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Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and Nutrition

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 36 - 43, 05.04.2019



Obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2DM) are public health problems, with health consequences and economic costs that have raised concern worldwide. The increase in theprevalence of diabetes parallels that of obesity. Elevated body mass index (BMI) andwaist circumference (WC) were significantly associated Tip2 DM. One consequence ofobesity is an increased risk of developing Tip2 DM. There is evidence that the prenatal, early childhood, and adolescent periods are critical in the development of obesity.


  • Kaynaklar 1. Journal of Diabetes Mellitus Vol.1, No.4, 79-95 (2011)doi: 10.4236/jdm.2011.14012. 2. Pekcan G: Şişmanlık ve saptama yöntemleri. Şişman-lık, çeşitli hastalıklarla etkileşimi ve diyet tedavisin-de bilimsel uygulamalar, Türkiye diyetisyenler derne-ği yayını no:4, Ankara, 1992 kitabında, s:7-37. 3. Sencer E:Şişmanlık. ‘‘Beslenme ve Diyet, BaydaA.Ş,2.Baskı 1991’’ kitabında, s:258. 4. Gray DS: Diagnosis and prevalance of obesty. Med ClinNort Am 73:1-14,1989. 5. Vague J: The degree of masculine differentitation ofobesities. A factor determining preposition to diabe-tes, atherosclerosis, gout and uric calculous disease.Am J Clin Nutr 4:20-34,1956. 6. Jung RT. Obesity and nutritional factors in the patho-genesis of non-insülin dependent diabetes mellitus. In:Textbook of diabetes. Volu- me 1. Second Edition. Pic-kup JC., Williams G., eds. Oxford: Black- well Scien-ce Ltd., 19.1-19.23,1997 7. Obezite ve Tip2 Diyabet, Yrd Doç, Emine Yıldız,2008. 8. Obezite Atlası ,RüştüSerter. 9. Anthony J.G ve ark. Diabetes Care 2002; 25:1177-1184. 10. Haffner SM ve ark. Diabetes 1992; 41(6):715-22. 11. Plaisted CS, Istfan Nw: Metabolic abnormalities of obe-sity ‘‘Obesity Pathophysiology, psycology and treat-ment. Ed Blackburn GL, Kanders BS, Chapman andHall, New York, 1994’’,80-97. 12. Sparrow d., Borkan GA, Gerzof SG, Wisniewski C, Sil-bert CK: Relationship of fat distribution to glucose. Re-sults of computed tomography in male participants ofthe normative aging study. Diabetes 35: 411-415,1986. 13.McKeigue PM, Pierpoint T, Ferrie Je, Marmot MG:Relationship of glucose intolerance and hyperinsuli-naemia to body fat pattern in South Asians and Euro-peans. Diabetiolgia 35: 785-791, 1992. 14.Flack JM, Sowers JR: Epidemiologic and clinical as-pects of insulin resistance and hyperinsülinemia. AmJ Med 91 (IA):11-17,1991. 15.June M Chan, Eric B Rimm, SCD, Graham A Colditz,MD, Meir J Stampfer, MD and Walter C Willett, MD.Diabetes Care 1994; 17:961-9. 16. Graham A. Colditz, MBBS, DrPH; Walter C. Willett,MD; Andrea Rotnitzky, PhD; and JoAnn E. Manson,MD. Ann Intern Med 1995; 122:481-6. 17. Field AE, Coakley EH, Must A, et al Impact of over-weight on the risk of developing common chronic di-seases during a 10-year period. Arch Intern Med 2001; 161:1581-6. 18. Ford ES, Williamson DF, Liu S. Weight change and dia-betes incidence: findings from a national cohort of USadults. ve ark. Am J Epidemiol 1997; 146:214-22. 19. Ashley FW Jr, Kannell WB. Relation of weight chan-ge to changes in atherogenic traits: the FraminghamStudy. J Chron Dis 1974; 27:103-14. 20. Aronne LJ. et al Medical Clinics of North America1998; 82 (1):161-81. 21. Wilson PW, Kannel Wb, Silbershatz H, D’Agostino RB.Clustering of metabolic factor and coronary heart di-sease. Arch Intern Med 1999; 159 (10):1104-9. 22. Kolotkin RL, Head S. Hamilton M, et al. Asessing im-pact of weight on quality of life. Obes Res 1995; 3(1):49-56. 23. Felson DT , Zhang Y, Anthony JM, Naimark A, Ander-son JJ. Weight loss reduces the risk for symptomaticosteoarthritis in women. The Framingham Study. AnnIntern Med 1992; 116 (7):535. 24. Largerstrand & Rossner, et al. J Intern Med 1993; 234(3):245 7. 25. Stenius-Aarniala B, Poussa T, Kvarnström J, et al. Im-mediate and long term effects of weight reduction inobese people with asthma: randomised controlled study.BMJ 2000; 320 (7238):827-32. 26. Despres J-P et al. Br Med J 2001; 332: 716-20. 27. Wing RR, Venditti E, Jakicic JM, Polley BA, Lang W.Lifestyle intervention in overweight individuals witha family history of diabetes. Diabetes Care 1998; 21(3):350-9. 28. Moore LL, Visiloni AJ, Wilson PW, D’Agostino RB, Fin-kle WD, Ellison RC. Can sustained weight loss in over-weight individuals reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus?Epidemiology 2000; 11: 269-73. 29. Tuomilehto Kaakko, Lindström J, Eriksson JG et al.Prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus by changes inlifestyle among subjects with impaired glucose teloran-ce. N Engl J Med 2001; 344:1343-50. 30. National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghou-se: Crohn’s disease. National Institute of Diabetes andDigestive and Kidney Diseases. Updated January 18,2013. 31. American Diabetes Assocition. Position statement fromthe American Diabetes Association: The prevention or de-lay of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2002; 25:742-9. 32. French SA, Jeffery RW, Folsom AR, et al. Relation ofweight variability and intentionality of weight loss to di-sease history and healt-related variables in a population-based sample of women aged 55-69 years. Am J Epi-demiol, 1995;142: 1306-14. 33. Lean MEJ, Powrie JK, Anderson AS, Garthwaite PH.Obesity, weight loss and prognosis in type 2 diabetes.Diabet Med 1990; 7 (3):228- 33. 34. Wing RR, koeske R, E et al. Long-term effectsof mo-dest weight loss in type II diabetic patients. Arch In-tern Med. 1987; 147:1749-1753. 35. Kumanyika S Jeffery RW, Morabia A, Ritenbaugh C,Antipatis VJ. Obesity prevention: the case for action.Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 2002; 26:425- 36. 36. 2011 UDK Diyabet Tanı ve Tedavi Rehberi. 4-1 / 4-7Tıbbi Beslenme Tedavisi ve Egzersiz. 37. Mitrakou A, Kelley D, Mokan M, Veneman T, PagburnT, Reilly J, Gerich J. Role of reduced suppression ofglucose production and di- minished early insulin re-lease in impaired glucose tolerance. N Engl JMed.326:22-29,1992. 38. Chiasson JL, Josse RG, Gomis R, Hanefeld M, Kara-sik A, Laakso M. Acarbose for prevention of type 2 dia-betes mellitus: the STOP-NIDDM randomized trial.Lancet 2002; 359:2072- 77 14.

Obezite, Tip 2 Diyabet ve Beslenme

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 36 - 43, 05.04.2019



Obezite ve tip 2 diyabet (T2DM) dünya çapında tepkilere neden sağlık etkileri ve ekono-mik maliyeti ile halk sağlığı sorunudur. Diyabet prevalansı artışı obezite ile paralel artmaktadır. Artmış beden kütle indeksi (BKİ) ve bel çevresi (BÇ) ile tip 2 diyabet arasında anlamlı ilişki bulunmuştur. Obezitenin artması Tip2 2DM gelişme riskini artırır. Prenatal, erken çocukluk ve ergenlik dönemleri obezite gelişiminde kritik olduğuna dair kanıtlar vardır (1).


  • Kaynaklar 1. Journal of Diabetes Mellitus Vol.1, No.4, 79-95 (2011)doi: 10.4236/jdm.2011.14012. 2. Pekcan G: Şişmanlık ve saptama yöntemleri. Şişman-lık, çeşitli hastalıklarla etkileşimi ve diyet tedavisin-de bilimsel uygulamalar, Türkiye diyetisyenler derne-ği yayını no:4, Ankara, 1992 kitabında, s:7-37. 3. Sencer E:Şişmanlık. ‘‘Beslenme ve Diyet, BaydaA.Ş,2.Baskı 1991’’ kitabında, s:258. 4. Gray DS: Diagnosis and prevalance of obesty. Med ClinNort Am 73:1-14,1989. 5. Vague J: The degree of masculine differentitation ofobesities. A factor determining preposition to diabe-tes, atherosclerosis, gout and uric calculous disease.Am J Clin Nutr 4:20-34,1956. 6. Jung RT. Obesity and nutritional factors in the patho-genesis of non-insülin dependent diabetes mellitus. In:Textbook of diabetes. Volu- me 1. Second Edition. Pic-kup JC., Williams G., eds. Oxford: Black- well Scien-ce Ltd., 19.1-19.23,1997 7. Obezite ve Tip2 Diyabet, Yrd Doç, Emine Yıldız,2008. 8. Obezite Atlası ,RüştüSerter. 9. Anthony J.G ve ark. Diabetes Care 2002; 25:1177-1184. 10. Haffner SM ve ark. Diabetes 1992; 41(6):715-22. 11. Plaisted CS, Istfan Nw: Metabolic abnormalities of obe-sity ‘‘Obesity Pathophysiology, psycology and treat-ment. Ed Blackburn GL, Kanders BS, Chapman andHall, New York, 1994’’,80-97. 12. Sparrow d., Borkan GA, Gerzof SG, Wisniewski C, Sil-bert CK: Relationship of fat distribution to glucose. Re-sults of computed tomography in male participants ofthe normative aging study. Diabetes 35: 411-415,1986. 13.McKeigue PM, Pierpoint T, Ferrie Je, Marmot MG:Relationship of glucose intolerance and hyperinsuli-naemia to body fat pattern in South Asians and Euro-peans. Diabetiolgia 35: 785-791, 1992. 14.Flack JM, Sowers JR: Epidemiologic and clinical as-pects of insulin resistance and hyperinsülinemia. AmJ Med 91 (IA):11-17,1991. 15.June M Chan, Eric B Rimm, SCD, Graham A Colditz,MD, Meir J Stampfer, MD and Walter C Willett, MD.Diabetes Care 1994; 17:961-9. 16. Graham A. Colditz, MBBS, DrPH; Walter C. Willett,MD; Andrea Rotnitzky, PhD; and JoAnn E. Manson,MD. Ann Intern Med 1995; 122:481-6. 17. Field AE, Coakley EH, Must A, et al Impact of over-weight on the risk of developing common chronic di-seases during a 10-year period. Arch Intern Med 2001; 161:1581-6. 18. Ford ES, Williamson DF, Liu S. Weight change and dia-betes incidence: findings from a national cohort of USadults. ve ark. Am J Epidemiol 1997; 146:214-22. 19. Ashley FW Jr, Kannell WB. Relation of weight chan-ge to changes in atherogenic traits: the FraminghamStudy. J Chron Dis 1974; 27:103-14. 20. Aronne LJ. et al Medical Clinics of North America1998; 82 (1):161-81. 21. Wilson PW, Kannel Wb, Silbershatz H, D’Agostino RB.Clustering of metabolic factor and coronary heart di-sease. Arch Intern Med 1999; 159 (10):1104-9. 22. Kolotkin RL, Head S. Hamilton M, et al. Asessing im-pact of weight on quality of life. Obes Res 1995; 3(1):49-56. 23. Felson DT , Zhang Y, Anthony JM, Naimark A, Ander-son JJ. Weight loss reduces the risk for symptomaticosteoarthritis in women. The Framingham Study. AnnIntern Med 1992; 116 (7):535. 24. Largerstrand & Rossner, et al. J Intern Med 1993; 234(3):245 7. 25. Stenius-Aarniala B, Poussa T, Kvarnström J, et al. Im-mediate and long term effects of weight reduction inobese people with asthma: randomised controlled study.BMJ 2000; 320 (7238):827-32. 26. Despres J-P et al. Br Med J 2001; 332: 716-20. 27. Wing RR, Venditti E, Jakicic JM, Polley BA, Lang W.Lifestyle intervention in overweight individuals witha family history of diabetes. Diabetes Care 1998; 21(3):350-9. 28. Moore LL, Visiloni AJ, Wilson PW, D’Agostino RB, Fin-kle WD, Ellison RC. Can sustained weight loss in over-weight individuals reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus?Epidemiology 2000; 11: 269-73. 29. Tuomilehto Kaakko, Lindström J, Eriksson JG et al.Prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus by changes inlifestyle among subjects with impaired glucose teloran-ce. N Engl J Med 2001; 344:1343-50. 30. National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghou-se: Crohn’s disease. National Institute of Diabetes andDigestive and Kidney Diseases. Updated January 18,2013. 31. American Diabetes Assocition. Position statement fromthe American Diabetes Association: The prevention or de-lay of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2002; 25:742-9. 32. French SA, Jeffery RW, Folsom AR, et al. Relation ofweight variability and intentionality of weight loss to di-sease history and healt-related variables in a population-based sample of women aged 55-69 years. Am J Epi-demiol, 1995;142: 1306-14. 33. Lean MEJ, Powrie JK, Anderson AS, Garthwaite PH.Obesity, weight loss and prognosis in type 2 diabetes.Diabet Med 1990; 7 (3):228- 33. 34. Wing RR, koeske R, E et al. Long-term effectsof mo-dest weight loss in type II diabetic patients. Arch In-tern Med. 1987; 147:1749-1753. 35. Kumanyika S Jeffery RW, Morabia A, Ritenbaugh C,Antipatis VJ. Obesity prevention: the case for action.Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 2002; 26:425- 36. 36. 2011 UDK Diyabet Tanı ve Tedavi Rehberi. 4-1 / 4-7Tıbbi Beslenme Tedavisi ve Egzersiz. 37. Mitrakou A, Kelley D, Mokan M, Veneman T, PagburnT, Reilly J, Gerich J. Role of reduced suppression ofglucose production and di- minished early insulin re-lease in impaired glucose tolerance. N Engl JMed.326:22-29,1992. 38. Chiasson JL, Josse RG, Gomis R, Hanefeld M, Kara-sik A, Laakso M. Acarbose for prevention of type 2 dia-betes mellitus: the STOP-NIDDM randomized trial.Lancet 2002; 359:2072- 77 14.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Dyt. Hatice Karslıoğlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 5 Nisan 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Karslıoğlu, D. H. (2019). Obezite, Tip 2 Diyabet ve Beslenme. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri, 7(3), 36-43.
AMA Karslıoğlu DH. Obezite, Tip 2 Diyabet ve Beslenme. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri. Nisan 2019;7(3):36-43.
Chicago Karslıoğlu, Dyt. Hatice. “Obezite, Tip 2 Diyabet Ve Beslenme”. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri 7, sy. 3 (Nisan 2019): 36-43.
EndNote Karslıoğlu DH (01 Nisan 2019) Obezite, Tip 2 Diyabet ve Beslenme. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri 7 3 36–43.
IEEE D. H. Karslıoğlu, “Obezite, Tip 2 Diyabet ve Beslenme”, Klinik Tıp Bilimleri, c. 7, sy. 3, ss. 36–43, 2019.
ISNAD Karslıoğlu, Dyt. Hatice. “Obezite, Tip 2 Diyabet Ve Beslenme”. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri 7/3 (Nisan 2019), 36-43.
JAMA Karslıoğlu DH. Obezite, Tip 2 Diyabet ve Beslenme. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri. 2019;7:36–43.
MLA Karslıoğlu, Dyt. Hatice. “Obezite, Tip 2 Diyabet Ve Beslenme”. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri, c. 7, sy. 3, 2019, ss. 36-43.
Vancouver Karslıoğlu DH. Obezite, Tip 2 Diyabet ve Beslenme. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri. 2019;7(3):36-43.