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Çıplak asgariye razı olmak için kişisel sevgi standartlarından boşanmak. İnsanlar ilgili çatışmalar ve algılanan sevginin solması ile nasıl başa çıkıyor?

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 146 - 162, 27.06.2023


Hint kültürü, flört kültürünü hayatın doğal bir olayı olarak görme fikrine ısındıkça, paralel olarak ilişkilerin açıklığında ve gençler, genç yetişkinler ve hatta diğer yaşlar arasındaki flört ilişkilerindeki artış sıklığında bir değişim gördük. gruplar. Yine de, çok sayıda insan, belirli bir noktadan sonra mutsuzluk veya doyumsuz ilişkiler bildirmektedir. İlişkilerin kurulması arttıkça, ilişkilerin kopması da artıyor. Görünüşte basit bir kelime olan “Sevgi”, sevgi verme/alma, değerliliği etkileme, bağlanma yaralarını açma ve ilişki dinamiklerine karar verme gücünü taşır. Bu nedenle, bu araştırmanın amacı romantik ilişkilerin temellerini hedef almaktı. Beklenen ve alınan sevgi arasındaki tutarsızlıkla uğraşan ve aynı anda sağlıksız dinamiklere yol açan ortaya çıkan zorluklarla başa çıkan insanların deneyimlerini inceliyoruz. Fenomenolojiyi kullanarak, duygulanım uyuşmazlığını yaşayan ve duygulanım azalmasını ele alan 12 kişiyle derinlemesine, bire bir görüşme yoluyla verileri elde ettik. Sonuçlar, ideal sevginin unsurlarını, alınan ve beklenen sevgi arasındaki farkı, katılımcıların tamamlanmamış ilişkilere katkılarını ve ortak başa çıkma davranışlarını vurgulamaktadır. Makale, çıkarımlar, sınırlamalar ve gelecekteki araştırma yönergeleri ile sona ermektedir.


  • Ackerman, D. (1994). A natural history of love. New York: Random House
  • Baumeister, R. F., & Leary, M. R. (1995). The need to belong: Desire for interpersonal attachments as a fundamental human motivation. Psychological Bulletin, 117(3), 497–529.
  • Berk, Michele S.; Andersen, Susan M. (2008). The Sting of Lack of Affection: Chronic Goal Dissatisfaction in Transference. Journal, Self and Identity, 7(4), 393–412.
  • Bowlby, J. (1973). Affectional bonds: Their nature and origin. In R. S. Weiss (Ed.), Loneliness: The experience of emotional and social isolation. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
  • Connolly, J. A., & Goldberg, A. (1999). Romantic relationships in adolescence: the role of friends and peers in their emergence and development. In W. Furman, B. Brown, & C. Feiring (Eds.), The development of romantic relationships in adolescence (pp. 266-290). NY: Cambridge University Press
  • Crooks, R., & Baur, K. (2014). Our sexuality (12th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth
  • Dainton, M., Stafford, L., & Canary, D. J. (1994). Maintenance strategies and physical affection as predictors of love, liking, and satisfaction in marriage. Communication Reports, 7(2), 88–98.
  • Drigotas, S. M., & Rusbult, C. E. (1992). Should I stay or should I go? A dependence model of breakups. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 62(1), 62–87.
  • Felmlee, D. H. (1995). Fatal Attractions: Affection and Disaffection in Intimate Relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 12(2), 295–311.
  • Fisher, H. E., Aron, A., & Brown, L. L. (2006). Romantic love: a mammalian brain system for mate choice. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 361(1476), 2173–2186.
  • Floyd, K. (1997). Knowing when to say ‘‘I love you’’: An expectancy approach to affectionate communication. Communication Research Reports, 14(3), 321–330.
  • Fraley, R. C., & Shaver, P. R. (2000). Adult romantic attachment: Theoretical developments, emerging controversies, and unanswered questions. Review of General Psychology, 4(2), 132–154.
  • Gordon, A. M., Impett, E. A., Kogan, A., Oveis, C., & Keltner, D. (2012). To have and to hold: Gratitude promotes relationship maintenance in intimate bonds. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 103(2), 257–274.
  • Hatfield, E. C., Pillemer, J. T., O'Brien, M. U., & Le, Y. C. L. (2008). The endurance of love: Passionate and companionate love in newlywed and long-term marriages. Interpersona, 2(1), 35-64.
  • Hemesath, C. (2016). Falling out of romantic love: A phenomenological study of the meaning of love in marriage.
  • Horan, S. M., & Booth-Butterfield, M. (2011). Is It Worth Lying for? Physiological and Emotional Implications of Recalling Deceptive Affection. Human Communication Research, 37(1), 78–106.
  • Horan, S. M., & Booth-Butterfield, M. (2013). Understanding the Routine Expression of Deceptive Affection in Romantic Relationships. Communication Quarterly, 61(2), 195-216.
  • Johnson, M. P. (1973). Commitment: A conceptual structure and empirical application. The Sociological Quarterly, 14(3), 395–406.
  • Kayser, K. (1993). When love dies: The process of marital disaffection. New York: Guilford Press.
  • Knapp, M.L., & Vangelisti, A.L. (1996). Interpersonal communication and human relationships (3rd ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  • Lavner, J. A., Karney, B. R., & Bradbury, T. N. (2013). Newlyweds' optimistic forecasts of their marriage: for better or for worse? Journal of family psychology: JFP: journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43), 27(4), 531–540.
  • Lemay, E. P., & Venaglia, R. B. (2016). Relationship Expectations and Relationship Quality. Review of General Psychology, 20(1), 57–70.
  • LePera. N [@theholisticpsychologist]. (2022, June, 18). “How unhealed Trauma shows up in relationships. Addiction to chaos, crisis, or fighting as a connection: if we witnessed these”. [Photograph]. Instagram.
  • Luerssen, A., Jhita, G. J., & Ayduk, O. (2017). Putting Yourself on the Line: Self-Esteem and Expressing Affection in Romantic Relationships. Personality & social psychology bulletin, 43(7), 940–956.
  • Marston, P. J., Hecht, M. L., & Robers, T. (1987). `True Love Ways’: The Subjective Experience and Communication of Romantic Love. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 4(4), 387–407.
  • McClanahan, K. K., Gold, J. A., Lenney, E., Ryckman, R. M., & Kulberg, G. E. (1990). Infatuation and Attraction to a Dissimilar Other: Why is Love Blind?. The Journal of social psychology, 130(4), 433–445.
  • Miller, J., & Tedder, B. (2011). The Discrepancy Between Expectations and Reality: Satisfaction in Romantic Relationships.
  • Patrick, H., Knee, C. R., Canevello, A., & Lonsbary, C. (2007). The role of need fulfillment in relationship functioning and well-being: A self-determination theory perspective. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92(3), 434–457.
  • Peel, R. & Caltabiano, N. (2021). Why Do We Sabotage Love? A Thematic Analysis of Lived Experiences of Relationship Breakdown and Maintenance. Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy, 20(2), 99-131.
  • Pendell, S. D. (2002). Affection in interpersonal relationships: Not just a "fond or tender feeling" In W. B. Gudykunst (Ed.), Communication yearbook 26 (pp. 70–115). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
  • Pharaon, V [@mindfulmft]. (2022a, July, 3). “We award ourselves medals for this. We’ve been sold a romanticized narrative that if you can convince someone to change”. [Photograph]. Instagram.
  • Pharaon V [@mindfulmft]. (2022b, June, 14). “Here’s one way you might partner select that’s been showing up in some of my conversations that might be interesting”. [Photograph]. Instagram.
  • Pietromonaco, P. R., & Beck, L. A. (2015). Attachment processes in adult romantic relationships. In M. Mikulincer, P. R. Shaver, J. A. Simpson, & J. F. Dovidio (Eds.), APA handbook of personality and social psychology, Vol. 3. Interpersonal relations (pp. 33–64). American Psychological Association.
  • Pineo, P. C. (1961). Disenchantment in the later years of marriage. Marriage & Family Living, 23, 3–11.
  • Rubin, R. B., Perse, E. M., & Barbato, C. A. (1988). Conceptualization and measurement of interpersonal communication motives. Human Communication Research, 14(4), 602–628.
  • Rusbult, C. E. (1980). Commitment and satisfaction in romantic associations: A test of the investment model. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 16(2), 172–186.
  • Schutz, W. (1958). FIRO: A three-dimensional theory of interpersonal behavior. New York: Rinehart.
  • Shwartz. A. (2018). Love Is Not a Permanent State of Enthusiasm: An Interview with Esther Perel.
  • Sloan, E. (2021). Here Are the Real Differences Between Falling in Love, Being in Love, and Loving Someone.
  • Stanley, S. M., & Markman, H. J. (1992). Assessing commitment in personal relationships. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 54(3), 595–608.
  • Sternberg, R. J. (1987). Liking versus loving: A comparative evaluation of theories. Psychological Bulletin, 102(3), 331–345.
  • Swann, W. B. (1997). The Trouble with Change: Self-Verification and Allegiance to the Self. Psychological Science, 8(3), 177–180.
  • Thibaut, J. W., & Kelley, H. H. (1959). The social psychology of groups. New York: Wiley
  • Venable, M. (2021). It’s Okay to Be Needy in Romantic Relationships.,a%20sign%20of%20emotional%20maturity.&text=%E2%80%9CNeedy%E2%80%9D%20doesn't%20have%20a%20great%20connotation.&text=It's%20actually%20healthy%20to%20have,to%20connect%20in%20a%20relationship
  • Winch, R. F. (1955). The theory of complementary needs in mate selection: a test of one kind of complementariness. American Sociological Review, 20, 52–56.

Divorcing personal standards of affection to settle for the bare minimum. How do people cope with the related conflicts, and perceived fading of affection?

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 146 - 162, 27.06.2023


As the Indian culture is warming up to the idea of dating as a natural occurrence in life, we have parallelly seen a shift in the openness of relationships, and the frequency of increase in dating relationships among youth, young adults, and even other age groups. Yet, a large number of people report unhappiness, or unfulfilled relationships after a certain point in time. As the making of relationships is increasing, so is the breaking of relationships. One seemingly simple word “Affection” carries the power to give/ receive love, influence worthiness, open attachment wounds, and decide the relationship dynamics. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to target the underpinnings of romantic relationships. We study the experience of people dealing with the discrepancy in the expected, and received affection, and simultaneously coping with the challenges that lead to unhealthy dynamics. We used phenomenology and obtained the data through in-depth, one on one interviews of 12 individuals in dating relationships, who have experienced the affection discrepancy, and dealt with the fading of affection. Results highlight the elements of ideal affection, the discrepancy between received, vs expected affection, participants' contribution toward unfulfilled relationships, and common coping behaviors. The article concludes with the implications, limitations, and future research directions.


  • Ackerman, D. (1994). A natural history of love. New York: Random House
  • Baumeister, R. F., & Leary, M. R. (1995). The need to belong: Desire for interpersonal attachments as a fundamental human motivation. Psychological Bulletin, 117(3), 497–529.
  • Berk, Michele S.; Andersen, Susan M. (2008). The Sting of Lack of Affection: Chronic Goal Dissatisfaction in Transference. Journal, Self and Identity, 7(4), 393–412.
  • Bowlby, J. (1973). Affectional bonds: Their nature and origin. In R. S. Weiss (Ed.), Loneliness: The experience of emotional and social isolation. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
  • Connolly, J. A., & Goldberg, A. (1999). Romantic relationships in adolescence: the role of friends and peers in their emergence and development. In W. Furman, B. Brown, & C. Feiring (Eds.), The development of romantic relationships in adolescence (pp. 266-290). NY: Cambridge University Press
  • Crooks, R., & Baur, K. (2014). Our sexuality (12th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth
  • Dainton, M., Stafford, L., & Canary, D. J. (1994). Maintenance strategies and physical affection as predictors of love, liking, and satisfaction in marriage. Communication Reports, 7(2), 88–98.
  • Drigotas, S. M., & Rusbult, C. E. (1992). Should I stay or should I go? A dependence model of breakups. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 62(1), 62–87.
  • Felmlee, D. H. (1995). Fatal Attractions: Affection and Disaffection in Intimate Relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 12(2), 295–311.
  • Fisher, H. E., Aron, A., & Brown, L. L. (2006). Romantic love: a mammalian brain system for mate choice. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 361(1476), 2173–2186.
  • Floyd, K. (1997). Knowing when to say ‘‘I love you’’: An expectancy approach to affectionate communication. Communication Research Reports, 14(3), 321–330.
  • Fraley, R. C., & Shaver, P. R. (2000). Adult romantic attachment: Theoretical developments, emerging controversies, and unanswered questions. Review of General Psychology, 4(2), 132–154.
  • Gordon, A. M., Impett, E. A., Kogan, A., Oveis, C., & Keltner, D. (2012). To have and to hold: Gratitude promotes relationship maintenance in intimate bonds. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 103(2), 257–274.
  • Hatfield, E. C., Pillemer, J. T., O'Brien, M. U., & Le, Y. C. L. (2008). The endurance of love: Passionate and companionate love in newlywed and long-term marriages. Interpersona, 2(1), 35-64.
  • Hemesath, C. (2016). Falling out of romantic love: A phenomenological study of the meaning of love in marriage.
  • Horan, S. M., & Booth-Butterfield, M. (2011). Is It Worth Lying for? Physiological and Emotional Implications of Recalling Deceptive Affection. Human Communication Research, 37(1), 78–106.
  • Horan, S. M., & Booth-Butterfield, M. (2013). Understanding the Routine Expression of Deceptive Affection in Romantic Relationships. Communication Quarterly, 61(2), 195-216.
  • Johnson, M. P. (1973). Commitment: A conceptual structure and empirical application. The Sociological Quarterly, 14(3), 395–406.
  • Kayser, K. (1993). When love dies: The process of marital disaffection. New York: Guilford Press.
  • Knapp, M.L., & Vangelisti, A.L. (1996). Interpersonal communication and human relationships (3rd ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  • Lavner, J. A., Karney, B. R., & Bradbury, T. N. (2013). Newlyweds' optimistic forecasts of their marriage: for better or for worse? Journal of family psychology: JFP: journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43), 27(4), 531–540.
  • Lemay, E. P., & Venaglia, R. B. (2016). Relationship Expectations and Relationship Quality. Review of General Psychology, 20(1), 57–70.
  • LePera. N [@theholisticpsychologist]. (2022, June, 18). “How unhealed Trauma shows up in relationships. Addiction to chaos, crisis, or fighting as a connection: if we witnessed these”. [Photograph]. Instagram.
  • Luerssen, A., Jhita, G. J., & Ayduk, O. (2017). Putting Yourself on the Line: Self-Esteem and Expressing Affection in Romantic Relationships. Personality & social psychology bulletin, 43(7), 940–956.
  • Marston, P. J., Hecht, M. L., & Robers, T. (1987). `True Love Ways’: The Subjective Experience and Communication of Romantic Love. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 4(4), 387–407.
  • McClanahan, K. K., Gold, J. A., Lenney, E., Ryckman, R. M., & Kulberg, G. E. (1990). Infatuation and Attraction to a Dissimilar Other: Why is Love Blind?. The Journal of social psychology, 130(4), 433–445.
  • Miller, J., & Tedder, B. (2011). The Discrepancy Between Expectations and Reality: Satisfaction in Romantic Relationships.
  • Patrick, H., Knee, C. R., Canevello, A., & Lonsbary, C. (2007). The role of need fulfillment in relationship functioning and well-being: A self-determination theory perspective. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92(3), 434–457.
  • Peel, R. & Caltabiano, N. (2021). Why Do We Sabotage Love? A Thematic Analysis of Lived Experiences of Relationship Breakdown and Maintenance. Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy, 20(2), 99-131.
  • Pendell, S. D. (2002). Affection in interpersonal relationships: Not just a "fond or tender feeling" In W. B. Gudykunst (Ed.), Communication yearbook 26 (pp. 70–115). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
  • Pharaon, V [@mindfulmft]. (2022a, July, 3). “We award ourselves medals for this. We’ve been sold a romanticized narrative that if you can convince someone to change”. [Photograph]. Instagram.
  • Pharaon V [@mindfulmft]. (2022b, June, 14). “Here’s one way you might partner select that’s been showing up in some of my conversations that might be interesting”. [Photograph]. Instagram.
  • Pietromonaco, P. R., & Beck, L. A. (2015). Attachment processes in adult romantic relationships. In M. Mikulincer, P. R. Shaver, J. A. Simpson, & J. F. Dovidio (Eds.), APA handbook of personality and social psychology, Vol. 3. Interpersonal relations (pp. 33–64). American Psychological Association.
  • Pineo, P. C. (1961). Disenchantment in the later years of marriage. Marriage & Family Living, 23, 3–11.
  • Rubin, R. B., Perse, E. M., & Barbato, C. A. (1988). Conceptualization and measurement of interpersonal communication motives. Human Communication Research, 14(4), 602–628.
  • Rusbult, C. E. (1980). Commitment and satisfaction in romantic associations: A test of the investment model. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 16(2), 172–186.
  • Schutz, W. (1958). FIRO: A three-dimensional theory of interpersonal behavior. New York: Rinehart.
  • Shwartz. A. (2018). Love Is Not a Permanent State of Enthusiasm: An Interview with Esther Perel.
  • Sloan, E. (2021). Here Are the Real Differences Between Falling in Love, Being in Love, and Loving Someone.
  • Stanley, S. M., & Markman, H. J. (1992). Assessing commitment in personal relationships. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 54(3), 595–608.
  • Sternberg, R. J. (1987). Liking versus loving: A comparative evaluation of theories. Psychological Bulletin, 102(3), 331–345.
  • Swann, W. B. (1997). The Trouble with Change: Self-Verification and Allegiance to the Self. Psychological Science, 8(3), 177–180.
  • Thibaut, J. W., & Kelley, H. H. (1959). The social psychology of groups. New York: Wiley
  • Venable, M. (2021). It’s Okay to Be Needy in Romantic Relationships.,a%20sign%20of%20emotional%20maturity.&text=%E2%80%9CNeedy%E2%80%9D%20doesn't%20have%20a%20great%20connotation.&text=It's%20actually%20healthy%20to%20have,to%20connect%20in%20a%20relationship
  • Winch, R. F. (1955). The theory of complementary needs in mate selection: a test of one kind of complementariness. American Sociological Review, 20, 52–56.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Uygulamalı ve Gelişimsel Psikoloji
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Akshıta Bakshi 0000-0003-1006-1336

Shadab Ahmad Ansari 0000-0002-1831-9912

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Haziran 2023
Kabul Tarihi 13 Haziran 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Bakshi, A., & Ansari, S. A. (2023). Divorcing personal standards of affection to settle for the bare minimum. How do people cope with the related conflicts, and perceived fading of affection?. Kıbrıs Türk Psikiyatri Ve Psikoloji Dergisi, 5(2), 146-162.