Fatih Ormanı (Şişli, İstanbul) Epifitik Likenleri
Yıl 2016,
Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 40 - 48, 29.04.2016
Seda Solak
Hatice Akgül
Celaleddin Öztürk
Bu çalışmada Fatih Ormanı (Şişli, İstanbul) epifitik liken biyoçeşitliliği araştırılmıştır. 17 cinse ait 28 liken türü kaydedilmiştir. Liken türlerinin tercih ettiği ağaç türleri arasındaki farklılıklar belirtilmiştir.
- Barkmann J.J., Phytosoc ology and Ecology of Cryptogam c Ep phytes, Van Gorcum& Company. N. V., Assen, Netherlands (1958).
- Brodo I. M., Sharnoff S.D. and Sharnoff S., L chens of North Amer ca, Yale Un vers ty Press, London (2001).
- Çalışkan A., Goshu T. B., İstanbul Fat h Ormanı'nın S lv kültürel Değerlend rmes , İstanbul Ün vers tes Orman Fakültes Derg s , Ser B, 54:1, 69-81 (2004).
- Çobanoğlu G., Akdem r B., A Taxonom c Survey on L chens of Istanbul Islands (Kınalı, Burgaz, Heybel , Büyükada), Al-Azhar Bullet n of Sc ence, Proceed ngs of the Second Internat onal Sc ent f c Conference (Sc ence, Development & Env ronment), Faculty of Sc ence, Al-Azhar Un vers ty, 17- 20 Mart 1997, Sf: 497-509, Kah re, Mısır, (1997).
- Çobanoğlu G., L chen Collect on n the Herbar um of the Un vers ty of İstanbul (ISTF), Turk J Bot., 29: 69- 74 (2005).
- Çobanoğlu G., L chens from the Maslak Campus of İstanbul Techn cal Un vers ty, Turk J Bot., 31: 71-74 (2007).
- Çobanoğlu G., Sevg E., Sevg O., Tec men H. B., Yılmaz O.Y., Açıkgöz B., Alaçam Dağları Karaçam Ormanlarının Ep f t k L kenler (Balıkes r-Kütahya), Journal of the Faculty of Forestry, İstanbul Un vers ty, 61 (1): 31-37 (2011).
- Çobanoğlu Özy ğ toğlu G., Yavuz M., L chen Records From Two M l tary Bases n the As an S de of İstanbul, Muzeul Olten e Cra ova, Olten a, Stud ş comun căr , Şt nţele Natur . Tom., 31/2: 37-46
- Grodz ńska K., Ac d ty of Tree Bark as a B o nd cator of Forest Pollut on n Southern Poland. Water, A r, and So l Pollut on, 8/1: 905-911 (1977).
- Hawksworth D. L., Pegler D. N., K rk P. M., Sutton B. C., D ct onary of the Fung , CABI Publ sh ng Ser es, 8. Baskı, 616 sayfa, (1995).
- Ihlen PG., Gjerde I., Sætersdal M., Structural Ind cators of R chness and Rar ty of Ep phyt c L chens on Corylus avellana n Two D fferent Forest Types W th n a Nature Reserve n Southwestern Norway, L chenolog st, 33: 215-229 (2001).
- Mežaka A., Brūmel s G., P terāns A., The D str but on of Ep phyt c Bryophyte and L chen Spec es n Relat on to Phorophyte Characters n Latv an Natural Old-Growth Broad Leaved Forests, Fol a Cryptog. Eston ca, 44: 89-99 (2008).
- N m s P.L., Martellos S., ITALIC - The Informat on System on Ital an L chens, Vers on 4.0. Un vers ty of Tr este, Dept. of B ology, IN4.0/1 [http://db odbs.un v.tr este. t/] (2008).
- Oran S., Ep phyt c L chen D vers ty on Fagus or ental s L psky and Fagus sylvat ca L. n the Marmara Reg on (Turkey), B olog cal D vers ty and Conservat on, Anadolu Ün vers tes , Esk şeh r, Turkey, 4(1): 129-132 (2011).
- Oran S., Öztürk Ş., Ep phyt c l chen d vers ty on Quercus cerr s and Q. fra netto n the Marmara reg on (Turkey), Turk J Bot., 36:175-190 (2012).
- Özhan S., Belgrad Ormanındak Bazı Meşcereler nde Evapotransprasyonun Deneysel Olarak Saptanması ve Sonuçların Amp r k Modellerle Karşılaştırılması, İstanbul Ün vers tes Orman Fakültes Derg s , I. Baskı, Yayın No: 311, İstanbul (1982).
- Öztürk Ş., Güvenç Ş., Compar s on of the Ep phyt c L chen Commun t es Grow ng on Var ous Tree Spec es on Mt. Uludağ (bursa, Turkey), Turk J Bot., 34: 449-456, (2010).
- Purv s O. W., Copp ns B. J., Hawksworth D. L., James P. W., Moore D. M., The L chen Flora of Great Br ta n and Ireland, Natural H story Museum Publ cat ons, London (1992).
- R gler L., D e Türke und Deren Bewohner, n Ihren Naturh stor schen, Phys olog schen und Patholog schen Verthältn ssen vom Standpunkte Constant nopel's, W en, 1: 110 (1852).
- Sch ndler H., Be trag zur Flechtenflora von Westanatol en Türke , Herzog a,13: 234-237 (1998).
- Shukla V., Upret D.K., Bajpa R., L chens to B omon tor the Env ronment, Spr nger Ind a, ISBN 978-81- 322-1503-5 (eK tap), sf: 57 (2014).
- Ste ner J., L chenes. In: K. Fr stsch, Be trag zur Flora von Constant nopel. Bearbe tung der von J. Nemetz
- n den Jahren 1894-1897 n der Umgebung von Constant nopel gesammelten Pflanzen, I.
- Kryptogamen-Denkschr. Akad. W ssensch. W en Cl. Math., 68: 219-250 (1899).
- Szatala Ö., L chenes n As a m nore ab d rectore Dre Stefano Györffy de Sz geth (Budapest) et Dre Andrasovszky Collect , Fol a Cryptog.,1: 272-278 (1927a).
- Szatala Ö., L chenes Turc ae As at cae a Patre Prof. Stefano Sel nka n Insula Burgas Adass (Ant gon ) Lect . Magy., Bot. Lapok, 26: 18-22 (1927b).
- Un ted States Forest Serv ce (USFS), Nat onal L chens & A r Qual ty Database and Clear nghouse, [http://g s.nacse.org/l chena r/?page=sens t v ty#], Er ş m Tar h : 01.02.2016, (2015).
- Verseghy K.P., Be träge zur Kenntn s der Türk schen Flechtenflora, Stud a Botan ca Hungar ca,16: 53-65
- W ll-Wolf, S., Esseen, P.A., Ne tl ch, P., Mon tor ng B od vers ty and Ecosystem Funct on: Forests. In (Eds.), N m s, P.L., Sche degger, C., Wolseley, P.A., Mon tor ng w th L chens-Mon tor ng L chens, IV. Earth and Env ronmental Sc ences, Vol. 7, NATO Sc ence Ser es, Kluwer Academ c Publ shers, 203-219 (2002).
- W rth V., D e Flechten Baden-Württembergs. Te l 1-2, Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (1995).
- Yazıcı K., Aptroot A., Aslan A., L chen zed and l chen colous fung from n ne d fferent areas n Turkey, Mycotaxon, 111: 113–116 (2010).
Yıl 2016,
Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 40 - 48, 29.04.2016
Seda Solak
Hatice Akgül
Celaleddin Öztürk
- Barkmann J.J., Phytosoc ology and Ecology of Cryptogam c Ep phytes, Van Gorcum& Company. N. V., Assen, Netherlands (1958).
- Brodo I. M., Sharnoff S.D. and Sharnoff S., L chens of North Amer ca, Yale Un vers ty Press, London (2001).
- Çalışkan A., Goshu T. B., İstanbul Fat h Ormanı'nın S lv kültürel Değerlend rmes , İstanbul Ün vers tes Orman Fakültes Derg s , Ser B, 54:1, 69-81 (2004).
- Çobanoğlu G., Akdem r B., A Taxonom c Survey on L chens of Istanbul Islands (Kınalı, Burgaz, Heybel , Büyükada), Al-Azhar Bullet n of Sc ence, Proceed ngs of the Second Internat onal Sc ent f c Conference (Sc ence, Development & Env ronment), Faculty of Sc ence, Al-Azhar Un vers ty, 17- 20 Mart 1997, Sf: 497-509, Kah re, Mısır, (1997).
- Çobanoğlu G., L chen Collect on n the Herbar um of the Un vers ty of İstanbul (ISTF), Turk J Bot., 29: 69- 74 (2005).
- Çobanoğlu G., L chens from the Maslak Campus of İstanbul Techn cal Un vers ty, Turk J Bot., 31: 71-74 (2007).
- Çobanoğlu G., Sevg E., Sevg O., Tec men H. B., Yılmaz O.Y., Açıkgöz B., Alaçam Dağları Karaçam Ormanlarının Ep f t k L kenler (Balıkes r-Kütahya), Journal of the Faculty of Forestry, İstanbul Un vers ty, 61 (1): 31-37 (2011).
- Çobanoğlu Özy ğ toğlu G., Yavuz M., L chen Records From Two M l tary Bases n the As an S de of İstanbul, Muzeul Olten e Cra ova, Olten a, Stud ş comun căr , Şt nţele Natur . Tom., 31/2: 37-46
- Grodz ńska K., Ac d ty of Tree Bark as a B o nd cator of Forest Pollut on n Southern Poland. Water, A r, and So l Pollut on, 8/1: 905-911 (1977).
- Hawksworth D. L., Pegler D. N., K rk P. M., Sutton B. C., D ct onary of the Fung , CABI Publ sh ng Ser es, 8. Baskı, 616 sayfa, (1995).
- Ihlen PG., Gjerde I., Sætersdal M., Structural Ind cators of R chness and Rar ty of Ep phyt c L chens on Corylus avellana n Two D fferent Forest Types W th n a Nature Reserve n Southwestern Norway, L chenolog st, 33: 215-229 (2001).
- Mežaka A., Brūmel s G., P terāns A., The D str but on of Ep phyt c Bryophyte and L chen Spec es n Relat on to Phorophyte Characters n Latv an Natural Old-Growth Broad Leaved Forests, Fol a Cryptog. Eston ca, 44: 89-99 (2008).
- N m s P.L., Martellos S., ITALIC - The Informat on System on Ital an L chens, Vers on 4.0. Un vers ty of Tr este, Dept. of B ology, IN4.0/1 [http://db odbs.un v.tr este. t/] (2008).
- Oran S., Ep phyt c L chen D vers ty on Fagus or ental s L psky and Fagus sylvat ca L. n the Marmara Reg on (Turkey), B olog cal D vers ty and Conservat on, Anadolu Ün vers tes , Esk şeh r, Turkey, 4(1): 129-132 (2011).
- Oran S., Öztürk Ş., Ep phyt c l chen d vers ty on Quercus cerr s and Q. fra netto n the Marmara reg on (Turkey), Turk J Bot., 36:175-190 (2012).
- Özhan S., Belgrad Ormanındak Bazı Meşcereler nde Evapotransprasyonun Deneysel Olarak Saptanması ve Sonuçların Amp r k Modellerle Karşılaştırılması, İstanbul Ün vers tes Orman Fakültes Derg s , I. Baskı, Yayın No: 311, İstanbul (1982).
- Öztürk Ş., Güvenç Ş., Compar s on of the Ep phyt c L chen Commun t es Grow ng on Var ous Tree Spec es on Mt. Uludağ (bursa, Turkey), Turk J Bot., 34: 449-456, (2010).
- Purv s O. W., Copp ns B. J., Hawksworth D. L., James P. W., Moore D. M., The L chen Flora of Great Br ta n and Ireland, Natural H story Museum Publ cat ons, London (1992).
- R gler L., D e Türke und Deren Bewohner, n Ihren Naturh stor schen, Phys olog schen und Patholog schen Verthältn ssen vom Standpunkte Constant nopel's, W en, 1: 110 (1852).
- Sch ndler H., Be trag zur Flechtenflora von Westanatol en Türke , Herzog a,13: 234-237 (1998).
- Shukla V., Upret D.K., Bajpa R., L chens to B omon tor the Env ronment, Spr nger Ind a, ISBN 978-81- 322-1503-5 (eK tap), sf: 57 (2014).
- Ste ner J., L chenes. In: K. Fr stsch, Be trag zur Flora von Constant nopel. Bearbe tung der von J. Nemetz
- n den Jahren 1894-1897 n der Umgebung von Constant nopel gesammelten Pflanzen, I.
- Kryptogamen-Denkschr. Akad. W ssensch. W en Cl. Math., 68: 219-250 (1899).
- Szatala Ö., L chenes n As a m nore ab d rectore Dre Stefano Györffy de Sz geth (Budapest) et Dre Andrasovszky Collect , Fol a Cryptog.,1: 272-278 (1927a).
- Szatala Ö., L chenes Turc ae As at cae a Patre Prof. Stefano Sel nka n Insula Burgas Adass (Ant gon ) Lect . Magy., Bot. Lapok, 26: 18-22 (1927b).
- Un ted States Forest Serv ce (USFS), Nat onal L chens & A r Qual ty Database and Clear nghouse, [http://g s.nacse.org/l chena r/?page=sens t v ty#], Er ş m Tar h : 01.02.2016, (2015).
- Verseghy K.P., Be träge zur Kenntn s der Türk schen Flechtenflora, Stud a Botan ca Hungar ca,16: 53-65
- W ll-Wolf, S., Esseen, P.A., Ne tl ch, P., Mon tor ng B od vers ty and Ecosystem Funct on: Forests. In (Eds.), N m s, P.L., Sche degger, C., Wolseley, P.A., Mon tor ng w th L chens-Mon tor ng L chens, IV. Earth and Env ronmental Sc ences, Vol. 7, NATO Sc ence Ser es, Kluwer Academ c Publ shers, 203-219 (2002).
- W rth V., D e Flechten Baden-Württembergs. Te l 1-2, Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (1995).
- Yazıcı K., Aptroot A., Aslan A., L chen zed and l chen colous fung from n ne d fferent areas n Turkey, Mycotaxon, 111: 113–116 (2010).