A Guide to the Reuse of Demountable Construction Elements and Components
Year 2024,
, 1058 - 1077, 26.12.2024
Özlem Eren
The fact that the demolition of buildings that have lost their function creates environmental pollution in the form of waste they produce makes it necessary to reuse the building elements. There are important points to be ensured as of the design stage for the implementation of building dismantling. One such point is to have a designer with sufficient knowledge in designing a demountable structure in which high-level building elements can be reused. In this study, a scoring system has been developed to guide the designer in the selection of materials during the design stage so that the elements and components in the subsystems of the structures that end their life cycles are highly demountable and reusable. With this system, the designer will be able to predict to what extent the building can be dismantled and the building elements can be reused depending on the selected material.
This article was produced from the project titled 'Light Steel Construction System Waste Management Planning Map' numbered 2021/05, supported by Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. The article complies with national and international research and publication ethics. Ethics Committee approval was not required for the study.
- Aidonis, D., Xanthopoulos A., Vlachos, D., & Lakovou, E. (2008). On the optimal deconstruction and recovery processes of end-of-life buildings. In Proceedings of The 2nd WSEAS/IASME International Conference On Waste Management, Water Pollution, Air Pollution, And Indoor Climate (WWAI’08), Corfu, Greece. p.211–216.
- Akinade, O. O., Oyedele, L. O, Ajayi, S.O., Bilal, M., Alaka, H. A., Owolabi, H.
A., Bello, S. A., Jaiyeoba, B. E. & Kadiri, K. O. (2017). Design for
deconstruction (Dfd): Critical success factors for diverting end-of-life
waste from landfills, Waste Management Volume 60, Elsevier, p.3-13.
- Akinade, O. O., Oyedele, L. O., Bilal, M., Ajayi, S. O., Owolabi, H. A., Alaka, H.
A. & Bello, S. A. (2015). Waste minimisation through deconstruction: A
BIM Based deconstructability assessment score (BIM-DAS). Resources,
Conservation and Recycling 105: p. 167–176.
- Allwood, J. M. (2014). Squaring the Circular Economy: The Role of
Recycling Within a Hierarchy of Material Management Strategies,
Handbook of Recycling. ED. By E Worrell, M Reuter, 2014, Handbook Of
Recycling: State-Of-The-Art For Practitioners, Analysts, And Scientists,
Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp.445-477. Http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.1016/B978-0-12-
- Almanac. (n.d.). Solid Cam Görünülü Levha. Access Address (02.11.2021):
- Anonymus. (n.d.). Beton Kiremit Nedir? Access Address (02.11.2021):
- Arpacıoğlu, Ü. & Diri, C. (2009). Isı Yalıtım Malzemelerinin Seçimi için AHP
Yönteminin Kullanılması, 2009 IZODER Makale Yarışması,
- BS 8887-2 (2009). Design for manufacture, assembly, disassembly,
and end-of-life processing (MADE) Terms and definitions.
- Cai, G. & Waldmann, D. (2019). A material and component bank to
facilitate material recycling and component reuse for a sustainable
construction: Concept and preliminary study. Clean Technologies and
Environmental Policy, Springer-Verlag Gmbh Germany.
https://Doi.Org/10.1007/S10098-019-01758-1, Ss.1-18.
- Cam Çatı Kaplamaları. (n.d.). Access Address (02.11.2021):
- Cam Elyaf Takviyeli Beton. (n.d.). Access Address (02.11.2021):
https://www.grca.online /tr/grc-hakkinda
- Chini, A. R. & Nguyen, H. T. (2003). Optimizing Deconstruction of
Ligtwood Framed Construction. CIN Report Publication 287, Florida, USA,
- Condotta, M. & Zatta, E. (2021). Reuse of building elements in the
architectural practice and the European regulatory context:
Inconsistencies and possible improvements, Journal of Cleaner
Production 318, 128413, p.318.
- Construction and Demolition Waste Guide-Recycling and Re-use
Across the Supply Chain. (n.d.). Access Adress (09.11.2021):
- Cyprus Environmental Enterprises. (n.d. a). Bardolıne Standart Kırmızı
34/100CM. Access Address (02.11.2021):
- Cyprus Environmental Enterprises (n.d.). Trapez Poleyster Levha Şeffaf.
Access Address (02.11.2021) https://www.ceeltd.com/urunler/cati/cati-
- Crowter, P. (2014). Investigating Design for Disassembly through
Creative Practice, Intersections: Expertise, Academic Research and
Design-International Symposium Florence. June 30, pp.1-9.
- Çatı Kaplama Malzemeleri. (n.d.). Access Address (02.11.2021):
- Deller, K., Price, K., Webster, M., Kahley, E., Hosey, L., McDonough, W. &
Bennink, D. (2005). Design for Disassembly In The Built Environment: Dfd
A Guide To Closed-Loop Design And Building, Edinburgh, Scotland:
Scottish Ecological Design Association (SEDA), p.1-69.
- Debacker, W. & Manshoven, S. (2016). D1 Synthesis of the State of the
Art: Key Barriers and Opportunities for Materials Passports and
Reversible Building Design in the Current System, BAMB Horizon 2020.
Access Adress (09.11.2021): http://www.bamb2020.eu/wp-
content/uploads/ 2016/ 03/D1_Synthesis-report-on-State-of-the-
art_20161129_FINAL.pdf, Ss.1-102.
- Dunant, C. F., Drewniok, M. P., Sansom, M., Corbey, S., Allwood, J. M. &
Cullen, J. M. (2017). Real and perceived barriers to steel reuse across
the UK Construction Value Chain. Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 126, s.118–131.
- Durmisevic, E. (2003). Re-use potential of steel in building construction,
deconstruction and materials reuse, CIB Publication 287, Proceedings
of The 11th Rinker International Conference May 7-10, 2003 Gainesville,
Florida, USA, Edited By Abdol R. Chini, University Of Florida, pp.351-361.
- Durmisevic, E., Beurskens, P. R., Adrosevic, R., Westerdijk, R. (2017).
Systemic View On Reuse Potential Of Building Elements, Components
And Systems: Comprehensive Framework For Assessing Reuse
Potential of Building Elements, HISER International Conference 2017:
Advances in Recycling and Management of Construction and
Demolition Waste - Delft, Netherlands, p.275-280
- Durmisevic, E. (2019). Circular Economy in Construction Design
Strategies for Reversible Buildings, BAMB, Netherlands, p.12-35. Access
Adress (09.11.2021): bamb2020.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/
- European Commission, Avrupa Komisyonu. (2016). European
Commission (2016). EU Construction & Demolition Waste Management
Protocol. European Commision. Access Address (02.11.2021):
https://ec.europa.eu/growth/content/eu-construct ion-and-
- Eren, Ö. (2021). Light Steel Construction System Waste Management Planning Map, Scientific Research Project. Mimar Sinan Fine Arts
- Eren, Ö. (2024). Barriers of the Reuse of Disassembly Building
Components and Suggestions, (FBU-DAE 2024, 4 (1):40-56.
- Erdem, S. & Yatağan, S. (2014). Analysis of polycarbonate sheets used
on the roof, 7th National Roof & Facade Symposium.
- Fibercement Nedir? (n.d.). Access Address (02.11.2021):
https://www.hekimyapi.com/ fibercement/
- Fujita, M. (2008). Reuse dismantling and performance evaluation of
reusable members. Structural Engineering International, 3/2008,
- Guy, B. & Ciarimboli, N. (2005). Dfd: Design For Disassembly in The Built Environment: A Guide to Closed-Loop Design and Building. Hamer Center, Pennsylvania State University; The Scottish Ecological Design Association (SEDA) for extensive use of: Morgan, C., and Stevenson, F., “Design and Detailing for Deconstruction - SEDA Design Guides for Scotland: No. 1,” Edinburgh, Scotland, pp.1-69.
- Guy, B. & Shell, S. (2006). Design For Deconstruction And Materials
Reuse. Access Address (02.11.2021). Http:// Citeseerx. İst. Psu.Edu
- Hydro CIRCAL recycled aluminium (n.d.) Access Address (02.11.2024).
https://www.hydro.com/ en/global/aluminium/about-
- Hobbs, G. & Hurley, J. (2001). Deconstruction and Materials Reuse:
Technology, Economic, and Policy, Proceedings of The CIB Task Group
39 – Deconstruction Meeting CIB World Building Congress. (6 April
2001) Wellington, New Zealand, CIB Publication 266, BRE, Watford, UK,
- Icibaci, L. (2019). Architecture And The Built Environment, Re-Use of
Building Products in The Netherlands, The Development of A
Metabolism Based Assessment Approach. Delft University of
Technology, Faculty of Architecture And The Built Environment,
Department of Urbanism Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering,
Department of Design Engineering, p.198-202.
- Izocam Tekiz. (n.d.). Access Address (02.11.2021):
- İzo Birlik. (n.d.) Beton Kiremit. Access Address (02.11.2021):
- Kibert, C. J. (1994). Establishing principles and a model for sustainable
construction, sustainable construction.Proceedings of The First
International Conference of CIB TG 16, November 69, 1994, p. 1-10.
- Kibert, N. C. & Kibert, J. C. (2008). Sustainable Development and the U.S.
Green Building Movement - Profitable Development Projects Can Be
Good for the Planet, Too,22 Prob. & Prop. 21 (2008), Access Address
(14.12.2021): https://heinonline.org
- Korozyon Dayanım Tablosu. (n.d.). Access Address (02.11.2021):
- Kowalczyk, T., Kristinsson, J. & Hendriks, Ch. F. (2000). State of Art Deconstruction in the Netherlands. CIB Report, Publication 252, CIB
International Council for Research and Innovation in Building
Construction Task Group 39: Deconstruction, Florida, pp.95-140. Access
Address (09.02.2022):
deconstruction-inselected- countries-iip-kit
- Kuzman, M. K., Senegaˇcnik, M. Z., Kosanovi´c S., Janakieska, M. M.,
Novakovi´c N., Rajkovi´c i., grošelj p. (2024). architectural Perspectives
on Wood Reuse within Circular Construction: A South–Central European study, Buildings, 2024, 14, 560.
- Lieder, M. & Rashid, A. (2016). Towards circular economy
implementation: A comprehensive review in context of manufacturing
industry. J. Clean. Prod. 115. Access Adress (14.12.2021): Https://
Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Jclepro.2015.12.042, Ss.36–51.
- Lopez Ruiz, L.A., Roca Ramon, X. & Gass´O Domingo, S. (2020). The
circular economy in the construction and demolition waste sector. A
Review and an integrative model approach, 2020, J. Clean. Prod. 248,
119238. Https://Doi.Org/10.1016/J. Jclepro.2019.119238.
- Mcdonough, W. & Braungart, M. (2003). Towards a sustaining architecture for the 21st century: The promise of cradle-to-cradle, Designunep Industry and Environment, p.15.
- Metal Kiremitler İçin Arduaz Granülleri. (n.d.). Access Address
(02.11.2021): https://plamix.com.tr/detay/5-metal-kiremitler-icin-
- Ness, D., Field, M. & Pullen, S. (2005). Making better use of what we have
got: Stewardship of existing buildings and infra structure, Conference:
'Fabricating Sustainability': Conference of Architectural Science Association, Wellington, New Zealand, Ss.1-8.
- Obi, L., Awuzie, B., Obi, C., Omotayo, T., Adekunle, O. & Osobajo, O. (2021). BIM for deconstruction: an interpretive structural model of factors influencing implementation, Buildings 2021, 11(6), 227; https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings11060227, pp.1-26
- Özan, Z. E., Onat, S. M. & Aydemir, D. (2017). Effects of thermal treatment
on some properties of Scots pine and Uludag fir woods. Bartın Orman
Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(1), 187-193.
- Paduart, A., Debacker, W., Henrotay, C., De Temmerman, N., De Wilde,
W.P. & Hendrick, H. (2009). Transforming cities: Introducing adaptability
in existing residential buildings through reuse and disassembly
strategies for retrofitting, Conference Proceedings Edited By Elma
Durmisevic, Conference Proceedings Of CIB W115 Construction Material
Stewardship, pp.1-6. Access Adress (02.11.2021):
- Rios, F. C., Chonga, W. K. & Graua D. (2015). Design for disassembly
and deconstruction - challenges and opportunities, International
Conference On Sustainable Design, Engineering And Construction
Procedia Engineering 118, p.1296 – 1304.
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Sökülebilir Yapı Elemanları ve Bileşenlerinin Yeniden Kullanımına İlişkin Rehber
Year 2024,
, 1058 - 1077, 26.12.2024
Özlem Eren
İşlevini yitiren yapıların yıkımlarının atık oluşturarak çevre kirliliği oluşturması yapı elemanlarının yeniden kullanımını gerekli kılmaktadır.Yapı sökümünün gerçekleştirilmesi için tasarım aşamasından itibaren yapılması gereken bazı önemli hususlar vardır. Bunların başında tasarımcının yüksek düzeyde yapı elemanlarının yeniden kullanılabildiği bir sökülebilir yapı tasarlayabilmesi için bu konuda bilgi sahibi olması gerekliliğidir. Çalışmada yaşam ömrünü dolduran yapıların alt sistemlerini oluşturan eleman ve bileşenlerin yüksek düzeyde sökülebilir ve yeniden kullanılabilecek düzeyde olabilmeleri için tasarım aşamasında tasarımcıya malzeme seçiminde yön gösterebilecek puanlama sistemi geliştirilmiştir. Bu sistem ile tasarımcı yapının seçilen malzemeye bağlı ne oranda sökülüp, yapı elemanlarının yeniden kullanılabileceğini öngörebilecektir.
- Aidonis, D., Xanthopoulos A., Vlachos, D., & Lakovou, E. (2008). On the optimal deconstruction and recovery processes of end-of-life buildings. In Proceedings of The 2nd WSEAS/IASME International Conference On Waste Management, Water Pollution, Air Pollution, And Indoor Climate (WWAI’08), Corfu, Greece. p.211–216.
- Akinade, O. O., Oyedele, L. O, Ajayi, S.O., Bilal, M., Alaka, H. A., Owolabi, H.
A., Bello, S. A., Jaiyeoba, B. E. & Kadiri, K. O. (2017). Design for
deconstruction (Dfd): Critical success factors for diverting end-of-life
waste from landfills, Waste Management Volume 60, Elsevier, p.3-13.
- Akinade, O. O., Oyedele, L. O., Bilal, M., Ajayi, S. O., Owolabi, H. A., Alaka, H.
A. & Bello, S. A. (2015). Waste minimisation through deconstruction: A
BIM Based deconstructability assessment score (BIM-DAS). Resources,
Conservation and Recycling 105: p. 167–176.
- Allwood, J. M. (2014). Squaring the Circular Economy: The Role of
Recycling Within a Hierarchy of Material Management Strategies,
Handbook of Recycling. ED. By E Worrell, M Reuter, 2014, Handbook Of
Recycling: State-Of-The-Art For Practitioners, Analysts, And Scientists,
Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp.445-477. Http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.1016/B978-0-12-
- Almanac. (n.d.). Solid Cam Görünülü Levha. Access Address (02.11.2021):
- Anonymus. (n.d.). Beton Kiremit Nedir? Access Address (02.11.2021):
- Arpacıoğlu, Ü. & Diri, C. (2009). Isı Yalıtım Malzemelerinin Seçimi için AHP
Yönteminin Kullanılması, 2009 IZODER Makale Yarışması,
- BS 8887-2 (2009). Design for manufacture, assembly, disassembly,
and end-of-life processing (MADE) Terms and definitions.
- Cai, G. & Waldmann, D. (2019). A material and component bank to
facilitate material recycling and component reuse for a sustainable
construction: Concept and preliminary study. Clean Technologies and
Environmental Policy, Springer-Verlag Gmbh Germany.
https://Doi.Org/10.1007/S10098-019-01758-1, Ss.1-18.
- Cam Çatı Kaplamaları. (n.d.). Access Address (02.11.2021):
- Cam Elyaf Takviyeli Beton. (n.d.). Access Address (02.11.2021):
https://www.grca.online /tr/grc-hakkinda
- Chini, A. R. & Nguyen, H. T. (2003). Optimizing Deconstruction of
Ligtwood Framed Construction. CIN Report Publication 287, Florida, USA,
- Condotta, M. & Zatta, E. (2021). Reuse of building elements in the
architectural practice and the European regulatory context:
Inconsistencies and possible improvements, Journal of Cleaner
Production 318, 128413, p.318.
- Construction and Demolition Waste Guide-Recycling and Re-use
Across the Supply Chain. (n.d.). Access Adress (09.11.2021):
- Cyprus Environmental Enterprises. (n.d. a). Bardolıne Standart Kırmızı
34/100CM. Access Address (02.11.2021):
- Cyprus Environmental Enterprises (n.d.). Trapez Poleyster Levha Şeffaf.
Access Address (02.11.2021) https://www.ceeltd.com/urunler/cati/cati-
- Crowter, P. (2014). Investigating Design for Disassembly through
Creative Practice, Intersections: Expertise, Academic Research and
Design-International Symposium Florence. June 30, pp.1-9.
- Çatı Kaplama Malzemeleri. (n.d.). Access Address (02.11.2021):
- Deller, K., Price, K., Webster, M., Kahley, E., Hosey, L., McDonough, W. &
Bennink, D. (2005). Design for Disassembly In The Built Environment: Dfd
A Guide To Closed-Loop Design And Building, Edinburgh, Scotland:
Scottish Ecological Design Association (SEDA), p.1-69.
- Debacker, W. & Manshoven, S. (2016). D1 Synthesis of the State of the
Art: Key Barriers and Opportunities for Materials Passports and
Reversible Building Design in the Current System, BAMB Horizon 2020.
Access Adress (09.11.2021): http://www.bamb2020.eu/wp-
content/uploads/ 2016/ 03/D1_Synthesis-report-on-State-of-the-
art_20161129_FINAL.pdf, Ss.1-102.
- Dunant, C. F., Drewniok, M. P., Sansom, M., Corbey, S., Allwood, J. M. &
Cullen, J. M. (2017). Real and perceived barriers to steel reuse across
the UK Construction Value Chain. Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 126, s.118–131.
- Durmisevic, E. (2003). Re-use potential of steel in building construction,
deconstruction and materials reuse, CIB Publication 287, Proceedings
of The 11th Rinker International Conference May 7-10, 2003 Gainesville,
Florida, USA, Edited By Abdol R. Chini, University Of Florida, pp.351-361.
- Durmisevic, E., Beurskens, P. R., Adrosevic, R., Westerdijk, R. (2017).
Systemic View On Reuse Potential Of Building Elements, Components
And Systems: Comprehensive Framework For Assessing Reuse
Potential of Building Elements, HISER International Conference 2017:
Advances in Recycling and Management of Construction and
Demolition Waste - Delft, Netherlands, p.275-280
- Durmisevic, E. (2019). Circular Economy in Construction Design
Strategies for Reversible Buildings, BAMB, Netherlands, p.12-35. Access
Adress (09.11.2021): bamb2020.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/
- European Commission, Avrupa Komisyonu. (2016). European
Commission (2016). EU Construction & Demolition Waste Management
Protocol. European Commision. Access Address (02.11.2021):
https://ec.europa.eu/growth/content/eu-construct ion-and-
- Eren, Ö. (2021). Light Steel Construction System Waste Management Planning Map, Scientific Research Project. Mimar Sinan Fine Arts
- Eren, Ö. (2024). Barriers of the Reuse of Disassembly Building
Components and Suggestions, (FBU-DAE 2024, 4 (1):40-56.
- Erdem, S. & Yatağan, S. (2014). Analysis of polycarbonate sheets used
on the roof, 7th National Roof & Facade Symposium.
- Fibercement Nedir? (n.d.). Access Address (02.11.2021):
https://www.hekimyapi.com/ fibercement/
- Fujita, M. (2008). Reuse dismantling and performance evaluation of
reusable members. Structural Engineering International, 3/2008,
- Guy, B. & Ciarimboli, N. (2005). Dfd: Design For Disassembly in The Built Environment: A Guide to Closed-Loop Design and Building. Hamer Center, Pennsylvania State University; The Scottish Ecological Design Association (SEDA) for extensive use of: Morgan, C., and Stevenson, F., “Design and Detailing for Deconstruction - SEDA Design Guides for Scotland: No. 1,” Edinburgh, Scotland, pp.1-69.
- Guy, B. & Shell, S. (2006). Design For Deconstruction And Materials
Reuse. Access Address (02.11.2021). Http:// Citeseerx. İst. Psu.Edu
- Hydro CIRCAL recycled aluminium (n.d.) Access Address (02.11.2024).
https://www.hydro.com/ en/global/aluminium/about-
- Hobbs, G. & Hurley, J. (2001). Deconstruction and Materials Reuse:
Technology, Economic, and Policy, Proceedings of The CIB Task Group
39 – Deconstruction Meeting CIB World Building Congress. (6 April
2001) Wellington, New Zealand, CIB Publication 266, BRE, Watford, UK,
- Icibaci, L. (2019). Architecture And The Built Environment, Re-Use of
Building Products in The Netherlands, The Development of A
Metabolism Based Assessment Approach. Delft University of
Technology, Faculty of Architecture And The Built Environment,
Department of Urbanism Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering,
Department of Design Engineering, p.198-202.
- Izocam Tekiz. (n.d.). Access Address (02.11.2021):
- İzo Birlik. (n.d.) Beton Kiremit. Access Address (02.11.2021):
- Kibert, C. J. (1994). Establishing principles and a model for sustainable
construction, sustainable construction.Proceedings of The First
International Conference of CIB TG 16, November 69, 1994, p. 1-10.
- Kibert, N. C. & Kibert, J. C. (2008). Sustainable Development and the U.S.
Green Building Movement - Profitable Development Projects Can Be
Good for the Planet, Too,22 Prob. & Prop. 21 (2008), Access Address
(14.12.2021): https://heinonline.org
- Korozyon Dayanım Tablosu. (n.d.). Access Address (02.11.2021):
- Kowalczyk, T., Kristinsson, J. & Hendriks, Ch. F. (2000). State of Art Deconstruction in the Netherlands. CIB Report, Publication 252, CIB
International Council for Research and Innovation in Building
Construction Task Group 39: Deconstruction, Florida, pp.95-140. Access
Address (09.02.2022):
deconstruction-inselected- countries-iip-kit
- Kuzman, M. K., Senegaˇcnik, M. Z., Kosanovi´c S., Janakieska, M. M.,
Novakovi´c N., Rajkovi´c i., grošelj p. (2024). architectural Perspectives
on Wood Reuse within Circular Construction: A South–Central European study, Buildings, 2024, 14, 560.
- Lieder, M. & Rashid, A. (2016). Towards circular economy
implementation: A comprehensive review in context of manufacturing
industry. J. Clean. Prod. 115. Access Adress (14.12.2021): Https://
Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Jclepro.2015.12.042, Ss.36–51.
- Lopez Ruiz, L.A., Roca Ramon, X. & Gass´O Domingo, S. (2020). The
circular economy in the construction and demolition waste sector. A
Review and an integrative model approach, 2020, J. Clean. Prod. 248,
119238. Https://Doi.Org/10.1016/J. Jclepro.2019.119238.
- Mcdonough, W. & Braungart, M. (2003). Towards a sustaining architecture for the 21st century: The promise of cradle-to-cradle, Designunep Industry and Environment, p.15.
- Metal Kiremitler İçin Arduaz Granülleri. (n.d.). Access Address
(02.11.2021): https://plamix.com.tr/detay/5-metal-kiremitler-icin-
- Ness, D., Field, M. & Pullen, S. (2005). Making better use of what we have
got: Stewardship of existing buildings and infra structure, Conference:
'Fabricating Sustainability': Conference of Architectural Science Association, Wellington, New Zealand, Ss.1-8.
- Obi, L., Awuzie, B., Obi, C., Omotayo, T., Adekunle, O. & Osobajo, O. (2021). BIM for deconstruction: an interpretive structural model of factors influencing implementation, Buildings 2021, 11(6), 227; https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings11060227, pp.1-26
- Özan, Z. E., Onat, S. M. & Aydemir, D. (2017). Effects of thermal treatment
on some properties of Scots pine and Uludag fir woods. Bartın Orman
Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(1), 187-193.
- Paduart, A., Debacker, W., Henrotay, C., De Temmerman, N., De Wilde,
W.P. & Hendrick, H. (2009). Transforming cities: Introducing adaptability
in existing residential buildings through reuse and disassembly
strategies for retrofitting, Conference Proceedings Edited By Elma
Durmisevic, Conference Proceedings Of CIB W115 Construction Material
Stewardship, pp.1-6. Access Adress (02.11.2021):
- Rios, F. C., Chonga, W. K. & Graua D. (2015). Design for disassembly
and deconstruction - challenges and opportunities, International
Conference On Sustainable Design, Engineering And Construction
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