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Yıl 2007, , 1 - 8, 01.09.2007


Aim: The purpose of the present study wasto examine marital satisfaction and perceiveddifficulty level of the labor in relation to earlypostnatal depressive mood. Method: 151 postnatal women participated in the study. Theycompleted the Dyadic Adjustment Scale,Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS),and labor related questions. Results: Results ofcovariance analysis that controlled for numberof children revealed significant main effects ofPerceived Difficulty Level of Labor and of MaritalSatisfaction on early postnatal depressivesymptoms. Conclusion: Results underlinedthat, those women who perceived their labor asdifficult and/or those who had marital problemsduring their immediate postpartum period, constituted the risk group for developing postpartumdepressive symptamatology


  • Abou-Saleh MT, Ghubash R, Karim L ve ark (1998) Hormonal Aspects of Postpartum Depression. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 23: 465-475.
  • Affonso DD, De AK, Horowitz JA ve ark (2000) An International Study of Postpartum Depressive Symptamotology. J Psychosom Res, 49:207-216.
  • Aydın N, İnandı T, Karabulut N (2005) Depression and Associated Factors Among Women Within Their First Postnatal Year in Erzurum Province in Eastern Turkey. Women Health, 41:1-12.
  • Beck CT (1999) Maternal Depression and Child Behavior Problems: A Meta-Analysis. J Adv Nurs, 29: 623-629.
  • Beck CT (2001) Predictors of Postpartum Depression: An Update. Nurs Res, 50: 275-285.
  • Benvenuti P, Ferrara M, Niccolai C ve ark (1999) The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale: Validation for an Italian Sample. J Affect Disord, 53: 137–141.
  • Bergant AM, Heim K, Ulmer H ve ark (1999) Early Postnatal Depressivemood: Associations with Dbstetric and Psychological Factors. J Psychosom Res, 46:391-394.
  • Bondas T (2002) Finnish Women’s Experiences of Antenatal Care. Midwifery, 18: 61-78.
  • Campbell SB, Cohn JF, Flanagan C ve ark
  • (1992) Course Andcorrelates of Postpartum Depression During the Transition to Parenthood. Dev Psychopathol, 4: 29-47.
  • Chabrol H, Teissedre F (2004) Relation Between Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale Scores At 2–3 Days and 4–6 Weeks Postpartum. J Reprod Infant Psyc, 22: 33-39.
  • Clement S (2001) Psychological Aspects of Caesarean Section. Best Pract Res Cl Ob, 15: 109- 126.
  • Conroy S, Marks MN (2003) Maternal Psychological Vulnerability and Early Infant Care In A Sample of Materially Disadvantaged Women. J Reprod Infant Psyc, 21: 7-22.
  • Cox JL, Connor YM, Kendell RE (1982) Prospective Study of Psychiatric Disorders of Childbirth. Br J Psychiatry, 140:111-117.
  • Cox JL, Holden JM, Sagovsky R (1987) Detection of Postnatal Depression: Development of the 10-Item Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. BJ Psychiatry,150:782-786.
  • Cox JL, Murray D, Chapman G (1993) A Controlled Study of the Onset, Duration and Prevalence of Postnatal Depression. BJ Psychiatry, 163: 27-31.
  • Da Costa D, Larouche J, Dritsa M ve ark (2000) Psychosocial Correlates of Prepartum and Postpar- tum Depressed Mood. J Affect Disord, 59:31-40.
  • Danacı AE, Dinç G, Deveci A ve ark (2002) Postnatal Depression in Turkey: Epidemiological and Cultural Aspects. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 37:125-129.
  • Dennis CL (2004) Can we Identify Mothers At Risk for Postpartum Depression in the Immediate Postpartum Period Using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression? J Affect Disord, 78:163-169.
  • Dindar I, Erdoğan S (2007) Screening of Turkish Women for Postpartum Depression Within the First Postpartum Year: The Risk Profile of A Community Sample. Public Health Nurs 24:176-83.
  • Dudley M, Roy K, Kelk N ve ark (2001) Psychological Correlates of Depression in Fathers and Mothers in the First Postnatal Year. J Reprod Infant Psyc,19: 187-202.
  • Edhborg M, Lundh W, Seimyr L ve ark (2001) The Long-Term Impact of Postnatal Depressed Mood on Mother± Child Interaction: A Preliminary Study. J Reprod Infant Psyc, 19: 61-71.
  • Edhborg M, Seimyr L, Lundh W ve ark (2000) Comparisons Betweenfamilies With A ‘Depressed’ Mother and Non-Depressed Mother 2 Months Postpartum. J Reprod Infant Psyc, 18: 225-238.
  • Engindeniz AN, Küey L, Kültür S (1997) Edinburg Doğum Sonrası Depresyon Ölçeği Türkçe Formu Geçerlilik ve Güvenilirlik Çalışması. Bahar Sempozyumları 1 Kitabı, Ankara, Psikiyatri Derneği Yayınları, s:51-52.
  • Field T, Hernandez M, Feijo L (2002) Breastfeeding in Depressed Mother–Infant Dyads. Early Child Dev Care, 172: 539–545.
  • Fışıloğlu H, Demir A (2000) Applicability of the Dyadic Adjustment Scale for Measurement of Marital Quality With Turkish Couples. Eur J Psychol Assess, 16:214-218.
  • Gallagher RW, Hobfoll SE, Ritter C ve ark (1997) Marriage, Intimate Support and Depression During Pregnancy: A Study of Inner-City Women. J Health Psychol, 4: 457-469.
  • Georgiopoulus AM, Bryan TL, Yawn BP ve ark (1999) Popularion-Based Screening for Postpartum Depression. ACOG Educ Bull, 93: 653-657.
  • Hagen EH (2002) Depression As Bargaining. Evol Hum Behav, 23:323-326.
  • Hannah P, Adams D, Lee A ve ark (1992) Links Between Early Post-Partum Mood and Post-Natal Depression. B J Psychiatry, 160:777-780.
  • Hipwell AE, Goossens FA, Melhuish EC ve ark (2000) Severe Maternal Psychopathology and Infant- Mother Attachment. Dev Psychopathol, 12: 157-175.
  • Johanson R, Chapman G, Murray D ve ark (2000) The North Staffordshire Maternity Hospital Prospective Study of Pregnancy-Associated Depres- sion. J Psychosom Obst Gyn, 2: 93-97.
  • Johson N, Busfield R, Sadler L ve ark (2001) Postpartum Depression: Identification of Women at Risk. Correspondence, 163:774.
  • Jones NA, Field T, Fox N ve ark (2001) EEG During Different Emotions in 10-Month-Old Infants of Depressed Mothers. J Reprod Infant Psyc, 19: 295- 312.
  • Josefsson A, Angelsio L, Berg G ve ark (2002) Obstetric, Somatic, and Demographic Risk Factors for Postpartum Depressive Symptoms. ACOG Educ Bull, 99:223-238.
  • Kumar R, Robson KM (1984) A Prospective Study of Emotional Disorders in Childbearing Women. B J Psychiatry, 144:35-47.
  • Lane A, Keville R, Morris M ve ark (1997)
  • Postnatal Depression and Elation Among Mothers
  • and Their Partners: Prevalence and Predictors. BJ
  • Psychiatry, 171: 550-555.
  • Misri S, Kostaras X, Fox D ve ark (2000) The
  • Impact of Partner Support in the Treatment of Postpartum Depression. Can J Psychiat, 45: 554- 558.
  • Murray L, Fiori-Cowley A, Hooper R ve ark (1996) The Impact of Postnatal Depression and Associated Adversity on Early Mother-Infant Interac
  • tions and later ınfant Outcomes. Child Dev, 67:2512- 2526.
  • Murray L, Sinclair D, Cooper P ve ark (1999) The Socioemotional Development of 5 Year-Old Children of Postnatally Depressed Mothers. J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 40: 1259-1271.
  • Oates M (1996) Psychiatric Services for Women Following Childbirth. Int Rev Psychiatr, 8: 87-99.
  • Okano T, Nomura J, Kumar R ve ark (1998) An Epidemiological and Clinical Investigations of Post- partum Psychiatric Illness in Japanese Mothers. J Affect Disord, 48:233-240.
  • Pajulo M, Savonlahti E, Sourander A ve ark (2004) Maternal Representations, Depression and Interactive Behaviour in the Postnatal Period: A Brief Report. J Reprod Infant Psyc, 2: 91-98.
  • Righetti-Veltema M, Conne-Perreard E, Bousquet A ve ark (1998) Risk Factors and Predic- tive Signs of Postpartum Depression. J Affect Disord, 49:167–180.
  • Spanier GB (1976) Measuring Dyadic Adjust- ment: A New Scale for Assessing the Quality of Marriage and Similar Dyads. J Marriage Fam, 38: 15- 28.
  • Steiner M (1997a) Depression and the Postpar- tum Patient. Biol Psychiatry, 42:168-169.
  • Steiner M (1997b) Mood Disorders with Postpartum Onset: A Family Study. Biol Psychiatry, 42:129-131.
  • Yakçınkaya-Alkar Ö, Gençöz T (2007) Edin- burgh Postnatal Depresyon Ölçeği'nin Güvenirlik ve Geçerlik Çalışması. Değerlendirilme aşamasında makale.

Yeni Doğum Yapmış Annelerin Depresyon Belirtileri: Evlilik Doyumu ve Doğum Zorluk Derecesinin Önemi

Yıl 2007, , 1 - 8, 01.09.2007


Amaç: Bu araştırmanın amacı evlilikdoyum düzeyi ile anne tarafından algılanandoğum zorluk derecesinin, erken dönem doğumsonrası depresif duygu durumu üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Yöntem: Araştırmaya 151doğum sonrası dönemde olan kadın katılmıştır.Veri toplama araçları olarak, EdinburghPostnatal Depresyon Ölçeği (EPDÖ) vedoğumla ilgili sorular kullanılmıştır. Bulgular:Çocuk sayısı kontrol edilerek yürütülenkovaryans analizi sonuçlarına göre, algılanandoğum zorluk derecesi ve evlilik doyumununerken dönem postnatal semptomlar üzerindetemel etkisi olduğu bulunmuştur. Sonuç:Doğumlarını zor olarak algılayan ve/veya evlilikproblemleri olan gruptaki kadınların erkendoğum sonrası dönemde risk grubu oluşturduklarının altı çizilmiştir


  • Abou-Saleh MT, Ghubash R, Karim L ve ark (1998) Hormonal Aspects of Postpartum Depression. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 23: 465-475.
  • Affonso DD, De AK, Horowitz JA ve ark (2000) An International Study of Postpartum Depressive Symptamotology. J Psychosom Res, 49:207-216.
  • Aydın N, İnandı T, Karabulut N (2005) Depression and Associated Factors Among Women Within Their First Postnatal Year in Erzurum Province in Eastern Turkey. Women Health, 41:1-12.
  • Beck CT (1999) Maternal Depression and Child Behavior Problems: A Meta-Analysis. J Adv Nurs, 29: 623-629.
  • Beck CT (2001) Predictors of Postpartum Depression: An Update. Nurs Res, 50: 275-285.
  • Benvenuti P, Ferrara M, Niccolai C ve ark (1999) The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale: Validation for an Italian Sample. J Affect Disord, 53: 137–141.
  • Bergant AM, Heim K, Ulmer H ve ark (1999) Early Postnatal Depressivemood: Associations with Dbstetric and Psychological Factors. J Psychosom Res, 46:391-394.
  • Bondas T (2002) Finnish Women’s Experiences of Antenatal Care. Midwifery, 18: 61-78.
  • Campbell SB, Cohn JF, Flanagan C ve ark
  • (1992) Course Andcorrelates of Postpartum Depression During the Transition to Parenthood. Dev Psychopathol, 4: 29-47.
  • Chabrol H, Teissedre F (2004) Relation Between Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale Scores At 2–3 Days and 4–6 Weeks Postpartum. J Reprod Infant Psyc, 22: 33-39.
  • Clement S (2001) Psychological Aspects of Caesarean Section. Best Pract Res Cl Ob, 15: 109- 126.
  • Conroy S, Marks MN (2003) Maternal Psychological Vulnerability and Early Infant Care In A Sample of Materially Disadvantaged Women. J Reprod Infant Psyc, 21: 7-22.
  • Cox JL, Connor YM, Kendell RE (1982) Prospective Study of Psychiatric Disorders of Childbirth. Br J Psychiatry, 140:111-117.
  • Cox JL, Holden JM, Sagovsky R (1987) Detection of Postnatal Depression: Development of the 10-Item Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. BJ Psychiatry,150:782-786.
  • Cox JL, Murray D, Chapman G (1993) A Controlled Study of the Onset, Duration and Prevalence of Postnatal Depression. BJ Psychiatry, 163: 27-31.
  • Da Costa D, Larouche J, Dritsa M ve ark (2000) Psychosocial Correlates of Prepartum and Postpar- tum Depressed Mood. J Affect Disord, 59:31-40.
  • Danacı AE, Dinç G, Deveci A ve ark (2002) Postnatal Depression in Turkey: Epidemiological and Cultural Aspects. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 37:125-129.
  • Dennis CL (2004) Can we Identify Mothers At Risk for Postpartum Depression in the Immediate Postpartum Period Using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression? J Affect Disord, 78:163-169.
  • Dindar I, Erdoğan S (2007) Screening of Turkish Women for Postpartum Depression Within the First Postpartum Year: The Risk Profile of A Community Sample. Public Health Nurs 24:176-83.
  • Dudley M, Roy K, Kelk N ve ark (2001) Psychological Correlates of Depression in Fathers and Mothers in the First Postnatal Year. J Reprod Infant Psyc,19: 187-202.
  • Edhborg M, Lundh W, Seimyr L ve ark (2001) The Long-Term Impact of Postnatal Depressed Mood on Mother± Child Interaction: A Preliminary Study. J Reprod Infant Psyc, 19: 61-71.
  • Edhborg M, Seimyr L, Lundh W ve ark (2000) Comparisons Betweenfamilies With A ‘Depressed’ Mother and Non-Depressed Mother 2 Months Postpartum. J Reprod Infant Psyc, 18: 225-238.
  • Engindeniz AN, Küey L, Kültür S (1997) Edinburg Doğum Sonrası Depresyon Ölçeği Türkçe Formu Geçerlilik ve Güvenilirlik Çalışması. Bahar Sempozyumları 1 Kitabı, Ankara, Psikiyatri Derneği Yayınları, s:51-52.
  • Field T, Hernandez M, Feijo L (2002) Breastfeeding in Depressed Mother–Infant Dyads. Early Child Dev Care, 172: 539–545.
  • Fışıloğlu H, Demir A (2000) Applicability of the Dyadic Adjustment Scale for Measurement of Marital Quality With Turkish Couples. Eur J Psychol Assess, 16:214-218.
  • Gallagher RW, Hobfoll SE, Ritter C ve ark (1997) Marriage, Intimate Support and Depression During Pregnancy: A Study of Inner-City Women. J Health Psychol, 4: 457-469.
  • Georgiopoulus AM, Bryan TL, Yawn BP ve ark (1999) Popularion-Based Screening for Postpartum Depression. ACOG Educ Bull, 93: 653-657.
  • Hagen EH (2002) Depression As Bargaining. Evol Hum Behav, 23:323-326.
  • Hannah P, Adams D, Lee A ve ark (1992) Links Between Early Post-Partum Mood and Post-Natal Depression. B J Psychiatry, 160:777-780.
  • Hipwell AE, Goossens FA, Melhuish EC ve ark (2000) Severe Maternal Psychopathology and Infant- Mother Attachment. Dev Psychopathol, 12: 157-175.
  • Johanson R, Chapman G, Murray D ve ark (2000) The North Staffordshire Maternity Hospital Prospective Study of Pregnancy-Associated Depres- sion. J Psychosom Obst Gyn, 2: 93-97.
  • Johson N, Busfield R, Sadler L ve ark (2001) Postpartum Depression: Identification of Women at Risk. Correspondence, 163:774.
  • Jones NA, Field T, Fox N ve ark (2001) EEG During Different Emotions in 10-Month-Old Infants of Depressed Mothers. J Reprod Infant Psyc, 19: 295- 312.
  • Josefsson A, Angelsio L, Berg G ve ark (2002) Obstetric, Somatic, and Demographic Risk Factors for Postpartum Depressive Symptoms. ACOG Educ Bull, 99:223-238.
  • Kumar R, Robson KM (1984) A Prospective Study of Emotional Disorders in Childbearing Women. B J Psychiatry, 144:35-47.
  • Lane A, Keville R, Morris M ve ark (1997)
  • Postnatal Depression and Elation Among Mothers
  • and Their Partners: Prevalence and Predictors. BJ
  • Psychiatry, 171: 550-555.
  • Misri S, Kostaras X, Fox D ve ark (2000) The
  • Impact of Partner Support in the Treatment of Postpartum Depression. Can J Psychiat, 45: 554- 558.
  • Murray L, Fiori-Cowley A, Hooper R ve ark (1996) The Impact of Postnatal Depression and Associated Adversity on Early Mother-Infant Interac
  • tions and later ınfant Outcomes. Child Dev, 67:2512- 2526.
  • Murray L, Sinclair D, Cooper P ve ark (1999) The Socioemotional Development of 5 Year-Old Children of Postnatally Depressed Mothers. J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 40: 1259-1271.
  • Oates M (1996) Psychiatric Services for Women Following Childbirth. Int Rev Psychiatr, 8: 87-99.
  • Okano T, Nomura J, Kumar R ve ark (1998) An Epidemiological and Clinical Investigations of Post- partum Psychiatric Illness in Japanese Mothers. J Affect Disord, 48:233-240.
  • Pajulo M, Savonlahti E, Sourander A ve ark (2004) Maternal Representations, Depression and Interactive Behaviour in the Postnatal Period: A Brief Report. J Reprod Infant Psyc, 2: 91-98.
  • Righetti-Veltema M, Conne-Perreard E, Bousquet A ve ark (1998) Risk Factors and Predic- tive Signs of Postpartum Depression. J Affect Disord, 49:167–180.
  • Spanier GB (1976) Measuring Dyadic Adjust- ment: A New Scale for Assessing the Quality of Marriage and Similar Dyads. J Marriage Fam, 38: 15- 28.
  • Steiner M (1997a) Depression and the Postpar- tum Patient. Biol Psychiatry, 42:168-169.
  • Steiner M (1997b) Mood Disorders with Postpartum Onset: A Family Study. Biol Psychiatry, 42:129-131.
  • Yakçınkaya-Alkar Ö, Gençöz T (2007) Edin- burgh Postnatal Depresyon Ölçeği'nin Güvenirlik ve Geçerlik Çalışması. Değerlendirilme aşamasında makale.
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA27BV65BV
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Ö.y. Alkar Bu kişi benim

T. Gençöz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2007
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Eylül 2007
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007

Kaynak Göster

APA Alkar, Ö., & Gençöz, T. (2007). Yeni Doğum Yapmış Annelerin Depresyon Belirtileri: Evlilik Doyumu ve Doğum Zorluk Derecesinin Önemi. Kriz Dergisi, 15(3), 1-8.