Asberg M, Traskman L, Thoren P (1976) 5-HIAA in the Cerebrospinal Fluid: A Biological Suicide Predictor? Archives of General Psychiatry, 33: 1193- 1197.
Barraclough B (1981) Suicide and Epilepsy. In Epilepsy and Psychiatry (eds EH Reynolds ve MR Trimble) Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
Barraclough B, Pallis DJ (1975) Depression Followed by Suicide: A Comparison of Depressed Suicides With Living Depressives. Psychological Medicine, 5: 55-61.
Barraclough B, Bunch J, Nelson B, Sainsbury P (1974) A Hundred Cases of Suicide: Clinical Aspects. British Journal of Psychiatry, 125: 355-373.
Beck AT, Ward CH, Mendelson M (1961) An Inventory for Measuring Depression. Archives of General Psychiatry, 4:561-571.
Beck AT, Schuyler D, Herman J (1974a) Development of Suicidal Intent Scales. In the Prediction of Suicide (AT Beck, HLP Resruk, DJ Lettieri) Maryland: Charles Press.
Beck AT, Weissman A, Lester D, Trexler L (1974b) The Measurement of Pessimism: The Hopelessness Scale. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 42:861-865.
Beck AT, Beck R, Kovacs M (1975a) Classification of Suicidal Behaviors: I. Quantifying Intent and Medical Lethality. American Journal of Psychiatry, 132:285-287.
Beck AT, Kovacs M, Weissman A (1975b) Hopelessness and Suicidal Behavior: An Overview. Journal of the American Medical Association, 234: 1146-1149.
Beck AT, Kovacs M, Weissman A (1979) Assessment of Suicidal Intention: The Scale for Suicide Ideation. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 47: 343-352.
Beck AT, Steer RA, Kovacs M, Garrison B (1985) Hopelessness and Eventual Suicide: A 10 Year Prospective Study of Patients Hospitalised with Suicidal Ideation. American Journal of Psychiatry, 145: 559-563.
Brown GW, Haris T (1978) Social Origins of Depression. London: Tavistock.
Buglass D, Horton J (1974) A Scale for Predic- ting Subsequent Suicidal Behavior. British Journal of
Bunch J (1972) Recent Bereavement in Relation to Suicide. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 16: 361-366.
Cohen S, Leonard C, Farberow N, Schneidman ES (1964) Tranquilizers and Suicide in the Schizophrenic Patient. Archives of General Psychiatry, 11, 312-321.
Copas JB, Robin A (1982) Suicide in Psychiatric In-Patients. British Journal of Psychiatry, 141: 503- 511.
Coryell W (1981) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Primary Unipolar Depression: Comparisons of Background, Family History, Course and Mortality. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 169: 220-224.
Coryell W, Noyes R, Clancy J (1982) Excess Mortality in Panic Disorder: A Comparison with Primary Unipolar Depression. Archives of General Psychiatry, 39: 701-703.
Dorpat TL ve Ripley HS (1960) A Study of Suicide in the Seattle Area. Comprehensive Psychiatry , 1: 349-359.
Dorpat TL, Jackson JK, Ripley HS (1965) Broken Homes and Attempted and Completed Suicide. Archives of General Psychiatry, 12: 213-216.
Drake RE, Ehrlich J (1985) Suicide Attempts Associated with Akathisia. American Journal of Psychiatry, 142: 499-501.
Drake RE, Gates C, Cotton PG, Whitaker A (1984) Suicide Among Scizophrenics: Who Is At Risk? Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 172: 613-617.
Dyer JAT, Kreitman N (1984) Hopelessness, Depression and Suicidal Intent in Parasuicide. British Journal of Psychiatry, 144:127-133.
Fernando S, Storm V (1984) Suicide Among Psychiatric Patientsof A District General Hospital. Psychological Medicine, 14: 661-672.
Fox K, Weissmann M (1975) Suicide Attempts and Drugs: Contradiction Between Method and Intent. Social Psychiatry, 10: 31-38.
Gale S, Mesnikoff A, Fine J, Talbott JA (1980) A Study of Suicide In State Mental Hospitals in New York City. Psychiatric Quarterly, 52: 201-213.
Guze SB, Robins E (1970) Suicide Among Primary Affective Disorders. British Journal of Psychiatry, 117: 437-438.
Hawton K (1978) Deliberate Self-Poisoning and Self-Injury in the Psychiatric Hospital. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 51, 253-259.
Hawton K, Fagg J Suicide An Other Causes of Death Following Attempted Suicide (in preparation)
Herold RC, Beck AT, Berchick RJ, Brown G, Ster RA Hopelessness As A Predictor of Long Term Suicide In Psychiatric Outpatients (in preparation)
James IP (1967) Suicide and Mortality Amongst Heroin Addicts in Britain. British Journal of Addiction, 62: 391-398.
Kessel N, McCulloch W (1966) Repeated Actsof Self-Poisoning and Self-Injury. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, 59: 89-92.
Kreitman N (1982) How Useful is the Prediction of Suicide Following Parasuicide? In New Trends in Suicide Prevention (editörler J. Wilmotte ve J Mendlewicz). Basel: Karger.
Langley GE, Bayatti NN (1984) Suicides in Exe Vale Hospital, 1972-1981. British Journal of Psychiatry, 145: 463-467.
McClure GMG (1984) Trends in Suicide Rate for England and Wales 1975-80. British Journal of Psychiatry, 144: 119-126.
McMahon B, Pugh TF (1965) Suicide in the Widowed. American Journal of Epidemiology, 81: 23- 31.
Mile CP (1977) Conditions Predisposing to Suicide: A Review. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 164: 231-246.
Minkoff K, Bergmann E, Beck AT, Beck R (1973) Hopelessness, Depression, and Attempted Suicide. American Journal of Psychiatry, 130: 455-459.
Morgan HG, Priest P (1984) Assessment of Suicide Risk In Psychiatric In-Patients. British Journal of Psychiatry, 145: 467-469.
Motto JA (1980) Suicide Risk Factors In Alcohol Abuse. Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, 10: 230-238.
Murphy GE, Robins E (1967) Social Factors In Suicide. Journal of the American Medical Association, 199: 303-308.
Murphy GE, Armstrong JW, Hermele SL, Fischer JR, Clenendin WW (1979) Suicide and Alcoholism: Interpersonal Loss Confirmed As A Predictor. Archives of General Psychiatry, 36: 65-69.
Ovenstone IMK, Kreitman N (1974) Two Syndromes of Suicide. British Journal of Psychiatry, 124, 336-345.
Pallis DJ, Sainsbury P (1976) The Value of Assessing Intent In Attempted Suicides. Psychological Medicine, 6: 487-492.
Pallis DJ, Barraclough BM (1977) Seriousness of Suicide Attempt and Future Risk of Suicide: A Comment on Card’s Paper. Omega, 8: 141-149.
Pallis DJ, Barraclough BM, Levey AB, Jenkins JS, Sainsbury P (1982) Estimating Suicide Risk Among Attempted Suicides: I. The Development of New Clinical Scales. British Journal of Psychiatry, 141, 37-44.
Pallis DJ, Gibbons JS, Pierce DW (1984) Estimating Suicide Risk Among Attempted Suicides: II. Efficiency of Predictive Scales After the Attempt. British Journal of Psychiatry, 144: 139-148.
Pierce DW (1981) The Predictive Validation of A Suicidal Intent Scale: A Five Year Follow-Up. British Journal of Psychiatry, 139: 391-396.
Pitts FN, Winokur G (1966) Affective Disorder – VII: Alcoholism and Affective Disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 4: 37-50.
Platt S (1984) Unemployment and Suicidal Behaviour: A Review of the Literature. Social Science and Medicine, 19: 93-115.
Pokorny AD (1964) Suicide Rates In Various Psychiatric Disorders. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 139: 499-506.
Robins E, Gassner S, Kayes J, Wilkinson RH, Murphy GE (1959a) The Communication of Suicidal Intent: A Study of 134 Consecutive Cases of Successful (Completed Suicide). American Journal of Psychiatry, 115: 724-733.
Robins E, Murphy GE, Wilkinson RH, Gassner S, Kayes J (1959b) Some Clinical Considerations In the Prevention of Suicide Based on A Study of 134 Successful Suicides. American Journal of Public Health, 49: 888-899.
Roose SP, Glassman AH, Walsh BT, Woodring S, Vital-Herne J (1983) Depression, Delusions and Suicide. American Journal of Psychiatry,140: 1159- 1162.
Rosen DH (1970) The Series Suicidal Attempt: Epidemiological and Follow-Up Study of 886 Patients. American Journal of Psychiatry,127: 764- 770.
Roy A (1982a) Suicide In Chronic Schizophrenia. British Journal of Psychiatry, 141, 171-177.
Roy A (1982b) Risk Factors for Suicide In Psychiatric Patients. Archives of General Psychiatry, 39, 1089-1095.
Roy A (1983) Suicide In Depressives. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 24: 487-491.
Sainsbury P (1955) Suicide In London. Maudsley Monograph No.1. London: Chapman & Hall.
Salmons PH (1984) Suicide In High Buildings. British Journal of Psychiatry, 145, 469-472.
Shepherd DM, Barraclough BM (1980) Work and Suicide: An Empirical Investigation. British Journal of Psychiatry, 136: 469-478.
Sims A (1984) Neurosis and Mortality: Investigating an Association. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 28: 353-362.
Sims A (1984) Prior P (1978) The Pattern of Mortality In Severe Neuroses. British Journal of
Sletten IW, Brown ML, Evenson RC, Altman H (1972) Suicide In Mental Hospital Patients. Diseases of the Nervous System, 33: 328-334.
Smith R (1985) Occupationless Health. ‘ I Couldn’t Stand it Any More’: Suicide and Unemployment. British Medical Journal, 291: 1563- 1566.
Stanley M, Mann JJ (1983) Increased Serotonin-2 Binding Sites In Frontal Cortex of Suicide Victims. Lancet, ii: 214-216.
Stanley M, Virgilio J, Gershon S (1982) Science, 216: 1337-1338.
Traskman L, Asberg M, Bertilsson L, Siostrand L (1981) Monoamine Metabolites in CSF and Suicidal Behavior. Archives of General Psychiatry, 38, 631- 663.
Tuckman J, Youngman WF (1963) Identifying Suicide Risk Groups Among Attempted Suicides. Public Health Reports, 78: 763-766.
Tuckman J, Youngman WF (1968) A Scale for Assessing Suicide Risk of Attempted Suicides. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 24: 17-19.
Van Pragg HM (1983) CSF 5-HIAA and Suicide In Non-Depressed Schizophrenics. Lancet, ii: 977- 978.
Wetzel RD (1976) Hopelessness, Depression and Suicide Intent. Archives of General Psychiatry, 33: 1069-1073.
Asberg M, Traskman L, Thoren P (1976) 5-HIAA in the Cerebrospinal Fluid: A Biological Suicide Predictor? Archives of General Psychiatry, 33: 1193- 1197.
Barraclough B (1981) Suicide and Epilepsy. In Epilepsy and Psychiatry (eds EH Reynolds ve MR Trimble) Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
Barraclough B, Pallis DJ (1975) Depression Followed by Suicide: A Comparison of Depressed Suicides With Living Depressives. Psychological Medicine, 5: 55-61.
Barraclough B, Bunch J, Nelson B, Sainsbury P (1974) A Hundred Cases of Suicide: Clinical Aspects. British Journal of Psychiatry, 125: 355-373.
Beck AT, Ward CH, Mendelson M (1961) An Inventory for Measuring Depression. Archives of General Psychiatry, 4:561-571.
Beck AT, Schuyler D, Herman J (1974a) Development of Suicidal Intent Scales. In the Prediction of Suicide (AT Beck, HLP Resruk, DJ Lettieri) Maryland: Charles Press.
Beck AT, Weissman A, Lester D, Trexler L (1974b) The Measurement of Pessimism: The Hopelessness Scale. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 42:861-865.
Beck AT, Beck R, Kovacs M (1975a) Classification of Suicidal Behaviors: I. Quantifying Intent and Medical Lethality. American Journal of Psychiatry, 132:285-287.
Beck AT, Kovacs M, Weissman A (1975b) Hopelessness and Suicidal Behavior: An Overview. Journal of the American Medical Association, 234: 1146-1149.
Beck AT, Kovacs M, Weissman A (1979) Assessment of Suicidal Intention: The Scale for Suicide Ideation. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 47: 343-352.
Beck AT, Steer RA, Kovacs M, Garrison B (1985) Hopelessness and Eventual Suicide: A 10 Year Prospective Study of Patients Hospitalised with Suicidal Ideation. American Journal of Psychiatry, 145: 559-563.
Brown GW, Haris T (1978) Social Origins of Depression. London: Tavistock.
Buglass D, Horton J (1974) A Scale for Predic- ting Subsequent Suicidal Behavior. British Journal of
Bunch J (1972) Recent Bereavement in Relation to Suicide. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 16: 361-366.
Cohen S, Leonard C, Farberow N, Schneidman ES (1964) Tranquilizers and Suicide in the Schizophrenic Patient. Archives of General Psychiatry, 11, 312-321.
Copas JB, Robin A (1982) Suicide in Psychiatric In-Patients. British Journal of Psychiatry, 141: 503- 511.
Coryell W (1981) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Primary Unipolar Depression: Comparisons of Background, Family History, Course and Mortality. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 169: 220-224.
Coryell W, Noyes R, Clancy J (1982) Excess Mortality in Panic Disorder: A Comparison with Primary Unipolar Depression. Archives of General Psychiatry, 39: 701-703.
Dorpat TL ve Ripley HS (1960) A Study of Suicide in the Seattle Area. Comprehensive Psychiatry , 1: 349-359.
Dorpat TL, Jackson JK, Ripley HS (1965) Broken Homes and Attempted and Completed Suicide. Archives of General Psychiatry, 12: 213-216.
Drake RE, Ehrlich J (1985) Suicide Attempts Associated with Akathisia. American Journal of Psychiatry, 142: 499-501.
Drake RE, Gates C, Cotton PG, Whitaker A (1984) Suicide Among Scizophrenics: Who Is At Risk? Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 172: 613-617.
Dyer JAT, Kreitman N (1984) Hopelessness, Depression and Suicidal Intent in Parasuicide. British Journal of Psychiatry, 144:127-133.
Fernando S, Storm V (1984) Suicide Among Psychiatric Patientsof A District General Hospital. Psychological Medicine, 14: 661-672.
Fox K, Weissmann M (1975) Suicide Attempts and Drugs: Contradiction Between Method and Intent. Social Psychiatry, 10: 31-38.
Gale S, Mesnikoff A, Fine J, Talbott JA (1980) A Study of Suicide In State Mental Hospitals in New York City. Psychiatric Quarterly, 52: 201-213.
Guze SB, Robins E (1970) Suicide Among Primary Affective Disorders. British Journal of Psychiatry, 117: 437-438.
Hawton K (1978) Deliberate Self-Poisoning and Self-Injury in the Psychiatric Hospital. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 51, 253-259.
Hawton K, Fagg J Suicide An Other Causes of Death Following Attempted Suicide (in preparation)
Herold RC, Beck AT, Berchick RJ, Brown G, Ster RA Hopelessness As A Predictor of Long Term Suicide In Psychiatric Outpatients (in preparation)
James IP (1967) Suicide and Mortality Amongst Heroin Addicts in Britain. British Journal of Addiction, 62: 391-398.
Kessel N, McCulloch W (1966) Repeated Actsof Self-Poisoning and Self-Injury. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, 59: 89-92.
Kreitman N (1982) How Useful is the Prediction of Suicide Following Parasuicide? In New Trends in Suicide Prevention (editörler J. Wilmotte ve J Mendlewicz). Basel: Karger.
Langley GE, Bayatti NN (1984) Suicides in Exe Vale Hospital, 1972-1981. British Journal of Psychiatry, 145: 463-467.
McClure GMG (1984) Trends in Suicide Rate for England and Wales 1975-80. British Journal of Psychiatry, 144: 119-126.
McMahon B, Pugh TF (1965) Suicide in the Widowed. American Journal of Epidemiology, 81: 23- 31.
Mile CP (1977) Conditions Predisposing to Suicide: A Review. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 164: 231-246.
Minkoff K, Bergmann E, Beck AT, Beck R (1973) Hopelessness, Depression, and Attempted Suicide. American Journal of Psychiatry, 130: 455-459.
Morgan HG, Priest P (1984) Assessment of Suicide Risk In Psychiatric In-Patients. British Journal of Psychiatry, 145: 467-469.
Motto JA (1980) Suicide Risk Factors In Alcohol Abuse. Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, 10: 230-238.
Murphy GE, Robins E (1967) Social Factors In Suicide. Journal of the American Medical Association, 199: 303-308.
Murphy GE, Armstrong JW, Hermele SL, Fischer JR, Clenendin WW (1979) Suicide and Alcoholism: Interpersonal Loss Confirmed As A Predictor. Archives of General Psychiatry, 36: 65-69.
Ovenstone IMK, Kreitman N (1974) Two Syndromes of Suicide. British Journal of Psychiatry, 124, 336-345.
Pallis DJ, Sainsbury P (1976) The Value of Assessing Intent In Attempted Suicides. Psychological Medicine, 6: 487-492.
Pallis DJ, Barraclough BM (1977) Seriousness of Suicide Attempt and Future Risk of Suicide: A Comment on Card’s Paper. Omega, 8: 141-149.
Pallis DJ, Barraclough BM, Levey AB, Jenkins JS, Sainsbury P (1982) Estimating Suicide Risk Among Attempted Suicides: I. The Development of New Clinical Scales. British Journal of Psychiatry, 141, 37-44.
Pallis DJ, Gibbons JS, Pierce DW (1984) Estimating Suicide Risk Among Attempted Suicides: II. Efficiency of Predictive Scales After the Attempt. British Journal of Psychiatry, 144: 139-148.
Pierce DW (1981) The Predictive Validation of A Suicidal Intent Scale: A Five Year Follow-Up. British Journal of Psychiatry, 139: 391-396.
Pitts FN, Winokur G (1966) Affective Disorder – VII: Alcoholism and Affective Disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 4: 37-50.
Platt S (1984) Unemployment and Suicidal Behaviour: A Review of the Literature. Social Science and Medicine, 19: 93-115.
Pokorny AD (1964) Suicide Rates In Various Psychiatric Disorders. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 139: 499-506.
Robins E, Gassner S, Kayes J, Wilkinson RH, Murphy GE (1959a) The Communication of Suicidal Intent: A Study of 134 Consecutive Cases of Successful (Completed Suicide). American Journal of Psychiatry, 115: 724-733.
Robins E, Murphy GE, Wilkinson RH, Gassner S, Kayes J (1959b) Some Clinical Considerations In the Prevention of Suicide Based on A Study of 134 Successful Suicides. American Journal of Public Health, 49: 888-899.
Roose SP, Glassman AH, Walsh BT, Woodring S, Vital-Herne J (1983) Depression, Delusions and Suicide. American Journal of Psychiatry,140: 1159- 1162.
Rosen DH (1970) The Series Suicidal Attempt: Epidemiological and Follow-Up Study of 886 Patients. American Journal of Psychiatry,127: 764- 770.
Roy A (1982a) Suicide In Chronic Schizophrenia. British Journal of Psychiatry, 141, 171-177.
Roy A (1982b) Risk Factors for Suicide In Psychiatric Patients. Archives of General Psychiatry, 39, 1089-1095.
Roy A (1983) Suicide In Depressives. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 24: 487-491.
Sainsbury P (1955) Suicide In London. Maudsley Monograph No.1. London: Chapman & Hall.
Salmons PH (1984) Suicide In High Buildings. British Journal of Psychiatry, 145, 469-472.
Shepherd DM, Barraclough BM (1980) Work and Suicide: An Empirical Investigation. British Journal of Psychiatry, 136: 469-478.
Sims A (1984) Neurosis and Mortality: Investigating an Association. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 28: 353-362.
Sims A (1984) Prior P (1978) The Pattern of Mortality In Severe Neuroses. British Journal of
Sletten IW, Brown ML, Evenson RC, Altman H (1972) Suicide In Mental Hospital Patients. Diseases of the Nervous System, 33: 328-334.
Smith R (1985) Occupationless Health. ‘ I Couldn’t Stand it Any More’: Suicide and Unemployment. British Medical Journal, 291: 1563- 1566.
Stanley M, Mann JJ (1983) Increased Serotonin-2 Binding Sites In Frontal Cortex of Suicide Victims. Lancet, ii: 214-216.
Stanley M, Virgilio J, Gershon S (1982) Science, 216: 1337-1338.
Traskman L, Asberg M, Bertilsson L, Siostrand L (1981) Monoamine Metabolites in CSF and Suicidal Behavior. Archives of General Psychiatry, 38, 631- 663.
Tuckman J, Youngman WF (1963) Identifying Suicide Risk Groups Among Attempted Suicides. Public Health Reports, 78: 763-766.
Tuckman J, Youngman WF (1968) A Scale for Assessing Suicide Risk of Attempted Suicides. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 24: 17-19.
Van Pragg HM (1983) CSF 5-HIAA and Suicide In Non-Depressed Schizophrenics. Lancet, ii: 977- 978.
Wetzel RD (1976) Hopelessness, Depression and Suicide Intent. Archives of General Psychiatry, 33: 1069-1073.