Research Article
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Uncertainty Calculation for the Determination of Chromium Oxide in Leather

Year 2022, , 871 - 877, 30.12.2022


This work describes the uncertainty calculation for the determination of chromium oxide in leather. Following the various steps for the calculation of uncertainty which includes assembling a list of sources of uncertainty, with the help of basic formula used to calculate the measure and as all parameters cause an influence on the result because of the uncertainty value associated with it then the basic cause and effect diagram is made which shows the correlation between these and indicates their effect on the uncertainty of the result.
All individual sources of uncertainty are evaluated by quantification. Mass, purity, and molecular mass of potassium dichromate are calculated against the volume of sodium thiosulphate following the first step in the test method is the standardization of sodium thiosulphate with the primary standard, potassium dichromate. So the overall uncertainty value depends on the uncertainties associated with the mass, purity, and molecular mass of potassium dichromate.

Supporting Institution

Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

Project Number



Special thanks to the Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Leather Research Centre, Pakistan as this work has been carried out at its premises. The article complies with national and international research and publication ethics. Ethics committee permission was not required for the study. This article was presented in the II. International Architectural Sciences and Applications Symposium as an abstract paper. It was later expanded for this Journal.


  • Determination of Chromium Oxide in Leather (2018). IULTCS/IUC 8:1. Northampton, UK: Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists (SLTC).
  • Dewani, R., Ahmed, F., Saleemuddin, M., Rasheed, M., Pervez, M., & Mahboob, S. (2012). Quantifying Uncertainty for the determination of formaldehyde in leather by colorimetric method. Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, 107 (11), 384-393.
  • EURACHEM/CITAC Guide. (2012). Quantifying uncertainty in analytical measurement S. L. Ellison & A. Williams (Eds.), Retrieved from
  • General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. (2017) ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (pp. 30). Geneva, Switzerland: International Standard Organization and The International Electrotechnical Commission.
  • Kadis, R. L. (1998). Evaluating uncertainty in analytical measurements: the pursuit of correctness. Accred Qual Assur, 147-151.
  • Meyer, V. R. (2007). Measurement uncertainty. Journal of Chromatography A, 1158(1-2), 15-24.
  • Rowley, A. (2001). Evaluating uncertainty for laboratories: A practical guide and handbook: Alan Rowley Associates.
  • Vogel, A. I., Jeffery, G. H., Bassett, J. & Mendham, J. (1989). Vogel's textbook of quantitative chemical analysis (5th ed. Vol. 349): Longman Scientific & Technical London (pp. 392).
  • Wieser, M. E., Holden, N., Coplen, T. B., Böhlke, J. K., Berglund, M., Brand, W. A. & . . . Meija, J. (2013). Atomic weights of the elements 2011 (IUPAC Technical Report). Pure and Applied Chemistry, 85(5), 1047-1078. Doi:

Deride Krom Oksit Tayini için Belirsizlik Hesaplaması

Year 2022, , 871 - 877, 30.12.2022


Bu çalışma, deride krom oksit tayini için belirsizlik hesaplamasını açıklamaktadır. Ölçümü hesaplamak için kullanılan temel formül yardımıyla ve tüm parametreler kendisiyle ilişkili belirsizlik değeri nedeniyle sonuç üzerinde bir etkiye neden olduğundan, belirsizlik kaynaklarının bir listesinin bir araya getirilmesini içeren belirsizliğin hesaplanması için çeşitli adımların ardından bunlar arasındaki korelasyonu gösteren ve sonucun belirsizliği üzerindeki etkisini gösteren temel neden-sonuç diyagramı yapılmaktadır.
Tüm bireysel belirsizlik kaynakları niceleme ile değerlendirilir. Potasyum dikromatın kütlesi, saflığı ve moleküler kütlesi, sodyum tiyosülfatın hacmine göre hesaplanır ve test yöntemindeki ilk adım, sodyum tiyosülfatın birincil standart olan potasyum dikromat ile standardizasyonudur. Dolayısıyla genel belirsizlik değeri, potasyum dikromatın kütlesi, saflığı ve moleküler kütlesi ile ilişkili belirsizliklere bağlıdır.

Project Number



  • Determination of Chromium Oxide in Leather (2018). IULTCS/IUC 8:1. Northampton, UK: Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists (SLTC).
  • Dewani, R., Ahmed, F., Saleemuddin, M., Rasheed, M., Pervez, M., & Mahboob, S. (2012). Quantifying Uncertainty for the determination of formaldehyde in leather by colorimetric method. Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, 107 (11), 384-393.
  • EURACHEM/CITAC Guide. (2012). Quantifying uncertainty in analytical measurement S. L. Ellison & A. Williams (Eds.), Retrieved from
  • General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. (2017) ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (pp. 30). Geneva, Switzerland: International Standard Organization and The International Electrotechnical Commission.
  • Kadis, R. L. (1998). Evaluating uncertainty in analytical measurements: the pursuit of correctness. Accred Qual Assur, 147-151.
  • Meyer, V. R. (2007). Measurement uncertainty. Journal of Chromatography A, 1158(1-2), 15-24.
  • Rowley, A. (2001). Evaluating uncertainty for laboratories: A practical guide and handbook: Alan Rowley Associates.
  • Vogel, A. I., Jeffery, G. H., Bassett, J. & Mendham, J. (1989). Vogel's textbook of quantitative chemical analysis (5th ed. Vol. 349): Longman Scientific & Technical London (pp. 392).
  • Wieser, M. E., Holden, N., Coplen, T. B., Böhlke, J. K., Berglund, M., Brand, W. A. & . . . Meija, J. (2013). Atomic weights of the elements 2011 (IUPAC Technical Report). Pure and Applied Chemistry, 85(5), 1047-1078. Doi:
There are 9 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Civil Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Sarwat Mahboob 0000-0001-6761-6596

Rajkumar Dewanı This is me 0000-0001-8870-1175

Muhammad Kashif Pervez This is me 0000-0002-5778-6935

Tahira Ayaz This is me 0000-0002-0618-1741

Project Number 01
Publication Date December 30, 2022
Submission Date September 29, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Mahboob, S., Dewanı, R., Pervez, M. K., Ayaz, T. (2022). Uncertainty Calculation for the Determination of Chromium Oxide in Leather. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 7(2), 871-877.