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Gastrointestinal Tract Diseases Related With Food Allergy

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 5, 21 - 32, 10.09.2017



Gastrointestinal (GI) food allergy has become an important global health problem with its rapidly increasing prevalence across the world. Although it is more common in early childhood, it may occur in all age groups. Food allergy related gastrointestinal system (GIS) diseases can affect the digestive tract from mouth to anus butnone of the GI involvements were pathognomonic. The common feature of these diseases is that pathological inflammatory changes occur in the GIS as a result of an immune response to a specific food protein. Clinical progression of the disease may be benign; however, some cases may develop life-long and significant complicationsthat can be life-threatening. Skin prick testing, specificIgE measurement and/or patch testing can be helpful inthe identification of allergen(s) that causes sensitizationin the GI tract. With regard to the suspected disease and clinical manifestations, endoscopic examination and histopathological evaluation may be required for the diagnostic work-up. Dietary elimination is the primary modality for the treatment of such diseases. In cases wherethis intervention is inadequate, anti-inflammatory treatment may need to be used.  Further more, dietary elimination can lead to nutritional deficiencies in patients withfood allergy. It is necessary to regulate the nutrient content of foods consumed by the patients who were on dietary elimination, to meet the needs of calories, proteins,minerals and vitamins. A multidisciplinary approach,which includes the interaction of the pediatric allergists,dieticians and pediatric gastroenterologists is highlyimportant in the management of the GI food allergy.


  • Kaynaklar 1.Novak-Wegrzyn A, Burks AW, Sampson HA. Reactions to food.In: Adkinson NF, Bochner BS, Burks AW, Busse WW, Holga-te ST, Lemanske RF, O’Hei RE, eds. Middleton’s Allergy Prin-ciples and Practice, 8th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier,2014: 1310-39. 2.Sicherer SH, Sampson HA. Food allergy: Epidemiology, pat-hogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment. J Allergy Clin Immunol2014; 133: 291-307. 3.Bock SA, Sampson HA. Evaluation of food allergy. In: LeungDYM, Szefler SJ, Bonilla FA, Akdis CA, Sampson HA, eds. Pe-diatric Allergy Principles and Practice, 3rd ed. Philadelphia:Saunders Elsevier, 2016: 371-76. 4.Wang J. Oral allergy syndrome. In: Leung DYM, Szefler SJ,Bonilla FA, Akdis CA, Sampson HA, eds. Pediatric AllergyPrinciples and Practice, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders Els-evier, 2016: 409-13. 5.Price A, Ramachandran S, Smith GP, Stevenson ML, Pome-ranz MK, Cohen DE. Oral allergy syndrome (pollen-food al-lergy syndrome). Dermatitis 2015; 26: 78-88. 6.Rothenberg ME. Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders. In:Adkinson NF, Bochner BS, Burks AW, Busse WW, Holgate ST,Lemanske RF, O’Hei RE, eds. Middleton’s Allergy Princip-les and Practice, 8th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier, 2014:1095-106. 7.Muir AB, Markowitz JE, Liacouras CA. Allergic and eosinop-hilic gastrointestinal disease. In: Leung DYM, Szefler SJ, Bo-nilla FA, Akdis CA, Sampson HA, eds. Pediatric Allergy Prin-ciples and Practice, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevi-er, 2016: 399-408. 8.Cianferoni A, Spergel JM. Eosinophilic esophagitis andgastroenteritis. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep 2015; 15: 58. 9.Noti M, Wojno ED, Kim BS, et al. Thymic stromal lymphopo-ietin-elicited basophil responses promote eosinophilic esop-hagitis. Nat Med 2013; 19: 1005-13. 10.Spergel JM, Brown-Whitehorn TF, Beausoleil JL, et al. 14 ye-ars of eosinophilic esophagitis: clinical features and progno-sis. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2009; 48: 30-36. 11.Blanchard C, Wang N, Stringer KF, et al. Eotaxin-3 and a uni-quely conserved gene-expression profile in eosinophilicesophagitis. J Clin Invest 2006; 116: 536-47. 12.Rothenberg ME, Spergel JM, Sherrill JD, et al. Common va-riants at 5q22 associate with pediatric eosinophilic esopha-gitis. Nat Genet 2010; 42: 289-91. 13.Sperry SL, Crockett SD, Miller CB, Shaheen NJ, Dellon ES.Esophageal foreign-body impactions: epidemiology, timetrends, and the impact of the increasing prevalence of eosi-nophilic esophagitis. Gastrointest Endosc 2011; 74: 985-91. 14.Papadopoulou A, Koletzko S, Heuschkel R, Dias JA, Allen KJ,Murch SH; ESPGHAN Eosinophilic Esophagitis Working Gro-up and the Gastroenterology Committee. Management guide-lines of eosinophilic esophagitis in childhood. J Pediatr Gas-troenterol Nutr 2014; 58: 107-18. 15.Katzka DA. Eosinophilic esophagitis and proton pump-respon-sive esophageal eosinophilia: what is in a name? Clin Gas-troenterol Hepatol 2014; 12: 2023-25. 16.Sayej WN, Patel R, Baker RD, Tron E, Baker SS. Treatmentwith high-dose proton pump inhibitors helps distinguish eo-sinophilic esophagitis from noneosinophilic esophagitis. J Pe-diatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2009; 49: 393-99. 17.Ram G, Lee J, Ott M, et al. Seasonal exacerbation of esop-hageal eosinophilia in children with eosinophilic esophagi-tis and allergic rhinitis. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2015;115 (3): 224-28. 18.Liacouras CA, Furuta GT, Hirano I, et al. Eosinophilic esop-hagitis: updated consensus recommendations for children andadults. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2011; 128: 3-20. 19.Park JY, Zhang X, Nguyen N, Souza RF, Spechler SJ, ChengE. Proton pump inhibitors decrease eotaxin-3 expression inthe proximal esophagus of children with esophageal eosinop-hilia. PLoS One 2014; 9: e101391. 20.DeBrosse CW, Franciosi JP, King EC, et al. Long-term out-comes in pediatric-onset esophageal eosinophilia. J AllergyClin Immunol 2011; 128: 132-38. 21.Reed C, Woosley JT, Dellon ES. Clinical characteristics, treatmentoutcomes, and resource utilization in children and adults with eo-sinophilic gastroenteritis. Dig Liver Dis 2015; 47: 197-201. 22.Ko HM, Morotti RA, Yershov O, Chehade M. Eosinophilic gas-tritis in children: clinicopathological correlation, disease co-urse, and response to therapy. Am J Gastroenterol 2014; 109:1277-85. 23.Pelz BJ, Bryce PJ. Pathophysiology of food allergy. PediatrClin North Am 2015; 62: 1363-75. 24.Pineton de Chambrun G, Gonzalez F, Canva JY, et al. Natu-ral history of eosinophilic gastroenteritis. Clin GastroenterolHepatol 2011; 9: 950-56. 25.Prussin C, Lee J, Foster B. Eosinophilic gastrointestinal di-sease and peanut allergy are alternatively associated with IL-5+ and IL-5(-) T(H)2 responses. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2009;124: 1326-32. 26.Caldwell JM, Collins MH, Stucke EM, et al. Histologic eosi-nophilic gastritis is a systemic disorder associated with blo-od and extragastric eosinophilia, TH2 immunity, and a uni-que gastric transcriptome. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2014; 134:1114-24. 27.Nowak-Wgrzyn A, Katz Y, Mehr SS, Koletzko S. Non-IgE-me-diated gastrointestinal food allergy. J Allergy Clin Immunol2015; 135: 1114-24.2 8.Nowak-Wegrzyn A, Spergel JM. FPIES: not so rare after all!J Allergy Clin Immunol 2017; pii: S0091-6749(17)31276-9. 29.Nowak-Wgrzyn A, Chehade M, Groetch ME, et al. Interna-tional consensus guidelines for the diagnosis and managementof food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome: Executive Sum-mary-Workgroup Report of the Adverse Reactions to FoodsCommittee, American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immu-nology. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2017; 139: 1111-26. 30.Katz Y, Goldberg MR, Rajuan N, Cohen A, Leshno M. The pre-valence and natural course of food protein-induced enteroco-litis syndrome to cow's milk: a large-scale, prospective popu-lation-based study. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2011; 127: 647-53. 31.Leonard SA, Nowak-Wgrzyn A. Food protein-induced entero-colitis syndrome. Pediatr Clin North Am 2015; 62: 1463-77. 32.Nowak-Wegrzyn A, Sicherer SH. Enterocolitis, proctocolitis, andenteropathies. In: Leung DYM, Szefler SJ, Bonilla FA, AkdisCA, Sampson HA, eds. Pediatric Allergy Principles and Prac-tice, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier, 2016: 392-98. 33.Holbrook T, Keet CA, Frischmeyer-Guerrerio PA, Wood RA.Use of ondansetron for food protein-induced enterocolitissyndrome. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2013; 132: 1219-20. 34.Ruffner MA, Ruymann K, Barni S, Cianferoni A, Brown-Whi-tehorn T, Spergel JM. Food protein-induced enterocolitissyndrome: insights from review of a large referral populati-on. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2013; 1: 343-49. 35.Caubet JC, Ford LS, Sickles L, et al. Clinical features and re-solution of food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome: 10-year experience. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2014; 134: 382-89. 36.Elizur A, Cohen M, Goldberg MR, et al. Cow's milk associa-ted rectal bleeding: a population based prospective study. Pe-diatr Allergy Immunol 2012; 23: 766-70. 37.Xanthakos SA, Schwimmer JB, Melin-Aldana H, Rothenberg ME,Witte DP, Cohen MB. Prevalence and outcome of allergic co-litis in healthy infants with rectal bleeding: a prospective co-hort study. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2005; 41: 16-22. 38.Luyt D, Ball H, Makwana N, et al; Standards of Care Com-mittee (SOCC) of the British Society for Allergy and ClinicalImmunology (BSACI). BSACI guideline for the diagnosis andmanagement of cow's milk allergy. Clin Exp Allergy 2014; 44:642-72. 39.Elli L, Branchi F, Tomba C, et al. Diagnosis of gluten rela-ted disorders: Celiac disease, wheat allergy and non-celiacgluten sensitivity. World J Gastroenterol 2015; 21: 7110-19.

Besin Alerjisi İle İlişkili Gastrointestinal Sistem Hastalıkları

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 5, 21 - 32, 10.09.2017



Günümüzde önemli bir sağlık sorunu haline gelen besin alerjisi ile ilişkili gastrointestinal sistem hastalıkların sıklığı her geçen gün artış göstermektedir. Genellikle erken çocukluk döneminde sık görülmelerine karşın tüm yaş gruplarında ortaya çıkabilirler. Besin alerjisi ile ilişkili gastrointestinal hastalıklar ağızdan anüse kadar heryerde semptom ve bulgulara neden olabilirken, bunların hiçbirisi kendileri için spesifik değildir. Bu hastalıkların ortak noktası immün sistemin özgün bir besin proteinine cevap vermesi sonucunda GİS’de patolojik inflamatuvar değişikliklerin oluşmasıdır. Klinik bazılarında iyi seyirli olabilirken, bazıların da hayat boyu devam edebilir ve hayatı tehdit edebilecek önemli komplikasyonlar gelişebilir. Altta yatan immün mekanizmaya göre klinik ile ilişki besin(ler)in tespitinde deri prick testi, spesifik IgE ölçümü ve/veya yama (patch) testi yardımcı olur. Şüphelenilen hastalığa ve klinik özelliklere göre tanısal değerlendirme için endoskopik inceleme ve histopatolojik değerlendirme gerekebilir. Diyet eliminasyonu bu hastalıkların tedavisinin esasını oluşturur. Bu tedavinin yetersiz kaldığı durumlarda antiinflamatuvar tedavilerin kullanılması gerekebilir. Diyet eliminasyonu hastalarda beslenme yetersizliklerine yol açabilir. Özellikle çoklu besin eliminasyonu yapılan her hastanın kalori, protein, mineral ve vitamin ihtiyacını karşılayacak şekilde beslenme içeriğinin düzenlenmesi gereklidir. Bu hastalıkların yönetiminde çocuk alerji, gastroenteroloji ve beslenme uzmanlarının mültidisipliner yaklaşımları oldukça önemlidir.


  • Kaynaklar 1.Novak-Wegrzyn A, Burks AW, Sampson HA. Reactions to food.In: Adkinson NF, Bochner BS, Burks AW, Busse WW, Holga-te ST, Lemanske RF, O’Hei RE, eds. Middleton’s Allergy Prin-ciples and Practice, 8th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier,2014: 1310-39. 2.Sicherer SH, Sampson HA. Food allergy: Epidemiology, pat-hogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment. J Allergy Clin Immunol2014; 133: 291-307. 3.Bock SA, Sampson HA. Evaluation of food allergy. In: LeungDYM, Szefler SJ, Bonilla FA, Akdis CA, Sampson HA, eds. Pe-diatric Allergy Principles and Practice, 3rd ed. Philadelphia:Saunders Elsevier, 2016: 371-76. 4.Wang J. Oral allergy syndrome. In: Leung DYM, Szefler SJ,Bonilla FA, Akdis CA, Sampson HA, eds. Pediatric AllergyPrinciples and Practice, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders Els-evier, 2016: 409-13. 5.Price A, Ramachandran S, Smith GP, Stevenson ML, Pome-ranz MK, Cohen DE. Oral allergy syndrome (pollen-food al-lergy syndrome). Dermatitis 2015; 26: 78-88. 6.Rothenberg ME. Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders. In:Adkinson NF, Bochner BS, Burks AW, Busse WW, Holgate ST,Lemanske RF, O’Hei RE, eds. Middleton’s Allergy Princip-les and Practice, 8th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier, 2014:1095-106. 7.Muir AB, Markowitz JE, Liacouras CA. Allergic and eosinop-hilic gastrointestinal disease. In: Leung DYM, Szefler SJ, Bo-nilla FA, Akdis CA, Sampson HA, eds. Pediatric Allergy Prin-ciples and Practice, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevi-er, 2016: 399-408. 8.Cianferoni A, Spergel JM. Eosinophilic esophagitis andgastroenteritis. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep 2015; 15: 58. 9.Noti M, Wojno ED, Kim BS, et al. Thymic stromal lymphopo-ietin-elicited basophil responses promote eosinophilic esop-hagitis. Nat Med 2013; 19: 1005-13. 10.Spergel JM, Brown-Whitehorn TF, Beausoleil JL, et al. 14 ye-ars of eosinophilic esophagitis: clinical features and progno-sis. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2009; 48: 30-36. 11.Blanchard C, Wang N, Stringer KF, et al. Eotaxin-3 and a uni-quely conserved gene-expression profile in eosinophilicesophagitis. J Clin Invest 2006; 116: 536-47. 12.Rothenberg ME, Spergel JM, Sherrill JD, et al. Common va-riants at 5q22 associate with pediatric eosinophilic esopha-gitis. Nat Genet 2010; 42: 289-91. 13.Sperry SL, Crockett SD, Miller CB, Shaheen NJ, Dellon ES.Esophageal foreign-body impactions: epidemiology, timetrends, and the impact of the increasing prevalence of eosi-nophilic esophagitis. Gastrointest Endosc 2011; 74: 985-91. 14.Papadopoulou A, Koletzko S, Heuschkel R, Dias JA, Allen KJ,Murch SH; ESPGHAN Eosinophilic Esophagitis Working Gro-up and the Gastroenterology Committee. Management guide-lines of eosinophilic esophagitis in childhood. J Pediatr Gas-troenterol Nutr 2014; 58: 107-18. 15.Katzka DA. Eosinophilic esophagitis and proton pump-respon-sive esophageal eosinophilia: what is in a name? Clin Gas-troenterol Hepatol 2014; 12: 2023-25. 16.Sayej WN, Patel R, Baker RD, Tron E, Baker SS. Treatmentwith high-dose proton pump inhibitors helps distinguish eo-sinophilic esophagitis from noneosinophilic esophagitis. J Pe-diatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2009; 49: 393-99. 17.Ram G, Lee J, Ott M, et al. Seasonal exacerbation of esop-hageal eosinophilia in children with eosinophilic esophagi-tis and allergic rhinitis. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2015;115 (3): 224-28. 18.Liacouras CA, Furuta GT, Hirano I, et al. Eosinophilic esop-hagitis: updated consensus recommendations for children andadults. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2011; 128: 3-20. 19.Park JY, Zhang X, Nguyen N, Souza RF, Spechler SJ, ChengE. Proton pump inhibitors decrease eotaxin-3 expression inthe proximal esophagus of children with esophageal eosinop-hilia. PLoS One 2014; 9: e101391. 20.DeBrosse CW, Franciosi JP, King EC, et al. Long-term out-comes in pediatric-onset esophageal eosinophilia. J AllergyClin Immunol 2011; 128: 132-38. 21.Reed C, Woosley JT, Dellon ES. Clinical characteristics, treatmentoutcomes, and resource utilization in children and adults with eo-sinophilic gastroenteritis. Dig Liver Dis 2015; 47: 197-201. 22.Ko HM, Morotti RA, Yershov O, Chehade M. Eosinophilic gas-tritis in children: clinicopathological correlation, disease co-urse, and response to therapy. Am J Gastroenterol 2014; 109:1277-85. 23.Pelz BJ, Bryce PJ. Pathophysiology of food allergy. PediatrClin North Am 2015; 62: 1363-75. 24.Pineton de Chambrun G, Gonzalez F, Canva JY, et al. Natu-ral history of eosinophilic gastroenteritis. Clin GastroenterolHepatol 2011; 9: 950-56. 25.Prussin C, Lee J, Foster B. Eosinophilic gastrointestinal di-sease and peanut allergy are alternatively associated with IL-5+ and IL-5(-) T(H)2 responses. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2009;124: 1326-32. 26.Caldwell JM, Collins MH, Stucke EM, et al. Histologic eosi-nophilic gastritis is a systemic disorder associated with blo-od and extragastric eosinophilia, TH2 immunity, and a uni-que gastric transcriptome. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2014; 134:1114-24. 27.Nowak-Wgrzyn A, Katz Y, Mehr SS, Koletzko S. Non-IgE-me-diated gastrointestinal food allergy. J Allergy Clin Immunol2015; 135: 1114-24.2 8.Nowak-Wegrzyn A, Spergel JM. FPIES: not so rare after all!J Allergy Clin Immunol 2017; pii: S0091-6749(17)31276-9. 29.Nowak-Wgrzyn A, Chehade M, Groetch ME, et al. Interna-tional consensus guidelines for the diagnosis and managementof food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome: Executive Sum-mary-Workgroup Report of the Adverse Reactions to FoodsCommittee, American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immu-nology. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2017; 139: 1111-26. 30.Katz Y, Goldberg MR, Rajuan N, Cohen A, Leshno M. The pre-valence and natural course of food protein-induced enteroco-litis syndrome to cow's milk: a large-scale, prospective popu-lation-based study. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2011; 127: 647-53. 31.Leonard SA, Nowak-Wgrzyn A. Food protein-induced entero-colitis syndrome. Pediatr Clin North Am 2015; 62: 1463-77. 32.Nowak-Wegrzyn A, Sicherer SH. Enterocolitis, proctocolitis, andenteropathies. In: Leung DYM, Szefler SJ, Bonilla FA, AkdisCA, Sampson HA, eds. Pediatric Allergy Principles and Prac-tice, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier, 2016: 392-98. 33.Holbrook T, Keet CA, Frischmeyer-Guerrerio PA, Wood RA.Use of ondansetron for food protein-induced enterocolitissyndrome. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2013; 132: 1219-20. 34.Ruffner MA, Ruymann K, Barni S, Cianferoni A, Brown-Whi-tehorn T, Spergel JM. Food protein-induced enterocolitissyndrome: insights from review of a large referral populati-on. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2013; 1: 343-49. 35.Caubet JC, Ford LS, Sickles L, et al. Clinical features and re-solution of food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome: 10-year experience. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2014; 134: 382-89. 36.Elizur A, Cohen M, Goldberg MR, et al. Cow's milk associa-ted rectal bleeding: a population based prospective study. Pe-diatr Allergy Immunol 2012; 23: 766-70. 37.Xanthakos SA, Schwimmer JB, Melin-Aldana H, Rothenberg ME,Witte DP, Cohen MB. Prevalence and outcome of allergic co-litis in healthy infants with rectal bleeding: a prospective co-hort study. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2005; 41: 16-22. 38.Luyt D, Ball H, Makwana N, et al; Standards of Care Com-mittee (SOCC) of the British Society for Allergy and ClinicalImmunology (BSACI). BSACI guideline for the diagnosis andmanagement of cow's milk allergy. Clin Exp Allergy 2014; 44:642-72. 39.Elli L, Branchi F, Tomba C, et al. Diagnosis of gluten rela-ted disorders: Celiac disease, wheat allergy and non-celiacgluten sensitivity. World J Gastroenterol 2015; 21: 7110-19.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm makale

Doç. Dr. Mustafa Arga

Yayımlanma Tarihi 10 Eylül 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 5

Kaynak Göster

APA Arga, D. D. M. (2017). Besin Alerjisi İle İlişkili Gastrointestinal Sistem Hastalıkları. Klinik Tıp Pediatri Dergisi, 9(5), 21-32.
AMA Arga DDM. Besin Alerjisi İle İlişkili Gastrointestinal Sistem Hastalıkları. Pediatri. Eylül 2017;9(5):21-32.
Chicago Arga, Doç. Dr. Mustafa. “Besin Alerjisi İle İlişkili Gastrointestinal Sistem Hastalıkları”. Klinik Tıp Pediatri Dergisi 9, sy. 5 (Eylül 2017): 21-32.
EndNote Arga DDM (01 Eylül 2017) Besin Alerjisi İle İlişkili Gastrointestinal Sistem Hastalıkları. Klinik Tıp Pediatri Dergisi 9 5 21–32.
IEEE D. D. M. Arga, “Besin Alerjisi İle İlişkili Gastrointestinal Sistem Hastalıkları”, Pediatri, c. 9, sy. 5, ss. 21–32, 2017.
ISNAD Arga, Doç. Dr. Mustafa. “Besin Alerjisi İle İlişkili Gastrointestinal Sistem Hastalıkları”. Klinik Tıp Pediatri Dergisi 9/5 (Eylül 2017), 21-32.
JAMA Arga DDM. Besin Alerjisi İle İlişkili Gastrointestinal Sistem Hastalıkları. Pediatri. 2017;9:21–32.
MLA Arga, Doç. Dr. Mustafa. “Besin Alerjisi İle İlişkili Gastrointestinal Sistem Hastalıkları”. Klinik Tıp Pediatri Dergisi, c. 9, sy. 5, 2017, ss. 21-32.
Vancouver Arga DDM. Besin Alerjisi İle İlişkili Gastrointestinal Sistem Hastalıkları. Pediatri. 2017;9(5):21-32.