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Farklı Koşullarda Depolanan ANET 30 Şeftali Çeşidinin Aroma Bileşenlerindeki Değişimler

Yıl 2022, , 1 - 7, 01.08.2022


Bu çalışma, özel sektör (Anadolu Etap-Çanakkale) meyve bahçelerinde üretilen ANET 30 şeftali çeşidi meyvelerinin depolanmaları süresince aroma bileşenlerindeki değişimin saptanması amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu kapsamda meyveler, Kontrol, Xtend® torbalar içerisinde modifiye atmosfer paketleme (MAP), hasattan sonra 625 ppb dozunda 1-Metilsiklopropan (1-MCP) uygulanmış ve 1-MCP + MAP olmak üzere, 4 farklı şekilde 0±1°C sıcaklık ve %90±5 oransal nem koşullarında 60 gün süreyle depolanmış ve 20 gün arayla aroma bileşenlerindeki değişim saptanmıştır. Çalışmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre; ANET 30 meyvelerinde önemli aroma bileşeni aldehitler olarak saptanmış, depolamanın başlangıcında ortalama %81.33 olan toplam aldehitler depolama süresince azalarak %64.91 oranına düşmüştür. Ancak bu azalmanın derecesi uygulamalara göre farklılık göstermiştir. Aldehitler dışında laktonlar, alkoller, esterler, terpenler ve diğer aroma bileşenleri olarak saptanmış ve bunların depolama süresince değişimleri farklılık göstermiştir. Depolama süresi uzadıkça terpenler, laktonlar ve esterlerde önemli, alkollerde kısmen artış tespit edilmiş, bunlar dışındaki aroma bileşenler içerisinde hekzenlerde azalma saptanmıştır. Şeftali aromasını veren laktonlardaki artış 60 günlük depolama sonunda %150 oranına ulaşmıştır. Olgunluk ilerledikçe özgün aromayı veren bileşiklerde artış, aldehitlerde azalma saptanmıştır. Depolamanın başlangıcında 13 adet olan ana aroma bileşenlerin sayısı depolama süresince artış göstererek uygulamalara göre 19-30 sayısına ulaşmıştır. Aroma bileşenlerinin oluşumu depolama uygulamaları farklı düzeylerde gecikmiştir.


  • Baldwin E. 2002. Fruit Quality and Its Biological Basis. (Ed: Knee, M.). Fruit Flavor, Volatile Metabolism and Consumer Perceptions. Academic Press Ltd. Mansion House. UK. 89-106.
  • Bianchi T, Weesepoel Y, Koot A, Iglesias I, Eduardo I, Gratacós-Cubarsí M, Van Ruth S, 2017. Investigation of the Aroma of Commercial Peach Types by Proton Transfer Reaction–Mass Spectrometry and Sensory Analysis. Food Res. Int., 99:133-146.
  • Blanpied GD, Black VA, 1990. Low Ethylene CA Storage for Apples. Postharvest News and Information 1:29-34.
  • Brizzolara S, Hertog M, Tosetti R, Nicolai B, Tonutti P, 2018. Metabolic Responses to Low Temperature of Three Peach Fruit Cultivars Differently Sensitive to Cold Storage. Front. Plant Sci.
  • Cai H, Han S, Jiang L, Yu M, Ma R, Yu Z, 2019. 1-MCP Treatment Affects Peach Fruit Aroma Metabolism as Revealed by Transcriptomics and Metabolite Analyses. Food Res. Int., 122:573-584.
  • Creveling RK, Jennings WG, 1970. Volatile Compounts of Bartlett Pear; Higher Boling Fractions. J. Agric. Food. Chem., 18:19-24
  • Do JY, Salunkhe DK, Olson LE, 1969. Isolation Identification and Comparison of the Volatiles of Peach Fruit as Related to Harvest Maturity and Artificial Ripening. J. Food Sci. 34:618
  • Drawert F, Berger R, 1981. Flavour. (Ed: Schreier, P.) Possibilities of the Biotechnological Production of Aroma Substances by Plant Tissues Cultures. 81. Walter De Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 509-527.
  • Ekinci N, Şeker M, Aydın F, Gündoğdu MA, 2016. Possible Chemical Mechanism and Determination of Inhibitory Effects of 1-MCP on Superficial Scald on the Granny Smith Apple Variety. Turk Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 40:38-44
  • Flath RA, Sugisavva H, Teranishi R, 1981. Flavor Research Recend Advances. (Ed: Teranishi R, Flath RA, Sugusivava H, Flavor Research: Marcel Dekker, New York.
  • González-Agüero M, Troncoso S, Gudenschwager O, Campos-Vargas R, Moya-León MA, Defilippi BG, 2009. Differential Expression Levels of Aroma-Related Genes During Ripening of Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 47(5): 435-440.
  • Heath HB, Reineccius G, 1986. Flavor Chemistry and Technology. The AVI Pub. Com. Westport, 55-61.
  • Kader AA, Mitchell FG, 1989. Peaches, Plums, and Nectarines, Growing and Handling for Fresh Market. (Ed: Larue JH, Johnson RS,) Postharvest Physiology. Univ.California Division of Agric. and Nat. Res. Pub. No.3331:158-164.
  • Kaynaş K, Alkın G, Çiftci HN, Kıyı H, Aktürk C, Yaman Ş, 2022. ANET 30 Şeftali Çeşidinin Depolanmasında 1-Metilsiklopropan ve Modifiye Atmosfer Paketlemenin Kalite Özelliklerine Etkileri. ÇOMÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi (Basımda)
  • Kumar SK, Hern T, Liscombe D, Paliyat G, 2020. Changes in the Volatile Profile of Fantasia Nectarines [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch, var.Nectarina] Treated with an Enhanced Freshness Formulation (EFF) Containing Hexanal. Hort. Enviroment and Biotechnology 61:525-536.
  • Lurie S, Crisosto CH, 2005. Chilling Injury in Peach and Nectarine. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 37(3):195-208.
  • Mağa JA, 1976. Lactones in Foods. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr. 8(1): 1-56.
  • Ortiz A, Graell J, López ML, Echeverría G, Lara I, 2010. Volatile Ester-Synthesising Capacity in “Tardibelle” Peach Fruit in Response to Controlled Atmosphere and 1-MCP Treatment. Food Chem. 123: 698–704
  • Perez AG, Carlos S, Olias R, Rios JJA, Olias JM, 1996. Evolution of Strawberry Alcohol Acyltransferase Activity During Fruit Development and Storage. J. Agric. Food Chem., 44: 3286-3290.
  • Romani RJ, Jennings WG, 1971. The Biochemistry of Fruits and Their Products. (Ed: Hulme AC.) Stone Fruits. Academic Press, London and New York: 411-436.
  • Selli R, Sansavini S, 1995. Sugar, Acid and Pectin Content in Relation to Ripening and Quality of Peach and Nectarine Fruits. Acta Horticulturae, 379:345-358.
  • Şeker M, Ekinci N, Gür E, 2017. Effects of Different Rootstocks on Aroma Volatile Constituents in the Fruits of Peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch cv. ‘Cresthaven’). New Zealand J. of Crop and Horticultural Science, Vol.45(1):1-13.
  • Şeker M, Gür E, Ekinci N, Ipek A, 2018. Comparison of Lactones Concentrations During Fruit Growth and Development in Some Peach and Nectarine Varieties. II. International Eurasian Agriculture and Natural Sciences Congress (pp.133-139). Baku, Azerbaijan.
  • Şeker M, Gündoğdu MA, Ekinci N, Gür E, 2021. Recent Developments on Aroma Biochemistry in Fresh Fruits. Int. J. of Innovative Approaches in Sci. Res., Vol. 5 (2), 84-103.
  • Wang Q, Wei Y, Jiang S, Wang X, Xu F, Wang H, Shao X, 2020. Flavor Development in Peach Fruit Treated 1-MCP During Shelf Life. Food Res. Int. V.137. 109653
  • Zhou H, Ye Z, Su MS, 2018. Effects of MAP Treatments on Aroma Compounds and Enzyme Activities in Flat Peach During Storage and Shelf Life. Hortscience 53(4):1-14.

Changes of Flavor Volatile Compounds on Different Storage Conditions of ANET-30 Peach Variety

Yıl 2022, , 1 - 7, 01.08.2022


This study was carried out to determine the changes in aroma components during storage of ANET 30 peach variety fruits produced in private sector (Anadolu Etap-Çanakkale) orchards. Sampled fruits were stored under 0±1°C temperature and 90±5% relative humidity ± for 60 days and the changes in aroma components were measured at 20-day intervals which the treatments were control, modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) in Xtend® bags, 1-Methylcyclopropane (1-MCP) applied at a dose of 625 ppb after harvest and 1-MCP + MAP. According to results obtained; the most important aroma component was determined as total aldehydes, which were 81.33% on average at the beginning of storage, decreased to 64.91% during storage in ANET 30 fruits. However, the degree of this decrease differed according to the treatments. Apart from aldehydes, lactones, alcohols, esters, terpenes and other aroma compounds were detected and their changes during storage varied. As the storage period increased, significant increases were detected in terpenes, lactones and esters, and a partial increase in alcohols, and a decrease in hexenes was detected among the aroma components other than these. The increase in lactones giving the peach flavor reached 150% after 60 days of storage. As the maturity progressed, an increase in the compounds that gave the original aroma and a decrease in aldehydes were detected. Among these main aroma components, the number of compounds, which was 13 at the beginning of the storage, increased during the storage period and reached 19-30 according to the storage treatments. Storage treatments were delayed all flavor components changes during storage.


  • Baldwin E. 2002. Fruit Quality and Its Biological Basis. (Ed: Knee, M.). Fruit Flavor, Volatile Metabolism and Consumer Perceptions. Academic Press Ltd. Mansion House. UK. 89-106.
  • Bianchi T, Weesepoel Y, Koot A, Iglesias I, Eduardo I, Gratacós-Cubarsí M, Van Ruth S, 2017. Investigation of the Aroma of Commercial Peach Types by Proton Transfer Reaction–Mass Spectrometry and Sensory Analysis. Food Res. Int., 99:133-146.
  • Blanpied GD, Black VA, 1990. Low Ethylene CA Storage for Apples. Postharvest News and Information 1:29-34.
  • Brizzolara S, Hertog M, Tosetti R, Nicolai B, Tonutti P, 2018. Metabolic Responses to Low Temperature of Three Peach Fruit Cultivars Differently Sensitive to Cold Storage. Front. Plant Sci.
  • Cai H, Han S, Jiang L, Yu M, Ma R, Yu Z, 2019. 1-MCP Treatment Affects Peach Fruit Aroma Metabolism as Revealed by Transcriptomics and Metabolite Analyses. Food Res. Int., 122:573-584.
  • Creveling RK, Jennings WG, 1970. Volatile Compounts of Bartlett Pear; Higher Boling Fractions. J. Agric. Food. Chem., 18:19-24
  • Do JY, Salunkhe DK, Olson LE, 1969. Isolation Identification and Comparison of the Volatiles of Peach Fruit as Related to Harvest Maturity and Artificial Ripening. J. Food Sci. 34:618
  • Drawert F, Berger R, 1981. Flavour. (Ed: Schreier, P.) Possibilities of the Biotechnological Production of Aroma Substances by Plant Tissues Cultures. 81. Walter De Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 509-527.
  • Ekinci N, Şeker M, Aydın F, Gündoğdu MA, 2016. Possible Chemical Mechanism and Determination of Inhibitory Effects of 1-MCP on Superficial Scald on the Granny Smith Apple Variety. Turk Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 40:38-44
  • Flath RA, Sugisavva H, Teranishi R, 1981. Flavor Research Recend Advances. (Ed: Teranishi R, Flath RA, Sugusivava H, Flavor Research: Marcel Dekker, New York.
  • González-Agüero M, Troncoso S, Gudenschwager O, Campos-Vargas R, Moya-León MA, Defilippi BG, 2009. Differential Expression Levels of Aroma-Related Genes During Ripening of Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 47(5): 435-440.
  • Heath HB, Reineccius G, 1986. Flavor Chemistry and Technology. The AVI Pub. Com. Westport, 55-61.
  • Kader AA, Mitchell FG, 1989. Peaches, Plums, and Nectarines, Growing and Handling for Fresh Market. (Ed: Larue JH, Johnson RS,) Postharvest Physiology. Univ.California Division of Agric. and Nat. Res. Pub. No.3331:158-164.
  • Kaynaş K, Alkın G, Çiftci HN, Kıyı H, Aktürk C, Yaman Ş, 2022. ANET 30 Şeftali Çeşidinin Depolanmasında 1-Metilsiklopropan ve Modifiye Atmosfer Paketlemenin Kalite Özelliklerine Etkileri. ÇOMÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi (Basımda)
  • Kumar SK, Hern T, Liscombe D, Paliyat G, 2020. Changes in the Volatile Profile of Fantasia Nectarines [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch, var.Nectarina] Treated with an Enhanced Freshness Formulation (EFF) Containing Hexanal. Hort. Enviroment and Biotechnology 61:525-536.
  • Lurie S, Crisosto CH, 2005. Chilling Injury in Peach and Nectarine. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 37(3):195-208.
  • Mağa JA, 1976. Lactones in Foods. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr. 8(1): 1-56.
  • Ortiz A, Graell J, López ML, Echeverría G, Lara I, 2010. Volatile Ester-Synthesising Capacity in “Tardibelle” Peach Fruit in Response to Controlled Atmosphere and 1-MCP Treatment. Food Chem. 123: 698–704
  • Perez AG, Carlos S, Olias R, Rios JJA, Olias JM, 1996. Evolution of Strawberry Alcohol Acyltransferase Activity During Fruit Development and Storage. J. Agric. Food Chem., 44: 3286-3290.
  • Romani RJ, Jennings WG, 1971. The Biochemistry of Fruits and Their Products. (Ed: Hulme AC.) Stone Fruits. Academic Press, London and New York: 411-436.
  • Selli R, Sansavini S, 1995. Sugar, Acid and Pectin Content in Relation to Ripening and Quality of Peach and Nectarine Fruits. Acta Horticulturae, 379:345-358.
  • Şeker M, Ekinci N, Gür E, 2017. Effects of Different Rootstocks on Aroma Volatile Constituents in the Fruits of Peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch cv. ‘Cresthaven’). New Zealand J. of Crop and Horticultural Science, Vol.45(1):1-13.
  • Şeker M, Gür E, Ekinci N, Ipek A, 2018. Comparison of Lactones Concentrations During Fruit Growth and Development in Some Peach and Nectarine Varieties. II. International Eurasian Agriculture and Natural Sciences Congress (pp.133-139). Baku, Azerbaijan.
  • Şeker M, Gündoğdu MA, Ekinci N, Gür E, 2021. Recent Developments on Aroma Biochemistry in Fresh Fruits. Int. J. of Innovative Approaches in Sci. Res., Vol. 5 (2), 84-103.
  • Wang Q, Wei Y, Jiang S, Wang X, Xu F, Wang H, Shao X, 2020. Flavor Development in Peach Fruit Treated 1-MCP During Shelf Life. Food Res. Int. V.137. 109653
  • Zhou H, Ye Z, Su MS, 2018. Effects of MAP Treatments on Aroma Compounds and Enzyme Activities in Flat Peach During Storage and Shelf Life. Hortscience 53(4):1-14.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Bitki Bilimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Prof. Dr. Kenan Kaynaş 0000-0002-5925-721X

Mehmet Ali Gündoğdu 0000-0002-5802-5505

Hulusi Kıyı Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-6581-445X

Cemre Aktürk Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-3298-1734

Şevket Yaman Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-3315-8851

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

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