Yıl 2022,
, 22 - 30, 31.05.2022
Burak Yelken
İsmail Hakki Savci
Zafer Dülger
- [1] Heywood, J., 1988. Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw-Hill, New York, USA.
- [2] Yelken, B., Savcı, İ.H., Dülger, Z., 2021. Investigation of air movement in cylinder in diesel internal combustion engines and comparison of measurement methods. Engineers and Machinery, 62(703), pp.221-244.
- [3] Bottom, K.E., 2003. PIV measurements of in-cylinder flow and correlation with engine performance, Ph.D. thesis, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Wisconsin.
- [4] Vester, A.K., Nishio, Y., Alfredsson, P.H., 2019. Investigating swirl and tumble using two prototype inlet port designs by means of multiplanar PIV. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 75, pp.61-76.
- [5] Cosadia, I., Bore´e, J., Charnay, G., Dumont, P., 2006. Cyclic variations of the swirling flow in a diesel transparent engine. Experiments in Fluids, 41, pp.115–134.
- [6] Rabault, Jean, Vernet, Julie, Alfredson, Per-Henrik, 2016. A study using PIV of the intake flow in a diesel engine cylinder. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 62, pp.56-67.
- [7] Doosje, E., Bastiaans R.J.M., Baert, R.S.G., 2004. Application of PIV to characterize the Flow-Phenomena of a Heavy-Duty Cylinder Head on a Stationary Flow-Bench. In Particle Image Velocimetry: Recent Improvements, pp. 301-313.
- [8] Timmins, Benjamin H, 2011. Automatic particle image velocimetry uncertainty quantification, Utah State University Ms.C. thesis, pp. 67-68.
- [9] Abe, M., Longmire, E. K., Hishida, K. and Maeda, M., 2000. A Comparison of 2D and 3D PIV Measurements in an Oblique Jet. Journal of Visualization, 3 (2), pp.165-173.
- [10] Warner, Scott O., 2012. Autocorrelation-based estimate of particle image density in particle image velocimetry, Utah State University Ms.C. thesis, pp. 49-51.
- [11] Dwarshala, S., Vandana, S., and Rambhaji, G., 2016. Computation and validation of in-cylinder flow field, swirl and flow coefficients for a naturally aspirated single-cylinder diesel engine. SAE Technical Paper, 2016-28-0018.
- [12] Özgün, Ö., Kumlutaş, D., Yücekaya, U. A., 2017. Investigation of flow structures with three dimensional background positioned density difference (schlieren) method and verification with particle imaging velocity measurement. Engineers and Machinery, 58(687), pp.29-40.
- [13] Onan, Cenk, 2013. Investigation of heat and mass transfer from moving liquid film at the exterior surface of pipes, Ph.D. Thesis, pp.104-111.
- [14] Kline, S.J. ve McClintock, F.A., 1953. Describing uncertainties in single-sample experiments. Mechanical Engineering, 75, pp.3–8.
- [15] Sadıkov E., Kangı R., Uğur S, 1995. Measurement uncertainty, TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Center National Metrology Institute, pp.55-61.
- [16] Leong W.A., Eroglu S and Guryuva S.,2012. Using STAR-CCM+ for Catalyst Utilization Analysis. Paper presented at Star Global Conference, Amsterdam, 19-21 March.
Two Dimensional and Stereo PIV Comparison for Port Applications
Yıl 2022,
, 22 - 30, 31.05.2022
Burak Yelken
İsmail Hakki Savci
Zafer Dülger
Fuel-air movements in-cylinder are one of the most critical diesel engine parameters to determine engine performance and emission. Swirling movement in the engine combustion chamber is investigated advanced experimental techniques to improve the air intake design.
Honeycomb measurement method and PIV (particle image velocimetry) method are used to measure the swirling airflow. The honeycomb measurement method can directly measure the swirl. However, it does not give detail information about the flow field. On the other hand, the PIV technique is one of the non-invasive measurement methods for swirl measurement. PIV can directly measure the velocity vector of the cylinder section.
In this study, the honeycomb measurement method was performed to measure the swirl ratio of 13L and 9L engines. The uncertainty analysis was determined for the reliability ratio of the measurement. In addition, PIV measurements are performed to understand the velocity field of the cylinder section. This velocity field gives detailed information about the center of the swirl and the velocity index of the velocity field.
- [1] Heywood, J., 1988. Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw-Hill, New York, USA.
- [2] Yelken, B., Savcı, İ.H., Dülger, Z., 2021. Investigation of air movement in cylinder in diesel internal combustion engines and comparison of measurement methods. Engineers and Machinery, 62(703), pp.221-244.
- [3] Bottom, K.E., 2003. PIV measurements of in-cylinder flow and correlation with engine performance, Ph.D. thesis, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Wisconsin.
- [4] Vester, A.K., Nishio, Y., Alfredsson, P.H., 2019. Investigating swirl and tumble using two prototype inlet port designs by means of multiplanar PIV. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 75, pp.61-76.
- [5] Cosadia, I., Bore´e, J., Charnay, G., Dumont, P., 2006. Cyclic variations of the swirling flow in a diesel transparent engine. Experiments in Fluids, 41, pp.115–134.
- [6] Rabault, Jean, Vernet, Julie, Alfredson, Per-Henrik, 2016. A study using PIV of the intake flow in a diesel engine cylinder. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 62, pp.56-67.
- [7] Doosje, E., Bastiaans R.J.M., Baert, R.S.G., 2004. Application of PIV to characterize the Flow-Phenomena of a Heavy-Duty Cylinder Head on a Stationary Flow-Bench. In Particle Image Velocimetry: Recent Improvements, pp. 301-313.
- [8] Timmins, Benjamin H, 2011. Automatic particle image velocimetry uncertainty quantification, Utah State University Ms.C. thesis, pp. 67-68.
- [9] Abe, M., Longmire, E. K., Hishida, K. and Maeda, M., 2000. A Comparison of 2D and 3D PIV Measurements in an Oblique Jet. Journal of Visualization, 3 (2), pp.165-173.
- [10] Warner, Scott O., 2012. Autocorrelation-based estimate of particle image density in particle image velocimetry, Utah State University Ms.C. thesis, pp. 49-51.
- [11] Dwarshala, S., Vandana, S., and Rambhaji, G., 2016. Computation and validation of in-cylinder flow field, swirl and flow coefficients for a naturally aspirated single-cylinder diesel engine. SAE Technical Paper, 2016-28-0018.
- [12] Özgün, Ö., Kumlutaş, D., Yücekaya, U. A., 2017. Investigation of flow structures with three dimensional background positioned density difference (schlieren) method and verification with particle imaging velocity measurement. Engineers and Machinery, 58(687), pp.29-40.
- [13] Onan, Cenk, 2013. Investigation of heat and mass transfer from moving liquid film at the exterior surface of pipes, Ph.D. Thesis, pp.104-111.
- [14] Kline, S.J. ve McClintock, F.A., 1953. Describing uncertainties in single-sample experiments. Mechanical Engineering, 75, pp.3–8.
- [15] Sadıkov E., Kangı R., Uğur S, 1995. Measurement uncertainty, TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Center National Metrology Institute, pp.55-61.
- [16] Leong W.A., Eroglu S and Guryuva S.,2012. Using STAR-CCM+ for Catalyst Utilization Analysis. Paper presented at Star Global Conference, Amsterdam, 19-21 March.