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The Subsistence Economy in Inland Northwestern Anatolia During the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 7, 243 - 300, 01.05.2012


Kalkolitik Çağ’dan İlk Tunç Çağı’nın sonuna kadar koyunlar, İç Kuzeybatı Anadolu en çok beslenen evcil hayvanlardır. Koyun eti, Kalkolitik Çağ’da en çok tüketilen etken, İlkTunç Çağı'nda en çok tüketilen sığır eti olmuştur. Küllüoba’da bulunun sığır kalıntıları, sığırların yalnızca etleri için değil aynı zamanda iş hayvanları olarak da beslenildiğini göstermiştir. Yerleşimlerde zaman içinde koyunların boyutları büyümüş ama sığırların boyutları küçülmüştür. Av hayvanlarının farklılığının nedeni yerleşim yerlerinin bulundukları farklı coğrafi ortamlardır. Erken dönemlerde avcılık yaşamda önemli bir yer tutarken, bu zaman içinde değişmiş ve ileri dönemlerde eski değerini kaybetmiştir. Avlanan hayvanların çoğunluğunu yabani at, geyik ve yabani koyun oluşturur. Bu tür yabani hayvanların bulunması, bölgenin çok yüksek olmayan otlarla kaplı açık arazi ve ormanlık alanlardan oluştuğunu göstermektedir. Yazar’ın Troya’da yaptığı önceki çalışmaların, İlk Tunç Cağı’nda koyun boyutlarındaki değişimin kıl ve yün koyunu arasındaki farkı ortaya koymadığını, ama aslında diğer arkeolojik buluntuların önemli olduğunu göstermiştir Önceden bilindiği gibi yün koyunu Orta Tunç Çağı’ndan önce İlk Tunç Cağı’nda İç Kuzeybatı Anadolu’da beslenmiş olabilir.


  • Balfanz, K., 1995 “Bronzezeitlich Spinwirtel aus Troia”. Studia Troica V: 117-144.
  • Boessneck, J.-A. von den Driesch., 1979 Die Tierknochenfunde aus der neolithischen Siedlung auf dem Fikirtepe bei Kadıköy am Marmarameer. München: Institut für Domestikations forschung.
  • Booth, R.K-S.T. Jackson-S.L. Forman-J.E. Kutzbach- E.A. Bettis-J. Kreig-D.K.
  • Wright., 2005 “A severe centennial-scale drought in mid-continental North America 4200 years ago and apparent global linkages”, Holocene 15: 321–328.
  • Gasse, F., 2000 “Hydrological changes in the African tropics since the Last Glacial Maximum”, Quaternary Science Reviews 19: 189–211.
  • Geigl, E.-M.-T. Grange., 2012 “Eurasian wild asses in time and space: Morphological versus genetic diversity.”Annals of Anatomy 194: 88– 102.
  • Gündem, C. Y., 2003 Die Funde von Wild- und Haussäugetieren aus dem Bronzezeitlichen Küllüoba. Masters Thesis: University of Tübingen.(not published).
  • 2010 Animal Based Economy in Troia and the Troas during The Maritime Troia Culture (c. 3000-2200 BC.) and a General Summary for West Anatolia. Dissertation: University of Tübingen.
  • Kromer, B. - M. Korfmann - P. Jablonka., 2003 “Heidelberg radiocarbon dates for Troia I to VIII and Kumtepe”. In: G.A Wagner
  • E. Pernicka and H.-P. Uerpmann (Eds.), Troia and the Troad: Scientific Apporoaches. Berlin, Springer Verlag: 43-54.
  • Kumerloeve, H., 1975 Die Säugetiere (Mammalia) der Türkei“ , Veröffentlichungen der Zoologischen Staatssammlung München 18: 69-158.
  • Kussinger, S., 1988 Tierknochenfunde vom Lidar Höyük in Südostanatolien (Grabungen 1979- 1986). Dissertation: University of München.
  • Manhart, H., 1998 “Die vorgeschichtliche Tierwelt von Koprivec und Durankulak und anderen prähistorischen Fundplätzen in Bulgarien aufgrund von Knochenfunden aus archäologischen Ausgrabungen”, Documentanaturae 116: 3-353.
  • Meadow, R.H. 1987 “Faunal exploitation patterns in eastern Iran and Baluchistan: a review of recent investigations”, In: G. Gnoli and L. Lanciotti (Eds), Orientalia Iosephi Tucci Memoriae Dicata, Rome Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente: 881- 916.
  • Orlando, L. -J. L. Metcalf - M. T. Alberdi - M.Telles-Antunes - D.Bonjean- M.Otte., 2009 “Revising the recent evolutionary history of equids using ancient DNA”, Nature 463:757-62.
  • Rauh, H., 1981 Knochenfunde von Säugetieren aus dem Demircihöyük (Nordwestanatolien), Dissertation: University of München.
  • Staubwasser, M.-H. Weiss., 2006 “Holocene climate and cultural evolution in late prehistoric–early historic West Asia”, Quaternary Research 66: 372-387.
  • Uerpmann, H.-P., 1971 Die Tierknochenfunde aus der Talayot-Siedlung von S`Illot (San Lorenzo/Mallorca). Studien über frühe Tierknochenfunde von der Iberischen Halbinsel. Dissertation: University of München.
  • 1978 “The KNOCOD System for Processing Data on Animal Bones from Archaeological Sites, in: Approaches to Faunal Analysis in the Middle East”, Peabody Museum Bulletins 2: 149-167.
  • 1982 “Faunal remains from Shams ed-Din Tannira, a Halafian site in Northern Syria”, Berytus 30: 3-52.
  • 1987 The Ancient distribution of ungulate mammals in the Middle East. [Beiheftezum
  • Tubinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients, ReiheA 27]. Wiesbaden: Dr. L. Reichert.
  • 2001 “Remarks on Faunal Remains from the Chalcolitihic site “Orman Fidanlığı and “Kes Kaya” near Eskişehir in North-Western Anatolia”, In: T.Efe (Ed.), The Salvage excavations at Orman Fidanlığı, A Chalcolithic Site in Inland Northwestern Anatolia, TASK Vakfı Yayınları 3, İstanbul: 187-211.
  • Uerpmann, M.-H.-P. Uerpmann., 1994 “Animal bone finds from Excavation 520 at Qala'at al-Bahrain”, In: F. Højlund and H.H. Andersen (Eds.),Qala'at al-Bahrain - The Northern City Wall and the Islamic Fortress. Jutland Archaeological Society Publications 30: 417-444.
  • von den Driesch, A., 1976 A guide to the measurement of animal bones from archaeological sites. Cambridge: Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University.
  • von den Driesch, A.- N. Pöllath., 2004 Vor- und frügeschichtliche Nutztierhaltung und Jagd auf Büyükkaya in Boğazköy-Hattusa, Zentralanatolien. Mainz am Rhein: von Zabern.
  • Weiss, H., 2000 “Beyond the Younger Dryas: Collapse as Adaptation to Abrupt Climate Change in Ancient West Asia and the Eastern Mediterranean”. In: G.Bawden, R.
  • Reycraft (Eds.), Confronting Natural Disaster: Engaging the Past to Understand the Future. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque: 75–98.

The Subsistence Economy in Inland Northwestern Anatolia During the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 7, 243 - 300, 01.05.2012


Sheep were the most kept animals in Inland Northwestern Anatolia during the Chalcolithic Period and the Early Bronze Age. The most consumed meat was Mutton in the Chalcolithic Period and beef in the Early Bronze Age. The aging from cattle remains from Küllüoba shows that they were not only kept for meat but for their power. The size of the sheep became larger, but the size of the cattle became smaller over time in the settlements. The locations of the settlements were the main reason in the difference of the games. Hunting was clearly much more important in the earlier periods; however it changes in the later periods in Inland Northwestern Anatolia. Most of the hunted animals were wild horse, fallow deer and wild sheep. These animals indicate an open land with not very high grass and woods as well as forests. An earlier study by the Author on Troy shows that shows that size increase in sheep is not necessary to differentiate hair and wool sheep in the Early Bronze Age, but instead, other archaeological evidences provide indication of wool production and use. As it was previously known, wool sheep might have been already introduced to Inland Northwestern Anatolia in the Early Bronze Age and not in the Middle Bronze Age.


  • Balfanz, K., 1995 “Bronzezeitlich Spinwirtel aus Troia”. Studia Troica V: 117-144.
  • Boessneck, J.-A. von den Driesch., 1979 Die Tierknochenfunde aus der neolithischen Siedlung auf dem Fikirtepe bei Kadıköy am Marmarameer. München: Institut für Domestikations forschung.
  • Booth, R.K-S.T. Jackson-S.L. Forman-J.E. Kutzbach- E.A. Bettis-J. Kreig-D.K.
  • Wright., 2005 “A severe centennial-scale drought in mid-continental North America 4200 years ago and apparent global linkages”, Holocene 15: 321–328.
  • Gasse, F., 2000 “Hydrological changes in the African tropics since the Last Glacial Maximum”, Quaternary Science Reviews 19: 189–211.
  • Geigl, E.-M.-T. Grange., 2012 “Eurasian wild asses in time and space: Morphological versus genetic diversity.”Annals of Anatomy 194: 88– 102.
  • Gündem, C. Y., 2003 Die Funde von Wild- und Haussäugetieren aus dem Bronzezeitlichen Küllüoba. Masters Thesis: University of Tübingen.(not published).
  • 2010 Animal Based Economy in Troia and the Troas during The Maritime Troia Culture (c. 3000-2200 BC.) and a General Summary for West Anatolia. Dissertation: University of Tübingen.
  • Kromer, B. - M. Korfmann - P. Jablonka., 2003 “Heidelberg radiocarbon dates for Troia I to VIII and Kumtepe”. In: G.A Wagner
  • E. Pernicka and H.-P. Uerpmann (Eds.), Troia and the Troad: Scientific Apporoaches. Berlin, Springer Verlag: 43-54.
  • Kumerloeve, H., 1975 Die Säugetiere (Mammalia) der Türkei“ , Veröffentlichungen der Zoologischen Staatssammlung München 18: 69-158.
  • Kussinger, S., 1988 Tierknochenfunde vom Lidar Höyük in Südostanatolien (Grabungen 1979- 1986). Dissertation: University of München.
  • Manhart, H., 1998 “Die vorgeschichtliche Tierwelt von Koprivec und Durankulak und anderen prähistorischen Fundplätzen in Bulgarien aufgrund von Knochenfunden aus archäologischen Ausgrabungen”, Documentanaturae 116: 3-353.
  • Meadow, R.H. 1987 “Faunal exploitation patterns in eastern Iran and Baluchistan: a review of recent investigations”, In: G. Gnoli and L. Lanciotti (Eds), Orientalia Iosephi Tucci Memoriae Dicata, Rome Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente: 881- 916.
  • Orlando, L. -J. L. Metcalf - M. T. Alberdi - M.Telles-Antunes - D.Bonjean- M.Otte., 2009 “Revising the recent evolutionary history of equids using ancient DNA”, Nature 463:757-62.
  • Rauh, H., 1981 Knochenfunde von Säugetieren aus dem Demircihöyük (Nordwestanatolien), Dissertation: University of München.
  • Staubwasser, M.-H. Weiss., 2006 “Holocene climate and cultural evolution in late prehistoric–early historic West Asia”, Quaternary Research 66: 372-387.
  • Uerpmann, H.-P., 1971 Die Tierknochenfunde aus der Talayot-Siedlung von S`Illot (San Lorenzo/Mallorca). Studien über frühe Tierknochenfunde von der Iberischen Halbinsel. Dissertation: University of München.
  • 1978 “The KNOCOD System for Processing Data on Animal Bones from Archaeological Sites, in: Approaches to Faunal Analysis in the Middle East”, Peabody Museum Bulletins 2: 149-167.
  • 1982 “Faunal remains from Shams ed-Din Tannira, a Halafian site in Northern Syria”, Berytus 30: 3-52.
  • 1987 The Ancient distribution of ungulate mammals in the Middle East. [Beiheftezum
  • Tubinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients, ReiheA 27]. Wiesbaden: Dr. L. Reichert.
  • 2001 “Remarks on Faunal Remains from the Chalcolitihic site “Orman Fidanlığı and “Kes Kaya” near Eskişehir in North-Western Anatolia”, In: T.Efe (Ed.), The Salvage excavations at Orman Fidanlığı, A Chalcolithic Site in Inland Northwestern Anatolia, TASK Vakfı Yayınları 3, İstanbul: 187-211.
  • Uerpmann, M.-H.-P. Uerpmann., 1994 “Animal bone finds from Excavation 520 at Qala'at al-Bahrain”, In: F. Højlund and H.H. Andersen (Eds.),Qala'at al-Bahrain - The Northern City Wall and the Islamic Fortress. Jutland Archaeological Society Publications 30: 417-444.
  • von den Driesch, A., 1976 A guide to the measurement of animal bones from archaeological sites. Cambridge: Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University.
  • von den Driesch, A.- N. Pöllath., 2004 Vor- und frügeschichtliche Nutztierhaltung und Jagd auf Büyükkaya in Boğazköy-Hattusa, Zentralanatolien. Mainz am Rhein: von Zabern.
  • Weiss, H., 2000 “Beyond the Younger Dryas: Collapse as Adaptation to Abrupt Climate Change in Ancient West Asia and the Eastern Mediterranean”. In: G.Bawden, R.
  • Reycraft (Eds.), Confronting Natural Disaster: Engaging the Past to Understand the Future. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque: 75–98.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Can Yümni Gündem Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mayıs 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 7

Kaynak Göster

APA Gündem, C. Y. (2012). The Subsistence Economy in Inland Northwestern Anatolia During the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age. MASROP E-Dergi, 6(7), 243-300.
AMA Gündem CY. The Subsistence Economy in Inland Northwestern Anatolia During the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age. MASROP E-Dergi. Mayıs 2012;6(7):243-300.
Chicago Gündem, Can Yümni. “The Subsistence Economy in Inland Northwestern Anatolia During the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age”. MASROP E-Dergi 6, sy. 7 (Mayıs 2012): 243-300.
EndNote Gündem CY (01 Mayıs 2012) The Subsistence Economy in Inland Northwestern Anatolia During the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age. MASROP E-Dergi 6 7 243–300.
IEEE C. Y. Gündem, “The Subsistence Economy in Inland Northwestern Anatolia During the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age”, MASROP E-Dergi, c. 6, sy. 7, ss. 243–300, 2012.
ISNAD Gündem, Can Yümni. “The Subsistence Economy in Inland Northwestern Anatolia During the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age”. MASROP E-Dergi 6/7 (Mayıs 2012), 243-300.
JAMA Gündem CY. The Subsistence Economy in Inland Northwestern Anatolia During the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age. MASROP E-Dergi. 2012;6:243–300.
MLA Gündem, Can Yümni. “The Subsistence Economy in Inland Northwestern Anatolia During the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age”. MASROP E-Dergi, c. 6, sy. 7, 2012, ss. 243-00.
Vancouver Gündem CY. The Subsistence Economy in Inland Northwestern Anatolia During the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age. MASROP E-Dergi. 2012;6(7):243-300.