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Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV): Current situation and future prospects

Year 2020, , 43 - 49, 01.04.2020


A new virus, defined as Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) in the genus Tobamovirus, has made the epidemic in wide spread areas. ToBRFV was first detected in Israel in 2014. Since then, the virus has been detected in Europe, North America, Asia, Turkey and many more countries. ToBRFV has the potential to significantly affect crop production, the marketability of tomatoes and peppers. The virus is not a food safety risk. This virus mainly affects tomatoes and peppers. It has been determined that some weed species, such as Solanum nigrum, can host the virus. Like other Tobamoviruses, ToBRFV can be transported very effectively with the hands and clothes, bumblebees, greenhouse tool equipment, with seeds and mechanical contact. ToBRFV infects by neutralizing the Tm22 gene in tomatoes and L1, L2, L3 genes in peppers, which provide resistance to Tobamoviruses. To date, ToBRFV has been reported mainly in greenhouse tomatoes. It shows brown rugose or yellow spots on tomato fruits. These fruit symptoms significantly reduce market value. Strict biosafety measures are required to limit the entry and spread of this virus into greenhouses. Producers should make sure they use seeds and seedlings from reliable sources.


  • Adams MJ, Antoniw JF, Kreuze J (2009) Virgaviridae: A new family of rod-shaped plant viruses. Archives of Virology 154 (12): 1967-72. doi: 10.1007/s00705-009-0506-6 PMID: 19862474.
  • Adams MJ, Heinze C, Jackson AO, Kreuze JF, Macfarlane SA, Torrance L (2012) Family virgaviridae. In: King AMQ, Adams MJ, Carstens EB, Lefkowitz EJ, eds. Virus Taxonomy – Ninth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier Academic Press, s. 1139-62.
  • Alkowni R, Alabdallah O, Fadda Z (2019) Molecular identification of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus in tomato in Palestine. doi:
  • Cambron-Crisantos JM, Rodríguez-Mendoza J, Valencia-Luna JB, Alcasio-Rangel S, García-Ávila CJ, López-Buenfil JA, Ochoa-Martínez DL (2018) First report of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) in Michoacan, Mexico. doi:
  • Camacho-Beltrán E, Pérez-Villarreal A, Leyva-López NA (2019) Occurrence of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus infecting tomato crops in Mexico. doi:
  • Chitambar J (2018) California pest rating for Tomato brown rugose fruit virus. Erişim 12 Mart 2020.
  • Dombrovsky A, Smith E (2017) Seed transmission of Tobamoviruses: Aspects of global disease distribution. In: Jimenez-Lopez JC, ed. Advances in Seed Biology. London, UK: IntechOpen, 233-60.
  • Domingo E, Holland JJ (1997) RNA virus mutations and fitness for survival. Annual Review of Microbiology 51: 151-78.
  • EPPO (2019) (European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization) Erişim 03 Mart 2020.
  • FAO (2017) FAOSTAT. Food and Agriculture Organisation Data. []. Erişim 29 Aralık 2019.
  • Fidan H (2019) Tomato-Brown-Rugose-Fruit-Virusu-Egitimi-Yapildi. Erişim 16 Mart 2020.
  • Fidan H, Sarikaya P, Calis O (2019) First report of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus on tomato in Turkey. doi:
  • Fidan H, Sarıkaya P (2020a) Yeni bir Tobamovirus: Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV) Leaflet. Erişim 12 Mart 2020.
  • Fidan H, Sarıkaya P (2020b) Antalya ili patlıcan (Solanum melongena) yetiştiriciliğinde sorun olan virüs hastalıkları. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 33(1)
  • Gal-On A, Shiboleth YM (2006) Cross protection. In: Loebenstein G, Carr JP, eds. Natural Resistance Mechanisms of Plants to Viruses. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 261-8.
  • Hamada H, Takeuchi, S, Morita, Y, Sawada, H., Kiba, A, Hikichi Y (2003) Characterization of Paprika mild mottle virus first isolated in Japan. Journal of General Plant Pathology 69(3): 199-204.
  • Hanssen IM, Mumford R, Blystad DR (2010) Seed transmission of Pepino mosaic virus in tomato. European Journal of Plant Pathology 126: 145-52.
  • Hanson P, Lu S, Wang JF, Chen W, Kenyon L, Tan CW, Kwee LT, Wang YY, Hsu YC, Schafleitner R, Ledesma D, Yang RY (2016) Conventional and molecular marker-assisted selection and pyramiding of genes for multiple disease resistance in tomato. Scientia Horticulturae 201: 346-54.
  • King AMQ, Adams MJ, Carstens EB, Lefkowitz EJ (2012) Ninth report of the international committee on taxonomy of viruses. San Diego, California USA: Elsevier Academic Press, pp. 486-487.
  • Lecoq H (1998) Control of plant virus diseases by cross protection. In: Hadidi A, Khetarpal RK, Koganezawa H, eds. Plant Virus Disease Control. (Chapter 3) St Paul, MN, USA: APS Press, pp. 33-40.
  • Levitzky N, Smith E, Lachman O, Luria N, Mizrahi Y, Bakelman H, Sela N, Laskar O, Milrot E, Dombrovsky A (2019) The bumblebee bombus terrestris carries a primary inoculum of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus contributing to disease spread in tomatoes. doi:
  • Liang C, Hao J, Li1 J, Baker B, Luo L (2019) Artificial microRNA-mediated resistance to Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus in Nicotiana benthamiana. Planta 250: 1591-1601.
  • Ling KS, Tian T, Gurung S, Gilliard A (2019) First report of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus infecting greenhouse tomato in the U.S. doi:
  • Luria N, Smith E, Reingold V, Bekelman I, Lapidot M, Levin I (2017) A new Israeli Tobamovirus isolate infects tomato plants harboring Tm-22 resistance genes. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone. 0170429.
  • Maayan Y, Pandaranayaka EPJ, Srivastava DA (2018) Using genomic analysis to identify tomato Tm-2 resistance breaking mutations and their underlying evolutionary path in a new and emerging Tobamovirus. Archives of Virology 163: 1863-75.
  • Mayer A, Johnson J, Ivanovskiĭ DI, Beijerinck MW, Baur E (2009) UÈ ber die Mosaikkrankheit des Tabaks (in German), Concerning the mosaic disease of tobacco. Die Landwirtschaftliche Versuchs-stationen 1942(32): 451-67.
  • Menzel W, Knierim D, Winter S, Hamacher J, Heupel M (2019) First report of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus infecting tomato in Germany. doi: Moya A, Holmes EC, Gonzalez-Candelas F (2004) The population genetics and evolutionary epidemiology of RNA viruses. Nature Reviews Microbiology 2: 279-88.
  • Oladokun JO, Halabi MH, Barua P, Nath PD (2019) Tomato brown rugose fruit disease: Current distribution, knowledge and future prospects. Plant Pathology 68: 1579-1586.
  • Pai H, Jean W, Lee Y, Chang YA, Lin N (2019) Genome-wide analysis of small RNAs from Odontoglossum ringspot virus and Cymbidium mosaic virus synergistically infecting Phalaenopsis. Molecular Plant Pathology 21(2): 188-205.
  • Panno S, Garuso AG, Davino S (2019) Disease notes-First report of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus on tomato crops in Italy. doi:
  • Prins M, Laimer M, Noris E, Schubert J, Wasseneger M, Tepfer M (2008) Strategies for antiviral resistance in transgenic plants. Molecular Plant Pathology 9: 73-83.
  • Salem N, Mansour A, Ciuffo M, Falk BW, Turina M (2016) A new Tobamovirus infecting tomato crops in Jordan. Archives of Virology 161(2): 503-506.
  • Skelton A, Buxton-Kirk A, Ward R, Harju V, Frew L, Fowkes A, Long M, Negus A, Forde S, Adams IP, Pufal H, McGreig S, Weekes R, Fox A (2019) First report of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus in tomato in the United Kingdom. doi:
  • Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı (2019) %9Fl%C4% B1 %C4%9F%C4%B1%20Hizmetleri/bitki_sagligi/survey/42 Tomato_brown_rugose_fruit_tobamovirus_(ToBRFV) (2019).pdf Erişim 12 Mart 2020.
  • Wetter C, Dore I, Bernard M (1987) Bell pepper mottle virus, a distinct Tobamovirus infecting pepper. Journal of Phytopathology 119(4): 333-344.
  • Yan Z, Ma HY, Han SL, Geng C, Tian YP, Li XD (2019) First report of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus infecting tomato in China. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-05-19-1045-PDN.

Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV): Güncel durumu ve geleceği

Year 2020, , 43 - 49, 01.04.2020


Tobamovirus cinsinde Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) olarak tanımlanan yeni bir virüs geniş yayılım alanlarında epidemi yapmıştır. ToBRFV, ilk olarak 2014 yılında İsrail'de tespit edilmiştir. O zamandan günümüze kadar virüs Avrupa, Kuzey Amerika, Asya, Türkiye ve daha birçok ülkede tespit edilmiştir. ToBRFV, bitkisel üretimi, domates ve biberlerin pazarlanabilirliğini önemli ölçüde etkileme potansiyeline sahiptir. Virüs bir gıda güvenliği riski değildir. Bu virüs esas olarak domates ve biberleri etkilemektedir. Solanum nigrum gibi bazı yabancı ot türlerinin virüse konukçuluk yapabildiği belirlenmiştir. ToBRFV hastalığı da diğer Tobamovirus’ler gibi tohumla ve mekaniksel temas ile işçilerin elleri, kıyafetleri, bombus arıları, sera alet ekipmanları yoluyla çok etkili bir şekilde taşınabilmektedir. ToBRFV, Tobamovirus’lere dayanıklılık sağlayan domateslerdeki Tm22 genini ve biberlerdeki L1, L2, L3 genlerini etkisiz kılarak enfeksiyon yapmaktadır. Bugüne kadar ToBRFV, ağırlıklı olarak sera domateslerinde rapor edilmiştir. Domates meyvelerinde buruşuk kahverengi veya sarı lekeler göstermektedir. Bu belirtiler, meyvelerin piyasa değerini önemli ölçüde azaltmaktadır. Virüsün seralara girişini ve yayılmasını sınırlamak için katı biyogüvenlik önlemleri gereklidir. Üreticiler, güvenilir kaynaklardan tohum ve fide kullandıklarından emin olmalıdır.


  • Adams MJ, Antoniw JF, Kreuze J (2009) Virgaviridae: A new family of rod-shaped plant viruses. Archives of Virology 154 (12): 1967-72. doi: 10.1007/s00705-009-0506-6 PMID: 19862474.
  • Adams MJ, Heinze C, Jackson AO, Kreuze JF, Macfarlane SA, Torrance L (2012) Family virgaviridae. In: King AMQ, Adams MJ, Carstens EB, Lefkowitz EJ, eds. Virus Taxonomy – Ninth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier Academic Press, s. 1139-62.
  • Alkowni R, Alabdallah O, Fadda Z (2019) Molecular identification of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus in tomato in Palestine. doi:
  • Cambron-Crisantos JM, Rodríguez-Mendoza J, Valencia-Luna JB, Alcasio-Rangel S, García-Ávila CJ, López-Buenfil JA, Ochoa-Martínez DL (2018) First report of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) in Michoacan, Mexico. doi:
  • Camacho-Beltrán E, Pérez-Villarreal A, Leyva-López NA (2019) Occurrence of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus infecting tomato crops in Mexico. doi:
  • Chitambar J (2018) California pest rating for Tomato brown rugose fruit virus. Erişim 12 Mart 2020.
  • Dombrovsky A, Smith E (2017) Seed transmission of Tobamoviruses: Aspects of global disease distribution. In: Jimenez-Lopez JC, ed. Advances in Seed Biology. London, UK: IntechOpen, 233-60.
  • Domingo E, Holland JJ (1997) RNA virus mutations and fitness for survival. Annual Review of Microbiology 51: 151-78.
  • EPPO (2019) (European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization) Erişim 03 Mart 2020.
  • FAO (2017) FAOSTAT. Food and Agriculture Organisation Data. []. Erişim 29 Aralık 2019.
  • Fidan H (2019) Tomato-Brown-Rugose-Fruit-Virusu-Egitimi-Yapildi. Erişim 16 Mart 2020.
  • Fidan H, Sarikaya P, Calis O (2019) First report of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus on tomato in Turkey. doi:
  • Fidan H, Sarıkaya P (2020a) Yeni bir Tobamovirus: Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV) Leaflet. Erişim 12 Mart 2020.
  • Fidan H, Sarıkaya P (2020b) Antalya ili patlıcan (Solanum melongena) yetiştiriciliğinde sorun olan virüs hastalıkları. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 33(1)
  • Gal-On A, Shiboleth YM (2006) Cross protection. In: Loebenstein G, Carr JP, eds. Natural Resistance Mechanisms of Plants to Viruses. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 261-8.
  • Hamada H, Takeuchi, S, Morita, Y, Sawada, H., Kiba, A, Hikichi Y (2003) Characterization of Paprika mild mottle virus first isolated in Japan. Journal of General Plant Pathology 69(3): 199-204.
  • Hanssen IM, Mumford R, Blystad DR (2010) Seed transmission of Pepino mosaic virus in tomato. European Journal of Plant Pathology 126: 145-52.
  • Hanson P, Lu S, Wang JF, Chen W, Kenyon L, Tan CW, Kwee LT, Wang YY, Hsu YC, Schafleitner R, Ledesma D, Yang RY (2016) Conventional and molecular marker-assisted selection and pyramiding of genes for multiple disease resistance in tomato. Scientia Horticulturae 201: 346-54.
  • King AMQ, Adams MJ, Carstens EB, Lefkowitz EJ (2012) Ninth report of the international committee on taxonomy of viruses. San Diego, California USA: Elsevier Academic Press, pp. 486-487.
  • Lecoq H (1998) Control of plant virus diseases by cross protection. In: Hadidi A, Khetarpal RK, Koganezawa H, eds. Plant Virus Disease Control. (Chapter 3) St Paul, MN, USA: APS Press, pp. 33-40.
  • Levitzky N, Smith E, Lachman O, Luria N, Mizrahi Y, Bakelman H, Sela N, Laskar O, Milrot E, Dombrovsky A (2019) The bumblebee bombus terrestris carries a primary inoculum of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus contributing to disease spread in tomatoes. doi:
  • Liang C, Hao J, Li1 J, Baker B, Luo L (2019) Artificial microRNA-mediated resistance to Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus in Nicotiana benthamiana. Planta 250: 1591-1601.
  • Ling KS, Tian T, Gurung S, Gilliard A (2019) First report of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus infecting greenhouse tomato in the U.S. doi:
  • Luria N, Smith E, Reingold V, Bekelman I, Lapidot M, Levin I (2017) A new Israeli Tobamovirus isolate infects tomato plants harboring Tm-22 resistance genes. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone. 0170429.
  • Maayan Y, Pandaranayaka EPJ, Srivastava DA (2018) Using genomic analysis to identify tomato Tm-2 resistance breaking mutations and their underlying evolutionary path in a new and emerging Tobamovirus. Archives of Virology 163: 1863-75.
  • Mayer A, Johnson J, Ivanovskiĭ DI, Beijerinck MW, Baur E (2009) UÈ ber die Mosaikkrankheit des Tabaks (in German), Concerning the mosaic disease of tobacco. Die Landwirtschaftliche Versuchs-stationen 1942(32): 451-67.
  • Menzel W, Knierim D, Winter S, Hamacher J, Heupel M (2019) First report of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus infecting tomato in Germany. doi: Moya A, Holmes EC, Gonzalez-Candelas F (2004) The population genetics and evolutionary epidemiology of RNA viruses. Nature Reviews Microbiology 2: 279-88.
  • Oladokun JO, Halabi MH, Barua P, Nath PD (2019) Tomato brown rugose fruit disease: Current distribution, knowledge and future prospects. Plant Pathology 68: 1579-1586.
  • Pai H, Jean W, Lee Y, Chang YA, Lin N (2019) Genome-wide analysis of small RNAs from Odontoglossum ringspot virus and Cymbidium mosaic virus synergistically infecting Phalaenopsis. Molecular Plant Pathology 21(2): 188-205.
  • Panno S, Garuso AG, Davino S (2019) Disease notes-First report of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus on tomato crops in Italy. doi:
  • Prins M, Laimer M, Noris E, Schubert J, Wasseneger M, Tepfer M (2008) Strategies for antiviral resistance in transgenic plants. Molecular Plant Pathology 9: 73-83.
  • Salem N, Mansour A, Ciuffo M, Falk BW, Turina M (2016) A new Tobamovirus infecting tomato crops in Jordan. Archives of Virology 161(2): 503-506.
  • Skelton A, Buxton-Kirk A, Ward R, Harju V, Frew L, Fowkes A, Long M, Negus A, Forde S, Adams IP, Pufal H, McGreig S, Weekes R, Fox A (2019) First report of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus in tomato in the United Kingdom. doi:
  • Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı (2019) %9Fl%C4% B1 %C4%9F%C4%B1%20Hizmetleri/bitki_sagligi/survey/42 Tomato_brown_rugose_fruit_tobamovirus_(ToBRFV) (2019).pdf Erişim 12 Mart 2020.
  • Wetter C, Dore I, Bernard M (1987) Bell pepper mottle virus, a distinct Tobamovirus infecting pepper. Journal of Phytopathology 119(4): 333-344.
  • Yan Z, Ma HY, Han SL, Geng C, Tian YP, Li XD (2019) First report of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus infecting tomato in China. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-05-19-1045-PDN.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Hakan Fidan 0000-0002-0384-9486

Publication Date April 1, 2020
Submission Date March 18, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Fidan, H. (2020). Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV): Güncel durumu ve geleceği. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, 33(1), 43-49.
AMA Fidan H. Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV): Güncel durumu ve geleceği. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. April 2020;33(1):43-49. doi:10.29136/mediterranean.705740
Chicago Fidan, Hakan. “Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV): Güncel Durumu Ve geleceği”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 33, no. 1 (April 2020): 43-49.
EndNote Fidan H (April 1, 2020) Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV): Güncel durumu ve geleceği. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 33 1 43–49.
IEEE H. Fidan, “Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV): Güncel durumu ve geleceği”, Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 43–49, 2020, doi: 10.29136/mediterranean.705740.
ISNAD Fidan, Hakan. “Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV): Güncel Durumu Ve geleceği”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 33/1 (April 2020), 43-49.
JAMA Fidan H. Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV): Güncel durumu ve geleceği. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. 2020;33:43–49.
MLA Fidan, Hakan. “Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV): Güncel Durumu Ve geleceği”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, vol. 33, no. 1, 2020, pp. 43-49, doi:10.29136/mediterranean.705740.
Vancouver Fidan H. Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV): Güncel durumu ve geleceği. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. 2020;33(1):43-9.

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