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KOBİ’lerin Malzeme Aktarma ve Depolama Sistemlerine Yönelik Endüstri 4.0 Uygulamalarında Karşılaşılan Güçlükler ve Çözüm Önerileri

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 2, 39 - 45, 22.04.2020


Teknolojik gelişmeler ile
üretim şirketlerinin dijital dönüşümleri, mevcut ve yeni pazarlara rekabetçi
maliyetlerle ürün ve hizmetler sunabilmeleri için oldukça önemlidir. Gelecekte
rakiplerinden önde olabilecek işletmeler, bugün yeni temel teknolojileri
benimseyen ve başarıyla uygulayabilen işletmelerdir. Bununla ilgili olarak,
işletmelerdeki üretim ve lojistik süreçlerinde malzeme aktarma ve depolama
sistemlerinin güncel teknolojilere adaptasyonu, kilit rolü üstlenmektedir. Yeni
teknolojiler ile elde edilen verilerin, yapay zeka tarafından yeni bir zeka
türüne dönüştürülmesi sürecinde, malzeme aktarma ve depolama sistemleri ile
ilgili olarak, Endüstri 4.0 için uygulama desteği alan ve değişimi uygulayan
işletmeler, bu konuda radikal değişimlerin öncüleridir. Türkiye’de faaliyet
gösteren Küçük ve Orta Büyüklükteki İşletmeler (KOBİ) için bu sistemlere
Endüstri 4.0 uygulamalarının entegre edilmesinde bazı problemler ortaya
çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, entegrasyon süreçlerinde ortaya çıkabilecek
problemlerin açıklanarak, bu problemlerin çözümü için global alandaki çözüm
yöntemlerinin incelenmesidir. Sonuç olarak, ülkemizde KOBİ’lerdeki malzeme
aktarma ve depolama sistemlerinin Endüstri 4.0 ortamına uygun olarak nasıl
tasarlanacağı, dijital teknolojiler sayesinde toplanan gerçek zamanlı veriyi
ilgili kararları vermede nasıl kullanılacağı ile ilgili öneriler sunulmuştur.


  • 1. Anonim, Deloitte/ch/Documents/manufacturing/ch-enmanufacturing- industry-4-0-24102014.pdf
  • 2. Alcácer, V., Cruz-Machado, V., Scanning the Industry 4.0: A Literature Review on Technologies for Manufacturing Systems, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal,
  • 3. Bahnes, N., Kechar, B., Haffaf, H. (2016), "Cooperation Between Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles to Enhance Container Terminal Operations", Journal of Innovation in Digital Ecosystem, 3, pp.22-29.
  • 4. Bechtsis, D., Tsolakis, N., Vlachos, D., Iakovou, E. (2016), "Sustainable Supply Chain Management in the Digitalisation Era: The Impact of Automated Guided Vehicles", Journal of Cleaner Production, 142, pp.3970-3984.
  • 5. Furmans, K., Seibold, Z., Trenkle, A., Future Technologies in Intralogistics and Material Handling, Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 545-574, 319-92447-2_24.
  • 6. Göçmen E., Erol R., 2018, The Transition To Industry 4.0 In One Of The Turkish Logistics Company, International Journal Of 3D Printing Technologies And Digital Industry 2:1 (2018) 76-85.
  • 7. Ivanov, D., Tsipoulanidis, A., Schönberger, J., 2019, Digital Supply Chain, Smart Operations and Industry 4.0, Global Supply Chain and Operations Management, pp 481-526, 8-3-319-94313-8_16#citeas.
  • 8. Liu, X., Jao, J., Yang, Y., Jiang, S., 2018, CPSBased Smart Warehouse for Industry 4.0: A Survey of the Underlying Technologies, Received: 16 November 2017; Accepted: 29 January 2018; Published: 2 February 2018, Computers 2018, 7, 13; doi:10.3390/computers7010013.
  • 9. Mourtzis, D., Samothrakis, V., Zogopoulos, V., Vlachou, E., 2019, Warehouse Design and Operation using Augmented Reality technology: A Papermaking Industry Case Study, Procedia CIRP 79 (2019) 574–579, 10.1016/j.procir.2019.02.097.
  • 10. Preuveneers, D., Ilie-Zudor, E., 2017, The İntelligent Industry Of The Future: A Survey On Emerging Trends, Research Challenges And Opportunities In Industry 4.0. Journal Of Ambient Intelligence And Smart Environments, 9(3): 287-298. doi: 10.3233/ais-170432. 11. Ünlü, F., Atik, H., Türkiye’deki İşletmelerin Endüstri 4.0’a Geçiş Performansı: Avrupa Birliği Ülkeleri İle Karşılaştırmalı Ampirik Analiz, Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi Cilt:17, No: 2 (Yıl: 2018), s. 431-463, uploads/sites/462/2019/01/C17S2Unluve Atik.pdf.
  • 12. ler-291.
  • 13. i_40_neden_onemli_ve_turkiyede_nasil_uygulan mali.pdf.
  • 14. Forstner, Lisa; Dümmler, Mathias 2014: Integrierte Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke – Chancen und Potenziale durch Industrie 4.0 [Integrated value creation networks – opportunities and potentials of Industry 4.0], in: Elektrotechnik & Informationstechnik 131 (7), 199–201.
  • 15. Mussbach-Witer, Ute; Schatz, Anja: Vertikale IT-Integration im Auftragsmanagementprozess: Aspekte der Aufgabenverteilung und des Informationsaustauschs zwischen ERP- und MES-Software [Vertical IT integration in task management: Aspects of task allocation and exchange of information between ERP MES software], in: Software Markt, 1–6 (5), http://www.itmatchmaker. com/public/downloads/1062.pdf (10.04.2019).
  • 16. Wischmann, Steffen; Wangler, Leo; Botthof, Alfons 2015: Autononomik Industrie 4.0: Volks und betriebswirtschaftliche Faktoren für den Standort Deutschland [Autonomics and Industry 4.0: Economic and business factors for Germany as an industrial location]. Eine Studie im Rahmen der Begleitforschung zum Technologieprogramm AUTONOMIK für Industrie 4.0, Berlin, dustrie-4-0-volksund_20betriebswirtschaftlichefaktoren- deutschland,property=pdf, bereich=bmwi2012,sprache=de,rwb=true.pdf (13.04.2019).
  • 17. Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) 2014: MonitoringReport Digitale Wirtschaft 2014 [Monitoring report on the digital economy], Berlin, likationen/monitoring-report-digitale-wirtschaft- 2014- langfassung,property=pdf,bereich=bmwi2012,sp rache=de,rwb=true.pdf (10.04.2019).
  • 18. Finanzgruppe Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband 2015: Diagnose Mittelstand 2015: Kreditfinanzierung vor Kapitalmarkt, Berlin, (10.04.2019).
  • 19. https://www.itsowl. de/fileadmin/PDF/Informationsmaterialien/2 017-Technology_Transfer_web.pdf.
  • 20. 17- 11/UNIDO%20Background%20Paper%20on%2 0Industry%204.0_27112017.pdf
  • 21. Safar, L., Sopko, J., Bednar, S., Poklemba, R., Concept of SME Business Model for Industry 4.0 Environment, TEM Journal. Volume 7, Issue 3, Pages 626-637, ISSN 2217-8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM73-20, August 2018.
  • 22. 2018-Industry4.0-Circular_Economy.pdf.
Yıl 2019, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 2, 39 - 45, 22.04.2020



  • 1. Anonim, Deloitte/ch/Documents/manufacturing/ch-enmanufacturing- industry-4-0-24102014.pdf
  • 2. Alcácer, V., Cruz-Machado, V., Scanning the Industry 4.0: A Literature Review on Technologies for Manufacturing Systems, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal,
  • 3. Bahnes, N., Kechar, B., Haffaf, H. (2016), "Cooperation Between Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles to Enhance Container Terminal Operations", Journal of Innovation in Digital Ecosystem, 3, pp.22-29.
  • 4. Bechtsis, D., Tsolakis, N., Vlachos, D., Iakovou, E. (2016), "Sustainable Supply Chain Management in the Digitalisation Era: The Impact of Automated Guided Vehicles", Journal of Cleaner Production, 142, pp.3970-3984.
  • 5. Furmans, K., Seibold, Z., Trenkle, A., Future Technologies in Intralogistics and Material Handling, Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 545-574, 319-92447-2_24.
  • 6. Göçmen E., Erol R., 2018, The Transition To Industry 4.0 In One Of The Turkish Logistics Company, International Journal Of 3D Printing Technologies And Digital Industry 2:1 (2018) 76-85.
  • 7. Ivanov, D., Tsipoulanidis, A., Schönberger, J., 2019, Digital Supply Chain, Smart Operations and Industry 4.0, Global Supply Chain and Operations Management, pp 481-526, 8-3-319-94313-8_16#citeas.
  • 8. Liu, X., Jao, J., Yang, Y., Jiang, S., 2018, CPSBased Smart Warehouse for Industry 4.0: A Survey of the Underlying Technologies, Received: 16 November 2017; Accepted: 29 January 2018; Published: 2 February 2018, Computers 2018, 7, 13; doi:10.3390/computers7010013.
  • 9. Mourtzis, D., Samothrakis, V., Zogopoulos, V., Vlachou, E., 2019, Warehouse Design and Operation using Augmented Reality technology: A Papermaking Industry Case Study, Procedia CIRP 79 (2019) 574–579, 10.1016/j.procir.2019.02.097.
  • 10. Preuveneers, D., Ilie-Zudor, E., 2017, The İntelligent Industry Of The Future: A Survey On Emerging Trends, Research Challenges And Opportunities In Industry 4.0. Journal Of Ambient Intelligence And Smart Environments, 9(3): 287-298. doi: 10.3233/ais-170432. 11. Ünlü, F., Atik, H., Türkiye’deki İşletmelerin Endüstri 4.0’a Geçiş Performansı: Avrupa Birliği Ülkeleri İle Karşılaştırmalı Ampirik Analiz, Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi Cilt:17, No: 2 (Yıl: 2018), s. 431-463, uploads/sites/462/2019/01/C17S2Unluve Atik.pdf.
  • 12. ler-291.
  • 13. i_40_neden_onemli_ve_turkiyede_nasil_uygulan mali.pdf.
  • 14. Forstner, Lisa; Dümmler, Mathias 2014: Integrierte Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke – Chancen und Potenziale durch Industrie 4.0 [Integrated value creation networks – opportunities and potentials of Industry 4.0], in: Elektrotechnik & Informationstechnik 131 (7), 199–201.
  • 15. Mussbach-Witer, Ute; Schatz, Anja: Vertikale IT-Integration im Auftragsmanagementprozess: Aspekte der Aufgabenverteilung und des Informationsaustauschs zwischen ERP- und MES-Software [Vertical IT integration in task management: Aspects of task allocation and exchange of information between ERP MES software], in: Software Markt, 1–6 (5), http://www.itmatchmaker. com/public/downloads/1062.pdf (10.04.2019).
  • 16. Wischmann, Steffen; Wangler, Leo; Botthof, Alfons 2015: Autononomik Industrie 4.0: Volks und betriebswirtschaftliche Faktoren für den Standort Deutschland [Autonomics and Industry 4.0: Economic and business factors for Germany as an industrial location]. Eine Studie im Rahmen der Begleitforschung zum Technologieprogramm AUTONOMIK für Industrie 4.0, Berlin, dustrie-4-0-volksund_20betriebswirtschaftlichefaktoren- deutschland,property=pdf, bereich=bmwi2012,sprache=de,rwb=true.pdf (13.04.2019).
  • 17. Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) 2014: MonitoringReport Digitale Wirtschaft 2014 [Monitoring report on the digital economy], Berlin, likationen/monitoring-report-digitale-wirtschaft- 2014- langfassung,property=pdf,bereich=bmwi2012,sp rache=de,rwb=true.pdf (10.04.2019).
  • 18. Finanzgruppe Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband 2015: Diagnose Mittelstand 2015: Kreditfinanzierung vor Kapitalmarkt, Berlin, (10.04.2019).
  • 19. https://www.itsowl. de/fileadmin/PDF/Informationsmaterialien/2 017-Technology_Transfer_web.pdf.
  • 20. 17- 11/UNIDO%20Background%20Paper%20on%2 0Industry%204.0_27112017.pdf
  • 21. Safar, L., Sopko, J., Bednar, S., Poklemba, R., Concept of SME Business Model for Industry 4.0 Environment, TEM Journal. Volume 7, Issue 3, Pages 626-637, ISSN 2217-8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM73-20, August 2018.
  • 22. 2018-Industry4.0-Circular_Economy.pdf.
Toplam 21 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma, Geliştirme ve Uygulama Makaleleri

Nimet Karabacak

Nil Aras Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Nisan 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Ağustos 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 17 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Karabacak N, Aras N. KOBİ’lerin Malzeme Aktarma ve Depolama Sistemlerine Yönelik Endüstri 4.0 Uygulamalarında Karşılaşılan Güçlükler ve Çözüm Önerileri. MATİM. 2020;17(2):39-45.