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Metal and Radioactive Elements Uptake of Wild Agaricus and Agrocybe Species Growing in Samanlı Mountains (Türkiye)

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2, 105 - 111, 31.10.2022


Twenty-two element contents were analyzed by ICP-AES equipment in five wild Agaricus and Agrocybe taxa [Agaricus bresadolanus Bohus, A. sylvicola (Vittad.) Peck, A. xanthodermus Genev., Agrocybe paludosa (J.E. Lange) Kühner & Romagn. ex Bon and Agrocybe praecox (Pers.) Fayod] from Samanlı Mountains of Türkiye. The element uptake was observed at the different levels in each Agaricus and Agrocybe species. The highest Pb and P concentrations were determined as 16.74 mg/kg and 1.501 mg/kg in A. sylvicola and A. bresadolanus respectively. Ag, Hg, and P concentrations were determined as 30685 µg/kg, 59781 µg/kg, and 501 mg/kg in A. bresadolanus respectively. A. sylvicola has the highest Ni, Cu, and Mn concentrations as 37.1, 43.63 and 1476 mg/kg respectively, whereas A. praecox has the highest Mo, Ni and P at 0.54 mg/kg, 10.20 mg/kg, and 27.9% respectively. A. paludosa has the highest Zn, Cd, and Ba concentrations of 336.8, 2.26, and 571.5 mg/kg. The highest K concentration was found in A. xanthodermus with 5.31 mg/kg.
According to WHO and FAO criteria, there is no important risk for the element uptake for human health if these species would be consumed. Additionally, some radioactive metals were found in mushroom species such as Sr, V, Th, Sc, Ga, and U. People should be careful against radioactive pollution if they consume mushrooms naturally.

Destekleyen Kurum

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey

Proje Numarası



This research was financially supported by TUBİTAK (TBAG-112T136) and Selçuk University Scientific Research Projects Coordinating Office (SÜ-BAP-13401072).


  • Anonymous, (1990). Report of the International Committee on Nickel Carcinogenesis in Man. Scandinavian journal of work, Environment & Health, 16(Suppl.), 1-82.
  • Belgemen T. ve Akar N., (2004). Çinkonun yaşamsal fonksiyonları ve çinko metabolizması ile ilişkili genler. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 57(3), 161-166.
  • Breitenbach, J. and Kränzlin, F. (2000). Fungi of Switzerland (Volume 5). Luzern 9, Switzerland: Verlag Mykologia.
  • Cocchia, L., Vescovi, L., Petrini, L. E. and Petrini, O. (2006). Heavy metals in edible mushrooms in Italy. Food Chemistry, 98, 277-284.
  • Demirbaş, A. (2001). Concentrations of 21 metals in 18 species of mushrooms growing in the East Black Sea region. Food Chemistry, 75, 453-457.
  • Duruibe, J.O., Ogwuegbu, M.O.C. and Egwurugwu, J.N. (2007). Heavy metal pollution and human biotoxic effects. International Journal of Physical Sciences, 2(5), 112-118.
  • European Commission. (2001). Commission Regulation (EC) No 466/2001. Directive 2001/22/EC. European Commission, EU.
  • Gray, N.F. (1996). Drinking water quality: Problems and Solutions. Baffins Lane, Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
  • Health Canada, (2009). Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality: Guideline Technical Document — Radiological Parameters. Radiation Protection Bureau, Ottawa, Ontario: Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch, Health Canada, (Catalogue No. H128-1/10-614E-PDF).
  • Kalać, P. and Svoboda, L. (2000). A review of trace element concentrations in edible mushrooms. Food Chemistry, 69, 273-281.
  • Kalać, P. (2010). Trace element contents in European species of wild growing edible mushrooms: A review for the period 2000–2009. Food Chemistry, 122, 2-15.
  • Kalać, P. (2012). A review of chemical composition and nutritional value of wild-growing and cultivated mushrooms. J. Sci. Food Agr., 93, 209-218. Matilla P., Salo-vaananen P., Könkö K., Aro H. and Jalava T. (2002). Basic composition and amino acid contents of mushrooms cultivated in Finland. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50(22), 6419-6422.
  • Melgar, M.J., Alonso, J. and García, M.A. (2009). Mercury in edible mushrooms and underlying soil: Bioconcentration factors and toxicological risk. Science of the Total Environment, 407, 5328-5334.
  • Michelot, D., Siobud, E., Doré, JC., Viel, C. and Poirer, F. (1998). Update on metal content profiles in mushrooms - Toxicological implications and tentative approach to the mechanisms of bioaccumulation. Toxicon, 36(12), 1997-2012. Moser, M. (1983). Keys to Agarics and Boleti. Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer Verlag.
  • Seeger, R. and Stijve, T. (1980). Occurrence of toxic Amanita species. Amanita toxins and poisoning Editör: Faulstich H., Kommerell B., Wieland, New York.
  • Tüzen, M., Özdemir, M. and Demirbaş, A. (1998). Study of heavy metals in some cultivated and uncultivated mushrooms of Turkish origin. Food Chemistry, 63(2), 247-251.
  • Tüzen, M., Sesli, E. and Soylak, M. (2007). Trace element levels of mushroom species from East Black Sea Region of Turkey. Food Chemistry, 18, 806-810.
  • Vetter, J. (2019). Biological Values of Cultivated Mushrooms – A Review. Acta Alimentaria, 48(2), 229-240.
  • WHO. (1989). International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS INCHEM). Joint FAO/ WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA). Safety evaluation of certain food additives and contaminants, Geneva: WHO Food Additives Series No: 24, Technical Report Series No: 776.
  • WHO. (2000). International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS INCHEM). Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA). Safety Evaluation of Certain Food Additives and Contaminants Report No. FAS 46—JECFA 55/247, Geneva: World Health Organization.
  • WHO-FAO. (1996). Trace Elements in Human Nutrition and Health. Geneva: World Health Organization.
  • WHO. (2017). Guidelines for Drinking water Quality Fourth Edition Incorporating, The First Addendum. WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data. Geneva: World Health Organization.

Samanlı Dağları'nda (Türkiye) Yetişen Agaricus ve Agrocybe Türlerinin Metal ve Radyoaktif Element Alımı

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2, 105 - 111, 31.10.2022


Türkiye'nin Samanlı Dağlarında yetişen beş doğal Agaricus ve Agrocybe taksonunda [Agaricus bresadolanus Bohus, A. sylvicola (Vittad.) Peck, A. xanthodermus Genev., Agrocybe paludosa (J.E. Lange) Kühner & Romagn. ex Bon ve Agrocybe praecox (Pers.) Fayod] ICP-AES metodu ile yirmi iki element içeriği analiz edilmiştir. Agaricus ve Agrocybe türlerinin her birinde farklı seviyelerde element alımı gözlemlendi. En yüksek Pb ve P konsantrasyonları sırasıyla A. sylvicola ve A. bresadolanus'ta 16.74 mg/kg ve 1.501 mg/kg olarak belirlendi. A. bresadolanus'ta Ag, Hg ve P konsantrasyonları sırasıyla 30685 µg/kg, 59781 µg/kg ve 501 mg/kg olarak belirlendi. A. sylvicola sırasıyla 37.1, 43.63 ve 1476 mg/kg ile en yüksek Ni, Cu ve Mn konsantrasyonlarına sahipken, A. praecox 0.54 mg/kg, 10.20 mg/kg ve %27.9 ile en yüksek Mo, Ni ve P konsantrasyonlarına sahiptir. A. paludosa 336.8, 2.26 ve 571.5 mg/kg ile en yüksek Zn, Cd ve Ba konsantrasyonlarına sahiptir. En yüksek K konsantrasyonu 5.31 mg/kg ile A. xanthodermus'da bulunmuştur.
WHO ve FAO kriterlerine göre bu türlerin tüketilmesi durumunda element alımı için insan sağlığı açısından önemli bir risk bulunmamaktadır. Ayrıca Sr, V, Th, Sc, Ga ve U gibi bazı radyoaktif metaller mantar türlerinde bulunmuştur. İnsanlar, mantarları doğal yollarla tüketirken radyoaktif kirliliğe karşı dikkatli olmalıdır.

Proje Numarası



  • Anonymous, (1990). Report of the International Committee on Nickel Carcinogenesis in Man. Scandinavian journal of work, Environment & Health, 16(Suppl.), 1-82.
  • Belgemen T. ve Akar N., (2004). Çinkonun yaşamsal fonksiyonları ve çinko metabolizması ile ilişkili genler. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 57(3), 161-166.
  • Breitenbach, J. and Kränzlin, F. (2000). Fungi of Switzerland (Volume 5). Luzern 9, Switzerland: Verlag Mykologia.
  • Cocchia, L., Vescovi, L., Petrini, L. E. and Petrini, O. (2006). Heavy metals in edible mushrooms in Italy. Food Chemistry, 98, 277-284.
  • Demirbaş, A. (2001). Concentrations of 21 metals in 18 species of mushrooms growing in the East Black Sea region. Food Chemistry, 75, 453-457.
  • Duruibe, J.O., Ogwuegbu, M.O.C. and Egwurugwu, J.N. (2007). Heavy metal pollution and human biotoxic effects. International Journal of Physical Sciences, 2(5), 112-118.
  • European Commission. (2001). Commission Regulation (EC) No 466/2001. Directive 2001/22/EC. European Commission, EU.
  • Gray, N.F. (1996). Drinking water quality: Problems and Solutions. Baffins Lane, Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
  • Health Canada, (2009). Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality: Guideline Technical Document — Radiological Parameters. Radiation Protection Bureau, Ottawa, Ontario: Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch, Health Canada, (Catalogue No. H128-1/10-614E-PDF).
  • Kalać, P. and Svoboda, L. (2000). A review of trace element concentrations in edible mushrooms. Food Chemistry, 69, 273-281.
  • Kalać, P. (2010). Trace element contents in European species of wild growing edible mushrooms: A review for the period 2000–2009. Food Chemistry, 122, 2-15.
  • Kalać, P. (2012). A review of chemical composition and nutritional value of wild-growing and cultivated mushrooms. J. Sci. Food Agr., 93, 209-218. Matilla P., Salo-vaananen P., Könkö K., Aro H. and Jalava T. (2002). Basic composition and amino acid contents of mushrooms cultivated in Finland. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50(22), 6419-6422.
  • Melgar, M.J., Alonso, J. and García, M.A. (2009). Mercury in edible mushrooms and underlying soil: Bioconcentration factors and toxicological risk. Science of the Total Environment, 407, 5328-5334.
  • Michelot, D., Siobud, E., Doré, JC., Viel, C. and Poirer, F. (1998). Update on metal content profiles in mushrooms - Toxicological implications and tentative approach to the mechanisms of bioaccumulation. Toxicon, 36(12), 1997-2012. Moser, M. (1983). Keys to Agarics and Boleti. Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer Verlag.
  • Seeger, R. and Stijve, T. (1980). Occurrence of toxic Amanita species. Amanita toxins and poisoning Editör: Faulstich H., Kommerell B., Wieland, New York.
  • Tüzen, M., Özdemir, M. and Demirbaş, A. (1998). Study of heavy metals in some cultivated and uncultivated mushrooms of Turkish origin. Food Chemistry, 63(2), 247-251.
  • Tüzen, M., Sesli, E. and Soylak, M. (2007). Trace element levels of mushroom species from East Black Sea Region of Turkey. Food Chemistry, 18, 806-810.
  • Vetter, J. (2019). Biological Values of Cultivated Mushrooms – A Review. Acta Alimentaria, 48(2), 229-240.
  • WHO. (1989). International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS INCHEM). Joint FAO/ WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA). Safety evaluation of certain food additives and contaminants, Geneva: WHO Food Additives Series No: 24, Technical Report Series No: 776.
  • WHO. (2000). International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS INCHEM). Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA). Safety Evaluation of Certain Food Additives and Contaminants Report No. FAS 46—JECFA 55/247, Geneva: World Health Organization.
  • WHO-FAO. (1996). Trace Elements in Human Nutrition and Health. Geneva: World Health Organization.
  • WHO. (2017). Guidelines for Drinking water Quality Fourth Edition Incorporating, The First Addendum. WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data. Geneva: World Health Organization.
Toplam 22 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce

Hasan Hüseyin Doğan 0000-0001-8859-0188

Murad Aydın Şanda Şanda 0000-0001-8843-4361

Proje Numarası TUBITAK, TBAG 112T136
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ekim 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Doğan, H. H., & Şanda, M. A. Ş. (2022). Metal and Radioactive Elements Uptake of Wild Agaricus and Agrocybe Species Growing in Samanlı Mountains (Türkiye). Mantar Dergisi, 13(2), 105-111. https://doi.org/10.30708/mantar.1094390

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