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Sociodemographics Characteristics, Stress Factors and Psychiatric Disorders in Persons With Suicide Attempt

Yıl 2005, , 1 - 9, 01.03.2005


Objective:Suicide attempt is a major public health problem. In this study, we aimed to
determine suicide attempt and related risk factors. Method: This study was carried out inCelal Bayar University Hospital betweenDecember 2002 and July 2005. The data werecollected from 114 persons. A form for suicideattemptes was used to d etermine the characteristics of suicide attempt. The trained clinicalpsychiatrists interviewed the persons with theStructural Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID).The persons were applied to HamiltonDepression Rating Scale (HDRS). The resultswere transferred to SPSS for Windows 10.0database. Results: Of the subjects 78.1%(n=89) were females, 59.6% (n=68) were graduated from high school and university, 28.9%(n=33) were housewives. Mean age was28.7±13.2. When suicide methods were evaluated, 81.6% (n=93) was drug intake in excessive doses. There was previous suicide attemptin 37.7% (n=43), family history of suicide in8.8% (n=10) and suicide attempt in the neigborhood in 15.8% (n=18) of suicide attempters.Major depressive disorder was found to behigh among suicide attempters that complitedour sample (52.6%). Conclusion: Suicideattempt must be carrefully evaluated in patientswith major depressive disorder. Previous suicidehistory was considered as an important predictor of suicide attempt


  • Akdemir A, Örsel S, Dağ İ ve ark. (1996) Hamilton Depresyon Derecelendirme Ölçeği (HDDÖ)’nin Geçerliliği, Güvenilirliği ve Klinikte Kullanımı. Psikiyatri Psikoloji Psikofarmakoloji Dergisi, 4: 251-259.
  • Asnis GM, Friedman TA, Sanderson WC (1993) Suicidal Behaviors in Adult Psychiatric Outpatients, I: Description and Prevalence. Am J Psychiatry, 150: 108-112.
  • Beaumont G, Hitzel W (1992) Patients At Risk of Suicide and Overdose. Psychopharmacology, 106: 123-126.
  • Bekaroğlu M, Bilici M, Hocaoğlu Ç ve ark. (1999) Trabzon’da 1995 Yılı İntihar İnsidansı. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 10(3): 190-200.
  • Bille-Brahe U, Kerkhof A, De Leo D (1997) A Repetition-Prediction Study of European Parasuicide Populations. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 95: 81-86.
  • Brent DA, Perper JA, Moritz G ve ark. (1993) Stresful Life Events, Psychopathology, and Adolescent Suicide: A Case Control Study. Suicide Life Threat Behav, 23: 179-187.
  • Brent DA, Perper JA, Moritz G (1994) Familial Risk Factors for Adolescent Suicide: A Case-Control Study. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 89:52-58.
  • Cheng ATA, Chen THH, Chen CC ve ark. (2000) Psychosocial and Psychiatric Risk Factors for Suicide. Br J Psychiatry, 177: 360-365.
  • Cullberg J, Wasserman D, Stefansson CG (1988) Who Commits Suicide After a Suicide Attempt? Acta Psychiatr Scand, 77: 589-603.
  • Deveci A, Yurtsever F, Aydemir Ö (2004) Yatarak Tedavi Gören Majör Depresif Bozukluklu Hastalarda İntihar Girişimi ile İlişkili Etkenler 3P Dergisi, 12(3): 203-208.
  • Foster T, Gillespie K, McClelland R ve ark. (1999) Risk Factor for Suicide Independent of DSM- III-R Axis I Disorder. Br J Psychiatry, 175: 175-179.
  • Gamfinkel BD (1982) Suicide Attempts in Children and Adolescents. Am J Psychiatry, 139: 1257-1262.
  • Goldstein RB, Black DW, Nasrallah A ve ark. (1991) The Prediction of Suicide. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 48: 418-422.
  • Gould MS, Wallenstein S, Kleinman M ve ark. (1990) Time-Space Clustering of Teenage Suicide. Am J Epidemiology, 131: 71-78.
  • Gould MS, Fisher P, Parides M ve ark. (1996) Psychosocial Risk Factors of Child and Adolescent Completed Suicide. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 53: 1155- 1162.
  • Harris EC, Barraclough B (1997) Suicide as an Outcome for Mental Disorders: A Meta-Analysis. Br J Psychiatry, 170: 205-228.
  • Hawton K, Cole D, O’Grady J (1982) Motivational Aspects of Deliberate Self-Poisoning in Adolescents. Br J Psychiatry, 141: 286-291.
  • Hawton K (1987) Assessment of Suicide Risk. Br J Psychiatry, 150: 145-153.
  • Hirschfeld R, Russell JM (1997) Assessment and Treatment of Suicidal Patients. N Engl J Med, 337: 910-915.
  • Isometsa ET, Henriksson MM, Hillevi MA (1994) Suicide in Major Depression. Am J Psychiatry, 151: 530-536.
  • Kaplan HI, Sadock BJ (1998) Psychiatric Emergencies. Kaplan and Sadock’s Synopsis of Psychiatry VIII. Ed. (Eds.) HI Kaplan, BJ Sadock. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 864-884.
  • Kessler RC, Borges G, Walters EE (1999) Prevalence and Risk Factors for Lifetime Suicide Attempts in the National Comorbidity Survey. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 56(7): 617-626.
  • Köroğlu E. (1997) Majör Depresif Bozukluk. Psikiyatri Temel Kitabı, Cilt 1, C. Güleç, E. Köroğlu (Ed). Hekimler Yayın Birliği, Ankara, 389-421.
  • Kuo WH, Gallo JJ, Tien AY (2001) Incidence of Suicide Ideation and Attempts in Adults: The 13 Year Follow-Up A Community Sample in Baltimore, Maryland. Psychol Med 31(7): 1181-1191.
  • Linkowski P, Martin F, De Maertelaer V (1992) Effect of Some Climatic Factors on Violent and Non- Violent Suicides in Belgum. Journal of Affective Disorders, 25: 161-166.
  • McClure GMG (1984) Recent Trens in Suicide Amongs the Young. Br J Psychiatry, 144: 134-138.
  • McClure GMG (2000) Changes in Suicide in England and Wales, 1960-1997. Br J Psychiatry, 176: 64-67.
  • Mehlum L, Friis S, Vaglum P (1994) The Longitudinal Patern of Suicidal Behaviours in Borderline Personality Disorder: A Prospective Follow-Up Study. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 90: 124-130.
  • Nordström P, Asberg M, Aberg-Wistedt A ve ark. (1995) Attempted Suicide Predicts Suicide Risk in Mood Disorders. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 92: 345-350.
  • Odağ C (1995) İntihar (Özkıyım) Tanım-Kuram- Sağaltım, İzmir Pskiyatri Derneği. Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, Bornova-İzmir.
  • O’Donnel I, Farmer R, Catalan J (1993) Suicide Notes. Br J Psychiatry, 163: 45-48.
  • Özkürkçügil A, Aydemir Ö, Yıldız M ve ark. (1999) DSM-IV Eksen I Bozuklukları İçin Yapılandırılmış Klinik Görüşmenin Türkçe Uyarlanması ve Güvenilirlik Çalışması. İlaç ve Tedavi Dergisi, 12(4): 233-236.
  • Roy A, Lomparski D, De Jong J (1990) Characteristic of Alcoholics Who Attempt Suicide. Am J Psychiatry, 147: 761-765.
  • Roy A (2000) Psychiatric Emergencies. Kapland and Sadock’s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry VII. Ed. (Eds). BJ Sadock, VA Sadock. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, s. 2031-2055.
  • Sayıl I, Oral A, Güney S ve ark. (1993) Ankara’da İntihar Girişimleri Üzerine Bir Çalışma. Kriz Dergisi, 2: 56-62.
  • Sayıl I (2002) İntihar Davranışı ve Epidemiyolojisi. Psikiyatrik Epidemiyoloji (Ed). O. Doğan, Ege Psikiyatri Yayınları, İzmir, s. 118-123.
  • Shaffer D, Gerald A, Gould M (1988) Preventing Teenage Suicide: A Critical Review. Am J Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 27: 675-687.
  • Sır A, Özkan M, Altındağ A ve ark. (1999) Diyarbakır’da Özkıyım ve Özkıyım Girişimleri. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 10(1): 50-57.
  • Soloff PH, Lis JA, Kelly T (1994) Risk Factors for Suicidal Behavior in Borderline Personality Disorder. Am J Psychiatry, 151: 1316-1323.
  • Stack S (2000) Suicide: A 15-Year Review of the Sociological Literature. Part II: Modernization and Social Integration Perspectives. Suicide Life Threat Behav, 30: 163-176.
  • Welch SS (2001) A Review of the Literature on the Epidemiology of Parasuicide in the General Population. Psychiatr Servs, 52(3): 368-375.
  • Wiedenmann A, Weyerer S (1993) The Impact of Availability, Attraction and Lethality of Suicide Methods on Suicide Rates in Germany. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 88: 364-368.


Yıl 2005, , 1 - 9, 01.03.2005



  • Akdemir A, Örsel S, Dağ İ ve ark. (1996) Hamilton Depresyon Derecelendirme Ölçeği (HDDÖ)’nin Geçerliliği, Güvenilirliği ve Klinikte Kullanımı. Psikiyatri Psikoloji Psikofarmakoloji Dergisi, 4: 251-259.
  • Asnis GM, Friedman TA, Sanderson WC (1993) Suicidal Behaviors in Adult Psychiatric Outpatients, I: Description and Prevalence. Am J Psychiatry, 150: 108-112.
  • Beaumont G, Hitzel W (1992) Patients At Risk of Suicide and Overdose. Psychopharmacology, 106: 123-126.
  • Bekaroğlu M, Bilici M, Hocaoğlu Ç ve ark. (1999) Trabzon’da 1995 Yılı İntihar İnsidansı. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 10(3): 190-200.
  • Bille-Brahe U, Kerkhof A, De Leo D (1997) A Repetition-Prediction Study of European Parasuicide Populations. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 95: 81-86.
  • Brent DA, Perper JA, Moritz G ve ark. (1993) Stresful Life Events, Psychopathology, and Adolescent Suicide: A Case Control Study. Suicide Life Threat Behav, 23: 179-187.
  • Brent DA, Perper JA, Moritz G (1994) Familial Risk Factors for Adolescent Suicide: A Case-Control Study. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 89:52-58.
  • Cheng ATA, Chen THH, Chen CC ve ark. (2000) Psychosocial and Psychiatric Risk Factors for Suicide. Br J Psychiatry, 177: 360-365.
  • Cullberg J, Wasserman D, Stefansson CG (1988) Who Commits Suicide After a Suicide Attempt? Acta Psychiatr Scand, 77: 589-603.
  • Deveci A, Yurtsever F, Aydemir Ö (2004) Yatarak Tedavi Gören Majör Depresif Bozukluklu Hastalarda İntihar Girişimi ile İlişkili Etkenler 3P Dergisi, 12(3): 203-208.
  • Foster T, Gillespie K, McClelland R ve ark. (1999) Risk Factor for Suicide Independent of DSM- III-R Axis I Disorder. Br J Psychiatry, 175: 175-179.
  • Gamfinkel BD (1982) Suicide Attempts in Children and Adolescents. Am J Psychiatry, 139: 1257-1262.
  • Goldstein RB, Black DW, Nasrallah A ve ark. (1991) The Prediction of Suicide. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 48: 418-422.
  • Gould MS, Wallenstein S, Kleinman M ve ark. (1990) Time-Space Clustering of Teenage Suicide. Am J Epidemiology, 131: 71-78.
  • Gould MS, Fisher P, Parides M ve ark. (1996) Psychosocial Risk Factors of Child and Adolescent Completed Suicide. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 53: 1155- 1162.
  • Harris EC, Barraclough B (1997) Suicide as an Outcome for Mental Disorders: A Meta-Analysis. Br J Psychiatry, 170: 205-228.
  • Hawton K, Cole D, O’Grady J (1982) Motivational Aspects of Deliberate Self-Poisoning in Adolescents. Br J Psychiatry, 141: 286-291.
  • Hawton K (1987) Assessment of Suicide Risk. Br J Psychiatry, 150: 145-153.
  • Hirschfeld R, Russell JM (1997) Assessment and Treatment of Suicidal Patients. N Engl J Med, 337: 910-915.
  • Isometsa ET, Henriksson MM, Hillevi MA (1994) Suicide in Major Depression. Am J Psychiatry, 151: 530-536.
  • Kaplan HI, Sadock BJ (1998) Psychiatric Emergencies. Kaplan and Sadock’s Synopsis of Psychiatry VIII. Ed. (Eds.) HI Kaplan, BJ Sadock. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 864-884.
  • Kessler RC, Borges G, Walters EE (1999) Prevalence and Risk Factors for Lifetime Suicide Attempts in the National Comorbidity Survey. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 56(7): 617-626.
  • Köroğlu E. (1997) Majör Depresif Bozukluk. Psikiyatri Temel Kitabı, Cilt 1, C. Güleç, E. Köroğlu (Ed). Hekimler Yayın Birliği, Ankara, 389-421.
  • Kuo WH, Gallo JJ, Tien AY (2001) Incidence of Suicide Ideation and Attempts in Adults: The 13 Year Follow-Up A Community Sample in Baltimore, Maryland. Psychol Med 31(7): 1181-1191.
  • Linkowski P, Martin F, De Maertelaer V (1992) Effect of Some Climatic Factors on Violent and Non- Violent Suicides in Belgum. Journal of Affective Disorders, 25: 161-166.
  • McClure GMG (1984) Recent Trens in Suicide Amongs the Young. Br J Psychiatry, 144: 134-138.
  • McClure GMG (2000) Changes in Suicide in England and Wales, 1960-1997. Br J Psychiatry, 176: 64-67.
  • Mehlum L, Friis S, Vaglum P (1994) The Longitudinal Patern of Suicidal Behaviours in Borderline Personality Disorder: A Prospective Follow-Up Study. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 90: 124-130.
  • Nordström P, Asberg M, Aberg-Wistedt A ve ark. (1995) Attempted Suicide Predicts Suicide Risk in Mood Disorders. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 92: 345-350.
  • Odağ C (1995) İntihar (Özkıyım) Tanım-Kuram- Sağaltım, İzmir Pskiyatri Derneği. Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, Bornova-İzmir.
  • O’Donnel I, Farmer R, Catalan J (1993) Suicide Notes. Br J Psychiatry, 163: 45-48.
  • Özkürkçügil A, Aydemir Ö, Yıldız M ve ark. (1999) DSM-IV Eksen I Bozuklukları İçin Yapılandırılmış Klinik Görüşmenin Türkçe Uyarlanması ve Güvenilirlik Çalışması. İlaç ve Tedavi Dergisi, 12(4): 233-236.
  • Roy A, Lomparski D, De Jong J (1990) Characteristic of Alcoholics Who Attempt Suicide. Am J Psychiatry, 147: 761-765.
  • Roy A (2000) Psychiatric Emergencies. Kapland and Sadock’s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry VII. Ed. (Eds). BJ Sadock, VA Sadock. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, s. 2031-2055.
  • Sayıl I, Oral A, Güney S ve ark. (1993) Ankara’da İntihar Girişimleri Üzerine Bir Çalışma. Kriz Dergisi, 2: 56-62.
  • Sayıl I (2002) İntihar Davranışı ve Epidemiyolojisi. Psikiyatrik Epidemiyoloji (Ed). O. Doğan, Ege Psikiyatri Yayınları, İzmir, s. 118-123.
  • Shaffer D, Gerald A, Gould M (1988) Preventing Teenage Suicide: A Critical Review. Am J Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 27: 675-687.
  • Sır A, Özkan M, Altındağ A ve ark. (1999) Diyarbakır’da Özkıyım ve Özkıyım Girişimleri. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 10(1): 50-57.
  • Soloff PH, Lis JA, Kelly T (1994) Risk Factors for Suicidal Behavior in Borderline Personality Disorder. Am J Psychiatry, 151: 1316-1323.
  • Stack S (2000) Suicide: A 15-Year Review of the Sociological Literature. Part II: Modernization and Social Integration Perspectives. Suicide Life Threat Behav, 30: 163-176.
  • Welch SS (2001) A Review of the Literature on the Epidemiology of Parasuicide in the General Population. Psychiatr Servs, 52(3): 368-375.
  • Wiedenmann A, Weyerer S (1993) The Impact of Availability, Attraction and Lethality of Suicide Methods on Suicide Rates in Germany. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 88: 364-368.
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA28VV66JD
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

A. Deveci Bu kişi benim

Ö. Aydemir Bu kişi benim

S. Mızrak Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2005
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Mart 2005
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2005

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