Kırsal Çevre ve Ormancılık Sorunları Araştırma Derneği Yayın No: 9, Ankara. Ellis MB & Ellis JP (1990). Fungi Without Gills (Hymenomycetes and Gasteromycetes). London: Chapman and Hill.
Gerhardt E (1 997). Der Gro/J’e BL VPilzführer Für Unterwegs. München: BLV. Grünert H & Grünert R (1984). Pilze. München: Mosaik Verlag, Gmbh.
Grünert H & Grünert R (1991). Field Guide to Mushrooms of Britain and Europe. München: The Crowood Press Ltd.
Hennig B & Kreisel H (1987). Taschenbuch für Pilzfreunde. München: Gustav Fischer Verlag Jena.
Jordan K (1996). The New Guide to Mushrooms. Singapure: Anness Publishing Ltd.
Michael E, Hennig B, Kreisel H, (1983-1987). Handbuch Für Pilzfreunde. Band (1-5). Stuttgart: Gustav Fisher Verlag.
MANTAR DERGlSl/T he Journal of Fungus Ekim(2010)1(2)25-32
Moser M (1983). Keys to Agarics and Boleti . Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer Verlag.
Pace G (199 8). Mushrooms of The World. Ontorio: Fireşy Books Ltd. Pegler DN (1987). Mushrooms and Toadstools. London: Mac Donald and Co. Ltd.
Phillips R (1981). Mushrooms and Other Fungi of GreatBritain and Europe. London: Pan Books Ltd. London.
Watling R (1 973). Identification of The LargerFungi. Amersham: Hulton Educational Publications Ltd. Watling R (1982). British Fungus Flora (Bolbitiaceae 3 : Agrocybe, Bolbitius, Conocybe). Edinburgh: Hulton
Educational Publications Ltd. Watling R & Gregory NM (1989). British Fungus Flora (Agarics and Boleti 6: Crepidotaceae, Pleurotaceae and other PleurotoidAgarics). Edinburgh: Hulton Educational Publications Ltd.
Table 1. The distribution of families as their habitats. HABITATS FAMILIES Mixed Fir Pine Oak Juniper Willow Poplar Pasture- Pine meadow Morchellaceae 4 1 Helvellaceae 3 Pezizaceae 1 Helotiaceae Bankeraceae Ganodermataceae P Geastraceae Boletaceae Suillaceae Pleurotaceae T richolomataceae P Marasmı'aceae Bolbitiaceae Cortinariaceae Russulaceae Stereaceae TOTAL
Kırsal Çevre ve Ormancılık Sorunları Araştırma Derneği Yayın No: 9, Ankara. Ellis MB & Ellis JP (1990). Fungi Without Gills (Hymenomycetes and Gasteromycetes). London: Chapman and Hill.
Gerhardt E (1 997). Der Gro/J’e BL VPilzführer Für Unterwegs. München: BLV. Grünert H & Grünert R (1984). Pilze. München: Mosaik Verlag, Gmbh.
Grünert H & Grünert R (1991). Field Guide to Mushrooms of Britain and Europe. München: The Crowood Press Ltd.
Hennig B & Kreisel H (1987). Taschenbuch für Pilzfreunde. München: Gustav Fischer Verlag Jena.
Jordan K (1996). The New Guide to Mushrooms. Singapure: Anness Publishing Ltd.
Michael E, Hennig B, Kreisel H, (1983-1987). Handbuch Für Pilzfreunde. Band (1-5). Stuttgart: Gustav Fisher Verlag.
MANTAR DERGlSl/T he Journal of Fungus Ekim(2010)1(2)25-32
Moser M (1983). Keys to Agarics and Boleti . Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer Verlag.
Pace G (199 8). Mushrooms of The World. Ontorio: Fireşy Books Ltd. Pegler DN (1987). Mushrooms and Toadstools. London: Mac Donald and Co. Ltd.
Phillips R (1981). Mushrooms and Other Fungi of GreatBritain and Europe. London: Pan Books Ltd. London.
Watling R (1 973). Identification of The LargerFungi. Amersham: Hulton Educational Publications Ltd. Watling R (1982). British Fungus Flora (Bolbitiaceae 3 : Agrocybe, Bolbitius, Conocybe). Edinburgh: Hulton
Educational Publications Ltd. Watling R & Gregory NM (1989). British Fungus Flora (Agarics and Boleti 6: Crepidotaceae, Pleurotaceae and other PleurotoidAgarics). Edinburgh: Hulton Educational Publications Ltd.
Table 1. The distribution of families as their habitats. HABITATS FAMILIES Mixed Fir Pine Oak Juniper Willow Poplar Pasture- Pine meadow Morchellaceae 4 1 Helvellaceae 3 Pezizaceae 1 Helotiaceae Bankeraceae Ganodermataceae P Geastraceae Boletaceae Suillaceae Pleurotaceae T richolomataceae P Marasmı'aceae Bolbitiaceae Cortinariaceae Russulaceae Stereaceae TOTAL