Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2016, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 129 - 143, 25.12.2016



  • [1] Qiul, J., Fan, X., and Zou, H., “Development of biodiesel from inedible feedstock through various production processes. Review,” Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils, vol. 47, no. 2. pp. 102–111, 2011.
  • [2] WWF-Türkiye, “Yine Yeni Yeniden Yenilenebilir Enerji,” İstanbul, 2010.
  • [3] Panwar, N. L., Kaushik, S. C., and Kothari, S., “Role of renewable energy sources in environmental protection: A review,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, no. 3. pp. 1513–1524, 2011.
  • [4] Stigka, E. K., Paravantis, J. A., and Mihalakakou, G. K., “Social acceptance of renewable energy sources: A review of contingent valuation applications,” Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., vol. 32, pp. 100–106, 2014.
  • [5] Kralova, I., and Sjöblom, J., “Biofuels–Renewable Energy Sources: A Review,” J. Dispers. Sci. Technol., vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 409–425, 2010.
  • [6] Atabani, A. E., Silitonga, A. S., Ong, H. C., T., Mahlia, M. I., Masjuki, H. H., Badruddin, I. A., and Fayaz, H., “Non-edible vegetable oils: A critical evaluation of oil extraction, fatty acid compositions, biodiesel production, characteristics, engine performance and emissions production,” Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., vol. 18, pp. 211–245, 2013.
  • [7] Jebaraj, S., and Iniyan, S., “A review of energy models,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 10, no. 4. pp. 281–311, 2006.
  • [8] Çengelci, E., Bayrakçeken, H., and Aksoy, F., „Hayvansal ve Bitkisel Yağlardan Elde Edilen Biyodizelin Dizel Yakıtı ile Karşılaştırılması Animal and Vegetable Oils Obtained Comparison of biodiesel with diesel fuel‟, vol. 2011, no. 1, pp. 41–53, 2011.
  • [9] Scott, S. A, Davey, M. P., Dennis, J. S., Horst, I., Howe, C. J., Lea-Smith, D. J., and Smith, A. G., „Biodisel from algae: challenges and prospects‟, Curr. Opin. Biotechnol., vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 277–86, 2010.
  • [10] Aksoy, L., „Alternatif Enerji Kaynağı Olarak Biyodizel ve Üretim Prosesleri‟, Electronic Journal of Vehicle Technologies, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 45–52, 2010.
  • [11] Alptek, E., „Biyodizel ve Türkiye‟deki Durumu‟, Mühendis ve Makina, vol. 47, no. 561, pp. 57–64, 2005.
  • [12] Viêgas, C. V., Hachemi, I., Freitas, S. P., Mäki-Arvela, P., Aho, A., Hemming, J., Smeds,A., Heinmaa, I., Fontes, F. B., Da Silva Pereira, D. C., Kumar, N., Aranda, D. A. G., and Murzin, D. Y., „A route to produce renewable diesel from algae: Synthesis and characterization of biodiesel via in situ transesterification of Chlorella alga and its catalytic deoxygenation to renewable diesel‟, Fuel, vol. 155, pp. 144–154, 2015.
  • [13] Cheng, J., Huang, R., Li, T., Zhou, J., and Cen, K., „Biodiesel from wet microalgae: Extraction with hexane after the microwave-assisted transesterification of lipids‟, Bioresour. Technol., vol. 170, pp. 69–75, 2014.
  • [14] Melero, J. A., Bautista, L. F., Morales, G., Iglesias, J., Sanchez-Vazquez, R., „Acid-catalyzed production of biodiesel over arenesulfonic SBA-15: Insights into the role of water in the reaction network‟, Renew. Energy, vol. 75, pp. 425–432, 2015.
  • [15] Silva, M. A. A., Correa, R. A., Tavares, M. G. de O., and Antoniosi Filho, N. R., „A new spectrophotometric method for determination of biodiesel content in biodiesel/diesel blends‟, Fuel, vol. 143, pp. 16–20, 2015.
  • [16] Stojković, I. J., Stamenković, O. S., Povrenović, D. S., and Veljković, V. B., „Purification technologies for crude biodiesel obtained by alkali-catalyzed transesterification‟, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., vol. 32, pp. 1–15, 2014.
  • [17] McNeil, J., Day, P., and Sirovski, F., „Glycerine from biodiesel: The perfect diesel fuel‟, Process Saf. Environ. Prot., vol. 90, no. 3, pp. 180–188, 2012.
  • [18] Rahman, M. M., Pourkhesalian A. M., Jahirul, M. I., Stevanovic, S., Pham, P. X., Wang, H., Masri, A. R., Brown, R. J., and Ristovski, Z. D., „Particle emissions from biodiesels with different physical properties and chemical composition‟, Fuel, vol. 134, no. June, pp. 201–208, 2014.
  • [19] Choedkiatsakul, I., Ngaosuwan, K., Assabumrungrat, S., Mantegna, S., and Cravotto, G., „Biodiesel production in a novel continuous flow microwave reactor‟, Renew. Energy, vol. 83, pp. 25–29, 2015.
  • [20] Ho, W. W. S., Ng, H. K., and Gan, S., „Advances in ultrasound-assisted transesterification for biodiesel production‟, Appl. Therm. Eng., vol. 100, pp. 553–563, 2016.
  • [21] Semwal, S., Arora, A. K., Badoni, R. P., and Tuli, D. K., „Biodiesel production using heterogeneous catalysts‟, Bioresource Technology, vol. 102, no. 3. pp. 2151–2161, 2011.
  • [22] Leung, D. Y. C., Wu, X., and Leung, M. K. H., „A review on biodiesel production usingcatalyzed transesterification‟, Appl. Energy, vol. 87, no. 4, pp. 1083–1095, 2010.
  • [23] Sugozu, I., Oner, C., and Altun, S., „The Performance and Emissions Characteristics of a Diesel Engine Fueled with Biodiesel and Diesel Fuel‟, Int. J. Agric. Res. Dev., vol. 2, no. 1, 2010.
  • [24] Demirbas, A., „Progress and recent trends in biodiesel fuels‟, Energy Convers. Manag., vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 14–34, 2009.
  • [25] Lahane, S. and Subramanian, K. A., „Impact of nozzle holes configuration on fuel spray, wall impingement and NOx emission of a diesel engine for biodiesel-diesel blend (B20)‟, Appl. Therm. Eng., vol. 64, no. 1–2, pp. 307–314, 2014.
  • [26] Ashraful, A. M., Masjuki, H. H., Kalam, M. A., Rizwanul Fattah, I. M., Imtenan, S., S. Shahir, A., and Mobarak, H. M., „Production and comparison of fuel properties, engine performance, and emission characteristics of biodiesel from various non-edible vegetable oils: A review‟, Energy Convers. Manag., vol. 80, pp. 202–228, 2014.
  • [27] De Paulo, A. A., Da Costa, R. S., Rahde, S. B., Vecchia, F. D., Seferin, M., and Dos Santos, C. A., „Performance and emission evaluations in a power generator fuelled with Brazilian diesel and additions of waste frying oil biodiesel‟, Appl. Therm. Eng., vol. 98, pp. 288–297, 2016.
  • [28] He, B.-Q., „Advances in emission characteristics of diesel engines using different biodiesel fuels‟, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., vol. 60, pp. 570–586, 2016. [29] Lanjekar, R. D. and Deshmukh, D., „A review of the effect of the composition of biodiesel on NOx emission, oxidative stability and cold flow properties‟, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., vol. 54, no. x, pp. 1401–1411, 2016.
  • [30] Tippayawong, N., Chumjai, P., and Preparation, A. S., „Characterization and Performance of Biofuel from Passion Fruit Processing Residues‟, vol. II, pp. 24–27, 2012.
  • [31] Eryılmaz, T., „Yozgat İli Şartlarında Yetiştirilen Aspir (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Dinçer Çeşidinden Üretilen Biyodizelin Yakıt Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi‟, J. Agric. Fac. Gaziosmanpasa Univ., vol. 31, no. 2014–1, pp. 63–63, 2014.
  • [32] Acharya, B., Guru, P. S., and Dash, S., „Tween-80-n-butanol/isobutanol-(Diesel + Kerosene)-Water microemulsions - Phase behavior and fuel applications‟, Fuel, vol. 171, pp. 87–93, 2016.
  • [33] Zhenyi, C., Xing, J., Shuyuan, L., and Li, L., „Thermodynamics Calculation of the Pyrolysis of Vegetable Oils‟, Energy Sources, vol. 26, no. 9, pp. 849–856, 2004.
  • [34] Chee Loong, T. and Idris, A., „Rapid alkali catalyzed transesterification of microalgae lipids to biodiesel using simultaneous cooling and microwave heating and its optimization‟, Bioresour. Technol., vol. 174, pp. 311–315, 2014.
  • [35] Mutlubaş, H., Özdemir, Z. Ö., „8 th International Ege Energy Symposium & Exhibition‟, 8th Int. Ege Energy Symp. Exhib., p. 162, 2016.
  • [36] Chattopadhyay, S., and Sen, R., „Fuel properties, Engine performance and environmental benefits of biodiesel produced by a green process‟, Appl. Energy, vol. 105, pp. 319–326, 2013.
  • [37] Verma, P., Sharma, M. P., and Dwivedi, G., „Evaluation and enhancement of cold flow properties of palm oil and its biodiesel‟, Energy Reports, vol. 2, pp. 8–13, 2016.
  • [38] Yusuf, N. N. A. N., Kamarudin, S. K., and Yaakub, Z., „Overview on the current trends in biodiesel production‟, Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 52, no. 7. pp. 2741–2751, 2011.
  • [39] Moser, B. R., „Biodiesel Production, Properties, and Feedstocks‟, in Biofuels, pp. 285–347, 2011.
  • [40] Lin, L., Cunshan, Z., Vittayapadung, S., Xiangqian, S., and Mingdong, D., „Opportunities and challenges for biodiesel fuel‟, Applied Energy, vol. 88, no. 4. pp. 1020–1031, 2011.


Yıl 2016, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 129 - 143, 25.12.2016


Fosil kaynaklı yakıtlar birçok alanda kullanılmaktadır ve ülke ekonomilerinde önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Fosil kaynaklı yakıt rezervlerinin her geçen gün azalması enerji krizlerine neden olmaktadır. Ayrıca fosil yakıtlı kaynakların kullanımından kaynaklanan çevresel etkilerde gün geçtikçe artmaktadır. Oluşan sorunlara çözüm bulabilmek amacıyla yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarına olan ilgi artış göstermektedir. Biyokütle (Biyoenerji) enerjisi sınıfının alt dalı olan biyodizel, dizel motorlarda kullanılabilen hayvansal ve bitkisel yağlar gibi yenilenebilir kaynaklardan üretilen alternatif bir yakıttır. Biyodizel; sürdürülebilir, çevre dostu, toksik etkisi olmayan, dizel motorlarda modifikasyonla kullanılabilen bir alternatif yakıttır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, biyodizel üretim yöntemlerini açıklamak ve biyodizelin çevresel etkileri, avantajları-dezavantajları hakkında bilgi vermektir.


  • [1] Qiul, J., Fan, X., and Zou, H., “Development of biodiesel from inedible feedstock through various production processes. Review,” Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils, vol. 47, no. 2. pp. 102–111, 2011.
  • [2] WWF-Türkiye, “Yine Yeni Yeniden Yenilenebilir Enerji,” İstanbul, 2010.
  • [3] Panwar, N. L., Kaushik, S. C., and Kothari, S., “Role of renewable energy sources in environmental protection: A review,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, no. 3. pp. 1513–1524, 2011.
  • [4] Stigka, E. K., Paravantis, J. A., and Mihalakakou, G. K., “Social acceptance of renewable energy sources: A review of contingent valuation applications,” Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., vol. 32, pp. 100–106, 2014.
  • [5] Kralova, I., and Sjöblom, J., “Biofuels–Renewable Energy Sources: A Review,” J. Dispers. Sci. Technol., vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 409–425, 2010.
  • [6] Atabani, A. E., Silitonga, A. S., Ong, H. C., T., Mahlia, M. I., Masjuki, H. H., Badruddin, I. A., and Fayaz, H., “Non-edible vegetable oils: A critical evaluation of oil extraction, fatty acid compositions, biodiesel production, characteristics, engine performance and emissions production,” Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., vol. 18, pp. 211–245, 2013.
  • [7] Jebaraj, S., and Iniyan, S., “A review of energy models,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 10, no. 4. pp. 281–311, 2006.
  • [8] Çengelci, E., Bayrakçeken, H., and Aksoy, F., „Hayvansal ve Bitkisel Yağlardan Elde Edilen Biyodizelin Dizel Yakıtı ile Karşılaştırılması Animal and Vegetable Oils Obtained Comparison of biodiesel with diesel fuel‟, vol. 2011, no. 1, pp. 41–53, 2011.
  • [9] Scott, S. A, Davey, M. P., Dennis, J. S., Horst, I., Howe, C. J., Lea-Smith, D. J., and Smith, A. G., „Biodisel from algae: challenges and prospects‟, Curr. Opin. Biotechnol., vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 277–86, 2010.
  • [10] Aksoy, L., „Alternatif Enerji Kaynağı Olarak Biyodizel ve Üretim Prosesleri‟, Electronic Journal of Vehicle Technologies, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 45–52, 2010.
  • [11] Alptek, E., „Biyodizel ve Türkiye‟deki Durumu‟, Mühendis ve Makina, vol. 47, no. 561, pp. 57–64, 2005.
  • [12] Viêgas, C. V., Hachemi, I., Freitas, S. P., Mäki-Arvela, P., Aho, A., Hemming, J., Smeds,A., Heinmaa, I., Fontes, F. B., Da Silva Pereira, D. C., Kumar, N., Aranda, D. A. G., and Murzin, D. Y., „A route to produce renewable diesel from algae: Synthesis and characterization of biodiesel via in situ transesterification of Chlorella alga and its catalytic deoxygenation to renewable diesel‟, Fuel, vol. 155, pp. 144–154, 2015.
  • [13] Cheng, J., Huang, R., Li, T., Zhou, J., and Cen, K., „Biodiesel from wet microalgae: Extraction with hexane after the microwave-assisted transesterification of lipids‟, Bioresour. Technol., vol. 170, pp. 69–75, 2014.
  • [14] Melero, J. A., Bautista, L. F., Morales, G., Iglesias, J., Sanchez-Vazquez, R., „Acid-catalyzed production of biodiesel over arenesulfonic SBA-15: Insights into the role of water in the reaction network‟, Renew. Energy, vol. 75, pp. 425–432, 2015.
  • [15] Silva, M. A. A., Correa, R. A., Tavares, M. G. de O., and Antoniosi Filho, N. R., „A new spectrophotometric method for determination of biodiesel content in biodiesel/diesel blends‟, Fuel, vol. 143, pp. 16–20, 2015.
  • [16] Stojković, I. J., Stamenković, O. S., Povrenović, D. S., and Veljković, V. B., „Purification technologies for crude biodiesel obtained by alkali-catalyzed transesterification‟, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., vol. 32, pp. 1–15, 2014.
  • [17] McNeil, J., Day, P., and Sirovski, F., „Glycerine from biodiesel: The perfect diesel fuel‟, Process Saf. Environ. Prot., vol. 90, no. 3, pp. 180–188, 2012.
  • [18] Rahman, M. M., Pourkhesalian A. M., Jahirul, M. I., Stevanovic, S., Pham, P. X., Wang, H., Masri, A. R., Brown, R. J., and Ristovski, Z. D., „Particle emissions from biodiesels with different physical properties and chemical composition‟, Fuel, vol. 134, no. June, pp. 201–208, 2014.
  • [19] Choedkiatsakul, I., Ngaosuwan, K., Assabumrungrat, S., Mantegna, S., and Cravotto, G., „Biodiesel production in a novel continuous flow microwave reactor‟, Renew. Energy, vol. 83, pp. 25–29, 2015.
  • [20] Ho, W. W. S., Ng, H. K., and Gan, S., „Advances in ultrasound-assisted transesterification for biodiesel production‟, Appl. Therm. Eng., vol. 100, pp. 553–563, 2016.
  • [21] Semwal, S., Arora, A. K., Badoni, R. P., and Tuli, D. K., „Biodiesel production using heterogeneous catalysts‟, Bioresource Technology, vol. 102, no. 3. pp. 2151–2161, 2011.
  • [22] Leung, D. Y. C., Wu, X., and Leung, M. K. H., „A review on biodiesel production usingcatalyzed transesterification‟, Appl. Energy, vol. 87, no. 4, pp. 1083–1095, 2010.
  • [23] Sugozu, I., Oner, C., and Altun, S., „The Performance and Emissions Characteristics of a Diesel Engine Fueled with Biodiesel and Diesel Fuel‟, Int. J. Agric. Res. Dev., vol. 2, no. 1, 2010.
  • [24] Demirbas, A., „Progress and recent trends in biodiesel fuels‟, Energy Convers. Manag., vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 14–34, 2009.
  • [25] Lahane, S. and Subramanian, K. A., „Impact of nozzle holes configuration on fuel spray, wall impingement and NOx emission of a diesel engine for biodiesel-diesel blend (B20)‟, Appl. Therm. Eng., vol. 64, no. 1–2, pp. 307–314, 2014.
  • [26] Ashraful, A. M., Masjuki, H. H., Kalam, M. A., Rizwanul Fattah, I. M., Imtenan, S., S. Shahir, A., and Mobarak, H. M., „Production and comparison of fuel properties, engine performance, and emission characteristics of biodiesel from various non-edible vegetable oils: A review‟, Energy Convers. Manag., vol. 80, pp. 202–228, 2014.
  • [27] De Paulo, A. A., Da Costa, R. S., Rahde, S. B., Vecchia, F. D., Seferin, M., and Dos Santos, C. A., „Performance and emission evaluations in a power generator fuelled with Brazilian diesel and additions of waste frying oil biodiesel‟, Appl. Therm. Eng., vol. 98, pp. 288–297, 2016.
  • [28] He, B.-Q., „Advances in emission characteristics of diesel engines using different biodiesel fuels‟, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., vol. 60, pp. 570–586, 2016. [29] Lanjekar, R. D. and Deshmukh, D., „A review of the effect of the composition of biodiesel on NOx emission, oxidative stability and cold flow properties‟, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., vol. 54, no. x, pp. 1401–1411, 2016.
  • [30] Tippayawong, N., Chumjai, P., and Preparation, A. S., „Characterization and Performance of Biofuel from Passion Fruit Processing Residues‟, vol. II, pp. 24–27, 2012.
  • [31] Eryılmaz, T., „Yozgat İli Şartlarında Yetiştirilen Aspir (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Dinçer Çeşidinden Üretilen Biyodizelin Yakıt Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi‟, J. Agric. Fac. Gaziosmanpasa Univ., vol. 31, no. 2014–1, pp. 63–63, 2014.
  • [32] Acharya, B., Guru, P. S., and Dash, S., „Tween-80-n-butanol/isobutanol-(Diesel + Kerosene)-Water microemulsions - Phase behavior and fuel applications‟, Fuel, vol. 171, pp. 87–93, 2016.
  • [33] Zhenyi, C., Xing, J., Shuyuan, L., and Li, L., „Thermodynamics Calculation of the Pyrolysis of Vegetable Oils‟, Energy Sources, vol. 26, no. 9, pp. 849–856, 2004.
  • [34] Chee Loong, T. and Idris, A., „Rapid alkali catalyzed transesterification of microalgae lipids to biodiesel using simultaneous cooling and microwave heating and its optimization‟, Bioresour. Technol., vol. 174, pp. 311–315, 2014.
  • [35] Mutlubaş, H., Özdemir, Z. Ö., „8 th International Ege Energy Symposium & Exhibition‟, 8th Int. Ege Energy Symp. Exhib., p. 162, 2016.
  • [36] Chattopadhyay, S., and Sen, R., „Fuel properties, Engine performance and environmental benefits of biodiesel produced by a green process‟, Appl. Energy, vol. 105, pp. 319–326, 2013.
  • [37] Verma, P., Sharma, M. P., and Dwivedi, G., „Evaluation and enhancement of cold flow properties of palm oil and its biodiesel‟, Energy Reports, vol. 2, pp. 8–13, 2016.
  • [38] Yusuf, N. N. A. N., Kamarudin, S. K., and Yaakub, Z., „Overview on the current trends in biodiesel production‟, Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 52, no. 7. pp. 2741–2751, 2011.
  • [39] Moser, B. R., „Biodiesel Production, Properties, and Feedstocks‟, in Biofuels, pp. 285–347, 2011.
  • [40] Lin, L., Cunshan, Z., Vittayapadung, S., Xiangqian, S., and Mingdong, D., „Opportunities and challenges for biodiesel fuel‟, Applied Energy, vol. 88, no. 4. pp. 1020–1031, 2011.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Sayı

Zafer Ömer Özdemir

Halil Mutlubaş

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Aralık 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Özdemir, Z. Ö., & Mutlubaş, H. (2016). BİYODİZEL ÜRETİM YÖNTEMLERİ ve ÇEVRESEL ETKİLERİ. Kirklareli University Journal of Engineering and Science, 2(2), 129-143.