Harabeleri Canlandırmak: İç Mimarlıkta Deneyimsel Eğitimle Yamanlar Sanatoryumu’nun Çağdaş Bir Yaz Kampı Olarak Yeniden İşlevlendirilmesi
Year 2024,
, 1149 - 1175, 26.12.2024
Deniz Avcı
Gözde Özder Çakır
Bu makalede, üçüncü sınıf iç mimarlık stüdyosunda gerçekleştirilen İzmir’deki tarihi Yamanlar sanatoryum kompleksinin yeniden kullanım projesi, modül tabanlı deneyimsel eğitimi değerlendirmek için incelenmiştir. Proje, Türkiye’nin 20. yüzyıl Modern Hareket sağlık mirasının, 2023’te meydana gelen depremden etkilenen tasarım alanlarında eğitim gören üniversite öğrencileri için bir yaz kampı olarak dönüştürülmesini hedefleyerek, Suriye savaşından sonra kontrolsüz göç nedeniyle Türkiye’de tüberküloz gibi hastalıkların artmasına ve barınamama gibi sosyal sorunlara dikkat çekmiştir. Dört bağlantılı modülle bütüncül bir tasarım yaklaşımı incelenmiştir: (1) bağlamdan konsepte, (2) konseptten forma, (3) formdan detaya ve (4) mimari maket üretimi (uygulama). Tasarım öğrencilerine yönelik tasarım, katılımcı işbirliklerini de teşvik etmiştir. Projeleri çıktıları, sanatoryum binasından etkilenen modüler, dikdörtgen formlar; doğadan ilham alan, çevreye uyumlu ancak yapıyla çatışan formlar; dönemsel etkilerine sahip heykelsi formlar olarak kategorize edilmiştir.
- Altan, T. E. (2020). Mimarlık tarihi bağlamında maket. In P. Derviş (Ed.), Düşünme ve görselleştirme aracı olarak Türkiye’de mimari maket: 20.yüzyıldan bir kesit (pp. 70–91). İstanbul: Mimarlar Derneği 1927, Müşterek Yapım.
- Anonymous. (1935, 4 July). Yamanlar kampı yarın herkese açılıyor.
Anadolu, p. 3. Access Address
- Anonymous. (1939, 17 July). Yamanlar dağındaki kamp bu sene de
açıldı. Akşam, p. 7. Access Address
- Anonymous. (2021a, 2 March). İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi’nin Yamanlar
sanatoryumu teklifi reddedildi. Cumhuriyet. Access Address
(22.06.2024): https://www.cumhuriyet.com.tr/haber/izmir-buyuksehir-
- Anonymous. (2021b, 4 March). Bakandan ‘Yamanlar’ tepkisi:
Çürütmeyin, verin Büyükşehir’e ayağa kaldırsın! Egeye Bakış. Access
Address (07.05.2024): https://www.egeyebakis.com/bakan-dan-
- Anonymous. (2023, 4 September). Üniversite öğrencilerinin konaklama
sorunu büyüyor. Yurttan Sesler. Access Adress (04.04.2024):
- Avci, D., & Özder Çakır, G. (2023a). Photographs from the Yamanlar
sanatorium complex. Authors’ Personal Archives.
- Avci, D., & Özder Çakır, G. (2023b). Photographs of architectural models
of the interior architecture studio. Authors’ Personal Archives.
- Avci-Hosanli, D. (2023). Beyond Decay: Nostalgia and loss in Turkey’s
abandoned twentieth-century sanatoria. J. Cirklová (Ed.), AMPS
Heritages: Vol. 35.3. Past and Present - Built and Social (p.677–691).
Prague, Czechia: Czech Technical University & AMPS. Access Address
- Avci-Hosanli, D., & Degirmencioglu, C. (2024). From “prototype” to
“model”: Architectural and spatial development of Block A (1924–1945)
of Istanbul’s Heybeliada Sanatorium. Frontiers of Architectural
Research, 13(1), 1–20. doi: 10.1016/j.foar.2023.09.006
- Avcı, D., & Değirmencioğlu, C. (2024). 100. Yılda İstanbul
sanatoryumlarına yeniden bakmak: Yapı tipleri ve veremden sonraki
yaşamları. In İ. Akpınar & Ş. Hoşkara (Eds.), Cumhuriyet’in 100. Yılında
mimarlık (pp. 336–370). Ankara: İdealkent.
- Avcı Hosanlı, D. (2023). İstanbul Hilton Oteli. U. Şumnu (Ed.). Çizgilerle
Türkiye’de modern iç mekân. Docomomo Türkiye İç Mekan Yayınları
(Eylül 2023). Bölüm 12. (p.39–43). ISBN: 978-605-81332-7-3. İstanbul:
- Bremner, C., & Rodgers, P. (2013). Design without discipline. Design
Issues, 29(3), 4–13. Access Adress (27.05.2024):
- Campbell, M. (2005). What tuberculosis did for modernism: The
influence of a curative environment on modernist design and
architecture. Medical History, 49(4), 463–488. doi:
- Cartwright, V. (2023). Pine forest and sunlight: Alvar Aalto’s paimio
sanitorium. In A. Bliss & D. Kopec (Eds.), Architectural factors for
infection and disease control (pp. 57–64). New York and London:
Routledge. Access Adress (13.03.2024): 10.4324/9781003214502-3
- Cengiz, B. (2024, 1 February). KYK yurduna yerleşemeyen öğrenciler ve
barınma mücadelesi: Eğitimdeki gölgeli yüz. Yeni Sayfa. Access Adress
(08.03.2024): https://yenisayfaonline.com/2024/02/09/kyk-yurduna-
- Chu, C. (2003). Interior design in Hong Kong: A practice in transition.
Design Issues, 19(3), 37–47. Access Adress (22.09.2024):
- Colomina, B. (2019). X-Ray architecture. Zurich: Lars Müller Publishers.
- Degirmencioglu, C., & Avci-Hosanli, D. (2022). The politics of cutting and
gluing: Architectural models as propaganda in early republican Turkey.
Are You a Model? On an Architectural Medium of Spatial Exploration.
Presented at the Are you a model? On an architectural medium of
spatial exploration, Darmstadt / Frankfurt. Darmstadt / Frankfurt.
- Del Curto, D. (2013). The disenchanted mountain’s heritage. Protection
and reuse of sanatoriums in the Alps. In D. Del Curto, R. Dini, & G. Menini
(Eds.), Architecture in the Alps. Heritage and design (pp. 139–164).
Milano-Udime: Mimesis Edizioni.
- Demirkan, H., & Afacan, Y. (2012). Assessing creativity in design
education: Analysis of creativity factors in the first-year design studio.
Design Studies, 33(3), 262–278. doi:
- Derviş, P. (Ed.). (2020). Düşünme ve görselleştirme aracı olarak
Türkiye’de mimari maket: 20.yüzyıldan bir kesit. İstanbul: Mimarlar
Derneği 1927, Müşterek Yapım.
- Doğanoğlu, Z. (1933, 29 July). Yamanlar dağı şahlandı! [Yamanlar
mountain has soared!]. Cumhuriyet, p. 5. Access Address
- Erdman, J., Weddle, R., Mical, T., Poss, J. S., Hinders, K., McCown, K., &
Taylor, C. (2002). Designing/building/learning. Journal of Architectural
Education (1984-), 55(3), 174–179. JSTOR. Access Address (03.05.2024):
- Friedman, D. (1994). Radical modernism. New Haven: Yale University
- Güçtekin, O. (2022, 2 August). Grand Plaza düğmeye bastı: Sanatoryum
için ‘plan’ kararı! [Grand Plaza pressed the button: “plan” decision for
the sanatorium!]. Egedensonsöz. Access Address (30.04.2024): https://www.egedesonsoz.com/haber/Grand-Plaza-dugmeye-basti-
- Harwood, B. (2008). An interior design experience program, part II: developing the experiences. Journal of Interior Design, 22(1), 15–31. doi:
- Hasio, C., & Crane, T. J. (2014). Teaching art a greener path: Integrating
sustainability concepts of interior design curriculum into the art
education curriculum. Art Education, 67(6), 35–39. Access Address
(16.05.2024): http://www.jstor.org/stable/24766130
- Hasirci, D., Bakır Küçükkaya, İ., Edes, Z., Tatari, H., Rolla, S., Çalışkanelli, M., & Kabaçam, G. (2022). Concept and scale focus in interior design
education: An adaptive reuse museum project. Journal of Architectural
Sciences and Applications, 7(2), 652–673. doi:
- IAED. (2023). Junior year studio projects. Hardcopy Archives of Faculty
of Fine Arts and Design, Izmir University of Economics.
- İlikan Rasimoğlu, C. G. (2018). “Verem iyi olur bir hastalıktır”:
Cumhuriyetin ilk yıllarında verem mücadelesi ve siyaset. Toplumsal
Tarih, (296), 50–60.
- Jackson, J. B. (1980). The necessity for ruins and other topics. Amherst:
The University of Massachusetts Press.
- Karabağ Aydeniz, E., & Erdoğmuş Manav, B. (2015). İzmir’de bir modern
mimarlık mirası: Yamanlar sanatoryumu [A legacy of modern
architecture in Izmir: Yamanlar sanatorium]. Mimarlık, (386).
Access.Adress.(22.02.2024): http://www.mimarlikdergisi.com/index.cfm?
- Lawson, B. (2014). How Designers Think: The Design Process Demystified.
Elsevier Science. Access Adress (29.04.2024):
- Levine, D. (2003). Universal design new york. Buffalo, NY: Center for
Inclusive Design and Environmental Access, University at Buffalo, The
State University of New York. Access Adress (12.01.2024):
- Nubani, L. N., Kim, S.-K., & Nazmy, H. (2018). Using design charrettes in
interior design education to improve learning outcomes and collaboration with professionals. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 35(3), 218–234. doi: http://www.jstor.org/stable/45215842
Overy, P. (2007). Light, air & openness: Modern architecture between the wars. Thames & Hudson.
- Salmon, M., & Gritzer, G. (1992). Parallel content: Social science and the
design curriculum. Design Issues, 9(1), 78–85. doi:
- Sanoff, H. (2005). Community participation in riverfront development.
CoDesign, 1(1), 61–78. doi: 10.1080/15710880512331326022
- Tokman, L. Y., & Yamacli, R. (2007). Reality-based design studio in
architectural education. Journal of Architectural and Planning
Research, 24(3), 245–269. JSTOR. Access Address (18.02.2024):
- Ülgen, B. (1947, 12 February). Verem, sefalet ve cehalet hastalığıdır.
Vakit, pp. 3, 6.
- Uslu, M. (2023a). The map of Yamanlar sanatorium complex. Mert Uslu
- Uslu, M. (2023b, 15 October). Yamanlar Sanatoryumu (D. Avci & G. Özder
Çakır, Interviewers). Authors’ Archive.
- Yablon, N. (2010). Untimely ruins: An archaeology of American urban modernity, 1819-1919. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press.
- Yavuz, E. (2017, 7 November). 30 yıllık harabe [30 years of ruins].
Dokuzeylül. Access Adress (17.02.2024):
- Yıldırım, N., & Gürgan, M. (2012). Türk göğüs hastalıkları tarihi (M.
Metintaş, Ed.). İstanbul: Türk Toraks Derneği, Aves Yayıncılık.
- Yüzer, C. (2020). Heybeliada’da bir modern mimarlık mirası: Heybeliada
sanatoryumu Dr. Tevfik İsmail Gökçe pavyonu [A legacy of modern
architecture in Heybeliada: Heybeliada sanatorium Dr. Tevfik İsmail
Gökçe pavilion]. Mimar.Ist, 20(68), 71–78.
- Zande, R. V. (2010). Teaching design education for cultural,
pedagogical, and economic aims. Studies in Art Education, 51(3), 248–
261. Access Address (20.04.2024): http://www.jstor.org/stable/40650512
Revitalizing Ruins: Adaptive Reuse of Yamanlar Sanatorium as a Contemporary Summer Camp by Experiential Education in Interior Architecture
Year 2024,
, 1149 - 1175, 26.12.2024
Deniz Avcı
Gözde Özder Çakır
This article evaluates module-based experiential education through the case of a junior-year interior architecture studio project for the adaptive reuse of the historical Yamanlar Sanatorium Complex in Izmir, Turkey. The project aimed to transform this example of Turkey’s 20th century Modern Movement healthcare heritage into a summer camp for university students who were affected by the 2023 earthquake. The project drew attention to social problems like the increase in contagious diseases due to uncontrolled migration during the Syria’s civil war and the housing crisis following the earthquake. The project’s holistic design approach was examined through four connected modules: (1) context to concept, (2) concept to form, (3) form to detail, and (4) architectural model production (implementation). Design students as selected clients also encouraged participatory design. The project outputs fell into three categories: modular, rectangular forms influenced by the sanatorium building; forms inspired by nature; and sculptural forms with period influences.
This article is the research outcome of the junior year interior architecture studio at Izmir University of Economics, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design. The authors would like to thank the junior year interior architecture studio students of 2023-2024 Fall semester for their valuable work. The students whose projects were analyzed in this research and hence have contributed to this study in alphabetical order of last names are: Esin Aksu, Selen Bedir, Sude Erarslan, Yaren Erol, Deniz Kızılşimşek, Elif Naz Şükür, Ilgın Tokatlıoğlu. For their privacy, their projects are kept anonymous. The authors especially would like to thank architects Mert Uslu, Ekin Güven and Silvia Rolla for their contributions in the modules/charrettes. The article complies with national and international research and publication ethics. Ethics committee approval in the study, Ethics Committee of the University of Izmir University of Economics dated 03.09.2024.
- Altan, T. E. (2020). Mimarlık tarihi bağlamında maket. In P. Derviş (Ed.), Düşünme ve görselleştirme aracı olarak Türkiye’de mimari maket: 20.yüzyıldan bir kesit (pp. 70–91). İstanbul: Mimarlar Derneği 1927, Müşterek Yapım.
- Anonymous. (1935, 4 July). Yamanlar kampı yarın herkese açılıyor.
Anadolu, p. 3. Access Address
- Anonymous. (1939, 17 July). Yamanlar dağındaki kamp bu sene de
açıldı. Akşam, p. 7. Access Address
- Anonymous. (2021a, 2 March). İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi’nin Yamanlar
sanatoryumu teklifi reddedildi. Cumhuriyet. Access Address
(22.06.2024): https://www.cumhuriyet.com.tr/haber/izmir-buyuksehir-
- Anonymous. (2021b, 4 March). Bakandan ‘Yamanlar’ tepkisi:
Çürütmeyin, verin Büyükşehir’e ayağa kaldırsın! Egeye Bakış. Access
Address (07.05.2024): https://www.egeyebakis.com/bakan-dan-
- Anonymous. (2023, 4 September). Üniversite öğrencilerinin konaklama
sorunu büyüyor. Yurttan Sesler. Access Adress (04.04.2024):
- Avci, D., & Özder Çakır, G. (2023a). Photographs from the Yamanlar
sanatorium complex. Authors’ Personal Archives.
- Avci, D., & Özder Çakır, G. (2023b). Photographs of architectural models
of the interior architecture studio. Authors’ Personal Archives.
- Avci-Hosanli, D. (2023). Beyond Decay: Nostalgia and loss in Turkey’s
abandoned twentieth-century sanatoria. J. Cirklová (Ed.), AMPS
Heritages: Vol. 35.3. Past and Present - Built and Social (p.677–691).
Prague, Czechia: Czech Technical University & AMPS. Access Address
- Avci-Hosanli, D., & Degirmencioglu, C. (2024). From “prototype” to
“model”: Architectural and spatial development of Block A (1924–1945)
of Istanbul’s Heybeliada Sanatorium. Frontiers of Architectural
Research, 13(1), 1–20. doi: 10.1016/j.foar.2023.09.006
- Avcı, D., & Değirmencioğlu, C. (2024). 100. Yılda İstanbul
sanatoryumlarına yeniden bakmak: Yapı tipleri ve veremden sonraki
yaşamları. In İ. Akpınar & Ş. Hoşkara (Eds.), Cumhuriyet’in 100. Yılında
mimarlık (pp. 336–370). Ankara: İdealkent.
- Avcı Hosanlı, D. (2023). İstanbul Hilton Oteli. U. Şumnu (Ed.). Çizgilerle
Türkiye’de modern iç mekân. Docomomo Türkiye İç Mekan Yayınları
(Eylül 2023). Bölüm 12. (p.39–43). ISBN: 978-605-81332-7-3. İstanbul:
- Bremner, C., & Rodgers, P. (2013). Design without discipline. Design
Issues, 29(3), 4–13. Access Adress (27.05.2024):
- Campbell, M. (2005). What tuberculosis did for modernism: The
influence of a curative environment on modernist design and
architecture. Medical History, 49(4), 463–488. doi:
- Cartwright, V. (2023). Pine forest and sunlight: Alvar Aalto’s paimio
sanitorium. In A. Bliss & D. Kopec (Eds.), Architectural factors for
infection and disease control (pp. 57–64). New York and London:
Routledge. Access Adress (13.03.2024): 10.4324/9781003214502-3
- Cengiz, B. (2024, 1 February). KYK yurduna yerleşemeyen öğrenciler ve
barınma mücadelesi: Eğitimdeki gölgeli yüz. Yeni Sayfa. Access Adress
(08.03.2024): https://yenisayfaonline.com/2024/02/09/kyk-yurduna-
- Chu, C. (2003). Interior design in Hong Kong: A practice in transition.
Design Issues, 19(3), 37–47. Access Adress (22.09.2024):
- Colomina, B. (2019). X-Ray architecture. Zurich: Lars Müller Publishers.
- Degirmencioglu, C., & Avci-Hosanli, D. (2022). The politics of cutting and
gluing: Architectural models as propaganda in early republican Turkey.
Are You a Model? On an Architectural Medium of Spatial Exploration.
Presented at the Are you a model? On an architectural medium of
spatial exploration, Darmstadt / Frankfurt. Darmstadt / Frankfurt.
- Del Curto, D. (2013). The disenchanted mountain’s heritage. Protection
and reuse of sanatoriums in the Alps. In D. Del Curto, R. Dini, & G. Menini
(Eds.), Architecture in the Alps. Heritage and design (pp. 139–164).
Milano-Udime: Mimesis Edizioni.
- Demirkan, H., & Afacan, Y. (2012). Assessing creativity in design
education: Analysis of creativity factors in the first-year design studio.
Design Studies, 33(3), 262–278. doi:
- Derviş, P. (Ed.). (2020). Düşünme ve görselleştirme aracı olarak
Türkiye’de mimari maket: 20.yüzyıldan bir kesit. İstanbul: Mimarlar
Derneği 1927, Müşterek Yapım.
- Doğanoğlu, Z. (1933, 29 July). Yamanlar dağı şahlandı! [Yamanlar
mountain has soared!]. Cumhuriyet, p. 5. Access Address
- Erdman, J., Weddle, R., Mical, T., Poss, J. S., Hinders, K., McCown, K., &
Taylor, C. (2002). Designing/building/learning. Journal of Architectural
Education (1984-), 55(3), 174–179. JSTOR. Access Address (03.05.2024):
- Friedman, D. (1994). Radical modernism. New Haven: Yale University
- Güçtekin, O. (2022, 2 August). Grand Plaza düğmeye bastı: Sanatoryum
için ‘plan’ kararı! [Grand Plaza pressed the button: “plan” decision for
the sanatorium!]. Egedensonsöz. Access Address (30.04.2024): https://www.egedesonsoz.com/haber/Grand-Plaza-dugmeye-basti-
- Harwood, B. (2008). An interior design experience program, part II: developing the experiences. Journal of Interior Design, 22(1), 15–31. doi:
- Hasio, C., & Crane, T. J. (2014). Teaching art a greener path: Integrating
sustainability concepts of interior design curriculum into the art
education curriculum. Art Education, 67(6), 35–39. Access Address
(16.05.2024): http://www.jstor.org/stable/24766130
- Hasirci, D., Bakır Küçükkaya, İ., Edes, Z., Tatari, H., Rolla, S., Çalışkanelli, M., & Kabaçam, G. (2022). Concept and scale focus in interior design
education: An adaptive reuse museum project. Journal of Architectural
Sciences and Applications, 7(2), 652–673. doi:
- IAED. (2023). Junior year studio projects. Hardcopy Archives of Faculty
of Fine Arts and Design, Izmir University of Economics.
- İlikan Rasimoğlu, C. G. (2018). “Verem iyi olur bir hastalıktır”:
Cumhuriyetin ilk yıllarında verem mücadelesi ve siyaset. Toplumsal
Tarih, (296), 50–60.
- Jackson, J. B. (1980). The necessity for ruins and other topics. Amherst:
The University of Massachusetts Press.
- Karabağ Aydeniz, E., & Erdoğmuş Manav, B. (2015). İzmir’de bir modern
mimarlık mirası: Yamanlar sanatoryumu [A legacy of modern
architecture in Izmir: Yamanlar sanatorium]. Mimarlık, (386).
Access.Adress.(22.02.2024): http://www.mimarlikdergisi.com/index.cfm?
- Lawson, B. (2014). How Designers Think: The Design Process Demystified.
Elsevier Science. Access Adress (29.04.2024):
- Levine, D. (2003). Universal design new york. Buffalo, NY: Center for
Inclusive Design and Environmental Access, University at Buffalo, The
State University of New York. Access Adress (12.01.2024):
- Nubani, L. N., Kim, S.-K., & Nazmy, H. (2018). Using design charrettes in
interior design education to improve learning outcomes and collaboration with professionals. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 35(3), 218–234. doi: http://www.jstor.org/stable/45215842
Overy, P. (2007). Light, air & openness: Modern architecture between the wars. Thames & Hudson.
- Salmon, M., & Gritzer, G. (1992). Parallel content: Social science and the
design curriculum. Design Issues, 9(1), 78–85. doi:
- Sanoff, H. (2005). Community participation in riverfront development.
CoDesign, 1(1), 61–78. doi: 10.1080/15710880512331326022
- Tokman, L. Y., & Yamacli, R. (2007). Reality-based design studio in
architectural education. Journal of Architectural and Planning
Research, 24(3), 245–269. JSTOR. Access Address (18.02.2024):
- Ülgen, B. (1947, 12 February). Verem, sefalet ve cehalet hastalığıdır.
Vakit, pp. 3, 6.
- Uslu, M. (2023a). The map of Yamanlar sanatorium complex. Mert Uslu
- Uslu, M. (2023b, 15 October). Yamanlar Sanatoryumu (D. Avci & G. Özder
Çakır, Interviewers). Authors’ Archive.
- Yablon, N. (2010). Untimely ruins: An archaeology of American urban modernity, 1819-1919. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press.
- Yavuz, E. (2017, 7 November). 30 yıllık harabe [30 years of ruins].
Dokuzeylül. Access Adress (17.02.2024):
- Yıldırım, N., & Gürgan, M. (2012). Türk göğüs hastalıkları tarihi (M.
Metintaş, Ed.). İstanbul: Türk Toraks Derneği, Aves Yayıncılık.
- Yüzer, C. (2020). Heybeliada’da bir modern mimarlık mirası: Heybeliada
sanatoryumu Dr. Tevfik İsmail Gökçe pavyonu [A legacy of modern
architecture in Heybeliada: Heybeliada sanatorium Dr. Tevfik İsmail
Gökçe pavilion]. Mimar.Ist, 20(68), 71–78.
- Zande, R. V. (2010). Teaching design education for cultural,
pedagogical, and economic aims. Studies in Art Education, 51(3), 248–
261. Access Address (20.04.2024): http://www.jstor.org/stable/40650512