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Shold I increase Protein and reduce Proteın for patient with type diabetes and BMI 34 kg/m2?

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 4, 15 - 19, 02.04.2018



An optimum nutrition plan for obesity and diabetes treatment has been researched by sciencist for many times but there is no evidence a certain diet for usingobesity and diabetes treatment yet. On the other hand, recent studies has founded that increased protein consumption and decreased carbohydrate consumption may be beneficial for obesity. Some studies with people has showed that protein consumption may increase satiety and termic effects of proteins are more thanthe other macronutrients. In addıtıon, some studies aim to weight loss have showed that  people consume more protein could save their fat free mass an loss weight more than the control group who has consume lessprotein. However; there are many literatures demonstrate the nondifference of both diets. Achieving a sustainable nutrition behavior is the main aim in obesityand diabetes treatment, so health proffesionals shouldrecommend a sustainable diet for people.


  • Kaynaklar 1.Morales, F. E., Tinsley, G. M., & Gordon, P. M.(2017). Acute and Long-Term Impact of High-ProteinDiets on Endocrine and Metabolic Function, BodyComposition, and Exercise-Induced Adaptations. Jour-nal of the American College of Nutrition, 36(4), 295-305. 2.Eisenstein, J., Roberts, S. B., Dallal, G., & Saltzman, E.(2002). High-protein weight-loss diets: are they safe anddo they work? A review of the experimental and epide-miologic data. Nutrition reviews, 60(7), 189-200. 3.Jensen, M. D., Ryan, D. H., Apovian, C. M., Ard, J. D.,Comuzzie, A. G., Donato, K. A., ... & Loria, C. M. (2014).2013 AHA/ACC/TOS guideline for the management ofoverweight and obesity in adults: a report of the Ame-rican College of Cardiology/American Heart Associa-tion Task Force on Practice Guidelines and The Obe-sity Society. Journal of the American college of cardio-logy, 63(25 Part B), 2985-3023. 4.Batterham, R. L., Heffron, H., Kapoor, S., Chivers, J. E.,Chandarana, K., Herzog, H., ... & Withers, D. J.(2006). Critical role for peptide YY in protein-mediatedsatiation and body-weight regulation. Cell metabolism,4(3), 223-233. 5.Bowen, J., Noakes, M., & Clifton, P. M. (2006). Appeti-te regulatory hormone responses to various dietary pro-teins differ by body mass index status despite similar re-ductions in ad libitum energy intake. The Journal of Cli-nical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 91(8), 2913-2919. 6.Tang M, Armstrong CL, Leidy HJ, Campbell WW: Nor-mal vs high-protein weight loss diets in men: effects onbody composition and indices of metabolic syndrome.Obesity (Silver Spring) 21:E204–E210, 2013. 7.Soenen S, Martens EA, Hochstenbach-Waelen A, Lem-mens SG, Westerterp- Plantenga MS: Normal protein in-take is required for body weight loss and weight main-tenance, and elevated protein intake for additional pre-servation of resting energy expenditure and fat free mass.J Nutr 143:591–596, 2013. 8.Soenen S, Bonomi AG, Lemmens SG, Scholte J, Thijs-sen MA, van Berkum F, Westerterp-Plantenga MS: Re-latively high-protein or “lowcarb” energy-restricted di-ets for body weight loss and body weight maintenance?Physiol Behav 107:374-380, 2012. 9.Bray GA, Redman LM, de Jonge L, Covington J, RoodJ, Brock C, Mancuso S, Martin CK, Smith SR: Effect ofprotein overfeeding on energy expenditure measured ina metabolic chamber. Am J Clin Nutr 101:496–505, 2015. 10.Mateo-Gallego, R., Lamiquiz-Moneo, I., Perez-Calahor-ra, S., Marco-Benedí, V., Bea, A. M., Baila-Rueda, L.,... & Cenarro, A. (2018). Different protein compositionof low-calorie diet differently impacts adipokine profi-le irrespective of weight loss in overweight and obese wo-men. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Disea-ses, 28(2), 133-142. 11.Pasiakos, S. M., Lieberman, H. R., & Fulgoni III, V. L.(2015). Higher-Protein Diets Are Associated with Hig her HDL Cholesterol and Lower BMI and Waist Circum-ference in US Adults1–4. The Journal of nutrition, 145(3),605-614. 12.Campos-Nonato, I., Hernandez, L., & Barquera, S.(2017). Effect of a High-Protein Diet versus Standard-Protein Diet on Weight Loss and Biomarkers of Meta-bolic Syndrome: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Obesityfacts, 10(3), 238-251. 13.Skov AR, Toubro S, Ronn B, Holm L, Astrup A: Rando-mized trial on protein vs carbohydrate in ad libitum fatreduced diet for the treatment of obesity. Int J Obes Re-lat Metab Disord 23:528–536, 1999. 14.Sacks FM, Bray GA, Carey VJ, Smith SR, Ryan DH, An-ton SD, McManus K, Champagne CM, Bishop LM, La-ranjo N, Leboff MS, Rood JC, de Jonge L, Greenway FL,Loria CM, Obarzanek E, Williamson DA: Comparisonof weight-loss diets with different compositions of fat, pro-tein, and carbohydrates. N Engl J Med 360:859–873,2009. 15.Verreijen, A. M., Engberink, M. F., Memelink, R. G., Plas,S. E., Visser, M., & Weijs, P. J. (2017). Effect of a highprotein diet and/or resistance exercise on the preserva-tion of fat free mass during weight loss in overweight andobese older adults: a randomized controlled trial. Nut-rition journal, 16(1), 10. 16.Bilsborough S, Mann N: A review of issues of dietary pro-tein intake in humans. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab16:129–152, 2006. 17.Parker B, Noakes M, Luscombe N, Clifton P (2002) Ef-fect of a high-protein, high-monounsaturated fat weightloss diet on glycemic control and lipid levels in type 2diabetes. Diabetes Care 25:425–430. 18.Layman DK, Boileau RA, Erickson DJ et al. (2003) A re-duced ratio of dietary carbohydrate to protein improvesbody composition and blood lipid profiles during weightloss in adult women. J Nutr 133:411–417. 19.Wolfe BM, Piche LA (1999) Replacement of carbohyd-rate by protein in a conventional-fat diet reduces cho-lesterol and triglyceride concentrations in healthy nor-molipidemic subjects. Clin Invest Med 22:140–148. 20.Brinkworth, G. D., Noakes, M., Parker, B., Foster, P.,& Clifton, P. M. (2004). Long-term effects of advice toconsume a high-protein, low-fat diet, rather than a con-ventional weight-loss diet, in obese adults with type 2 dia-betes: one-year follow-up of a randomised trial. Diabe-tologia, 47(10), 1677-1686.

BKİ'si 34 kg/m2 Olan Tip 2 Diyabetlinin Diyetinde Karbonhidratı Azaltıp Proteini Arttırayım mı?

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 4, 15 - 19, 02.04.2018



Obezite ve diyabetin tedavisindeki ideal beslenme modeli üzerinde uzun yıllardır konuşuluyor olmasına rağmen hala obezitenin tedavisinde kullanılabilecektek ve kesin bir diyet önerisi sunulamamıştır. Ancak son kanıtlar günlük protein tüketimini artırıp karbonhidrat tüketimini azaltmanın obezite tedavisindeki faydalı etkilerinden bahsetmektedir. İnsanlarda yapılan çalışmalarda protein tüketiminin daha fazla tokluk sağladığı ve bu besinlerin termik etkisinin de fazla olduğu sonucuna ulaşmıştır. Ayrıca ağırlık kaybı hedeflenen çalışmalarda yüksek protein tüketen bireylerin yağsız vücut kitlesini koruduğu ve kilo kayıplarının yağ kütlesininden gerçekleştiği görülmüştür. Yüksek protein-düşük karbonhidrat ilkesinde beslenmenin olumlu sonuçlarını ifade eden çalışmaların yanında etkisiz olduğunu gösteren kanıtlar da mevcuttur. Obezite ve diyabet tedavisinde nihai hedef bireye sürdürülebilir bir beslenme alışkanlığı kazandırmaktır. Bu nedenlefarklı diyet türleri içerisinden bireyin uyumunun en fazla olacağı diyet önerisi sunulmalıdır.


  • Kaynaklar 1.Morales, F. E., Tinsley, G. M., & Gordon, P. M.(2017). Acute and Long-Term Impact of High-ProteinDiets on Endocrine and Metabolic Function, BodyComposition, and Exercise-Induced Adaptations. Jour-nal of the American College of Nutrition, 36(4), 295-305. 2.Eisenstein, J., Roberts, S. B., Dallal, G., & Saltzman, E.(2002). High-protein weight-loss diets: are they safe anddo they work? A review of the experimental and epide-miologic data. Nutrition reviews, 60(7), 189-200. 3.Jensen, M. D., Ryan, D. H., Apovian, C. M., Ard, J. D.,Comuzzie, A. G., Donato, K. A., ... & Loria, C. M. (2014).2013 AHA/ACC/TOS guideline for the management ofoverweight and obesity in adults: a report of the Ame-rican College of Cardiology/American Heart Associa-tion Task Force on Practice Guidelines and The Obe-sity Society. Journal of the American college of cardio-logy, 63(25 Part B), 2985-3023. 4.Batterham, R. L., Heffron, H., Kapoor, S., Chivers, J. E.,Chandarana, K., Herzog, H., ... & Withers, D. J.(2006). Critical role for peptide YY in protein-mediatedsatiation and body-weight regulation. Cell metabolism,4(3), 223-233. 5.Bowen, J., Noakes, M., & Clifton, P. M. (2006). Appeti-te regulatory hormone responses to various dietary pro-teins differ by body mass index status despite similar re-ductions in ad libitum energy intake. The Journal of Cli-nical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 91(8), 2913-2919. 6.Tang M, Armstrong CL, Leidy HJ, Campbell WW: Nor-mal vs high-protein weight loss diets in men: effects onbody composition and indices of metabolic syndrome.Obesity (Silver Spring) 21:E204–E210, 2013. 7.Soenen S, Martens EA, Hochstenbach-Waelen A, Lem-mens SG, Westerterp- Plantenga MS: Normal protein in-take is required for body weight loss and weight main-tenance, and elevated protein intake for additional pre-servation of resting energy expenditure and fat free mass.J Nutr 143:591–596, 2013. 8.Soenen S, Bonomi AG, Lemmens SG, Scholte J, Thijs-sen MA, van Berkum F, Westerterp-Plantenga MS: Re-latively high-protein or “lowcarb” energy-restricted di-ets for body weight loss and body weight maintenance?Physiol Behav 107:374-380, 2012. 9.Bray GA, Redman LM, de Jonge L, Covington J, RoodJ, Brock C, Mancuso S, Martin CK, Smith SR: Effect ofprotein overfeeding on energy expenditure measured ina metabolic chamber. Am J Clin Nutr 101:496–505, 2015. 10.Mateo-Gallego, R., Lamiquiz-Moneo, I., Perez-Calahor-ra, S., Marco-Benedí, V., Bea, A. M., Baila-Rueda, L.,... & Cenarro, A. (2018). Different protein compositionof low-calorie diet differently impacts adipokine profi-le irrespective of weight loss in overweight and obese wo-men. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Disea-ses, 28(2), 133-142. 11.Pasiakos, S. M., Lieberman, H. R., & Fulgoni III, V. L.(2015). Higher-Protein Diets Are Associated with Hig her HDL Cholesterol and Lower BMI and Waist Circum-ference in US Adults1–4. The Journal of nutrition, 145(3),605-614. 12.Campos-Nonato, I., Hernandez, L., & Barquera, S.(2017). Effect of a High-Protein Diet versus Standard-Protein Diet on Weight Loss and Biomarkers of Meta-bolic Syndrome: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Obesityfacts, 10(3), 238-251. 13.Skov AR, Toubro S, Ronn B, Holm L, Astrup A: Rando-mized trial on protein vs carbohydrate in ad libitum fatreduced diet for the treatment of obesity. Int J Obes Re-lat Metab Disord 23:528–536, 1999. 14.Sacks FM, Bray GA, Carey VJ, Smith SR, Ryan DH, An-ton SD, McManus K, Champagne CM, Bishop LM, La-ranjo N, Leboff MS, Rood JC, de Jonge L, Greenway FL,Loria CM, Obarzanek E, Williamson DA: Comparisonof weight-loss diets with different compositions of fat, pro-tein, and carbohydrates. N Engl J Med 360:859–873,2009. 15.Verreijen, A. M., Engberink, M. F., Memelink, R. G., Plas,S. E., Visser, M., & Weijs, P. J. (2017). Effect of a highprotein diet and/or resistance exercise on the preserva-tion of fat free mass during weight loss in overweight andobese older adults: a randomized controlled trial. Nut-rition journal, 16(1), 10. 16.Bilsborough S, Mann N: A review of issues of dietary pro-tein intake in humans. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab16:129–152, 2006. 17.Parker B, Noakes M, Luscombe N, Clifton P (2002) Ef-fect of a high-protein, high-monounsaturated fat weightloss diet on glycemic control and lipid levels in type 2diabetes. Diabetes Care 25:425–430. 18.Layman DK, Boileau RA, Erickson DJ et al. (2003) A re-duced ratio of dietary carbohydrate to protein improvesbody composition and blood lipid profiles during weightloss in adult women. J Nutr 133:411–417. 19.Wolfe BM, Piche LA (1999) Replacement of carbohyd-rate by protein in a conventional-fat diet reduces cho-lesterol and triglyceride concentrations in healthy nor-molipidemic subjects. Clin Invest Med 22:140–148. 20.Brinkworth, G. D., Noakes, M., Parker, B., Foster, P.,& Clifton, P. M. (2004). Long-term effects of advice toconsume a high-protein, low-fat diet, rather than a con-ventional weight-loss diet, in obese adults with type 2 dia-betes: one-year follow-up of a randomised trial. Diabe-tologia, 47(10), 1677-1686.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Arş. Gör. Kübra Yıldız

Yayımlanma Tarihi 2 Nisan 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Yıldız, A. G. K. (2018). BKİ’si 34 kg/m2 Olan Tip 2 Diyabetlinin Diyetinde Karbonhidratı Azaltıp Proteini Arttırayım mı?. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri, 6(4), 15-19.
AMA Yıldız AGK. BKİ’si 34 kg/m2 Olan Tip 2 Diyabetlinin Diyetinde Karbonhidratı Azaltıp Proteini Arttırayım mı?. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri. Nisan 2018;6(4):15-19.
Chicago Yıldız, Arş. Gör. Kübra. “BKİ’si 34 kg/M2 Olan Tip 2 Diyabetlinin Diyetinde Karbonhidratı Azaltıp Proteini Arttırayım mı?”. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri 6, sy. 4 (Nisan 2018): 15-19.
EndNote Yıldız AGK (01 Nisan 2018) BKİ’si 34 kg/m2 Olan Tip 2 Diyabetlinin Diyetinde Karbonhidratı Azaltıp Proteini Arttırayım mı?. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri 6 4 15–19.
IEEE A. G. K. Yıldız, “BKİ’si 34 kg/m2 Olan Tip 2 Diyabetlinin Diyetinde Karbonhidratı Azaltıp Proteini Arttırayım mı?”, Klinik Tıp Bilimleri, c. 6, sy. 4, ss. 15–19, 2018.
ISNAD Yıldız, Arş. Gör. Kübra. “BKİ’si 34 kg/M2 Olan Tip 2 Diyabetlinin Diyetinde Karbonhidratı Azaltıp Proteini Arttırayım mı?”. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri 6/4 (Nisan 2018), 15-19.
JAMA Yıldız AGK. BKİ’si 34 kg/m2 Olan Tip 2 Diyabetlinin Diyetinde Karbonhidratı Azaltıp Proteini Arttırayım mı?. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri. 2018;6:15–19.
MLA Yıldız, Arş. Gör. Kübra. “BKİ’si 34 kg/M2 Olan Tip 2 Diyabetlinin Diyetinde Karbonhidratı Azaltıp Proteini Arttırayım mı?”. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri, c. 6, sy. 4, 2018, ss. 15-19.
Vancouver Yıldız AGK. BKİ’si 34 kg/m2 Olan Tip 2 Diyabetlinin Diyetinde Karbonhidratı Azaltıp Proteini Arttırayım mı?. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri. 2018;6(4):15-9.