ilçesinde özel üretici bahçesinden temin edilen meyve örnekleri 120C
sıcaklık ve %90-95 oransal nemde normal atmosfer (NA), modifiye atmosfer (MA) ve
kontrollü atmosfer (KA) koşullarında 35 gün depolanmışlardır. Depolamada 0, 14,
28 ve 35 gün sonra meyve örneklerinin titre edilebilir asitlik, askorbik asit
içeriği, suda çözünebilir kuru madde, klorofil-a, klorofil-b, toplam klorofil
miktarı ve ağırlık kaybındaki değişimler ve görsel olarak pazarlanabilirlik kalitesi
Bulgularımıza göre, dolma
biber meyvelerinin TETA değeri depolamanın ilk dönemlerinde artış, daha sonra
azalma şeklinde gerçekleşmiştir. Gerek ilk dönemdeki artış gerekse sonraki
dönemdeki azalma NA koşullarında MA ve KA koşullarında depolanan ürünlere göre
daha fazla olmuştur. Depolama süresince askorbik asit miktarı tüm depolama
uygulamalarında belirgin olmuş ancak azalma oranı NA’de daha fazla
gerçekleşmiştir. Benzer değişim klorofil miktarlarında da saptanmıştır. SÇKM
değeri ise depolama süresince uygulamalara göre farklı oranlarda artış
göstermiştir. Ağırlık kaybı, biyokimyasal ve görsel kalite özelliklerindeki
değişimler dikkate alındığında en iyi sonuçlar MA3 ve KA1 koşullarında
depolanan ürünlerde saptanmıştır. Bu sonuçlara göre NA’de 14 gün depolanabilen
dolma biber meyvelerinin, MA3 ve KA1 koşullarında 35 gün depolanabileceği
tespit edilmiştir.
Acıcan T, Aslım AŞ, 2007. Yaş Meyve ve Sebze Muhafazası. Yayçep. http://www.tedgem.gov.tr /ekitap.htm Ağar T, 1993. Kontrollu Atmosferli Depolarda Muhafaza. II. Kontrollu Atmosferde Depolamanın Meyve ve Sebzeler Üzerindeki Fizyolojik ve Biyokimyasal Etkileri. Ç.Ü. Zir. Fak. Der., 197-212.Almasi E, Balla CS, 1984. The Respiration of Paprica Stored in Modified Atmospheres. Proceeding XVI th International Congre of Regrigeration, 111: 299-302, Rome.Anonymous, 1968. International Federation of Fruit Juice Producers, No: 3; No: 17.Banaras M, Lownds NK, Bosland PW, 2002. Postharvest Storage of Late Season Field Harvested Pepper Fruits. Pakistan Journal Agricultural Research, 17 (1): 36-41. Beaudry RM, 2000. Responses of Horticultural Commodities to Low Oxygen: Limits to the Expanded Use of Modified Atmosphere Packaging. Horticultural Technology, 10(3):491-500. Bosland PW, Votava EJ, 2000. Peppers: Vegetable and Spice Capsicums. CABI Publishing, ISBN 0 85199 3354, 199 p. USA.Cantwell M, 2007. Bell Pepper - Recommendations for Maintaining Postharvest Quality. http://postharvest.ucdavis.edu/Produce/ProduceFacts/Veg/ pepper.shtml. Do JY, Salunkhe DK, 1975. Controlled Atmosphere Storage. Postharvest Physiology Handling and Utilization of Tropical and Subtropical Fruits and Vegetables (Ed. Pantastico, Er.B.), The AVI Pub. Com. Connecticut, USA, 175-185.Flores P, Hellin P, Fenoll J, 2012. Determination of Organic Acids in Fruits and Vegetables by Liquid Chromotography with Tandem-Mass Spectrometry. Food Chemistry, 132(2): 1049-1054.Günay A, 2005. Sebze Yetiştiriciliği. Cilt II, Meta Basımevi, İzmir, 345 s.Halloran N, Yanmaz R, Kasım MU, Kasım R, 2000. Modified Atmospheric Storage of Kandil Bell-Pepper Cultivar. Gıda. 25 (2): 129-132.Herner RC, 1987. High CO2 Effects on Plant Organs. Postharvest Physiology of Vegetables. (Ed. Weichmann, J.), Marcel Deccer Inc. NewYork, 239-255.Holden, A., 1976. Chemistry and Biochemistry of Plant Pigments. (Ed. Goodwin, T.V. Academic Press, London, 1-37pp.Isenberg FMR, 1979. Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Vegetables. Horticultural Reviews Vol.I., (Ed: Janick, J.) The AVI Pub. Com. Connecticut, USA, 337-394.Kader AA, 2002. Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops. Third Edition. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Publication, Pub. No.3311.Kader AA, 1992. Postharvest Biology and Technology. An Overview. Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops. Cooperative Extension, University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Special Pub. No. 3311, 3-7 pp.Kaynaş K, Özelkök İS, Sürmeli N, 1995. Bazı Sebze Türlerinin Kontrollü ve Modifiye Atmosferde Depolama Olanakları Üzerinde Araştırmalar. Togtag-1017, Yalova. 98 s.Lin WC, 2005. Quality of Stored Greenhouse Sweet Peppers Influenced by Storage Temperatures and Pre-harvest Factors. Information and Technology for Sustainable Fruit and Vegetable Production FRUTIC: 101-110. 05, 12 . France.Otma EC, 1989. Controlled Atmosphere Storage and Filmwrapping of Red Bell Peppers. Acta Horticulturae, 258:515-521.Özelkök İS, 1995. Postharvest Handling of Fruits and Vegetables in Turkey Present Status Losses and Future Strategies (Country Report) FAO Postharvest Operations in The Near East. Their Problems and Remedies, 6 th Session of The Near East Regional Comission on Agriculture. Yalova, Turkey, 75s.Sakaldaş M, 2012. Çanakkale Yöresinde Yetiştirilen Calıfornıa Wonder Biber Tipinde Farklı Hasat Sonrası Uygulamaların Kalite ve Biyokimyasal Özelliklere Etkileri. ÇOMÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi. 167 s. Çanakkale.Salunkhe DK, Wu MT, 1973. Effects of Subatmospheric Pressure Storage on Ripening and Associated Chemical Changes of Certain Deciduous Fruits. Journal American Society Horticultural Science, 98:12-14.Singh B, Yang CC, Salunkhe DK, Rahman AR, 1972. Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Lettuce. Journal Food Science. 37:48-51.Stenvers N, Herchel P, 1975. Storage of Vegetables and Soft Fruits. Report of Sprenger Inst. Wageningen, 1750:22-24.Suarez MH, Rodriguez JM, Romero CD, 2008. Analysis of Organic Acids Content in Cultivars of Tomato Harvested in Tenerife. Eurpean Food Research Technology, 226:423-435.Ulrich R,1970. Organic Acids. The Biochemistry of Fruits and Their Products Vol.I, (Ed. Hulme, A.C.), Academic Press London and New York. 89-118 pp.Vural H, Eşiyok D, Duman İ, 2000. Kültür Sebzeleri (Sebze Yetiştirme). Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, Bornova, İzmir. 293 s.Wang CY, 1977. Effects of CO2 Treatment on Storage and Shelf Life of Sweet Peppers. Journal American Society Horticultural Science, 102:808-812.Wang CY, 1990. Physiological and Biochemical Effects of Controlled Atmosphere on Fruits and Vegetables. Food Preservation by Modified Atmospheres. (Ed. Calderon, M., Barkai-Golan, R.), CRC Press, Boston, USA, 197-214 pp. Watkins CB, 2002. Ethylene Synthesis, Mode of Action, Consequences and Control. Fruit Quality and Its Biological Basis (Ed. Knee, M.) ,(pp. 180–224). Florida: Sheffield Academic, 180-224 pp.Watkins CB, 2000. Responses of Horticultural Commodities to High Carbon Dioxide as Related to Modified Atmosphere Packaging. HortTechnology. 10(3):501-506. Weichmann J, 1987. Low Oxygen Effects. Postharvest Physiology of Vegetables. (Ed. Weichmann, J.), Marcel Dekker Inc., NewYork, 231-239 pp.Wiersma O, Stork HW, 1976. Storage Trials with Green Capsicums. Groenten en Fruit, 31(1):35.
Acıcan T, Aslım AŞ, 2007. Yaş Meyve ve Sebze Muhafazası. Yayçep. http://www.tedgem.gov.tr /ekitap.htm Ağar T, 1993. Kontrollu Atmosferli Depolarda Muhafaza. II. Kontrollu Atmosferde Depolamanın Meyve ve Sebzeler Üzerindeki Fizyolojik ve Biyokimyasal Etkileri. Ç.Ü. Zir. Fak. Der., 197-212.Almasi E, Balla CS, 1984. The Respiration of Paprica Stored in Modified Atmospheres. Proceeding XVI th International Congre of Regrigeration, 111: 299-302, Rome.Anonymous, 1968. International Federation of Fruit Juice Producers, No: 3; No: 17.Banaras M, Lownds NK, Bosland PW, 2002. Postharvest Storage of Late Season Field Harvested Pepper Fruits. Pakistan Journal Agricultural Research, 17 (1): 36-41. Beaudry RM, 2000. Responses of Horticultural Commodities to Low Oxygen: Limits to the Expanded Use of Modified Atmosphere Packaging. Horticultural Technology, 10(3):491-500. Bosland PW, Votava EJ, 2000. Peppers: Vegetable and Spice Capsicums. CABI Publishing, ISBN 0 85199 3354, 199 p. USA.Cantwell M, 2007. Bell Pepper - Recommendations for Maintaining Postharvest Quality. http://postharvest.ucdavis.edu/Produce/ProduceFacts/Veg/ pepper.shtml. Do JY, Salunkhe DK, 1975. Controlled Atmosphere Storage. Postharvest Physiology Handling and Utilization of Tropical and Subtropical Fruits and Vegetables (Ed. Pantastico, Er.B.), The AVI Pub. Com. Connecticut, USA, 175-185.Flores P, Hellin P, Fenoll J, 2012. Determination of Organic Acids in Fruits and Vegetables by Liquid Chromotography with Tandem-Mass Spectrometry. Food Chemistry, 132(2): 1049-1054.Günay A, 2005. Sebze Yetiştiriciliği. Cilt II, Meta Basımevi, İzmir, 345 s.Halloran N, Yanmaz R, Kasım MU, Kasım R, 2000. Modified Atmospheric Storage of Kandil Bell-Pepper Cultivar. Gıda. 25 (2): 129-132.Herner RC, 1987. High CO2 Effects on Plant Organs. Postharvest Physiology of Vegetables. (Ed. Weichmann, J.), Marcel Deccer Inc. NewYork, 239-255.Holden, A., 1976. Chemistry and Biochemistry of Plant Pigments. (Ed. Goodwin, T.V. Academic Press, London, 1-37pp.Isenberg FMR, 1979. Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Vegetables. Horticultural Reviews Vol.I., (Ed: Janick, J.) The AVI Pub. Com. Connecticut, USA, 337-394.Kader AA, 2002. Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops. Third Edition. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Publication, Pub. No.3311.Kader AA, 1992. Postharvest Biology and Technology. An Overview. Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops. Cooperative Extension, University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Special Pub. No. 3311, 3-7 pp.Kaynaş K, Özelkök İS, Sürmeli N, 1995. Bazı Sebze Türlerinin Kontrollü ve Modifiye Atmosferde Depolama Olanakları Üzerinde Araştırmalar. Togtag-1017, Yalova. 98 s.Lin WC, 2005. Quality of Stored Greenhouse Sweet Peppers Influenced by Storage Temperatures and Pre-harvest Factors. Information and Technology for Sustainable Fruit and Vegetable Production FRUTIC: 101-110. 05, 12 . France.Otma EC, 1989. Controlled Atmosphere Storage and Filmwrapping of Red Bell Peppers. Acta Horticulturae, 258:515-521.Özelkök İS, 1995. Postharvest Handling of Fruits and Vegetables in Turkey Present Status Losses and Future Strategies (Country Report) FAO Postharvest Operations in The Near East. Their Problems and Remedies, 6 th Session of The Near East Regional Comission on Agriculture. Yalova, Turkey, 75s.Sakaldaş M, 2012. Çanakkale Yöresinde Yetiştirilen Calıfornıa Wonder Biber Tipinde Farklı Hasat Sonrası Uygulamaların Kalite ve Biyokimyasal Özelliklere Etkileri. ÇOMÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi. 167 s. Çanakkale.Salunkhe DK, Wu MT, 1973. Effects of Subatmospheric Pressure Storage on Ripening and Associated Chemical Changes of Certain Deciduous Fruits. Journal American Society Horticultural Science, 98:12-14.Singh B, Yang CC, Salunkhe DK, Rahman AR, 1972. Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Lettuce. Journal Food Science. 37:48-51.Stenvers N, Herchel P, 1975. Storage of Vegetables and Soft Fruits. Report of Sprenger Inst. Wageningen, 1750:22-24.Suarez MH, Rodriguez JM, Romero CD, 2008. Analysis of Organic Acids Content in Cultivars of Tomato Harvested in Tenerife. Eurpean Food Research Technology, 226:423-435.Ulrich R,1970. Organic Acids. The Biochemistry of Fruits and Their Products Vol.I, (Ed. Hulme, A.C.), Academic Press London and New York. 89-118 pp.Vural H, Eşiyok D, Duman İ, 2000. Kültür Sebzeleri (Sebze Yetiştirme). Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, Bornova, İzmir. 293 s.Wang CY, 1977. Effects of CO2 Treatment on Storage and Shelf Life of Sweet Peppers. Journal American Society Horticultural Science, 102:808-812.Wang CY, 1990. Physiological and Biochemical Effects of Controlled Atmosphere on Fruits and Vegetables. Food Preservation by Modified Atmospheres. (Ed. Calderon, M., Barkai-Golan, R.), CRC Press, Boston, USA, 197-214 pp. Watkins CB, 2002. Ethylene Synthesis, Mode of Action, Consequences and Control. Fruit Quality and Its Biological Basis (Ed. Knee, M.) ,(pp. 180–224). Florida: Sheffield Academic, 180-224 pp.Watkins CB, 2000. Responses of Horticultural Commodities to High Carbon Dioxide as Related to Modified Atmosphere Packaging. HortTechnology. 10(3):501-506. Weichmann J, 1987. Low Oxygen Effects. Postharvest Physiology of Vegetables. (Ed. Weichmann, J.), Marcel Dekker Inc., NewYork, 231-239 pp.Wiersma O, Stork HW, 1976. Storage Trials with Green Capsicums. Groenten en Fruit, 31(1):35.