwinkel einnahmen und sich auf gegenseitige Gewinne konzentrierten, was zu einer engeren Verbindung mit den Untersuchungen des Internationalen Rechts im Zusammenhang mit der Analyse internationaler Verbrechen führte. Die enge Beziehung zwischen Strafrecht und kriminologischen Ansätzen auf nationaler Ebene fehlt jedoch in internationalen und supranationalen Studien. Bemühungen zur Behebung dieser Lücke nehmen stetig zu. Diese Forschung ist auch ein Aufruf zur Zusammenarbeit, der die bestehende Lücke in der nationalen Literatur berücksichtigt. Darüber hinaus wurden in der Arbeit die Beiträge der kriminologischen Ansätze zu internationalen Verbrechen hinsichtlich ihrer Prävention bewertet. Obwohl das bestehende System in Bezug auf Bestrafung und Verfolgung ernsthafter Kritik ausgesetzt ist, wurde festgestellt, dass die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Bereich Kriminologie positive Ergebnisse bei der Verhinderung internationaler Verbrechen erzielen könnte.


  • Akers, Ronald L. Criminological Theories: Introduction and Evaluation, Routledge, 2012.
  • Atılgan Pazvantoğlu, Cansu. “Yumuşak Hukuk Tartışmaları Çerçevesinde BM İş Dünyası ve İnsan Hakları Rehber İlkeleri’nin Değerlendirilmesi”. Marmara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Hukuk Araştırmaları Dergisi. 27/2 (2021): 1131-1155.
  • Aebi, Marcelo F., Martin Killias ve Cynthia Tavares. “Comparing Crime Rates : the International Crime (Victim) Survey”, The European Sourcebook Of Crime And Criminal Justice Statistics, and Interpol Statistics, 2002.
  • Agnew, Robert. “Toward a Unified Criminology: Integrating Assumptions about Crime”. People and Society: A Unified Criminology. NYU Press, 2011.
  • Aydın Okur, Derya. “Uluslararası İlişkiler ile Uluslararası Hukukun 'Uzak Yan Yanalığı' ve Disiplinlerarasılık Meselesi”. Uluslararası Hukuk ve Uluslararası İlişkiler: Disiplinlerarası Yaklaşımlar, (Cansu Atılgan Pazvantoğlu), Yetkin Yayınları, 2023.
  • Bachand Remi ve Thierry Lapointe. “Beyond Presentism: Rethinking the Enduring Co-constitutive Relationships between International Law and International Relations”. Inter-national Political Sociology. 4/3 (2010): 271-286.
  • Bosworth Mary ve Carolyn Hoyle. “An Introduction”. What is Criminology?, (Mary Bosworth ve Carolyn Hoyle), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.
  • Bouchet-Saulnier, Françoise. İnsancıl Hukuk Sözlüğü. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2022.
  • Briggs, Steven M. ve Joan Friedman. Criminology for Dummies. Hoboken N.J: Wiley, 2009.
  • Bruinsma, Gerben. “Criminology and Transnational Crime”. Histories of Transnational Crime,.New York: Springer-Verlag, 2015.
  • Cassese, Antonio. International Criminal Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.
  • Cryer, Robert. Prosecuting International Crimes Selectivity and the International Criminal Law Regime,. Cambridge University Press, 2005.
  • Dehabadi, Mohammad Ali Haji, Mohammad Ebrahim Shams Naterry, Sedigheh Khalili ve Samira Golkhandan. “Theoretical Analysis of Crimes against Humanity in Light of Criminology.” International journal of humanities and social sciences. 3 (2016): 477-492.
  • Drumbl, Mark A. “Toward a Criminology of International Crime”. Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution. 19:1 (2003): 263-282.
  • Gegout, Catherine. “The International Criminal Court: Limits, Potential and Conditions for the Promotion of Justice and Peace”, Third World Quarterly, 34/5 (2013): 800-818.
  • Grant, John P. ve J. Craig Barker. Encyclopaedic Dictionary of International Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
  • Gözen Ercan, Pınar. “Uluslararası Hukuk ve Siyaset Etkileşiminde Koruma Sorumluluğunun Dönüşümü ve Uygulamaları”. Uluslararası Hukuk ve Uluslararası İlişkiler: Disiplinlerarası Yaklaşımlar, (Cansu Atılgan Pazvantoğlu), Yetkin Yayınları, 2023.
  • Harrendorf, Stefan. “How Can Criminology Contribute to an Explanation of International Crimes?”. Journal of International Criminal Justice. 12 (2014): 231-252.
  • Howe, Brendon. “Law and Intervention”. Uluslararası Hukuk ve Politika. 4 (2008): 95-117.
  • Hoon, Marieke de. "The Future of the International Criminal Court. On Critique, Legalism and Strengthening the icc’s Legitimacy", International Criminal Law Review 17/4 (2017).
  • International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS), The Responsibility to Protect, International Development Research Centre, December 2001.
  • International Criminal Court, About the Court,
  • International Criminal Court, Elements of Crimes, 2011.
  • International Humanitarian Law Databases, “Agreement for the Prosecution and Punishment of the Major War Criminals of the European Axis, and Charter of the International Military Tribunal” London, 8 August 1945.
  • Karstedt, Susanne. “Scaling criminology: From Street violence to atrocity crimes”. Scaling criminology: From street violence to atrocity crimes, Regulatory Theory, (Peter Drahos), ANU Press, 2017.
  • Kreß, Claus. ““Time for Decision: Some Thoughts on the Immediate Future of the Crime of Aggression: A Reply to Andreas Paulus”, The European Journal of International Law, 20/4 (2009).
  • Lint, Willem de, Marinella Marmo ve Nerida Chazal. Criminal Justice in International Society, Routledge, 2014.
  • Loader, Ian ve Richard Sparks. “Situating criminology: On the Production and Consumption of Knowledge about Crime and Justice”. The Oxford Handbook of Criminology, (Mike Maguire, Rod Morgan ve Robert Reiner), Oxford University Press, 2002.
  • Loeber, Rolf ve Brandon ve C. Welsh. The Future of Criminology. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012.
  • Maguire, Mike, Rodney Morgan ve Robert Reiner, The Oxford Handbook of Criminology, Oxford University Press, 2002.
  • Martínez, Aroa Ruiz. “Criminology of International Crimes: A Revision of the Crime of Aggression from a Critical Criminology Perspective”. E-ciències jurídiques. 1 (2017): 1-11.
  • McGarry, Ross ve Sandra Walklate. The ‘Forgotten Criminology of Genocide’?. Bristol University Press, 2019.
  • Michalowski, Raymond. “Power, crime and criminology in the new imperial age”. Crime, Law and Social Change. 51 (2009): 303-325.
  • Natarajan, Mangai. International Crime and Justice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
  • Neubacher, Frank. “How Can it Happen that Horrendous State Crimes are Perpetrated?, An Overview of Criminological Theories”. Journal of International Criminal Justice. 4/4 (2006): 787-799.
  • Olsson, İlhami Alkan. “Four Competing Approaches to International Soft Law”. Scandinavian Studies in Law. 58 (2013): 177-196.
  • Paulus, Andreas. “Second Thoughts on the Crime of Aggression”, The European Journal of International Law, 20/4 (2009).
  • Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. United Nations, Treaty Series. Vol. 2187, No. 38544. Rome: 17 July 1998.
  • Rothe L., Dawn L. ve David O. Friedrichs, “The State of the Criminology of Crimes of the State”, Social Justice, Vol. 33/1 (2006): 147-161.
  • Rothe L., Dawn ve Christopher W. Mullins. “Toward a Criminology of International Criminal Law: An Integrated Theory of International Criminal Violations”. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice. 33/1 (2009): 97-118.
  • Shaw, Malcolm N. International Law, 6th edition. Cambridge University Press, 2008.
  • Sheptycki, James. “Transnational Crime: An Interdisciplinary Perspective”. Routledge Handbook of Transnational Criminal Law (1st ed.), (Robert J. Currie ve Neil Boister), Routledge, 2014.
  • Shute, Jon. “Moral Discourse and Action in Relation to the Corpse: Integrative Conceptsfor a Criminology of Mass Violence”, Human Remains and Mass Violence, (Jean-Marc DreyfuS ve Élisabeth Anstett), Manchester University Press, 2015.
  • Smeulers, Alette. “Perpetrators of International Crimes: Towards a Typology”. Supranational Criminology: Towards a Criminology of International Crimes, (Alette Smeulers ve Roelof Haveman), Antwer: Intersentia, 2008.
  • Smeulers, Alette ve Roelof Haveman. “International Crimes and Criminology: An Agenda for Future Research”. Supranational Criminology: Towards a Criminology of International Crimes, (Alette Smeulers & Roelof Haveman), Antwerp: Intersentia, 2008.
  • Smeulers Alette, Fred Grünfeld. International Crimes and other Gross Human Rights Violations, A Multi- and Interdisciplinary Textbook. Leiden Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2011.
  • Sokullu Akıncı, Füsun. Kriminoloji, İstanbul: Beta, 2018.
  • Song, Sang-Hyun. The Role of the International Criminal Court in Ending Impunity and Establishing the Rule of Law, Delivering Justice, 4/ XLIX (2012).
  • Tezcan, Durmuş, Ruhan Erdem ve R. Murat Önok. Uluslararası Ceza Hukuku. Ankara: Seçkin Yayınevi, 2009.
  • The Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols (International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), “The Geneva Conventions and their Commentaries”, Treaty Database: Full Texts, Commentaries and State Parties, 2023
  • The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). International Criminal Justice: The Institutions, Advisory Service on IHL, April 2021.
  • Tierney, John. Criminology: Theory and Context, Longman, 2006.
  • Tittle, Charles R. “Introduction: Theory and Contemporary Criminology”, The Handbook of Criminological Theory (Alex R. Piquero), John Wiley & Sons, 2016.
  • Türk Dil Kurumu Sözlükleri, Güncel Türkçe Sözlük,
  • United Nations Document, A/CN.4/L.2, Text of the Nürnberg Principles Adopted by the International Law Commission, Formulation of the Nürnberg Principles, Yearbook of the International Law Commission, vol. II, 1950.
  • United Nations General Assembly Resolution 260 A (III), Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, 9 December 1948.
  • Varona, Gema ve José Luis de la Cuesta, “International Criminology: Concept, History, Developments, and Institutions”, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology, 2019.
  • Vasiliev, Sergey. ” The Crises and Critiques of International Criminal Justice”, The Oxford Handbook of International Criminal Law (Kevin Jon Heller vd.), Oxford Handbooks, 2020.
  • Vega, Octavio. “Beyond Justice's Reach, Part 1: The Limits of the International Criminal Court”, Harvard International Review (25 September 2020).
  • Vernier, Chester G. “Annual Meeting of the Illinois Branch: International Criminology”, Journal of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology. 5/3 (Sep., 1914): 196-203.
  • Vito, Gennaro F. ve Jeffrey R. Maahs. Criminology: Theory, Research and Policy, Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2017.
  • Vöhringer, Marco. “Critiques of International Criminal Law Revisited in the Light of the Rome Statute: What More Can We Do?”, Völkerrechtsblog (10.01.2022).
  • Walklate, Sandra. Understanding criminology: Current theoretical debates, Open University Press, 2007.
  • White, Rob. Transnational Environmental Crime: Toward an Eco-global Criminology. Willan, 2011.
  • Williams, Katherine S. Textbook on Criminology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
  • Wilson, Jeffrey R. “The Word Criminology: A Philology and a Definition, Criminology”. Criminal Justice Law, & Society. 16/3 (2015): 61-82.
  • Woolford, Andrew. “Making Genocide Unthinkable: Three Guidelines for a Critical Criminology of Genocide”. Critical Criminology. 14 (2006): 87-106.
  • Yacoubian, George S. The (in)significance of genocidal behavior to the discipline of criminology. Crime, Law and Social Change 34 (2000): 7-19.


Yıl 2024, , 19 - 46, 30.04.2024


The aim of this study is to analyze criminological approaches to international crimes; specifically, within the scope of crimes falling under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, evaluating attempts or constraints that lead to collaboration or exclusion between the fields of International Law and Criminology, and to provide an interdisciplinary perspective. The study examines the claim that criminology predominantly overlooks international crimes by addressing the fundamental characteristics, theoretical frameworks, and historical ruptures of these fields. It has been observed that criminological approaches have progressively aligned themselves more closely with International Law research focused on the analysis of international crimes, introducing more flexible and critically oriented perspectives that emphasize mutual gains. The close relationship between Criminal Law and criminological approaches at the national level is lacking in international and supranational studies. Efforts to address this deficiency continue to increase. This research takes into account the gap in the national literature and serves as a call for collaboration on this subject. Additionally, the study assesses the contributions of criminological approaches to the prevention of international crimes. Despite facing substantial criticism in terms of punitive measures and prosecutions within the current system, collaboration with the field of criminology is deemed to yield positive outcomes in the prevention of international crimes.


  • Akers, Ronald L. Criminological Theories: Introduction and Evaluation, Routledge, 2012.
  • Atılgan Pazvantoğlu, Cansu. “Yumuşak Hukuk Tartışmaları Çerçevesinde BM İş Dünyası ve İnsan Hakları Rehber İlkeleri’nin Değerlendirilmesi”. Marmara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Hukuk Araştırmaları Dergisi. 27/2 (2021): 1131-1155.
  • Aebi, Marcelo F., Martin Killias ve Cynthia Tavares. “Comparing Crime Rates : the International Crime (Victim) Survey”, The European Sourcebook Of Crime And Criminal Justice Statistics, and Interpol Statistics, 2002.
  • Agnew, Robert. “Toward a Unified Criminology: Integrating Assumptions about Crime”. People and Society: A Unified Criminology. NYU Press, 2011.
  • Aydın Okur, Derya. “Uluslararası İlişkiler ile Uluslararası Hukukun 'Uzak Yan Yanalığı' ve Disiplinlerarasılık Meselesi”. Uluslararası Hukuk ve Uluslararası İlişkiler: Disiplinlerarası Yaklaşımlar, (Cansu Atılgan Pazvantoğlu), Yetkin Yayınları, 2023.
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Toplam 68 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Hukuk (Diğer), Uluslararası Ceza Hukuku, Uluslararası Hukuk
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Cansu Atılgan Pazvantoğlu 0000-0002-5404-8064

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 4 Nisan 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Ağustos 2023
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