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Hierapolis in Phrygia. Sixty Years of Italian Archaeological Research in Turkey

Yıl 2020, Sayı: 1, 99 - 119, 30.06.2020



  • Ahrens 2011-2102 S. Ahrens, “A Set of Western European Pilgrim Badges from Hierapolis of Phrygia”, D’Andria 2011-2012, 67-74.
  • Altunel – D’Andria 2019 E. Altunel – F. D’Andria, “Pamukkale Travertines: A Natural and Cultural Monument in the World Heritage List”, eds. C. Kuzucuoğlu et al., Landscapes and Landforms of Turkey, World Geomorphological Landscapes, 2019, 219-229.
  • Brandt – Hagelberg – Biørnstad – Ahrens 2017 J. R. Brandt – E. Hagelberg – G. Biørnstad – S. Ahrens (eds.), Life and Death in Asia Minor in Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Times. Studies in Archaeology and Bioarchaeology, Studies in Funerary Archaeology, vol. 10, Oxford – Philadelphia, 2017.
  • Caggia 2016 M. P. Caggia, “Prime indagini sul terrazzo dell’Aghiasma: la Chiesa di San Filippo”, D’Andria – Caggia – Ismaelli 2016, 729-766.
  • Caggia 2018 M. P. Caggia, “ Mosaic and opus sectile pavements in the Church of St. Philip in Hierapolis”, Șimșek – Kaçar 2018, 309-324.
  • Campagna 2018 L. Campagna, Il Ninfeo dei Tritoni. Hierapolis di Frigia XI, Istanbul, 2018.
  • Ciancio Rossetto – Pisani Sartorio 2014 P. Ciancio Rossetto – G. Pisani Sartorio, “Recensione a Masino – Mighetto – Sobrà 2012”, Orizzonti, XV, 2014, 169-173.
  • D’Andria 1986, F. D’Andria, “L’Archeologia italiana in Anatolia”, ed. V. La Rosa, L’Archeologia italiana nel Mediterraneo fino alla seconda guerra mondiale, Atti del Convegno di studi (Catania 1985), Catania, 1986, 93-106.
  • D’Andria 2011-2012 F. D’Andria, “Il santuario e la tomba dell’apostolo Filippo a Hierapolis di Frigia”, in Rendiconti Pontificia Accademia Archeologia, 84, 2011-2012, 1-52.
  • D’Andria 2013 F. D’Andria, “Il Ploutonion a Hierapolis di Frigia”, Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2013, 157-217.
  • D’Andria 2014 F. D’Andria., Cehennem’den Cennet’e. Hierapolis (Pamukkale) Ploutonion. Aziz Philippus‘un mezarı ve kutsal alanı, Istanbul, 2014.
  • D’Andria 2016 F. D’Andria, “Il teatro di Hierapolis di Frigia. Anastilosi e restauro della frontescena”, I mille volti del Passato. Scritti in onore di Francesca Ghedini, eds. J. Bonetto – M.S. Busana – A. R. Ghiotto – M. Salvadori – P. Zanovello, Roma 2016, 1017-1028.
  • D’Andria 2017a F. D’Andria, “‘Hierapolis alma Philippum’. Nuovi scavi, ricerche e restauri nel santuario dell’Apostolo”, Rendiconti Pontificia Accademia Archeologia, 2018, 179-201.
  • D’Andria 2017b F. D’Andria, “Phrygia Hierapolis Heykeltırașlığı: kentteki Ayinler, Tören Alayları ve Betimler”, Anadolu’da Heykel, ARKHE, sayı 4, 2017, 36-51.
  • D’Andria 2018a F. D’Andria, “Geç Antik Çağ ve Erken Byzans Dönemi’nde Phrygia Hierapolis’i”, Șimșek – Kaçar 2018, 235-248.
  • D’Andria 2018b F. D’Andria,“Hierapolis Alma Philippum”: Havari’nin Kutsal Alanın’daki yeni Kazılar, Araștırmalar ve Restorasyonlar”, Anadolu/Anatolia, 44, 2018, 83-156.
  • D’Andria 2018c F. D’Andria, “Hierapolis in Phrygia. Tourism-related Use and Abuse of an Archaeological Site. Phrygia Hierapolis’i. Bir Arkeolojik Alanının Turizm İlișkili Kullanımı ve İstismarı”, eds. K. Piesker, B. Akan, D. Göçmen, S. T. Altay, Heritage in Context.2. Archaeology and Tourism, Miras 4, DAI Istanbul, Istanbul, 2018, 201-230.
  • D’Andria 2018d F. D’Andria, “Phrygia Hierapolis’i Tiyatro’su; Skenefronsun Anastylosis ve Restorasyon Çalıșmaları”, Epiphaneia. Prof. Dr. Nuran Șahin’e Armağan Kitabı, Bornova-Izmir, 2018, 75-90.
  • D’Andria 2018e The Ploutonion of Hierapolis in light of recent research (2013-17), in JRA, 31, fasc. 1, 2018, 90-130.
  • D’Andria 2018f F. D’Andria, “Sculpture in the Context of the Ploutonion in Hierapolis”, ed. M. Aurenhammer, Sculpture in Roman Asia Minor. Proceedings of the International Conference at Selçuk, 1-3 October 2013, Wien, 2018, 89-102.
  • D’Andria – Caggia – Ismaelli 2016 F. D’Andria – M. P. Caggia – T. Ismaelli (eds.), Le attività delle campagne di scavo e restauro 2007-2011, Hierapolis di Frigia VIII, Istanbul, 2016.
  • D’Andria – Scardozzi – Spanò 2008 F. D’Andria – G. Scardozzi – A. Spanò, Atlante di Hierapolis di Frigia, Hierapolis di Frigia, II, Istanbul, 2008.
  • D’Andria – Silvestrelli 2000 F. D’Andria –F. Silvestrelli (eds.), Ricerche archeologiche turche nella valle del Lykos. Lykos Vadisi Türk Arkeoloji Araștırmaları, Galatina, 2000.
  • De Giorgi 2018 M. De Giorgi, “Divine Liturgy and Human Skills in the Architectural Sculpture from the Church of the Apostle in Hierapolis (Phrygia)”, Șimșek – Kaçar 2018, 291-308.
  • Duman 2017 B. Duman, Tripolis Araştırmaları. Tripolis ad Maeandrum, I, Istanbul, 2017.
  • Filippini 2018 A. Filippini, “Councillors, Heretics and Archbishops in Late Antique Hierapolis: Recent Epigraphical Findings concerning the City, its Territory and the History of Hierapolis’ Bishoprich (4th-9th Cent.)”, Șimșek – Kaçar 2018, 249-290.
  • Gras 1995 M. Gras, La Méditerranée archaïque, Paris, 1995.
  • Huttner 2013 U. Huttner, Early Christianity in the Lycus Valley, Leiden – Boston, 2013.
  • Ismaelli – Scardozzi 2016 T. Ismaelli –G. Scardozzi (eds.), Ancient Quarries and Building Sites in Asia Minor. Research on Hierapolis in Phrygia and other cities in south-western Anatolia: archaeology, archaeometry, conservation (Bibliotheca archaeologica 45), Bari, 2016.
  • Kumsar – Aydan – Șimșek – D’Andria 2015 H. Kumsar – Ö. Aydan – C. Șimșek – F. D’Andria, “Historical earthquakes that damaged Hierapolis and Laodikeia antique cities and their implications for earthquake potential of Denizli basin in western Turkey”, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 75, 2, 519-536.
  • Limoncelli 2012 M. Limoncelli Il restauro virtuale in archeologia, Roma, 2012.
  • Limoncelli 2017 M. Limoncelli, Virtual Restoration. 1. Paintings and Mosaics, Roma, 2017.
  • Limoncelli 2019 M. Limoncelli, Virtual Hierapolis. Virtual Archaeology and Restoration Project (2007-2015), Hierapolis XIII, Istanbul 2019.
  • Marabini 2015 S. Marabini, “Note illustrative della carta geologica di Hierapolis”, ed. Scardozzi, Istanbul, 2015, 7-11.
  • Marabini – Scardozzi 2015 S. Marabini – G. Scardozzi, “La ricerca geo-archeologica a Hierapolis”, ed. Scardozzi, Istanbul, 2015, 227-268.
  • Masino – Mighetto – Sobrà 2012 F. Masino – P. Mighetto – G. Sobrà (eds.), Restoration and Management of Ancient Theatres in Turkey. Methods, Research, Results, Proceedings of the Hierapolis International Symposium (Karahayıt, Denizli 2007), Galatina, 2012.
  • Mighetto – Galvagno 2016 P. Mighetto – F. Galvagno, “Opera felice il rimettere in posto gli elementi originari ritrovati” (Carta di Atene, cap. 4). Anastilosi e interventi di miglioramento statico del primo ordine della scaenae frons del Teatro”, eds. D’Andria – Caggia – Ismaelli, Istanbul, 2016, 171-190.
  • Musso 2008 O. Musso (ed.), Umanità e ironia di Paolo Verzone, Roma-Bagnasco di Montafia (Asti), 2008.
  • Panarelli 2016 P. Panarelli, “Il cosiddetto “Santuario delle Sorgenti” (Ploutonion): le attività di scavo 2008-2011”, eds. D’Andria – Caggia – Ismaelli, Istanbul, 2016, 293-320.
  • Panarelli 2018 Pio Panarelli, “The Ploutonion of Hierapolis in Phrygia in the Late Ancient and Proto-byzantine Period”, Șimșek – Kaçar 2018, 325-342.
  • Pfanz – Yüce – D’Andria – D’Alessandro – Pfanz – Manetas – Papatheodorou 2014 H. Pfanz – G. Yüce – F. D’Andria – W. D’Alessandro – B. Pfanz – Y. Manetas – G. Papatheodorou, “The Ancient Gates to Hell and their Relevance to Geogenic CO2”, ed. P. Wexler, History of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Toxicology in Antiquity, I, Amsterdam, 2014, 92- 117.
  • Ritti 2017 T. Ritti, Storia e Istituzioni di Hierapolis, Hierapolis di Frigia IX, Istanbul, 2017.
  • Ronchetta 2005 D. Ronchetta (ed.), Paolo Verzone 1902-1986. Tra storia dell’architettura, restauro, archeologia, Torino 2005.
  • Scardozzi 2015 G. Scardozzi (ed.), Nuovo Atlante di Hierapolis di Frigia: cartografia archeologica della città e delle necropoli, Hierapolis di Frigia VII, Istanbul, 2015. Șimșek 2011, C. Șimșek (ed.), Laodikeia Nekropolü (2004-2010 Yılları), Laodikeia Çalιşmalarι, I, Istanbul, 2011.
  • Șimșek 2013 C. Șimșek, Laodikeia (Laodikeia ad Lycum). Laodikeia Çalıșmaları, II, Istanbul, 2013.
  • Șimșek – D’Andria 2017 C. Șimșek – F. D’Andria (eds.), Landscape and History in the Lykos Valley: Laodikeia and Hierapolis in Phrygia, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2017.
  • Șimșek – Kaçar 2018 C. Șimșek – T. Kaçar (eds.), Geç Antik Çağ’da Lykos Vadisi ve Çevresi. The Lykos Valley and Neighbourhood in Late Antiquity, Istanbul, 2018.
  • Vettori – Riminesi – Cantisani – Bracci – Sacchi 2016 S. Vettori – C. Riminesi – E. Cantisani – S. Bracci – B. Sacchi “Marble from Hierapolis: decay, conservation, monitoring of surfaces and environment”, eds. Ismaelli – Scardozzi, Bari, 2016, 557-573.
  • Wong – Brandt – Ahrens – Jaquen – Biørnstad – Nauman – Wenn – Kiesevetter – Laforest – Hagelberg – Lam – Richards 2018 M. Wong – J. R. Brandt – S. Ahrens – K. Jaquen – G. Biørnstad – E. Nauman – C.C. Wenn – H. Kiesevetter – C. Laforest – E. Hagelberg – V. C. Lam – M. Richards 2018, “Pursuing pilgrims: Isotopic investigation of Roman and Byzantine mobility at Hierapolis, Turkey”, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 520-528.
  • Zwingmann 2012 N. Zwingmann, Antiker Tourismus in Kleinasien und den vorgelagerten Inseln: Selbstvergewisserung in der Fremde, Antiquitas. Reihe 1, Abhandlungen zur alten Geschichte 59, Bonn, 2012.

Phrygia Hierapolisi. Türkiye’de İtalyan Arkeoloji Araştırmalarının Altmış Yılı

Yıl 2020, Sayı: 1, 99 - 119, 30.06.2020


The Italian Archaeological Mission in Hierapolis has celebrated, in 2017, sixty years of uninterrupted activity in one of the most important archaeological sites in Turkey. As to-day, Hierapolis was also famous 2000 years ago, due to the natural phenomena associated with the presence of a seismic fault. In a site with such characters it was necessary to assemble a multidisciplinary team, including experts from the fields of seismology and geology in particular. Over the last few decades, the international collaboration has also become consolidated, with projects on the region’s ancient population. At the request of the Turkish authorities, the Mission has conducted an intense programme of restoration.


  • Ahrens 2011-2102 S. Ahrens, “A Set of Western European Pilgrim Badges from Hierapolis of Phrygia”, D’Andria 2011-2012, 67-74.
  • Altunel – D’Andria 2019 E. Altunel – F. D’Andria, “Pamukkale Travertines: A Natural and Cultural Monument in the World Heritage List”, eds. C. Kuzucuoğlu et al., Landscapes and Landforms of Turkey, World Geomorphological Landscapes, 2019, 219-229.
  • Brandt – Hagelberg – Biørnstad – Ahrens 2017 J. R. Brandt – E. Hagelberg – G. Biørnstad – S. Ahrens (eds.), Life and Death in Asia Minor in Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Times. Studies in Archaeology and Bioarchaeology, Studies in Funerary Archaeology, vol. 10, Oxford – Philadelphia, 2017.
  • Caggia 2016 M. P. Caggia, “Prime indagini sul terrazzo dell’Aghiasma: la Chiesa di San Filippo”, D’Andria – Caggia – Ismaelli 2016, 729-766.
  • Caggia 2018 M. P. Caggia, “ Mosaic and opus sectile pavements in the Church of St. Philip in Hierapolis”, Șimșek – Kaçar 2018, 309-324.
  • Campagna 2018 L. Campagna, Il Ninfeo dei Tritoni. Hierapolis di Frigia XI, Istanbul, 2018.
  • Ciancio Rossetto – Pisani Sartorio 2014 P. Ciancio Rossetto – G. Pisani Sartorio, “Recensione a Masino – Mighetto – Sobrà 2012”, Orizzonti, XV, 2014, 169-173.
  • D’Andria 1986, F. D’Andria, “L’Archeologia italiana in Anatolia”, ed. V. La Rosa, L’Archeologia italiana nel Mediterraneo fino alla seconda guerra mondiale, Atti del Convegno di studi (Catania 1985), Catania, 1986, 93-106.
  • D’Andria 2011-2012 F. D’Andria, “Il santuario e la tomba dell’apostolo Filippo a Hierapolis di Frigia”, in Rendiconti Pontificia Accademia Archeologia, 84, 2011-2012, 1-52.
  • D’Andria 2013 F. D’Andria, “Il Ploutonion a Hierapolis di Frigia”, Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2013, 157-217.
  • D’Andria 2014 F. D’Andria., Cehennem’den Cennet’e. Hierapolis (Pamukkale) Ploutonion. Aziz Philippus‘un mezarı ve kutsal alanı, Istanbul, 2014.
  • D’Andria 2016 F. D’Andria, “Il teatro di Hierapolis di Frigia. Anastilosi e restauro della frontescena”, I mille volti del Passato. Scritti in onore di Francesca Ghedini, eds. J. Bonetto – M.S. Busana – A. R. Ghiotto – M. Salvadori – P. Zanovello, Roma 2016, 1017-1028.
  • D’Andria 2017a F. D’Andria, “‘Hierapolis alma Philippum’. Nuovi scavi, ricerche e restauri nel santuario dell’Apostolo”, Rendiconti Pontificia Accademia Archeologia, 2018, 179-201.
  • D’Andria 2017b F. D’Andria, “Phrygia Hierapolis Heykeltırașlığı: kentteki Ayinler, Tören Alayları ve Betimler”, Anadolu’da Heykel, ARKHE, sayı 4, 2017, 36-51.
  • D’Andria 2018a F. D’Andria, “Geç Antik Çağ ve Erken Byzans Dönemi’nde Phrygia Hierapolis’i”, Șimșek – Kaçar 2018, 235-248.
  • D’Andria 2018b F. D’Andria,“Hierapolis Alma Philippum”: Havari’nin Kutsal Alanın’daki yeni Kazılar, Araștırmalar ve Restorasyonlar”, Anadolu/Anatolia, 44, 2018, 83-156.
  • D’Andria 2018c F. D’Andria, “Hierapolis in Phrygia. Tourism-related Use and Abuse of an Archaeological Site. Phrygia Hierapolis’i. Bir Arkeolojik Alanının Turizm İlișkili Kullanımı ve İstismarı”, eds. K. Piesker, B. Akan, D. Göçmen, S. T. Altay, Heritage in Context.2. Archaeology and Tourism, Miras 4, DAI Istanbul, Istanbul, 2018, 201-230.
  • D’Andria 2018d F. D’Andria, “Phrygia Hierapolis’i Tiyatro’su; Skenefronsun Anastylosis ve Restorasyon Çalıșmaları”, Epiphaneia. Prof. Dr. Nuran Șahin’e Armağan Kitabı, Bornova-Izmir, 2018, 75-90.
  • D’Andria 2018e The Ploutonion of Hierapolis in light of recent research (2013-17), in JRA, 31, fasc. 1, 2018, 90-130.
  • D’Andria 2018f F. D’Andria, “Sculpture in the Context of the Ploutonion in Hierapolis”, ed. M. Aurenhammer, Sculpture in Roman Asia Minor. Proceedings of the International Conference at Selçuk, 1-3 October 2013, Wien, 2018, 89-102.
  • D’Andria – Caggia – Ismaelli 2016 F. D’Andria – M. P. Caggia – T. Ismaelli (eds.), Le attività delle campagne di scavo e restauro 2007-2011, Hierapolis di Frigia VIII, Istanbul, 2016.
  • D’Andria – Scardozzi – Spanò 2008 F. D’Andria – G. Scardozzi – A. Spanò, Atlante di Hierapolis di Frigia, Hierapolis di Frigia, II, Istanbul, 2008.
  • D’Andria – Silvestrelli 2000 F. D’Andria –F. Silvestrelli (eds.), Ricerche archeologiche turche nella valle del Lykos. Lykos Vadisi Türk Arkeoloji Araștırmaları, Galatina, 2000.
  • De Giorgi 2018 M. De Giorgi, “Divine Liturgy and Human Skills in the Architectural Sculpture from the Church of the Apostle in Hierapolis (Phrygia)”, Șimșek – Kaçar 2018, 291-308.
  • Duman 2017 B. Duman, Tripolis Araştırmaları. Tripolis ad Maeandrum, I, Istanbul, 2017.
  • Filippini 2018 A. Filippini, “Councillors, Heretics and Archbishops in Late Antique Hierapolis: Recent Epigraphical Findings concerning the City, its Territory and the History of Hierapolis’ Bishoprich (4th-9th Cent.)”, Șimșek – Kaçar 2018, 249-290.
  • Gras 1995 M. Gras, La Méditerranée archaïque, Paris, 1995.
  • Huttner 2013 U. Huttner, Early Christianity in the Lycus Valley, Leiden – Boston, 2013.
  • Ismaelli – Scardozzi 2016 T. Ismaelli –G. Scardozzi (eds.), Ancient Quarries and Building Sites in Asia Minor. Research on Hierapolis in Phrygia and other cities in south-western Anatolia: archaeology, archaeometry, conservation (Bibliotheca archaeologica 45), Bari, 2016.
  • Kumsar – Aydan – Șimșek – D’Andria 2015 H. Kumsar – Ö. Aydan – C. Șimșek – F. D’Andria, “Historical earthquakes that damaged Hierapolis and Laodikeia antique cities and their implications for earthquake potential of Denizli basin in western Turkey”, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 75, 2, 519-536.
  • Limoncelli 2012 M. Limoncelli Il restauro virtuale in archeologia, Roma, 2012.
  • Limoncelli 2017 M. Limoncelli, Virtual Restoration. 1. Paintings and Mosaics, Roma, 2017.
  • Limoncelli 2019 M. Limoncelli, Virtual Hierapolis. Virtual Archaeology and Restoration Project (2007-2015), Hierapolis XIII, Istanbul 2019.
  • Marabini 2015 S. Marabini, “Note illustrative della carta geologica di Hierapolis”, ed. Scardozzi, Istanbul, 2015, 7-11.
  • Marabini – Scardozzi 2015 S. Marabini – G. Scardozzi, “La ricerca geo-archeologica a Hierapolis”, ed. Scardozzi, Istanbul, 2015, 227-268.
  • Masino – Mighetto – Sobrà 2012 F. Masino – P. Mighetto – G. Sobrà (eds.), Restoration and Management of Ancient Theatres in Turkey. Methods, Research, Results, Proceedings of the Hierapolis International Symposium (Karahayıt, Denizli 2007), Galatina, 2012.
  • Mighetto – Galvagno 2016 P. Mighetto – F. Galvagno, “Opera felice il rimettere in posto gli elementi originari ritrovati” (Carta di Atene, cap. 4). Anastilosi e interventi di miglioramento statico del primo ordine della scaenae frons del Teatro”, eds. D’Andria – Caggia – Ismaelli, Istanbul, 2016, 171-190.
  • Musso 2008 O. Musso (ed.), Umanità e ironia di Paolo Verzone, Roma-Bagnasco di Montafia (Asti), 2008.
  • Panarelli 2016 P. Panarelli, “Il cosiddetto “Santuario delle Sorgenti” (Ploutonion): le attività di scavo 2008-2011”, eds. D’Andria – Caggia – Ismaelli, Istanbul, 2016, 293-320.
  • Panarelli 2018 Pio Panarelli, “The Ploutonion of Hierapolis in Phrygia in the Late Ancient and Proto-byzantine Period”, Șimșek – Kaçar 2018, 325-342.
  • Pfanz – Yüce – D’Andria – D’Alessandro – Pfanz – Manetas – Papatheodorou 2014 H. Pfanz – G. Yüce – F. D’Andria – W. D’Alessandro – B. Pfanz – Y. Manetas – G. Papatheodorou, “The Ancient Gates to Hell and their Relevance to Geogenic CO2”, ed. P. Wexler, History of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Toxicology in Antiquity, I, Amsterdam, 2014, 92- 117.
  • Ritti 2017 T. Ritti, Storia e Istituzioni di Hierapolis, Hierapolis di Frigia IX, Istanbul, 2017.
  • Ronchetta 2005 D. Ronchetta (ed.), Paolo Verzone 1902-1986. Tra storia dell’architettura, restauro, archeologia, Torino 2005.
  • Scardozzi 2015 G. Scardozzi (ed.), Nuovo Atlante di Hierapolis di Frigia: cartografia archeologica della città e delle necropoli, Hierapolis di Frigia VII, Istanbul, 2015. Șimșek 2011, C. Șimșek (ed.), Laodikeia Nekropolü (2004-2010 Yılları), Laodikeia Çalιşmalarι, I, Istanbul, 2011.
  • Șimșek 2013 C. Șimșek, Laodikeia (Laodikeia ad Lycum). Laodikeia Çalıșmaları, II, Istanbul, 2013.
  • Șimșek – D’Andria 2017 C. Șimșek – F. D’Andria (eds.), Landscape and History in the Lykos Valley: Laodikeia and Hierapolis in Phrygia, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2017.
  • Șimșek – Kaçar 2018 C. Șimșek – T. Kaçar (eds.), Geç Antik Çağ’da Lykos Vadisi ve Çevresi. The Lykos Valley and Neighbourhood in Late Antiquity, Istanbul, 2018.
  • Vettori – Riminesi – Cantisani – Bracci – Sacchi 2016 S. Vettori – C. Riminesi – E. Cantisani – S. Bracci – B. Sacchi “Marble from Hierapolis: decay, conservation, monitoring of surfaces and environment”, eds. Ismaelli – Scardozzi, Bari, 2016, 557-573.
  • Wong – Brandt – Ahrens – Jaquen – Biørnstad – Nauman – Wenn – Kiesevetter – Laforest – Hagelberg – Lam – Richards 2018 M. Wong – J. R. Brandt – S. Ahrens – K. Jaquen – G. Biørnstad – E. Nauman – C.C. Wenn – H. Kiesevetter – C. Laforest – E. Hagelberg – V. C. Lam – M. Richards 2018, “Pursuing pilgrims: Isotopic investigation of Roman and Byzantine mobility at Hierapolis, Turkey”, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 520-528.
  • Zwingmann 2012 N. Zwingmann, Antiker Tourismus in Kleinasien und den vorgelagerten Inseln: Selbstvergewisserung in der Fremde, Antiquitas. Reihe 1, Abhandlungen zur alten Geschichte 59, Bonn, 2012.
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Arkeoloji
Bölüm Kazı ve Araştırmalar

Francesco D’andrıa Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2020
Kabul Tarihi 25 Haziran 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Chicago D’andrıa, Francesco. “Phrygia Hierapolisi. Türkiye’de İtalyan Arkeoloji Araştırmalarının Altmış Yılı”. Lycus Dergisi, sy. 1 (Haziran 2020): 99-119.

Lycus Dergisi, Anadolu Arkeolojisi, Tarihi Coğrafyası olmak üzere Prehistorik Dönem’den başlayarak, günümüze kadar olan kültür mirası, buluntular, arkeolojik kazı ve yüzey araştırmalarının sonuçları, restorasyon, konservasyon, müzecilik, antropoloji, epigrafi, etno-arkeoloji gibi bilimsel çalışmaları kapsar. Bunların dışında ilk defa yapılan tespitler, uygulamalar ve analiz çalışmalarının yer aldığı yazıları içerir.