Research Article
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Year 2020, , 782 - 805, 30.11.2020


Bu çalışma, Covid 19'un Kars'ta turizm sektörü üzerindeki etkilerini belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmada üç farklı method kullanılmış, ilk olarak belirlenen makaleler Nvivo analiz programı ile analiz edilmiştir. İkinci olarak, on çalışanla yarı yapılandırılmış mülakat yapılmıştır. Ancak bu sayı yetersiz görülmüş, böylelikle bu yetersizliği telafi etmek için 387 kişiye anket formu uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler demografik değişkenlerde göz önüne alınarak Covid 19'un tuizme etkisi özelinde SPSS ve AMOS aracılığıyla analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçlar, otel ve restoranlarda işten çıkarılmaların yaygın olduğunu, işletmelerin ciddi bir gelir kaybı yaşadığını, bir yıl önceki ekonomik koşullara dönmek için devlet desteğine ihtiyaç duyduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Yapılan analizler insanların turizm faaliyetlerine karşı olumsuz bir tavır sergilediğini, seyahat etmekten çekindiklerini ve eskisi gibi hizmet kalitesi, samimiyet ve misafirperverliği bulamayacaklarını düşündüklerini göstermektedir. Ayrıca, Covid 19 nedeniyle kadınların erkeklere göre daha endişeli olduğu, evli olanların bekarlara göre daha endişeli; yaşlıların gençlere göre daha fazla kaygıları olduğu belirlenmiştir.

Supporting Institution



  • Alpar, R. (2013). Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Yöntemler. (4.Ed.), Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık
  • Anatolian Agency (2020). Sağlıklı Turizm Belgelendirme Programı' başvuru koşulları belli oldu. Accessed on 21.05.2020.
  • Chakraborty, I., and Maity, P. (2020). COVID-19 outbreak: Migration, effects on society, global environment and prevention. Science of The Total Environment, 728, Advanced Online. doi: 10.1016/J.SCITOTENV.2020.138882
  • Chen, N., Zhou, M., Dong, X., Qu, J., Gong, F., Han, Y., Qiu, Y., Wang, J., Liu, Y., Wei, Y., Xia, J., Yu, T., Zhang, X. and Zhang, L. (2020). Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study. The Lancet, 395, 507-513. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30211-7
  • Coperchini, F., Chiovatoa, L., Crocea, L., Magria, F., and Rotondi, M. (2020). The cytokine storm in COVID-19: An overview of the involvement of the chemokine/chemokine-receptor system. Cytokine and Growth Factor Reviews, doi: 10.1016/j.cytogfr.2020.05.003
  • General Directorate of Security (2020). Yıllara Göre Sürücülerin Cinsiyet Dağılımı. Accessed on 21.05.2020.
  • Estevão, C. and Costa, C. (2020). Natural disaster management in tourist destinations: a systematic literature review. European Journal of Tourism Research, 25, 1-17.
  • Euronews (2020). Dünyada Covid-19: İlk 4 ayında neler yaşandı? Salgının seyri ne durumda?. Accessed on 21.05.2020.
  • Hair, J., Anderson, E.R., Tahtam, L.R. and Black, C.W. (2014). Multivariate data analysis. (7 Ed.), Essex: Pearson Education Limited.
  • Hall, M.C., Scott, D., and Gössling, S. (2020). Pandemics, transformations and tourism: Be careful what you wish for, Tourism Geographies, doi: 10.1080/14616688.2020.1759131
  • Hurriyet (2020). 2020 Kısa çalışma ödeneği başvurusu nasıl yapılır, kimlere verilir? Kısa çalışma ödeneği detay. Accessed on 21.05.2020.
  • Iacus, S.M., Natale, F., Santamaria, C., Spyratos, S. and Vespe, M. (2020). Estimating and Projecting Air Passenger Traffic during the COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak and its Socio-Economic Impact, Safety Science, 1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.ssci.2020.104791
  • Klopfenstein, T., Kadiane-Oussoua, N.J., Tokoa, L., Royer P.-Y., Lepiller, Q., Gendrina, V. and Zayet, S. (2020). Features of anosmia in COVID-19. Med Mal Infect, Advanced Online, doi: 10.1016/j.medmal.2020.04.006
  • La Marca, A., Niederberger, C., Pellicer, A., and Nelson, S.M. (2020). COVID-19: lessons from the Italian reproductive medical experience. Fertility and Sterility, 113 (5), 920-922. doi: 10.1016/J.FERTNSTERT.2020.03.021
  • Lim, Y.X., Ng, Y.L., Tam, J.P. and Liu, D.X. (2020). Human Coronaviruses: A Review of Virus–Host Interactions. Diseases, 4(3), 1-28. doi: 10.3390/diseases4030026
  • Miles, M.B., and Huberman, A.M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded Sourcebook. (2nd ed). CA: Sage Publication
  • Nicola M., Alsafi Z., Sohrabi C., Kerwan A., Al-Jabir A., Iosifidis C., Agha M., and Agha R. (2020). The Socio-Economic Implications of the Coronavirus and COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review, International Journal of Surgery, doi: 10.1016/j.ijsu.2020.04.018
  • Niewiadomski, P. (2020). COVID-19: from temporary de-globalisation to a rediscovery of tourism?, Tourism Geographies, doi:10.1080/14616688.2020.1757749
  • Ovali, F. (2020). Yenidoğanlarda COVID-19 enfeksiyonlari. Anatolian Clinic the Journal of Medical Sciences, 25, 23-35. doi:10.21673/anadoluklin.708589
  • Paital, B. (2020). Nurture to nature via COVID-19, a self-regenerating environmental strategy of environment in global context. Science of the Total Environment, 729, Advanced Online. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139088
  • Pal, R., and Bhadada, S.K. (2020). COVID-19 and diabetes mellitus: An unholy interaction of two pandemics. Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews, 14 (4): 513-517. doi:10.1016/j.dsx.2020.04.049
  • Sahin, M. (2020). Impact of weather on COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey. Science of The Total Environment, 728, Advanced Online. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138810
  • Science Direct (2020). Accessed on 21.05.2020.
  • Shi, Q., and Liu, T. (2020). Should internal migrants be held accountable for spreading COVID-19?. EPA: Economy and Space, Advanced Online. doi: 10.1177/0308518X20916764
  • Sobieralski, J.B. (2020). COVID-19 and airline employment: Insights from historical uncertainty shocks to the industry. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 5, 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.trip.2020.100123
  • Taylor, S., Landry, C., Paluszek, M., Fergus, T.A., McKay D., and Asmundson G.J.G. (2020). Development and Initial Validation of the COVID Stress Scales, Journal of Anxiety Disorders, doi:10.1016/j.janxdis.2020.102232
  • The Guardian (2020). Outbreaks of xenophobia in west as coronavirus spreads. Accessed on 21.05.2020.
  • Tomar, A., and Gupta, N. (2020). Prediction for the spread of COVID-19 in India and effectiveness of preventive measures. Science of the Total Environment, 728, Advanced Online. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138762
  • Vieta, E., Pérez, V., and Arango, C. (2020). Psychiatry in the aftermath of COVID-19. Rev Psiquiatr Salud Ment (Barc.). doi: 10.1016/j.rpsm.2020.04.004
  • Wang, M., Yan, M., Xu, H., Liang, W., … and Xu, J. (2005). SARS-CoV infection in a restaurant from palm civet. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 11 (12), 1860-1865. doi: 10.3201/eid1112.041293
  • Wilson, M.P. and Jack, A.S. (2020). Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in neurology and neurosurgery: A scoping review of the early literatüre. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 193, doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2020.105866
  • World Health Organization (2020). WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19. Accessed on 21.05.2020.
  • World Tourism Organization (2020). Internatıonal Tourıst Numbers Could Fall 60-80% In 2020, UNWTO Reports. Accessed on 21.05.2020.
  • Yaslioglu, M . (2017). Sosyal bilimlerde faktör analizi ve geçerlilik: keşfedici ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizlerinin kullanılması, İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 46, 74-85.
  • Zheng, Y., Goh, E. and Wen, J. (2020). The effects of misleading media reports about COVID-19 on Chinese tourists’ mental health: a perspective article, Anatolia, 31 (2), 337-340, doi: 10.1080/13032917.2020.1747208


Year 2020, , 782 - 805, 30.11.2020


This study aims to determine the effects of Covid 19 upon tourism sector in Kars. The study benefited from three methods, the first of which involved analyzing the articles by scanning via Nvivo analysis program. Secondly, a semi-structured interview was conducted with ten employees. However, this number was seen inadequate; thus, the questionnaire was conducted with 387 people to compensate for this inadequacy. The data were analyzed through SPSS and AMOS, and examined Covid 19 effects upon tourism on the basis of demographical variables. The results revealed that dismissals from hotels and restaurants were common, the business experienced a serious loss of income, they needed support from the government to recollect and at least one year was required to turn back to conditions before. The results indicated that people had a negative attitude towards tourism activities, hesitated to travel and thought that they would not be able to find service quality, sincerity and hospitality as they had before. Moreover, the study helped us realize that, due to Covid 19, females were more worried when compared to males; the married ones were more anxious in comparison to single ones; and the elderly had more anxiety when compared to the young.


  • Alpar, R. (2013). Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Yöntemler. (4.Ed.), Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık
  • Anatolian Agency (2020). Sağlıklı Turizm Belgelendirme Programı' başvuru koşulları belli oldu. Accessed on 21.05.2020.
  • Chakraborty, I., and Maity, P. (2020). COVID-19 outbreak: Migration, effects on society, global environment and prevention. Science of The Total Environment, 728, Advanced Online. doi: 10.1016/J.SCITOTENV.2020.138882
  • Chen, N., Zhou, M., Dong, X., Qu, J., Gong, F., Han, Y., Qiu, Y., Wang, J., Liu, Y., Wei, Y., Xia, J., Yu, T., Zhang, X. and Zhang, L. (2020). Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study. The Lancet, 395, 507-513. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30211-7
  • Coperchini, F., Chiovatoa, L., Crocea, L., Magria, F., and Rotondi, M. (2020). The cytokine storm in COVID-19: An overview of the involvement of the chemokine/chemokine-receptor system. Cytokine and Growth Factor Reviews, doi: 10.1016/j.cytogfr.2020.05.003
  • General Directorate of Security (2020). Yıllara Göre Sürücülerin Cinsiyet Dağılımı. Accessed on 21.05.2020.
  • Estevão, C. and Costa, C. (2020). Natural disaster management in tourist destinations: a systematic literature review. European Journal of Tourism Research, 25, 1-17.
  • Euronews (2020). Dünyada Covid-19: İlk 4 ayında neler yaşandı? Salgının seyri ne durumda?. Accessed on 21.05.2020.
  • Hair, J., Anderson, E.R., Tahtam, L.R. and Black, C.W. (2014). Multivariate data analysis. (7 Ed.), Essex: Pearson Education Limited.
  • Hall, M.C., Scott, D., and Gössling, S. (2020). Pandemics, transformations and tourism: Be careful what you wish for, Tourism Geographies, doi: 10.1080/14616688.2020.1759131
  • Hurriyet (2020). 2020 Kısa çalışma ödeneği başvurusu nasıl yapılır, kimlere verilir? Kısa çalışma ödeneği detay. Accessed on 21.05.2020.
  • Iacus, S.M., Natale, F., Santamaria, C., Spyratos, S. and Vespe, M. (2020). Estimating and Projecting Air Passenger Traffic during the COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak and its Socio-Economic Impact, Safety Science, 1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.ssci.2020.104791
  • Klopfenstein, T., Kadiane-Oussoua, N.J., Tokoa, L., Royer P.-Y., Lepiller, Q., Gendrina, V. and Zayet, S. (2020). Features of anosmia in COVID-19. Med Mal Infect, Advanced Online, doi: 10.1016/j.medmal.2020.04.006
  • La Marca, A., Niederberger, C., Pellicer, A., and Nelson, S.M. (2020). COVID-19: lessons from the Italian reproductive medical experience. Fertility and Sterility, 113 (5), 920-922. doi: 10.1016/J.FERTNSTERT.2020.03.021
  • Lim, Y.X., Ng, Y.L., Tam, J.P. and Liu, D.X. (2020). Human Coronaviruses: A Review of Virus–Host Interactions. Diseases, 4(3), 1-28. doi: 10.3390/diseases4030026
  • Miles, M.B., and Huberman, A.M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded Sourcebook. (2nd ed). CA: Sage Publication
  • Nicola M., Alsafi Z., Sohrabi C., Kerwan A., Al-Jabir A., Iosifidis C., Agha M., and Agha R. (2020). The Socio-Economic Implications of the Coronavirus and COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review, International Journal of Surgery, doi: 10.1016/j.ijsu.2020.04.018
  • Niewiadomski, P. (2020). COVID-19: from temporary de-globalisation to a rediscovery of tourism?, Tourism Geographies, doi:10.1080/14616688.2020.1757749
  • Ovali, F. (2020). Yenidoğanlarda COVID-19 enfeksiyonlari. Anatolian Clinic the Journal of Medical Sciences, 25, 23-35. doi:10.21673/anadoluklin.708589
  • Paital, B. (2020). Nurture to nature via COVID-19, a self-regenerating environmental strategy of environment in global context. Science of the Total Environment, 729, Advanced Online. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139088
  • Pal, R., and Bhadada, S.K. (2020). COVID-19 and diabetes mellitus: An unholy interaction of two pandemics. Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews, 14 (4): 513-517. doi:10.1016/j.dsx.2020.04.049
  • Sahin, M. (2020). Impact of weather on COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey. Science of The Total Environment, 728, Advanced Online. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138810
  • Science Direct (2020). Accessed on 21.05.2020.
  • Shi, Q., and Liu, T. (2020). Should internal migrants be held accountable for spreading COVID-19?. EPA: Economy and Space, Advanced Online. doi: 10.1177/0308518X20916764
  • Sobieralski, J.B. (2020). COVID-19 and airline employment: Insights from historical uncertainty shocks to the industry. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 5, 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.trip.2020.100123
  • Taylor, S., Landry, C., Paluszek, M., Fergus, T.A., McKay D., and Asmundson G.J.G. (2020). Development and Initial Validation of the COVID Stress Scales, Journal of Anxiety Disorders, doi:10.1016/j.janxdis.2020.102232
  • The Guardian (2020). Outbreaks of xenophobia in west as coronavirus spreads. Accessed on 21.05.2020.
  • Tomar, A., and Gupta, N. (2020). Prediction for the spread of COVID-19 in India and effectiveness of preventive measures. Science of the Total Environment, 728, Advanced Online. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138762
  • Vieta, E., Pérez, V., and Arango, C. (2020). Psychiatry in the aftermath of COVID-19. Rev Psiquiatr Salud Ment (Barc.). doi: 10.1016/j.rpsm.2020.04.004
  • Wang, M., Yan, M., Xu, H., Liang, W., … and Xu, J. (2005). SARS-CoV infection in a restaurant from palm civet. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 11 (12), 1860-1865. doi: 10.3201/eid1112.041293
  • Wilson, M.P. and Jack, A.S. (2020). Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in neurology and neurosurgery: A scoping review of the early literatüre. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 193, doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2020.105866
  • World Health Organization (2020). WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19. Accessed on 21.05.2020.
  • World Tourism Organization (2020). Internatıonal Tourıst Numbers Could Fall 60-80% In 2020, UNWTO Reports. Accessed on 21.05.2020.
  • Yaslioglu, M . (2017). Sosyal bilimlerde faktör analizi ve geçerlilik: keşfedici ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizlerinin kullanılması, İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 46, 74-85.
  • Zheng, Y., Goh, E. and Wen, J. (2020). The effects of misleading media reports about COVID-19 on Chinese tourists’ mental health: a perspective article, Anatolia, 31 (2), 337-340, doi: 10.1080/13032917.2020.1747208
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Erdoğan Kaygın 0000-0002-2125-5032

Ethem Topçuoğlu 0000-0003-3563-0566

Publication Date November 30, 2020
Submission Date September 10, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Kaygın, E., & Topçuoğlu, E. (2020). THE EFFECTS OF COVID19 PANDEMIC UPON TOURISM: A SAMPLE FROM THE CITY OF KARS. Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty, 7(3), 782-805.

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