Lasiosphaeria ovina, A first record for family Lasiosphaeriaceae in Turkey
Yıl 2016,
Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 88 - 91, 29.04.2016
Başaran Dülger
Ilgaz Akata
In the current study, Lasiosphaeria ovina (Pers.) Ces. & De Not (Lasiosphaeriaceae) was recorded for the first time from Turkey at family level. A short description, the photographs of macro and the micro morphologies of the species are provided.
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- Güngör, H., Solak, M.H., Alli, H., Işiloğlu, M., Kalmış, E., New records for Turkey and contributions to the macrofungal diversity of Isparta Province. – Turkish Journal of Botany 39: 867–877 (2015b)
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- K rk, P.F., Cannon, P.F., M nter, D.W., Stalpers, J.A., Dictionary of the fungi, 10th ed. CAB International, Wallingford, UK (2008).
- Kruys, A., Huhndorf, S.M., M ller, A.N., Coproph lous contr but ons to the phylogeny of Las osphaer aceae and all ed taxa w th n Sordar ales (Ascomycota, Fung ), Fungal D vers ty 70 (1): 101-103 (2014).
- M ller, A.N, Huhndorf, S.M., Us ng phylogenet c spec es recogn t on to del m t spec es boundar es w th n Las osphaer a, Mycolog a, 96 (5): 1106–1127 (2004).
- Sesl E., Denchev C.M., Checkl sts of the myxomycetes, larger ascomycetes, and larger bas d omycetes
- n Turkey. Mycotaxon 106: 65–67 (2008). up-dated onl ne vers on (February 2014): 1–136.
- sts/sesl -v106-checkl st.pdf).
- Solak, M.H., Işıloğlu, M., Kalmış, E., Allı, H., Macrofung of Turkey, Checkl st, Volume- II. Ün vers tel ler Ofset, Bornova, İzm r (2015).
- Uzun, Y., Acar, İ., Akçay, M.E., Akata, I., Additions to the Turkish Discomycetes. – Turkish Journal of Botany 38: 617–622 (2014).
- Uzun, Y., Kaya, A., Akata, I., Keleş, A., Yakar, S., Notes on Turk sh Hypocrea. Biological Diversity and Conservation 8 (2): 117–121 (2015a).
- Uzun, Y., Kaya, A., Karacan, H.İ., Kaya, Ö.F., Yakar, S., Neobulgar a Petr. and Tr chopez za Fuckel, Two New Genus Record for Turk sh Lachnaceae. Mantar Derg s 6 (2): 58-61 (2015b).
- Talde, U.K., The genus Las osphaer a n Ind a. Sydow a. 30(1-6):280-282 (1977).
Las osphaer a ov na, the f rst record for fam ly Las osphaer aceae n Turkey
Yıl 2016,
Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 88 - 91, 29.04.2016
Başaran Dülger
Ilgaz Akata
Mevcut çalışmada, Las osphaer a ov na (Pers.) Ces. & De Not (Las osphaer aceae) Türk ye'den lk kez fam lya düzey nde kayded lm şt r. Türün kısa deskr ps yonu, makro ve m kro morfoloj ler ne l şk n fotoğrafları ver lm şt r
- Acar, İ., Uzun, Y., Demirel, K., Keleş, A., Macrofungal diversity of Hani (Diyarbakır/Turkey) district. Biological Diversity and Conservation 8(1): 28–34 (2015).
- Akata, I., Doğan, H.H., Orbiliaceae for Turkish Ascomycota: three new records. Bangladesh Journal of Botany 44: 91–95 (2015).
- Akata, I., Kalyoncu, F., Kalmış, E.., A Note on Rosell n a cort c um (Schwe n.) Sacc. n Turkey. Ot S stemat k Botan k Derg s 20 (1): 151-156 (2013).
- Akata, I., Uzun, Y., Kaya, A. Macromycetes determined in Yomra (Trabzon) district. Turkish Journal of Botany 38: 999–1012 (2014a).
- Akata, I., Kaya, A.,Uzun, Y., Two new Lachnum records for Turkish mycobiota. Journal of Applied Biological Sciences 8(1): 28–30 (2014b).
- Breitenbach, J., Kränzlin, F., Fungi of Switzerland, vol. 1. Verlag Mykologia, Lucerne (1984).
- Çolak, Ö.F., Şen, İ., Alkan, N., Işıloğlu, M., A New and Interest ng Pez za Record from Sweet Gum Forest n Turkey. Mantar Derg s 6(1): 10-12 (2015).
- Dem rel, K., Uzun, Y., Akçay, M.E., Keleş, A., Acar, İ, Efe, V., Van Yöres Makromantarlarına Katkılar. Mantar Derg s 6(2): 13-23 (2015).
- Ell s, M.B., Ell s, J.P., M crofung on land plants: an dent f cat on handbook. New York: Macm llan (1987).
- Güngör, H., Şen, İ., Allı, H., Solak, M.H., Two new Ascomycete records for Turkish Mycota. – Biological Diversity and Conservation 8(1): 19–21 (2015a).
- Güngör, H., Solak, M.H., Alli, H., Işiloğlu, M., Kalmış, E., New records for Turkey and contributions to the macrofungal diversity of Isparta Province. – Turkish Journal of Botany 39: 867–877 (2015b)
- Güngör, H, Solak, M.H., Allı, H., Işıloğlu, M., Kalmış, E., Adana ve Mers n Yöresİ Makrofungus Çeş tl l ğ ne Katkılar, Mantar Derg s 6(2): 38-42 (2015c).
- Kaya, A., Contributions to the macrofungal diversity of Atatürk Dam Lake Basin. Turkish Journal of Botany 39: 162–172 (2015).
- K rk, P.F., Cannon, P.F., M nter, D.W., Stalpers, J.A., Dictionary of the fungi, 10th ed. CAB International, Wallingford, UK (2008).
- Kruys, A., Huhndorf, S.M., M ller, A.N., Coproph lous contr but ons to the phylogeny of Las osphaer aceae and all ed taxa w th n Sordar ales (Ascomycota, Fung ), Fungal D vers ty 70 (1): 101-103 (2014).
- M ller, A.N, Huhndorf, S.M., Us ng phylogenet c spec es recogn t on to del m t spec es boundar es w th n Las osphaer a, Mycolog a, 96 (5): 1106–1127 (2004).
- Sesl E., Denchev C.M., Checkl sts of the myxomycetes, larger ascomycetes, and larger bas d omycetes
- n Turkey. Mycotaxon 106: 65–67 (2008). up-dated onl ne vers on (February 2014): 1–136.
- sts/sesl -v106-checkl st.pdf).
- Solak, M.H., Işıloğlu, M., Kalmış, E., Allı, H., Macrofung of Turkey, Checkl st, Volume- II. Ün vers tel ler Ofset, Bornova, İzm r (2015).
- Uzun, Y., Acar, İ., Akçay, M.E., Akata, I., Additions to the Turkish Discomycetes. – Turkish Journal of Botany 38: 617–622 (2014).
- Uzun, Y., Kaya, A., Akata, I., Keleş, A., Yakar, S., Notes on Turk sh Hypocrea. Biological Diversity and Conservation 8 (2): 117–121 (2015a).
- Uzun, Y., Kaya, A., Karacan, H.İ., Kaya, Ö.F., Yakar, S., Neobulgar a Petr. and Tr chopez za Fuckel, Two New Genus Record for Turk sh Lachnaceae. Mantar Derg s 6 (2): 58-61 (2015b).
- Talde, U.K., The genus Las osphaer a n Ind a. Sydow a. 30(1-6):280-282 (1977).