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Walnut for a Healthy Lifestyle

Yıl 2008, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1, 138 - 142, 30.06.2008


Walnut is a unique nut separated from other nuts even from other fruits and vegetables due to its nutritiously completeness and goodness in terms of health. For more than a decade, clinical and scientific studies have been continuing to reveal that this super food is packed with nutrients that positively affect the body on a multitude of levels. Walnut contains a very high amount of omega-3 fatty acids. A number of studies revealed that omega-3 help reduce the potential for heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, and clinical depression. Thus, eating 3 - 5 walnut fruits daily is one of the easiest things a person can do to improve his or her health. This review has been prepared to bring up to date recent clinical and scientific studies in walnut’s health benefits.


  • Albert, C.M., Willett, W.C., Manson, J.E., Hennekens, C.H. 1998. Nut Consumption and the Risk of Sudden and Total Cardiac Death in The Physician’s Health Study. Circulation, 98 (Suppl.1 I-582).
  • Amaral, J.S., Casal, S., Pereira, J.A., Seabra, R.M., Oliveira, B.P.P. 2003. Determination of Sterol and Fatty Acid Compositions, Oxidative Stability, and Nutritional Value of Six Walnut (Juglans regia L.) Cultivars Grown in Portugal. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 51 (26): 7698-7702.
  • Anderson, K.J., Teuber, S.S., Gobeille, A., Cremin, P., Waterhouse, A.L. 2001. Walnut Polyphenols Inhibit in Vitro Human Plasma and LDL Oxidation. Journal of Nutrition, 131 (11): 2837-2842
  • Anonim. 2006. World's Healtiest Food. spice&dbid=99. (20.11.2006).
  • Awad, A.B., Fink, C.S. 2000. Phytosterols as Anticancer Dietary Components: Evidence and Mechanism of Action. Journal of Nutrition, 130: 2127-2130.
  • Awad, A.B., Williams, H., Fink, C.S. 2001. Phytosterols Reduce in vitro Metastatic Ability of MDA-MB-231 Human Breast Cancer Cells. Nutrition and Cancer, 40: 57-164.
  • Berliner, J.A., Heinecke, J.W. 1996. The Role of Oxidized Lipoproteins in Atherogenesis. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 20: 707-727.
  • Bourre, J.M. 2005. Dietary Omega-3 Fatty acids and Psychiatry: Mood, Behaviour, Stress, Depression, Dementia and Aging. Journal of Nutrition Health and Aging, 9 (1): 31-38.
  • Cerda, B., Tomas-Barberan, F.A., Espin, J.C. 2005. Metabolism of Antioxidant and Chemopreventive Ellagitannins from Strawberries, Raspberries, Walnuts, and Oak-Aged Wine in Humans: Identification of Biomarkers and Individual Variability. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53 (2): 227-235.
  • Feldman, E.B. 2002. The Scientific Evidence for a Beneficial Health Relationship between Walnuts and Coronary Heart Disease. Journal of Nutrition, 132 (5): 1062S-1101S.
  • Fraser, G.E., Sabate, J., Beeson, W.L., Straham, M. 1992. A Possible Protective Effect of Nut Consumption on Risk of Coronary Heart Disease. Archives of Internal Medicine, 152: 1416-1424.
  • Fritsche, K. 2006. Fatty Acids as Modulators of the Immune Response. Annual Review of Nutrition, 26: 45-73.
  • Fukuda, T., Ito, H., Yoshida, T. 2003. Antioxidative Polyphenols from Walnuts (Juglans regia L). Phytochemistry, 63 (7): 795-801.
  • Gil, A. 2002. Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Inflammatory Diseases. Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, 56 (8): 388-396.
  • Gillen, L.J., Tapsell, L.C., Patch, C.S., Owen, A., Batterham, M. 2005. Structured Dietary Advice Incorporating Walnuts Achieves Optimal Fat and Energy Balance in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 105 (7): 1087-1096.
  • Hannum, S.M. 2004. Potential Impact of Strawberries on Human Health: A Review of the Science. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 44 (1): 1- 17.
  • Hu, F.B., Stampfer, M.J., Manson, J.E., Rimm, E.B., Colditz, G.A., Rosner, B.A., Speizer, F.E.,
  • Hennekens, C.H., Wilett, W.C. 1998 Frequent Nut Consumption and the Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Women: Prospective Cohort Study. British Medical Journal, 317: 1341-1345.
  • James, M.J., Cleland, L.G. 1997. Dietary n-3 Fatty Acids and Therapy Forrheumatoid Arthritis. Semin Arthritis Rheum, 27: 85-97.
  • Leung, F.Y. 1998. Trace Elements That Act as Antioxidants in Parenteral Micronutrition. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 9 (6): 304-307.
  • Marangoni, F., Colombo, C., Martiello, A., Poli, A., Paoletti, R., Galli, C. 2007. Levels of the n-3 Fatty Acid Eicosapentaenoic Acid in Addition to Those of Alpha Linolenic Acid Are Significantly Raised in Blood Lipids by the intake of Four Walnuts a Day in Humans. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases, 17(6): 457-461.
  • Morgan, J.M., Horton, K., Reese, D., Carey, C., Walker, K., Capuzzi, D.M. 2002. Effects of Walnut Consumption as Part of a Low-Fat, Low-Cholesterol Diet on Serum Cardiovascular Risk Factors. International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research, 72 (5): 341-347.
  • O'Brien, K.M., Dirmeier, R., Engle, M., Poyton, R.O. 2004. Mitochondrial Protein Oxidation in Yeast Mutants Lacking Manganese- (Mnsod) or Copperand Zinc-Containing Superoxide Dismutase (Cuznsod) - Evidence That MnsSOD and CuZnSOD Have Both Unique and Overlapping Functions in Protecting Mitochondrial Proteins from Oxidative Damage. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279 (50): 51817-51827.
  • Olsson, M.E., Andersson, C.S., Oredsson, S., Berglund, R.H., Gustavsson, K.E. 2006. Antioxidant Levels and Inhibition of Cancer Cell Proliferation in Vitro by Extracts from Organically and Conventionally Cultivated Strawberries Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54 (4): 1248-1255.
  • Plat, J., Mensink, R.P. 2001. Effects of Plant Sterols and Stanols on Lipid Metabolism and Cardiovascular Risk. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases, 11: 31-40.
  • Reiter, R.J., Manchester, L.C., Tan, D.X. 2005. Melatonin in Walnuts: Influence on Levels of Melatonin and Total Antioxidant Capacity of Blood. Nutrition, 21 (9): 920-924.
  • Ros, E., Nunez, I., Perez-Heras, A., Serra, M., Gilabert, R., Casals, E., Deulofeu, R. 2004. A Walnut Diet Improves Endothelial Function in Hypercholesterolemic Subjects: A Randomized Crossover Trial. Circulation, 109 (13): 1609-1614.
  • Sabate, J., Fraser, G.E., Burke, K., Knutsen, S.F.M., Bennett, H., Lindsted, K.D. 1993. Effects of Walnuts on Serum Lipid Levels and Blood Pressure in Normal Men. New England Journal of Medicine, 328: 603-607.
  • Sabate, J., Radak, T., Brown Jr., J. 2000. The role of nuts in cardiovascular disease prevention. (Handbook of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods, CRC Press, London, UK: Ed. Wildman, R.) 478- 495.
  • Savage, G.P., Dutta, P.C., McNeil, D.L. 1999. Fatty Acid and Tocopherol Contents and Oxidative Stability of Walnut Oils. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, 76 (9): 1059-1063.
  • Stevens, L.J., Zentall, S.S., Deck, J.L. 1995. Essential Fatty Acid Metabolism in Boys with Attention- Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 62 (4): 761-768.
  • Stevens, L.J., Zentall, S.S., Abate, M.L. 1996. Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Boys with Behavior, Learning, and Health Problems. Physiology and Behavior, 59 (4/5): 915-920.
  • Tapsell, L.C., Gillen, L.J., Patch, C.S., Batterham, M., Owen, A., Bare, M., Kennedy, M. 2004. Including Walnuts in a Low-Fat/Modified-Fat Diet Improves HDL Cholesterol-to-Total Cholesterol Ratios in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Care, 27 (12): 2777-2783.
  • Tarantino, L.M. 2004. Qualified Health Claims: Letter of Enforcement Discretion Walnuts and Coronary Heart Disease. (20.11.2006).
  • Tsai, C.J., Leitzmann, M.F., Hu, F.B., Willett , W.C., Giovannucci, E.L. 2004. Frequent Nut Consumption and Decreased Risk of Cholecystectomy in Women. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 80 (1): 76- 81.
  • Wong, N.C. 2001. The Beneficial Effects of Plant Sterols on Serum Cholesterol. Can. J. Cardiol., 17 715-721.
  • Zambon, D., Sabate, J., Munoz, S., Campero, B., Casals, E., Merlos, M., Laguna, J., Ros, E. 2000 Substituting Walnuts for Monounsaturated Fat Improves the Serum Lipid Profile of Hyper Cholesterolemic Men and Women: A Randomised Crossover Trial. Annal of Internal Medicine, 137: 538-546.
  • Zhao, G., Etherton, T.D., Martin, K.R., West, S.G., Gillies, P.J., Kris-Etherton, P.M. 2004. Dietary {alpha}-Linolenic Acid Reduces Inflammatory and Lipid Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Hypercholesterolemic Men and Women. Journal of Nutrition, 134 (11): 2991-2997.

Sağlıklı bir Yasam Tarzı için Ceviz

Yıl 2008, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1, 138 - 142, 30.06.2008


Ceviz, sağlık açısından diğer sert kabuklu meyvelerden hatta diğer meyve ve sebzelerden, mükemmel besleyici değer ve faydası ile ayrılan özel bir meyvedir. On yıldan daha fazla süren klinik ve bilimsel çalısmalar, bu üstün gıda kaynağı cevizin insan vücuduna birçok faydası olan besin içerikleri ile yüklenmis olduğunu ortaya çıkarmıstır ve çıkarmaya devam etmektedir. Ceviz, yüksek oranda omega-3 yağ asitleri içermektedir. Çok sayıda arastırma omega-3 yağ asitlerinin kalp hastalıklarını, kanseri, inmeyi, diyabetiyi, yüksek kan basıncını ve klinik depresyonu azaltabilme olasılığını ortaya çıkarmıstır. Bu yüzden günlük 3 - 5 tane ceviz tüketimi, bir insanın sağlığına katkıda bulunabileceği en kolay yollardan biridir. Bu derleme cevizin insan sağlığına katkıları konusunda yapılmıs en son klinik ve bilimsel çalısmaları ortaya koymak amacıyla hazırlanmıstır.


  • Albert, C.M., Willett, W.C., Manson, J.E., Hennekens, C.H. 1998. Nut Consumption and the Risk of Sudden and Total Cardiac Death in The Physician’s Health Study. Circulation, 98 (Suppl.1 I-582).
  • Amaral, J.S., Casal, S., Pereira, J.A., Seabra, R.M., Oliveira, B.P.P. 2003. Determination of Sterol and Fatty Acid Compositions, Oxidative Stability, and Nutritional Value of Six Walnut (Juglans regia L.) Cultivars Grown in Portugal. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 51 (26): 7698-7702.
  • Anderson, K.J., Teuber, S.S., Gobeille, A., Cremin, P., Waterhouse, A.L. 2001. Walnut Polyphenols Inhibit in Vitro Human Plasma and LDL Oxidation. Journal of Nutrition, 131 (11): 2837-2842
  • Anonim. 2006. World's Healtiest Food. spice&dbid=99. (20.11.2006).
  • Awad, A.B., Fink, C.S. 2000. Phytosterols as Anticancer Dietary Components: Evidence and Mechanism of Action. Journal of Nutrition, 130: 2127-2130.
  • Awad, A.B., Williams, H., Fink, C.S. 2001. Phytosterols Reduce in vitro Metastatic Ability of MDA-MB-231 Human Breast Cancer Cells. Nutrition and Cancer, 40: 57-164.
  • Berliner, J.A., Heinecke, J.W. 1996. The Role of Oxidized Lipoproteins in Atherogenesis. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 20: 707-727.
  • Bourre, J.M. 2005. Dietary Omega-3 Fatty acids and Psychiatry: Mood, Behaviour, Stress, Depression, Dementia and Aging. Journal of Nutrition Health and Aging, 9 (1): 31-38.
  • Cerda, B., Tomas-Barberan, F.A., Espin, J.C. 2005. Metabolism of Antioxidant and Chemopreventive Ellagitannins from Strawberries, Raspberries, Walnuts, and Oak-Aged Wine in Humans: Identification of Biomarkers and Individual Variability. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53 (2): 227-235.
  • Feldman, E.B. 2002. The Scientific Evidence for a Beneficial Health Relationship between Walnuts and Coronary Heart Disease. Journal of Nutrition, 132 (5): 1062S-1101S.
  • Fraser, G.E., Sabate, J., Beeson, W.L., Straham, M. 1992. A Possible Protective Effect of Nut Consumption on Risk of Coronary Heart Disease. Archives of Internal Medicine, 152: 1416-1424.
  • Fritsche, K. 2006. Fatty Acids as Modulators of the Immune Response. Annual Review of Nutrition, 26: 45-73.
  • Fukuda, T., Ito, H., Yoshida, T. 2003. Antioxidative Polyphenols from Walnuts (Juglans regia L). Phytochemistry, 63 (7): 795-801.
  • Gil, A. 2002. Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Inflammatory Diseases. Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, 56 (8): 388-396.
  • Gillen, L.J., Tapsell, L.C., Patch, C.S., Owen, A., Batterham, M. 2005. Structured Dietary Advice Incorporating Walnuts Achieves Optimal Fat and Energy Balance in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 105 (7): 1087-1096.
  • Hannum, S.M. 2004. Potential Impact of Strawberries on Human Health: A Review of the Science. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 44 (1): 1- 17.
  • Hu, F.B., Stampfer, M.J., Manson, J.E., Rimm, E.B., Colditz, G.A., Rosner, B.A., Speizer, F.E.,
  • Hennekens, C.H., Wilett, W.C. 1998 Frequent Nut Consumption and the Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Women: Prospective Cohort Study. British Medical Journal, 317: 1341-1345.
  • James, M.J., Cleland, L.G. 1997. Dietary n-3 Fatty Acids and Therapy Forrheumatoid Arthritis. Semin Arthritis Rheum, 27: 85-97.
  • Leung, F.Y. 1998. Trace Elements That Act as Antioxidants in Parenteral Micronutrition. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 9 (6): 304-307.
  • Marangoni, F., Colombo, C., Martiello, A., Poli, A., Paoletti, R., Galli, C. 2007. Levels of the n-3 Fatty Acid Eicosapentaenoic Acid in Addition to Those of Alpha Linolenic Acid Are Significantly Raised in Blood Lipids by the intake of Four Walnuts a Day in Humans. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases, 17(6): 457-461.
  • Morgan, J.M., Horton, K., Reese, D., Carey, C., Walker, K., Capuzzi, D.M. 2002. Effects of Walnut Consumption as Part of a Low-Fat, Low-Cholesterol Diet on Serum Cardiovascular Risk Factors. International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research, 72 (5): 341-347.
  • O'Brien, K.M., Dirmeier, R., Engle, M., Poyton, R.O. 2004. Mitochondrial Protein Oxidation in Yeast Mutants Lacking Manganese- (Mnsod) or Copperand Zinc-Containing Superoxide Dismutase (Cuznsod) - Evidence That MnsSOD and CuZnSOD Have Both Unique and Overlapping Functions in Protecting Mitochondrial Proteins from Oxidative Damage. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279 (50): 51817-51827.
  • Olsson, M.E., Andersson, C.S., Oredsson, S., Berglund, R.H., Gustavsson, K.E. 2006. Antioxidant Levels and Inhibition of Cancer Cell Proliferation in Vitro by Extracts from Organically and Conventionally Cultivated Strawberries Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54 (4): 1248-1255.
  • Plat, J., Mensink, R.P. 2001. Effects of Plant Sterols and Stanols on Lipid Metabolism and Cardiovascular Risk. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases, 11: 31-40.
  • Reiter, R.J., Manchester, L.C., Tan, D.X. 2005. Melatonin in Walnuts: Influence on Levels of Melatonin and Total Antioxidant Capacity of Blood. Nutrition, 21 (9): 920-924.
  • Ros, E., Nunez, I., Perez-Heras, A., Serra, M., Gilabert, R., Casals, E., Deulofeu, R. 2004. A Walnut Diet Improves Endothelial Function in Hypercholesterolemic Subjects: A Randomized Crossover Trial. Circulation, 109 (13): 1609-1614.
  • Sabate, J., Fraser, G.E., Burke, K., Knutsen, S.F.M., Bennett, H., Lindsted, K.D. 1993. Effects of Walnuts on Serum Lipid Levels and Blood Pressure in Normal Men. New England Journal of Medicine, 328: 603-607.
  • Sabate, J., Radak, T., Brown Jr., J. 2000. The role of nuts in cardiovascular disease prevention. (Handbook of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods, CRC Press, London, UK: Ed. Wildman, R.) 478- 495.
  • Savage, G.P., Dutta, P.C., McNeil, D.L. 1999. Fatty Acid and Tocopherol Contents and Oxidative Stability of Walnut Oils. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, 76 (9): 1059-1063.
  • Stevens, L.J., Zentall, S.S., Deck, J.L. 1995. Essential Fatty Acid Metabolism in Boys with Attention- Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 62 (4): 761-768.
  • Stevens, L.J., Zentall, S.S., Abate, M.L. 1996. Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Boys with Behavior, Learning, and Health Problems. Physiology and Behavior, 59 (4/5): 915-920.
  • Tapsell, L.C., Gillen, L.J., Patch, C.S., Batterham, M., Owen, A., Bare, M., Kennedy, M. 2004. Including Walnuts in a Low-Fat/Modified-Fat Diet Improves HDL Cholesterol-to-Total Cholesterol Ratios in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Care, 27 (12): 2777-2783.
  • Tarantino, L.M. 2004. Qualified Health Claims: Letter of Enforcement Discretion Walnuts and Coronary Heart Disease. (20.11.2006).
  • Tsai, C.J., Leitzmann, M.F., Hu, F.B., Willett , W.C., Giovannucci, E.L. 2004. Frequent Nut Consumption and Decreased Risk of Cholecystectomy in Women. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 80 (1): 76- 81.
  • Wong, N.C. 2001. The Beneficial Effects of Plant Sterols on Serum Cholesterol. Can. J. Cardiol., 17 715-721.
  • Zambon, D., Sabate, J., Munoz, S., Campero, B., Casals, E., Merlos, M., Laguna, J., Ros, E. 2000 Substituting Walnuts for Monounsaturated Fat Improves the Serum Lipid Profile of Hyper Cholesterolemic Men and Women: A Randomised Crossover Trial. Annal of Internal Medicine, 137: 538-546.
  • Zhao, G., Etherton, T.D., Martin, K.R., West, S.G., Gillies, P.J., Kris-Etherton, P.M. 2004. Dietary {alpha}-Linolenic Acid Reduces Inflammatory and Lipid Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Hypercholesterolemic Men and Women. Journal of Nutrition, 134 (11): 2991-2997.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Mehmet Sütyemez Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2008
Kabul Tarihi 5 Mart 2007
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Sütyemez, M. (2008). Sağlıklı bir Yasam Tarzı için Ceviz. KSÜ Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(1), 138-142.
AMA Sütyemez M. Sağlıklı bir Yasam Tarzı için Ceviz. KSÜ Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi. Haziran 2008;11(1):138-142.
Chicago Sütyemez, Mehmet. “Sağlıklı Bir Yasam Tarzı için Ceviz”. KSÜ Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi 11, sy. 1 (Haziran 2008): 138-42.
EndNote Sütyemez M (01 Haziran 2008) Sağlıklı bir Yasam Tarzı için Ceviz. KSÜ Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi 11 1 138–142.
IEEE M. Sütyemez, “Sağlıklı bir Yasam Tarzı için Ceviz”, KSÜ Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 11, sy. 1, ss. 138–142, 2008.
ISNAD Sütyemez, Mehmet. “Sağlıklı Bir Yasam Tarzı için Ceviz”. KSÜ Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi 11/1 (Haziran 2008), 138-142.
JAMA Sütyemez M. Sağlıklı bir Yasam Tarzı için Ceviz. KSÜ Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi. 2008;11:138–142.
MLA Sütyemez, Mehmet. “Sağlıklı Bir Yasam Tarzı için Ceviz”. KSÜ Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 11, sy. 1, 2008, ss. 138-42.
Vancouver Sütyemez M. Sağlıklı bir Yasam Tarzı için Ceviz. KSÜ Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi. 2008;11(1):138-42.