A Characterization of Factorable Surfaces in Euclidean 4-Space E^4
Yıl 2018,
, 15 - 20, 31.05.2018
Sezgin Büyükkütük
Günay Öztürk
In this
paper, we consider a factorable surface in Euclidean E^4 with its curvature
ellipse. We classify the origin of the normal space of such a surface according
to whether it is hyperbolic, parabolic, or elliptic. Further, we give the
necessary and sufficient condition of the factorable surface to become Wintgen
ideal surface.
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Yıl 2018,
, 15 - 20, 31.05.2018
Sezgin Büyükkütük
Günay Öztürk
- Chen B. Y., 1973. Geometry of Submanifolds. Marcel Dekker, New York.
- Gutierrez Nunez J.M., Romero Fuster M.C., Sanchez-Bringas F., 2008. Codazzi fields on surfaces immersed in Euclidean spaces. Osaka J. Math 45, 877‒894.
- Wintgen P., 1979.Sur 1’inegalite de Chen-Wilmore. C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 288, 993‒995.
- Arslan K., Bayram B.K., Bulca B., Öztürk G., 2012. Generalized rotation surfaces in . Results in Mathematics 61, 315‒327.
- Bayram B.K., Bulca B., Arslan K., Öztürk G., 2009. Superconformal ruled surfaces in . Math. Commun. 14, 235‒244.
- Bulca B., Arslan K., 2014. Semiparallel Wintgen ideal surfaces in . C. R. Acad. Bulgare Sci. 67, 613‒622.
- Bulca B., Arslan K., Bayram B.K., Öztürk G., 2012. Spherical product surface in . An. St. Univ. Ovidius Constanta 20, 41‒54.
- Chen B. Y., 2011. On Wintgen ideal surfaces, Proceedings of The Conference RIGA 2011, Riemannian Geometry and Applications, Bucharest, Romania, 10-14 May 2011, 59‒74.
- İyigün E., Arslan K., Öztürk G., 2018. A characterization of Chen surfaces in . Bull. Malays. Math. Math. Soc. 31, 209‒215.
- Woestyne I. V, 1993. A new characterization of helicoids. Geometry and topology submanifolds World Sci. Publ. River Edge, 267‒273.
- Woestyne I. V, 1995. Minimal homothetical hypersurfaces of a semi-Euclidean space. Results Math. 27 , 333‒342.
- Lopez R., Moruz M., 2015. Translation and homothetical surfaces in Euclidean spaces with constant curvature. J. Korean Math. Soc. 52, 523‒535.
- Meng H., Liu H. 2009.Factorable surfaces in Minkowski space. Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 46, 155‒169.
- Yu Y., Liu H., 2007. The factorable minimal surfaces. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Workshop on Diff. Geom. 11, 33‒39.
- Büyükkütük S., Öztürk G., 2017. Spacelike factorable surfaces in four-dimensional Minkowski space. Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 9, 12‒20.
- Aminov Y. A., 1994. Surfaces in with a Gaussian curvature coinciding with a Gaussian torsion up to sign. Mathematical Notes 56(6), 5‒6.
- Bulca B., Arslan K., 2013. Surfaces given with the Monge patch in . Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry 9, 435‒447.
- Little J.A., 1969. On singularities of submanifolds of higher dimensional Euclidean space. Ann. Math. Pura Appl. (Ser. 4A) 83, 261‒335.