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Yıl 1998, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 1 - 30, 22.06.1998


World economic relationships have recently been transformed by a process of
globalisation whereby economic activity between nations and blocs of nations has
become influenced by and (arguably) inextricably linked to the resurgence of the regional
integration arrangements (RIAs). This article postulates that, despite the fact
that regional bloc formation is not something new, the old theory and practice of regionalism
cannot adequately describe the spirit and structure of modern RIAs. This
study attempts to assess what countries expect to gain from membership of RIAs
and tries to distinguish the motives and forces which derive them towards such organisations.
In this respect, modern RIAs are compared with the initial, post-war,
model of regional integration. The authors seek to establish that, as regional economies
have become increasingly interdependent and homogenous, ever deeper regionalism
has become the favorued means of economic regulation unless prompt
and wide-ranging multilateral solutions are available to reverse this trend.


  • AKMAN, M. S. and DARTAN, M. (1997), "The Political Economy of Regionalism in World Trade: Is it Compatible with Multilateralism?", Marmara Journal of European Studies, 5 (1·2), pp. 21-60.
  • ANDERSON, K. and BLACKHURST, R. (eds.) (1993), Regional Integration and the Global Trading System, Harvester Wheatsheaf, New York.
  • BELLO, J. H. and HOLMER, A. F. (1993), "The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)', The International Lawyer, 27 (39, pp. 589-602).
  • BERGSTEN, F. (1997), "American Politics, Global Trade", The Economist, 27 September, pp. 23·28.
  • BHAGWATI, J. (1992), "Regionalism versus Multilateralism", World Economy15 (5), pp. 535- 555.
  • BHAGWATI, J. (1993), "Fair Trade, Reciprocity and Harmonization: The Novel Challenge to the Theory and Policy of Free Trade" in D. Salvatore (ed.), Protectionism and World Welfare, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • BHAGWATI, J. and HUDEC, R. (1 991 ), Aggressive Unilateralism, Harvester Wheatsheaf, New York.
  • CAVANAGH, J. WYSHAM, D. and ARRUDA, M. (1994), Beyond Bretton Woods: Alternatives to the Global Economic Order, Pluto Press, London. DAVENPORT, M. (1992), "Africa and the Unimportance of Being Preferred" Journal of Common Market Studies 30 (2), pp. 233-251 .
  • DEMARET, P., BELLIS, J.F. and JIMENEZ, G.G. (eds.) (1997), Regionalism and Multilatera/ism after the Uruguay Round: Convergence, Divergence and Interaction, European Interuniversity Press, Brussels.
  • De MELO, J. A. and PANAGARIYA, A. (eds.) (1992), New Dimensions in Regional Integration, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • DOBBS-HIGGISON, M. S. (1995), Asia Pacific: Its Role in the New World Disorder, Mandarin, London. 28 THE REGIONALISM IN THE WORLD ECONOMY: NOVEL EXPECTATIONS FROM AN OLD HABIT
  • DORNBUSCH, R. (1990), "Policy Options for Free Trade: The Case for Bilateralism" in R. Z. Lawrence and C. L. Schultze (eds.), An American Trade Strategy: Options for the 1990's, The Brookings Institution; Washington D.C.
  • DORNBUSCH, R. (1993), "The Case of Bilateralism" in D. Salvatore (ed.), Protecilonism and World Welfare, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • ESTY, D. C. (1994), Greening the GATT: Trade, Environment, and the Future Institute for International Economics, Washington D. C.
  • FALK, R. (1997), "Regionalism and World Order After the Cold War" in Marmara Journal of European Studies 5 (1-2), pp. 1-19.
  • FIDLER, S. (1 997a), "Economisfs Report Stirs Controversy over Trade Pact's Performance" Financial Times (4 February).
  • FIDLER, S. (1997b), "Economisfs Report Stirs Controversy over Trade Pact's Performance" Financial Times (4 February).
  • FINGER, J. M. and OLECHOWSKI, A. (1 987) The Uruguay Round: A Handbook on the Multilateral Trade Negotiations, Trade World Bank Washington D. C.
  • FINLAYSON, J. A. and ZACKER, M. W. (1 983), "The GA TI and the Regulation of Trade Barriers: Regime Dynamics and Functions" in S. Krasner (ed.), International Regimes, Cornell University Press, London.
  • HAO, M. ul, JOLLY, R., STREETEN, P. and HAO, K. (eds.) (1995), The UN and the Bretton Woods Institutions, Macmillan, London.
  • HELLMAN, J. A. (1 994), "Mexican Perceptions of Free Trade: Support and Opposition to NAFTA" in R. Grinspun and M.A. Cameron (eds.), The Political Economy of North American Free Trade, St. Martin's Press, New York, pp. 193-204.
  • HENNING R. C. et. al. (eds.) (1994), Reviving the European Union, Institute for International Economics, Washington D. C.
  • HILPOLD, P. (1996}, "Wirtschaftlicher Regionalismus: Koordination und Wettbewerb der lntegrationszonen", Integration 19 (4), pp. 224-235. HOEKMAN, B. and KOSTECKI, M. (1 995), The Political Economy of the World Trading System, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • HOEKMAN, B., and LEIDY, M.P. (1992), "Holes and Loopholes in Regional Trade Arrangements and tlhe Multilateral Trading System", Aussenwirtschaft47 (3), pp. 325-360. MARMARA JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN STUDIES 29
  • HOLLAND, S. (1994}, Towards a New Bretton Woods, Spokesman, Nottingham. HUFFBAUER, G. C. and SCHOTT, J. J: (1993}, NAFTA: An Assesment, Institute for International Economics, Washington D. C.
  • JACKSON, J. H. (1990}, Restructuring the GATT System, RIIA/Pinter, London.
  • KABAALIOGLU H. (1997}, "The Turkish Model of Association: Customs Union Before Accession" in P. Demaret, J.F. Bellis and G. G. Jimenez (eds.) Regionalism and Multilatera/ism after the Uruguay Round: Convergence, Divergence and Interaction, European Interuniversity Press, Brussels, pp. 115-160.
  • KODAMA, Y. (1996}, "Asia Pacific Region: APEC and ASEAN", International Lawyer 30 (2), pp. 367-389.
  • KRASNER, S. {1983}, International Regimes, Cornell, New York.
  • KRUEGER, A. (1997}, "International Labor Standards and Trade" in B. Bruno and B. Pleskovic (eds.), Annual World Bank Conference on Development and Economics 1996, The World Bank, Washington D. C.
  • LANGHAMMER, R. J. (1992}, "The Developing Countries and Regionalism", Journal of Common Market Studies 30 (2}, pp. 211-231.
  • LAWRENCE R. Z. (1997}, "Preferential Trading Arrangements: The Traditional and the New" in A. Gala! and B. Hoekman (eds.), Regional Partners in Global Markets, CEPR/ECES, London.
  • LAWRENCE, R. and LIT AN, R. (1991}, "The World Trading System After the Uruguay Round" Boston University Law JournalS, pp. 247-276. LEVY, B. (1994), "The EU and NAFTA: Two Regional Economic Blocs in a Complex Globalized and Interdependent International Economy" Journal of European Integration 17 (2-3}: pp. 211-233.
  • LIPSEY, R. G. and LANCASTER, K. (1956), "The General Theory of the Second-Besr in Review of Economic Studies, pp. 11-32. LUSTIG, N., BOSWORTH, B. P. and LAWRENCE, R. Z. (eds.), (1992}, North American Free Trade: Assessing the Impact, The Brookings Institution. Washington D. C.
  • MORICI, P. {1993}, "Grasping the Benefits of NAFTA", Current History92, pp. 49-54.
  • MUNDELL, R. A. (1964}, "Tariff Preferences and the Tenns of Trade", The Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies 32, pp. 1·13. 30 THE REGIONALISM IN THE WORLD ECONOMY: NOVEL EXPECTATIONS FROM AN OLD HABIT
  • PANAGARIYA, A. (1994), "East Asia and the New Regionalism in World Trade", The World Economy17 (6), pp. 817-839.
  • PASTOR, R. A. (1993), Integration with Mexico: Options for US Policy, The Twentieth Cewntury Fund Press, New York.
  • PELKMANS, J. (1997), "ASEAN and APEC: A Triumph of the 'Asian Way'?", in P. Demaret, J. F. Bellis and G. G. Jimenez (eds.), Regionalism and Multilateralism after the Uruguay Round: Convergence, Divergence and Interaction, European Interuniversity Press (EIP), Brussels, pp. 199-234.
  • PROFF, H. V., (1993), ''The North American Trade Region", lntereconomics 28 (6), pp. 279- 284.
  • RODRIK, D. (1992), "The Rush to Free Trade in the Developing World: Why so late? Why now? Will it last?" NBER Working Paper No. 3947, Cambridge, MA.
  • RUGGIE, J. (1983), "International Regimes, Transactions and Change", inS. Krasner, (ed.), International Regimes, Cornell, New York.
  • SCHOTI, J. J. (1994), The Uruguay Round: An Assessment, Institute for International Economics, Washington D. C.
  • SCHUKNECHT, L. (1992), Trade Protection in the European Community, Harwood, Chur.
  • STRASSNER, R. {1994), "ASEAN: Motor for a New Security System", Aussenpolitik 45 (3), pp. 289-298.
  • TREBILCOCK, M. J. and HOWSE, R. (1995), The Regulation of International Trade, Routledge, London.
  • WIJKMAN, P. M. {1994), "EFTA Countries", in Henning et. al. (eds.), Reviving the European Union, Institute for International Economics, Washington D. C. WINTERS, L. A. and WANG, Z. K. (1994), Eastern Europe's International Trade, Manchester University Press , Manchester.
  • WTO Secretariat {1 996), Annual Report 1996, Vol. 1-2, Geneva.
  • YOUNG, S. (1993), "East Asia as a Regional Force for Globalism", in K. Anderson and R. Blackhurst (eds.), Regional Integration and the Global Trading System, Harvester Wheatsheaf, New York.


Yıl 1998, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 1 - 30, 22.06.1998


World economic relationships have recently been transformed by a process of
globalisation whereby economic activity between nations and blocs of nations has
become influenced by and (arguably) inextricably linked to the resurgence of the regional
integration arrangements (RIAs). This article postulates that, despite the fact
that regional bloc formation is not something new, the old theory and practice of regionalism
cannot adequately describe the spirit and structure of modern RIAs. This
study attempts to assess what countries expect to gain from membership of RIAs
and tries to distinguish the motives and forces which derive them towards such organisations.
In this respect, modern RIAs are compared with the initial, post-war,
model of regional integration. The authors seek to establish that, as regional economies
have become increasingly interdependent and homogenous, ever deeper regionalism
has become the favorued means of economic regulation unless prompt
and wide-ranging multilateral solutions are available to reverse this trend.


  • AKMAN, M. S. and DARTAN, M. (1997), "The Political Economy of Regionalism in World Trade: Is it Compatible with Multilateralism?", Marmara Journal of European Studies, 5 (1·2), pp. 21-60.
  • ANDERSON, K. and BLACKHURST, R. (eds.) (1993), Regional Integration and the Global Trading System, Harvester Wheatsheaf, New York.
  • BELLO, J. H. and HOLMER, A. F. (1993), "The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)', The International Lawyer, 27 (39, pp. 589-602).
  • BERGSTEN, F. (1997), "American Politics, Global Trade", The Economist, 27 September, pp. 23·28.
  • BHAGWATI, J. (1992), "Regionalism versus Multilateralism", World Economy15 (5), pp. 535- 555.
  • BHAGWATI, J. (1993), "Fair Trade, Reciprocity and Harmonization: The Novel Challenge to the Theory and Policy of Free Trade" in D. Salvatore (ed.), Protectionism and World Welfare, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • BHAGWATI, J. and HUDEC, R. (1 991 ), Aggressive Unilateralism, Harvester Wheatsheaf, New York.
  • CAVANAGH, J. WYSHAM, D. and ARRUDA, M. (1994), Beyond Bretton Woods: Alternatives to the Global Economic Order, Pluto Press, London. DAVENPORT, M. (1992), "Africa and the Unimportance of Being Preferred" Journal of Common Market Studies 30 (2), pp. 233-251 .
  • DEMARET, P., BELLIS, J.F. and JIMENEZ, G.G. (eds.) (1997), Regionalism and Multilatera/ism after the Uruguay Round: Convergence, Divergence and Interaction, European Interuniversity Press, Brussels.
  • De MELO, J. A. and PANAGARIYA, A. (eds.) (1992), New Dimensions in Regional Integration, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • DOBBS-HIGGISON, M. S. (1995), Asia Pacific: Its Role in the New World Disorder, Mandarin, London. 28 THE REGIONALISM IN THE WORLD ECONOMY: NOVEL EXPECTATIONS FROM AN OLD HABIT
  • DORNBUSCH, R. (1990), "Policy Options for Free Trade: The Case for Bilateralism" in R. Z. Lawrence and C. L. Schultze (eds.), An American Trade Strategy: Options for the 1990's, The Brookings Institution; Washington D.C.
  • DORNBUSCH, R. (1993), "The Case of Bilateralism" in D. Salvatore (ed.), Protecilonism and World Welfare, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • ESTY, D. C. (1994), Greening the GATT: Trade, Environment, and the Future Institute for International Economics, Washington D. C.
  • FALK, R. (1997), "Regionalism and World Order After the Cold War" in Marmara Journal of European Studies 5 (1-2), pp. 1-19.
  • FIDLER, S. (1 997a), "Economisfs Report Stirs Controversy over Trade Pact's Performance" Financial Times (4 February).
  • FIDLER, S. (1997b), "Economisfs Report Stirs Controversy over Trade Pact's Performance" Financial Times (4 February).
  • FINGER, J. M. and OLECHOWSKI, A. (1 987) The Uruguay Round: A Handbook on the Multilateral Trade Negotiations, Trade World Bank Washington D. C.
  • FINLAYSON, J. A. and ZACKER, M. W. (1 983), "The GA TI and the Regulation of Trade Barriers: Regime Dynamics and Functions" in S. Krasner (ed.), International Regimes, Cornell University Press, London.
  • HAO, M. ul, JOLLY, R., STREETEN, P. and HAO, K. (eds.) (1995), The UN and the Bretton Woods Institutions, Macmillan, London.
  • HELLMAN, J. A. (1 994), "Mexican Perceptions of Free Trade: Support and Opposition to NAFTA" in R. Grinspun and M.A. Cameron (eds.), The Political Economy of North American Free Trade, St. Martin's Press, New York, pp. 193-204.
  • HENNING R. C. et. al. (eds.) (1994), Reviving the European Union, Institute for International Economics, Washington D. C.
  • HILPOLD, P. (1996}, "Wirtschaftlicher Regionalismus: Koordination und Wettbewerb der lntegrationszonen", Integration 19 (4), pp. 224-235. HOEKMAN, B. and KOSTECKI, M. (1 995), The Political Economy of the World Trading System, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • HOEKMAN, B., and LEIDY, M.P. (1992), "Holes and Loopholes in Regional Trade Arrangements and tlhe Multilateral Trading System", Aussenwirtschaft47 (3), pp. 325-360. MARMARA JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN STUDIES 29
  • HOLLAND, S. (1994}, Towards a New Bretton Woods, Spokesman, Nottingham. HUFFBAUER, G. C. and SCHOTT, J. J: (1993}, NAFTA: An Assesment, Institute for International Economics, Washington D. C.
  • JACKSON, J. H. (1990}, Restructuring the GATT System, RIIA/Pinter, London.
  • KABAALIOGLU H. (1997}, "The Turkish Model of Association: Customs Union Before Accession" in P. Demaret, J.F. Bellis and G. G. Jimenez (eds.) Regionalism and Multilatera/ism after the Uruguay Round: Convergence, Divergence and Interaction, European Interuniversity Press, Brussels, pp. 115-160.
  • KODAMA, Y. (1996}, "Asia Pacific Region: APEC and ASEAN", International Lawyer 30 (2), pp. 367-389.
  • KRASNER, S. {1983}, International Regimes, Cornell, New York.
  • KRUEGER, A. (1997}, "International Labor Standards and Trade" in B. Bruno and B. Pleskovic (eds.), Annual World Bank Conference on Development and Economics 1996, The World Bank, Washington D. C.
  • LANGHAMMER, R. J. (1992}, "The Developing Countries and Regionalism", Journal of Common Market Studies 30 (2}, pp. 211-231.
  • LAWRENCE R. Z. (1997}, "Preferential Trading Arrangements: The Traditional and the New" in A. Gala! and B. Hoekman (eds.), Regional Partners in Global Markets, CEPR/ECES, London.
  • LAWRENCE, R. and LIT AN, R. (1991}, "The World Trading System After the Uruguay Round" Boston University Law JournalS, pp. 247-276. LEVY, B. (1994), "The EU and NAFTA: Two Regional Economic Blocs in a Complex Globalized and Interdependent International Economy" Journal of European Integration 17 (2-3}: pp. 211-233.
  • LIPSEY, R. G. and LANCASTER, K. (1956), "The General Theory of the Second-Besr in Review of Economic Studies, pp. 11-32. LUSTIG, N., BOSWORTH, B. P. and LAWRENCE, R. Z. (eds.), (1992}, North American Free Trade: Assessing the Impact, The Brookings Institution. Washington D. C.
  • MORICI, P. {1993}, "Grasping the Benefits of NAFTA", Current History92, pp. 49-54.
  • MUNDELL, R. A. (1964}, "Tariff Preferences and the Tenns of Trade", The Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies 32, pp. 1·13. 30 THE REGIONALISM IN THE WORLD ECONOMY: NOVEL EXPECTATIONS FROM AN OLD HABIT
  • PANAGARIYA, A. (1994), "East Asia and the New Regionalism in World Trade", The World Economy17 (6), pp. 817-839.
  • PASTOR, R. A. (1993), Integration with Mexico: Options for US Policy, The Twentieth Cewntury Fund Press, New York.
  • PELKMANS, J. (1997), "ASEAN and APEC: A Triumph of the 'Asian Way'?", in P. Demaret, J. F. Bellis and G. G. Jimenez (eds.), Regionalism and Multilateralism after the Uruguay Round: Convergence, Divergence and Interaction, European Interuniversity Press (EIP), Brussels, pp. 199-234.
  • PROFF, H. V., (1993), ''The North American Trade Region", lntereconomics 28 (6), pp. 279- 284.
  • RODRIK, D. (1992), "The Rush to Free Trade in the Developing World: Why so late? Why now? Will it last?" NBER Working Paper No. 3947, Cambridge, MA.
  • RUGGIE, J. (1983), "International Regimes, Transactions and Change", inS. Krasner, (ed.), International Regimes, Cornell, New York.
  • SCHOTI, J. J. (1994), The Uruguay Round: An Assessment, Institute for International Economics, Washington D. C.
  • SCHUKNECHT, L. (1992), Trade Protection in the European Community, Harwood, Chur.
  • STRASSNER, R. {1994), "ASEAN: Motor for a New Security System", Aussenpolitik 45 (3), pp. 289-298.
  • TREBILCOCK, M. J. and HOWSE, R. (1995), The Regulation of International Trade, Routledge, London.
  • WIJKMAN, P. M. {1994), "EFTA Countries", in Henning et. al. (eds.), Reviving the European Union, Institute for International Economics, Washington D. C. WINTERS, L. A. and WANG, Z. K. (1994), Eastern Europe's International Trade, Manchester University Press , Manchester.
  • WTO Secretariat {1 996), Annual Report 1996, Vol. 1-2, Geneva.
  • YOUNG, S. (1993), "East Asia as a Regional Force for Globalism", in K. Anderson and R. Blackhurst (eds.), Regional Integration and the Global Trading System, Harvester Wheatsheaf, New York.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

M. Sait Akman Bu kişi benim

Muzaffer Dartan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Haziran 1998
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1998 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Akman, M. S., & Dartan, M. (1998). THE REGIONALISM IN THE WORLD ECONOMY: NOVEL EXPECTATIONS FROM AN OLD HABIT. Marmara Üniversitesi Avrupa Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(1), 1-30.
AMA Akman MS, Dartan M. THE REGIONALISM IN THE WORLD ECONOMY: NOVEL EXPECTATIONS FROM AN OLD HABIT. MJES. Haziran 1998;6(1):1-30. doi:10.29228/mjes.308
Chicago Akman, M. Sait, ve Muzaffer Dartan. “THE REGIONALISM IN THE WORLD ECONOMY: NOVEL EXPECTATIONS FROM AN OLD HABIT”. Marmara Üniversitesi Avrupa Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi 6, sy. 1 (Haziran 1998): 1-30.
EndNote Akman MS, Dartan M (01 Haziran 1998) THE REGIONALISM IN THE WORLD ECONOMY: NOVEL EXPECTATIONS FROM AN OLD HABIT. Marmara Üniversitesi Avrupa Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi 6 1 1–30.
IEEE M. S. Akman ve M. Dartan, “THE REGIONALISM IN THE WORLD ECONOMY: NOVEL EXPECTATIONS FROM AN OLD HABIT”, MJES, c. 6, sy. 1, ss. 1–30, 1998, doi: 10.29228/mjes.308.
ISNAD Akman, M. Sait - Dartan, Muzaffer. “THE REGIONALISM IN THE WORLD ECONOMY: NOVEL EXPECTATIONS FROM AN OLD HABIT”. Marmara Üniversitesi Avrupa Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi 6/1 (Haziran 1998), 1-30.
MLA Akman, M. Sait ve Muzaffer Dartan. “THE REGIONALISM IN THE WORLD ECONOMY: NOVEL EXPECTATIONS FROM AN OLD HABIT”. Marmara Üniversitesi Avrupa Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi, c. 6, sy. 1, 1998, ss. 1-30, doi:10.29228/mjes.308.