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Suicidal Women: Prevention and Intervention Strategies

Yıl 1998, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 43 - 53, 01.03.1998


This review focuses on the prevention and intervention
strategies in suicidal women. Differences
of the suicidal behavior literatüre from others
and risk factors in suicide is revievved. The literatüre
on suicidal behavior neglects the fact that the
prototypical suicidal person is a woman. The prevention,
intervention and therapeutic strategies in
suicide is discussed from this point of view.


  • Albee GW (1986), Tovvard a just society: Lessons from observations on the primary prevention of psychopathology, American Psychologist, 41, 891-898.
  • Albee GW (1990) The futility of psychotherapy. The Journal of Mind and behavior 11,369,384.
  • Ansel EL, Mc Gee RK (1971), Attitudes tovvard silicide attemcpters. Bulletin of Suicidology 8, 22-28
  • Arcel LT, Mantonakis J, Petersson B, James J & Kaliteraki E (1991), Suicide attempts among Greek and Danish vvomen and the quality of their relationships with husbands and boyfrieds. Açta Pscyhiatrica Scandinavica, 85,189-195.
  • Bancroft JH, Skrimshire AM, Simkin S (1986), The reason people give for taking overdoses. British Journal of Psychiatry 128, 538-548.
  • Bedrosian RC (1986), Cognitive and family intervenfions for suicidal patient. Journal of Psychotherapy and the Family 2, 129-152.
  • Birtchnell J (1983), Psychotherapeutic considerations in the management of the suicidal patient. American Journal of Psychotherapy 37, 24-36.
  • Bongar, B. (1991), The suicidal patient: Clinical and legal standard of çare. Washington DC. American Psychological Association
  • Bostock T, VVilliams CL (1974), Attempted suicide as an operant behavior. Archives of General Psychiatry 31, 482-486.
  • Brovvn LS (1986), Gender role analysis: A neglected component of psychological assessment. Psychotherapy 23, 243-248.
  • Canetto SS (1991), Gender roles, suicide attempts, and substance abuse. Journal of Psychology 125, 605- 620.
  • Canetto SS, Feldman LB (1993), Overt and covert dependence in suicidal vvomen and their male partnere. Omega 27,177-194.
  • Canetto SS (1992-1993), She died for love and he for glory: Gender myths of suicidal behavior Omega 26, 1-17.
  • Canetto SS (1994), Gender issues in the treatment of suicidal individuals. Death Studies 18, 513-527.
  • CanettoSS, Lester D. (1995), The epidemiology of vvomen's suicidal behaviors. SS Canetto & D Lester (editörler), VVomen and suicidal behaviors (sy 35-57) New York: Springer.
  • Çaplan PJ; Hall-McCorquodale I (1985), The scapegoating of mothers: a cali for change. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 55(4): 610-3.
  • Clovvard RA, Piven FF (1979), Hidden protest: The channeling of female innovation and resistance. Signs. Journal of VVomen in Culture and Society 4, 651-669.
  • Dew MA; Bromet EJ; Brent D; Greenhouse JB (1987), A quantitative literatüre revievv of the effectiveness of suicide prevention center. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 55 (2): 239-44.
  • Dressler DM; Prusoff B; Mark H; Shapiro D (1975), Clinician attitudes tovvard the suicide attempter. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disorders, 160 (2-1 ):146-55.
  • Farberovv N (1968), Crisis prevention. International Journal of Psychiatry, 6(57):382-4.
  • Frederick CJ; Resnik HL (1971), How suicidal behaviors are learned. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 25 (1): 37-55.
  • Hawton K; Blackstock E (1976), General practice aspects of self-poisoning and self-injury. Psychological Medicine, 6(4):571-5.
  • Hawton K; O'Grady J; Osborn M; Cole D (1982), Adolescents who take overdoses: their characteristics' problems and contacts with helping agencies. British Journal of Psychiatry, 140:118-23.
  • Hendin H (1981): Psychotherapy and suicide. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 35(4):469-80.
  • Hirsch SR; Walsh C; Draper R (1982) Parasuicide. A revievv of treatment interventions. Journal of Affective Disorders (4): 299-311.
  • Hirsch SR; Walsh C; Draper R (1983), The concept and efficacy of the treatment of parasuicide. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 15 Suppl 20:189S194S.
  • Jack RL; VVilliams JM (1991), Attribution and intervention in self-poisoning. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 64 (Pt 4) 0:345-58.
  • Kiev A (1975), Psychotherapeutic strategies in the management of depressed and suicidal patients. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 29 (3):345-54.
  • Lesse S (1975), Fifteenth Emil A. Gutheil Memorial Conference. The range of therapies in the treatment of severely depressed suicidal patients. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 29 (3):308-26.
  • Liberman RP; Eckman T (1981), Behavior therapy vs insight-oriented therapy for repeated suicide attempters. Archives of General Psychiatry, 38(10): 1126-30.
  • Linehan MM; Armstrong HE; Suarez A; Allmon D; Heard HL (1991), Cognitive-behavioral treatment of chronically parasuicidal borderline patients. Archives of General Psychiatry 48 (12): 1060-4.
  • Maltsberger JT; Buie DH (1974), Countertransference hate in the treatment of suicidal patients. Archives of General Psychiatry, 30(5): 625-33.
  • Mclntosh JL (1992), Epidemiology of suicide in the elderly. Suicide Life Threat Behav, 22 (1):15-35.
  • Miller HL; Coombs, DW; Leeper JD; Barton SN (1984), An analysis of the effects of suicide prevention facilities on suicide rates in the United States. American Journal of Public Health, 74 (4):340-3.
  • Nidiffer FD(1980), Combining cognitive and behavioral approaches to suicidal depression: a 42 month follofup. Psychological Reports, 47 (2): 539-42.
  • Novotny P (1972), Self-cutting. Bulletin of Menninger Clinic, 36(5):505-14.
  • Olin HS (1976), Psychotherapy of the chronically suicidal patient. American Journal of Psychotherapy 30 (4): 570-5.
  • Ramon S; Bancroft JH; Skrimshire AM (1975), Attitudes towards self-poisoning among physicians and nurses in a general hospital. British Journal of Psychiatry, 127:257-64.
  • Richman J; Rosenbaum M (1970), A clinical study of the role of hostility and death vvishes by the family and society in suicidal attempts. Isr Ann Psychiatr Relat Discip, 8(3):213-31.
  • Salkovskis PM; Atha C; Storer D (1990), Cognitivebehavioural problem solving in the treatment of patients who repeatedly attempt suicide. A controlled trial. British Journal of Psychiatry, 157:871-6.
  • Schvvartz DA (1979), The suicidal character, Psychiatry Q 51(1 ):64-70.
  • Schvvartz DA; Flinn DE; Slavvson PF (1974), Treatment of the suicidal character. American Journal of Pscyhotherapy 28(2):194-207 .
  • Tekavcic-Grad O; Farberov NL; Zavasnik A; Mocnik M; Korenjak R (1988), Comparison of the two telephone crisis lines in Los Angeles (USA) and in Ljubljana (Yugoslavia), Crisis, 9(2): 146-57.
  • Wolk-Wasserman D (1985), The intensive çare unit and the suicide attempt patient. Açta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 71 (6):581 -95.
  • Zich JM (1984), A reciprocal control approach to the treatment of repeated parasuicide. Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, 14 (1):36-51.


Yıl 1998, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 43 - 53, 01.03.1998


İntihar girişiminde bulunan kadınlarda intiharı
önleme ve intihara müdahale yöntemleri üzerinde
durulan bu yazıda, intiharla ilgili çalışmaları diğerlerinden
ayıran özellikler ve intiharla ilgili risk faktörleri
gözden geçirilmiştir. İntihar hakkındaki çalışmalarda
intihar davranışının daha çok kadınlarda
görüldüğü gerçeğinin ihmal edildiği belirtilmiştir.
Ölümle sonuçlanmayan intihar davranışının daha
çok kadınlarda görüldüğü göz önüne alınarak intiharı
önleme, intihara müdahale ve tedavi stratejileri
bu bakış açısı ışığında tartışılmıştır.


  • Albee GW (1986), Tovvard a just society: Lessons from observations on the primary prevention of psychopathology, American Psychologist, 41, 891-898.
  • Albee GW (1990) The futility of psychotherapy. The Journal of Mind and behavior 11,369,384.
  • Ansel EL, Mc Gee RK (1971), Attitudes tovvard silicide attemcpters. Bulletin of Suicidology 8, 22-28
  • Arcel LT, Mantonakis J, Petersson B, James J & Kaliteraki E (1991), Suicide attempts among Greek and Danish vvomen and the quality of their relationships with husbands and boyfrieds. Açta Pscyhiatrica Scandinavica, 85,189-195.
  • Bancroft JH, Skrimshire AM, Simkin S (1986), The reason people give for taking overdoses. British Journal of Psychiatry 128, 538-548.
  • Bedrosian RC (1986), Cognitive and family intervenfions for suicidal patient. Journal of Psychotherapy and the Family 2, 129-152.
  • Birtchnell J (1983), Psychotherapeutic considerations in the management of the suicidal patient. American Journal of Psychotherapy 37, 24-36.
  • Bongar, B. (1991), The suicidal patient: Clinical and legal standard of çare. Washington DC. American Psychological Association
  • Bostock T, VVilliams CL (1974), Attempted suicide as an operant behavior. Archives of General Psychiatry 31, 482-486.
  • Brovvn LS (1986), Gender role analysis: A neglected component of psychological assessment. Psychotherapy 23, 243-248.
  • Canetto SS (1991), Gender roles, suicide attempts, and substance abuse. Journal of Psychology 125, 605- 620.
  • Canetto SS, Feldman LB (1993), Overt and covert dependence in suicidal vvomen and their male partnere. Omega 27,177-194.
  • Canetto SS (1992-1993), She died for love and he for glory: Gender myths of suicidal behavior Omega 26, 1-17.
  • Canetto SS (1994), Gender issues in the treatment of suicidal individuals. Death Studies 18, 513-527.
  • CanettoSS, Lester D. (1995), The epidemiology of vvomen's suicidal behaviors. SS Canetto & D Lester (editörler), VVomen and suicidal behaviors (sy 35-57) New York: Springer.
  • Çaplan PJ; Hall-McCorquodale I (1985), The scapegoating of mothers: a cali for change. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 55(4): 610-3.
  • Clovvard RA, Piven FF (1979), Hidden protest: The channeling of female innovation and resistance. Signs. Journal of VVomen in Culture and Society 4, 651-669.
  • Dew MA; Bromet EJ; Brent D; Greenhouse JB (1987), A quantitative literatüre revievv of the effectiveness of suicide prevention center. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 55 (2): 239-44.
  • Dressler DM; Prusoff B; Mark H; Shapiro D (1975), Clinician attitudes tovvard the suicide attempter. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disorders, 160 (2-1 ):146-55.
  • Farberovv N (1968), Crisis prevention. International Journal of Psychiatry, 6(57):382-4.
  • Frederick CJ; Resnik HL (1971), How suicidal behaviors are learned. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 25 (1): 37-55.
  • Hawton K; Blackstock E (1976), General practice aspects of self-poisoning and self-injury. Psychological Medicine, 6(4):571-5.
  • Hawton K; O'Grady J; Osborn M; Cole D (1982), Adolescents who take overdoses: their characteristics' problems and contacts with helping agencies. British Journal of Psychiatry, 140:118-23.
  • Hendin H (1981): Psychotherapy and suicide. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 35(4):469-80.
  • Hirsch SR; Walsh C; Draper R (1982) Parasuicide. A revievv of treatment interventions. Journal of Affective Disorders (4): 299-311.
  • Hirsch SR; Walsh C; Draper R (1983), The concept and efficacy of the treatment of parasuicide. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 15 Suppl 20:189S194S.
  • Jack RL; VVilliams JM (1991), Attribution and intervention in self-poisoning. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 64 (Pt 4) 0:345-58.
  • Kiev A (1975), Psychotherapeutic strategies in the management of depressed and suicidal patients. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 29 (3):345-54.
  • Lesse S (1975), Fifteenth Emil A. Gutheil Memorial Conference. The range of therapies in the treatment of severely depressed suicidal patients. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 29 (3):308-26.
  • Liberman RP; Eckman T (1981), Behavior therapy vs insight-oriented therapy for repeated suicide attempters. Archives of General Psychiatry, 38(10): 1126-30.
  • Linehan MM; Armstrong HE; Suarez A; Allmon D; Heard HL (1991), Cognitive-behavioral treatment of chronically parasuicidal borderline patients. Archives of General Psychiatry 48 (12): 1060-4.
  • Maltsberger JT; Buie DH (1974), Countertransference hate in the treatment of suicidal patients. Archives of General Psychiatry, 30(5): 625-33.
  • Mclntosh JL (1992), Epidemiology of suicide in the elderly. Suicide Life Threat Behav, 22 (1):15-35.
  • Miller HL; Coombs, DW; Leeper JD; Barton SN (1984), An analysis of the effects of suicide prevention facilities on suicide rates in the United States. American Journal of Public Health, 74 (4):340-3.
  • Nidiffer FD(1980), Combining cognitive and behavioral approaches to suicidal depression: a 42 month follofup. Psychological Reports, 47 (2): 539-42.
  • Novotny P (1972), Self-cutting. Bulletin of Menninger Clinic, 36(5):505-14.
  • Olin HS (1976), Psychotherapy of the chronically suicidal patient. American Journal of Psychotherapy 30 (4): 570-5.
  • Ramon S; Bancroft JH; Skrimshire AM (1975), Attitudes towards self-poisoning among physicians and nurses in a general hospital. British Journal of Psychiatry, 127:257-64.
  • Richman J; Rosenbaum M (1970), A clinical study of the role of hostility and death vvishes by the family and society in suicidal attempts. Isr Ann Psychiatr Relat Discip, 8(3):213-31.
  • Salkovskis PM; Atha C; Storer D (1990), Cognitivebehavioural problem solving in the treatment of patients who repeatedly attempt suicide. A controlled trial. British Journal of Psychiatry, 157:871-6.
  • Schvvartz DA (1979), The suicidal character, Psychiatry Q 51(1 ):64-70.
  • Schvvartz DA; Flinn DE; Slavvson PF (1974), Treatment of the suicidal character. American Journal of Pscyhotherapy 28(2):194-207 .
  • Tekavcic-Grad O; Farberov NL; Zavasnik A; Mocnik M; Korenjak R (1988), Comparison of the two telephone crisis lines in Los Angeles (USA) and in Ljubljana (Yugoslavia), Crisis, 9(2): 146-57.
  • Wolk-Wasserman D (1985), The intensive çare unit and the suicide attempt patient. Açta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 71 (6):581 -95.
  • Zich JM (1984), A reciprocal control approach to the treatment of repeated parasuicide. Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, 14 (1):36-51.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA25NS86NA
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Silvia Sara Canetto Bu kişi benim

D. Lester Bu kişi benim

Bedriye Öncü Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 1998
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Mart 1998
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1998 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Canetto, S. S., Lester, D., & Öncü, B. (1998). SUISIDAL KADINLAR: ÖNLEME VE MÜDAHALE STRATEJİLERİ. Kriz Dergisi, 6(1), 43-53.