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COVID-19 Döneminde İtalyan Siyaseti ve LEGA’nın Düşüşü

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 39 - 60, 03.04.2024


Küresel olarak son yıllarda karşılaşılan en önemli krizlerden birini 2020 yılında başlayan COVID-19 süreci oluşturmuştur. Sağlık krizi olarak başlayan süreç kısa süre içerisinde küresel bir kriz olarak tüm dünyayı etkisi altına alırken ülkeler birbirini takip eden tedbirler almış ve siyasal alanın da dinamikleri değişmiştir. İlgili ülkelerdeki siyasetin dinamiklerini etkileyen bu süreç karşısında iktidar ve muhalefetteki siyasal aktörler de politikalarını kriz ve etkileri üzerinden temellendirmek zorunda kalmıştır. Peki kriz anlarında siyasal partiler sorunu nasıl ele almaktadır? İktidar partilerinin kriz anlarında avantaj sahibi olduğu ve kriz anında kamuoyunun yüksek düzeyde desteğine eriştiği ifade edilmektedir. Bu kapsamda krizler iktidarın siyasal alanı domine ettiği ve siyasetsizleştirdiği bir siyasal atmosfer yaratmaktadır. Muhalefet partileri de bu atmosferde kendilerine alan açmak, yeni bir söylem üretmek ve sorunu siyasal iktidar ile ilişkilendirerek ele almaktadır. Bu çerçeveden hareketle çalışma İtalyan siyasetinin COVID-19’un ilk yılındaki seyrini aşırı sağ parti Lega örneği üzerinden incelemektedir. Avrupa ülkeleri arasında salgının etkilerinin en şiddetli hissedildiği ülkeler arasında yer alan İtalya, siyasal partiler açısından da dinamik bir inceleme sahasıdır. Kriz karşısında Lega en etkili söylemlerinden biri olan göç meselesinin etkisini kaybetmesiyle yeni söylem üretmekte zorlanmış mevcut kriz karşısında takındığı tutumdan dolayı eleştirilmiş ve sorumsuz bir muhalif parti ve lider imajı çizerek toplumsal desteğini günden güne kaybetmiştir.


  • Albertazzi, D. Giovannini, A. ve Seddone, A. (2018). ‘No regionalism please, we are Leghisti !’ The transformation of the Italian Lega Nord under the Leadership of Matteo Salvini. Regional and Federal Studies, 28 (5), s.645-671.
  • Albertazzi, D., Bonansinga, D. ve Zulianello, M. (2021). The Right-wing Alliance at the time of Covid-19 pandemic: All change?. Comtemporary Italian Politics, 13(2), s.181-195.
  • Anzolin, E., ve Amante, A. (2020, 21 Şubat). First Italian dies of coronavirus as outbreak flares in North. Reuters.
  • Baker, W. D. ve Oneal, J. R. (2001). Patriotism or Opinion Leadership? Journal of Conflict Resolution, 45(5), 661–687.
  • BBC. (2020a, 10 Mart). Coronavirus: Italy extends emergency measures nationwide.
  • BBC. (2020b, 20 Mart). Inside an Italian ICU.
  • Bertero, A., ve Seddone, A. (2021). Italy: Populist in the mirror, (De)politicizing the COVID-19 from government and opposition. G. Bobba ve N. Hubé (Ed.), Populism and the Politicization of the COVID-19 Crisis in Europe (45–58). Palgrave Macmillan. 66011-6_4
  • Berti, N. (2020, 28 Nisan). Il Coronavirus ha cambiato l’idea che gli italiani hanno dell’Europa. YouTrend.
  • Betz, H.-G. (2020, 20 Nisan). After COVID-19: Will Matteo Salvini lead Europe’s radical right? Open Democracy. will-matteo-salvini-lead-europes-radical-right/
  • Biasi, M. (2020). Covid-19 and labour law in Italy. European Labour Law Journal, 11(3), 306-313.
  • Bressanelli, E., ve Natali, D. (2023). Tested by the polycrisis: Reforming or transforming the EU? Politics and Governance, 11(4), 246–251.
  • Bull, M. (2021). The Italian government response to Covid-19 and the making of a prime minister. Contemporary Italian Politics, 13(2), 149–165.
  • D’Alimonte, R. (2019). How the Populist Won in Italy. Journal of Democracy, 30(1), 114-127.
  • De Blasio, E., ve Selva, D. (2021). Who is responsible for disinformation? European approaches to social platforms’ accountability in the post-truth era. American Behavioral Scientist, 65(6), 825– 846.
  • Demos (2021, 20 Şubat). Barometro Politico di novembre dell’Istituto Demopolis: l’effetto COVID sul peso dei partiti. Instituto Demopolis,.
  • Di Bartolomeo, G., D'Imperio, P., ve Felici, F. (2022). The fiscal response to the Italian COVID-19 crisis: A counterfactual analysis. Journal of macroeconomics, 73, 103447.
  • Eralp, A., ve Keyman, F. (2020, Mayıs). A Fumbling or an Enabling European Union: Envisioning Multilateralism In A Post-Corona World. Istanbul Policy Center.
  • Euronews (2020). AB Komisyonu Başkanı İtalyanlardan Özür Diledi; Üye Ülkelere 100 Milyar Euroluk Kredi Önerdi.
  • European Parliament (2019). Italy-Results by National Party: 2019-2024. 2024/
  • European Parliament (2020). Uncertainty/Eu/Hope Public Opinion in Times Of Covid-19. pinion_in_the_eu_in_time_of_coronavirus_crisis/report/en-covid19-survey-report.pdf
  • Eskicioğlu, Y. C. "İnfodemi, Korku ve Dezenformasyon: Pandemi Döneminde Sosyal Medyada İslamofobi." Journal of Migration and Political Studies 1 (2023): 17-34
  • Ferraresi, M. (2020, 9 Mart). Italy’s Politicians are Making the Coronavirus Crisis Worse. Foreign Policy,
  • Giovannini, A., ve Mosca, L. (2021). The year of COVID-19: Italy at a crossroads. Contemporary Italian Politics, 13(2), 130–148.
  • Greene, M. (2020, 15 Mayıs). Get ready for a two-speed recovery. Politico.
  • Harlan, C., ve Pitrelli, S. (2020, 17 Kasım). COVID-19’s first wave largely missed southern Italy. The second wave is hitting it hard. The Washington Post.
  • Istat. (2020, 3 Temmuz). Annual Report 2020.
  • Johansson, B., Hopmann, D. N., ve Shehata, A. (2021). When the rally-around-the-flag effect disappears, or: when the COVID-19 pandemic becomes “normalized”. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 31(sup1), 321–334.
  • Landini, I. ve Paparo, A. (2019). Italy: Complete overturn among government partners-League doubled, M5S halved. De Sio, L., Franklin, M.N. and Russo L. (eds), The European Parliament Elections of 2019, (173-180). Luiss University Press, Rome.
  • Lazar, M. (2020). Leaders Revealed by Covid-19: The Curious Giuseppe Conte.
  • Manucci, L. (2020). Italy. Populism & the Pandemic Report içinde. Edt: Giorgos Katsambekis ve Yannis Stavrakakis. Populismus Interventions No: 7. 31-33.
  • Martinez, C. (2020). Karl Marx In Wuhan: How Chinese Socialism Is Defeating COVID-19. International Critical Thought, 10(2).
  • Mathieu, E. Ritchie, H, Rodés-Guirao, L. Cameron Appel, Giattino, C., Hasell J., Macdonald, B., Dattani, S., Beltekian, D., Ortiz-Ospina E. ve Roser, M. (2020). "Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19)". Published online at Retrieved from: '' [Online Resource].
  • Mcgleenon, B. (2020, 18 Mayıs). EU crumbles: Italian's fume Germany has abandoned them – 'we are bleeding to death'. Express.
  • Mudde, C (2019). The Far Right Today. Polity Press, UK.
  • Nardelli, A. ve D’Urso, J. (2020). Italy’s Far-Right And Nationalist Leaders are Pushing Debunked Conspiracy Theories About the Coronavirus to Millions of Followers.
  • Ortega, F., ve Orsini, M. (2020). Governing COVID-19 without government in Brazil: Ignorance, neoliberal authoritarianism, and the collapse of public health leadership. Global Public Health, 15(9).
  • Ostergard, R. L. (2020, 8 Mayıs). What we know about political leadership and pandemics. Duck of Minerva.
  • Paparo, A. (2018). Challenger’s Delight: The Success of M5S and Lega in the Italian General Election. Italian Political Science, 13 (1), s.63-81.
  • Pelagatti, M., ve Maranzano, P. (2021). Assessing the effectiveness of the Italian risk-zones policy during the second wave of COVID-19. Health Policy, 125(9), 1188-1199.
  • Peralta-Santos, A., Saboga-Nunes, L., ve Magalhães, P. C. (2021). A tale of two pandemics in three countries: Portugal, Spain, and Italy. In Coronavirus Politics: The Comparative Politics and Policy of COVID-19 (ss. 361-377).
  • Pirro, A. L. P. (2022). Performing (during) the Coronavirus Crisis: The Italian Populist Radical Right between National Opposition and Subnational Government. Government and Opposition, 1–17. doi:10.1017/gov.2022.28
  • Pirro, A. L. P. (2023). Far right: The significance of an umbrella concept. Nations and Nationalism, 29 (1), 101-112.
  • Reuters (2020). Italy Furious at ECB’s Lagarde ‘not here to close spreads’ comment.
  • Rovira Kaltwasser, C., & Taggart, P. (2022). The Populist Radical Right and the Pandemic. Government and Opposition, 1–21. doi:10.1017/gov.2022.46
  • Russo, L. ve Valbruzzi, M. (2022) The impact of the pandemic on the Italian party system. The Draghi government and the ‘new’ polarisation, Contemporary Italian Politics, 14(2), 172-190,
  • Salvini, M. (2020, 23 Şubat). "È semplicemente folle che gli sbarchi proseguano come se nulla fosse, questo governo è ogni giorno più sconsiderato e inqualificabile. E Conte ha il coraggio di andare a dire in tivù: 'Sono sorpreso'" [Facebook güncellemesi]. Facebook.
  • Saylan, İ (2021). PANDEMİ POPÜLİZMİN SONUNU GETİREBİLİR Mİ? Batı Avrupa’daki Popülist Radikal Sağ Partiler Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme. International Journal of Social Inquiry, 14 (2), 783-811.
  • Statista. (2018, 1 Mart). Ocak 2018'de İtalya'daki küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmelerin (KOBİ) ana sanayi sektörleri [Grafik].
  • Statista (2024, 5 Şubat). Trust in previous Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in Italy from April 2019 to March 2021.
  • Tg La 7. (2019a, 25 Mart). Il sondaggio politico di lunedì 25 marzo 2019.
  • Tg La 7. (2019b, 29 Temmuz). Il sondaggio politico di lunedì 29 luglio 2019. 2019-141070
  • Tg La 7. (2020, 13 Nisan). Il sondaggio sul coronavirus di lunedì 13 aprile 2020. 04-2020-149070
  • The Economist (2020). Italy’s Populist Five Star Movement is Becoming a More Normal Party.
  • The Guardian. (2020, 19 Mart). “Italy becomes country with most coronavirus deaths.”
  • Ticaret Bakanlığı, (12 Ocak 2021), “Covid-19 Gelişmeleri”,
  • Varriale, A. (2021). Institutionalized Populism: The “Strange Case” of the Italian Five Star Movement. ECPS.
  • Vicentini, G. ve Tullia Galanti, M. (2021): Italy, the Sick Man of Europe: Policy Response, Experts and Public Opinion in the First Phase of Covid-19, South European Society and Politics.
  • WHO (2022). A Timeline of WHO’s COVID-19 Response in the WHO European Region. 63024-eng.pdf?sequence=1
  • Zanotti, L., ve Melendez, C. (2023). Italy: The diverging strategies of the populist radical right during pandemic. In N. Ringe & L. Renno (Eds.), Populists and the Pandemic: How Populists Around the World Responded to COVID-19 (içinde). Routledge.

Politics in Italy and The Fall of LEGA During COVID-19

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 39 - 60, 03.04.2024


COVID-19 process that started in 2020 has been one of the most important crises confronted globally in recent years. While the process, which started as a health crisis, affected the whole world as a global crisis in a short time, countries took successive measures and the dynamics of the political field also changed. In the face of this process that affected the dynamics of politics in the relevant countries, political actors in power and opposition had to base their policies on the crisis and its effects. But how do political parties address the problem in times of crisis? It is argued that ruling parties have an advantage in times of crisis and enjoy a high level of public support in times of crisis. In this context, crises create a political atmosphere in which the government dominates and depoliticizes the political sphere. In this atmosphere, opposition parties try to create space for themselves, produce a new discourse and address the problem by associating it with political power. Based on this framework, the study examines the course of Italian politics in the first year of COVID-19 through the example of the far-right party Lega. Italy, which is among the countries in Europe where the effects of the pandemic are felt most severely, is also a dynamic field of analysis in terms of political parties. In the face of the crisis, Lega had difficulty in producing a new discourse with the loss of the impact of the immigration issue, which was one of its most effective discourses, and was criticized for its attitude towards the current crisis and lost its social support day by day by portraying the image of an irresponsible opposition party and leader.


  • Albertazzi, D. Giovannini, A. ve Seddone, A. (2018). ‘No regionalism please, we are Leghisti !’ The transformation of the Italian Lega Nord under the Leadership of Matteo Salvini. Regional and Federal Studies, 28 (5), s.645-671.
  • Albertazzi, D., Bonansinga, D. ve Zulianello, M. (2021). The Right-wing Alliance at the time of Covid-19 pandemic: All change?. Comtemporary Italian Politics, 13(2), s.181-195.
  • Anzolin, E., ve Amante, A. (2020, 21 Şubat). First Italian dies of coronavirus as outbreak flares in North. Reuters.
  • Baker, W. D. ve Oneal, J. R. (2001). Patriotism or Opinion Leadership? Journal of Conflict Resolution, 45(5), 661–687.
  • BBC. (2020a, 10 Mart). Coronavirus: Italy extends emergency measures nationwide.
  • BBC. (2020b, 20 Mart). Inside an Italian ICU.
  • Bertero, A., ve Seddone, A. (2021). Italy: Populist in the mirror, (De)politicizing the COVID-19 from government and opposition. G. Bobba ve N. Hubé (Ed.), Populism and the Politicization of the COVID-19 Crisis in Europe (45–58). Palgrave Macmillan. 66011-6_4
  • Berti, N. (2020, 28 Nisan). Il Coronavirus ha cambiato l’idea che gli italiani hanno dell’Europa. YouTrend.
  • Betz, H.-G. (2020, 20 Nisan). After COVID-19: Will Matteo Salvini lead Europe’s radical right? Open Democracy. will-matteo-salvini-lead-europes-radical-right/
  • Biasi, M. (2020). Covid-19 and labour law in Italy. European Labour Law Journal, 11(3), 306-313.
  • Bressanelli, E., ve Natali, D. (2023). Tested by the polycrisis: Reforming or transforming the EU? Politics and Governance, 11(4), 246–251.
  • Bull, M. (2021). The Italian government response to Covid-19 and the making of a prime minister. Contemporary Italian Politics, 13(2), 149–165.
  • D’Alimonte, R. (2019). How the Populist Won in Italy. Journal of Democracy, 30(1), 114-127.
  • De Blasio, E., ve Selva, D. (2021). Who is responsible for disinformation? European approaches to social platforms’ accountability in the post-truth era. American Behavioral Scientist, 65(6), 825– 846.
  • Demos (2021, 20 Şubat). Barometro Politico di novembre dell’Istituto Demopolis: l’effetto COVID sul peso dei partiti. Instituto Demopolis,.
  • Di Bartolomeo, G., D'Imperio, P., ve Felici, F. (2022). The fiscal response to the Italian COVID-19 crisis: A counterfactual analysis. Journal of macroeconomics, 73, 103447.
  • Eralp, A., ve Keyman, F. (2020, Mayıs). A Fumbling or an Enabling European Union: Envisioning Multilateralism In A Post-Corona World. Istanbul Policy Center.
  • Euronews (2020). AB Komisyonu Başkanı İtalyanlardan Özür Diledi; Üye Ülkelere 100 Milyar Euroluk Kredi Önerdi.
  • European Parliament (2019). Italy-Results by National Party: 2019-2024. 2024/
  • European Parliament (2020). Uncertainty/Eu/Hope Public Opinion in Times Of Covid-19. pinion_in_the_eu_in_time_of_coronavirus_crisis/report/en-covid19-survey-report.pdf
  • Eskicioğlu, Y. C. "İnfodemi, Korku ve Dezenformasyon: Pandemi Döneminde Sosyal Medyada İslamofobi." Journal of Migration and Political Studies 1 (2023): 17-34
  • Ferraresi, M. (2020, 9 Mart). Italy’s Politicians are Making the Coronavirus Crisis Worse. Foreign Policy,
  • Giovannini, A., ve Mosca, L. (2021). The year of COVID-19: Italy at a crossroads. Contemporary Italian Politics, 13(2), 130–148.
  • Greene, M. (2020, 15 Mayıs). Get ready for a two-speed recovery. Politico.
  • Harlan, C., ve Pitrelli, S. (2020, 17 Kasım). COVID-19’s first wave largely missed southern Italy. The second wave is hitting it hard. The Washington Post.
  • Istat. (2020, 3 Temmuz). Annual Report 2020.
  • Johansson, B., Hopmann, D. N., ve Shehata, A. (2021). When the rally-around-the-flag effect disappears, or: when the COVID-19 pandemic becomes “normalized”. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 31(sup1), 321–334.
  • Landini, I. ve Paparo, A. (2019). Italy: Complete overturn among government partners-League doubled, M5S halved. De Sio, L., Franklin, M.N. and Russo L. (eds), The European Parliament Elections of 2019, (173-180). Luiss University Press, Rome.
  • Lazar, M. (2020). Leaders Revealed by Covid-19: The Curious Giuseppe Conte.
  • Manucci, L. (2020). Italy. Populism & the Pandemic Report içinde. Edt: Giorgos Katsambekis ve Yannis Stavrakakis. Populismus Interventions No: 7. 31-33.
  • Martinez, C. (2020). Karl Marx In Wuhan: How Chinese Socialism Is Defeating COVID-19. International Critical Thought, 10(2).
  • Mathieu, E. Ritchie, H, Rodés-Guirao, L. Cameron Appel, Giattino, C., Hasell J., Macdonald, B., Dattani, S., Beltekian, D., Ortiz-Ospina E. ve Roser, M. (2020). "Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19)". Published online at Retrieved from: '' [Online Resource].
  • Mcgleenon, B. (2020, 18 Mayıs). EU crumbles: Italian's fume Germany has abandoned them – 'we are bleeding to death'. Express.
  • Mudde, C (2019). The Far Right Today. Polity Press, UK.
  • Nardelli, A. ve D’Urso, J. (2020). Italy’s Far-Right And Nationalist Leaders are Pushing Debunked Conspiracy Theories About the Coronavirus to Millions of Followers.
  • Ortega, F., ve Orsini, M. (2020). Governing COVID-19 without government in Brazil: Ignorance, neoliberal authoritarianism, and the collapse of public health leadership. Global Public Health, 15(9).
  • Ostergard, R. L. (2020, 8 Mayıs). What we know about political leadership and pandemics. Duck of Minerva.
  • Paparo, A. (2018). Challenger’s Delight: The Success of M5S and Lega in the Italian General Election. Italian Political Science, 13 (1), s.63-81.
  • Pelagatti, M., ve Maranzano, P. (2021). Assessing the effectiveness of the Italian risk-zones policy during the second wave of COVID-19. Health Policy, 125(9), 1188-1199.
  • Peralta-Santos, A., Saboga-Nunes, L., ve Magalhães, P. C. (2021). A tale of two pandemics in three countries: Portugal, Spain, and Italy. In Coronavirus Politics: The Comparative Politics and Policy of COVID-19 (ss. 361-377).
  • Pirro, A. L. P. (2022). Performing (during) the Coronavirus Crisis: The Italian Populist Radical Right between National Opposition and Subnational Government. Government and Opposition, 1–17. doi:10.1017/gov.2022.28
  • Pirro, A. L. P. (2023). Far right: The significance of an umbrella concept. Nations and Nationalism, 29 (1), 101-112.
  • Reuters (2020). Italy Furious at ECB’s Lagarde ‘not here to close spreads’ comment.
  • Rovira Kaltwasser, C., & Taggart, P. (2022). The Populist Radical Right and the Pandemic. Government and Opposition, 1–21. doi:10.1017/gov.2022.46
  • Russo, L. ve Valbruzzi, M. (2022) The impact of the pandemic on the Italian party system. The Draghi government and the ‘new’ polarisation, Contemporary Italian Politics, 14(2), 172-190,
  • Salvini, M. (2020, 23 Şubat). "È semplicemente folle che gli sbarchi proseguano come se nulla fosse, questo governo è ogni giorno più sconsiderato e inqualificabile. E Conte ha il coraggio di andare a dire in tivù: 'Sono sorpreso'" [Facebook güncellemesi]. Facebook.
  • Saylan, İ (2021). PANDEMİ POPÜLİZMİN SONUNU GETİREBİLİR Mİ? Batı Avrupa’daki Popülist Radikal Sağ Partiler Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme. International Journal of Social Inquiry, 14 (2), 783-811.
  • Statista. (2018, 1 Mart). Ocak 2018'de İtalya'daki küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmelerin (KOBİ) ana sanayi sektörleri [Grafik].
  • Statista (2024, 5 Şubat). Trust in previous Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in Italy from April 2019 to March 2021.
  • Tg La 7. (2019a, 25 Mart). Il sondaggio politico di lunedì 25 marzo 2019.
  • Tg La 7. (2019b, 29 Temmuz). Il sondaggio politico di lunedì 29 luglio 2019. 2019-141070
  • Tg La 7. (2020, 13 Nisan). Il sondaggio sul coronavirus di lunedì 13 aprile 2020. 04-2020-149070
  • The Economist (2020). Italy’s Populist Five Star Movement is Becoming a More Normal Party.
  • The Guardian. (2020, 19 Mart). “Italy becomes country with most coronavirus deaths.”
  • Ticaret Bakanlığı, (12 Ocak 2021), “Covid-19 Gelişmeleri”,
  • Varriale, A. (2021). Institutionalized Populism: The “Strange Case” of the Italian Five Star Movement. ECPS.
  • Vicentini, G. ve Tullia Galanti, M. (2021): Italy, the Sick Man of Europe: Policy Response, Experts and Public Opinion in the First Phase of Covid-19, South European Society and Politics.
  • WHO (2022). A Timeline of WHO’s COVID-19 Response in the WHO European Region. 63024-eng.pdf?sequence=1
  • Zanotti, L., ve Melendez, C. (2023). Italy: The diverging strategies of the populist radical right during pandemic. In N. Ringe & L. Renno (Eds.), Populists and the Pandemic: How Populists Around the World Responded to COVID-19 (içinde). Routledge.
Toplam 59 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Anayasa ve Siyasal Kurumlar, Avrupa ve Bölge Çalışmaları, Siyaset Bilimi (Diğer), Siyaset Sosyolojisi
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Fikret Topal 0000-0001-7579-0017

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 3 Nisan 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 3 Nisan 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Şubat 2024
Kabul Tarihi 31 Mart 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Topal, F. (2024). COVID-19 Döneminde İtalyan Siyaseti ve LEGA’nın Düşüşü. Journal of Migration and Political Studies, 2(1), 39-60.


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