Factors Influence Women Teachers’ Perception of Glass Ceiling Syndrome
Yıl 2014,
Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 63 - 69, 30.06.2014
Rabia Çizel
Beykan Çizel
This study empirically investigated the influence of learned helplessness and selected socio-demographic variables on women teachers’ perception of glass ceiling syndromes propensity. A research study was conducted with the women teachers working in college in the city of Antalya for the purpose of identifying the significant predicators. The results from the binary logistic regression analysis reveal that child possession and learned helplessness are the main factors affecting women teachers’ perception of the glass ceiling syndrome in their working environment. This shows that in order to understand women teachers’ perception of the glass ceiling syndrome, one should take into account not only socio-demographic, but also psychological factors such as learned helplessness.
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