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Repeated Suicides

Yıl 2004, , 53 - 62, 01.09.2004



  • Motgomery SA, Goeting NL (1991) Suicide and Attempted Suicide Risk Factors, Management and Prevention.
  • De Leo D, Bille-Brahe A, Kerkhof A, Schmidtke A (2004) Suicidal Behavior Theories and Research Findings.
  • Arensman E, Kerkhof AJFM (1963-1993) Classification of Attempted Suicide. Arevviev of Empirical Studies.
  • Bagley C, Greer S. Clinical and Social Predictors of Repeated Attempted Suicide: A Multivariate Analysis. British Journal of Psychiatry, 119,515-521.
  • Bancroft JH, Marsack P. The Repetitiveness of Self-Poisoning and Şelf Injury. British Journal of Psychiatry, 131, 394-399.
  • Beck AT, Kovasc M, VVeisman A. Assesment of Suisidal Intention. The Scale For Suiside Ideation. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 47, 343-352.
  • Bille-Brahe U, Jessen G. Repeated Suisidal Behavior: A Two Year Follow-Up Crisi, 15, 77-82.
  • Buglass D, Horton J. A Scale For Predicting Subsequent Suisidal Behavior. British Journal of Psychiatry, 124, 573-578.
  • Hawton K. Assesment of Suiside Risk. British Journal of Psychiatry, 150,145-153.
  • Havvton K, Fagg J. Repetition of Attempted Suicide: The Performance of the Edinburgh Predictive Scales in Patients in Oxford. Archives of Suicide Research, 1, 261-272.
  • Hjelmeland H. Repetition of Parasuicide: A Predictive Study. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 26, 395-404.
  • Isometsa ET, Lönnqvist JK. Suicide Attempts Preceding Completed Suicide. British Journal of Psychiatry, 173, 531-535.
  • Kreitman N, C, ısey P. Repetition of Parasuicide: an Epidemiological ınd Clinical Study. British Journal of Psychiatry, 153," 92-800.
  • Ovenstone IMK, Kreitman N. Two Syndromes of Suicide. British Jouı nal of Psychiatry, 123, 35-39.
  • Sakinofsky I (2000). Repetition of Suicidal Behavior. The Interr ational Handbook of Suicide and Attempted Suicide, İ85-404.
  • Stocks R, Scoi AIF. What Happens to Patients Who Frequently Har m Themselves? A Retrospective One-Year Outcon e Study. British Journal of Psychiatry, 158, 37!-378.
  • Sayıl I (2000). İntihar Davranışı, Kriz ve Krize Müdahale, Sayıl I v« ark. sy 165-197, A.Ü. Psikiyatrik Kriz Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi yay, yay no 6, Damla Matbacılık.
  • Sayıl I İntihar'ar, Ruh Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları, Ed. Sayıl I, Özgı ven HD, sy 253-263, AÜTF Yayınları.
  • Özgüven HD (2000). İntiharların ve İntihar Girişimlerinin Epide niyolojisi. İntihar, İlkbahar, Ege Psikiyatri Yayınları.
  • Zahl DL, Ha^ton K (2004). Repetition of Deliberate Self-Harı ı and Subsequent Suicide Rsk: Long-Term Follow-l p Study of 11583. British Journal of Psychiatry, 185,7 0-75.
  • Havvton K, Zah D, VVeatheralI R (2003). Suicide Following Deliberafe Self-Harm: Long-Term FollovvUp of Patients who • 'resented to a General Hospital. British Journal of Ps rchiatry, 182, 537-542.
  • Angst F, Stass sn HH, Clayton PJ et al: (1993). Mortality of Patients Mth Mood Disorders: Follow-Up Över 34-38 Years. J Affect Disord 68:167-181.
  • Busch KA, Clerk DC, Favvcett J, et al (1993). Clinical Features o Inpatient Suicide. Psychiatric Annals 23: 256-262.
  • Favvcett J (1i 92). Suicide Risk Factors in Depressive Disorde s and Panic Disorder. J Clin Psychiatry 53: 9-13, 1992.
  • Kessler RC, Borges G, VValters EE (1999). Prevalence of and Risk Factors for Lifetime Silicide Attempts in the National Comorbidity Survey. Arch Gen Psychiatry 56: 617-626.
  • Moscicki EK (1997). Identification of Suicide Risk Factors Using Epidemiologic Studies. Psychiatr NortAm 20: 499-517.
  • Soloff PH, üs JA, Kelly TM et al (1994). Risk Factors for Suicidal Behavior in Borderline Personality Disorder. Am J Psychiatry 151: 1316- 1326.


Yıl 2004, , 53 - 62, 01.09.2004


Bu yazının amacı intihar olgusu hakkında
genel bilgiler vermek ve intihar davranışının
tekrarlayıcı doğası ile beraber yineleyici intihar
girişimlerini ele almaktır. Bir çok intihar girişiminden
önce bireylerin tıbbi yardım arayışı veya
başka bir şekilde bunu ifade ettikleri bilinirse,
sağlık çalışanlarının bu konudaki duyarlılıkları
artabilir. Her intihar girişiminin ardından tekrarlama
olasılığı mutlaka dikkate alınmalıdır. Bu
yazıda tekrarlama riskini yordayan özelikler ve
tekrarlama olasılığı fazla olan gruplar ele
alınmıştır. İntihar girişiminde bulunan bireylerin
heterojen olması nedeniyle her hastanın özellikleri
ve yaşam koşulları ayrı ayrı değerlendirilmeli
ve her hastaya özel tedavi ve müdahale yöntemleri


  • Motgomery SA, Goeting NL (1991) Suicide and Attempted Suicide Risk Factors, Management and Prevention.
  • De Leo D, Bille-Brahe A, Kerkhof A, Schmidtke A (2004) Suicidal Behavior Theories and Research Findings.
  • Arensman E, Kerkhof AJFM (1963-1993) Classification of Attempted Suicide. Arevviev of Empirical Studies.
  • Bagley C, Greer S. Clinical and Social Predictors of Repeated Attempted Suicide: A Multivariate Analysis. British Journal of Psychiatry, 119,515-521.
  • Bancroft JH, Marsack P. The Repetitiveness of Self-Poisoning and Şelf Injury. British Journal of Psychiatry, 131, 394-399.
  • Beck AT, Kovasc M, VVeisman A. Assesment of Suisidal Intention. The Scale For Suiside Ideation. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 47, 343-352.
  • Bille-Brahe U, Jessen G. Repeated Suisidal Behavior: A Two Year Follow-Up Crisi, 15, 77-82.
  • Buglass D, Horton J. A Scale For Predicting Subsequent Suisidal Behavior. British Journal of Psychiatry, 124, 573-578.
  • Hawton K. Assesment of Suiside Risk. British Journal of Psychiatry, 150,145-153.
  • Havvton K, Fagg J. Repetition of Attempted Suicide: The Performance of the Edinburgh Predictive Scales in Patients in Oxford. Archives of Suicide Research, 1, 261-272.
  • Hjelmeland H. Repetition of Parasuicide: A Predictive Study. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 26, 395-404.
  • Isometsa ET, Lönnqvist JK. Suicide Attempts Preceding Completed Suicide. British Journal of Psychiatry, 173, 531-535.
  • Kreitman N, C, ısey P. Repetition of Parasuicide: an Epidemiological ınd Clinical Study. British Journal of Psychiatry, 153," 92-800.
  • Ovenstone IMK, Kreitman N. Two Syndromes of Suicide. British Jouı nal of Psychiatry, 123, 35-39.
  • Sakinofsky I (2000). Repetition of Suicidal Behavior. The Interr ational Handbook of Suicide and Attempted Suicide, İ85-404.
  • Stocks R, Scoi AIF. What Happens to Patients Who Frequently Har m Themselves? A Retrospective One-Year Outcon e Study. British Journal of Psychiatry, 158, 37!-378.
  • Sayıl I (2000). İntihar Davranışı, Kriz ve Krize Müdahale, Sayıl I v« ark. sy 165-197, A.Ü. Psikiyatrik Kriz Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi yay, yay no 6, Damla Matbacılık.
  • Sayıl I İntihar'ar, Ruh Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları, Ed. Sayıl I, Özgı ven HD, sy 253-263, AÜTF Yayınları.
  • Özgüven HD (2000). İntiharların ve İntihar Girişimlerinin Epide niyolojisi. İntihar, İlkbahar, Ege Psikiyatri Yayınları.
  • Zahl DL, Ha^ton K (2004). Repetition of Deliberate Self-Harı ı and Subsequent Suicide Rsk: Long-Term Follow-l p Study of 11583. British Journal of Psychiatry, 185,7 0-75.
  • Havvton K, Zah D, VVeatheralI R (2003). Suicide Following Deliberafe Self-Harm: Long-Term FollovvUp of Patients who • 'resented to a General Hospital. British Journal of Ps rchiatry, 182, 537-542.
  • Angst F, Stass sn HH, Clayton PJ et al: (1993). Mortality of Patients Mth Mood Disorders: Follow-Up Över 34-38 Years. J Affect Disord 68:167-181.
  • Busch KA, Clerk DC, Favvcett J, et al (1993). Clinical Features o Inpatient Suicide. Psychiatric Annals 23: 256-262.
  • Favvcett J (1i 92). Suicide Risk Factors in Depressive Disorde s and Panic Disorder. J Clin Psychiatry 53: 9-13, 1992.
  • Kessler RC, Borges G, VValters EE (1999). Prevalence of and Risk Factors for Lifetime Silicide Attempts in the National Comorbidity Survey. Arch Gen Psychiatry 56: 617-626.
  • Moscicki EK (1997). Identification of Suicide Risk Factors Using Epidemiologic Studies. Psychiatr NortAm 20: 499-517.
  • Soloff PH, üs JA, Kelly TM et al (1994). Risk Factors for Suicidal Behavior in Borderline Personality Disorder. Am J Psychiatry 151: 1316- 1326.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA65VN48PG
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Serdar S. Can Bu kişi benim

İ. Sayıl Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2004
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Eylül 2004
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2004

Kaynak Göster

APA Can, S. S., & Sayıl, İ. (2004). YİNELEYİCİ İNTİHAR GİRİŞİMLERİ. Kriz Dergisi, 12(3), 53-62.