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İngilizce Dil Öğretimi Araştırmalarında Öğretmen İş birliği: Bir Sistematik Derlem

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 58 - 90, 22.06.2023


İngilizce öğretiminde (ELT) yeni bir çalışma alanı, dil öğretim sürecini kolaylaştırmak için diğer paydaşlarla işbirliği yapmaktır. Bu doğrultuda, bu sistematik derlem, ELT alanında işbirliği konusuna odaklanan en son ulusal ve uluslararası araştırmaları ortaya çıkarmaya çalışmıştır. Bu konudaki toplam 40 çalışma, araştırma deseni, ortam ve evren, işbirliği türü, bulgular ve çıkarımlar açısından incelenmiştir. Çalışmaların 26'sı nitel, sekizi nicel ve altısı karma çalışmalardır. Araştırmaların çoğunluğu EFL bağlamlarında yapılmış ve sırasıyla evren ve örneklem olarak EFL öğretmenleri ve öğrencilerine odaklanmıştır. İşbirliği, dil öğretmenleri, içerik öğretmenleri, diğer okul personeli ve araştırmacılar da dahil olmak üzere çeşitli paydaşların ELT sürecini teşvik etmeye çalıştığı ortak çalışma olarak kabul edilmiştir. Ayrıca, bu ortak girişim koçluk, birlikte öğretim ve takım öğretimi gibi farklı şekillerde görülmüştür. MaxQda (2022) yazılımı aracılığıyla yapılan içerik analizi sonucunda, işbirliğinin ELT'nin doğasını ve kapsamını, perspektifleri genişletmek, daha fazla bilgiye ulaşmak, sosyal ve etkileşimli bir arabulucu olarak işlev görmek ve dille ilgili süreçleri tasarlamak, uygulamak ve gözden geçirmek için destek almak gibi çok çeşitli olumlu yollarla etkileyebileceği sonucuna varılmıştır. Bununla birlikte, idari destek ve hazırlık eksikliği, zaman ve maddi sınırlamalar ve katılım konusundaki isteksizlik, ELT işbirliğinin başlıca sorunları olarak belirlenmiştir. Son olarak, bu derlem çalışması, gelecekteki araştırmaları teşvik etmek için özellikle teknolojinin işbirliğine dayalı ELT uygulamaları üzerindeki artan etkisine odaklanarak daha fazla sonuç içermektedir.


  • Acar, S., & Peker, B. (2021). What are the purposes of teachers for using the Etwinning platform and the effects of the platform on teachers? Acta Didactica Napocensia, 14(1), 91-103.
  • Aimin, L. (2013). The study of second language acquisition under socio-cultural theory. American Journal of Educational Research, 1.5 (2013), 162-167. https://doi:10.12691/education-1-5-3
  • Aktekin, N. C. (2019). Critical friends group (CFG): Inquiry-based professional development model for Turkish EFL teachers. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 2019(81), 1-20.
  • Alhassan, A., Bora, S. F., & Abdalla, Y. A. (2022). Collaboration with EAP teachers in English-medium instruction contexts in higher education: Content lecturer perspectives. TESOL Journal, 13(1), 1-15.
  • Álvarez, L. F. C. (2020). Intercultural communicative competence: In-service EFL teachers building understanding through study groups. Profile: Issues in Teachers' Professional Development, 22(1), 75-92.
  • Asaoka, C., Miura, D. & Okubo, T. (2020). Forming a collaborative community of practice of EFL teachers through self-study research. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(9), 3799 - 3806. Retrieved from
  • Barahona, M., & Davin, K. J. (2021). A practice-based approach to foreign language teacher preparation: A cross-continental collaboration. Profile: Issues in Teachers' Professional Development, 23(1), 181-196.
  • Bauler, C. V., Kang, E., Afanador-Vega, A., & Stevenson, A. (2019). "My partner always helps me": Exploring two co-teachers’ practices to support writing in a first-grade linguistically diverse elementary class. The Electronic Journal for English as a Second Language, 24(2), 1-18.
  • Bayram, İ. & Bıkmaz, F. (2021). Implications of lesson study for tertiary-level EFL teachers’ professional development: a case study from Turkey. SAGE Open, 1-15.
  • Boland, D. E., Alkhalifa, K. B., & Al-Mutairi, M. A. (2019). Co-Teaching in EFL Classroom: The Promising Model. English Language Teaching, 12(12), 95-98.
  • Bryman, A. (2012). Social Research Methods (Fourth edition). Oxford.
  • Buckingham, L. R., López-Hernández, A., & Strotmann, B. (2021). Learning by comparison: The benefits of co-teaching for university professors’ professional development. Frontiers in Education, 6, 1-15.
  • Canaran, Ö., & Mirici, I. H. (2020). Öǧretmenlerin mesleki gelişimi için yeni bir takim öǧretimi modeli: hizmet-içi ingilizce öǧretmenleri üzerine bir durum çalişmasi. Egitim ve Bilim, 45(201), 247-271.
  • Chaovanapricha, K., & Chaturongakul, P. (2020). Interdisciplinary teacher collaboration in English for specific purposes subjects in a Thai university. English Language Teaching, 13(5), 139-148.
  • Cogmin, Z. (2013). Classroom interaction and second language acquisition: The more interactions the better? Studies in Literature and Language, 7(1), 22-26. Retrieved from
  • Compernolle, R.A & Williams, L. (2013). Sociocultural theory and second language pedagogy. Language Teaching Research, 17(3), 277-281.
  • Davari Torshizi, M. (2018). Revisiting the form of teacher-researcher collaboration in the field of TESOL. TESOL Journal, 9(3), 573-579.
  • De Jong, L., Meirink, J., & Admiraal, W. (2019). School-based teacher collaboration: Different learning opportunities across various contexts. Teaching and Teacher Education, 86(2019), 1-12.
  • De Jong, L., Meirink, J., & Admiraal, W. (2022). School-based collaboration as a learning context for teachers: A systematic review. International Journal of Educational Research, 112.
  • Durley, H.-C. K., & Ge, X. (2019). Social discourse influencing elementary teachers' cognition and metacognition for problem solving in open-ended professional development. New Waves Educational Research & Development, 22(1), 55-71. Retrieved from Fang, X. (2010). The role of input and interaction in second language acquisition. Cross-Cultural Communication, 6(1). 11-17. Retrieved from
  • Farahian, M. & Parhamnia, F. (2021). From knowledge sharing to reflective thinking: Using focus group to promote EFL teachers’ reflectivity. Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies, 23(2021), 157-180.
  • García-Martínez, I., Tadeu, P., Montenegro-Rueda, M., & Fernández-Batanero, J. M. (2020). Networking for online teacher collaboration. Interactive Learning Environments, 30(9), 1736-1750.
  • Giles, A. & Yazan, B. (2019). ESL and content teachers’ collaboration. Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching, 14(1), 1-18.
  • Giles, A., & Yazan, B. (2020). “You’re Not an Island”: A middle grades language arts teacher’s changed perceptions in ESL and content teachers’ collaboration. RMLE Online, 43(3), 1-15.
  • Giles, A., & Yazan, B. (2021). "More Mindful of ESL Students": Teacher Participation and Learning in ESL and Content Teachers' Collaboration in a Science Middle School Classroom 1. MEXTESOL Journal, 45(2), 1-10. Retrieved from
  • Godwin-Jones, R. (2021). Evolving technologies for language learning. Language Learning & Technology, 25(3), 6–26.
  • Göktürk-Sağlam, A.L. & Dikilitaş, K. (2020). Evaluating an online professional learning community as a context for professional development in classroom-based research. The Electronic Journal for English as a Second Language, 24(3). 1-17.
  • Greer, T., & Leyland, C. (2018). Naming an activity: Arriving at recognitionals in team-teacher planning talk. Journal of Pragmatics, 126, 52-67.
  • Hajar, A., & Manan, S. A. (2022). Emergency remote English language teaching and learning: Voices of primary school students and teachers in Kazakhstan. Review of Education, 10(2), 1-21.
  • Han, I. (2021). Development of professional identity and related metacognitive thinking procedures of English language teachers through spontaneous collaboration for pedagogical problem-solving. SAGE Open, 11(2), 1-13.
  • Harris, A., Jones, M., Ismail, N., & Nguyen, D. (2019). Middle leaders and middle leadership in schools: Exploring the knowledge base (2003–2017). School Leadership & Management, 39(3), 1–23.
  • Howlett, K. M., & Nguyen, H. L. (2020). Autoethnographic reflections of an international graduate teaching assistant’s co-teaching experiences. Journal of International Students, 10(2), 401-419.
  • Hsieh, M. H., Chuang, H. H., & Albanese, D. (2022). Investigating student agency and affordances during online virtual exchange projects in an ELF context from an ecological CALL perspective. System, 109, 1-13.
  • Kanchai, T. (2021). EFL teachers’ ICT literacy acquisition to online instruction during COVID-19. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 14(2), 282-312. Retrieved from
  • Karabuga, F. (2021). Analysis of teachers as researchers in the classrooms: Lesson study experience from EFL teachers' perspectives. The Electronic Journal for English as a Second Language, 25(3), 1-17. Retrieved from
  • Kent, D. (2018). Analysis of Timeline Posts to a Language Teacher Organization Public Facebook Group TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 17(1), 1-10. Retrieved from
  • King, A. H. (2018). Joint initiation and joint feedback: Connecting collaboration with pedagogy in co-teaching. Hacettepe Egitim Dergisi, 33(Special Issue), 4-15.
  • Lee, J. M. (2021). Claims of entitlements in elementary EFL co-teaching. English Teaching (South Korea), 76(3), 63-84.
  • Loewen, S. & Sato, M. (2018). Interaction and instructed second language acquisition. Language Teaching, 51(3), 285-329.
  • Lucero, E., & Roncancio-Castellanos, K. (2019). The pedagogical practicum journey towards becoming an English language teacher. Profile: Issues in Teachers' Professional Development, 21(1), 173-185.
  • Martin-Beltran, M. & Madigan Peercy, M. (2014) Collaboration to teach English language learners: opportunities for shared teacher learning. Teachers and Teaching, 20(6), 721-737. doi: 10.1080/13540602.2014.885704
  • Mohamadi Zenouzagh, Z. (2022). The effect of professional teaching videos induction and online focused group discussion on the development of teacher competences. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 21(3), 465-488.
  • Naylor, A., & Gibbs, J. (2018). Deep Learning: Enriching teacher training through mobile technology and international collaboration. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 10(1), 62-77.
  • Newman, S. & Latifi, A. (2021) Vygotsky, education, and teacher education. Journal of Education for Teaching, 47(1), 4-17.
  • Nguyen, D., & Ng, D. (2020). Teacher collaboration for change: sharing, improving, and spreading. Professional Development in Education, 46(4), 638-651.
  • Piyumi Udeshinee, W. A., Knutsson, O., Barbutiu, S. M., & Jayathilake, C. (2022). Re-designing a regulatory scale for dynamic assessment in the synchronous text chat environment in collaboration with teachers. Computer-Assisted Language Learning, 1-27.
  • Poehner, M. E., & Leontjev, D. (2022). Peer interaction, mediation, and a view of teachers as creators of learner L2 development. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 00, 1– 15.
  • Ramankulov, S.Z., Dosymov, E., Mintassova, A.S. & Pattayev, A.M. (2019). Assessment of student creativity in teaching Physics in a foreign language. European Journal of Contemporary Education, 8(3), 587-599. doi: 10.13187/ejced.2019.3.587
  • Shoffner, M. & Wachter-Morris, C. (2010) Preparing preservice English teachers and school counselor interns for future collaboration. Teaching Education, 21(2), 185-197. doi: 10.1080/10476210903183894
  • Stroetinga, M., Leeman, Y., & Veugelers, W. (2018). Primary school teachers’ collaboration with parents on upbringing: a review of the empirical literature. Educational Review, 71(5), 650-667.
  • Tarwiyah, S., Warsono, W., Linggar Bharati, D. A., & Sutopo, D. (2018). Professional learning through coaching: Toward the enhancement of the teachers’ pedagogical competence. Arab World English Journal, 9(4), 407-419.
  • Trent, J. (2010). Teacher identity construction across the curriculum: promoting cross-curriculum collaboration in English-medium schools. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 30(2), 167-183.
  • Tian, Z., & Shepard-Carey, L. (2020). (Re)imagining the future of translanguaging pedagogies in TESOL Through teacher–researcher collaboration. TESOL Quarterly, 54(4), 1131-1143.
  • Tuttle, M., Harrison, J., Johnson, L.V. & Mecadon-Mann, M. (2021). What’s in a word? The school counselor and ESOL teacher perceptions and attitudes about collaboration. Journal of School Counseling, 19, 1-35. Retrieved from
  • Vangrieken, K., Dochy, F., Raes, E. & Kyndt, R. (2015). Teacher collaboration: A systematic review. Educational Research Review, 15(2015), 17-40.
  • Villavicencio, A., Jaffe-Walter, R., & Klevan, S. (2021). “You can’t close your door here:” Leveraging teacher collaboration to improve outcomes for immigrant English Learners. Teaching and Teacher Education, 97(2021), 1-11.
  • Vo, D. T., & Allen, K.-A. (2022). A systematic review of school-based positive psychology interventions to foster teacher wellbeing. Teachers and Teaching, 28(8), 964-999.
  • Wang, J. (2020). friendship group activities: Voices from Chinese EFL learners. English Language Teaching, 14(1), 140-140.
  • Weddle, H. (2022). Approaches to studying teacher collaboration for instructional improvement: A review of literature. Educational Research Review, 35.
  • Wexler, J., Kearns, D. M., Lemons, C. J., Mitchell, M., Clancy, E., Davidson, K. A., Sinclair, A. C., & Wei, Y. (2018). Reading comprehension and co-teaching practices in middle school English language arts classrooms. Exceptional Children, 84(4), 384-402.
  • Wu, P. & Yu, S. (2017). Developing pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) through module team collaboration: A case study of Business English teachers in China. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 26(1), 97-105.
  • Wu, Y., Cheng, J., & Koszalka, T. A. (2021). Transdisciplinary approach in middle school: A case study of co-teaching practices in STEAM teams. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 9(1), 138-162.
  • Yan, L. (2019). A Study on WeChat-based collaborative learning in college English writing. English Language Teaching, 12(6), 1-9.
  • Yeganehpour, P. & Zarfsaz, E. The effects of co-teaching on advanced EFL learners’ writing ability. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 16(4), 1833-1853. doi:10.17263/jlls.851009
  • Zadorozhna, I., Datskiv, O., & Shepitchak, V. (2020). Pre-Service English teachers’ attitudes to co-teaching. Advanced Education, 7(15), 41-46.

Teacher Collaboration in English Language Teaching (ELT) Research: A Systematic Review

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 58 - 90, 22.06.2023


One of the recent concerns in English language teaching (ELT) is collaborating with other stakeholders to facilitate the language teaching process. With this in mind, this systematic review attempted to uncover the most recent national and international research focusing on the issue of collaboration in the area of ELT. A total of 40 studies on this issue were reviewed in terms of design, setting and population, type of collaboration, findings, and implications. Most of the studies, 26 of them, were qualitative-based studies, while eight were quantitative, and six were mixed. The majority of the research was done in EFL contexts and primarily focused on EFL teachers and students as the population and sample, respectively. Collaboration was regarded as joint work in which various stakeholders, including language teachers, content teachers, other school staff, and researchers, tried to promote the ELT process. Further, this joint initiative was seen in different forms, such as coaching, co-teaching, and team teaching. At the end of the content analysis made via MaxQda (2022) software, the review concluded that collaboration can influence the nature and scope of ELT in a wide range of positive ways, including extending perspectives, reaching more knowledge, functioning as a social and interactive mediator, and getting support to devise, practice, and revise language-related processes. However, lack of administrative support and preparation, time and material limits, and unwillingness to participate were identified as the major ELT collaboration problems. Finally, the review included further implications, especially focusing on the growing impact of technology on collaborative ELT practices to foster future research.


  • Acar, S., & Peker, B. (2021). What are the purposes of teachers for using the Etwinning platform and the effects of the platform on teachers? Acta Didactica Napocensia, 14(1), 91-103.
  • Aimin, L. (2013). The study of second language acquisition under socio-cultural theory. American Journal of Educational Research, 1.5 (2013), 162-167. https://doi:10.12691/education-1-5-3
  • Aktekin, N. C. (2019). Critical friends group (CFG): Inquiry-based professional development model for Turkish EFL teachers. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 2019(81), 1-20.
  • Alhassan, A., Bora, S. F., & Abdalla, Y. A. (2022). Collaboration with EAP teachers in English-medium instruction contexts in higher education: Content lecturer perspectives. TESOL Journal, 13(1), 1-15.
  • Álvarez, L. F. C. (2020). Intercultural communicative competence: In-service EFL teachers building understanding through study groups. Profile: Issues in Teachers' Professional Development, 22(1), 75-92.
  • Asaoka, C., Miura, D. & Okubo, T. (2020). Forming a collaborative community of practice of EFL teachers through self-study research. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(9), 3799 - 3806. Retrieved from
  • Barahona, M., & Davin, K. J. (2021). A practice-based approach to foreign language teacher preparation: A cross-continental collaboration. Profile: Issues in Teachers' Professional Development, 23(1), 181-196.
  • Bauler, C. V., Kang, E., Afanador-Vega, A., & Stevenson, A. (2019). "My partner always helps me": Exploring two co-teachers’ practices to support writing in a first-grade linguistically diverse elementary class. The Electronic Journal for English as a Second Language, 24(2), 1-18.
  • Bayram, İ. & Bıkmaz, F. (2021). Implications of lesson study for tertiary-level EFL teachers’ professional development: a case study from Turkey. SAGE Open, 1-15.
  • Boland, D. E., Alkhalifa, K. B., & Al-Mutairi, M. A. (2019). Co-Teaching in EFL Classroom: The Promising Model. English Language Teaching, 12(12), 95-98.
  • Bryman, A. (2012). Social Research Methods (Fourth edition). Oxford.
  • Buckingham, L. R., López-Hernández, A., & Strotmann, B. (2021). Learning by comparison: The benefits of co-teaching for university professors’ professional development. Frontiers in Education, 6, 1-15.
  • Canaran, Ö., & Mirici, I. H. (2020). Öǧretmenlerin mesleki gelişimi için yeni bir takim öǧretimi modeli: hizmet-içi ingilizce öǧretmenleri üzerine bir durum çalişmasi. Egitim ve Bilim, 45(201), 247-271.
  • Chaovanapricha, K., & Chaturongakul, P. (2020). Interdisciplinary teacher collaboration in English for specific purposes subjects in a Thai university. English Language Teaching, 13(5), 139-148.
  • Cogmin, Z. (2013). Classroom interaction and second language acquisition: The more interactions the better? Studies in Literature and Language, 7(1), 22-26. Retrieved from
  • Compernolle, R.A & Williams, L. (2013). Sociocultural theory and second language pedagogy. Language Teaching Research, 17(3), 277-281.
  • Davari Torshizi, M. (2018). Revisiting the form of teacher-researcher collaboration in the field of TESOL. TESOL Journal, 9(3), 573-579.
  • De Jong, L., Meirink, J., & Admiraal, W. (2019). School-based teacher collaboration: Different learning opportunities across various contexts. Teaching and Teacher Education, 86(2019), 1-12.
  • De Jong, L., Meirink, J., & Admiraal, W. (2022). School-based collaboration as a learning context for teachers: A systematic review. International Journal of Educational Research, 112.
  • Durley, H.-C. K., & Ge, X. (2019). Social discourse influencing elementary teachers' cognition and metacognition for problem solving in open-ended professional development. New Waves Educational Research & Development, 22(1), 55-71. Retrieved from Fang, X. (2010). The role of input and interaction in second language acquisition. Cross-Cultural Communication, 6(1). 11-17. Retrieved from
  • Farahian, M. & Parhamnia, F. (2021). From knowledge sharing to reflective thinking: Using focus group to promote EFL teachers’ reflectivity. Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies, 23(2021), 157-180.
  • García-Martínez, I., Tadeu, P., Montenegro-Rueda, M., & Fernández-Batanero, J. M. (2020). Networking for online teacher collaboration. Interactive Learning Environments, 30(9), 1736-1750.
  • Giles, A. & Yazan, B. (2019). ESL and content teachers’ collaboration. Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching, 14(1), 1-18.
  • Giles, A., & Yazan, B. (2020). “You’re Not an Island”: A middle grades language arts teacher’s changed perceptions in ESL and content teachers’ collaboration. RMLE Online, 43(3), 1-15.
  • Giles, A., & Yazan, B. (2021). "More Mindful of ESL Students": Teacher Participation and Learning in ESL and Content Teachers' Collaboration in a Science Middle School Classroom 1. MEXTESOL Journal, 45(2), 1-10. Retrieved from
  • Godwin-Jones, R. (2021). Evolving technologies for language learning. Language Learning & Technology, 25(3), 6–26.
  • Göktürk-Sağlam, A.L. & Dikilitaş, K. (2020). Evaluating an online professional learning community as a context for professional development in classroom-based research. The Electronic Journal for English as a Second Language, 24(3). 1-17.
  • Greer, T., & Leyland, C. (2018). Naming an activity: Arriving at recognitionals in team-teacher planning talk. Journal of Pragmatics, 126, 52-67.
  • Hajar, A., & Manan, S. A. (2022). Emergency remote English language teaching and learning: Voices of primary school students and teachers in Kazakhstan. Review of Education, 10(2), 1-21.
  • Han, I. (2021). Development of professional identity and related metacognitive thinking procedures of English language teachers through spontaneous collaboration for pedagogical problem-solving. SAGE Open, 11(2), 1-13.
  • Harris, A., Jones, M., Ismail, N., & Nguyen, D. (2019). Middle leaders and middle leadership in schools: Exploring the knowledge base (2003–2017). School Leadership & Management, 39(3), 1–23.
  • Howlett, K. M., & Nguyen, H. L. (2020). Autoethnographic reflections of an international graduate teaching assistant’s co-teaching experiences. Journal of International Students, 10(2), 401-419.
  • Hsieh, M. H., Chuang, H. H., & Albanese, D. (2022). Investigating student agency and affordances during online virtual exchange projects in an ELF context from an ecological CALL perspective. System, 109, 1-13.
  • Kanchai, T. (2021). EFL teachers’ ICT literacy acquisition to online instruction during COVID-19. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 14(2), 282-312. Retrieved from
  • Karabuga, F. (2021). Analysis of teachers as researchers in the classrooms: Lesson study experience from EFL teachers' perspectives. The Electronic Journal for English as a Second Language, 25(3), 1-17. Retrieved from
  • Kent, D. (2018). Analysis of Timeline Posts to a Language Teacher Organization Public Facebook Group TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 17(1), 1-10. Retrieved from
  • King, A. H. (2018). Joint initiation and joint feedback: Connecting collaboration with pedagogy in co-teaching. Hacettepe Egitim Dergisi, 33(Special Issue), 4-15.
  • Lee, J. M. (2021). Claims of entitlements in elementary EFL co-teaching. English Teaching (South Korea), 76(3), 63-84.
  • Loewen, S. & Sato, M. (2018). Interaction and instructed second language acquisition. Language Teaching, 51(3), 285-329.
  • Lucero, E., & Roncancio-Castellanos, K. (2019). The pedagogical practicum journey towards becoming an English language teacher. Profile: Issues in Teachers' Professional Development, 21(1), 173-185.
  • Martin-Beltran, M. & Madigan Peercy, M. (2014) Collaboration to teach English language learners: opportunities for shared teacher learning. Teachers and Teaching, 20(6), 721-737. doi: 10.1080/13540602.2014.885704
  • Mohamadi Zenouzagh, Z. (2022). The effect of professional teaching videos induction and online focused group discussion on the development of teacher competences. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 21(3), 465-488.
  • Naylor, A., & Gibbs, J. (2018). Deep Learning: Enriching teacher training through mobile technology and international collaboration. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 10(1), 62-77.
  • Newman, S. & Latifi, A. (2021) Vygotsky, education, and teacher education. Journal of Education for Teaching, 47(1), 4-17.
  • Nguyen, D., & Ng, D. (2020). Teacher collaboration for change: sharing, improving, and spreading. Professional Development in Education, 46(4), 638-651.
  • Piyumi Udeshinee, W. A., Knutsson, O., Barbutiu, S. M., & Jayathilake, C. (2022). Re-designing a regulatory scale for dynamic assessment in the synchronous text chat environment in collaboration with teachers. Computer-Assisted Language Learning, 1-27.
  • Poehner, M. E., & Leontjev, D. (2022). Peer interaction, mediation, and a view of teachers as creators of learner L2 development. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 00, 1– 15.
  • Ramankulov, S.Z., Dosymov, E., Mintassova, A.S. & Pattayev, A.M. (2019). Assessment of student creativity in teaching Physics in a foreign language. European Journal of Contemporary Education, 8(3), 587-599. doi: 10.13187/ejced.2019.3.587
  • Shoffner, M. & Wachter-Morris, C. (2010) Preparing preservice English teachers and school counselor interns for future collaboration. Teaching Education, 21(2), 185-197. doi: 10.1080/10476210903183894
  • Stroetinga, M., Leeman, Y., & Veugelers, W. (2018). Primary school teachers’ collaboration with parents on upbringing: a review of the empirical literature. Educational Review, 71(5), 650-667.
  • Tarwiyah, S., Warsono, W., Linggar Bharati, D. A., & Sutopo, D. (2018). Professional learning through coaching: Toward the enhancement of the teachers’ pedagogical competence. Arab World English Journal, 9(4), 407-419.
  • Trent, J. (2010). Teacher identity construction across the curriculum: promoting cross-curriculum collaboration in English-medium schools. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 30(2), 167-183.
  • Tian, Z., & Shepard-Carey, L. (2020). (Re)imagining the future of translanguaging pedagogies in TESOL Through teacher–researcher collaboration. TESOL Quarterly, 54(4), 1131-1143.
  • Tuttle, M., Harrison, J., Johnson, L.V. & Mecadon-Mann, M. (2021). What’s in a word? The school counselor and ESOL teacher perceptions and attitudes about collaboration. Journal of School Counseling, 19, 1-35. Retrieved from
  • Vangrieken, K., Dochy, F., Raes, E. & Kyndt, R. (2015). Teacher collaboration: A systematic review. Educational Research Review, 15(2015), 17-40.
  • Villavicencio, A., Jaffe-Walter, R., & Klevan, S. (2021). “You can’t close your door here:” Leveraging teacher collaboration to improve outcomes for immigrant English Learners. Teaching and Teacher Education, 97(2021), 1-11.
  • Vo, D. T., & Allen, K.-A. (2022). A systematic review of school-based positive psychology interventions to foster teacher wellbeing. Teachers and Teaching, 28(8), 964-999.
  • Wang, J. (2020). friendship group activities: Voices from Chinese EFL learners. English Language Teaching, 14(1), 140-140.
  • Weddle, H. (2022). Approaches to studying teacher collaboration for instructional improvement: A review of literature. Educational Research Review, 35.
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Toplam 65 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Dil Çalışmaları
Bölüm Sistematik Derlemeler ve Meta-analiz

İbrahim Şahin 0000-0002-2574-4693

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 22 Haziran 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Haziran 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 17 Şubat 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Şahin, İ. (2023). Teacher Collaboration in English Language Teaching (ELT) Research: A Systematic Review. Melius: Journal of Narrative and Language Studies, 1(1), 58-90.