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Anterolateral Ligament ve Dizdeki İlişkili Lezyonlarının MRI ile Değerlendirmesi

Yıl 2022, , 439 - 446, 22.09.2022


Amaç: Bu çalışmada anterolateral ligament (ALL) yaralanmalarının anatomisi ve ALL yaralanmaları ile diğer diz bağ yaralanmaları, menisküs yırtıkları, kemik yaralanmaları arasındaki ilişkinin hastaların diz manyetik rezonans görüntülerinin (MRI) retrospektif olarak taranmasıyla değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Materyal ve Metot: Bu çalışma retrospektif, randomize olmayan ve tek merkezli bir klinik çalışma olarak tasarlandı. Üçüncü basamak kurumumuza başvuran Ağustos 2021 ile Mart 2022 arasında diz MRI çekilen 320 hastanın diz MR görüntülerini derlendi.
Bulgular: Toplam 320 diz MRI [kadın;163 (%50.9)), ortalama yaş; 39,60±14,16 yıl, yaş aralığı; 21-77 yıl, sol diz; 172 (%53,7)] çalışmaya dahil edildi. 319 (%99.7) olguda ALL’nin en az bir komponenti görüldü [bütün komponentler: 276 (%86.3), menisküs: 311 (%97.2), femoral: 314 (%98.1), tibial: 280 (%87.5)]. ALL yaralanmalı 182 dizden 182’sinde (%100) ön çapraz bağ (ÖÇB) yaralanması, 116’sında (%63.7) lateral menisküs yaralanması ve 103’ünde (%56.6) kemik yaralanması vardı. ÖÇB (p=0.001), lateral menisküs (p=0.001) ve kemik yaralanması (p=0.001) ALL-intakt diz ile karşılaştırıldığında ALL-yaralılarda daha sıktı.
Sonuç: Akut ÖÇB rüptürü, lateral menisküs, kemik yaralanması ve ALL yaralanması arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki vardır. ÖÇB, lateral menisküs ve kemik yaralanması olan hastalarda MRI değerlendirilirken ALL değerlendirmesi de yapılmalıdır.


  • Referans1 Segond P. Recherces Cliniques Et Expermenntales Sur Les Epanchements Sanguins Du Genou Par Entorse [Book in French]. Bureaux du "Progrès médical", Paris; 1897.
  • Referans2 Terry GC, Hughston JC, Norwood LA. The anatomy of the ilioatellar band and iliotibial tract. Am J Sports Med. 1986;14:39–45.
  • Referans3 Terry GC, LaPrade RF. The posterolateral aspect of the knee. Anatomy and surgical approach. Am J Sports Med. 1996;24:732–39.
  • Referans4 Terry GC, Norwood LA, Hughston JC, Caldwell KM. How iliotibial tract injuries of the knee combine with acute anterior cruciate ligament tears to influence abnormal anterior tibial displacement. Am J Sports Med. 1993;21:55–60.
  • Referans5 LaPrade RF, Gilbert TJ, Bollom TS, et al. The magnetic resonance imaging appearance of individual structures of the posterolateral knee. A prospective study of normal knees and knees with surgically verified grade III injuries. Am J Sports Med. 2000;28:191–99.
  • Referans6 Campos JC, Chung CB, Lektrakul N, et al. Pathogenesis of the Segond fracture: anatomic and MR imaging evidence of an iliotibial tract or anterior oblique band avulsion. Radiology. 2001;219:381–86.
  • Referans7 Vincent JP, Magnussen RA, Gezmez F, et al. The anterolateral ligament of the human knee: an anatomic and histologic study. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2012;20:147–52.
  • Referans8 Patel RM, Brophy RH. Identification of the Anterolateral Ligament on Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Anterolateral ligament of the knee: anatomy, function, imaging, and treatment. Am J Sports Med. 2018;46:217-23.
  • Referans9 Kosy JD, Mandalia VI, Anaspure R. Characterization of the anatomy of the anterolateral ligament of the knee using magnetic resonance imaging. Skeletal Radiol. 2015;44:1647–53.
  • Referans10 Caterine S, Litchfield R, Johnson M, et al. A cadaveric study of the anterolateral ligament: re-introducing the lateral capsular ligament. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2015;23:3186–95.
  • Referans11 Taneja AK, Miranda FC, Braga CAP, et al. MRI features of the anterolateral ligament of the knee. Skeletal Radiol. 2015;44(3):403-10.
  • Referans12 Claes S, Barholomeeusen S, Bellemans J. High prevalence of anterolateral ligament abnormalities in magnetic resonance images of anterior cruciate ligament-injured knees. Acta Orthop Belg. 2014;80:45-9.
  • Referans13 Helito CP, Demange MK, Helito PV, et al. Evaluation of the anterolateral ligament of the knee by means of magnetic resonance examination. MRI. Rev Bras Ortop. 2015; 50:214-19.
  • Referans14 Porrino J, Maloney E, Richardson M, et al. The Anterolateral ligament of the knee: MRI appearance, association with the Segond fracture, and historical perspective. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2015;204:367–73.
  • Referans15 Helito CP, Helito PV, Costa HP, et al. MRI evaluation of the anterolateral ligament of the knee: assessment in routine 1.5-T scans. Skeletal Radiol. 2014:43:1421-27.
  • Referans16 Barrera CM, Arizpe A, Wodicka R, et al. Anterolateral ligament injuries on magnetic resonance imaging and pivot-shift testing for rotational laxity. J Clin Orthop Trauma. 2018;9:312–16.
  • Referans17 Vieira ELC, Vieira EA, da Silva RT, et al. An anatomic study of the iliotibial tract. Arthroscopy. 2007;23:269–74.
  • Referans18 Claes S, Vereecke E, Maes M, et al. Anatomy of the anterolateral ligament of the knee. J Anat. 2013;223:321-28.
  • Referans19 Kow RY, Low CL, Siron@Baharom KN, Said SNBS. MRI Evaluation of Anterolateral Ligament of the Knee: A Cross-Sectional Study in Malaysia. Cureus. 2021;13(6):e15758.
  • Referans20 Song GY, Zhang H, Wang QQ, et al. Bone contusions after acute noncontact anteriorcruciate ligament injury are associated with knee joint laxity, concomitant meniscal lesions and anterolateral ligament abnormality. Arthroscopy. 2016;32:2331–41.
  • Referans21 Ferretti A, Monaco E, Redler A, et al. High prevalence of anterolateral ligament abnormalities on MRI in knees with acute anterior cruciate ligament injuries: a case-control series from the SANTI Study Group. Orthop J Sports Med. 2019;7:10.1177/2325967119852916.
  • Referans22 Dyck PV, Clockaerts S, Vanhoenacker FM, et al. Anterolateral ligament abnormalities in patients with acute anterior cruciate ligament rupture are associated with lateral meniscal and osseous injuries. Eur Radiol. 2016;26:3383-91.
  • Referans23 Monaco E, Ferretti A, Labianca L, et al. Navigated knee kinematics after cutting of the ACL and its secondary restraint. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2012;20:870–77.

MRI Evaluation of Anterolateral Ligament and Associated Lesions of the Knee

Yıl 2022, , 439 - 446, 22.09.2022


Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the anatomy of the anterolateral ligament (ALL), ALL injuries and the relationship between ALL injuries and other knee ligaments injuries, meniscal tears, bone injuries by retrospectively scanning patients’ knee magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Material and Methods: Our study was designed as a retrospective, non-randomized, and single-center clinical study. We included knee MR images of 320 patients who applied to our tertiary care institution and underwent knee MRI between August 2021 and March 2022.
Results: A total 320 knee MRI’s [female;163 (50.9%), mean age; 39.60±14.16 years, range; 21-77 years, left knee; 172 (53.7%)] were included study. At least one component of ALL was visualized in 319 (99.7%) cases [whole components: 276 (86.3%), meniscal: 311 (97.2%), femoral: 314 (98.1%), tibial: 280 (87.5%)]. Of the 182 ALL-injured knee, 182 (100%) had anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury, 116 (63.7%) had lateral meniscal injury, and 103 (56.6%) had bone injury. ACL (p=0.001), lateral meniscus (p=0.001), and bone injury (p=0.001) were more frequently in ALL-injured as compared with ALL-intact knee.
Conclusion: There is a statistically significant relationship between acute ACL rupture, lateral meniscus, bone injury, and ALL injury. When evaluating MRI in patients with ACL, lateral meniscus, and bone injury, ALL evaluation should also be performed.


  • Referans1 Segond P. Recherces Cliniques Et Expermenntales Sur Les Epanchements Sanguins Du Genou Par Entorse [Book in French]. Bureaux du "Progrès médical", Paris; 1897.
  • Referans2 Terry GC, Hughston JC, Norwood LA. The anatomy of the ilioatellar band and iliotibial tract. Am J Sports Med. 1986;14:39–45.
  • Referans3 Terry GC, LaPrade RF. The posterolateral aspect of the knee. Anatomy and surgical approach. Am J Sports Med. 1996;24:732–39.
  • Referans4 Terry GC, Norwood LA, Hughston JC, Caldwell KM. How iliotibial tract injuries of the knee combine with acute anterior cruciate ligament tears to influence abnormal anterior tibial displacement. Am J Sports Med. 1993;21:55–60.
  • Referans5 LaPrade RF, Gilbert TJ, Bollom TS, et al. The magnetic resonance imaging appearance of individual structures of the posterolateral knee. A prospective study of normal knees and knees with surgically verified grade III injuries. Am J Sports Med. 2000;28:191–99.
  • Referans6 Campos JC, Chung CB, Lektrakul N, et al. Pathogenesis of the Segond fracture: anatomic and MR imaging evidence of an iliotibial tract or anterior oblique band avulsion. Radiology. 2001;219:381–86.
  • Referans7 Vincent JP, Magnussen RA, Gezmez F, et al. The anterolateral ligament of the human knee: an anatomic and histologic study. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2012;20:147–52.
  • Referans8 Patel RM, Brophy RH. Identification of the Anterolateral Ligament on Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Anterolateral ligament of the knee: anatomy, function, imaging, and treatment. Am J Sports Med. 2018;46:217-23.
  • Referans9 Kosy JD, Mandalia VI, Anaspure R. Characterization of the anatomy of the anterolateral ligament of the knee using magnetic resonance imaging. Skeletal Radiol. 2015;44:1647–53.
  • Referans10 Caterine S, Litchfield R, Johnson M, et al. A cadaveric study of the anterolateral ligament: re-introducing the lateral capsular ligament. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2015;23:3186–95.
  • Referans11 Taneja AK, Miranda FC, Braga CAP, et al. MRI features of the anterolateral ligament of the knee. Skeletal Radiol. 2015;44(3):403-10.
  • Referans12 Claes S, Barholomeeusen S, Bellemans J. High prevalence of anterolateral ligament abnormalities in magnetic resonance images of anterior cruciate ligament-injured knees. Acta Orthop Belg. 2014;80:45-9.
  • Referans13 Helito CP, Demange MK, Helito PV, et al. Evaluation of the anterolateral ligament of the knee by means of magnetic resonance examination. MRI. Rev Bras Ortop. 2015; 50:214-19.
  • Referans14 Porrino J, Maloney E, Richardson M, et al. The Anterolateral ligament of the knee: MRI appearance, association with the Segond fracture, and historical perspective. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2015;204:367–73.
  • Referans15 Helito CP, Helito PV, Costa HP, et al. MRI evaluation of the anterolateral ligament of the knee: assessment in routine 1.5-T scans. Skeletal Radiol. 2014:43:1421-27.
  • Referans16 Barrera CM, Arizpe A, Wodicka R, et al. Anterolateral ligament injuries on magnetic resonance imaging and pivot-shift testing for rotational laxity. J Clin Orthop Trauma. 2018;9:312–16.
  • Referans17 Vieira ELC, Vieira EA, da Silva RT, et al. An anatomic study of the iliotibial tract. Arthroscopy. 2007;23:269–74.
  • Referans18 Claes S, Vereecke E, Maes M, et al. Anatomy of the anterolateral ligament of the knee. J Anat. 2013;223:321-28.
  • Referans19 Kow RY, Low CL, Siron@Baharom KN, Said SNBS. MRI Evaluation of Anterolateral Ligament of the Knee: A Cross-Sectional Study in Malaysia. Cureus. 2021;13(6):e15758.
  • Referans20 Song GY, Zhang H, Wang QQ, et al. Bone contusions after acute noncontact anteriorcruciate ligament injury are associated with knee joint laxity, concomitant meniscal lesions and anterolateral ligament abnormality. Arthroscopy. 2016;32:2331–41.
  • Referans21 Ferretti A, Monaco E, Redler A, et al. High prevalence of anterolateral ligament abnormalities on MRI in knees with acute anterior cruciate ligament injuries: a case-control series from the SANTI Study Group. Orthop J Sports Med. 2019;7:10.1177/2325967119852916.
  • Referans22 Dyck PV, Clockaerts S, Vanhoenacker FM, et al. Anterolateral ligament abnormalities in patients with acute anterior cruciate ligament rupture are associated with lateral meniscal and osseous injuries. Eur Radiol. 2016;26:3383-91.
  • Referans23 Monaco E, Ferretti A, Labianca L, et al. Navigated knee kinematics after cutting of the ACL and its secondary restraint. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2012;20:870–77.
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İç Hastalıkları
Bölüm Özgün Makaleler

Bulent Petik 0000-0003-3759-3244

Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Eylül 2022
Kabul Tarihi 15 Ağustos 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

AMA Petik B. MRI Evaluation of Anterolateral Ligament and Associated Lesions of the Knee. Med Records. Eylül 2022;4(3):439-446. doi:10.37990/medr.1144361

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Address: Düzce University, Department of Anatomy, Düzce, Turkey

Assoc. Prof. Serkan Öner
İzmir Bakırçay University, Department of Radiology, İzmir, Türkiye

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