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Development of the Perceived Maternal Narcissism Scale

Yıl 2023, , 313 - 324, 25.12.2023


A mother's pathological narcissistic traits can lead to several adverse childhood experiences. However, there is no measurement tool to assess these detrimental effects of maternal narcissism on the child's perception. The current study aims to develop and examine the psychometric properties of the Perceived Maternal Narcissism Scale (PMNS). In this article, we conducted three studies with 720 participants. In studies 1 and 2, we developed PMNS and evaluated its reliability and validity. Both exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis results provided evidence for 23 items and a five-factor solution (lack of empathy, grandiosity, criticism, control-manipulation, and parentification-exploitation) to assess maternal narcissism from the child's perception. Moreover, PMNS scores were significantly associated with parental attitudes and parentification measures. The PMNS demonstrated good reliability in terms of internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Finally, study 3 obtained the PMNS scores from children associated with obtained Narcissistic Personality Inventory-16 and the Pathological Narcissism Inventory scores from their mothers. The results of three studies have shown that the PMNS is a valid and reliable measurement tool to assess mothers’ narcissistic traits from the children’ perception.

Etik Beyan

This study was approved by the authors’ university (Mersin University; 04/02/2019-018) research ethics committee.


  • Affrunti, N. W., & Woodruff-Borden, J. (2015). Parental perfectionism and overcontrol: Examining mechanisms in the development of child anxiety. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 43(3), 517-529.
  • Akhtar, S. (1989). Narcissistic personality disorder: Descriptive features and differential diagnosis. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 12(3), 505-529.
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  • Atay, S. (2009). Narsistik Kişilik Envanteri’nin Türkçe’ye standardizasyonu. Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 11(1), 181-196.
  • Baskin-Sommers, A., Krusemark, E., & Ronningstam, E. (2014). Empathy in narcissistic personality disorder: From clinical and empirical perspectives. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 5(3), 323-333.
  • Bellur, Z., & Aydın, A. (2019). Reliability and validity of the Inadequate Bounding Instrument Turkish form. Mersin University Scientific Research Project (Project code: 2019-1-PT3-3449).
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  • Büyükgüngör, A. (2016). The Turkish adaptation of the Pathological Narcissism Inventory (PNI) (Unpublished master thesis) Bahçeşehir University, İstanbul.
  • Cain, N. M., Pincus, A. L., & Ansell, E. B. (2008). Narcissism at the crossroads: Phenotypic description of pathological narcissism across clinical theory, social/personality psychology, and psychiatric diagnosis. Clinical Psychology Review, 28(4), 638-656.
  • Campbell, W. K., Bush, C. P., Brunell, A. B., & Shelton, J. (2005). Understanding the social costs of narcissism: The case of the tragedy of the commons. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 31(10), 1358-1368.
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  • Dirik, G., Yorulmaz, O., & Karancı, A. N. (2015). Assessment of perceived parenting attitudes in childhood: Turkish form of the S-EMBU for children. Turkish Journal of Psychiatry, 26(2), 123-130.
  • Donaldson-Pressman, S., & Pressman, R. M. (1997). The narcissistic family: Diagnosis and treatment. Jossey-Bass.
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Anneden Algılanan Narsisizm Ölçeğinin Geliştirilmesi

Yıl 2023, , 313 - 324, 25.12.2023


Annenin patolojik narsisistik özellikleri çocukta olumsuz birçok deneyime yol açabilir. Ancak, anne narsisizminin çocuğun algısı üzerindeki bu zararlı etkilerini değerlendirecek bir ölçüm aracı bulunmamaktadır. Bu çalışma, Anneden Algılanan Narsisizm Ölçeğinin (AANÖ) geliştirilmesini ve psikometrik özelliklerinin incelenmesini amaçlamaktadır. Araştırma, 720 katılımcı ile üç çalışma halinde yapılmıştır. Çalışma 1 ve 2'de Anneden Algılanan Narsisizm Ölçeği geliştirilmiş ve geçerliği ve güvenirliği değerlendirilmiştir. Hem açımlayıcı faktör analizi hem de doğrulayıcı faktör analizi sonuçları, 23 madde ve beş faktörlü bir yapının (empati eksikliği, büyüklenmecilik, eleştiri, kontrol-manipülasyon ve ebeveynleştirme-sömürü) annenin narsisizmini çocuğun algısından değerlendirmek için geçerli olduğunu göstermiştir. Ayrıca, AANÖ puanları, ebeveyn tutumları ve ebeveynleştirme değişkenleri ile önemli ölçüde ilişkilidir. AANÖ, iç tutarlılık ve test-tekrar test güvenirliği açısından iyi bir güvenirlik göstermiştir. Son olarak, çalışma 3’te, çocuklardan elde edilen AANÖ puanları ile annelerin doldurdukları Patolojik Narsisizm Envanteri ve Narsisistik Kişilik Envanteri-16 skorları arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. Bulgular bu değişkenler arasında ilişki olduğunu göstermiştir. Üç çalışmanın sonuçları, AANÖ'nün annelerin narsisistik özelliklerini çocukların algılarından değerlendirmek için geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçüm aracı olduğunu göstermiştir.


  • Affrunti, N. W., & Woodruff-Borden, J. (2015). Parental perfectionism and overcontrol: Examining mechanisms in the development of child anxiety. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 43(3), 517-529.
  • Akhtar, S. (1989). Narcissistic personality disorder: Descriptive features and differential diagnosis. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 12(3), 505-529.
  • American Psychiatric Association (APA). (1980). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (3rd ed.). American Psychiatric Association.
  • American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). American Psychiatric Association.
  • Ames, D. R., Rose, P., & Anderson, P. C. (2006), The NPI-16 as a short measure of narcissism. Journal of Research in Personality, 40, 440-450.
  • Arrindell, W. A., Sanavio, E., Aguilar, G., Sica, C., Hatzichristou, C., Eisemann, M., Recinos, L. A., Gaszner, P., Peter, M., Battagliese, G., Kállai, J., & van der Ende, J. (1999). The development of a short form of the EMBU: Its appraisal with students in Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, and Italy. Personality and Individual Differences, 27(4), 613-628.
  • Atay, S. (2009). Narsistik Kişilik Envanteri’nin Türkçe’ye standardizasyonu. Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 11(1), 181-196.
  • Baskin-Sommers, A., Krusemark, E., & Ronningstam, E. (2014). Empathy in narcissistic personality disorder: From clinical and empirical perspectives. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 5(3), 323-333.
  • Bellur, Z., & Aydın, A. (2019). Reliability and validity of the Inadequate Bounding Instrument Turkish form. Mersin University Scientific Research Project (Project code: 2019-1-PT3-3449).
  • Belsky, J. (1984). The determinants of parenting: A process model. Child Development, 83-96.
  • Berg-Nielsen, T. S., Vikan, A., & Dahl, A. A. (2002). Parenting related to child and parental psychopathology: A descriptive review of the literature. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 7(4), 529-552.
  • Boszormenyi-Nagy, I., & Spark, G. (1973). Invisible loyalties: Reciprocity in intergenerational family therapy. Harper & Row.
  • Brown, N. W. (2006). Coping with infuriating, mean, critical people: The destructive narcissistic pattern. Praeger.
  • Büyükgüngör, A. (2016). The Turkish adaptation of the Pathological Narcissism Inventory (PNI) (Unpublished master thesis) Bahçeşehir University, İstanbul.
  • Cain, N. M., Pincus, A. L., & Ansell, E. B. (2008). Narcissism at the crossroads: Phenotypic description of pathological narcissism across clinical theory, social/personality psychology, and psychiatric diagnosis. Clinical Psychology Review, 28(4), 638-656.
  • Campbell, W. K., Bush, C. P., Brunell, A. B., & Shelton, J. (2005). Understanding the social costs of narcissism: The case of the tragedy of the commons. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 31(10), 1358-1368.
  • Caspi, A., & Shiner, R. (2006). Personality development. In W. Damon (Series Ed.) and N. Eisenberg (Vol. Ed.), Handbook of child psychology: Vol. 3. Social, emotional, and personality development (6th ed., pp. 300-365). Wiley.
  • Chase, N. D. (Ed.). (1999). Burdened children: Theory, research, and treatment of parentification. Sage.
  • Clark, L. A., Livesley, W. J., & Morey, L. (1997). Special feature: Personality disorder assessment: The challenge of construct validity. Journal of Personality Disorders, 11(3), 205-231.
  • Clifton, A., Turkheimer, E., & Oltmanns, T. F. (2004). Contrasting perspectives on personality problems: Descriptions from the self and others. Personality and Individual Differences, 36(7), 1499-1514.
  • Cooper, A. M. (1998). Further developments in the clinical diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder. In E. F. Ronningstam (Ed.), Disorders of narcissism: Diagnostic, clinical, and empirical implications (pp. 53-74). American Psychiatric Association. Cramer, P. (2011). Narcissism through the ages: What happens when narcissists grow older?. Journal of Research in Personality, 45(5), 479-492.
  • Crocker, B. (2009). The children of narcissus exploring the development of existential trauma. ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis: Pacific Graduate Institute.
  • Dentale, F., Verrastro, V., Petruccelli, I., Diotaiuti, P., Petruccelli, F., Cappelli, L., & San Martini, P. (2015). Relationship between parental narcissism and children's mental vulnerability: Mediation role of rearing style. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 15(3), 337-347.
  • Dickinson K. A., & Pincus A. L. (2003). Interpersonal analysis of grandiose and vulnerable narcissism. Journal of Personality Disorders, 188-207.
  • Dirik, G., Yorulmaz, O., & Karancı, A. N. (2015). Assessment of perceived parenting attitudes in childhood: Turkish form of the S-EMBU for children. Turkish Journal of Psychiatry, 26(2), 123-130.
  • Donaldson-Pressman, S., & Pressman, R. M. (1997). The narcissistic family: Diagnosis and treatment. Jossey-Bass.
  • Donnellan, M. B., Larsen-Rife, D., & Conger, R. D. (2005). Personality, family history, and competence in early adult romantic relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88(3), 562-576.
  • Dutton, D. G., Denny-Keys, M. K., & Sells, J. R. (2011). Parental personality disorder and its effects on children: A review of current literature. Journal of Child Custody, 8(4), 268-283.
  • Foster, J. D., & Campbell, W. K. (2007). Are there such things as “narcissists” in social psychology? A taxometric analysis of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory. Personality and Individual Differences, 43(6), 1321-1332.
  • Foster, J. D., McCain, J. L., Hibberts, M. F., Brunell, A. B., & Johnson, R. B. (2015). The Grandiose Narcissism Scale: A global and facet-level measure of grandiose narcissism. Personality and Individual Differences, 73, 12-16.
  • Foster, J. D., Misra, T. A., & Reidy, D. E. (2009). Narcissists are approach-oriented toward their money and their friends. Journal of Research in Personality, 43(5), 764-769.
  • Foster, J. D., Shrira, I., & Campbell, W. K. (2006). Theoretical models of narcissism, sexuality, and relationship commitment. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 23(3), 367-386.
  • Gardner, F. (2004). ‘To enliven her was my living’: Thoughts on compliance and sacrifice as consequences of malignant identification with a narcissistic parent. British Journal of Psychotherapy, 21(1), 49-62.
  • Golomb, E. (1992). Trapped in the mirror: Adult children of narcissists in their struggle for self. W. Morrow.
  • Hart, C. M., Bush-Evans, R. D., Hepper, E. G., & Hickman, H. M. (2017). The children of narcissus: Insights into narcissists' parenting styles. Personality and Individual Differences, 117, 249-254.
  • Harvey, E., Stoessel, B., & Herbert, S. (2011). Psychopathology and parenting practices of parents of preschool children with behavior problems. Parenting, 11(4), 239-263.
  • Horne, S. (1998). The role of parental narcissism and depression in predicting adolescent empathy, narcissism, self-esteem, pleasing others, and peer conflict (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Georgia, USA.
  • Hu, L. T., & Bentler, P. M. (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 6(1), 1-55.
  • Jonason, P. K., Webster, G. D., Schmitt, D. P., Li, N. P., & Crysel, L. (2012). The antihero in popular culture: Life history theory and the dark triad personality traits. Re- view of General Psychology, 16(2), 192-199.
  • Jones, D. N., & Figueredo, A. J. (2013). The core of darkness: Uncovering the heart of the dark triad. European Journal of Personality, 27(6), 521-531.
  • Kamins, M. L., & Dweck, C. S. (1999). Person versus process praise and criticism: Implications for contingent self-worth and coping. Developmental Psychology, 35(3), 835-847.
  • Keller, P. S., Blincoe, S., Gilbert, L. R., Dewall, C. N., Haak, E. A., & Widiger, T. (2014). Narcissism in romantic relationships: A dyadic perspective. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 33(1), 25-50.
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Toplam 80 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Klinik Psikoloji, Test, Ölçme ve Psikometri
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Emre Han Alpay 0000-0002-3479-2013

Arzu Aydın

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 25 Mart 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Alpay, E. H., & Aydın, A. (2023). Development of the Perceived Maternal Narcissism Scale. Klinik Psikoloji Dergisi, 7(3), 313-324.