Domateste Tomato spotted wilt virüs’üne karşı dayanıklılığı kıran izolatının fenotipik karakterizasyonu
Year 2019,
, 307 - 314, 01.12.2019
Hakan Fidan
Nuray Sarı
Domateste lekeli solgunluk virüsü (Tomato
spotted wilt virus-TSWV), dünya genelinde ekonomik anlamda büyük kayıplar
meydana getiren virüslerden biridir. Son zamanlara kadar domateslerde Sw-5
geni vasıtasıyla bu hastalık ile mücadele edilmekteydi. 2016-2019 yılları
arasında Antalya ili ve ilçelerinde domates yetiştiriciliği yapılan seralarda Sw-5
geni barındıran çeşitler üzerinde TSWV’a ait simptomların geliştiği
gözlemlenmiştir. Bu izolatların PCR çalışmaları ile bitkilerin Sw-5 geni
içerdiği ve RT-PCR (Revers-Transkriptaz Polimeraz Zincir Reaksiyonu)
çalışmaları ile de simptomların TSWV’a ait olduğu doğrulandıktan sonra izolatın
ismi TSWVAntRB olarak belirlenmiştir. Yapılan gözlemlemeler sonucunda TSWVAntRB
izolatının farklı simptomolojik karakterlere sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu
farklılıklarının belirlenebilmesi için TSWVAntRB izolatının, bitkiler üzerine
mekanik inokulasyonu 5 tekerrürlü olacak şekilde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Mekanik
inokulasyon çalışmalarında; Sw-5 geni içeren 4 adet ticari çeşit, bir
adet dayanıklılık kaynağı olarak bilinen Solanum peruvianum ve bir adet
hassas çeşit kullanılmıştır. Sw-5 dayanımını kırmayan (NRB) izolatında
şimdiye kadar yaprakta sadece nekrotik lekelenmeler meydana gelirken, Sw-5
dayanımını kıran (RB) izolatında yaprak üzerinde de halkalı lekelenmelerin
meydana geldiği belirlenmiştir. Aynı zamanda bazı çeşitler üzerinde ilk
simptomlar meyve dönemine kadar gizli kaldığı ve meyve salkımında bazen bir
veya iki meyve üzerinde simptomlar meydana getirdiği gözlemlenmiştir. Çalışmada
simptom şiddetinin hava sıcaklığı ile ilişkili olduğu saptanmış ve TSWVAntRB
izolatının simptomolojik özellikleri her açıdan incelenmiştir.
Supporting Institution
Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi
Project Number
Bu çalışma Akdeniz Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi tarafından FYL-2017-2619 nolu proje ile desteklenmiştir.
- Adams MJ, Lefkowitz EJ, King AMQ, Harrach B, Harrison RL, Knowles NJ, Kropinski AM, Kuhn MKH, Mushegian AR, Nibert M (2017) Changes to taxonomy and the international code of virus classification and nomenclature ratified by the international committee on taxonomy of viruses. Archives of Virology 162: 2505-2538.
- Adkins S, Zitter T, Momol T (2005) Tospoviruses (Family Bunyaviridae, Genus Tospovirus). Plant Patology Department, Florida Cooparative Extension Services Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida Fact Sheet, pp. 212.
- Anfoka G, Abhary M, Haj-Ahmad F, Hussein AF, Rezk A, Akad F, Abou-Jawdah YM, Lapidot F, Vidavski MK, Nakhla H, Sobh H, Atamian L, Cohen I, Sobol H, Mazyad DP, Maxwell-Czosnek H (2008) Survey of Tomato yellow leaf curl disese-associated viruses in the eastern Mediterranean basin. Journal of Plant Pathology 90(2): 311-320.
- Aramburu J, Marti M (2003) The occurrence in north-east Spain of a variant of Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) that breaks resistance in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) containing the Sw-5 gene. Plant Pathology 52: 407.
- Aramburu J, Galipienso L, Soler S, Rubio L, Lopez V (2015) A severe symptom phenotype in pepper cultivars carrying the Tsw resistance gene is caused by a mixed infection between resistance-breaking and non-resistance-breaking isolates of Tomato spotted wilt virus. Phytoparasitica 43(5): 597-605.
- Chung BN, Lee JH, Kang BC, Koh SW, Joa JH, Choi KS, Ahn JJ (2018) HR-Mediated Defense Response is Overcome at High Temperatures in Capsicum Species. Plant Pathology 34(1): 71-77.
- Dağlı F, Tunç İ (2008) Insecticide Resistance In Frankliniella Occidentalis: Corroboration Of Laboratory Assays With Field Data And Cross-Resistance in A Cypermethrin-Resistant Strain. Phytoparasitica 36: 352-359.
- de Ronde D, Lohuis D, Kormelink R (2019) Identification and characterization of a new class of temperature-dependent Tsw -based Tomato spotted wilt virus resistance breaking isolates. Plant Pathology 68(1): 60-71.
- Debreczeni DE, Rubio L, Aramburu J, Lopez C, Galipienso L, Soler S, Belliure B (2014) Transmission of Tomato spotted wilt virus isolates Able and Unable To Overcome Tomato or Pepper Resistance by its Vector Frankliniella occidentalis. Annals of Applied Biology 164(2): 182-189.
- Deligoz I, Sokmen MA, Sari S (2014) First report of resistancebreakingstrain of Tomato spotted wilt virus (Tospovirus; Bunyaviridae) on resistant sweet pepper cultivars in Turkey. New Disease Reports 30: 26.
- di Rienzo V, Bubici G, Montemurro C, Cillo F (2018) Rapid identification of tomato Sw-5 resistance-breaking isolates of Tomato spotted wilt virus using high resolution melting and TaqMan SNP Genotyping assays as allelic discrimination techniques. Plos One 13(4).
- Dianese EC, Fonseca MEN (2010) Development of A Locus-Specific, Co-Dominant SCAR Marker for assisted-selection of the Sw-5 (Tospovirus Resistance) gene. Molecular Breeding 25: 133-142.
- FAO (2018) FoodandAgricultureOrganization of the United Nations. Accessed 05 July 2019.
- Fidan H, Adak NA, Konuksal A, Akerzurumlu E, Yilmaz MA (2011) Occurrence of Alfalfa Mosaic Virus (AMV) Diseases on Potato Crops in Northern Cyprus, 5th Balkan Symposium on Vegetables and Potatoes, Tirana, Arnavutluk, 960: 341-346.
- Fidan H (2016) Antalya’da Örtü Altı Domates ve Biber Alanlarında Dayanıklılık Kıran Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) İzolatların Genetik Kıyaslanması, VI. Türkiye Bitki Koruma Kongresi Konya, Türkiye, s. 560.
- Fidan H, Sarı N (2019) Molecular characterization of resistance-breaking Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) isolate medium segment in tomato. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 17: 2203-2218.
- Fuchs M (2010) Association of Tobacco ring spot virus, Tomato ring spot virus and Xiphinema americanum with a decline of high bushblue berry in New York, 21st International Conference on Virus and Other Graft Transmissible Diseases of Fruit Crops. Neustadt, Germany, 427: 15-17.
- García-Cano E, Resende RO, Fernández-Muñoz R, Moriones E (2006) Synergistic Interaction Between Tomato chlorosis virus and Tomato spotted wilt virus Results in Breakdown of Resistance in Tomato. Phytopathology 96(11): 1263-1269.
- Ge B, Li Q, Liu G, Lu M, Li S, Wang H (2013) Simultaneous detection and identification of four viruses infecting pepino by Multiplex RT-PCR. Archives of Virology 158(6): 1181-1187.
- Güvenç İ (2019) Türkiye’de Domates Üretimi, Dış Ticareti ve Rekabet Gücü. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Doğa Dergisi 22(1): 57-61.
- Hallwass M, de Oliveira AS, Dianese E, Lohuis D, Boiteux LS, Nagata AK, Resende RO, Kormelink R (2014) The Tomato spotted wilt virus cell‐to‐cell movement protein (NSM) triggers a hypersensitive response in Sw‐5 containing resistant tomato lines and in Nicotiana benthamiana transformed with the functional Sw‐5b resistance gene copy. Molecular Plant Pathology 15(9): 871-880.
- Kormelink R, Storms M, Van J, Peters LD, Goldbach R (1994) Expression and Subcellular Location of the NSM Protein of Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), a Putative Viral Movement Protein. Virology 200: 56-65.
- Kumar S, Udaya-Shankar AC, Nayaka SC, Lund OS, Prakas HS (2011) Detection of Tobacco mosaic virus and Tomato mosaic virus in pepper and tomato by multiplex RT-PCR. Letter in applied Microbiology 53(3): 359-363.
- Leastro MO, Pallas V, Resende RO, Sanchez-Navarro JA (2015) The movement proteins (NSm) of distinct Tospoviruses peripherally associate with cellular membranes and interact with homologous and heterologous NSm and nucleocapsidproteins. Virology 478: 39-49.
- Lee JS, Cho WK, Choi H, Kim KH (2011) RT-PCR Detection of five Quarantine Plant RNA Viruses Belonging to Poty and Tospoviruses. Plant Pathology 27(3): 291-296.
- Lian S, Lee JS, Cho WK, Yu J, Kim MK, Choi HS, Kim KH (2013) Phylogenetic and Recombination Analysis of Tomato spotted wilt virus. Plos One 92: 210-215.
- Lopez C, Aramburu J, Galipienso L, Soler S, Nuez F, Rubio L (2011) Evolutionary analysis of tomato Sw-5 resistance-breaking isolates of Tomato spotted wilt virus. Journal of General Virology 92: 210-215.
- Margaria P, Ciuffo M, Turina M (2004) Resistance breaking strain of Tomato spotted wilt virus(Tospovirus; Bunyaviridae) on resistant pepper cultivars in Almería, Spain. Plant Pathology 53(6): 795.
- Paradies F, Finetti M, Gallitelli D, Castellano M, Di Franco A, Digiaro M, Martelli G, Yılmaz A (2000) Partial characterization of cucumber mosaic virus isolates from citrus and grapevine. Journal of Plant Pathology 82(2): 133-145.
- Pappu HR, Jones RAC, Jain RK (2009) Global status of tospovirus epidemics in diverse cropping systems: successes achieved and challenges ahead. Virus Research 141: 219-236.
- Peiro A, Canizares MC, Rubio L, Lopez C, Moriones E, Aramburu J, Sanchez-Navarro J (2014) The movement protein (NSm) of Tomato spotted wilt virus is the avirulence determinant in the tomato Sw-5 gene-based resistance. Molecular Plant Pathology 15: 802-813.
- Rotenberg D, Jacobson AL, Schneweis DJ, Whitfield AE (2015) Thrips transmission of Tospoviruses. Current Opinion in Virology 15: 80-89.
- Saleh MA, Amer MA (2013) Biological and Molecular Variability of Alfalfa mosaic virus Affecting Alfalfa Crop in Riyadh Region. Plant Pathology 29(4): 410-417.
- Scholthof KB, Adkins S, Czosnek H, Palukaitis P (2011) Top 10 Plant Viruses in molecular plant pathology. Molecular Plant Pathology 12: 938-954.
- Spassova MI, Prins TW, Folkertsma RT, Klein-Lankhorst RM, Hille J, Goldbach RW (2001) The tomato gene Sw-5 is a member of the coiled coil, nucleotide binding, leucine-rich repeat class of plant resistance genes and confers resistance to TSWV in tobacco. Molecular Breeding 7: 151–161.
- Tiberini A, Tomassoli L, Barba M, Hadidi A (2010) Oligonucleotide microarray based detection and identification of 10 major tomatoviruses. Journal of Virological Methods 168: 133-140.
- Turhan P, Korkmaz S (2006) Çanakkale ilinde domates lekeli solgunluk virüsü’nün serolojik ve biyolojik yöntemlerle saptanması. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 12(2): 130-136.
- Türkomp (2016) Ulusal Gıda Kompozisyon Veritabanı. Erişim 05 Temmuz 2019.
- Zhu M, Jiang L, Bai B, Zhao W, Chen X, Li J, Tao X (2017) The Intracellular Immune Receptor Sw-5b Confers Broad-Spectrum Resistance to Tospoviruses through Recognition of a Conserved 21-Amino Acid Viral Effector Epitope. The Plant Cell 29(9): 2214-2232.
Phenotypic characterization of Tomato spotted wilt virus resistance breaking isolate in tomatoes
Year 2019,
, 307 - 314, 01.12.2019
Hakan Fidan
Nuray Sarı
Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) is one of the most important viruses that
cause great economic losses in worldwide. Tomatoes including Sw-5 resistance gene control resistance
but they have recently been struggling with the virus disease. It was observed
that typical symptoms developed on the varieties containing Sw-5 gene in tomato cultivation areas in
Antalya province and its districts between 2016-2019 years. These isolates were
identified as TSWVAntRB after PCR studies and their host tomato plants were
contained the Sw-5 gene in RT-PCR
analyses confirming that their symptoms belong to TSWVAntRB isolates. Further,
observations revealed that TSWVAntRB isolate had different symptomological
characteristics which explaining the differences. Mechanical inoculations with
TSWVAntRB isolate on plants were performed with 5 repeats where 4 commercial
varieties containing Sw-5 gene, a Solanum peruvianum plant known as
resistance source and one susceptible variety were used. Their results revealed
that only necrotic spotting occurred in the leaves within the Sw-5 non-resistance breaking (NRB)
isolate while typical cyclic spotting presented within the Sw-5 resistance breaking (RB) isolates. Additionally, first
symptoms remained hidden until the fruit period and sometimes symptoms obtained
on one or two fruits in a bunch. It was found that the severity of the symptoms
increased within parallel to air temperature. We have been evaluating TSWVAntRB
isolates’ symptomological features in every aspect.
Project Number
- Adams MJ, Lefkowitz EJ, King AMQ, Harrach B, Harrison RL, Knowles NJ, Kropinski AM, Kuhn MKH, Mushegian AR, Nibert M (2017) Changes to taxonomy and the international code of virus classification and nomenclature ratified by the international committee on taxonomy of viruses. Archives of Virology 162: 2505-2538.
- Adkins S, Zitter T, Momol T (2005) Tospoviruses (Family Bunyaviridae, Genus Tospovirus). Plant Patology Department, Florida Cooparative Extension Services Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida Fact Sheet, pp. 212.
- Anfoka G, Abhary M, Haj-Ahmad F, Hussein AF, Rezk A, Akad F, Abou-Jawdah YM, Lapidot F, Vidavski MK, Nakhla H, Sobh H, Atamian L, Cohen I, Sobol H, Mazyad DP, Maxwell-Czosnek H (2008) Survey of Tomato yellow leaf curl disese-associated viruses in the eastern Mediterranean basin. Journal of Plant Pathology 90(2): 311-320.
- Aramburu J, Marti M (2003) The occurrence in north-east Spain of a variant of Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) that breaks resistance in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) containing the Sw-5 gene. Plant Pathology 52: 407.
- Aramburu J, Galipienso L, Soler S, Rubio L, Lopez V (2015) A severe symptom phenotype in pepper cultivars carrying the Tsw resistance gene is caused by a mixed infection between resistance-breaking and non-resistance-breaking isolates of Tomato spotted wilt virus. Phytoparasitica 43(5): 597-605.
- Chung BN, Lee JH, Kang BC, Koh SW, Joa JH, Choi KS, Ahn JJ (2018) HR-Mediated Defense Response is Overcome at High Temperatures in Capsicum Species. Plant Pathology 34(1): 71-77.
- Dağlı F, Tunç İ (2008) Insecticide Resistance In Frankliniella Occidentalis: Corroboration Of Laboratory Assays With Field Data And Cross-Resistance in A Cypermethrin-Resistant Strain. Phytoparasitica 36: 352-359.
- de Ronde D, Lohuis D, Kormelink R (2019) Identification and characterization of a new class of temperature-dependent Tsw -based Tomato spotted wilt virus resistance breaking isolates. Plant Pathology 68(1): 60-71.
- Debreczeni DE, Rubio L, Aramburu J, Lopez C, Galipienso L, Soler S, Belliure B (2014) Transmission of Tomato spotted wilt virus isolates Able and Unable To Overcome Tomato or Pepper Resistance by its Vector Frankliniella occidentalis. Annals of Applied Biology 164(2): 182-189.
- Deligoz I, Sokmen MA, Sari S (2014) First report of resistancebreakingstrain of Tomato spotted wilt virus (Tospovirus; Bunyaviridae) on resistant sweet pepper cultivars in Turkey. New Disease Reports 30: 26.
- di Rienzo V, Bubici G, Montemurro C, Cillo F (2018) Rapid identification of tomato Sw-5 resistance-breaking isolates of Tomato spotted wilt virus using high resolution melting and TaqMan SNP Genotyping assays as allelic discrimination techniques. Plos One 13(4).
- Dianese EC, Fonseca MEN (2010) Development of A Locus-Specific, Co-Dominant SCAR Marker for assisted-selection of the Sw-5 (Tospovirus Resistance) gene. Molecular Breeding 25: 133-142.
- FAO (2018) FoodandAgricultureOrganization of the United Nations. Accessed 05 July 2019.
- Fidan H, Adak NA, Konuksal A, Akerzurumlu E, Yilmaz MA (2011) Occurrence of Alfalfa Mosaic Virus (AMV) Diseases on Potato Crops in Northern Cyprus, 5th Balkan Symposium on Vegetables and Potatoes, Tirana, Arnavutluk, 960: 341-346.
- Fidan H (2016) Antalya’da Örtü Altı Domates ve Biber Alanlarında Dayanıklılık Kıran Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) İzolatların Genetik Kıyaslanması, VI. Türkiye Bitki Koruma Kongresi Konya, Türkiye, s. 560.
- Fidan H, Sarı N (2019) Molecular characterization of resistance-breaking Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) isolate medium segment in tomato. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 17: 2203-2218.
- Fuchs M (2010) Association of Tobacco ring spot virus, Tomato ring spot virus and Xiphinema americanum with a decline of high bushblue berry in New York, 21st International Conference on Virus and Other Graft Transmissible Diseases of Fruit Crops. Neustadt, Germany, 427: 15-17.
- García-Cano E, Resende RO, Fernández-Muñoz R, Moriones E (2006) Synergistic Interaction Between Tomato chlorosis virus and Tomato spotted wilt virus Results in Breakdown of Resistance in Tomato. Phytopathology 96(11): 1263-1269.
- Ge B, Li Q, Liu G, Lu M, Li S, Wang H (2013) Simultaneous detection and identification of four viruses infecting pepino by Multiplex RT-PCR. Archives of Virology 158(6): 1181-1187.
- Güvenç İ (2019) Türkiye’de Domates Üretimi, Dış Ticareti ve Rekabet Gücü. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Doğa Dergisi 22(1): 57-61.
- Hallwass M, de Oliveira AS, Dianese E, Lohuis D, Boiteux LS, Nagata AK, Resende RO, Kormelink R (2014) The Tomato spotted wilt virus cell‐to‐cell movement protein (NSM) triggers a hypersensitive response in Sw‐5 containing resistant tomato lines and in Nicotiana benthamiana transformed with the functional Sw‐5b resistance gene copy. Molecular Plant Pathology 15(9): 871-880.
- Kormelink R, Storms M, Van J, Peters LD, Goldbach R (1994) Expression and Subcellular Location of the NSM Protein of Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), a Putative Viral Movement Protein. Virology 200: 56-65.
- Kumar S, Udaya-Shankar AC, Nayaka SC, Lund OS, Prakas HS (2011) Detection of Tobacco mosaic virus and Tomato mosaic virus in pepper and tomato by multiplex RT-PCR. Letter in applied Microbiology 53(3): 359-363.
- Leastro MO, Pallas V, Resende RO, Sanchez-Navarro JA (2015) The movement proteins (NSm) of distinct Tospoviruses peripherally associate with cellular membranes and interact with homologous and heterologous NSm and nucleocapsidproteins. Virology 478: 39-49.
- Lee JS, Cho WK, Choi H, Kim KH (2011) RT-PCR Detection of five Quarantine Plant RNA Viruses Belonging to Poty and Tospoviruses. Plant Pathology 27(3): 291-296.
- Lian S, Lee JS, Cho WK, Yu J, Kim MK, Choi HS, Kim KH (2013) Phylogenetic and Recombination Analysis of Tomato spotted wilt virus. Plos One 92: 210-215.
- Lopez C, Aramburu J, Galipienso L, Soler S, Nuez F, Rubio L (2011) Evolutionary analysis of tomato Sw-5 resistance-breaking isolates of Tomato spotted wilt virus. Journal of General Virology 92: 210-215.
- Margaria P, Ciuffo M, Turina M (2004) Resistance breaking strain of Tomato spotted wilt virus(Tospovirus; Bunyaviridae) on resistant pepper cultivars in Almería, Spain. Plant Pathology 53(6): 795.
- Paradies F, Finetti M, Gallitelli D, Castellano M, Di Franco A, Digiaro M, Martelli G, Yılmaz A (2000) Partial characterization of cucumber mosaic virus isolates from citrus and grapevine. Journal of Plant Pathology 82(2): 133-145.
- Pappu HR, Jones RAC, Jain RK (2009) Global status of tospovirus epidemics in diverse cropping systems: successes achieved and challenges ahead. Virus Research 141: 219-236.
- Peiro A, Canizares MC, Rubio L, Lopez C, Moriones E, Aramburu J, Sanchez-Navarro J (2014) The movement protein (NSm) of Tomato spotted wilt virus is the avirulence determinant in the tomato Sw-5 gene-based resistance. Molecular Plant Pathology 15: 802-813.
- Rotenberg D, Jacobson AL, Schneweis DJ, Whitfield AE (2015) Thrips transmission of Tospoviruses. Current Opinion in Virology 15: 80-89.
- Saleh MA, Amer MA (2013) Biological and Molecular Variability of Alfalfa mosaic virus Affecting Alfalfa Crop in Riyadh Region. Plant Pathology 29(4): 410-417.
- Scholthof KB, Adkins S, Czosnek H, Palukaitis P (2011) Top 10 Plant Viruses in molecular plant pathology. Molecular Plant Pathology 12: 938-954.
- Spassova MI, Prins TW, Folkertsma RT, Klein-Lankhorst RM, Hille J, Goldbach RW (2001) The tomato gene Sw-5 is a member of the coiled coil, nucleotide binding, leucine-rich repeat class of plant resistance genes and confers resistance to TSWV in tobacco. Molecular Breeding 7: 151–161.
- Tiberini A, Tomassoli L, Barba M, Hadidi A (2010) Oligonucleotide microarray based detection and identification of 10 major tomatoviruses. Journal of Virological Methods 168: 133-140.
- Turhan P, Korkmaz S (2006) Çanakkale ilinde domates lekeli solgunluk virüsü’nün serolojik ve biyolojik yöntemlerle saptanması. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 12(2): 130-136.
- Türkomp (2016) Ulusal Gıda Kompozisyon Veritabanı. Erişim 05 Temmuz 2019.
- Zhu M, Jiang L, Bai B, Zhao W, Chen X, Li J, Tao X (2017) The Intracellular Immune Receptor Sw-5b Confers Broad-Spectrum Resistance to Tospoviruses through Recognition of a Conserved 21-Amino Acid Viral Effector Epitope. The Plant Cell 29(9): 2214-2232.