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Fatih Ormanı (Şişli, İstanbul) Epifitik Likenleri

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 40 - 48, 29.04.2016


Bu çalışmada Fatih Ormanı (Şişli, İstanbul) epifitik liken biyoçeşitliliği araştırılmıştır. 17 cinse ait 28 liken türü kaydedilmiştir. Liken türlerinin tercih ettiği ağaç türleri arasındaki farklılıklar belirtilmiştir.


  • Barkmann J.J., Phytosoc ology and Ecology of Cryptogam c Ep phytes, Van Gorcum& Company. N. V., Assen, Netherlands (1958).
  • Brodo I. M., Sharnoff S.D. and Sharnoff S., L chens of North Amer ca, Yale Un vers ty Press, London (2001).
  • Çalışkan A., Goshu T. B., İstanbul Fat h Ormanı'nın S lv kültürel Değerlend rmes , İstanbul Ün vers tes Orman Fakültes Derg s , Ser B, 54:1, 69-81 (2004).
  • Çobanoğlu G., Akdem r B., A Taxonom c Survey on L chens of Istanbul Islands (Kınalı, Burgaz, Heybel , Büyükada), Al-Azhar Bullet n of Sc ence, Proceed ngs of the Second Internat onal Sc ent f c Conference (Sc ence, Development & Env ronment), Faculty of Sc ence, Al-Azhar Un vers ty, 17- 20 Mart 1997, Sf: 497-509, Kah re, Mısır, (1997).
  • Çobanoğlu G., L chen Collect on n the Herbar um of the Un vers ty of İstanbul (ISTF), Turk J Bot., 29: 69- 74 (2005).
  • Çobanoğlu G., L chens from the Maslak Campus of İstanbul Techn cal Un vers ty, Turk J Bot., 31: 71-74 (2007).
  • Çobanoğlu G., Sevg E., Sevg O., Tec men H. B., Yılmaz O.Y., Açıkgöz B., Alaçam Dağları Karaçam Ormanlarının Ep f t k L kenler (Balıkes r-Kütahya), Journal of the Faculty of Forestry, İstanbul Un vers ty, 61 (1): 31-37 (2011).
  • Çobanoğlu Özy ğ toğlu G., Yavuz M., L chen Records From Two M l tary Bases n the As an S de of İstanbul, Muzeul Olten e Cra ova, Olten a, Stud ş comun căr , Şt nţele Natur . Tom., 31/2: 37-46
  • Grodz ńska K., Ac d ty of Tree Bark as a B o nd cator of Forest Pollut on n Southern Poland. Water, A r, and So l Pollut on, 8/1: 905-911 (1977).
  • Hawksworth D. L., Pegler D. N., K rk P. M., Sutton B. C., D ct onary of the Fung , CABI Publ sh ng Ser es, 8. Baskı, 616 sayfa, (1995).
  • Ihlen PG., Gjerde I., Sætersdal M., Structural Ind cators of R chness and Rar ty of Ep phyt c L chens on Corylus avellana n Two D fferent Forest Types W th n a Nature Reserve n Southwestern Norway, L chenolog st, 33: 215-229 (2001).
  • Mežaka A., Brūmel s G., P terāns A., The D str but on of Ep phyt c Bryophyte and L chen Spec es n Relat on to Phorophyte Characters n Latv an Natural Old-Growth Broad Leaved Forests, Fol a Cryptog. Eston ca, 44: 89-99 (2008).
  • N m s P.L., Martellos S., ITALIC - The Informat on System on Ital an L chens, Vers on 4.0. Un vers ty of Tr este, Dept. of B ology, IN4.0/1 [http://db odbs.un este. t/] (2008).
  • Oran S., Ep phyt c L chen D vers ty on Fagus or ental s L psky and Fagus sylvat ca L. n the Marmara Reg on (Turkey), B olog cal D vers ty and Conservat on, Anadolu Ün vers tes , Esk şeh r, Turkey, 4(1): 129-132 (2011).
  • Oran S., Öztürk Ş., Ep phyt c l chen d vers ty on Quercus cerr s and Q. fra netto n the Marmara reg on (Turkey), Turk J Bot., 36:175-190 (2012).
  • Özhan S., Belgrad Ormanındak Bazı Meşcereler nde Evapotransprasyonun Deneysel Olarak Saptanması ve Sonuçların Amp r k Modellerle Karşılaştırılması, İstanbul Ün vers tes Orman Fakültes Derg s , I. Baskı, Yayın No: 311, İstanbul (1982).
  • Öztürk Ş., Güvenç Ş., Compar s on of the Ep phyt c L chen Commun t es Grow ng on Var ous Tree Spec es on Mt. Uludağ (bursa, Turkey), Turk J Bot., 34: 449-456, (2010).
  • Purv s O. W., Copp ns B. J., Hawksworth D. L., James P. W., Moore D. M., The L chen Flora of Great Br ta n and Ireland, Natural H story Museum Publ cat ons, London (1992).
  • R gler L., D e Türke und Deren Bewohner, n Ihren Naturh stor schen, Phys olog schen und Patholog schen Verthältn ssen vom Standpunkte Constant nopel's, W en, 1: 110 (1852).
  • Sch ndler H., Be trag zur Flechtenflora von Westanatol en Türke , Herzog a,13: 234-237 (1998).
  • Shukla V., Upret D.K., Bajpa R., L chens to B omon tor the Env ronment, Spr nger Ind a, ISBN 978-81- 322-1503-5 (eK tap), sf: 57 (2014).
  • Ste ner J., L chenes. In: K. Fr stsch, Be trag zur Flora von Constant nopel. Bearbe tung der von J. Nemetz
  • n den Jahren 1894-1897 n der Umgebung von Constant nopel gesammelten Pflanzen, I.
  • Kryptogamen-Denkschr. Akad. W ssensch. W en Cl. Math., 68: 219-250 (1899).
  • Szatala Ö., L chenes n As a m nore ab d rectore Dre Stefano Györffy de Sz geth (Budapest) et Dre Andrasovszky Collect , Fol a Cryptog.,1: 272-278 (1927a).
  • Szatala Ö., L chenes Turc ae As at cae a Patre Prof. Stefano Sel nka n Insula Burgas Adass (Ant gon ) Lect . Magy., Bot. Lapok, 26: 18-22 (1927b).
  • Un ted States Forest Serv ce (USFS), Nat onal L chens & A r Qual ty Database and Clear nghouse, [http://g chena r/?page=sens t v ty#], Er ş m Tar h : 01.02.2016, (2015).
  • Verseghy K.P., Be träge zur Kenntn s der Türk schen Flechtenflora, Stud a Botan ca Hungar ca,16: 53-65
  • W ll-Wolf, S., Esseen, P.A., Ne tl ch, P., Mon tor ng B od vers ty and Ecosystem Funct on: Forests. In (Eds.), N m s, P.L., Sche degger, C., Wolseley, P.A., Mon tor ng w th L chens-Mon tor ng L chens, IV. Earth and Env ronmental Sc ences, Vol. 7, NATO Sc ence Ser es, Kluwer Academ c Publ shers, 203-219 (2002).
  • W rth V., D e Flechten Baden-Württembergs. Te l 1-2, Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (1995).
  • Yazıcı K., Aptroot A., Aslan A., L chen zed and l chen colous fung from n ne d fferent areas n Turkey, Mycotaxon, 111: 113–116 (2010).
Yıl 2016, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 40 - 48, 29.04.2016



  • Barkmann J.J., Phytosoc ology and Ecology of Cryptogam c Ep phytes, Van Gorcum& Company. N. V., Assen, Netherlands (1958).
  • Brodo I. M., Sharnoff S.D. and Sharnoff S., L chens of North Amer ca, Yale Un vers ty Press, London (2001).
  • Çalışkan A., Goshu T. B., İstanbul Fat h Ormanı'nın S lv kültürel Değerlend rmes , İstanbul Ün vers tes Orman Fakültes Derg s , Ser B, 54:1, 69-81 (2004).
  • Çobanoğlu G., Akdem r B., A Taxonom c Survey on L chens of Istanbul Islands (Kınalı, Burgaz, Heybel , Büyükada), Al-Azhar Bullet n of Sc ence, Proceed ngs of the Second Internat onal Sc ent f c Conference (Sc ence, Development & Env ronment), Faculty of Sc ence, Al-Azhar Un vers ty, 17- 20 Mart 1997, Sf: 497-509, Kah re, Mısır, (1997).
  • Çobanoğlu G., L chen Collect on n the Herbar um of the Un vers ty of İstanbul (ISTF), Turk J Bot., 29: 69- 74 (2005).
  • Çobanoğlu G., L chens from the Maslak Campus of İstanbul Techn cal Un vers ty, Turk J Bot., 31: 71-74 (2007).
  • Çobanoğlu G., Sevg E., Sevg O., Tec men H. B., Yılmaz O.Y., Açıkgöz B., Alaçam Dağları Karaçam Ormanlarının Ep f t k L kenler (Balıkes r-Kütahya), Journal of the Faculty of Forestry, İstanbul Un vers ty, 61 (1): 31-37 (2011).
  • Çobanoğlu Özy ğ toğlu G., Yavuz M., L chen Records From Two M l tary Bases n the As an S de of İstanbul, Muzeul Olten e Cra ova, Olten a, Stud ş comun căr , Şt nţele Natur . Tom., 31/2: 37-46
  • Grodz ńska K., Ac d ty of Tree Bark as a B o nd cator of Forest Pollut on n Southern Poland. Water, A r, and So l Pollut on, 8/1: 905-911 (1977).
  • Hawksworth D. L., Pegler D. N., K rk P. M., Sutton B. C., D ct onary of the Fung , CABI Publ sh ng Ser es, 8. Baskı, 616 sayfa, (1995).
  • Ihlen PG., Gjerde I., Sætersdal M., Structural Ind cators of R chness and Rar ty of Ep phyt c L chens on Corylus avellana n Two D fferent Forest Types W th n a Nature Reserve n Southwestern Norway, L chenolog st, 33: 215-229 (2001).
  • Mežaka A., Brūmel s G., P terāns A., The D str but on of Ep phyt c Bryophyte and L chen Spec es n Relat on to Phorophyte Characters n Latv an Natural Old-Growth Broad Leaved Forests, Fol a Cryptog. Eston ca, 44: 89-99 (2008).
  • N m s P.L., Martellos S., ITALIC - The Informat on System on Ital an L chens, Vers on 4.0. Un vers ty of Tr este, Dept. of B ology, IN4.0/1 [http://db odbs.un este. t/] (2008).
  • Oran S., Ep phyt c L chen D vers ty on Fagus or ental s L psky and Fagus sylvat ca L. n the Marmara Reg on (Turkey), B olog cal D vers ty and Conservat on, Anadolu Ün vers tes , Esk şeh r, Turkey, 4(1): 129-132 (2011).
  • Oran S., Öztürk Ş., Ep phyt c l chen d vers ty on Quercus cerr s and Q. fra netto n the Marmara reg on (Turkey), Turk J Bot., 36:175-190 (2012).
  • Özhan S., Belgrad Ormanındak Bazı Meşcereler nde Evapotransprasyonun Deneysel Olarak Saptanması ve Sonuçların Amp r k Modellerle Karşılaştırılması, İstanbul Ün vers tes Orman Fakültes Derg s , I. Baskı, Yayın No: 311, İstanbul (1982).
  • Öztürk Ş., Güvenç Ş., Compar s on of the Ep phyt c L chen Commun t es Grow ng on Var ous Tree Spec es on Mt. Uludağ (bursa, Turkey), Turk J Bot., 34: 449-456, (2010).
  • Purv s O. W., Copp ns B. J., Hawksworth D. L., James P. W., Moore D. M., The L chen Flora of Great Br ta n and Ireland, Natural H story Museum Publ cat ons, London (1992).
  • R gler L., D e Türke und Deren Bewohner, n Ihren Naturh stor schen, Phys olog schen und Patholog schen Verthältn ssen vom Standpunkte Constant nopel's, W en, 1: 110 (1852).
  • Sch ndler H., Be trag zur Flechtenflora von Westanatol en Türke , Herzog a,13: 234-237 (1998).
  • Shukla V., Upret D.K., Bajpa R., L chens to B omon tor the Env ronment, Spr nger Ind a, ISBN 978-81- 322-1503-5 (eK tap), sf: 57 (2014).
  • Ste ner J., L chenes. In: K. Fr stsch, Be trag zur Flora von Constant nopel. Bearbe tung der von J. Nemetz
  • n den Jahren 1894-1897 n der Umgebung von Constant nopel gesammelten Pflanzen, I.
  • Kryptogamen-Denkschr. Akad. W ssensch. W en Cl. Math., 68: 219-250 (1899).
  • Szatala Ö., L chenes n As a m nore ab d rectore Dre Stefano Györffy de Sz geth (Budapest) et Dre Andrasovszky Collect , Fol a Cryptog.,1: 272-278 (1927a).
  • Szatala Ö., L chenes Turc ae As at cae a Patre Prof. Stefano Sel nka n Insula Burgas Adass (Ant gon ) Lect . Magy., Bot. Lapok, 26: 18-22 (1927b).
  • Un ted States Forest Serv ce (USFS), Nat onal L chens & A r Qual ty Database and Clear nghouse, [http://g chena r/?page=sens t v ty#], Er ş m Tar h : 01.02.2016, (2015).
  • Verseghy K.P., Be träge zur Kenntn s der Türk schen Flechtenflora, Stud a Botan ca Hungar ca,16: 53-65
  • W ll-Wolf, S., Esseen, P.A., Ne tl ch, P., Mon tor ng B od vers ty and Ecosystem Funct on: Forests. In (Eds.), N m s, P.L., Sche degger, C., Wolseley, P.A., Mon tor ng w th L chens-Mon tor ng L chens, IV. Earth and Env ronmental Sc ences, Vol. 7, NATO Sc ence Ser es, Kluwer Academ c Publ shers, 203-219 (2002).
  • W rth V., D e Flechten Baden-Württembergs. Te l 1-2, Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (1995).
  • Yazıcı K., Aptroot A., Aslan A., L chen zed and l chen colous fung from n ne d fferent areas n Turkey, Mycotaxon, 111: 113–116 (2010).
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe

Seda Solak

Hatice Akgül

Celaleddin Öztürk

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Nisan 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Solak, S., Akgül, H., & Öztürk, C. (2016). Fatih Ormanı (Şişli, İstanbul) Epifitik Likenleri. Mantar Dergisi, 7(1), 40-48.

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