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The Patient-Therapist Interaction; Effects of Gender.

Yıl 1998, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 23 - 31, 01.06.1998


Similar to ali human interactions, patienttherapist
interaction is öpen to the infuences of
various factors. Gender of the therapist and the patients
is considered to be an important factor in this
interaction. Therapists as well as patients raise
with the permanent influences posed by their gender
on their personality and behavioral style These influences may present themselves either
during ordinary therapeutic interaction or in the
case of transference and countertransference phenomena.
This article revievvs the literatüre on biological
basis for human sexual development, psyhosexual
development and their implications on
patient-therapist interaction including transference
and countertransference phenomena


  • Earls F (1987) Sex Differences in Psychiatric Disorders: Origins and Developmental Influences. Psych Dev, 1:1-23.
  • Earls F (1980) The Prevalence of Behavioral Problems in Three-Year-Old Children: A Cross-National Replication. Arc Gen Psychiatry, 37: 1153-1157.
  • Earls F, Cook S (1984) Play Observations of ThreeYear-Old Children and Their Relationship to Parental Reports of Behavioral Problems and Temperament Characteristics. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev, 13: 224-232.
  • Ehrhardt A, Meyer-Bahlburg HFL (1981) Effects of Prenatal Sex Hormones on Gender-Related Bahavior. Science, 211:1312-1318.
  • Fenichel O (1974) Nevrozların Psikoanalitik Teorisi (Çev: Tuncer S). İzmir. Ege Üniversitesi Matbaası, s.48- 93.
  • Greatrex TS (1997) Effects of Gender on the DoctorPatient Relationsip. M.D. Computing, 14: 266-273.
  • Hull EM, Nishita JK, Bitran D ve ark (1984) Perinatal Dopamin-Related Drugs Demasculinize Rats. Science, 224:1011-1113.
  • Kelly DD (1991) Sexual Differentation of the Nervous System. Kandel ER, Schwartz JH, Thomas MJ (eds) Principles of Neural Science, New York, Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc., s.959-972.
  • Kernberg O (1989) The Temptations and conventionality. Cooper AM, Kernberg O, Person ES (eds)
  • Psycho-analyis; Toward the Second Century. New Haven. Yale University Press, s.12-35.
  • Lasky R (1989) Some Determinants of the Male analyst's Capacity to Identif with Female Patients. Int J Psychoanal, 70: 404-418.
  • Lester E (1990) Gender and Identity Issues in the Analytic Process. Int J Psychoanal, 71: 436.
  • Mcdevitt SC, Carey WB (1978) The Measurement of Temperament in 3 to 7 Year Old Children. J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 19: 245-253.
  • Parman T (1996) Psikanalitik Çerçeve. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 7: 29-32.
  • Person E (1985) The Erotic Transference in VVomen and Man; Differences and Consequences. J Acad Psychoanal, 13:159-180.
  • Pollack W (1992) Should Man Treat VVomen? Dilemmas for the Male Therapist: Psychoanalitic and Developmental Perspectives. Ethics and Behaviour, 39-49.
  • Richman N, Graham P (1971) A Behavioral Screening Questionnaire for Use with Three-Year-Old Children: Preliminary Findings. J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 15:5-33.
  • Rubin Rt, Reinisch JM, Haskett RF (1981) Postnatal Gonadal Steroid effects on Human Behavior. Science, 211:1318-1324.
  • Sandler J, Dare BA, Holder D (1970) Countertransference. Britisih J Psychiatry, 117: 83-88.
  • Stahl SM (1988) Basic Psychopharmacology of Antidepressants, Part 2: Estrogen as an Adjunct to antidepressant Treatment. J Clin Psychiatry, 59 (suppl 4): 15- 24.
  • Stroller R (1985) Presentation of Gender. New Haven. Yale University Press.
  • Swaab DF. Flierg E (1985) A sexually Dimorphic Nucleus in the Human Brain Science 228. 1112-1115.
  • Svvaab DF, Hofman MA (1984) Sexual Differentation of Human Brain: A Historical Perspectiv. Prog Brain Res, 61:361-374.
  • VVolberg LW (1988) The Technique of Psychotherapy. Philadelphia. Grune and Stratton, Inc. s.224-256, 435.


Yıl 1998, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 23 - 31, 01.06.1998


Hasta ve terapist etkileşimi, tüm insan ilişkilerinde
olduğu gibi, çeşitli değişkenlerden etkilenir.
Hasta ve terapistin cinsiyeti bu etkileşimde yer
alan önemli değişkenlerden biri olarak kabul edilmektedir.
Büyüme sürecinde, cinsiyet, terapistlerin
kişilik ve davranış stillerine etki eden kalıcı etkiler
ortaya çıkartır. Bu etkiler, terapi sırasında, hem
olağan terapi etkileşimi hem de aktarım ve karşıaktarım
durumlarında önem kazanabilir. Bu yazıda,
insan cinsel gelişiminin biyolojik temelleri, psikoseksüel
gelişim dönemleri ve cinsiyetle ilişkili
olarak hasta-terapist etkileşimiyle ilgili yayınlar
gözden geçirilmiş ve aktarım, karşı-aktarım durumları
aynı bağlamda ele alınmıştır


  • Earls F (1987) Sex Differences in Psychiatric Disorders: Origins and Developmental Influences. Psych Dev, 1:1-23.
  • Earls F (1980) The Prevalence of Behavioral Problems in Three-Year-Old Children: A Cross-National Replication. Arc Gen Psychiatry, 37: 1153-1157.
  • Earls F, Cook S (1984) Play Observations of ThreeYear-Old Children and Their Relationship to Parental Reports of Behavioral Problems and Temperament Characteristics. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev, 13: 224-232.
  • Ehrhardt A, Meyer-Bahlburg HFL (1981) Effects of Prenatal Sex Hormones on Gender-Related Bahavior. Science, 211:1312-1318.
  • Fenichel O (1974) Nevrozların Psikoanalitik Teorisi (Çev: Tuncer S). İzmir. Ege Üniversitesi Matbaası, s.48- 93.
  • Greatrex TS (1997) Effects of Gender on the DoctorPatient Relationsip. M.D. Computing, 14: 266-273.
  • Hull EM, Nishita JK, Bitran D ve ark (1984) Perinatal Dopamin-Related Drugs Demasculinize Rats. Science, 224:1011-1113.
  • Kelly DD (1991) Sexual Differentation of the Nervous System. Kandel ER, Schwartz JH, Thomas MJ (eds) Principles of Neural Science, New York, Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc., s.959-972.
  • Kernberg O (1989) The Temptations and conventionality. Cooper AM, Kernberg O, Person ES (eds)
  • Psycho-analyis; Toward the Second Century. New Haven. Yale University Press, s.12-35.
  • Lasky R (1989) Some Determinants of the Male analyst's Capacity to Identif with Female Patients. Int J Psychoanal, 70: 404-418.
  • Lester E (1990) Gender and Identity Issues in the Analytic Process. Int J Psychoanal, 71: 436.
  • Mcdevitt SC, Carey WB (1978) The Measurement of Temperament in 3 to 7 Year Old Children. J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 19: 245-253.
  • Parman T (1996) Psikanalitik Çerçeve. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 7: 29-32.
  • Person E (1985) The Erotic Transference in VVomen and Man; Differences and Consequences. J Acad Psychoanal, 13:159-180.
  • Pollack W (1992) Should Man Treat VVomen? Dilemmas for the Male Therapist: Psychoanalitic and Developmental Perspectives. Ethics and Behaviour, 39-49.
  • Richman N, Graham P (1971) A Behavioral Screening Questionnaire for Use with Three-Year-Old Children: Preliminary Findings. J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 15:5-33.
  • Rubin Rt, Reinisch JM, Haskett RF (1981) Postnatal Gonadal Steroid effects on Human Behavior. Science, 211:1318-1324.
  • Sandler J, Dare BA, Holder D (1970) Countertransference. Britisih J Psychiatry, 117: 83-88.
  • Stahl SM (1988) Basic Psychopharmacology of Antidepressants, Part 2: Estrogen as an Adjunct to antidepressant Treatment. J Clin Psychiatry, 59 (suppl 4): 15- 24.
  • Stroller R (1985) Presentation of Gender. New Haven. Yale University Press.
  • Swaab DF. Flierg E (1985) A sexually Dimorphic Nucleus in the Human Brain Science 228. 1112-1115.
  • Svvaab DF, Hofman MA (1984) Sexual Differentation of Human Brain: A Historical Perspectiv. Prog Brain Res, 61:361-374.
  • VVolberg LW (1988) The Technique of Psychotherapy. Philadelphia. Grune and Stratton, Inc. s.224-256, 435.
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA32PT73SA
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Atilla Soykan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 1998
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Haziran 1998
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1998 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Soykan, A. (1998). HASTA VE TERAPİST ETKİLEŞİMİ: CİNSİYETİN ROLÜ. Kriz Dergisi, 6(2), 23-31.