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A New Funerary Inscription for a Veteranus from the Elmalı Museum

Yıl 2024, , 72 - 80, 01.07.2024


This article introduces a new funerary inscription kept today at the Elmalı Museum. The inscription is recorded from Mamatlar in the Korkuteli district. In this article, firstly, archaeological and epigraphic documents known from Mamatlar thus far are assessed. Furthermore, the settlement is placed within the boundaries of the Balboura territory based on the evidence gathered from the nearby Tyriaion. It is also considered that the settlement may have been part of a pentakomia, which Tyriaion also included. The funerary inscription erected by his family members indicates that Kleon served as a soldier in the Legio II Adiutrix stationed in Pannonia. It is seen that he returned to his homeland after his retirement from the army. The article also provides information about military inscriptions dated to the Roman Period, recorded from the settlement where the inscription was found and its surroundings. The discussions regarding the possible existence of a colonia within the territory of Balboura are brought together and evaluated, particularly based on the term colonia in the inscriptions documented from the city center of Balboura and the settlement of Tyriaion.


  • Balzat 2014 J. S. Balzat, “Names in EPM- in Southern Asia Minor. A Contribution to the Cultural History of Ancient Lycia”, Chiron 44, 2014, 253–284.
  • Bean 1956 G. E. Bean, “Notes and Inscriptions from the Cibyratis and Caralitis”, Annual of the British School at Athens, Vol. 51, 1956, 136–156.
  • Bean 1971 G. E. Bean, Journeys in Northern Lycia 1965-1967, Wien, 1971.
  • Coulton 2012a J. J. Coulton, The Balboura Survey and Settlement in Highland Southwest Anatolia: 1. Balboura and the history of highland settlement, London, 2012.
  • Coulton 2012b J. J. Coulton, The Balboura Survey and Settlement in Highland Southwest Anatolia:2. The Balboura survey: detailed studies and catalogues, London, 2012.
  • Corsten 2019 Th. Corsten, “Prosopographische und onomastische Notizen V: Magas und Magas”, Philia 5, 2019, 34–40.
  • Çelgin – Çelgin 2000 A. V. Çelgin – G. Çelgin, “Doğu ve Kuzeydoğu Lykia Araştırmaları”, Türkiye Arkeolojisi ve İstanbul Üniversitesi, Ed. O. Belli, İstanbul, 2000, 434–441.
  • Çelgin – Çelgin 2001 A. V. Çelgin – G. Çelgin, “Research in east and northeast Lycia”, Istanbul University’s Contribution to Archaeology in Turkey, Ed. O. Belli, İstanbul, 2001, 392–399.
  • Dzino 2010 D. Dzino, Illyricum in Roman Politics 229 BC-AD 68, Cambridge, 2010.
  • Dzino 2017 D. Dzino, “The Division of Illyricum in Tiberian Era: Long Term Significance”, Tiberius in Illyricum: Contributions to the History of the Danubian Provinces under Tiberius’ Reign, 14-37 AD (Hungarian Polis Studies Nr. 24), Ed. P. Kovács, Budapest-Debrecen, 2017, 41–54.
  • Farnum 2005 J. H. Farnum, The Positioning of the Roman Imperial Legions. Oxford, 2005.
  • Fitz 1962 J. Fitz, “A Military History of Pannonia from the Marcomann Wars to the Death of Alexander Severus (180-235)”, Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 14, 1962, 25–112.
  • Fitz 2000 J. Fitz 2000, “Probleme der Zweiteilung Illyricums”, Alba Regia 29, 2000, 65–73.
  • Frere 1978 S. Frere 1978, Britannia. A History of Roman Britain (second, revised edition), London, 1978.
  • Heberdey – Kalinka 1896 R. Heberdey – E. Kalinka, Bericht über zwei Reisen im südwestlichen Kleinasien, (Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, 45.1), Wien, 1896. Hellenkemper – Hild 2004 H. Hellenkemper – F. Hild, Tabula Imperii Byzantini 8: Lykien und Pamphylien, (Denkschriften der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Denkschriften 320), Wien, 2004.
  • İplikçioğlu v.d. 2000 B. İplikçioğlu – G. Çelgin – A. V. Çelgin, “Doğu ve Kuzeydoğu Lykia – Güneybatı Pisidia Epigrafik – Tarihi Coğrafi Yüzey Araştırmaları (1991-1998 Çalışmaları)”, Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı 17.1, 2000, 199–207.
  • Kovács 2007 P. Kovács, “A Pisidian Veteran and the First Mention of Pannonia”, Tyche 22, 2007, 99–107.
  • Kovács 2008 P. Kovács, “Some Notes on the Division of Illyricum”, Die Römischen Provinzen. Begriff und Gründung, Ed. I. Piso, Cluj-Napoca, 2008, 237–247.
  • Kovács 2014 P. Kovács, A History of Pannonia during the Principate (Abhandlungen zur Alten Geschichte 65), Bonn, 2014.
  • LGPN V.B “A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names. Volume V.B: Coastal Asia Minor: Caria to Cilicia”, Ed. J. S. Balzat – R. W. V. Catling – É. Chiricat – F. Marchand – T. Corsten, Oxford, 2013.
  • LGPN V.C. “A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names VC: Inland Asia Minor”, Ed. J. S. Balzat _ R. W.V. Catling – É. Chiricat – T. Corsten, Oxford, 2018.
  • Lörincz 1981 B. Lörincz, “Some Remarks on the History of the Pannonian Legions in the Late First and Early Second Centuries A.D.”, Alba Regia 19, 1981, 285–288.
  • Lörincz 2000 B. Lörincz, “Legio I Adiutrix”, Les légions de Rome sous le Haut-Empire. Tome I. Actes du congrès de Lyon, 17-19 septembre 1998, Ed. Y. Le Bohec – C. Wolff, Lyon, 2000, 159–168.
  • Milner 1998 N. P. Milner, An Epigraphical Survey of the Kibyra-Olbasa Region Conducted by A. S. Hall, (British Institute of Archae-ology at Ankara Monograph 24), London, 1998.
  • Mirković 2017 M. Mirković, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of History Center For Historical Research Monographs Book 1 / Historical Archive “Srem” Sremska Mitrovica Monographs Book 13, Sirmium: Its History from the First Century AD to 582 AD, Sremska Mitrovica-Novi Sad, 2017.
  • Mócsy 1974 A. Mócsy, Pannonia and Upper Moesia: A History of the Middle Danube Provinces of the Roman Empire, Londra, 1974.
  • Naour 1980 Ch. Naour, Tyriaion en Cabalide. Épigraphie et géographie historique, Zutphen, 1980.
  • Németh 1976 M. Németh, “Septimius Severus 202. Évi látogatásának újabb feliratos emléke Aquincumból / A Further Epigraphic Monument from Aquincum of the Visit of Septimius Severus in the Year 202 A.D.”, Budapest Régiségei XXIV.1, 1976, 193–197.
  • Parker 1928 H. M. D. Parker, The Roman Legions, Oxford, 1928.
  • Ritterling 1925 E. Ritterling, “Legio”, Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, Band XII/2, 1925, col. 1437–1456.
  • Šašel Kos1997 M. Šašel Kos, “The end of the Norican kingdom and the formation of the provinces of Noricum and Pannonia”, Akten des IV. Internationalen Kolloquiums über Probleme des provinzialrömischen Kunstschaffens / Akti IV Mednarodnega Kolokvija O Problemih Rimske Provincialne Umetnosti, Situla 36. Celje 8.-12. Mai/Maj 1995, Ed. B. Djurić – I. Lazar, Ljubljana, 1997, 21–42.
  • Šašel Kos 2010 M. Šašel Kos, “Pannonia or Lower Illyricum?”, Tyche 25, 2010, 123–130.
  • Šašel Kos 2011 M. Šašel Kos, “The Roman conquest of Dalmatia and Pannonia under Augustus – some of the latest research results”, Fines imperii-imperium sine fine?: Römische Okkupations- und Grenzpolitik im frühen Principat Beiträge zum Kongress “Fines imperii-imperium sine fine?” in Osnabrück vom 14. bis 18. September 2009, Ed. G. Moosbauer – R. Wiegels, Rahden, 2011, 107–117.
  • Šačić Beća 2022 A. Šačić Beća, “The issue of origin and division of the province of Illyricum”, Arheološki radovi i rasprave, Vol. 21, 2022, 87–110.
  • Schuler 1998 C. Schuler, Ländliche Siedlungen und Gemein den im Hellenistischen und römischen Kleinasien, Verlag C. H. Beck, Münih, 1998.
  • Speidel 1984 M. Speidel, “Eagle-Bearer and Trumpeter. The Eagle-Standard and Trumpets of the Roman Legions Illustrated By Three Tombstones Recently Found at Byzantion”, Roman Army Studies, Volume One, Ed. M. Speidel, Amsterdam, 1984, 3–43.
  • Speidel 1992 M. Speidel, “Pannonische Legionen in Carcallas Partherkrieg, Drei Inschriften aus Zeugma am Euphrat”, Roman Army Studies, Volume Two (MAVORS VIII), Ed. M. Speidel, Stuttgart, 1992, 212–217.
  • Syme 1928 R. Syme, “Rhine and Danube Legions under Domitian”, The Journal of Roman Studies 18, 1928, 41–55.
  • Wilkes 2000 J. J. Wilkes, “Roman Legions and Their Fortresses in the Danube Lands (First to Third Centuries AD)”, Fortresses and their Legions, Ed. R. J. Brewer, London-Cardiff, 2000, 101–119.
  • Zgusta 1964 L. Zgusta, Kleinasiatische Personennamen, Prag, 1964.

Elmalı Müzesi’nden Bir Veteranus’a Ait Yeni Bir Mezar Yazıtı

Yıl 2024, , 72 - 80, 01.07.2024


Bu makalede Elmalı Müzesi’nde korunan bir adet yeni mezar yazıtı tanıtılmaktadır. Yazıt, Korkuteli ilçesine bağlı Mamatlar’da ele geçmiştir. Makalede ilk olarak Mamatlar’dan şimdiye kadar bilinen arkeolojik ve epigrafik veriler aktarılmaktadır. Ayrıca yakın çevresindeki Tyriaion’dan ele geçen veriler çerçevesinde yerleşim Balboura teritoryumu sınırları içerisine yerleştirilmektedir. Bununla birlikte yerleşimin Tyriaion’un da içinde bulunduğu bir pentakomia birlikteliği içinde yer almış olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Aile üyeleri tarafından kendisi için dikilmiş olan mezar yazıtından Kleon’un Pannonia’da konuşlanmış II. Adiutrix lejyonunda askerlik hizmeti yapmış olduğu öğrenilmektedir. Kleon’un emekliliğinden sonra vatanına geri dönmüş olduğu görülmektedir. Makalede ayrıca yazıtın bulunduğu yerleşim ve çevresinden ele geçen Roma Dönemi’ne ait askeri yazıtlar hakkında bilgi verilmektedir. Özellikle Balboura kent merkezinden ve Tyriaion yerleşiminden belgelenen yazıtlarda geçen colonia ifadesi temelinde Balboura kent teritoryumunda olası bir colonia varlığına dair yapılan tartışmalar bir araya getirilerek değerlendirilmektedir.


  • Balzat 2014 J. S. Balzat, “Names in EPM- in Southern Asia Minor. A Contribution to the Cultural History of Ancient Lycia”, Chiron 44, 2014, 253–284.
  • Bean 1956 G. E. Bean, “Notes and Inscriptions from the Cibyratis and Caralitis”, Annual of the British School at Athens, Vol. 51, 1956, 136–156.
  • Bean 1971 G. E. Bean, Journeys in Northern Lycia 1965-1967, Wien, 1971.
  • Coulton 2012a J. J. Coulton, The Balboura Survey and Settlement in Highland Southwest Anatolia: 1. Balboura and the history of highland settlement, London, 2012.
  • Coulton 2012b J. J. Coulton, The Balboura Survey and Settlement in Highland Southwest Anatolia:2. The Balboura survey: detailed studies and catalogues, London, 2012.
  • Corsten 2019 Th. Corsten, “Prosopographische und onomastische Notizen V: Magas und Magas”, Philia 5, 2019, 34–40.
  • Çelgin – Çelgin 2000 A. V. Çelgin – G. Çelgin, “Doğu ve Kuzeydoğu Lykia Araştırmaları”, Türkiye Arkeolojisi ve İstanbul Üniversitesi, Ed. O. Belli, İstanbul, 2000, 434–441.
  • Çelgin – Çelgin 2001 A. V. Çelgin – G. Çelgin, “Research in east and northeast Lycia”, Istanbul University’s Contribution to Archaeology in Turkey, Ed. O. Belli, İstanbul, 2001, 392–399.
  • Dzino 2010 D. Dzino, Illyricum in Roman Politics 229 BC-AD 68, Cambridge, 2010.
  • Dzino 2017 D. Dzino, “The Division of Illyricum in Tiberian Era: Long Term Significance”, Tiberius in Illyricum: Contributions to the History of the Danubian Provinces under Tiberius’ Reign, 14-37 AD (Hungarian Polis Studies Nr. 24), Ed. P. Kovács, Budapest-Debrecen, 2017, 41–54.
  • Farnum 2005 J. H. Farnum, The Positioning of the Roman Imperial Legions. Oxford, 2005.
  • Fitz 1962 J. Fitz, “A Military History of Pannonia from the Marcomann Wars to the Death of Alexander Severus (180-235)”, Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 14, 1962, 25–112.
  • Fitz 2000 J. Fitz 2000, “Probleme der Zweiteilung Illyricums”, Alba Regia 29, 2000, 65–73.
  • Frere 1978 S. Frere 1978, Britannia. A History of Roman Britain (second, revised edition), London, 1978.
  • Heberdey – Kalinka 1896 R. Heberdey – E. Kalinka, Bericht über zwei Reisen im südwestlichen Kleinasien, (Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, 45.1), Wien, 1896. Hellenkemper – Hild 2004 H. Hellenkemper – F. Hild, Tabula Imperii Byzantini 8: Lykien und Pamphylien, (Denkschriften der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Denkschriften 320), Wien, 2004.
  • İplikçioğlu v.d. 2000 B. İplikçioğlu – G. Çelgin – A. V. Çelgin, “Doğu ve Kuzeydoğu Lykia – Güneybatı Pisidia Epigrafik – Tarihi Coğrafi Yüzey Araştırmaları (1991-1998 Çalışmaları)”, Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı 17.1, 2000, 199–207.
  • Kovács 2007 P. Kovács, “A Pisidian Veteran and the First Mention of Pannonia”, Tyche 22, 2007, 99–107.
  • Kovács 2008 P. Kovács, “Some Notes on the Division of Illyricum”, Die Römischen Provinzen. Begriff und Gründung, Ed. I. Piso, Cluj-Napoca, 2008, 237–247.
  • Kovács 2014 P. Kovács, A History of Pannonia during the Principate (Abhandlungen zur Alten Geschichte 65), Bonn, 2014.
  • LGPN V.B “A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names. Volume V.B: Coastal Asia Minor: Caria to Cilicia”, Ed. J. S. Balzat – R. W. V. Catling – É. Chiricat – F. Marchand – T. Corsten, Oxford, 2013.
  • LGPN V.C. “A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names VC: Inland Asia Minor”, Ed. J. S. Balzat _ R. W.V. Catling – É. Chiricat – T. Corsten, Oxford, 2018.
  • Lörincz 1981 B. Lörincz, “Some Remarks on the History of the Pannonian Legions in the Late First and Early Second Centuries A.D.”, Alba Regia 19, 1981, 285–288.
  • Lörincz 2000 B. Lörincz, “Legio I Adiutrix”, Les légions de Rome sous le Haut-Empire. Tome I. Actes du congrès de Lyon, 17-19 septembre 1998, Ed. Y. Le Bohec – C. Wolff, Lyon, 2000, 159–168.
  • Milner 1998 N. P. Milner, An Epigraphical Survey of the Kibyra-Olbasa Region Conducted by A. S. Hall, (British Institute of Archae-ology at Ankara Monograph 24), London, 1998.
  • Mirković 2017 M. Mirković, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of History Center For Historical Research Monographs Book 1 / Historical Archive “Srem” Sremska Mitrovica Monographs Book 13, Sirmium: Its History from the First Century AD to 582 AD, Sremska Mitrovica-Novi Sad, 2017.
  • Mócsy 1974 A. Mócsy, Pannonia and Upper Moesia: A History of the Middle Danube Provinces of the Roman Empire, Londra, 1974.
  • Naour 1980 Ch. Naour, Tyriaion en Cabalide. Épigraphie et géographie historique, Zutphen, 1980.
  • Németh 1976 M. Németh, “Septimius Severus 202. Évi látogatásának újabb feliratos emléke Aquincumból / A Further Epigraphic Monument from Aquincum of the Visit of Septimius Severus in the Year 202 A.D.”, Budapest Régiségei XXIV.1, 1976, 193–197.
  • Parker 1928 H. M. D. Parker, The Roman Legions, Oxford, 1928.
  • Ritterling 1925 E. Ritterling, “Legio”, Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, Band XII/2, 1925, col. 1437–1456.
  • Šašel Kos1997 M. Šašel Kos, “The end of the Norican kingdom and the formation of the provinces of Noricum and Pannonia”, Akten des IV. Internationalen Kolloquiums über Probleme des provinzialrömischen Kunstschaffens / Akti IV Mednarodnega Kolokvija O Problemih Rimske Provincialne Umetnosti, Situla 36. Celje 8.-12. Mai/Maj 1995, Ed. B. Djurić – I. Lazar, Ljubljana, 1997, 21–42.
  • Šašel Kos 2010 M. Šašel Kos, “Pannonia or Lower Illyricum?”, Tyche 25, 2010, 123–130.
  • Šašel Kos 2011 M. Šašel Kos, “The Roman conquest of Dalmatia and Pannonia under Augustus – some of the latest research results”, Fines imperii-imperium sine fine?: Römische Okkupations- und Grenzpolitik im frühen Principat Beiträge zum Kongress “Fines imperii-imperium sine fine?” in Osnabrück vom 14. bis 18. September 2009, Ed. G. Moosbauer – R. Wiegels, Rahden, 2011, 107–117.
  • Šačić Beća 2022 A. Šačić Beća, “The issue of origin and division of the province of Illyricum”, Arheološki radovi i rasprave, Vol. 21, 2022, 87–110.
  • Schuler 1998 C. Schuler, Ländliche Siedlungen und Gemein den im Hellenistischen und römischen Kleinasien, Verlag C. H. Beck, Münih, 1998.
  • Speidel 1984 M. Speidel, “Eagle-Bearer and Trumpeter. The Eagle-Standard and Trumpets of the Roman Legions Illustrated By Three Tombstones Recently Found at Byzantion”, Roman Army Studies, Volume One, Ed. M. Speidel, Amsterdam, 1984, 3–43.
  • Speidel 1992 M. Speidel, “Pannonische Legionen in Carcallas Partherkrieg, Drei Inschriften aus Zeugma am Euphrat”, Roman Army Studies, Volume Two (MAVORS VIII), Ed. M. Speidel, Stuttgart, 1992, 212–217.
  • Syme 1928 R. Syme, “Rhine and Danube Legions under Domitian”, The Journal of Roman Studies 18, 1928, 41–55.
  • Wilkes 2000 J. J. Wilkes, “Roman Legions and Their Fortresses in the Danube Lands (First to Third Centuries AD)”, Fortresses and their Legions, Ed. R. J. Brewer, London-Cardiff, 2000, 101–119.
  • Zgusta 1964 L. Zgusta, Kleinasiatische Personennamen, Prag, 1964.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Yunan ve Roma Dönemi Arkeolojisi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Yadigar Doğan 0009-0004-6819-4697

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 21 Haziran 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Doğan, Yadigar. “Elmalı Müzesi’nden Bir Veteranus’a Ait Yeni Bir Mezar Yazıtı”. Lycus Dergisi, sy. 9 (Temmuz 2024): 72-80.

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